#N asma #S #O #C Marty Reynolds #E akgua!asma!marty #T #P #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Mon Apr 7 08:56:45 EST 1986 # asma akgua(DAILY), sunatl(DEMAND) #N bhpi00 #S #O #C Don Stewart #E akgua!bhpi00!des #T #P #L #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Wed Jan 8 13:28:47 EST 1986 # bhpi00 akgua(DAILY) bhpi00 = sbfor1 #N commlab #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, Networking & Telecommunications Laboratory #C Ron Hutchins #E gatech!ron #T +1 404 894 3612 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # commlab GT3BNET commlab = gt-commlab #N dcc1 #S Vax 11/750; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O DeKalb Community College, Academic Computer Center #C N. Tasova #E dcc1!tas #T (404) 299-4231 #R General academic computing and instruction #P Clarkston, GA 30021 #U gatech #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Dec 31 16:06:41 EST 1985 # dcc1 akgua(DIRECT), dcc2(LOCAL), gatech(DIRECT) #N dcc2 #S Vax 11/750; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O DeKalb Community College, Academic Computer Center #C N. Tasova #E dcc1!tas #T (404) 299-4231 #R no dialout capabilities #P Clarkston, GA 30021 #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Dec 31 16:07:25 EST 1985 # dcc2 akgua(DAILY), dcc1(LOCAL), gatech(HOURLY) #N emory #S Vax 11/750; 4.2bsd Unix #O Math and Computer Science, Emory University #C Stuart Stirling #E emory!silver #T +1 404 727 5637 #P Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322 #R also on the CSNet as site "emory" #U akgua gatech #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Wed Mar 5 00:11:23 EST 1986 # emory akgua(DIRECT+HIGH), emorycc(DEDICATED), emoryu1(DEDICATED), gatech(DIRECT), msdc(DAILY/4), sb1(DIRECT), sb6(DIRECT), gt-stratus(DIRECT),gacsr(DIRECT), decvax(EVENING) #N emorycc #S Vax 785; VMS/Eunice #O Computing Center, Emory University #C Peter W. Day #E emory!emorycc!ospwd #T +1 404 727-7678 #P Computing Center, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Mar 18 20:41:56 EST 1986 # emorycc emory(HOURLY/6), emoryu1(HOURLY/6), emoryu2(HOURLY/6) #N emoryu1 #S Vax 780; 4.2 BSD Unix #O Computing Center, Emory University #C Arnold D. Robbins #E emory!emoryu1!osadr #T +1 404 727-4785 #P Computing Center, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R This machine is a bitnet host, soon to be an X.25 CSnet machine too #U #W emoryu1!osadr (Arnold D. Robbins); Thu Mar 20 13:42:14 EST 1986 # emoryu1 akgua(DIRECT), akgub(DIRECT), cornell(DEAD), emory(DEDICATED), emorycc(DEDICATED), emoryu2(DEDICATED), gatech(DIRECT), gt-eedsp(HOURLY), gt-stratus(DIRECT), yerkes(DIRECT), yerkmain(DIRECT) #N emoryu2 #S Vax 780; 4.2 BSD Unix #O Computing Center, Emory University #C Arnold D. Robbins #E emory!emoryu1!osadr #T +1 404 727-4785 #P Computing Center, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #U #W emoryu1!osadr (Arnold D. Robbins); Wed Mar 19 11:13:20 EST 1986 # emoryu2 emory(DEDICATED), emorycc(DEDICATED), emoryu1(DEDICATED), gt-eedsp(HOURLY*6) #N fba #S Perkin-Elmer 3210; System V Unix #O First Baptist, Atlanta #C Rick Holliday #E fba!rick #T +1 404 881 1221 #P First Baptist Church, 754 Peachtree St., Atlanta GA 30365 #L 33 46 45 N / 84 23 40 W #R Membership list and word processing #U itm #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Wed Jan 1 15:22:57 EST 1986 # fba itm(HOURLY) #N gacsr #S ?? #O Computer Systems Resources, Inc. #C Pongvit Siribovornkiat #E akgua!gacsr!pong #T +1 404 256-4914 #P 1170 South Omni International, Atlanta GA 30303 #U #R gacsr is off the air temporarily #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Mon Apr 7 08:58:24 EST 1986 # gacsr akgua(DAILY), gatech(DAILY) #N galbp #S Vax 11/750, 4.2bsd Unix #O Harris/Lanier #C Tom Bohannon #T (404) 329-8296 #P Harris/Lanier #P Computer R & D, 1704 Chantilly Dr. NE Suite C, Atlanta, Ga. 30324 #E akgua!galbp!tab #R #W Tom Bohannon 01/03/86 #U akgub # galbp akgub(DIRECT+HIGH), gatech(DIRECT), akgua(DIRECT), cpsc53(DIRECT), ndc_an(DIRECT), ganehd(DIRECT), galbpt(DIRECT) galbp = lanierrnd #N galbpt #S 80186 Proprietary #O Harris/Lanier #C Tom Bohannon #T (404) 329-8296 #P Harris/Lanier #P Computer R & D, 1704 Chantilly Dr. NE Suite C, Atlanta, Ga. 30324 #E galbp!galbpt!tab #R #W Tom Bohannon 01/03/86 #U akgub # galbpt akgua(DIRECT), cpsc53(DIRECT), ndc_an(DIRECT), ganehd(DIRECT), galbp(DIRECT) #N ganehd #S ? #O Northeast Health District, Clarke County Health Dept. #C Brantley Coile #E gatech!ganehd!bwc #T +1 404 542-8896 #P 345 North Harris St. #R #W Gene Spafford, 12/04/84 #U akgua # ganehd akgua(DEMAND), gatech(DEMAND) #N gatech #S Vax 11/780; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O School of Information and Comp. Sci., Georgia Inst. of Technology #C Gene Spafford, Mark Johnson #E gatech!postmaster #T +1 404 894 3807, +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280 #L 33 46 31 N / 84 23 41 W #R Mail and network services, research support. #R Also site gatech.CSNET and gatech.gatech.EDU after 6/1/86 #R "gatech" is the mail server for the gatech.EDU subdomain # # First, we're the "GT" gateway... gatech = gt-gateway gatech = gt-gw gatech = gatech.EDU # # Any of the "DEMAND" connections are long distance charges and # we try to call twice an hour IF we have something to transfer. # # First, our connections on campus. GTNET refers to Ethernet based # connections, or other high-speed direct links. # GT3BNET refers to our 3BNet connections amongst AT&T gear # Links of DEDICATED+15 we call over a 9600 Net/One virtual circuit. # GTNET = {gatech, gt-cirrus, gitpyr, gt-nimbus, gt-stratus, gt-vlsi, gt-vlsib}!(LOCAL) GT3BNET = {gtfelix, gt-fido, gtoscar, gt-neon, gt-flux, gt-blitzen, gt-comet, gt-cupid, gt-dancer, gt-dasher, gt-donner, gt-prancer, gt-rudolph, gt-santa, gt-vixen, gt-yak }!(LOCAL) # gatech GTNET, gtss(DIRECT), gt-eedsp(DEDICATED+15), gt-cmmsr(DEDICATED+15), gt-oak(DEDICATED+15), gtoscar(DEDICATED), gitft(POLLED), sti3b2(DIRECT), gtcal(DIRECT) # # Next, our main outside contacts. These two sites # appear to take about 75% of our mail traffic, and both provide # excellent connections at 2400 baud, but both are usually # very busy, especially seismo. # gatech akgua(DIRECT+HIGH), seismo(DIRECT+HIGH) # # Next, our other contacts in Georgia (mostly Atlanta). # MSDC polls us hourly; due to security reasons, no one calls them. # Sys admin at Emory often turns off their uucp login with no # advance warning due to disk space problems, thus the penalty. # The "sun" machine disappears every once and a while for # sales demos, so it isn't a great connection. # gatech dcc1(DIRECT), dcc2(DIRECT), emory(DIRECT+2*LOW), emoryu1(DIRECT+HIGH), ganehd(DEMAND+LOW), itcatl(DIRECT), itm(DIRECT), galbp(DIRECT), msdc(HOURLY), pid(DIRECT), rebel(DIRECT+LOW), sb1(DIRECT), sb6(DIRECT), skeeve(DIRECT), sx1100(EVENING), sunatl(DIRECT+2*LOW), sysd(DIRECT), vctvax(DIRECT) # # Now, some of our other long-distance connections. # "ulysses" is a backbone site and all the associated sites use # the same data switch, so we got them "for free". # Ulysses has an extra bonus because we can