# Usa.wa #N amc #S DEC Vax 11/750; 4.2bsd #O Applied Microsystems Corporation #C Eric McRae #E amc!postmaster #T +1 206 882 2000 #P 5020 148th Avenue N.E.; Redmond, WA 98052 #L 47 42 N / 122 8 W #R USPS: P.O. Box C-1002; Redmond, WA 98073-1002 #W amc!eric (Eric McRae); Wed Aug 28 20:20:54 PDT 1985 #U tikal # amc tikal(DIRECT), npcvax(EVENING), ssc(DIRECT), mtxinu(WEEKLY) #N apl-uw #S #O #C #E apl-uw!root #T #P #L #R #W # apl-uw uw-beaver(DAILY) #N arrakis #S Motorola VME/10 running System V Unix #O Motorola New Enterprises #C Brian L. Matthews #E arrakis!hlm #T (206) 251-6098 #P 19115 W. Valley Hwy., Suite H-104, Kent, WA 98032 #L 122 14 53 W / 47 25 52 N #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/29/85, 851103 rsk # arrakis cxsea(HOURLY) #N bcsaic #S Dec VAX 780, running Ultrix #O Boeing Computer Services AI Center #C Randy Groves, Stuart Stern #E bcsaic!randy #T (206) 763-5393 #P P.O. Box 24346, M/S 7A-03, Seattle, WA 98124 #L 122 7 W / 47 36 N #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/28/85, 851103 rsk # bcsaic ssc-vax(HOURLY*3), uw-june(HOURLY) #N butler #S Vax 11/750, 4.2bsd #O Butler Manufacturing, Controls Division #C David Chinn #E butler!chinn #T (206) 823-7100 #P 11825 120th Avenue, N.E/P.O. Box 2249; Kirkland, WA 98083 #L 47 42 N / 122 8 W #R #W David Chinn 10/01/85 # butler dataio(POLLED) #N camco #S Tandy 16a/6000; Xenix 3.0 #O Consultant & Seattle Unix User's Group (Slug) #C Bill Campbell #E camco!bill #T +1 206 232 4164 #P 6641 East Mercer Way; Mercer Island, Wa. 98040 #L #R #U #W camco!bill (Bill Campbell); Thu Jan 2 08:25:22 PST 1986 # camco ssc(DIRECT), tikal(DIRECT), moss-bay(DIRECT), boris(DIRECT), hpubvwa(DIRECT), uw-osman(DAILY), seautx(DIRECT) #N cholula #S Pyramid 90x 4.2bsd/System V #O Teltone Corporation #C Tim Rosmus #E ...uw-beaver!tikal!tim #T (206) 827-9629 #P 10801 120th Ave. N.E., Kirkland, WA, 98033 #L 47 42 N / 122 8 W #R Last Edited 5/1/85 #W Tim Rosmus 3/18/85 # cholula persci(HOURLY), mot-wa(HOURLY*3) #N cxsea #S Exor MACS running System V Unix #O Motorola New Enterprises #C Brian L. Matthews #E arrakis!blm #T (206) 251-6098 #P 19115 W. Valley Hwy., Suite H-104, Kent, WA 98032 #L 122 14 53 W / 47 25 52 N #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/29/85, 851103 rsk # cxsea ssc-vax(DAILY), arrakis(HOURLY), tleilax(HOURLY) #N dataio #S DEC Vax-11/750; 4.2BSD UNIX #O FutureNet--a Data I/O Company Redmond WA Division #C Rick Braman #E dataio!braman #T +1 206 881 6444 ext 556 #P 10525 Willows Rd N.E./P.O. Box 97046; Redmond, WA 98073 #L 47 40 N / 122 07 W city #R #U butler pilchuck #W dataio!braman (Rick Braman) Fri Feb 21 09:47:29 PST 1986 # dataio butler(DEMAND), btlunix(EVENING), entropy(DEMAND), pilchuck(DEMAND), mtxinu(DEMAND), purdue(EVENING), sdcrdcf(EVENING), teltone(DEMAND), tikal(DEMAND), unisoft(EVENING) #N entropy #S DEC Vax-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Univ. of Washington, Math/Stat, Seattle, Washington USA #C Steve Hubert #E entropy!postmaster #T +1 206 545 2303 #P Department of Statistics, Mail Stop GN-22, Seattle, WA 98195 #L 122 20 W / 47 36 N city #R #U dataio uw-june #W entropy!hubert (Steve Hubert); Fri Aug 9 17:30:00 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # entropy