Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site seismo.CSS.GOV Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/3/84; site panda.UUCP Path: seismo!harvard!talcott!panda!sources-request From: sources-request@panda.UUCP Newsgroups: mod.sources Subject: Modula-2 prettyprinter Message-ID: <1062@panda.UUCP> Date: 4 Nov 85 14:31:04 GMT Sender: jpn@panda.UUCP Organization: U of Rochester, CS Dept Lines: 1448 Approved: jpn@panda.UUCP Mod.sources: Volume 3, Issue 35 Submitted by: Ken Yap This is the source for a Modula-2 prettyprinter, written in Modula-2. I believe everything needed, including a Makefile, is in the shar archive below. Cheers, Ken -- #!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #!/bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # README # Makefile # m2p.mod # InOut.def # InOut.c # This archive created: Sat Nov 2 02:03:56 1985 # By: Ken Yap (U of Rochester, CS Dept) export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'README' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'README'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README' This is a Modula-2 prettyprinter. It takes a valid program from input and writes a formatted version to output. If it runs into syntax errors it may stop formatting and copy the rest of the file verbatim. It isn't exactly the best example of modularity, but... It uses the standard InOut module. An implementation of this module and Makefile for the DECWRL compiler under 4.2 BSD is included as an example. You may need to make some minor changes for other Modula-2 systems. I wanted to put more stuff in but I got tired of having it around so I am pushing it out the door. I would be grateful if you would report any bugs or enhancements so that I can collect and redistribute the changes. I have tried to make it as OS independent as possible. Please remember that Modula-2 runs on many systems. If you make changes that are specific to a machine/OS, please put the changes in specific modules or procedures. That is all, I think. Have fun. Ken Yap Dept. of Comp. Sci., U of Rochester 1st November 1985 UUCP: ..!{seismo,decvax,allegra}!rochester!ken ARPA: SHAR_EOF if test 1090 -ne "`wc -c 'README'`" then echo shar: error transmitting "'README'" '(should have been 1090 characters)' fi if test -f 'Makefile' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Makefile'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile' m2p: m2p.o InOut.o mod -g -o m2p m2p.o InOut.o m2p.o: m2p.mod mod -s -g -c m2p.mod InOut.o: InOut.c cc -O -c InOut.c SHAR_EOF if test 122 -ne "`wc -c 'Makefile'`" then echo shar: error transmitting "'Makefile'" '(should have been 122 characters)' fi if test -f 'm2p.mod' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'m2p.mod'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'm2p.mod' MODULE Modula2PrettyPrinter; FROM InOut IMPORT Done, Read, Write, WriteLn, WriteString; (* ** Modula-2 Prettyprinter, November 1985. ** ** by Ken Yap, U of Rochester, CS Dept. ** ** Permission to copy, modify, and distribute, but not for profit, ** is hereby granted, provided that this note is included. ** ** adapted from a Pascal Program Formatter ** by J. E. Crider, Shell Oil Company, ** Houston, Texas 77025 ** ** This program formats Modula-2 programs according ** to structured formatting principles ** ** A valid Modula-2 program is read from the input and ** a formatted program is written to the output. ** It is basically a recursive descent parser with actions ** intermixed with syntax scanning. ** ** The actions of the program are as follows: ** ** FORMATTING: Each structured statement is formatted ** in the following pattern (with indentation "indent"): ** ** XXXXXX header XXXXXXXX ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ** XXXXX body XXXXXX ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ** END ** ** where the header is one of: ** ** IF THEN ** ELSIF THEN ** ELSE ** WHILE DO ** FOR := DO ** WITH DO ** REPEAT ** LOOP ** CASE OF ** : ** ** and the last line begins with UNTIL or is END. ** Other program parts are formatted similarly. The headers are: ** ** ; ** CONST ** TYPE ** VAR ** BEGIN ** (various FOR records AND RECORD