======================================================= New gripe from [270,1] Process: ALTCHULER 29-JAN-1982 15:31:29.07 When running with FORTRAN transformations to the Batch queue, previous files were not erased from 'TempDir'. ======================================================= New gripe from [270,1] Process: ALTCHULER 16-FEB-1982 09:49:34.94 1. Add the ability to use common save files (e.g. answer "SAME".) This is only necessary when writing. 1. Change program so that when I'm on a VT100, if I am printing the output from within BIMED, I change to 134 characters and then back when I'm done (even if I use a control-Y). 2. Add a switch /DISPLAY (or something similar) which will display the output as 132 characters wide. Default on a VT100 is yes. Before listing set term/width=132 and send escape sequence to set screen to 132 characters. After the control-Y trap (the clean-up section), set terminal back to 80 characters, and set screen back to 80 characters. (The switch name should probably be "/WIDE".) ======================================================= New gripe from [270,1] Process: ALTCHULER 15-MAR-1982 12:14:59.86 Change the name of the BIMED help file to "BIMED", not "BIMED_HELP". ======================================================= New gripe from [270,1] Process: VAXVMSCLI 26-APR-1982 14:55:47.64 There seems to be an internal error in the BMDP2D (BMDP-79) code where it multiply defines BMDP2D$MAIN (noticeable only when running with user provided transformations). ======================================================= New gripe about BIMED/BMDP from [212,5] Process: THOMPSON 5-MAY-1982 09:14:25.45 WHY IS IT THAT IN MULTIPLE PROBLEM SETS UNIT 31 IS ONLY ASSIGNED BY BIMED THE FIRST TIME THROUGH? ======================================================= New gripe about BIMED/BMDP from [270,6] Process: KRAUHS 5-OCT-1982 14:43:32.50 A Voice from the past . . . . BMDP should not generate error messages when only blank lines follow the final /END paragraph line.