#N apr #S ISI Optimum #O Advanced Programming Resources, Inc. #C John D. Daleske #E apr!daleske #T (614) 888-3968 #P 6800 N. High St., Worthington, OH 43085 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U osu-eddie mcrware # apr cbosgd(DEMAND), osu-eddie(DEMAND), cbnap(DEMAND), cbneb(DEMAND), mcrware(DAILY) #N bgsuvax #S #O Bowling Green State Univ., Computer Services/Math Science Bldg. #C Steve Herber #E osu-eddie!bgsuvax!herber #T (419) 372-2102 #P Bowling Green, OH 43403 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U osu-eddie # bgsuvax osu-eddie(DEMAND) #N caribou #S #O Caribou Labs, Caribou Information Network #C Larry Sturtz #E cbosgd!caribou!usenet #T (614) 436-0050 #P 5303 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U osu-eddie # caribou cbosgd(DEMAND) #N cdcvax #S #O Community Dialysis Center #C Dr. Blaine T. Garfolo #E decvax!cwruecmp!cdcvax!btg #T (216) 229-1100 #P 11717 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106 #L 41 30 N / 81 41 W city #R #W #U cwruecmp # cdcvax cwruecmp(DAILY), medman(DAILY) #N cincy #S DEC PDP 11/23 #O University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. #C Jim Reuter #E #T (513) 475-3025 #P Mail Loc. 30, Cincinnati, OH 45221 #L 39 06 N / 84 31 W city #R was connected in through dead machine ncrday, assumed dead #U #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 # #N crdnl #S Mascomp MC500 #O Cardinal Information Systems #C Ken Brown #E cbosgd!crdnl!ken #T (513) 435-4653 (evening) #P PO Box 97, Dayton, OH 45449 #L #R #U #W cbosgd!mark 6/6/85 # crdnl cbosgd(DEMAND) #N cwruecmp #S DEC VAX 11/780; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Case Western Reserve U. Comp. Eng. Dept. #C Ed Rynes #E cwruecmp!postmaster #T +1 216 368 6471 #P 10900 Euclid, Cleveland, OH 44106 #L 081 36 35 W / 41 30 15 N #R also called case on csnet. (note: milo became abic on 12/10/85) #U decvax eyelab hal neoucom endot zhmti abic nitrex rexago1 #W cwruecmp!rynes (Ed Rynes) ; Mon Dec 30 10:59:48 EST 1985 # cwruecmp decvax(DAILY/4), endot(DAILY/2), neoucom(DAILY), eyelab(DAILY), ncrday(DEAD), hal(DAILY/4), ncoast(DAILY), zhmti(DAILY/2), abic(DAILY/4), rexago1(DAILY), happy(DAILY), nitrex(DAILY/4), cbosgd(DEAD) #N cwrunix #S #O Case Western Reserve University, A.R. Jennings Computer Center #C Jeff Gumpf #E cwruecmp!cwrunix!gumpf #T (216) 368-2982 #P University Circle, Cleveland, OH 44106 #L 41 30 N / 81 41 W city #R #U #W # cwrunix cwruecmp(DAILY) #N hal #S #O Case Western Reserve Univ., School of Medicine #C Blaine Garfolo, Ed Rynes #E decvax!cwruecmp!hal!btg, decvax!cwruecmp!hal!emr #T (216) 368-3195 #P Cleveland, OH 44106 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U cwruecmp # hal cwruecmp(DIRECT), cdcvax(DIRECT) #N happy #S AT&T 3B2, UNIX System V Release 2 Version 2 #O CWRU PC Lab #C Carl Fongheiser #E ...!decvax!cwruecmp!happy!cmf #T (216) 368-5066 #P 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106 #L 081 36 35 W / 41 30 15 N #R #U cwruecmp #W cwruecmp!happy!cmf; 29-Oct-85 18:10 EST # happy