% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00@|I CD%%F5 &VAXNETdz1 VAXNETAVAXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcationsAbetween two computers (systems). Communications can be eitherAdirectly between the computers using a synchronous null modemApatch cable (see "HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over aAdialup line (modem). Communications with the remote system (theAsystem you want to talk to) is accomplished using a second port((asynchronous line) on the local system.AVAXNET gives you the ability to create a log file of yourAterminal sesson with the remote system (very nice for creatingAdocumentation) and/or allows file transmission between theAsystems. File transmission can be done using one of the methods listed below:Ao You can open a log file and use a TYPE command at the remoteA system to receive an ASCII file from the remote and/or you canA also use the VAXNET DUMP command to send an ASCII file to the remote.Ao The alternate met hod requires a program called SNDRCV on theA the remote system. Using this method (see GET and SEND? commands), error checking and retransmission is performed on the data being transmitted. 2 BAUD_RATEAYou must specify the baud rate of the port connected to theAremote system. If you are communicating with the remote over a5modem, the baud rate will be either 300 or 1200 baud.The valid baud rates are:- 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800,' 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, or 9600. 2 CROSS_FILEAThis question is asked when you specify "IBM" for the remoteAsystem type. It is used determine if you are communicating withAGeneral Electrics' Cross File system. You must specify yes ifAyou will be using the VAXNET "DUMP" command to send file(s) tothe Cross File editor. 2 DCL_COMMANDATo issue a DCL command, you must type a dollar sign followed byAthe command. The command must be a valid DCL command since yourAlogi n command file is not executed to define symbols. Only one'DCL command at a time can be specified. For example:+ $ DIRECTORY ! Will print a directory. 2 DUMP_FILEAThis command is used to dump a file to the remote system. It isBusually used if the remote system doesn't have the SNDRCV program.AWhen using this command, there must be a program running on theAremote system to accept the characters being dumped to it. UsingAthe "CREATE file_name" command works very nice. When the end ofAfile is detected, a CTRL/Z character is sent to the remote toclose the file.2 EXITAThis command is used to exit from VAXNET. You can also exit byAtyping a CTRL/Z. The log file (if open) will be closed, and youAwill be asked whether or not to hangup (disconnect) the modem if%you are operating over a dialup line. 2 GET_FILEBThis command is used to GET (receive) a file from a remote system.AThe remote system MUST be running the SNDRCV program beforeAissuing this command. You will be prompted for the REMOTE and VAX,file names. A typical GET sequence follows: Vaxnet> GET2Enter the name of the REMOTE file: [1,2]RUNOFF.DOC*Enter the name of the VAX file: RUNOFF.DOC 3 REMOTE_FILEAThe REMOTE file name must be a legal file specification for theAsystem you are talking to. At the current time, only one file attime can be transferred. 3 VAX_FILEAThe VAX file name can be any VAX file specification. If you typeAthe return key, the remote file name will be used on the VAX.AThe remote file name is taken exactly as is. This includes theAdirectory name (i.e., [1,24] or [ROBIN]). If you don't have theAspecified directory on the VAX, you will have to specify the VAX file name.2 HELP6Help can be obtained on a particular topic by typing :* HELP topic subtopic subsubtopic ...* A topic can have the following format :D 1) an alphanumeric string (e.g. a command name, option, etc...) 2) the match-all symbol "*"@ 3) any of the above followed by "..." (on first topic only) Examples: HELP GET HELP SEND...7 Abbreviations result in all matches being displayed. 