bsdgames: Curtis Olson and Andy Tefft's port of the BSD games collection. bsdgames: Version 1.3 bsdgames: This package puts these games into /usr/games: bsdgames: bsdgames: arithmetic atc backgammon battlestar bcd bog caesar canfield bsdgames: cfscores cribbage factor fish fortune hangman hunt mille monop bsdgames: morse number paranoia pom ppt primes rain robots sail snake bsdgames: snscore teachgammon trek wargames worm worms wump bsdgames: bsdgames: Man pages for all these games are also added to /usr/man/cat3, and bsdgames: "fortune" is added to your /etc/profile and /etc/csh.cshrc so that bsdgames: users get a fortune message when they log in.