get to them at 2400 # baud (usually). # gatech ulysses(DEMAND+HIGH), achilles(DEMAND+LOW), briseis(DEMAND+LOW), circe(DEMAND+LOW), diomedes(DEMAND+LOW), elpenor(DEMAND+LOW), hector(DEMAND+LOW), kalypso(DEMAND+LOW), lycaon(DEMAND+LOW), mentor(DEMAND+LOW), penelope(DEMAND+LOW), troilus(DEMAND+LOW) # # Everything else. # # Allegra has a small penalty to force mail through other routes, # if equivalent, since they want to cut down the flow through their # site. Same for tektronix. # # connections to linus and qantel are always noisy # mail through uf-cgrl has been very unreliable # gatech allegra(DEMAND+LOW), amd(DEMAND), amdcad(DEMAND), astrovax(DEMAND+HIGH), bonnie(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND+HIGH), clyde(DEMAND), cuae2(DEMAND), decvax(DEMAND), drillsys(EVENING+LOW), floyd(DEMAND), hao(DEMAND+LOW), hpcnof(DEMAND+LOW), hplabs(DEMAND), hoptoad(EVENING), ihnp4(DEMAND), isieng(DEMAND), linus(DEMAND+LOW), masscomp(DEMAND), mit-eddie(DEMAND), moss(DEMAND), philabs(DEMAND), princeton(DEMAND), pur-ee(EVENING), qantel(DEMAND), research(DEMAND), rlgvax(DEMAND), sdcsvax(DEMAND), sequel(WEEKLY/2), tektronix(DEMAND+LOW), uf-cgrl(WEEKLY/2), uiucdcs(DEMAND+HIGH), unmvax(DEMAND), usenix(DEMAND), ut-ngp(DEMAND+2*LOW), ut-sally(DEMAND) #N gitft #S Fortune 32:16 #O Software Test and Evaluation Project #C Jeff Offutt #E gatech!ofut #T +1 404 894 6266 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Gitft supports the Software Test and Evaluation Project #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gitft gatech(DIRECT) gitft = gt-ft #N gitpyr #S Pyramid 90x; OSx 2.5 #O Office of Computing Services, Georgia Institute of Technology #C Don Deal #E gitpyr!don #T +1 404 894 6160 #P OCS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0275 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Instructional support. #U gatech gt-stratus #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Sun Mar 30 15:57:39 EST 1986 # gitpyr GTNET, gtfelix(DEDICATED) gitpyr = gt-pyr #N gt-blitzen #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-blitzen GT3BNET #N gt-cirrus #S Vax 11/750; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O The Clouds Project #C Ray Chen #E gt-cirrus!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6170 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Clouds test machine; often unavailable #U #W gt-stratus!chen (Ray Chen); Sat May 24 19:26:18 EDT 1986 # gt-cirrus GTNET gt-cirrus = cirrus #N gt-cmmsr #S Vax 11/780; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O Center for Man/Machine Systems Res., School of Ind. and Systems Eng. #C Richard Robison #E gt-cmmsr!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6221 #P School of ISyE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #U gatech #W gt-cmmsr!rr (Richard Robison); Wed Apr 12 16:39:37 EST 1986 # gt-cmmsr gatech(DIRECT), gt-stratus(DIRECT), gtisye(DEDICATED) #N gtisye #S ATT 3B2; System V Unix #O Center for Man/Machine Systems Res., School of Ind. and Systems Eng. #C Richard Robison #E gt-cmmsr!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6221 #P School of ISyE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #W gt-cmmsr!rr (Richard Robison); Wed Apr 12 16:39:37 EST 1986 # GTMMS-ETHER = @{gtisye, gtmms2, gtmms3, gtmms4}(LOCAL) gtisye = gt-isye # gtisye gt-cmmsr(DEDICATED), GTMMS-ETHER #N gtmms2 #S ATT 3B2; System V Unix #O Center for Man/Machine Systems Res., School of Ind. and Systems Eng. #C Richard Robison #E gt-cmmsr!