2 INTERRUPTAThis command allows you to specify the interrupt character. TheAinterrupt character is the character you type to get to commandAlevel (CTRL/Y by default). If you are communicating with anotherAVAX system, you will probably want to specify a differentAinterrupt character since CRTL/Y is needed to abort programs onAthe remote VAX system. Any character except for carriage return,/escape, or exclaimation point can be specified.2 INTRODUCTIONAVAXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcationsAbetween two computers (systems). Communications can be eitherAdirectly between the computers using a synchronous null modemApatch cable (see "HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over aAdialup line (modem). Communications with the remote system (theAsystem you want to talk to) is accomplished using a second port((asynchronous line) on the local system.AWhile listing help and the terminal screen becomes full, you mustBtype either the return key to continue with the next page of help,6or type "E(xit)" and the return key to exit from help.AWhen VAXNET is prompting you for a question, you have thefollowing options:,o typing the escape key will give you help,Ao typing an exclaimation point (!) followed by the return key) will back up to the previous question.Ao typing the return key selects the default answer if there is> one. Default answers are shown in parenthesis; i.e., (DEC)+o typing a CTRL/Z will exit to the system.D If you are communicating with the remote system, and you want toD exit, you must first type the interrupt character (CTRL/Y byD default) to get to the command level, and then type either CTRL/Z! or EXIT to exit to the system. 2 LOG_FILEAThis command allows you to specify the name of a log file toAwrite the output from the remote system. The output from theAremote system and questions asked by VAXNET will be written to#both the log file and the terminal. 3 REFORMATAAfter exiting from VAXNET, the log file must be reformatted. ThisAis done using a program called REFORMAT. This program stripsAnulls, removes deleted characters (i.e. BS SP BS), converts LF/CRAto CR/LF, etc. It creates an output file in a format which youcan then edit (if desired). For example: $ MCR REFORMAT REFORMAT Version 3.n, Enter the name of the input file: TEST.DAT/ Enter the name of the output file (TEST.DAT): Reformatting complete ... $3 OPEN_LOG_FILEAIf a log file is already open, you have the option of eitherAusing the current log file, or you can close the current log file and specify a new log file name. 2 MODEM_USAGEBOnce the port being used is patched in properly (see "HELP PORT"),Athe modem connection can be established. The phone call to theAremote system MUST be made from the phone being used for theAmodem. You CAN NOT transfer the call to the modem as you canAwith synchronous modems; you'll loose the connection. The modem-can be set up in one of two modes as follows:Ao in the normal modem set up, the voice/data switch must be inA the voice position to place the call. After you establish theA connection with the remote system, you have the carrier signalA (high pitch), you place the voice/data switch to the dataA position. Once in data position, you should see the Data SetA Ready (DSR), Clear To Send (CTS), Carrier (CXR), and High0 Speed (HS) if you are operating at 1200 baud.Ao the modem in the coffee room on the second floor is set upA different that the normal modems. I enabled the "UnattendedB Disconnect switch A1" and the "Non-standard options switch A6".A This  was done so the modem could be hungup from VAXNETA (turning DTR off). You DTR lamp MUST be lite before attemptingA the following procedure. DTR will be lite if you are patchedA into a VAX port properly. If DTR is not lite, the modem willA be hungup immediatly after following the procedure below. The= procedure for establishing the connection in this mode is:8 - call the remote system and get the carrier signal,8 - toggle the voice/data switch to the data position, - hangup the phone up,B - now toggle the voice/data switch back to the voice position.9 You should now see DSR, CTS, CXR, and the HS lamps. 2 NOLOG_FILE)This command closes the current log file. 2 PATCH_CABLEAA synchronous patch cable is required to communicate directlyAbetween two computers without using modems. This cable must beconstructed as follows:. WIRING DIAGRAM FOR NULL MODEM CABLE TD 2 ..................... 3 RD RD 3 ..................... 2 TD% CTS/RTS 4&5.................... 8 CD) GND 7 ..................... 7 GND# DSR 6 ..................... 20 DTR' CD 8 ..................... 4&5 CTS/RTS " DTR 20 .................... 