Fall 1987 VAX SIG Tape Contents Number Submitter Organization Description Dirs/Files/Blocks [VAX87C...] Directory tree and tape [.anljohno] DCL interface for auto sub single cmd batch jobs. General multithreaded VMS exec server symbiont. DECnet $GETxxI server. Memory virt disk driver much more efficient than PDDRIVER. From John Osudar, ANL [.arc] Print on HP Laserjet incl. forms. EVE Plus updates. EBCDIC <--> ASCII converters. From Steve MacNeil, Access Research [.bassett] Loan and investment programs. Golf handicap system. Idle process watchdog. Fortran based menu system. VT241 colors, autodialer, DCL menu, Talaris fonts, DTRFIND. News update. Reminder (update from VPW vers). Show users in Cobol. from Fred Bassett, JG Boswell. [.battelle] ARGNUM - find # args passed to a sub. User UIC change via custom sys service. Filename from FID. File locate based on size, uic, etc. Pascal environment files. Save/restore hashed password in UAF. Struct. Macro library. TPU show/set directory, add funct. keys, enc/decode. From Mark Oakley, Battelle Institute. [.bzl] LSE templates for Runoff and LSE. Sample for outgoing connection to PSI. Erlang blocking formulas. Programs to measure real VAX CPU speed. From Bart Lederman, ITT World Comm. [.ci] Monthly close VMS accounting. Count records in file. DIALUPINI for dialup modem stat set. DROIDS game (moved to [games.ci]). ENPAGE - paginate docs for LN03 & set margins etc. FORCEX - force exit on images. Print reminders from REMINDER program. System status report (SYSTATUS) with lots of abilities. From Ken Richardson, Compassion Int'l. [.clement] Update to Bonner Runoff (large superset of DSR). Spy, another continuous system status routine. From John Clement, Bonner Lab, Rice Univ. [.clib] Non-DEC C library and a few utilities using it. From Eric Levy, Bear Systems. [.costello] Update (minor; bugfix) to TPC, a tape -> disk -> tape format independent copy utility. From Dennis Costello, Nat'l. Nanofab Facility. [.csdhbo] Filter repetitive broadcasts on consoles on cluster so each console gets messages from its own CPU only. System services library. From Jonathan Welch, HBO &Co. [.djm] Elect. Telephone book; run AUTHorize in any directory. Define VT2xx keys. info re identifier. Tell what files will be purged. See who uses a cmd procedure. List of VMS docset. From D. J. Maus, Fermilab. [.dolgen] Utilities to make conversion to DECalc V3.0 a little easier. Utilities to reorganize a disk. From Wimpy Hudson, Dollar General. [.down] DOWN - utility to move around directory tree more easily. From Michael Wheeler, Tenn. Tech. Univ. [.dtredit] Utility to facilitate editing DTR fields where you don't have FMS or TDMS, DTREDIT. From David Swan, Greenville, Nova Scotia, Canada. [.dtrsig] ACCOUNTING - convert VMS accounting to something DTR can handle. Also terminal meas. proc. ALLIN1 - DTR defs for A1 files. CORPHONE - corporate phone dir in DTR. FUNCTIONS - more DTR functions incl. spawn and string length. NEWSLETTERS - old Wombat Examiner issues. PLOTS - more DTR plots. RECALL - use SMG to add command line recall to DTR. SYSUAF def's for DTR. RSX accounting with DTR. Method of processing INSTALL/LIST/FULL to see what are most used images, shared images, etc. From DTR SIG, Bart Lederman, Librarian. [.ellis] Numerous kernel mode programming examples from the master of the art, Bruce Ellis. Such items as show process/files, purge workset of a process, etc... much more, very powerful but potentially dangerous utilities. Titles include: ADDRESS_TRANSLATION, DEADPT, DEALO, DUMP_BLOCK_COUNTS, LOAD_BLOCK_COUNTER, UNLOAD_BLOCK_COUNTER,SHOW_PROC_FILES, GET_HIT, PFM, PFMFILWRT, PFM_FORMAT, SHOWBASE, SHOW_SHARE, WSBLASTER, FAULT, PERF. [.eros] BATCHACC - set account of batch job to submitter process. CPU hogs monitor. LIMITER - limit no. int. sessions per username. NOPE - list what files (+ sizes etc.) of files that would be deleted in a purge. PASS - disallow reuse of passwords. PCT - show % use of CPU. SYSTAT and MEMSTAT - info on system processes and memory use. From Tom Bodoh, USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS). [.eveupds] Update to EVEPLUS, from Denny Thury. [.flecsvms] FLECS and ALECS structured preprocessors for Fortran and Macro. Now totally native mode. From Michael Oothoudt, Los Alamos Lab. [.flowers] Delete zero length files. Show disk space. Move around directory tree and/or draw tree. EDT ini files and wildcard editing. Diffs of file u/c'd, compressed, and trimmed. Documents in beautified form for EVEPLSPLS (from 87B tape). LaTeX document style manual. Mail UAF maintenance tools. VT2xx key definition