VAX SYSTEMS SIG Spring 1986 Tapes VAX86A and VAX86B Submissions Overview. VAX86A Tape ------ ---- [.ARIZONA] Idle job killer for V4 incorporating "Break Buster". Mail utilities to automagically forward mail to people's home nodes anywhere on a net, to purge deleted people from VMSMAIL.DAT as needed, keeping aliases in. Joel Snyder, Univ. of Arizona. [.BATTELLE] DELBFID - Delete file by file ID. Files - find files by owner or size. FINDFILE - find file given disk address. FLUSH - flush DCL recall buffer. VBN - edit a file given filespec and virt block number. Gary Grebus, Battelle. [.BELONIS] NETSUBMIT and NETPRINT - submit to arbitrary queues on a remote DECnet node. ATNODE update for interactive remote commands. SENDME pgm for notice of batch completion when remote. Also updates to HOST and MODEM7 communications packages. A TAR reader and some menu driven BACKUP interface things. James Belonis II, Univ. of Washington. [.BJORND] BATCH - issue one or more DCL commands in batch job. Biorhythm. Fixes for HEXIFY and DEHEX for BIG files. Directory editor (selective delete/examine). EDTPLUS extensions to TPU EDT emulator (w/multiple windows, replace with confirm, etc.) and LSE enhanced interface too. Runoff preprocessor for figure/tab numbers by section no. SETUSER (a "become username" utility). WHO - shows users, works with virt terminals. Portia Bjorndahl, Hughes Aircraft. [.BNELSON] VMSTPC - rewrite of TPC in C for FAST tape-disk-tape copies on VAX in native mode. (limited testing as yet though). Kermit-11 update. Brian Nelson, University of Toledo. (A last-minute revision to VMSTPC.C was received. The source but not the .obj or .exe is on the tape. Compile VMSTPC.C if you have not extracted the [.BZL] Utilities to automatically run AUTOLOG at night but not by day. DIAL support for set/host/dial. A DRAWTREE that works on V4 disks. Instruction speed monitors. WPSINI.EDT - EDT keypad defs that look like WPS keys. CORPHONE that replaces All-in-1 phone directory. (Does not need all in 1.). LN03 support. Bart Lederman. [.CUTLER] INDEX - moved to [.MIVAXLUG.EDS.CUTLER] [.DFWLUG] NATSIMI - TPU section file, VAXNET support for the Vadic VA2400PA modem. PALMER - VAX based editor, games (Moria and Rouge which are in [.GAMES...), a terminal emulation. TECHDEVEL - consolidate disk usage by user and report via DECgraph. [.DMM] Revised DM (directory management) package. [.ELDR] MLR structured programming macros with terminal I/O and quadword math examples. Roderick A. Eldridge, Iowa State Univ. [.ERI] MACSnVAX communications program plus large volume of Macintosh public domain software. DUPUSE - prevent users from logging into VMS twice. RS1ARCSYS - RS/1 Archiving system. Daniel Smith, Eye Research Institute. [.EROS] BOUNCER - Idle terminal killer. CHECKER - Check passwords against a dictionary. PASS - Prevent users from reusing passwords. SU - Put password protection on the SETPRV privilege. TREE - Show directory tree. [.FORTH] FORTH. Two versions of FIG FORTH are provided. One is RSX FORTH from an old RSX tape. The other is fully commented VAX FIG FORTH. John Lundin, University of Richmond. [.FTCOPY] FTCOPY - foreign tape copy (to/from tape/disk). Also handles ASCII <-> EBCDIC translations and more. Tomas Danforth, Woods Hole [.HEX] HEX - Utility designed to manipulate ASCII hex formatted files as output by cross-assemblers and linkers. Supports many popular formats. David Moore, Telex Computer Products. [.JAIN] Calculator - handy scientific calendar. Can be callable so it can become a "pop-up" inside your program. SELECTONE is a curve fitting program using many possible