variants) ** ** COMMENTS: Each comment that starts before or on a specified ** column on an input line (program constant "commthresh") is ** copied without shifting or reformatting. Each comment that ** starts after "commthresh" is reformatted and left-justified ** following the aligned comment base column ("alcommbase"). ** ** SPACES AND BLANK LINES: Spaces not at line breaks are copied from ** the input. Blank lines are copied from the input if they appear ** between statements (or appropriate declaration units). A blank ** line is inserted above each significant part of each program/ ** procedure if one is not already there. ** ** CONTINUATION: Lines that are too long for an output line are ** continued with additional indentation ("contindent"). *) CONST TAB = 11C; NEWLINE = 12C; (* for Unix *) FF = 14C; maxrwlen = 15; (* size of reserved word strings *) ordminchar = 0; (* ord of lowest char in char set *) ordmaxchar = 127; (* ord of highest char in char set *) (* The following parameters may be adjusted for the installation: *) maxinlen = 255; (* maximum width of input line + 1 *) maxoutlen = 128; (* maximum width of output line *) tabinterval = 8; (* interval between tab columns *) initmargin = 0; (* initial value of output margin *) commthresh = tabinterval; (* column threshhold in input for comments to be aligned *) alcommbase = 40; (* aligned comments in output start after this column *) indent = tabinterval; (* RECOMMENDED indentation increment *) contindent = tabinterval; (* continuation indentation, >indent *) commindent = tabinterval; (* comment continuation indentation *) TYPE natural = [-1..1000000]; (* kludge because compiler doesn't *) inrange = [-1..maxinlen]; (* recognize qualified subranges *) outrange = [-1..maxoutlen]; errortype = (longline, noendcomm, notquote, longword, notdo, notof, notend, notthen, notbegin, notuntil, notident, notsemicolon, notcolon, notperiod, notparen, noeof); chartype = (illegal, special, chapostrophe, chleftparen, chrightparen, chperiod, digit, chcolon, chsemicolon, chlessthan, chgreaterthan, letter, chleftbrace, chbar); chartypeset = SET OF chartype; (* for reserved word recognition *) resword = ( (* reserved words ordered by length *) rwif, rwdo, rwof, rwto, rwin, rwor, (* length: 2 *) rwend, rwfor, rwvar, rwdiv, rwmod, rwset, rwand, rwnot, rwnil, (* length: 3 *) rwthen, rwelse, rwwith, rwcase, rwtype, rwloop, rwfrom, (* length: 4 *) rwbegin, rwelsif, rwuntil, rwwhile, rwarray, rwconst, (* length: 5 *) rwrepeat, rwrecord, rwmodule, rwimport, rwexport, (* length: 6 *) rwpointer, (* length: 7 *) rwprocedure, rwqualified, (* length: 9 *) rwdefinition, (* length: 10 *) rwimplementation, (* length: 14 *) rwx); (* length: 15 for table sentinel *) rwstring = ARRAY [1..maxrwlen] OF CHAR; firstclass = ( (* class of word if on new line *) newclause, (* start of new clause *) continue, (* continuation of clause *) alcomm, (* start of aligned comment *) contalcomm, (* continuation of aligned comment *) uncomm, (* start of unaligned comment *) contuncomm); (* continuation of unaligned comment *) wordtype = RECORD (* data record for word *) whenfirst : firstclass; (* class of word if on new line *) puncfollows : BOOLEAN; (* to reduce dangling punctuation *) blanklncount : natural; (* number of preceding blank lines *) spaces : INTEGER; (* number of spaces preceding word *) base : [-1..maxinlen]; (* inline.buf[base] precedes word *) size : inrange; END; (* length of word in inline.buf *) symboltype = ( (* symbols for syntax analysis *) symodule, sydefinition, syimplementation, syfrom, syimport, syexport, syqual, syproc, declarator, sybegin, syend, syif, sythen, syelsif, syelse, syloop, sycase, syof, syuntil, syrepeat, forwhilewith, sydo, syrecord, ident, intconst, semicolon, leftparen, rightparen, period, colon, bar, othersym, otherword, comment, syeof); symbolset = SET OF symboltype; VAR inline : RECORD (* input line data *) endoffile : BOOLEAN; (* end of file on input? *) ch : CHAR; (* current char, buf[index] *) index : inrange; (* subscript of current char *) len : natural; (* length of input line in buf *) buf : ARRAY [1..maxinlen] OF CHAR; END; outline : RECORD (* output line