6 DSR2 PORT_SELECTIONAThe port (asynchronous line) being used for VAXNET to communicateAwith the remote computer (system) can be either connectedAdirectly to a system in-house using the synchronous null modemApatch cable, or connected using a modem (see "HELP MODEM" forAgetting modem connection established). This port can be any DZ11)terminal line not being used (logged in).AOn our 11/780 the port normally used for VAXNET is TTE1:. ThisAport is located in the patch panel next to Bob Wells office. ItAmust be patched via Trunk 1 or Trunk 2 to the patch panel in theAline printer room. Then you must patch from one of the trunks tothe patch used by vadic modem.2 RETURNATo return to entering commands at the remote system from the1VAXNET command level, simply type the RETURN key. 2 SEND_FILEAThis command is used to send (transmit) a file to the remoteAsystem. The remote system MUST be running the SNDRCV programAprior to issuing this command. You will be prompted for the VAX8and REMOTE file names. A typical SEND sequence follows: Vaxnet> SEND(Enter the name of the VAX file: MAIL.MAI2Enter the name of the REMOTE file: [ROBIN]MAIL.MAI 3 VAX_FILEAThe VAX file name can be any legal VAX file specification. At the7current time, only one file at time can be transferred. 3 REMOTE_FILEAThe REMOTE file name must be a valid file specification for theAsystem you are talking to. If you type the return key, the VAXAfile name will be used on the REMOTE. The VAX file name is takenAexactly as is. This includes the directory name (i.e., [ROBIN]).AIf you don't have the specified directory on the remote system,)you must specify an the remote file name.2 SNDRCVASNDRCV is the program run on the remote system to communicateAwith VAXNET during file transmission (either GET or SEND). SNDRCV,is started by one of the following commands:Ao if you are communicating with another VAX system, SNDRCV is. started by typing the command "MCR SNDRCV".Ao if you are communicating with an RSX-11M system, then SNDRCV2 is started by typing the command "RUN $SNDRCV".D In either case, the following message is displayed after SNDRCV is started.7  SNDRCV Version 2.0 started ... Type CTRL/X to abort.D At this point you should type CTRL/Y to get the VAXNET commandD prompt. Be careful not to type any other characters since theyD will be accepted by SNDRCV and interpreted as commands fromD VAXNET. After you get the VAXNET command prompt, you should typeD either GET or SEND and the file name questions associated withD each command. After the questions are answered, the file transmission begins.D The status report on the terminal is updated after each recordD transmitted. If the status report stops updating momentarily, beD patient, there may have been a transmission failure. After aD timeout period (currently 30 seconds), transmission shouldC continue. If the transmission doesn't continue, you should type- a single CTRL/C to abort the transmission.D To abort the SNDRCV program, you must type CTRL/X followed by theD return key. If SNDRCV doesn't ab!ort after the first attempt, try8 several times; the second try usually does it for me. 2 STARTUPABefore establishing the connection with the remote system either4in-house or over a modem, you MUST do the following.Ao after you are logged into the VAX, allocate the port to beA used for VAXNET. This is done so the operating system doesn'tA think someone is attempting to login to the system. AlthoughA VAXNET allocates the port internally, this is only stays inA e"ffect while you are running VAXNET. When you exit fromA VAXNET, the port is automatically deallocated. Failure toA allocate the system could result in both systems getting hungA up looping character back and forth (initiating LOGIN) andA WILL prevent VAXNET from attaching the remote port since it isA already allocated. On RSX-11M, this will result in all the7 system buffers being used up and the system hanging.Ao the second step is to start VAXNE#T and answer all theA questions. This is not really neccessary if the remote is aA DEC operating system (no timeout period) but is needed for anA IBM system. IBM (especially the GE Crossfile) has a limitedA amount of time to login to their system. If you aren't loggedA in within that period of time (how much time ???), IBM (TSO)A will hangup the modem on their end. You will still have to beA very fast for IBM if you're terminal is on a differnt floor t$han the modem. 