apl-uw(DIRECT), dataio(DIRECT), hilbert(DEDICATED), uw-june(DEDICATED+LOW), uw-beaver(DEDICATED+HIGH) # apl-uw entropy(DIRECT) uw-june entropy(DEDICATED) uw-beaver entropy(DEDICATED) #N fluke #S DEC VAX-11/780; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. #C Paul Lutt #E fluke!usenet #T +1 206 356 5059 #P M/S 223-B, P.O. Box C9090, Everett, WA 98206 #L 122 14 W / 47 59 N city #R #U microsoft ssc-vax wavetek #W fluke!pwl (Paul Lutt); Wed Sep 4 14:18:45 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # fluke hplsla(DIRECT), microsoft(DIRECT), ssc-vax(DIRECT), sunup(DIRECT), telematic(DIRECT), tikal(DIRECT), uw-beaver(DIRECT), uw-vlsi(DIRECT), lbl-csam(DEMAND-20), sb1(DEMAND), sb6(DEMAND), sun(DEMAND), allegra(DEMAND*2), cae780(DEMAND*3), wavetek(EVENING), mcrware(WEEKLY/2), physio(DEAD) # # Fluke has a local-area network of VAXen and SUNs who cooperate to hide # their individuality from the rest of the world. In general, the # world only needs to know the name "fluke" to reach anyone on the # engineering network. # # #fluke = @{vax1, vax2, vax3, vax4, # tpvax, cadvax, evtmis1, # as-jkp, as-bhaskar, cal-dbb, com-jody, com-mike, cp-ed, cp-kelpie, # cp-waynew, cp-wright, dsp-bezold, dsp-kurt, dsp-meg, icarus, # imac-mfg0, imac-mfg1, ip-pwv, sp-fudd, sys-kac, tc-bobt, tc-corey, # tc-deb, tc-fletch, tc-jeff, tc-norm, tc-public, tc-pwl, tc-server0, # tc-server1, tc-tom}(LOCAL) # # All of the above communicate over a 10Mbit Ethernet and are configured: # vax[1234] are VAX-11/780s running 4.2 BSD UNIX # tpvax is a VAX-11/750 running 4.2 BSD UNIX # cadvax is a VAX-11/780 running VMS using ACCESS TCP/IP # evtmis1 is an IBM 4381 running VM/SP using WISCNET TCP/IP # as-*, cal-*, com-*, cp-*, dsp-*, icarus, imac-*, ip-*, sp-*, sys-*, # and tc-* are SUN 2s running UNIX 4.2 SUN Release 2.0 # #N gasv #S Plexus P/35, Unix System III (Plexus Sys3) #O Gasboy Development #C Melinda A. McBride #E gasv!mac #T 821-5030 #P 12525 Willows Rd., Kirkland, WA 98033 #L 122 10 W / 47 40 N #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/29/85, 851103 rsk # gasv ssc(DEMAND) #N hilbert #S DEC Vax-11/785; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Univ. of Washington, Math/Stat/CSci, Seattle, Washington USA #C Steve Hubert #E entropy!postmaster #T +1 206 545 2303 #P Department of Statistics, Mail Stop GN-22, Seattle, WA 98195 #L 122 20 W / 47 36 N city #R #U #W entropy!hubert (Steve Hubert); Fri Aug 9 17:30:00 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # hilbert entropy(DEDICATED), uw-june(DEDICATED+LOW), uw-beaver(DEDICATED+HIGH) # uw-june hilbert(DEDICATED) uw-beaver hilbert(DEDICATED) #N hplsla #S HP9000 S200; HP-UX 5.0 #O Hewlett-Packard Lake Stevens Instrument Division #C Bob Kunz #E hplsla!bobk #T +1 206 335 2135 #P 8600 Soper Hill Rd, Everett, Wa. USA 98205-1298 #L 48 02 N / 122 07 W #R news to notes gateway #U tikal hpspkla hpvcla hp2410 #W hplsla!bobk (Bob Kunz); Fri Aug 30 13:51:20 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # hplsla fluke(DIRECT), hp-pcd(DIRECT+5), hp2410(DEMAND), hpisla(DIRECT+5), hpislb(DIRECT+10), hplvla(DIRECT+5), hpscda(DIRECT+5), hpspkla(DIRECT+5), hpvcla(DIRECT+5), tikal(DEMAND) #N hpubvwa #S HP9050; HP-UX 5.0 #O Hewlett-Packard Sales Office #C Eldon Brown #E hplabs!hpfcla!hpfcse!hpbvwa!eldon #T (206) 643-8822 #P P.O. Box C-156, Bellevue, WA 98009-0156 #L 122 09 01 W / 47 34 40 N #U hplsla #W hpubvwa!eldon (Eldon Brown); Mon Jan 13 13:48:46 PST 1986 # hpubvwa hplsla(DAILY),hpfcse(DAILY), ssc-vax(DEMAND),camco(DEMAND) #N hpvcla #S Hewlett-Packard HP9000 Series 200 HP-UX #O Hewlett-Packard Vancouver Division #C Dave Allen #E hpvcla!davea #T (206) 254-8110 #P Hewlett-Packard,P.O. Box C-006,Vancouver,WA 98668 #L #R #U hplsla #W Dave Allen 6-26-85, 851103 rsk # hpvcla hp-pcd(DEMAND), hplsla(DEMAND), hpfcla(DEMAND+5), hpcnoe(DEMAND+5) #N microsoft #S XENIX #O Microsoft #C Richard Gates #E microsoft!richardg #T (206) 828-8080 #P 10700 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 #L 47 37 N / 122 12 W city #R #W rsk 850610 # microsoft altos86(DEAD), decvax(DAILY), fluke(WEEKLY), omsvax(DEAD), sco(WEEKLY), trsvax(WEEKLY), ubc-vision(WEEKLY), uw-beaver(DAILY) #N motsea #S Motorola VME/10; unix sysV/68 r2v1.0 #O Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc. #C Mark Konopacky #E motsea!mark #T +1 206 454 4160 #P 1750 112th Avenue NE Suite C228, Bellevue, WA 98004 #L 122 8 W / 47 42 N #U #R #W motsea!mark(Mark Konopacky) Tue Sep 10 13:30:17 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # motsea cholula(HOURLY), motptd(DAILY), motsj1(DAILY), mottom(DAILY) #N oz #S #O Telematic Products #C John Hansen #E oz!johnh #T (206) 882-5000 #P Kirkland, WA #L 47 41 N / 122 12 W city #R #W # oz beesvax(DAILY) beesvax oz(DAILY) #N phastvax #S #O University of Washington, Seattle; Physics, Astronomy Depts. #C j. James Belonis II #E phastvax!MANAGER #T 206-545-8695 #P #L #U #R #W 851103 rsk # phastvax uw-beaver(DAILY) #N phred #S DEC VAX-11/750; Ultrix-32 1.2 #O Physio-Control Corp. #C Marc Greisen #E phred!usenet #T +1 206 881 4000 #P 11811 Willows RD, Redmond, WA 98052 #L 47 42 N / 122 8 W #R #U tikal #W phred!marcg (Marc Greisen) Thu Jan 16 09:05:16 PDT 1986 # phred tikal(DAILY) #N pilchuck #S DEC Vax-11/750; 4.2BSD UNIX #O Data I/O Corporation, Engineering #C Rick Braman #E pilchuc!braman #T +1 206 881 6444 #P 10525 Willows Rd N.E./P.O. Box 97046; Redmond, WA 98073 #L 47 40 N / 122 07 W city #R #U dataio #W dataio!braman (Rick Braman) Fri Feb 21 09:47:29 PST 1986 # pilchuck dataio(DEMAND) #N sigma #S DEC Vax 11/750; 4.2bsd #O Summation Incorporated #C Grant Bohnet, Bill Swan #E sigma!usenet #T +1 206 486 0991 #P 18702 142nd Ave NE; Woodinville, WA 98072 #L 47 7 N / 122 2 W #R #W sigma!bill (Bill Swan); Wed 15 Jan 1986 11:30:15 PST #U tikal # # Summation has a local-area network of VAXen and SUNs who attempt # to hide their individuality from the rest of the world. The # world only needs to know the name "sigma" to reach anyone on the # network. Network configuration tends to change often. # #sigma = @{sigma, sigma2, sigma3, suntech1}(LOCAL) # sigma tikal(DIRECT), amc(DIRECT), entropy(DIRECT) #N ssc #S Codata 3300; Uniplus V7 #0 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. #C Irene Pasternack #E ssc!irene #T +1 206 367 8649 #P PO Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155 #L 122 10 W / 47 43 N #U #R #W ssc!irene (Irene Pasternack); Mon Sept 9 09:50 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # ssc tikal(HOURLY), camco(DAILY/3), gasv(HOURLY), hp2410(DAILY) #N