data *) blanklns : natural; (* number of preceding blank lines *) len : outrange; (* number of chars in buf *) buf : ARRAY [1..maxoutlen] OF CHAR; END; curword : wordtype; (* current word *) margin : outrange; (* left margin *) lnpending : BOOLEAN; (* new line before next symbol? *) inheader : BOOLEAN; (* are we scanning a proc header? *) symbol : symboltype; (* current symbol *) (* Structured Constants *) headersyms : symbolset; (* headers for program parts *) strucsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that begin structured statements *) stmtbeginsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that begin statements *) stmtendsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that follow statements *) stopsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that stop expression scan *) recendsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that stop record scan *) datawords : symbolset; (* to reduce dangling punctuation *) firstrw : ARRAY [1..maxrwlen] OF resword; rwword : ARRAY [rwif..rwimplementation] OF rwstring; rwsy : ARRAY [rwif..rwimplementation] OF symboltype; charclass : ARRAY CHAR OF chartype; symbolclass : ARRAY chartype OF symboltype; PROCEDURE StructConsts; (* establish values of structured constants *) VAR i : [ordminchar..ordmaxchar]; (* loop index *) ch : CHAR; (* loop index *) PROCEDURE BuildResWord(rw : resword; symword : rwstring; symbol : symboltype); BEGIN rwword[rw] := symword; (* reserved word string *) rwsy[rw] := symbol; (* map to symbol *) END BuildResWord; BEGIN (* StructConsts *) (* symbol sets for syntax analysis *) headersyms := symbolset{symodule, syproc, declarator, sybegin, syend, syeof}; strucsyms := symbolset{sycase, syrepeat, syif, forwhilewith, syloop}; stmtbeginsyms := strucsyms + symbolset{ident}; stmtendsyms := symbolset{semicolon, bar, syend, syuntil, syelsif, syelse, syeof}; stopsyms := headersyms + strucsyms + stmtendsyms; recendsyms := symbolset{rightparen, syend, syeof}; datawords := symbolset{otherword, intconst, ident, syend}; (* constants for recognizing reserved words *) firstrw[1] := rwif; (* length: 1 *) firstrw[2] := rwif; (* length: 2 *) BuildResWord(rwif, 'IF ', syif); BuildResWord(rwdo, 'DO ', sydo); BuildResWord(rwof, 'OF ', syof); BuildResWord(rwto, 'TO ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwin, 'IN ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwor, 'OR ', othersym); firstrw[3] := rwend; (* length: 3 *) BuildResWord(rwend, 'END ', syend); BuildResWord(rwfor, 'FOR ', forwhilewith); BuildResWord(rwvar, 'VAR ', declarator); BuildResWord(rwdiv, 'DIV ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwmod, 'MOD ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwset, 'SET ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwand, 'AND ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwnot, 'NOT ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwnil, 'NIL ', otherword); firstrw[4] := rwthen; (* length: 4 *) BuildResWord(rwthen, 'THEN ', sythen); BuildResWord(rwelse, 'ELSE ', syelse); BuildResWord(rwwith, 'WITH ', forwhilewith); BuildResWord(rwloop, 'LOOP ', syloop); BuildResWord(rwfrom, 'FROM ', syfrom); BuildResWord(rwcase, 'CASE ', sycase); BuildResWord(rwtype, 'TYPE ', declarator); firstrw[5] := rwbegin; (* length: 5 *) BuildResWord(rwbegin, 'BEGIN ', sybegin); BuildResWord(rwelsif, 'ELSIF ', syelsif); BuildResWord(rwuntil, 'UNTIL ', syuntil); BuildResWord(rwwhile, 'WHILE ', forwhilewith); BuildResWord(rwarray, 'ARRAY ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwconst, 'CONST ', declarator); firstrw[6] := rwrepeat; (* length: 6 *) BuildResWord(rwrepeat, 'REPEAT ', syrepeat); BuildResWord(rwrecord, 'RECORD ', syrecord); BuildResWord(rwmodule, 'MODULE ', symodule); BuildResWord(rwimport, 'IMPORT ', syimport); BuildResWord(rwexport, 'EXPORT ', syexport); firstrw[7] := rwpointer; (* length: 7 *) BuildResWord(rwpointer, 'POINTER ', othersym); firstrw[8] := rwprocedure; (* length: 8 *) firstrw[9] := rwprocedure; (* length: 9 *) BuildResWord(rwprocedure, 'PROCEDURE ', syproc); BuildResWord(rwqualified, 'QUALIFIED ', syqual); firstrw[10] := rwdefinition; (* length: 10 *) BuildResWord(rwdefinition, 