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6221 #P School of ISyE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #W gt-cmmsr!rr (Richard Robison); Wed Apr 12 16:39:37 EST 1986 # gtmms2 GTMMS-ETHER #N gtmms3 #S ATT 3B2; System V Unix #O Center for Man/Machine Systems Res., School of Ind. and Systems Eng. #C Richard Robison #E gt-cmmsr!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6221 #P School of ISyE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #W gt-cmmsr!rr (Richard Robison); Wed Apr 12 16:39:37 EST 1986 # gtmms3 GTMMS-ETHER #N gtmms4 #S ATT 3B2; System V Unix #O Center for Man/Machine Systems Res., School of Ind. and Systems Eng. #C Richard Robison #E gt-cmmsr!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6221 #P School of ISyE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #W gt-cmmsr!rr (Richard Robison); Wed Apr 12 16:39:37 EST 1986 # gtmms4 GTMMS-ETHER #N gt-comet #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-comet GT3BNET #N gt-cupid #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-cupid GT3BNET #N gt-dancer #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-dancer GT3BNET #N gt-dasher #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-dasher GT3BNET #N gt-donner #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-donner GT3BNET #N gtfelix #S AT&T 3B20S; AT&T Sys V 2.0V2 #O Office of Computing Services, Georgia Institute of Technology #C Don Deal #E gitpyr!don #T +1 404 894 6160 #P OCS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0275 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Instructional support. #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Sun Mar 30 15:55:31 EST 1986 # gtfelix gitpyr(DEDICATED), gtoscar(DEDICATED), GT3BNET gtfelix = gt-felix #N gt-fido #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, ICS Lab #C Mark Johnson, Carter Bullard #E gatech!mark gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R #U gatech #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-fido GT3BNET #N gt-flux #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, OCS Systems Programming #C Don Deal #E gitpyr!don #T +1 404 894 6160 #P Office of Computing Services, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0275 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Thu Jan 2 18:14:59 EST 1986 # gt-flux GT3BNET #N gt-oak #S Masscomp 5600; RTU 3.0 (System V + 4.2BSD) #O Ga Tech School of Mathematics, Skiles Building #C Henry Strickland #E gatech!strick #T +1 404 894 6170 #P Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 #L 33 46 33 N / 84 23 42 W #R Iterated function systems and fractal interpolation research #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Sat May 17 12:27:06 EDT 1986 # gt-oak gatech(HOURLY*2), gt-pine(LOCAL), gt-ginko(LOCAL) #N gt-neon #S AT&T 3B2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, OCS Data Processing #C Robert Viduya #E gitpyr!robert #T +1 404 894 4660 #P Office of Computing Services, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R #U #W gitpyr!robert (Robert Viduya); Thu Jan 2 14:48:00 EST 1986 # gt-neon GT3BNET #N gt-nimbus #S Vax 11/750; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O The Clouds Project #C Ray Chen #E gt-nimbus!postmaster #T +1 404 894 61670 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Clouds test machine #U #W gt-stratus!chen (Ray Chen); Sat May 24 19:26:18 EDT 1986 # gt-nimbus GTNET gt-nimbus = nimbus #N gtoscar #S AT&T 3B20S; AT&T Sys V 2.0V2 #O Office of Computing Services, Georgia Institute of Technology #C Don Deal #E gitpyr!don #T +1 404 894 6160 #P