VAX SYSTEMS SIG TAPECOPY SUBMISSIONS SPRING 1987 [.ALLIED] Cmd procs for auto file reorg, crash notif. via mail, SMG interface in BASIC (+ .OLB), system stat util. From Kenneth Messer, Allied Electronics [.ANLJOHNO] Remote DECnet printer support, remote batch support. Multithreaded "executive" server. DCL preprocessor. Util to ASCIIze BACKUP savesets for mailing to other sites. Multinode VMS V4 chargeback accounting sys. More. From John Osudar, Argonne Nat'l Lab. [BASSETT] Loan and investment programs. Large game collection (compressed into saveset). Golf handicap system. Kill program (forcex or delete process choice). Menu system in Fortran. Reminder. Another WATCHDOG update. More. From Fred Bassett, JG Boswell. [.BATTELLE] Allin1 - quickly delete A1 accounts. CSVN - change vol set name. Check_PWexp - enforce password change at login time. SEARCH - TPU based search util. TPU procs to show or set directory, expand fcn keys like Emacs. From Mark Oakley, Battelle Mem. Inst. [.BBS] Nifty bulletin (somewhat NOTES like) utility for VMS. Also works across DECnet. By Mark London, MIT [.BNELSON] KERMIT-11 update, VMSTPC FAST tape to disk to tape utility, Kermit server process, TED editor update. From Brian Nelson, Univ. of Toledo. [.BRYANT] Enhanced EDT emulator in TPU. Global substitute util for TPU to allow text substitution in multiple files. From G. Bryant, Applicon. [.BULLV4_0] Bulletin utility to allow selective and available system notices. From Todd Aven, York Univ. [.CAROSSO] Calendar - appointment calendar. Dialout utility to connect to other computers. EVE_EDT EDT emulator (Plus some stuff from VTEDIT) and more. Hershey fonts. Network print symbiont. Pseudo terminal driver (much improved). UUCP mail hooks. From Kevin Carosso, Hughes [.COY] DM directory management program. SD set default update. WPS-PLUS emulator for TPU ("Complete"). VT241 color management. From Dale Coy, Los Alamos. [.CSC] Update to CALC calculator to fix an earlier bug. From Dennis Fitzgerald, CSC. [.DOWDIR] MAIL/PHONE-book system used at DOW. Includes src so network phonebooks can be better understood. From Robert Graham, Dow Chemical. [.DTRSIG] Large collection of Datatrieve utilities. Includes accounting conversions, all in 1 log readers, standalone corporate phone directory, various user functions incl. SPAWN, plots, cmd line recall, much more. From Bart Lederman, ITT. [.EDISON] Accounting report generators. Batch priority booster to give Batch a burst of prio 4 once every 15 minutes. more. From John Priebe, Edison State Coll. [.ERI] Macintosh utities of interest to sites using both Macintosh and VAXen. From Daniel Smith, Eye Research Inst. [.FARM_CREDIT] Produces banners in Roman or Gothic on lineprinter. CONTIG - updates to JUICER disk compressor. Update to WATCHDOG idle terminal killer. From Thomas Stegman, Farm Credit [.FORCE] Allows you to stop a program without killing the whole process. (NOT to be confused with an earlier tape's program called FORCE which forced commands onto another process.) From Marc Shannon, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. [.GENDYN] LOCK - DCL interface to LOCK service. Useful for coordinating multiple processes via distrib. lock mgr. VT200-KIND - creates DCL symbol showing term. type. CTRL-T - set application specific ^T message. From Ken Coar, General Dynamics. [.GNUEMXV18] Update of VMS GNU Emacs, V18. Submitted by Marty Sasaki, Harvard. [.GOULD] AUTOMOUNT update. AUTH_ID security fix from earlier DECUS submission. From Eric Richards, Gould. [.IIT] BYE - forcibly log out users. CHAP - change priority of other users. FINDFILE - find files by scanning the index file. FORCEX - Force image exit on a process (even across DECnet). NOTICES - manage system notices. PASSWD - change passwords from command line. From Mark Draughn, IIT. [.IMU] Rights identifier management utility with AUTHORIZE like control. From G. Beau Williams, Rockwell. [.INTPRCTMO] Time out interactive processes which are idle. From Duane Chandler, Real Share, Inc. [.ISU] DELFILES - delete files by directory or UIC. DISK - report free space on disks. ISUEDT - spawn from inside EDT. ISUPRTSMB - modified print symbiont. Runoff postprocessor. More. From Rod Eldridge, Iowa State Univ. [.JMU] FMS based Bulletin Board system, FMS based calculator program, and unread mail checker. From Michael O'Neill, James Madison Univ. [.KILL] Kill other peoples' processes by username, process name, CPU time, etc. From Connie Minnick, JMU. [.KMSKIT] System management procedures. Update to ZEUS. Convert MacPaint to sixel. Quick login facility. Print VT240 screens. SMG libraries. Neat stuff for LSE or TPU. Bug fixes for VPW and some new procedures. From James Downward, KMS Fusion. [.LBGS87] All in 1 sys mgmt tools. A usable "BECOME user". Mailcompress utility. FMS to