'DEFINITION ', sydefinition); firstrw[11] := rwimplementation;(* length: 11 *) firstrw[12] := rwimplementation;(* length: 12 *) firstrw[13] := rwimplementation;(* length: 13 *) firstrw[14] := rwimplementation;(* length: 14 *) BuildResWord(rwimplementation, 'IMPLEMENTATION ', syimplementation); firstrw[15] := rwx; (* length: 15 FOR table sentinel *) (* constants for lexical scan *) FOR i := ordminchar TO ordmaxchar DO charclass[CHR(i)] := illegal; END; FOR ch := 'a' TO 'z' DO charclass[ch] := letter; charclass[CAP(ch)] := letter; END; FOR ch := '0' TO '9' DO charclass[ch] := digit; END; charclass[' '] := special; charclass['"'] := chapostrophe; charclass['#'] := special; charclass['&'] := special; charclass["'"] := chapostrophe; charclass['('] := chleftparen; charclass[')'] := chrightparen; charclass['*'] := special; charclass['+'] := special; charclass[','] := special; charclass['-'] := special; charclass['.'] := chperiod; charclass['/'] := special; charclass[':'] := chcolon; charclass[';'] := chsemicolon; charclass['<'] := chlessthan; charclass['='] := special; charclass['>'] := chgreaterthan; charclass['@'] := special; charclass['['] := special; charclass[']'] := special; charclass['^'] := special; charclass['{'] := special; charclass['|'] := chbar; charclass['}'] := special; symbolclass[illegal] := othersym; symbolclass[special] := othersym; symbolclass[chapostrophe] := otherword; symbolclass[chleftparen] := leftparen; symbolclass[chrightparen] := rightparen; symbolclass[chperiod] := period; symbolclass[digit] := intconst; symbolclass[chcolon] := colon; symbolclass[chsemicolon] := semicolon; symbolclass[chlessthan] := othersym; symbolclass[chgreaterthan] := othersym; symbolclass[chbar] := bar; symbolclass[letter] := ident; END StructConsts; (* FlushLine/WriteError/ReadLine convert between files and lines. *) PROCEDURE FlushLine; (* Write buffer into output file *) VAR i, j, vircol : outrange; (* loop index *) nonblankseen : BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH outline DO WHILE blanklns > 0 DO WriteLn; blanklns := blanklns - 1; END; IF len > 0 THEN vircol := 0; nonblankseen := FALSE; (* set this to TRUE if you don't want blanks to tab conversion *) FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO IF buf[i+1] <> ' ' THEN IF NOT nonblankseen THEN LOOP j := (vircol DIV tabinterval + 1) * tabinterval; IF j > i THEN EXIT; END; Write(TAB); vircol := j; END; END; nonblankseen := TRUE; WHILE vircol < i DO Write(' '); vircol := vircol + 1; END; Write(buf[i+1]); vircol := i + 1; END; END; WriteLn; len := 0; END; END; END FlushLine; PROCEDURE WriteError(error : errortype); (* report error to output *) VAR i, ix : inrange; (* loop index, limit *) BEGIN FlushLine; WriteString('(* !!! error, '); CASE error OF longline: WriteString('shorter line'); | noendcomm: WriteString('END OF comment'); | notquote: WriteString("final ' on line"); | longword: WriteString('shorter word'); | notdo: WriteString('"DO"'); | notof: WriteString('"OF"'); | notend: WriteString('"END"'); | notthen: WriteString('"THEN"'); | notbegin: WriteString('"BEGIN"'); | notuntil: WriteString('"UNTIL"'); | notident: WriteString('"identifier"'); | notsemicolon: WriteString('";"'); | notperiod: WriteString('"."'); | notcolon: WriteString('":"'); | notparen: WriteString('")"'); | noeof: WriteString('END OF file'); END; WriteString(' expected'); IF error >= longword THEN WriteString(', NOT "'); WITH inline DO WITH curword DO IF size > maxrwlen THEN ix := maxrwlen ELSE ix := size; END; FOR i := 1 TO ix DO Write(buf[base + i]); END; END; END; Write('"'); END; IF error = noeof THEN WriteString(', FORMATTING STOPS'); END; WriteString(' !!! *)'); WriteLn; END WriteError; PROCEDURE ReadLine; (* Read line into input buffer *) VAR c : CHAR; (* input character *) nonblank : BOOLEAN; (* is char other than space? *) i : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH inline DO len := 0; LOOP Read(c); IF Done THEN endoffile := Done; EXIT; END; IF c = NEWLINE THEN EXIT; END; IF c < ' ' THEN (* convert ISO control chars (except leading form feed) to spaces *) IF c = TAB THEN (* ISO TAB char *) c := ' '; (* add last space at end *) WHILE len MOD 8 <> 7 DO len := len + 1; IF len < maxinlen THEN buf[len] := c; END; END; (* END tab handling *) ELSIF (c <> FF) OR (len > 0) THEN c := ' '; END; END; (* END ISO control char conversion *) len := len + 1; IF len < maxinlen THEN buf[len] := c; END; END; IF NOT endoffile THEN IF len >= maxinlen THEN (* input line too long *) WriteError(longline); len := maxinlen - 1; END; WHILE (len > 0) AND (buf[len] = ' ') DO len := len - 1; END; END; len := len + 1; (* add exactly ONE trailing blank *) buf[len] := ' '; index := 0; END; END ReadLine; PROCEDURE GetChar; (* get next char from input buffer *) BEGIN WITH inline DO index := index + 1; ch := buf[index]; END; END GetChar; PROCEDURE NextChar() : CHAR; (* look at next char in input buffer *) BEGIN RETURN inline.buf[inline.index + 1]; END NextChar; PROCEDURE StartWord(startclass : firstclass); (* note beginning of word, and count preceding lines and spaces *) VAR first : BOOLEAN; (* is word the first on input line? *) BEGIN first := FALSE; WITH inline DO WITH curword DO whenfirst := startclass; blanklncount := 0; WHILE (index >= len) AND NOT endoffile DO IF len = 1 THEN blanklncount := blanklncount + 1; END; IF startclass = contuncomm THEN FlushLine ELSE first := TRUE; END; ReadLine; (* with exactly ONE trailing blank *) GetChar; IF ch = FF THEN FlushLine; Write(FF); blanklncount := 0; GetChar; END; END; spaces := 0; (* count leading spaces *) IF NOT endoffile THEN WHILE ch = ' ' DO spaces := spaces + 1; GetChar; END; END; IF first THEN spaces := 1; END; base := index - 1; END; END; END StartWord; PROCEDURE FinishWord; (* note end of word *) BEGIN WITH inline DO WITH curword DO puncfollows := (symbol IN datawords) AND (ch <> ' '); size := index - base - 1; END; END; END FinishWord; PROCEDURE CopyWord(newline : BOOLEAN; pword : wordtype); (* copy word from input buffer into output buffer *) VAR i : INTEGER; (* outline.len excess, loop index *) BEGIN WITH pword DO WITH outline DO i := maxoutlen - len - spaces - size; IF newline OR (i < 0) OR ((i = 0) AND puncfollows) THEN FlushLine; END; IF len = 0 THEN (* first word on output line *) blanklns := blanklncount; CASE whenfirst OF (* update LOCAL word.spaces *) newclause: spaces := margin; | continue: spaces := margin; | alcomm: spaces := alcommbase; | contalcomm: spaces := alcommbase + commindent; | uncomm: spaces := base; | contuncomm: (* spaces := spaces *); END; IF spaces + size > maxoutlen THEN spaces := maxoutlen - size; (* reduce spaces *) IF spaces < 0 THEN WriteError(longword); size := maxoutlen; spaces := 0; END; END; END; FOR i := 1 TO spaces DO (* put out spaces *) len := len + 1; buf[len] := ' '; END; FOR i := 1 TO size DO (* copy actual word *) len := len + 1; buf[len] := inline.buf[base + i]; END; END; END; END CopyWord; PROCEDURE DoComment; (* copy aligned or unaligned comment *) PROCEDURE CopyComment(commclass : firstclass; commbase : inrange); (* copy words of comment *) VAR endcomment : BOOLEAN; (* end of comment? *) BEGIN WITH curword DO (* copy comment begin symbol *) whenfirst := commclass; spaces := commbase - outline.len; CopyWord((spaces < 0) OR (blanklncount > 0), curword); END; commclass := VAL(firstclass, ORD(commclass)+1); WITH inline DO REPEAT (* loop for successive words *) StartWord(commclass); endcomment := endoffile; (* premature end? *) IF endcomment THEN WriteError(noendcomm) ELSE REPEAT IF ch = '*' THEN GetChar; IF ch = ')' THEN endcomment := TRUE; GetChar; END; ELSE GetChar; END; UNTIL (ch = ' ') OR endcomment; END; FinishWord; CopyWord(FALSE, curword) UNTIL endcomment; END; END CopyComment; BEGIN (* DoComment *) IF curword.base < commthresh THEN (* copy comment without alignment *) CopyComment(uncomm, curword.base) ELSE (* align AND format comment *) CopyComment(alcomm, alcommbase); END; END DoComment; PROCEDURE GetSymbol; (* get next non-comment symbol *) PROCEDURE CopySymbol(symbol : symboltype; pword : wordtype); (* copy word(s) of symbol *) BEGIN IF symbol = comment THEN DoComment; (* NOTE: DoComment uses global word! *) lnpending := TRUE; ELSIF symbol = semicolon THEN CopyWord(FALSE, pword); lnpending := NOT inheader; ELSE CopyWord(lnpending, pword); lnpending := FALSE; END; END CopySymbol; PROCEDURE