2 SUMMARYAThe following is a summary of the commands which can be issued atthe Vaxnet command level:+ BAUD_RATE, DCL_COMMAND, DUMP_FILE, EXIT,( GET_FILE, HELP, INTERRUPT, LOG_FILE,% NOLOG_FILE, SEND_FILE, SYSTEM_TYPE 2 SYSTEM_TYPEAThis command is used to specify the type of remote system you areAcommunicating with. This sets up various flags within VAXNET toAdetermine how to talk to the remote. For example, if you specifyAIBM, a local echo will be performed since IBM (TSO) doesn't echo3characters sent to it. The valid system types are:! APPLE, DEC, IBM, UNIX, and XXDP.wwܨ ROBIN VAXNET ROBIN VAXNET ' 1 VAXNETAVAXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcationsAbetween two computers (systems). Communications can be eitherAdirectly between the computers using a synchronous null modemApatch cable (see "HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over aAdialup line (modem). Communications with the remote system (theAsystem you want to talk to) is accomplished using a second port((asynchronous line) on the local system.AVAXNET gives you the ( ability to create a log file of yourAterminal sesson with the remote system (very nice for creatingAdocumentation) and/or allows file transmission between theAsystems. File transmission can be done using one of the methods listed below:Ao You can open a log file and use a TYPE command at the remoteA system to receive an ASCII file from the remote and/or you canA also use the VAXNET DUMP command to send an ASCII file to the remote.Ao The alternate met)hod requires a program called SNDRCV on theA the remote system. Using this method (see GET and SEND? commands), error checking and retransmission is performed on the data being transmitted. 2 BAUD_RATEAYou must specify the baud rate of the port connected to theAremote system. If you are communicating with the remote over a5modem, the baud rate will be either 300 or 1200 baud.The valid baud rates are:- 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800,' 2000, * 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, or 9600. 2 CROSS_FILEAThis question is asked when you specify "IBM" for the remoteAsystem type. It is used determine if you are communicating withAGeneral Electrics' Cross File system. You must specify yes ifAyou will be using the VAXNET "DUMP" command to send file(s) tothe Cross File editor. 2 DCL_COMMANDATo issue a DCL command, you must type a dollar sign followed byAthe command. The command must be a valid DCL command since yourAlogi +n command file is not executed to define symbols. Only one'DCL command at a time can be specified. For example:+ $ DIRECTORY ! Will print a directory. 2 DUMP_FILEAThis command is used to dump a file to the remote system. It isBusually used if the remote system doesn't have the SNDRCV program.AWhen using this command, there must be a program running on theAremote system to accept the characters being dumped to it. UsingAthe "CREATE file_name" command works very nice. , When the end ofAfile is detected, a CTRL/Z character is sent to the remote toclose the file.2 EXITAThis command is used to exit from VAXNET. You can also exit byAtyping a CTRL/Z. The log file (if open) will be closed, and youAwill be asked whether or not to hangup (disconnect) the modem if%you are operating over a dialup line. 2 GET_FILEBThis command is used to GET (receive) a file from a remote system.AThe remote system MUST be running the SNDRCV program befor-eAissuing this command. You will be prompted for the REMOTE and VAX,file names. A typical GET sequence follows: Vaxnet> GET2Enter the name of the REMOTE file: [1,2]RUNOFF.DOC*Enter the name of the VAX file: RUNOFF.DOC 3 REMOTE_FILEAThe REMOTE file name must be a legal file specification for theAsystem you are talking to. At the current time, only one file attime can be transferred. 3 VAX_FILEAThe VAX file name can be any VAX file specification. If you typeAthe return k .ey, the remote file name will be used on the VAX.AThe remote file name is taken exactly as is. This includes theAdirectory name (i.e., [1,24] or [ROBIN]). If you don't have theAspecified directory on the VAX, you will have to specify the VAX file name.2 HELP6Help can be obtained on a particular topic by typing :* HELP topic subtopic subsubtopic ...* A topic can have the following format :D 1) an alphanumeric string (e.g. a command name, option, etc...) 2) th/e match-all symbol "*"@ 3) any of the above followed by "..." (on first topic only) Examples: HELP GET HELP SEND...7 Abbreviations result in all matches being displayed. 