# u.usa.wi.1 - Mon May 26 11:34:41 PM PDT 1986 #N alfred #S HP 9836 HP-UX #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #W 2/11/86 by dave cohrs alfred bambam(HOURLY) #N astroatc #S Vax 11-780/Berkeley 4.2BSD UNIX #O Astronautics Technology Center #C Dave Greunke #E ...!uwvax!astroatc!vid #T +1 608-221-9001 #P 5800 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI 53716-1387 #L 89 22 W / 40 05 N city #R #U uwvax nicmad #W caip!pleasant (Mel Pleasant); Mon May 26 20:08:06 EDT 1986 # astroatc uwvax(DIRECT), nicmad(DIRECT+HIGH), heurikon(DIRECT), magatt(DIRECT) # astroatc = astroat #N bambam #S ATT 3B2 SysV #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #W 2/11/86 by dave cohrs bambam gumby(HOURLY), pebbles(DIRECT), alfred(DIRECT), robin(DIRECT) #N crystal #S VAX 11/780 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T (608) 262-1204, (608) 262-2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U uwvax #W 1/12/85 by dave cohrs crystal = "crys.wisc.edu" #N dsl68k #S Integrated Solutions 68010/Qbus, 4.2bsd #O University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Data Security Lab #C Brian Matt #E allegra!dsllsi!dsl68k!brian #T +1 414 963 5252 #P 3200 N Cramer, EMS E762, Milwaukee, WI 53211 #L 43 4 58 N / 87 55 52 W (City) #R #W 04-feb-86 dsl68k uwmeecs(DEDICATED) #N dsllsi #S LSI 11/73 2.9bsd #O University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Data Security Lab #C Brian Matt #E allegra!dsllsi!dsl68k!brian #T +1 414 963 5252 #P 3200 N Cramer, EMS E762, Milwaukee, WI 53211 #L 43 4 58 N / 87 55 52 W (City) #R #W 04-feb-86 dsllsi dsl68k(DEDICATED), uwm-evax(DEDICATED), uwmeecs(DEDICATED) #N geowhiz #S Masscomp MC500, RTU2.2A #O University of Wisconsin, Geology & Geophysics #C Larry McVoy #E geowhiz!postmaster #T (608) 262-1698 #P 1215 W. Dayton St., Madison WI 53706 #L N43'04"13.658 W89'24"23.156 Elevation246.81meters Stdv<10meters #R Geology, geophysics, earth science instrumentation. #W mab per Bruce Karsh 2/5/85; per Larry McVoy 2/13/86 # uwvax is a local call, 2 way demand connection. geowhiz uwvax(DEMAND) geowhiz=whiz #N gumby #S VAX 11/780 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U pokey puff #W 2/16/86 by dave cohrs gumby = "gumby.wisc.edu" gumby topaz(DEDICATED), caip(DEDICATED), bambam(DIRECT) #N heurikon #S #O Heurikon Corporation #C Jeffrey Mattox #E heurikon!jeff #T (608) 271-8700 #P 3201 Latham Drive, Madison, WI 53713 #L 43 04 N / 89 23 W #R # heurikon ihnp4(DEMAND), uwvax(POLLED) #N jeckle #S HP 9000 HPUX 5.01 #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #W 3/18/86 by dave cohrs # jeckle pipe(DIRECT), heckle(DIRECT) #N nicmad #S DEC Vax 11-750; 4.2 BSD UNIX #O Nicolet Instrument Corp. #C Mike Brown, Bob Ziesemer, Dick Ferrier #E nicmad!brown, nicmad!ziesemer, nicmad!ferrier, nicmad!postmaster #T +1 608 273 5039, +1 608 271 3333 x2704, +1 608 271 3333 x2226 #P 5225 Verona Road, Madison, WI 53711 #L 89 22 W / 40 05 N city #R #U agrigene #W nicmad!brown (Michael L. Brown); Mon Aug 5 16:07:41 CDT 1985 # nicmad ihnp4(DEMAND), astroatc(DEMAND), uwvax(DEMAND), decvax(DEMAND), npcvax(DAILY), agrigene(DEMAND), nicuk(WEEKLY) #N pebbles #S ATT 3B2 SysV #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #W 2/11/86 by dave cohrs pebbles bambam(DIRECT) #N pipe #S VAX 11/750 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #W 3/18/86 by dave cohrs # pipe = "pipe.wisc.edu" pipe jeckle(LOCAL) #N pokey #S VAX 11/750 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T (608) 262-1204, (608) 262-2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U gumby puff #W 1/12/85 by dave cohrs pokey = "pokey.wisc.edu" #N puff #S GOULD 9080 Powernode UTX/32 #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U uwvax gumby pokey #W 1/12/86 by dave cohrs puff = "puff.wisc.edu" #N uwai #S