techniques which also uses FMS. Dilip Jain, Household Mfr. Inc. [.JENKINS] CONTIGUIZE, BIGCONTIG - make contiguous files up for files. TCOPY - fast tape to tape copy utility (double buffered). Roger Jenkins, Wycliffe Bible Trans. [.LJK] Renamed to [.PAGESWAPPER] [.LLJ] Demo of feasibility of robust logout command file which cannot be circumvented by nonprivileged users. Larry Johnson, Texas Instruments. [.MIVAXLUG] COMPARDIR - compare 2 directories. PERP - perpetually rescheduled batch jobs. PORTWATCH - logs off inactive jobs. Kermit install via VMSINSTAL. Local print on VT100/200 terminals. FRAGment utility Extra features for TPU EDT interface. DELTREE fixes. DRAWTREE upgrades for VT200. Unique filename generator. Sendmessage utility. James Fischer et. al., EDS. [.NCAR] MAKE - a program maintenance utility like Unix MAKE or MMS. MORE - file browse utility and ability to capture output of another command in a pipe. Jonathan Corbet, NCAR. [.NSWC] MAG - read and write foreign tapes. SD - set/show directory, show directory tree. LET - shorthand DEFINE or ASSIGN. OWN - assume ownership of files in your directory. Library for the above and for general use. UIC.COM - translate between octal and alpha UIC's. SMG.DAT - summary of SMG$ routines. [.NU] QUEMON allows quasi-dynamic queue scheduling. RPF ("Relative Pork Factor") gives a measure of how porked your system is. (This looks like some kind of global load measure.) Rand Hall, Northeastern Univ. [.PAGESWAPPER] Pageswapper issues since last symposium. Larry Kilgallen. [.PIC] Digitized ReGIS picture of a lady for VT240, VT125 or the like. Robert Morris, McDonnell Douglas. [.PIPER] ARGUS - system idle daemon to log off idle terminals. NOTICE - system notice facility. SYSUSE - system monitoring tools. WHELP - windowing HELP facility (DCL and callable). For VMS V4.2 up... Derrell Piper, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. [.SAUTTER] CANCEL - cancel wildcard queue entries. DO - multiple DCL commands on a line. LOCK - lock terminal. REMOVEDIR - delete tree. RTL demo. SD program. Show quotas for UIC on devices. Blank VTxxx. COOKIE. F$QUOTAS pseudo lexical function. SEND to other users. SETGRPUIC. Background clock for VT100, VT200. More. from Bill Sautter. [.SCANNER] SCANLIB - routines to connect to an NCS 7004 document scanner and retrieve the text scanned to a file. Michael Sheehan, UNC Wilmington. [.SDB] SDB - a small, simple DBMS in C. Works on VAX in native mode and on PDP11 in DECUS C. D. Betz. [.SEDT] Superfast and powerful editor. Multifile edits, overstrike / insert, rulers, WPS mode option, blinding speed, and keypad almost exactly like EDT. [.SEWALL] RTL.PAS - produces an environment for some runtime library routines. SMG.PAS gives environment for SMG$ routines. Scott Sewall, College of St. Catherine. [.SIMVAX] Command files. They set up terminal characts, set up letter quality printers, generate mailing lists, simple word processor system using EDT or TPU. David Meile, Univ. of Minnesota [.SLB] SLIB77 source librarian. Alex Lunford, Western Area Pwr Admin. [.TPUEDT] Enhanced TPU EDT emulator with many features from EVE and EVEPlus. Supports multiwindows, centering, rulers, rectangular cut and paste, easy learn keys, more. Geoff Byant, Applicon. [.UAB] LIST - screen lister in TPU. BIG_BROTHER - dynamic user display program. GRADE - computes grades needed to make A,B,C, etc. SMAUG -monitor CPU hogs & lower their prio. GOLLUM - throttle any idle processes. Mark Vevle, Univ. of Alabama. [.VAXNET] VAXNET - Communication program. EXCELLENT and efficient virtual terminal handling, talks its