ssc-vax #S VAX 11/780, UNIX 4.2BSD #O Software Support Center #C Jeff Jongeward, Tom Yap #E ssc-vax!jeff, ssc-vax!tay #T (206) 773-3419 #P Boeing Aerospace, MS 8H-56, P.O. Box 3999, Seattle, WA 98124 #L 48 20 N / 122 48 W #R #W cbosgd!ksh 4/5/84 (2/15/84 paper form) # ssc-vax uw-beaver(DEMAND), fluke(DAILY), lbl-csam(DAILY), teklabs(DAILY) #N sunup #S Sun 2/150; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Sun Microsystems Northwest District Office #C David Herington #E sunup!postmaster #T +1 206 451 8449 #P 1300 114th Avenue South East Bellevue, WA, 98004 #L 122 8 W / 47 35 N #U tikal #R #W sunup!davidh (D. Herington); Fri Aug 30 14:45:00 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # sunup uw-beaver(EVENING), sun(HOURLY*4), microsoft(DAILY), fluke(HOURLY), tikal(HOURLY*4) #N suvax1 #S VAX-11/750, UNIX 4.2bsd #O Dept. of Software Engineering / Computer Science, Seattle University #C Dave Eichmann #E suvax1!postmaster #T +1 (206) 626-5631 #P Seattle, WA 98122 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #U butler #W suvax1!eichmann (Dave Eichmann); Fri Nov 22 11:14:34 PST 1985 # suvax1 butler(EVENING) #N teldata #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Teltone Corporation #C Tim Rosmus, Duane Hesser #E tikal!postmaster #T +1 206 827 9626 #P 10801 120th Avenue North East, Kirkland, WA, 98033 #L 122 8 W / 47 42 N #R #U cholula #W tikal!tim (Tim Rosmus); Thu Aug 29 14:17:30 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # teldata teltone(DEDICATED), sunrise(POLLED), inmet(WEEKLY) #N telematic #S #O Telematic Products, Inc. #C John J. Hansen #E telematic!johnj #T (206) 882-5000 #P 5000 148th Ave., N.E., Redmond, WA 98052 #L 47 40 N / 122 07 W city #R #W # telematic beesvax(DAILY), fluke(DAILY) #N teltone #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.1 BSD UNIX #O Teltone Corporation #C Tim Rosmus, Duane Hesser #E tikal!postmaster #T +1 206 827 9626 #P 10801 120th Avenue North East, Kirkland, WA, 98033 #L 122 8 W / 47 42 N #R This machine is on the Teltone local ethernet but does not run sendmail. #U tikal #W tikal!tim (Tim Rosmus); Thu Aug 29 14:11:14 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # # Our local net (Ethernet) Teltone = {tikal, cholula, teldata}:(LOCAL) # teltone uw-beaver(DAILY/2), dataio(DAILY/2), fluke(DAILY/2), tikal(DEDICATED), teldata(DEDICATED), mtxinu(WEEKLY*5), asms(WEEKLY), purdue(WEEKLY*5), polstra(DEAD) #N tikal #S Pyramid 90x; OSx 2.5 #O Teltone Corporation #C Tim Rosmus, Duane Hesser #E tikal!postmaster #T +1 206 827 9626 #P 10801 120th Avenue North East Kirkland, WA, 98033 #L 122 8 W / 47 42 N #U uw-beaver hplsla sunup teltone amc cholula #R #W tikal!tim (Tim Rosmus); Thu Aug 29 14:02:15 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk # tikal uw-beaver(HOURLY), dataio(HOURLY), microsoft(HOURLY), ssc(HOURLY), fluke(HOURLY), hplsla(HOURLY), sunup(HOURLY*4), teltone(DEDICATED), amc(HOURLY), pyrcorp(DAILY), camco(HOURLY), uw-geops(HOURLY), moss-bay(DAILY) #N tleilax #S Motorola VME/10, System V/68 #O Motorola New Enterprises #C Doug Kirk #E tleilax!kirk #T (206) 251-6803 #P 19115 W. Valley Hwy., Suite H-104, Kent, WA 98032 #L 122 14 53 W / 47 25 52 N #U #R #W ksh per paper form 7/29/85, 851103 rsk # tleilax