FindSymbol; (* find next symbol in input buffer *) VAR termch : CHAR; (* string terminator *) chclass : chartype; (* classification of leading char *) PROCEDURE CheckResWord; (* check if current identifier is reserved word/symbol *) VAR rw, rwbeyond : resword; (* loop index, limit *) symword : rwstring; (* copy of symbol word *) i : [-1..maxrwlen]; (* loop index *) BEGIN WITH curword DO WITH inline DO size := index - base - 1; IF size < maxrwlen THEN symword := ' '; FOR i := 1 TO size DO symword[i] := CAP(buf[ base + i]); END; rw := firstrw[size]; rwbeyond := firstrw[size + 1]; symbol := semicolon; REPEAT IF rw >= rwbeyond THEN symbol := ident ELSIF symword = rwword[rw] THEN symbol := rwsy[rw] ELSE rw := VAL(resword,ORD(rw)+1); END; UNTIL symbol <> semicolon; END; whenfirst := newclause; END; END; END CheckResWord; PROCEDURE GetName; BEGIN WHILE charclass[] IN chartypeset{letter, digit} DO GetChar; END; CheckResWord; END GetName; PROCEDURE GetNumber; BEGIN WITH inline DO WHILE charclass[ch] = digit DO GetChar; END; IF ch = '.' THEN IF charclass[NextChar()] = digit THEN (* NOTE: NextChar is a function! *) symbol := otherword; GetChar; WHILE charclass[ch] = digit DO GetChar; END; END; END; IF CAP(ch) = 'E' THEN symbol := otherword; GetChar; IF (ch = '+') OR (ch = '-') THEN GetChar; END; WHILE charclass[ch] = digit DO GetChar; END; END; END; END GetNumber; PROCEDURE GetStringLiteral; VAR endstring : BOOLEAN; (* end of string literal? *) BEGIN WITH inline DO endstring := FALSE; REPEAT GetChar; IF ch = termch THEN endstring := TRUE; ELSIF index >= len THEN (* error, final "'" not on line *) WriteError(notquote); symbol := syeof; endstring := TRUE; END; UNTIL endstring; GetChar; END; END GetStringLiteral; BEGIN (* FindSymbol *) StartWord(continue); WITH inline DO IF endoffile THEN symbol := syeof ELSE termch := ch; (* save for string literal routine *) chclass := charclass[ch]; symbol := symbolclass[chclass]; GetChar; (* second CHAR *) CASE chclass OF chsemicolon, chrightparen, chleftbrace, special, illegal: ; | letter: GetName; | digit: GetNumber; | chapostrophe: GetStringLiteral; | chcolon: IF ch = '=' THEN symbol := othersym; GetChar; END; | chlessthan: IF (ch = '=') OR (ch = '>') THEN GetChar; END; | chgreaterthan: IF ch = '=' THEN GetChar; END; | chleftparen: IF ch = '*' THEN symbol := comment; GetChar; END; | chperiod: IF ch = '.' THEN symbol := colon; GetChar; END; END; FinishWord; END; END; (* FindSymbol *) END FindSymbol; BEGIN (* GetSymbol *) REPEAT CopySymbol(symbol, curword); (* copy word for symbol to output *) FindSymbol (* get next symbol *) UNTIL symbol <> comment; END GetSymbol; PROCEDURE StartClause; (* (this may be a simple clause, or the start of a header) *) BEGIN curword.whenfirst := newclause; lnpending := TRUE; END StartClause; PROCEDURE PassSemicolons; (* pass consecutive semicolons *) BEGIN WHILE symbol = semicolon DO GetSymbol; StartClause; END; END PassSemicolons; PROCEDURE StartPart; (* start program part *) BEGIN WITH curword DO IF blanklncount = 0 THEN blanklncount := 1; END; END; END StartPart; PROCEDURE StartBody; (* finish header, start body of structure *) BEGIN StartClause; margin := margin + indent; END StartBody; PROCEDURE FinishBody; (* retract margin *) BEGIN margin := margin - indent; END FinishBody; PROCEDURE PassPhrase(finalsymbol : symboltype); (* process symbols until significant symbol encountered *) VAR endsyms : symbolset; (* complete set of stopping symbols *) BEGIN IF symbol <> syeof THEN endsyms := stopsyms; INCL(endsyms, finalsymbol); REPEAT GetSymbol UNTIL symbol IN endsyms; END; END PassPhrase; PROCEDURE Expect(expectedsym : symboltype; error : errortype; syms : symbolset); (* fail if current symbol is not the expected one, then recover *) BEGIN IF symbol = expectedsym THEN GetSymbol ELSE WriteError(error); INCL(syms, expectedsym); WHILE NOT (symbol IN syms) DO GetSymbol; END; IF symbol = expectedsym THEN GetSymbol; END; END; END Expect; PROCEDURE Heading; (* process heading for program or procedure *) PROCEDURE MatchParens; (* process parentheses in heading *) VAR endsyms : symbolset; BEGIN GetSymbol; WHILE NOT (symbol IN recendsyms) DO IF symbol = leftparen THEN MatchParens