========> [VAX88B5.RCAF88]AAAREADME.TXT;3 <======== Fall 1988 RCA / GE Collection The following are presented for your enjoument: [.ANALYDOCS] Documents for new version of AnalytiCalc spreadsheet [.ANALYOBJ] Object files for AnalytiCalc, so you can build it without having to have a compiler. [.ANALYSRC...] Full sources to newest AnalytiCalc spreadsheet. Featured is a new way to save or load spreadsheets that is much faster than in previous versions. Even older saved sheets are accessed faster also. [.BISON] BISON for VMS, a YACC substitute that is needed for use with Gnu C compiler (elsewhere on the Fall '88 VAX tapes). [.COMPSRC] Numerous source codes from the comp.sources archives on the ARPAnet. Includes an implementation of Postscript, a spreadsheet, a TECO, and several more. Index files also describe other code available on that archive. [.DECUSINDEX] Complete online index to the DECUS library. Now you can use SEARCH to locate interesting Library offerings. [.DTC] Desk Top Calendar update. Now a V hh:mm command allows you to execute commands in appointments as well as just see them. [.GCCVMS] Gnu C version 1.24 for VMS, from Lincoln Baxter of GE ASD. This is later than the version 1.21 distributed on the spring 1988 tapes. Use as a bootstrap to build the latest GNU C sources. [.MULTCOLLST] My updates to MCL, a generic multicolumn lister derived from LISTRS and submitted by Gerson Cohen for S88. Adds several more controls including page length and varied end of column treatment. [.NETF88] Gigantic cornucopia of utilities and programs obtained from ARPAnet mailing lists. Includes BOSS, a program able to turn a terminal into a virtual workstation, WATCH, which allows watching other terminals, and much more. Also included is Amiga code to go with BOSS to allow up to 7 VMS processes to connect to up to 7 Amiga windows via one line, all updating at once. (You can have other local Amiga windows and cut/paste via other standard or freely available Amiga utilities.) NOTE: See the file AAAFILES.TXT in this directory for one liner descriptions of the files contained therein. [.VMSDS] VMS Disassembler. Turns most VMS code from .EXE back into .MAR intelligently. Works on images, shareable images, drivers, system images, etc., and runs on VMS V4 or V5. system calls on VMS V5 are more fully decoded. (From Andy Pavlin)