From: ARGON::OSMAN "Osman Buyukisik:513 583 4381 (8*338 4381)" 31-JAN-1992 10:45:21.89 To: ARISIA::EVERHART CC: Subj: I have put the CRVPLOT.ZIP and README.1ST files in the dsk:[contributions. pcstuff] subdirectory. This is a PC based data plotting program with nice axes and title labeling and curve fitting. It is written by Dave Pugh (here at Evendale 513-672-6921) for GE use but now he is distributing it under shareware for non GE or personal users. The following is the contents of the README.1ST file (looks better on an IBM PC). To use just unzip and use the provided INSTALL program to install it anywhere you wish. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º C R V P L O T º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º CRVPLOT is a professional X-Y data plotting and curve fitting program. º º Integral to the program is a powerful data entry and manipulation facility. º º CRVPLOT also has the ability to read general text files (e.g., from º º spreadsheets where the output is "printed" to a file). º º º º The distribution disk contains an INSTALL program which provides additional º º information on CRVPLOT as well as assistance in installing the program º º and associated resources. CRVPLOT can run from a floppy; however, to use º º the on-line HELP facility, installation on a hard disk is required. º º º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ System Resource Requirements ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º Program: 178K disk space Optional HELP file: 300K disk space º º 512+K memory º º º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Installation & Information ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º To run INSTALL for additional information and/or ÚÄExample: (disk in "B") º º installation, log on to the disk with the CRVPLOT ³ C:>B: º º "INSTALL.EXE" utility & enter "INSTALL" ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ B:>INSTALL º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