ELSE GetSymbol; END; END; endsyms := stopsyms + recendsyms; Expect(rightparen, notparen, endsyms); END MatchParens; BEGIN (* heading *) GetSymbol; PassPhrase(leftparen); IF symbol = leftparen THEN inheader := TRUE; MatchParens; inheader := FALSE; END; IF symbol = colon THEN PassPhrase(semicolon); END; Expect(semicolon, notsemicolon, stopsyms); END Heading; PROCEDURE DoRecord; (* process record declaration *) BEGIN GetSymbol; StartBody; PassFields(FALSE); FinishBody; Expect(syend, notend, recendsyms); END DoRecord; PROCEDURE DoVariant; (* process (case) variant part *) BEGIN PassPhrase(syof); Expect(syof, notof, stopsyms); StartBody; PassFields(TRUE); FinishBody; END DoVariant; PROCEDURE DoParens(forvariant : BOOLEAN); (* process parentheses in record *) BEGIN GetSymbol; IF forvariant THEN StartBody; END; PassFields(FALSE); lnpending := FALSE; (* for empty field list *) Expect(rightparen, notparen, recendsyms); IF forvariant THEN FinishBody; END; END DoParens; PROCEDURE PassFields(forvariant : BOOLEAN); (* process declarations *) BEGIN WHILE NOT (symbol IN recendsyms) DO IF symbol = semicolon THEN PassSemicolons ELSIF symbol = syrecord THEN DoRecord ELSIF symbol = sycase THEN DoVariant ELSIF symbol = leftparen THEN DoParens(forvariant) ELSE GetSymbol; END; END; END PassFields; PROCEDURE Statement; (* process statement *) BEGIN CASE symbol OF sycase: CaseStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms); | syif: IfStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms); | syloop: LoopStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms); | syrepeat: RepeatStatement; | forwhilewith: ForWhileWithStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms); | ident: AssignmentProccall; | semicolon: ; END; END Statement; PROCEDURE AssignmentProccall; (* pass an assignment statement or procedure call *) BEGIN WHILE NOT (symbol IN stmtendsyms) DO GetSymbol; END; END AssignmentProccall; PROCEDURE StatementSequence; (* process sequence of statements *) BEGIN Statement; LOOP IF symbol <> semicolon THEN EXIT; END; GetSymbol; Statement; END; END StatementSequence; PROCEDURE IfStatement; (* process if statement *) BEGIN PassPhrase(sythen); Expect(sythen, notthen, stopsyms); StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; WHILE symbol = syelsif DO StartClause; PassPhrase(sythen); Expect(sythen, notthen, stopsyms); StartBody; (* new line after 'THEN' *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; IF symbol = syelse THEN StartClause; GetSymbol; StartBody; (* new line after 'ELSE' *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; END IfStatement; PROCEDURE CaseStatement; (* process case statement *) BEGIN PassPhrase(syof); Expect(syof, notof, stopsyms); StartClause; OneCase; WHILE symbol = bar DO GetSymbol; OneCase; END; IF symbol = syelse THEN GetSymbol; StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; END CaseStatement; PROCEDURE OneCase; (* process one case clause *) BEGIN IF NOT (symbol IN symbolset{bar, syelse}) THEN PassPhrase(colon); Expect(colon, notcolon, stopsyms); StartBody; (* new line, indent after colon *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; (* left-indent after case *) END; END OneCase; PROCEDURE RepeatStatement; (* process repeat statement *) BEGIN GetSymbol; StartBody; (* new line, indent after 'REPEAT' *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; (* left-ident after UNTIL *) StartClause; (* new line before UNTIL *) Expect(syuntil, notuntil, stmtendsyms); PassPhrase(semicolon); END RepeatStatement; PROCEDURE LoopStatement; (* process loop statement *) BEGIN GetSymbol; StartBody; (* new line, indent after LOOP *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; (* left-ident before END *) END LoopStatement; PROCEDURE ForWhileWithStatement; (* process for, while, or with statement *) BEGIN PassPhrase(sydo); Expect(sydo, notdo, stopsyms); StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; END ForWhileWithStatement; PROCEDURE ProcedureDeclaration; (* pass a procedure declaration *) BEGIN ProcedureHeading; Block; Expect(ident, notident, stmtendsyms); Expect(semicolon, notsemicolon, stmtendsyms); END ProcedureDeclaration; PROCEDURE