2 INTERRUPTAThis command allows you to specify the interrupt character. TheAinterrupt character is the character you type to get to commandAlevel (CTRL/Y by default). If you are communicating with anotherAVAX system, you will probably want to specify a differentAinterrupt chara 0cter since CRTL/Y is needed to abort programs onAthe remote VAX system. Any character except for carriage return,/escape, or exclaimation point can be specified.2 INTRODUCTIONAVAXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcationsAbetween two computers (systems). Communications can be eitherAdirectly between the computers using a null modem cable (seeA"HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over a dialup lineA(modem). Communications with the remote sys 1tem (the system youBwant to talk to) is accomplished using a second port (asynchronousline) on the local system.AWhile listing help and the terminal screen becomes full, you mustBtype either the return key to continue with the next page of help,6or type "E(xit)" and the return key to exit from help.AWhen VAXNET is prompting you for a question, you have thefollowing options::o typing the escape key or typing "?" will give you help,Ao typing an exclaimation point (!) fol 2lowed by the return key% backs up to the previous question.Ao typing the return key selects the default answer if there is> one. Default answers are shown in parenthesis; i.e., (DEC)+o typing a CTRL/Z will exit to the system.D If you are communicating with the remote system, and you want toD exit, you must first type the interrupt character (CTRL/Y byD default) to get to the command level, and then type either CTRL/Z! or EXIT to exit to the system. 2 LOG_FILEA 3This command allows you to specify the name of a log file toAwrite the output from the remote system. The output from theAremote system and questions asked by VAXNET will be written to#both the log file and the terminal. 3 REFORMATAAfter exiting from VAXNET, the log file must be reformatted. ThisAis done using a program called REFORMAT. This program stripsAnulls, removes deleted characters (i.e. BS SP BS), converts LF/CRAto CR/LF, etc. It creates an output file in4 a format which youcan then edit (if desired). For example: $ MCR REFORMAT REFORMAT Version 3.n, Enter the name of the input file: TEST.DAT/ Enter the name of the output file (TEST.DAT): Reformatting complete ... $3 OPEN_LOG_FILEAIf a log file is already open, you have the option of eitherAusing the current log file, or you can close the current log file and specify a new log file name. 2 MODEM_USAGEBOnce the port being used is patched in properly (see " 5HELP PORT"),Athe modem connection can be established. The phone call to theAremote system MUST be made from the phone being used for theAmodem. You CAN NOT transfer the call to the modem as you canAwith synchronous modems; you'll loose the connection. The modem-can be set up in one of two modes as follows:Ao in the normal modem set up, the voice/data switch must be inA the voice position to place the call. After you establish theA connection with the remote syst 6em, you have the carrier signalA (high pitch), you place the voice/data switch to the dataA position. Once in data position, you should see the Data SetA Ready (DSR), Clear To Send (CTS), Carrier (CXR), and High0 Speed (HS) if you are operating at 1200 baud.Ao the modem in the coffee room on the second floor is set upA different that the normal modems. I enabled the "UnattendedB Disconnect switch A1" and the "Non-standard options switch A6".A This was 7 done so the modem could be hungup from VAXNETA (turning DTR off). You DTR lamp MUST be lite before attemptingA the following procedure. DTR will be lite if you are patchedA into a VAX port properly. If DTR is not lite, the modem willA be hungup immediatly after following the procedure below. The= procedure for establishing the connection in this mode is:8 - call the remote system and get the carrier signal,8 - toggle the voice/data switch to the data positio8n, - hangup the phone up,B - now toggle the voice/data switch back to the voice position.9 You should now see DSR, CTS, CXR, and the HS lamps. 2 NOLOG_FILE)This command closes the current log file. 2 PATCH_CABLEAA synchronous patch cable is required to communicate directlyAbetween two computers without using modems. This cable must beconstructed as follows:. WIRING DIAGRAM FOR NULL MODEM CABLE TD 2 ..................... 3 RD RD 3 ............9......... 2 TD% CTS/RTS 4&5.................... 8 CD) GND 7 ..................... 7 GND# DSR 6 ..................... 20 DTR' CD 8 ..................... 4&5 CTS/RTS " DTR 20 .................... 