OCS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0275 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Instructional support. #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Sun Mar 30 15:56:08 EST 1986 # gtoscar gatech(DEDICATED), gtfelix(DEDICATED), GT3BNET gtoscar = gt-oscar #N gt-prancer #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-prancer GT3BNET #N gt-rudolph #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-rudolph GT3BNET #N gt-santa #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-santa GT3BNET #N gt-stratus #S Vax 11/750; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O The Clouds Project #C Ray Chen, Partha Dasgupta #E gt-stratus!postmaster #T +1 404 894 6170 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R Clouds development machine #U gatech gitpyr #W gt-stratus!chen (Ray Chen); Sat May 24 19:26:18 EDT 1986 # gt-stratus akgua(DEMAND+HIGH), gtss(DEMAND), emory(DEMAND), emoryu1(DEMAND), msdc(HOURLY), gt-cmmsr(DEAD), seismo(DEMAND+LOW), sunatl(EVENING), GTNET gt-stratus = stratus #N gt-vixen #S AT&T 3b2/300; System V #O Georgia Tech, School of ICS #C Carter Bullard #E gatech!carter #T +1 404 894 2746 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #R General instruction and research use #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 08:53:56 EST 1986 # gt-vixen GT3BNET #N gt-yak #S AT&T 3B2; System V #O Ga Tech Micro Users Group, Rich Building #C Henry Strickland #E gatech!strick #T +1 404 894 6170 #P Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 #L 33 46 33 N / 84 23 42 W #R #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Sun Mar 30 15:56:38 EST 1986 # gt-yak gtoscar(LOCAL) #N gtcal #S Microvax II; Ultrix 1.1 #O Georgia Tech Computer Architecture Lab #C Cecil Alford #E gtcal!root #T +1 404 894 2527 #P School of EE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #W gatech!mark (Mark Johnson); Thu Jan 30 08:34:36 EST 1986 # gtcal gatech(DIRECT) gtcal = gt-cal #N gt-eedsp #S Vax 11/780; 4.2 BSD/BRL Unix #O School of Electrical Engineering #C Deborah Jackson #E gteedsp!deb #T +1 404 894 3058 #P School of EE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 30 N #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Fri Feb 7 00:29:06 EST 1986 # gt-eedsp gatech(DIRECT), gt-cmmsr(DIRECT), emoryu1(DIRECT), emoryu2(DIRECT) gt-eedsp = gteedsp #N gtqo #S SUN 120; 4.2bsd #O School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology #C Tony Yu, Rajarshi Roy #E gtqo!tony gtqo!raj #T +1 404 894 5265 +1 404 894 5265 #P School of Physics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 33 N #R quantum optics research #U #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Mon Sep 2 15:06:26 EDT 1985 # gtqo gtss(LOCAL) gtqo = gt-qo #N gtss #S SUN 170; 4.2bsd #O School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology #C Charles Cleveland, Uzi Landman #E gtss!chas gtss!uzi #T +1 404 894 5219 +1 404 894 3368 #P School of Physics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332 #L 84 23 43 W / 33 46 33 N #R Surface science and solid state research emphasizing computer #R simulations of microscopic properties of materials. #U gatech #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Mon Sep 2 15:08:15 EDT 1985 # gtss gatech(DIRECT), gtqo(LOCAL), akgua(DIRECT+HIGH) gtss = gt-ss #N holos0 #S CT Mini SYSVR2 #O Holos Corporation #C Frank Glass #E holos0!fsg #T +1 404 496 1358 #P 3469 Lawrenceville Highway #302, Tucker, GA 30084 #L 84 16 W / 34 50 N #R company provides communication software, machine type varies #U beetek #W