DCL interface. Util to resubmit a batch file IFF not already on a queue. Clear error counters on devices. From Eric Wentz, GE LBG. [.LILUG] Create index of LaTeX document. Account/billing system. List inactive accounts. Tape read/write card images. Trim trailing blanks off file. Manipulate DTR line on a modem. Group quota maintenance utils. Menu interface to CMS. Directory tree draw. Search and display string in reverse video. Printer setup files. From Al Scholldorf, Reuters. [.LMSC] Util to give info on a user out of UAF. HOGS - shows CPU hogs. MASS11 font update. Toggle two queues on one device (w/ different forms etc.) Another WHO. Send one line messages to other user. From Bob Marshall, Lockheed. [.LZW] Source and executable of LZW compress programs used to compress several long submissions on these tapes. Documents are in start of the C source code. No C compiler needed to use these. [.MNVAX] Cribbage game. Command files, DTR function showing privs, statistical program, many TPU extensions, a Video Attribute Text Formatter, printer controls. From David Meile, Univ of Minn. [.NSTL_LUG] EDIT/ACL replacement. AUTOLOG idle terminal killer with better logging, SET/ACL replacement, incremental backup aids, printer symbiont for security labels (TS,S,C,U), EDT/TPU update. Fast block I/O for Fortran. LIST all IDs on a system. Procedure to delete DCL commands from a user file at login. more. From Perry Bret Wishow, US Naval Oceanographic Office. [.PAGESWAPPER] Pageswapper issues since last DECUS VAX symposium tape. From Larry Kilgallen. [.PWPLUM] Menu utility using FMS, in Fortran. From Paul Plum, Lukens Steel. [.RCAS87] Variety of vital patches and programs from CSnet (mostly the INFO-VAX conference). VMS disassemblers with sources. EVE extensions (4 layer keypad, much more). TAR reader and writer for VMS tapes (with exe if you don't have C). Also some upgrades (by Marty Sasaki) to VMS VD: virtual disk driver. VTedit in TPU from DECUS. Large collection of especially useful utilities for Amiga. Submitted by Glenn Everhart, RCA. [.RIT] Compress and decompress RMS files utility. (May work with LZCMP/LZDCM). MAKE - a very good VMS MAKE utility. NETCOPY - like COPY over DECnet but allows secure entry of passwords. PIPE - allows filtering and redirection. Print files on attached printers. SETUSER - become another user (if priv'd enough). From Andrew Potter, RIT. [.SCS] MAKE - emulates Microsoft MAKE utility on VAX. BATCH_ACL - verify that a batch job has proper identifiers. FTP - Foreign Tape Processor (ASCII or EBCDIC). Also tape-disk-tape. LIST - screen lister in TPU, like EDT in readonly mode. BIGBRO - dynamic user display/modify. LILBRO - smaller user display. GRADE - class grading prog. SMAUG - lower prio of CPU hogs. GOLLUM - idle process killer. From Mark Vevle, Southern Co. Svcs. [.SEALUG] NETPRINT - cross network printer fix. MACINTOSH - various MAC utilities uploaded to VAX in MACbinary or XMODEM formats. BINtoXMOD format converter. From James Belonis, Univ. of Washington. [.STOCKTON] Batch queue scheduler. Reminder system. Idle terminal process killer. Report on last login time. From Les Stockton, , Tulsa, Okla. [.TELEX] Idle terminal monitor. CPU monitor cross cluster. HEX object file manipulator. From David Moore, Telex Computing. [.TSO] Miscellaneous system utilitues from Paul Clayton, TSO Financial, including disk exerciser, struct, privdump... [.UIF] Generic User InterFace system programs from the Nashville session. From Barry Wellis, Fleetwood Enterprises. [.UNDHEP] Base converter for decimal/hex/octal/binary. Commands to copy VMS Update media. EDTINI for use with VT100/VT200, GIGI, or H88. Extension to HELP. Set ownership utilities. Several programs to handle foreign tapes, especially IBM tapes or display their characteristics. Show users extension. From James Bishop, Univ. of Notre Dame H.E. Phys. [.UTCCDSG] Batch mail; text archivers (self unpacking); convert text files to Postscript. MACpaint display on UIS VMS Workstation. MicroGNUEmacs V 1b. Extract pages from Postscript output file. Create or unpack Unix shell archive files. Convert Tek 4015 to Postscript. More. From Mic Kaczmarczik, Univ. of Texas at Austin. [.UTEXAS] PROXY - let users make their own proxies. Print symbiont for Apple Laserwriter. Check files not altered. From Thomas Linscomb, Univ. of Texas at Austin. [.VAXNET] VAXnet V12 from DECUS library. Now fixes some bugs and supports Kermit, VAXnet, and XMODEM protocols. By Robin Miller. [.WATCHDOG] Upgrade to WATCHDOG idle terminal monitor. From George Walrod III, comprehensive Technology. [.WILLIAMS] EVE extensions with integrated calculator, generic callout facility, access to DCL symbols, more. From Tom Williams, Alderson B. College. [.WSIPC] SCRIPT command language resubmission. From Warren Falls, WSIPC.