own protocol or XMODEM, autodials, does raw send or capture. MISH converts files to/from pure ASCII for send/receive. (keeps attributes too.) Supports callback, scripts, MUCH more. VMODEM - separate (additional) MODEM7 communication utility. Robin Miller, Northern Telecom. (Submitted by Beverly Kasper). [.VMSTPC] BRUIN - command files to read BRU tapes onto ODS2 disks. (Note: it's preferable on VMS V4 just to use the VAX/RSX BRU utility...). TPC - a native mode replacement for TPC, which makes a disk image from a tape and makes tapes from the disk image. Dennis Costello, Cornell University. [.VSH] VSH - A VMS Shell and some Un*x like utilities from the DECUS library written by Camillo Bongiovanni. [.WATCHDOG] WATCHDOG - idle process killer. Works on VMS V4 systems. George Walrod, Comprehensive Tech. Inter. [.WENTZ] BECOME - VERY complete utility to "become" another user, and does not touch authorized priv mask. Changes most of the rest to the other user. Does NOT execute his NEWPROMPT - change someone else's prompt. MAILUAF - modify mail file utility. FMSMENU - Interface between DCL and FMS to allow command procedures to be menu driven. PASCAL environments for various things. REQUEUE - requeue a batch job iff there's no copy in a queue. Eric Wentz, GE. [.YANKES] Parallel Library - implements many primitives for parallel programs including shared data & executable regions, handling subprocesses, and synchronizing critical regions. Craig Yankes, DEC. [.ZION] FNDFIL - find file by block #. USERS - continuous show users display. Barry Zion, Fed. Res. Bank of NY. Total size 168/2332/46707/46715 VAX86B Tape ------ ---- [.GNUEMACS] VERY preliminary version of Gnu EMACS for VMS. Basically for hackers only at this point; usable but some bugs exist. M. Sasaki, Harvard. [.KMSKIT] SYSMGR - many system manager utilities. Lots of utilities for general uses. Includes autologoff, TEKGRAPH, CALC, TVG, power fail catcher, more. DCL windows for LSE and TPU. VPW V4.3 - a replacement for All in One that's Faster, Easier on your system, Simple to reconfigure, and does much more. Graphics extensions, windows with typeahead, NOTEBOOK, LN03 support for word processing, DTC, support for merging SIXEL graphs anywhere on a page, capture screens to sizel dump file, more. Remote command execution. RMS error codes help. ZEUS for V4.X. DG tape reader. Curve fit. By James Downward, KMS Fusion. [.KERMIT] Kermits for various machines. Includes VMS Kermit 3.2.075, and also C Kermit, MSDOS Kermit, and CP/M Kermit. [.RCAS86] AnalytiCalc spreadsheet update. Features some new functions (including a choose function), an install command file, input/output areas, ability to link arbitrary programs to it, more. .OLBs supplied if you lack compiler. VTKERMIT - Kermit for IBM PC with VT102 emulator, Kermit, Xmodem, scripts, menus, autodial, all sources. CTOOLS - a LARGE variety of C tools from DECUS C kit. Includes LZW compress and expand, many more. Most have .EXE in case you lack C compiler. RSX FOCAL - interpreter. FORCE - force command lines to another process. (Fixup for VMS V4 of Fall '83 tape version). SIXEL - convert ReGIS files to sixel files for printers (free DECSlide). NEWVPWMOD - modify the DTC in VPW submission to work with 4 digit years a la C. Garman's latest DTC so both can coexist. Also illustrates one customization of VPW. Also a couple example goodies off Arpanet. DATMG*.* - complete relational DBMS sources (fortran) with docs, build files, as DECUS C archives. Dearchive, build, use. Binaries supplied. Glenn Everhart, RCA Total size 60/2171/59654/59660 Dir/File/Blocks (all/used)