VAX 11/750 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T (608) 262-1204, (608) 262-2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U uwvax #W 1/12/85 by dave cohrs uwai = "ai.wisc.edu" #N uwmacc #S Vax 11-780/Berkeley 4.2BSD UNIX #O University of Wisconsin-Madison Academic Computing Center #C Bill Kelly #E {seismo, ihnp4}!uwvax!uwmacc!bllklly #T 608-262-9501 #P UW-Madison, 1210 West Dayton St, Madison WI 53706 #L 43 05 N / 89 22 W city #R #W Bill Kelly 7/23/85 #U uwvax(HOURLY), uwmcsd1(HOURLY) # uwmacc uwvax(HOURLY), uwmcsd1(HOURLY), uwmrc(HOURLY) #N uwmcsd1 #S ISI 68k - 4.2bsd #O University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Computing Services Division #C Jim Lowe #E uwmcsd1!james or uwmcsd1!postmaster #T +1 414 963 6431 #P 3200 N Cramer, EMS E380, Milwaukee, WI 53211 #L 43 4 58 N / 87 55 52 W (City) #R #W uwmcsd1!james 8/28/85 # # Civil Engineering Lsi uwmcsd1 celsi(DEDICATED) # # Bell Labs, NJ uwmcsd1 coconut(WEEKLY) # # Data Security Lab uwmcsd1 dsl68k(DEDICATED), dsllsi(DEDICATED) # # Physics Dept uwmcsd1 gravity(DEDICATED) # # Backbone site, Wheaton, Il uwmcsd1 ihnp4(HOURLY*2+HIGH) # # Integrated Solutions, San Jose, Calif uwmcsd1 isi(WEEKLY) # # C.S. Lab uwmcsd1 m68-2(DEDICATED), m68-6(DEDICATED) # # Medical College of Wisc, Milwaukee uwmcsd1 mcwbj(DIRECT) # # Sperry, Roseville, Mn uwmcsd1 sx1100(WEEKLY) # # Unix 1100 uwmcsd1 u1100u(DEDICATED) # # Computer Science Dept Vax 11/750 uwmcsd1 uwm-evax(DEDICATED) # # UW-Milwaukee Network Monitor uwmcsd1 uwm-nm(DEDICATED) # # Madison Academic Computer Center (our news feed) uwmcsd1 uwmacc(DEMAND+HIGH+HIGH) # # Computer Science Dept Vax 11/780 uwmcsd1 uwmeecs(DEDICATED) # # Computer Science Dept @ UW - Madison uwmcsd1 uwvax(HOURLY*2) # # Sperry Branch Office - Milwaukee uwmcsd1 vandy(DIRECT) #N uwmeecs #S #O #C #E #T #P #L #R #W # uwmeecs allegra(DAILY), uwvax(DAILY) #N uwslh #S VAX 11/750 4.2bsd #O University of Wisconsin, State Lab of Hygiene #C David E. Miran #E uwslh!dem, uwslh!usenet #T (608) 262-0019 #P 465 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U uwvax #W uwslh!dem (David E. Miran); Tue Nov 12 14:25:36 CST 1985 uwslh uwvax(DIRECT) #N uwstat #S VAX 11/750 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Statistics #C Dave Cohrs #E uwvax!dave, uwvax!postmaster #T (608) 262-1204, (608) 262-2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U uwvax #W 1/12/85 by dave cohrs uwstat = "stat.wisc.edu" #N uwvax #S VAX 11/780 4.3bsd #O University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept. #C Dave Cohrs, Mitali Bhattacharyya #E uwvax!postmaster, uwvax!dave, uwvax!mitali #T +1 608 262 1204, +1 608 262 2196 #P 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 #L 43 04 N / 89 24 W #U astroatc crystal geowhiz harvard heurikon seismo #U uwstat uwai uwmacc uwslh spool topaz gumby puff pokey #W 3/20/86 by dave cohrs uwvax = "rsch.wisc.edu" uwvax astroatc(DIRECT), geowhiz(DIRECT), heurikon(DIRECT), nicmad(DIRECT), pade(DIRECT), sneezy(DIRECT), uwmacc(DEDICATED), uwmrc(DIRECT), uwslh(DIRECT) # # out of town connections uwvax aicchi(EVENING), akgua(EVENING), allegra(DAILY+LOW), bellcore(WEEKLY), dicomed(WEEKLY), homebru(EVENING), ihnp4(WEEKLY), marque(DAILY), pyrchi(EVENING), ucbvax(WEEKLY), uwmcsd1(DAILY), uwpvacs(EVENING) # # other network connections uwvax seismo(DEDICATED), harvard(DEDICATED), topaz(DEDICATED), caip(DEDICATED), nike(DEDICATED), ll-xn(DEDICATED) # # 10Mbit Pronet and 10Mbit Ethernet -- Actually uses Internet Syntax, but # uucp syntax is supported for ease of access. WISC = { uwvax, dbvax, pokey, crystal, uwstat, gumby, pipe, dream, uwai, wiscvm, devo, spool, gosset, puff, madsun, brie, kaese, kraft-slices, cheddar, cream, limburger, asiago, gouda, velveeta, parmesan, rondele, saga, romano, gruyere, bleu, gjetost }!(LOCAL)