ProcedureHeading; BEGIN StartClause; Heading; END ProcedureHeading; PROCEDURE Block; BEGIN WHILE symbol IN symbolset{declarator, symodule, syproc} DO Declaration; END; IF symbol = sybegin THEN GetSymbol; StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms); END Block; PROCEDURE Declaration; BEGIN IF symbol = declarator THEN StartClause; (* CONST, TYPE, VAR *) GetSymbol; StartBody; REPEAT PassPhrase(syrecord); IF symbol = syrecord THEN DoRecord; END; IF symbol = semicolon THEN PassSemicolons; END; UNTIL symbol IN headersyms; FinishBody; ELSIF symbol = symodule THEN ModuleDeclaration; ELSIF symbol = syproc THEN ProcedureDeclaration; END; END Declaration; PROCEDURE ModuleDeclaration; BEGIN PassPhrase(semicolon); PassSemicolons; WHILE symbol IN symbolset{syimport, syexport, syfrom} DO ImportExport; END; Block; Expect(ident, notident, stmtendsyms); END ModuleDeclaration; PROCEDURE ImportExport; BEGIN IF symbol = syfrom THEN PassPhrase(syimport); END; IF symbol = syimport THEN GetSymbol; ELSIF symbol = syexport THEN GetSymbol; IF symbol = syqual THEN GetSymbol; END; END; StartBody; PassPhrase(semicolon); FinishBody; GetSymbol; END ImportExport; PROCEDURE OneDefinition; BEGIN IF symbol = declarator THEN Declaration; ELSIF symbol = syproc THEN ProcedureHeading; END; END OneDefinition; PROCEDURE DefinitionModule; BEGIN GetSymbol; PassPhrase(semicolon); GetSymbol; WHILE symbol IN symbolset{syimport, syexport, syfrom} DO ImportExport; END; WHILE symbol IN symbolset{declarator, syproc} DO OneDefinition; END; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms); GetSymbol; Expect(period, notperiod, stmtendsyms); END DefinitionModule; PROCEDURE ProgramModule; BEGIN ModuleDeclaration; Expect(period, notperiod, stmtendsyms); END ProgramModule; PROCEDURE CompilationUnit; BEGIN IF symbol = syimplementation THEN GetSymbol; ProgramModule; ELSIF symbol = sydefinition THEN DefinitionModule; ELSE ProgramModule; END; END CompilationUnit; PROCEDURE CopyRemainder; (* copy remainder of input *) BEGIN WriteError(noeof); WITH inline DO REPEAT CopyWord(FALSE, curword); StartWord(contuncomm); IF NOT endoffile THEN REPEAT GetChar UNTIL ch = ' '; END; FinishWord; UNTIL endoffile; END; END CopyRemainder; PROCEDURE Initialize; (* initialize global variables *) BEGIN WITH inline DO endoffile := FALSE; ch := ' '; index := 0; len := 0; END; WITH outline DO blanklns := 0; len := 0; END; WITH curword DO whenfirst := contuncomm; puncfollows := FALSE; blanklncount := 0; spaces := 0; base := 0; size := 0; END; margin := initmargin; lnpending := FALSE; symbol := othersym; END Initialize; BEGIN StructConsts; Initialize; (* Files may be opened here. *) GetSymbol; CompilationUnit; IF NOT inline.endoffile THEN CopyRemainder; END; FlushLine; END Modula2PrettyPrinter. SHAR_EOF if test 33277 -ne "`wc -c 'm2p.mod'`" then echo shar: error transmitting "'m2p.mod'" '(should have been 33277 characters)' fi if test -f 'InOut.def' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'InOut.def'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'InOut.def' DEFINITION MODULE InOut; EXPORT Done, Read, Write, WriteLn, WriteString; VAR Done : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Read(VAR ch : CHAR); PROCEDURE Write(ch : CHAR); PROCEDURE WriteLn; PROCEDURE WriteString(s : ARRAY OF CHAR); END InOut. SHAR_EOF if test 233 -ne "`wc -c 'InOut.def'`" then echo shar: error transmitting "'InOut.def'" '(should have been 233 characters)' fi if test -f 'InOut.c' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'InOut.c'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'InOut.c' #include int InOut_Done = 0; InOut__init() { InOut_Done = 0; } InOut_Read(c) char *c; { register char ch; if ((ch = getchar()) == EOF) InOut_Done = 1; else *c = ch & 0177; } InOut_Write(c) char c; { putchar(c); } InOut_WriteLn() { putchar('\n'); } InOut_WriteString(s, l) char *s; int l; { while (l-- > 0) putchar(*s++); } SHAR_EOF if test 357 -ne "`wc -c 'InOut.c'`" then echo shar: error transmitting "'InOut.c'" '(should have been 357 characters)' fi # End of shell archive exit 0 -- UUCP: ..!{allegra,decvax,seismo}!rochester!ken ARPA: USnail: Dept. of Comp. Sci., U. of Rochester, NY 14627. Voice: Ken!