support. Backup control command procs. From Harry Flowers, Custom Computer Applications. [.games] HACK game from Dean Grover and CRIB game from MNVAXLUG [.grc] CALC2SMG - Emulates HP calculator. EDT super emulator for TPU. Directory from within EDT. MODOBJ - fixup object files for more general addressing. Time VAX instructions accurately. From Rich Harris, General Research Corp. [.grover] Updated EDT-Plus extensions to EVEPLUS. SWING graphical and screen oriented directory management program. From Dean Grover, Hughes Aircraft. [.howe] EVE extensions, from Herb Howe, Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab. [.jcslug] SETUSER - change username to that of another user w/o login. MAILUTIL - let a user see if mail from him has been read. SPEEDLOGIN - fast symbol defs at login. LAB I/O control system. Local print of file to VT102 terminal printer. Load foreign tapes. TELEMAIL - bulletin board mail built on VAXNET. WATCH - watch other processes. From William Baker, Ford Aerospace. [.ketech] Standard menu interface software (with FMS or without). SETUSER - "become" another user if priv'd enough. From Richard Snyder, KeTech Corp. [.kka] Foreign tape reader, VERY flexible. EVE extensions. VMS_SHAR VMS "shell archive" for packing files for mailing. From Kurt Andersen, JPL. [.latshaw] EDTEM - very extended EDT emulator in TPU, many extensions. From Mike Latshaw, Pacific Pwr&Light. [VAX87D...] Directory tree and tape [.coy] DM - directory manager. SD - set default program. WPS-PLUS emulator in TPU, plus extensions. Color setup for VT241. WPS-PLUS emulator for LSE. SHOWME - show all the system can find out about a terminal. MCL - multicolumn file lister. NOTES update utilities. Procedures to build text libs (.TLB). From Dale Coy, Los Alamos Nat'l Lab. [.levine] BREAKOUT - Building blocks for extended accounting utilities. HELLO - Command file for VT terminals; cookie type. INDEX - powerful Fortran cross referencer, static analyzer, and flowcharter. JUICER - Online and offline disk compression and file defragmenting. MUTEX - find sources of MWAIT states. NETLIST - condensed SHOW NET listing. QUICFONT - font editor for Talaris printers. SNAPSHOT - system snapshot util runs every 15 min. TAPE - read/write blocked card images in ASCII or EBCDIC to tape, rec length 132 or less. TQE - print timer queue elements. VAXPAINT - convert MACPaint document into Talaris bitmap for plotting on Talaris. From Michael Levine, Naval Weapons Center. [.rcaf87] AMIGA - editors (incl. uEmacs 3.9e), spell checkers, graphics and Postscript access routines, VT100 emulators, convert Amiga pictures to form printable on DEC printers, AnalytiCalc spreadsheet for Amiga. Sources generally present. AnalytiCalc spreadsheet update for VAX, RSX, IBMPC, and AmigaDos. Update to LISTRS multicolumn lister from Chris Doran. RIM5 DBMS updated docs, src. Desktop Calendar update. FINGER update, supports VMS 4.6, LAT identification, secure operation (security bugs squashed), many customizations. LZW - Lempel Ziv Welch compress/decompress utilities used. NETNEW - about 10,000 blocks of utilities from Internet, indexed; includes VI in TPU, controllers for several processes from a terminal, LEX & YACC inputs for Ada parsers, Bulletin, SWING, much more. SSP - Scientific Subroutine Package w/comments. TARRDR - TAR tape format read & write from VMS. VMSDS - VMS disassembler to convert .EXE files to (recognizable!) .MAR files. Submitted by Glenn Everhart, RCA. [.sewell] MWEB - WEB adapted to Modula 2. WEBMERGE - merge multiple change files. SCANTEX - strip out parts of a WEB file not changed. LaTeX slides for LT005 session on WEB structured documentation system. From Wayne Sewell, E-Systems. [VAX87E...] Directory tree and tape [.lilug] TIMESUM - make plot of no. processes vs time. PUTGET - fast file I/O for Fortran. TRAIN.DAT - VT100 demo. From John Hasstedt and Pierre Hahn, SUNY Stonybrook. [.matuscak] WANG IIS WP document conversion to MASS-11. From Joseph Matuscak, Babcock and Wilcox. [.meadows] FILE - Change RMS attributes or dates on any files without copy. INDEX - find files based on lots of criteria (size, length, date, fragmentation, etc.) FAST. STATUS - fancy SHOW USERS plus DECnet info. VERB - decompiler for DCL tables, converts them to CLD files. From Joe Meadows, Jr., Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. [.merrimack] BATCH - cmd proc to generate Batch jobs interactively. Directory sharing utils. Checkmail - see if you have mail. INTRO - poke in a system w/o privs. LATHACK - find where a LAT terminal is. PANDORA - super TPU editor. More. From Rand Hall, Merrimack