INDEX TO TECO COMMANDS AND SPECIAL CHARACTERS Command Char Function NUL Discarded on input. ^A Output message to terminal. ^B Current date. ^C Stop execution. ^D Set radix to decimal. ^E Form feed flag. ^EA (Match control char) Match alpha. ^EC (Match control char) Match RAD50. ^ED (Match control char) Match digit. ^EL (Match control char) Match line terminator. ^EQq (String build char) Use contents of Q-reg q. ^ER (Match control char) Match alphanumeric. ^ES (Match control char) Match spaces or tabs. ^EX (Match control char) Match any character. ^F Contents of console switch register. ^G^G Kill command string. ^G Retype current command line. ^G* Retype current command input. ^H Time of day. TAB Insert tab and text. LF Line terminator, ignored in commands. VT Ignored in commands. FF Page terminator, ignored in commands. CR Ignored in commands. ^N End of file flag. ^Nx (Match control char) Match all but x. ^O Set radix to octal. ^O Stop terminal typeout. ^P Not a TECO command. ^Q Convert line arg into character arg. ^Q (String build char) Use next char literally. n^R Identical to nFS command. ^S -(length) of last string inserted or found. ^S (Match control char) Match separator char. ^T ASCII code of next char typed. n^T Output ASCII character of value n. ^U Kill command line. ^Uq Put string into Q-register q. ^V Version of TECO. ^W Redisplay text buffer immediately. ^X Search mode flag. ^X (Match control char) Match any character. ^Y Equivalent to ".+^S,.". ^Z Number of characters in Q-register area. ESC String and command terminator. ^\ (FS) Not a TECO command. TECO 10 only. ^] (GS) Not a TECO command. TECO 10 only. ^^x (RS) ASCII value of next char in command string. ^^x (RS) (String build char) Use next char as lower case. ^_ (US) Ones complement. SP Ignored in commands. Command Char Function ! Define label. " Start conditional. n"A Test for alphabetic. n"C Test for rad50. n"D Test for digit. n"E Test for equal to zero. n"F Test for false. n"G Test for greater than zero. n"L Test for less than zero. n"N Test for not equal to zero. n"R Test for alphanumeric. n"S Test for successful. n"T Test for true. n"U Test for unsuccessful. n"V Test for upper case alphabetic. n"W Test for lower case alphabetic. n"> Test for greater than zero. n"< Test for less than zero. # Logical OR. $ Not a TECO command. (Dollar symbol not ESCAPE.) n%q Add n to Q-register q. & Logical AND. ' End conditional. ( Expression grouping. ) Expression grouping. * Multiplication. *q Put last command in Q-register q. + Addition. , Argument separator. - Subtraction or negation. . Current pointer position. / Division. 0-9 Digit. : Make next command return a value. :: Make next search a compare. := Type in decimal, no carriage return. :== Type in octal, no carriage return. :Gq Type Q-register q on terminal. :Qq Size of text in Q-regsiter q. n; Exit iteration if n>=0. n< Iterate n times. = Type in decimal. == Type in octal. > End iteration. ? Toggle trace mode. ? Type command string up to error. @ Use alternate string delimiters. A Append to buffer. nA ASCII value of char in buffer. B 0 - beginning of buffer. nC Advance n characters. Command Char Function nD Delete n characters. EA Select secondary output stream. EB Open input and output. EC Close out (copy input to output and close). ED Edit level flag. EF Close output file. EG Close out and exit. EH Edit help level. EI Open indirect command file. EK Kill output file. EN Wildcard lookup. EP Select secondary input stream. ER Open input file. ES Search verification flag. ET Type out control flag. EU Case flagging flag. EV Edit verify flag. EW Open output file. EX Close out and exit. nFN Global string replace. FR Replace last string. nFS Local string replace. m,nFS Bounded local string replace. Gq Get string in Q-register q into buffer. G* Get last filespec string into buffer. G_ Get last search string into buffer. H Equivalent to "B,Z". I Insert text. nI Insert ASCII character "n". nJ Move pointer to "n". nK Kill n lines. m,nK Delete between m and n. nL Advance n lines. Mq Execute string in Q-register q. nN Global search. O Go to label. nP Advance n pages. m,nP Write out chars m to n. nPW Write buffer n times. m,nPW Write out chars m to n. Qq Number in Q-register q. nR Back up n characters. nS Local search. m,nS Bounded local search. nT Type n lines. m,nT Type from m to n. nUq Put number n in Q-register q. nV Type n current lines. W Not a TECO command. nXq Put n lines into Q-register q. m,nXq Put characters m to n into Q-register q. Command Char Function Y Read into buffer. Z End of buffer value. [q Q-register push. \ Value of digit string in buffer. n\ Convert n to digits in buffer. ]q Q-register pop. ^ Interpret next command char as a control char. ^ Interpret next search char as a control char. n_ Global search without output. ` Not a TECO command. a-z the same as upper case A-Z. { Not a TECO command. | Not a TECO command. } Not a TECO command. ~ Not a TECO command. DEL Delete last character typed in.