cwruecmp(DAILY),grumpy(LOCAL), dopey(LOCAL),sleepy(LOCAL) #N hasmed #S #O Hamilton's H.A.S. #C Bob Hamilton #E hasmed!bob #T (513) 923-3300 #P 6225 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45239 #L #R #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 #U ukma snapp1 # hasmed ukma(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND), snapp1(DEMAND) #N kentcbs #S Zilog Model 32 - ZEUS (Unix System III) #O KSU Campus Bus Service #C Bob Gaydos #E kentvax!kentcbs!bgaydos #T (216) 672-2712 #P Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 #L 41 09 0 N / 81 20 15 W #R Campus Bus Service administration and transit research #U #W # kentcbs kentvax(DEMAND) #N kentmath #S VAX-11/750 - Unix 4.2BSD #O KSU Math Sciences Department #C Craig Mohrman #E kentvax!craigm #T (216) 672-3318 #P Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 #L 41 09 00 N / 81 20 15 W #R Undergraduate Classwork #U #W # kentmath kentvax(LOCAL) #N kentonyx #S Onyx C8002 - System III #O KSU Math Sciences Department #C Craig Mohrman #E kentvax!craigm #T (216) 672-3318 #P Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 #L 41 09 00 N / 81 20 15 W #R Undergraduate Classwork #U #W # kentonyx kentvax(DAILY/2) #N kentvax #S VAX-11/780 - Unix 4.2BSD #O KSU Math Sciences Department #C Craig Mohrman #E kentvax!craigm #T (216) 672-3318 #P Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 #L 41 09 00 N / 81 20 15 W #R Primarily a research machine #U #W # kentvax ucbvax(DAILY), kentcbs(HOURLY), kentmath(LOCAL), kentonyx(DEMAND) #N mddc #S #O Management Decisions Development Corp. #C Chris Maloney #E cbosgd!mddc!chris #T (513) 874-6464 #P 7209 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, OH 45014 #L 39 20 N / 84 33 W city #R #U #W # mddc cbosgd(DAILY), qusavx(DAILY) #N medman #S #O Case Western Reserve University, Department of Neurology #C Todd Troost #E decvax!cwruecmp!medman!btt #T (216) 444-3190 #P University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH 44106 #L 41 30 N / 81 41 W city #R #W #U cwruecmp # medman cdcvax(DAILY), cwruecmp(DAILY) #N ncoast #S Plexus P-60; sys3 #O North Coast Computer Resources #C Richard H. Garrett #E ncoast!postmaster #T +1 216 631 4335 #P 633 Huron Rd, Cleveland, Oh 44115 #L 081 45 W / 41 30 N #R uucp +1 216 781 6201 #U tdi2 win1 hal9000 sir-alan #W ncoast!smith (Phil Smith) ; Thu Feb 6 03:59:47 EST 1986 # ncoast cwruecmp(DIRECT), hal(DAILY), hal9000(DAILY/2), tdi2(DAILY/2), m-net(WEEKLY), mit-eddie(WEEKLY), sir-alan(WEEKLY), ukma(DEAD) #N neoucom #S #O Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine #C John Blair, Karen Brewer #E cbosgd!neoucom!johnb #T (216) 325-2511 #P POB 95, Rootstown, OH 44272 #L 41 06 N / 81 15 W city #R #W jett!bill 8/4/84 #U cbosgd cwruecmp # neoucom allegra(EVENING), princeton(EVENING), astrovax(EVENING), cbosgd(EVENING) #N nitrex #S Convergent Technologies MegaFrame w/System V clone #O The Standard Oil Company aka Sohio #C Rob Robertson #E decvax!cwruecmp!nitrex!rob #T (216) 581-5852 #P 4440 Warrensville