_ifdef($HELP) _ifdef($VAX) .header(1,Keys) _include(keys.rno) _enddef _enddef .header(1,Qualifiers) _macro(.qualifier,.skip 1 _ifdef($DOC) .indent -5 %1 _ifelse(%2,,,.indent -5 %2) .break _elsedef .lm 0 .indent 0 %1 .break _ifelse(%2,,,%2 ).lm 5 _enddef ) _ifdef($DOC) Qualifiers are placed one after the other on the command line, and apply to each source file selected by the command line. In the descriptions below, default qualifier settings are indicated by "(D)". .LM +10 _enddef .qualifier(/PROMPT,/NOPROMPT) Prompt with each file name selected by the command line to see if the file should be listed. By default, LIST prompts when more than one file is selected by the command line or when an indirect file is specified. .see("Input File Specification",INPUT__FILE). .qualifier(/HEADER,/NOHEADER#(D)) Write a header record containing each file's name and the date before listing each source file. .qualifier(/NUMBERS#(D),/NONUMBERS) Display the line number of each line selected by the "?" command. .see(the "?" command`,` under "Commands",COMMANDS ?) .qualifier(/TRIM,/NOTRIM#(D)) Trim trailing blanks and tabs from the source file. By selecting /Trim and restricting the column range of the file to columns 1-72, Fortran files can be stripped of sequence numbers. .see(the "C" command`,` under "Commands",COMMANDS C) .qualifier(/DELETE,/NODELETE#(D)) Allows the user to delete a file after listing it. When /DELETE is specified, LIST prompts with .example(Delete?) after each file selected by the command line has been listed. If Y is entered, then the file is deleted. _ifdef($VAX) .doc(.lm -10) .help(.lm 1) _ifdef($DOC) .header(1,Indexed and Relative File Support) _include(keys.rno) _enddef .doc(.lm +10) .qualifier(/KEY=n) List an indexed source file by key number n. By default, LIST lists the file by the primary key (key 0). .qualifier(/KEYEQ=key) List an indexed or relative source file starting at the first record whose key equals the specified key. .qualifier(/KEYGE=key) List an indexed or relative source file starting at the first record whose key is greater than or equal to the specified key. .qualifier(/KEYGT=key) List an indexed or relative source file starting at the first record whose key is greater than the specified key. .doc(.lm -10) _elsedef .doc(.lm -10) _enddef