College. [.mivaxlug] PRIVILEGE - set/reset privs in menu fashion. CALCULATOR - SMG based calculator. GETQUI - get queue info. SWING rewrite from DEC. More. From John Gordon, MIVAXLUG. [.mnvax] Sub for std keyboard input in Basic. Force user to change his password. Video Attribute Text Formatter. Extended EVE. Statistical program. Editing and Runoff control program. Program to let priv'd user become almost invisible. From Mark Van Overbecke, Macalester College. [.nanny] Powerful system management aid/idle term killer/priority monitor, from Dan Zirin, ZAR Ltd. [.nds] Fast spelling checker from Jack Harvey, NDS [.news_src] Un*x NEWS rewritten for VMS; the celebrated Geoff Huston NEWS program. Handles USENET newsgroups on a VMS VAX. From Geoff Huston, Australian National Univ. [.nstl] SETDEF - set default pgm. FRED - powerful editor, complete but written in TPU. FLEXISMB - rewrite of print symbiont, flags etc. settable. From Perry Wischow, NORDA. [.nswc] BATCH - "instant" one - liner BATCH commands. MAILUAF - maintain mail files and forwarding. REMINDER - appointment reminder/tickler. OTHERNODE - execute commands on another node in DECnet object. NSWC_Server - time based and DECnet daemon. Check_Sessions - tell user where he's logged in, where else on the cluster they may be logged in too. From Al Zirkle, Naval Surface Weapons Center. [.pageswapper] Pageswapper issues since Spring 1987 symposium and compressed VAXNotes file. From Larry Kilgallen, Pageswapper editor. [.perfmon] VMS Performance monitoring (response time, % idle, avg users, I/O, memory, disk usage, etc.) utility. From S. Charles Spriggs, E.I. DuPont. [.piccard] EDT TPU enhancements. From Richard Piccard, Kalamazoo College. [.remprint] REMPRINT - print one or more files on a remote system device. From Marty Adkins, Westinghouse. [.restore] RESTORE - recover deleted files from Files-11 ODS-2 disks. From W. B. Langdon, CERL. [.rwk] DTR system management aids. Pascal environment files. Command procs for system management. From Ronald Kaltenbaugh, SYSCON. [.schumann] ARCHIVE - Procedures to archive disk dirs to tape. INCREMENTALS - locate which tape contains a file. OPRESPOND - method to do 2 way comm with operator during a batch job. Poker game. TERMTYPE - set symbol for a terminal type. WPS - WPS Plus emulator under TPU. From Dar Schumann, Farm Credit. [.sealug] MACINTOSH - read MAC files on VAX; file transfer; MAC tech notes. DECNET - conversational DECnet object. Remote print and batch control. Remote command execution. SHARE_EXE - builder for shareable .EXE builder. XMODEM - XMODEM comm program with much faster CRC. MODEM7 - Dialout companion to XMODEM. From J. James Belonis II, Univ. of Washington. [.smith] Remote print and form control over DECnet. Network time maintenance utility. From David Smith, USMC. [.softquo] Soft Quota disk management system, from Marty Adkins, Westinghouse. [.spencer] EDT enhancements (including WPS keypad style too). TECO emulator for EDT. LSE section file implementing EDT initializer extensions. From David Spencer, Foundation Health Plan. [.sysmon] Multiple process monitor utility to watch paging and page trimming. From William Flatt, Intercompany Pool, Spokane, WA. [.tulug] Menu program in Cobol. Amortization program. Define logicals from a central file. Give text of VMS err numbers. EDT enhancements. Purge working set. LG02 control files. Reminders. Operations help libraries. Save/restore recall buffer. Text library menu. More. From Les Stockton, Williams Co's. [.t_nieland] EDTPLUS - EDT emulator in TPU with many additions. SEND - broadcast short msg to other user. SETDEF - IN foreign utility. WSLTEX - WordStar to LaTeX filter. From Ted Nieland, Systems Research Labs. [.ualr] BBS- FULL function BBS system for VAX (msg, conferences, uploads, downloads). CB - CB simulator for VAX. ETAPE - read/write EBCDIC or nonstandard ASCII tapes. OPERMENU - menu driven operator system. WHO - cluster-wide who's on the system. From Dale Miller, UALR [.vfe] Vax File Editor, binary/hex/ASCII, EBCDIC, etc. disk editor or file editor. From Ward Condit, Maricopa Comm. Colleges. [.vt2xx] Program VT2xx function keys F6 to F20, from E. Denise Anderson, Cordis Pacing. [.watson] EVE and EVEPLUS extensions; merged from many earlier ones with additions by Al Watson. Includes Emacs-like DIRED, mail interface, interface to Denison Univ. Spell Checker. From Allan Watson, Watson Consult. [.wolfe] Extended EVE with simple spell checker. Print symbiont with user defined headers (on each page). Virtual block (fast) I/O in Fortran. Demos. Lines of code counter. From Tom Wolfe, JPL.