When a syntax error occurs, dashes are printed after the next prompt (>-----) run test/data. The string stuff is not read right; it eats one char from the strings more for each element. You can't interrupt between statements... Doesn't take uppercase input!!! test/henry I/O is not implemented: test/histogram When reading character input, the typist has to quote the string!!! If you type a number, it barfs at you... test/input Typing "run program" doesn't load it and run it, it runs the workspace and then gives a syntax error. If you try to enter a number with a large exponent, it prints "Exponent too large: 41" or whatever, where "41" is 1+ the exp you typed. e.g. "99e40". "cont" won't continue after an error caused by Invalid Input (hitting wrong key in numeric input) Bug shown by test/prime: int(n/i) comes out too low due to roundoff? e.g. it thinks 8 is prime because 8/2 != int(8/2).