.fo off .cs 1 on RMAC Use the RMAC command to upload Macintosh files to CMS. RMAC will upload text files and binary files. In order to use RMAC, the Macintosh must be running Term for a modem connection, Mac3270 for a LocalTalk connection, or tn3270 for a TCP/IP connection. .cs 1 off .cs 2 on The format of the RMAC command is: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄľÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ RMAC ³ fn ft [fm] [(options...[)]] ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Options: ³ ³ ³ Ú ¿ Ú ¿ Ú ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³Binary ³ ³Menu ³ ³Stdxlate ³ ³ ³ ³ ³NOBinary ³ ³Nomenu ³ À Ù ³ ³ ³ À Ù À Ù ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÊÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ .cs 2 off .cs 3 on OPERANDS fn specifies the filename of the CMS file to be created. ft specifies the filetype of the CMS file to be created. If the first character of the filetype is a period, a period instead of a space will separate the CMS filename and filetype when they are used to form the Macintosh file name. However, the period will not be included in the name of the CMS file which is created. fm specifies the filemode of the file to be created. If no filemode is specified, the file will be created on the user's A-disk. OPTIONS Binary specifies that the file to be uploaded contains arbitrary binary data. The contents of the file will be uploaded unchanged into a CMS file with fixed-length 128-byte records. If necessary, the last record will be padded with hex zeros. Menu forces a standard Macintosh file dialog to be used to obtain the name and location of the file to be uploaded. Stdxlate causes the standard IBM ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables to be used, instead of the modified tables which are the default at Brown. NOBinary resets the Binary option described above. Nomenu specifies that RMAC should not issue a standard file dialog on the Macintosh if a file matching the CMS fileid exists in the current directory. This is the default. USING THE RMAC COMMAND When uploading files, RMAC will treat the Macintosh file as either a text file or a binary file. Text file processing is the default, and is appropriate for most ordinary files. Uploading in this mode causes ASCII text to be translated to EBCDIC text in the CMS file, and causes line breaks to be preserved. Binary mode, invoked by the Binary option, causes the data in the Macintosh file to be uploaded completely unchanged. No translation is performed, and a new line in the CMS file is started after each 128 characters. The CMS file will have fixed-length records, with hex zeros used to pad the last line if necessary. This transfer mode is primarily intended for uploading files in MacBinary format, as created by BinHex 5.0 and other programs. It may also be used for binary files created by application programs. However, editing may be required if hex zeros were used to pad the last line. USAGE NOTES 1) If a file transfer does not begin after the RMAC command is entered, either file transfer is not enabled in the Macintosh program (applies to Term only), or the communication path between the Macintosh and the mainframe does not support a feature RMAC requires (applies to Term and tn3270). For Term, if a 3270 emulator is being used, it must support 7171 transparent I/O or its equivalent. For tn3270, the mainframe Telnet server must support 3270 extended data streams. To resume the terminal session, press Enter several times, until RMAC responds with the error message "Retry count exceeded". 2) When uploading files, RMAC preserves the date the Macintosh file was last modified. The date is used to set the date the CMS file was last written. 3) RMAC cannot create a CMS file with lines longer than 256 characters. If a longer line is encountered in the Macintosh file it is split into multiple lines. To identify these lines, RMAC prefixes all but the first line with a cent sign character (hex 4A). Cent signs cannot appear except for this reason, since the standard ASCII character set does not include a cent sign. 4) Currently, RMAC reads only the data fork of Macintosh files. Enhancements are planned which will add the ability to read both the resource and data forks, and encode them into MacBinary format. RESPONSES Enter ABORT, CONTINUE, or SUBSET This response is generated when the user chooses "Interrupt Transfer" on the Macintosh. By entering one of the three allowed responses, the use can abort the file transfer, resume the transfer, or enter CMS SUBSET. If CMS SUBSET is entered, the file transfer will resume upon returning from SUBSET. OTHER MESSAGES AND RETURN CODES DMSRMC001E Fileid incomplete or contains "*". RC=24 DMSRMC002E Output file already exists. RC=28 DMSRMC003E Invalid option 'xxxxxxxx', RC=24 DMSRMC004E Mac error nnnn opening 'fileid'. RC=100+Mac return code DMSRMC005E Mac file 'fileid' not found. RC=100+Mac return code DMSRMC006E Error ...... from Mac read. RC=100+Mac return code DMSRMC007E Retry count exceeded. RC=256 DMSRMC008I nnnnnn block retransmission(s). DMSRMC009E Error nnnnnn from Mac close. RC=100+Mac return code DMSRMC010E Error from CP "SET" command. RC=return code from CP DMSRMC010E Error from CP "TERM" command. RC=return code from CP DMSRMC011E Transfer aborted by used. RC=100+Mac return code DMSRMC012E Remote system type is unknown. RC=36 DMSRMC013E This version of Mac3270 (nn.nn) does not support file transfer. RC=36 DMSRMC014E Mac3270 must be used for binary file transfers. RC=36 DMSRMC069E Disk 'mode' not accessed. RC=36 DMSRMC105S Error 'nnnnn' writing file 'fn ft fm' on disk. RC=100 .cs 3 off