holos0!fsg (Frank Glass); Wed May 21 11:52:46 EDT 1986 # holos0 akgua(DIRECT), beetek(EVENING) #N itcatl #S MicroVAX II; ULTRIX (4.2 BSD) #O Interactive Technology Corporation #C Robin Cutshaw #E gatech!itcatl!robin #T +1 404 261-1264 #P 3340 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30026 #U gatech #W gatech!robin (Robin Cutshaw); Thu Jan 2 12:00:00 EST 1986 # itcatl gatech(DIRECT), akgua(DIRECT) #N itm #S Perkin-Elmer 3210; System V Unix #O In Touch Ministries #C Brent Laminack #E itm!brent #T +1 404 881 0550 #P In Touch, Box 7900, Atlanta, GA 30357 #L 33 46 31 N / 84 23 40 W #R Database and mailing list machine, mail processing #U fba gatech #W itm!brent (Brent Laminack); Tue Oct 1 15:09:23 EDT 1985 # itm gatech(DIRECT), akgua(DIRECT+HIGH), fba(DIRECT), msdc(DAILY/4), #N msdc #S Onyx C8002; Sys. III by Onyx #O Medical Systems Development Corp. #C Paul Manno #E msdc!paul #T +1 404 589 3368 #P P.O. Box 26022, Atlanta, GA 30335 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R #U akgub gatech gt-stratus #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Mon Apr 7 08:53:57 EST 1986 # msdc akgua(DIRECT+2*HIGH), akgub(DIRECT), akguc(DIRECT), emory(DIRECT), gatech(DIRECT+HIGH), gt-stratus(DEMAND), ihnp4(DEMAND), itm(DIRECT), mcnc(DEMAND), ncsu(DEMAND), sb1(DIRECT), usenix(DEMAND) #N pid #S Fortune 32:16; For:Pro (System III + 4.1) #O Process & Instrumentation Design, Inc. #C Philip W. Dalrymple #E pid!pwd #T +1 404 529 1572 #P 1400 Marietta Pkwy. Suite 101, Marietta GA 30067 #L 33 56 30 N / 84 31 00 W #R akgub is our news feed but is not a good link for mail #U akgub #W pid!pwd (P. W. Dalrymple); Sun Jan 26 13:32:25 EST 1986 # pid akgua(DIRECT), sdba(HOURLY/6), akgub(DIRECT+LOW*100), neverma(HOURLY*24),gatech(DIRECT+LOW*2) #N plxatl #S Plexus P/60; Plexus UNIX Sys5r2 #O PLEXUS Computers, Inc. #C Phill Schiller #E plxatl!madmin #T +1 312 627 5300 #P 2310 Parklake Drive; ste 300; Atlanta, GA 30345 #L #R #U #W plx!joey (Joseph Yetter); Mon Nov 18 17:10:00 PST 1985 # plxatl plx(DEMAND) #N rebel #S Tolerant Eternity; TX 4.1.3 Unix #O Tolerant Systems - Atlanta #C George M. Sipe #E rebel!george #T +1 404 662 1509 #P 6961 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross, GA, 30071 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R Sales and support office for southeastern US #U #W rebel!george (George M. Sipe); Wed Dec 25 15:00:00 EST 1985 # rebel akgua(DIRECT), gatech(DIRECT) #N sb1 #S #O Southern Bell #C Jack Allen #E sb1!jca #T (404) 529-0911, (404) 876-1055 (answering service) #P SU609, 675 W. Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30375 #L 33 45 N / 84 23 W #R #W #U sb6 scbhq akgua # sb1 akgua(DEMAND), allegra(DEMAND), batch(DEMAND), bpa(DEMAND), burl(DEMAND), cp1(DEMAND), csscc(DEMAND), cylixb(DEMAND), eagle(DEMAND), emory(DEMAND), fluke(DEMAND), gatech(DEMAND), harpo(DEMAND), ib(DEMAND), ihnp4(DEMAND), ll1(DEMAND), ll1b(DEMAND), mb1(DEMAND), mb2c(DEMAND), mhtrsc(DEMAND), msdc(POLLED), pcas(DEMAND), physics(DEMAND), pn2(DEMAND), pt02(DEMAND), purdue(DEMAND), pyuxp(DEMAND), research(DEAD), sb6(DEMAND), sb8(DEMAND), scbhq(DEMAND), stlmmoc(DEMAND), tars(DEMAND), uf-cgrl(DEMAND), wbux5(DEMAND), whuxca(DEMAND) #N sb6 #S #O Southern Bell T & T #C Jack Allen #E sb6!jca #T (404) 529-0911, (404) 876-1055 (answering service) #P SU609, 675 W. Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30375 #L 33 45 N / 84 23 W #R #W #U sb1 bpa # sb6 akgua(DEMAND), allegra(DEMAND), batch(DEMAND), bpa(DEMAND), burl(DEMAND), cp1(DEMAND), csscc(DEMAND), cylisb(DEMAND), eagle(DEMAND), emory(DEMAND), fluke(DEMAND), gatech(DEMAND), harpo(DEMAND), ib(DEMAND), ihnp4(DEMAND), ll1(DEMAND), ll1b(DEMAND), mb1(DEMAND), mb2c(DEMAND), mhtsc(DEMAND), pcas(DEMAND), physics(DEMAND), pn2(DEMAND), pt02(DEMAND), purdue(DEMAND), pwbp(DEMAND), pwbqq(DEMAND), pyuxp(DEMAND), research(DEAD), sb1(DEMAND), sb8(DEMAND), scbhq(DEMAND), swb(DEMAND), stlmmoc(DEMAND), tars(DEMAND), uf-cgrl(DEMAND), unixlmos(DEMAND), wbux5(DEMAND), wec05(DEMAND), whuxca(DEMAND) #N sdba #S Fortune 32:16 #O S. D. Brown & Associates #C Stan Brown #E sdba!stan #T +1 404 299-2225 #P P.O. Box 450268, Atlanta Ga. 30080 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Tue Jan 14 09:10:06 EST 1986 # sdba pid(DIRECT) #N skeeve #S AT&T 3B1; System V Release 1, Unix/PC version 3.0 #O Arnold Robbins' home computer #C Arnold D. Robbins #E gatech!skeeve!arnold #T +1 404 636-7221 #P 1315 Kittredge Court N.E., Atlanta GA 30329-3539 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R Not getting news, yet, but will be soon #U #W skeeve!arnold (Arnold D. Robbins); Fri May 9 08:45:05 EDT 1986 # skeeve emoryu1(DIRECT), emory(DIRECT), gatech(DIRECT), gt-eedsp(HOURLY*3) #N sti3b2 #S AT&T 3b2/400; System V #O Georgia Tech, ENSTINET Project #C Ted Hope #E gatech!hope #T +1 404 894 3077 #P School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 #L 84 23 41 W / 33 46 31 N #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Thu Jan 9 12:42:28 EST 1986 # sti3b2 gatech(DIRECT) #N sunatl #S Sun 2-120; 4.2 BSD Unix #O Sun Microsystems, Inc. #C Tony Vincent #E sunatl!tony #T +1 404 993 4388 #P 8302 Dunwoody Pl. #320, Atlanta, Ga. 30338 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R #U akgub #W gatech!spaf (Gene Spafford); Sat Feb 1 13:44:44 EST 1986 # sunatl akgua(DIRECT+HIGH), gatech(DIRECT), asma(DIRECT), emory(DIRECT), sun(DEMAND), csd-gould(HOURLY), akgub(DIRECT), gt-stratus(DAILY) #N sysd #S Onyx/Unix System III #O Army Institute for Research in Management Information and Computer Science (AIRMICS) #C Cpt. Larry Frank #E gatech!sysd!frank #T (404) 894-3136 #P AIRMICS, O'Keefe Bldg, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332 #L 33 46 N / 84 23 W #R Development, Office Automation, Research, Mail #U #W Steven Goldberg, 11/29/84 # sysd gatech(HOURLY) #N tridom #S Pyramid 90x; Osx 2.5 #O Tridom Corporation #C John Yakemovic #E tridom!usa #T +1 404 426 4261 #P 840E Franklin Court, Marietta, Georgia, USA, 30067 #L 33 13 91 W / 84 7 5 N #U #W tridom!usa (John Yakemovic); Tue Oct 1 011:55:00 EDT 1985 # tridom akgua(DAILY/4) #N vctvax #S VAX 11/750; 4.1bsd #O Voice Computer Technologies, Inc. (VCT) #C William H. Cloward , Thomas H. Ward #E vctvax!bill , vctvax!tom #T +1 404 441 2303 x104 , +1 404 441 2303 x108 #P 5730 Oakbrook Parkway, Suite 175, Norcross, Georgia 30093 #W vctvax!bill (William H. Cloward); Sat Jan 4 11:57:56 EST 1986 # vctvax gatech(DIRECT) #N yerkes #S Heurikon minibox; System V UniPlus+ #O Neuropsychophysics laboratory, Yerkes Primate Center #C Ronald G. Boothe #E emory!emoryu1!yerkes!boothe #T +1 404 727-7793 #P Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R #W emoryu1!osadr (Arnold D. Robbins); Wed Mar 19 12:10:51 EST 1986 # yerkes emoryu1(DIRECT) #N yerkmain #S PDP-11/73; Unix System III #O Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, Emory University #C Robin S. Levine #E emory!emoryu1!yerkmain!robin #T +1 404 727-7749 #P 954 Gatewood Rd.; Atlanta, Georgia 30332 #L 82 23 37 W / 33 45 10 N city #R #W yerkmain!robin (Robin S. Levine); Fri Apr 25 11:34:40 EST 1986 # yerkmain emoryu1(DIRECT), yerkes(DIRECT)