groff: GNU troff 1.08 document formatting system. groff: groff: The groff package provides compatible versions of troff, groff: nroff, eqn, tbl, and other Unix text-formatting utilities. groff: groff: Groff is used to "compile" man pages stored in groff/nroff format groff: into a form which can be printed or displayed on the screen. groff: groff: These man pages would be found in /usr/man/man?. All the man pages groff: in the Slackware Linux distribution (except those that come with the groff: groff package) have been preprocessed, GNU zipped, and placed in the groff: /usr/man/cat? directories. Groff is *not* needed to view any of the groff: preprocessed man pages. extra444: Extra static libraries used for profiling and debugging. (v. 4.4.4) extra444: (libc_p.a, libgmon.a, gcrt0.o, libg.a, libmcheck.a)