Centre Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44112 #L 41 30 N / 81 41 W city #R #U cwruecmp #W fluke!schuh (Mike Schuh); Tue Oct 1 04:05:53 GMT 1985 # nitrex cwruecmp(LOCAL) #N osu-eddie #S VAX-11/780; UNIX 4.2BSD #O The Ohio State University, Computer Science Dept. #C Mark Verber #E osu-eddie!verber #T (614) 422-0915 #P Computer Science Dept, 2036 Neil Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43210 #L 39.59 N / 83.03 W #R CSNet/X.25Net Host (Internet address #R This machine is the mail/news gateway for OSU #W Verber (14-Apr-86); Thu Apr 17 18:59:07 PST 1986 # # This machine is used by faculty and grad-students of the CIS Deptartment # for research in programming environments, CAD/CAM, robotics, operating # systems design, graphics, and artificial intelligence. It is the # news gateway for the Ohio State University and most of Columbus. # # USENET cbosgd osu-cgrg apr bgsuvax osu-pyr sppy00 # ###### Ohio State University Hosts ###### ###### Computer Science Department ###### osu-cis-ether = {osu-eddie, osu-20}(LOCAL) osu-cis-suns = {osu-eddie, osu-zaphod, osu-ford, osu-arthur}(LOCAL) # HP Graphics machines osu-eddie osu-ram(DEDICATED), osu-sita(DEDICATED) # ###### Computer Graphics Research ###### osu-eddie osu-cgrg(DEDICATED) private {osu-cgrg-ether} #osu-cgrg-ether {osu-cgrg, rob, chip, ernie, ruffles, bimbo} # ###### Statistics/Math Department ###### osu-eddie osu-pyr(DEDICATED) # ###### Electrical Engineering ###### # osu-eddie ee-vlsi(LOCAL) # ###### Somewhere on campus ###### osu-eddie osu_agvax(DIRECT), osu-olr(WEEKLY), osugrad(DAILY) # ###### Important Gateways ###### # local gateway to AT&T and news osu-eddie cbosgd(DIRECT+HIGH) # ###### Outside News Connections ###### osu-eddie apr(DIRECT), bgsuvax(DAILY/4), sppy00(DIRECT) # ###### Other Sites of No Great Significance ###### osu-eddie cbosg(DIRECT+LOW), cbrma(DIRECT), cbrmb(DIRECT+LOW), ihnp4(WEEKLY), oucs(DEAD), tipnis(DEAD), copi(EVENING), morningstar(DEAD), aktech(DIRECT) # osu-eddie intelisc(DAILY/2) # # # talk to via IP/uucp (doesn't work at the moment) # #osu-eddie topaz(DEMAND+LOW), caip(DEMAND+LOW) #N oucs #S DEC PDP-11/70; System V Release 2 #O Ohio University Computer Science Department #C Tim Thompson #E oucs!mailman #T +1 614 594 5486, +1 614 594 5438 #P 423 Morton Hall, Athens, Ohio 45701 #L 082 05 49 W / 39 19 27 N #R #U #W oucs!tim (Timothy G. Thompson); Tue Jan 21 11:42:45 EST 1986 # oucs amc1(DAILY/2), bgsuvax(DAILY/2), cbdkc1(DEMAND), cbosgd(DEMAND), cuuxb(DAILY/2), osu-eddie(EVENING) #N qusavx #S VAX 11/750 4.1BSD. #O Quantime Corporation #C Brian Atkinson #E qusavx!brian #T (513) 563-8800 #P 4010 Executive Park Dr., Suite 226, Cincinnati, OH 45241 #L 39 06 N / 84 31 W city #R #W brian 5/5/84 #U ukma # qusavx cbosgd(DEMAND), decvax(DEMAND), isrnix(DAILY), mddc(DIRECT), qtlon(DIRECT), ukc(DAILY), vax135(DAILY), lhavax(DAILY), field(DAILY), advax(DAILY), monvax(DAILY) #N snapp1 #S #O #C #E #T #P #L #R last edited 10/31/84 #W cbosgd!mark 5/11/85 (from Usenet map) #U hasmed # snapp1 hasmed(EVENING)