6 DSR2 PORT_SELECTIONAThe port (asynchronous line) being used for VAXNET to communicateAwith the remote computer (system) can be either connectedAdirectly to a system in-house using the synchronous null modemApatch cable, or connected using a modem (see "HELP : MODEM" forAgetting modem connection established). This port can be any DZ11)terminal line not being used (logged in).AOn our 11/780 the port normally used for VAXNET is TTE1:. ThisAport is located in the patch panel next to Bob Wells office. ItAmust be patched via Trunk 1 or Trunk 2 to the patch panel in theAline printer room. Then you must patch from one of the trunks tothe patch used by vadic modem.2 RETURNATo return to entering commands at the remote system from ;the1VAXNET command level, simply type the RETURN key. 2 SEND_FILEAThis command is used to send (transmit) a file to the remoteAsystem. The remote system MUST be running the SNDRCV programAprior to issuing this command. You will be prompted for the VAX8and REMOTE file names. A typical SEND sequence follows: Vaxnet> SEND(Enter the name of the VAX file: MAIL.MAI2Enter the name of the REMOTE file: [ROBIN]MAIL.MAI 3 VAX_FILEAThe VAX file name can be any legal VAX file sp <ecification. At the7current time, only one file at time can be transferred. 3 REMOTE_FILEAThe REMOTE file name must be a valid file specification for theAsystem you are talking to. If you type the return key, the VAXAfile name will be used on the REMOTE. The VAX file name is takenAexactly as is. This includes the directory name (i.e., [ROBIN]).AIf you don't have the specified directory on the remote system,)you must specify an the remote file name.2 SNDRCVASNDRCV is =the program run on the remote system to communicateAwith VAXNET during file transmission (either GET or SEND). SNDRCV,is started by one of the following commands:Ao if you are communicating with another VAX system, SNDRCV is. started by typing the command "MCR SNDRCV".Ao if you are communicating with an RSX-11M system, then SNDRCV2 is started by typing the command "RUN $SNDRCV".D In either case, the following message is displayed after SNDRCV is started.7 SND >RCV Version 2.0 started ... Type CTRL/X to abort.D At this point you should type CTRL/Y to get the VAXNET commandD prompt. Be careful not to type any other characters since theyD will be accepted by SNDRCV and interpreted as commands fromD VAXNET. After you get the VAXNET command prompt, you should typeD either GET or SEND and the file name questions associated withD each command. After the questions are answered, the file transmission begins.D T ?he status report on the terminal is updated after each recordD transmitted. If the status report stops updating momentarily, beD patient, there may have been a transmission failure. After aD timeout period (currently 30 seconds), transmission shouldC continue. If the transmission doesn't continue, you should type- a single CTRL/C to abort the transmission.D To abort the SNDRCV program, you must type CTRL/X followed by theD return key. If SNDRCV doesn't abort @after the first attempt, try8 several times; the second try usually does it for me. 2 STARTUPABefore establishing the connection with the remote system either4in-house or over a modem, you MUST do the following.Ao after you are logged into the VAX, allocate the port to beA used for VAXNET. This is done so the operating system doesn'tA think someone is attempting to login to the system. AlthoughA VAXNET allocates the port internally, this is only stays inA effec At while you are running VAXNET. When you exit fromA VAXNET, the port is automatically deallocated. Failure toA allocate the system could result in both systems getting hungA up looping character back and forth (initiating LOGIN) andA WILL prevent VAXNET from attaching the remote port since it isA already allocated. On RSX-11M, this will result in all the7 system buffers being used up and the system hanging.Ao the second step is to start VAXNET a Bnd answer all theA questions. This is not really neccessary if the remote is aA DEC operating system (no timeout period) but is needed for anA IBM system. IBM (especially the GE Crossfile) has a limitedA amount of time to login to their system. If you aren't loggedA in within that period of time (how much time ???), IBM (TSO)A will hangup the modem on their end. You will still have to beA very fast for IBM if you're terminal is on a differnt floor than Cthe modem. 2 SUMMARYAThe following is a summary of the commands which can be issued atthe Vaxnet command level:+ BAUD_RATE, DCL_COMMAND, DUMP_FILE, EXIT,( GET_FILE, HELP, INTERRUPT, LOG_FILE,% NOLOG_FILE, SEND_FILE, SYSTEM_TYPE 2 SYSTEM_TYPEAThis command is used to specify the type of remote system you areAcommunicating with. This sets up various flags within VAXNET toAdetermine how to talk to the remote. For example, if you specifyAIBM, a local echo will be performed since IBM (TSO) doesn't echo3characters sent to it. The valid system types are:! APPLE, DEC, IBM, UNIX, and XXDP.ww