cxsea(HOURLY) #N uw #S #O #C #E uw!root #T #P #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W # uw ucbvax(DAILY) #N uw-beaver #S DEC VAX-11/750; UNIX 4.2bsd #O University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science #C Jan Sanislo #E uw-beaver!postmaster #T +1 206 545 0911 #P FR-35, Seattle, WA 98195 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #U microsoft ssc-vax tektronix tikal #W uw-beaver!yenbut (V. Yenbut); Mon Aug 12 12:29:31 PDT 1985, 851103 rsk uw-beaver allegra(EVENING), apl-uw(DIRECT), apollo(DAILY), arizona(EVENING), cornell(EVENING), decvax(DAILY), entropy(DIRECT), fluke(DEMAND), hilbert(DIRECT), ihnp4(DAILY/3), lbl-csam(EVENING), linus(EVENING), microsoft(EVENING), pmr(DIRECT), sdcsvax(EVENING), ssc-vax(DIRECT), sunup(DAILY), tektronix(DAILY), teltone(DIRECT), tikal(DIRECT), ubc-vision(DAILY), uf-cgrl(DAILY), utcsri(EVENING), uvicctr(EVENING), uw70(DIRECT), phastvax(DAILY) #N uw-eddie #S VAX-11/730, UNIX 4.2BSD #O University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science #C Jan Sanislo #E uw-eddie!root #T (206) 545-0911 #P FR-35, Seattle, WA 98195 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W Yenbut 5/13/85 # #N uw-june #S #O University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science #C Richard Furuta #E uw-beaver!uw-june!furuta #T (206) 543-7798 #P FR-35, Seattle, WA 98115 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W # # aliased in uw-eddie #N uw-lumpy #S VAX-11/730, UNIX 4.2bsd #O Computer Science Dept., University of Washington #C Jan Sanislo #E uw-beaver!uw-lumpy!root #T (206) 545-0911 #P Seattle, WA 98195 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W Voradesh Yenbut 6/3/85 # #N uw-vlsi #S #O University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science #C Richard Furuta #E uw-beaver!uw-june!furuta #T (206) 543-7798 #P FR-35, Seattle, WA 98115 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W # # aliased in uw-eddie #N uw-wally #S VAX-11/750, UNIX 4.2bsd #O Computer Science Dept., University of Washington #C Jan Sanislo #E uw-beaver!uw-wally!root #T (206) 545-0911 #P Seattle, WA 98195 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W Voradesh Yenbut 6/3/85 # #N uw-ward #S #O #C #E uw-beaver!uw-ward!root #T #P #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W # # aliased in uw-eddie #N uw70 #S DEC PDP-11/70, UNIX V7 #O University of Washington, Geophysics Program #C Steve Malone #E uw70!steve #T (206) 545-3811 #P AK-50, Seattle, WA 98195 #L 47 36 N / 122 20 W city #R #W steve 5/1/84 # uw70 uw-beaver(DAILY/2), uw-june(DAILY/2), menlo70(DAILY), cires(WEEKLY/3), slu70(WEEKLY), lamont(WEEKLY/3) # menlo70- US Geological Survey in Menlo Park, CA # cires- U of Colorado, Boulder, CO (We call them 3 times a week) # slu70- St Louis University, St Louis, MI (We call them 1 time a week) # lamont- Lamont Geophysical Obs, Palisades, NY (we call them 3 times a week) #N walldata #S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Wall Data Incorporated #C Steven Jeffers Herber #E walldata!postmaster #T +1 206 883 4777 #P 17769 North East 78th Place, Redmond, WA 98052 #L 122 6 45 W / 47 40 15 N #U cholula #W walldata!herber (S. Herber); Fri Aug 30 13:10:50 MDT 1985, 851103 rsk # walldata cholula(HOURLY)