.title DTINIT Initialization Module for VAX STOIC .enabl dbg,tbk .dsabl gbl .extrn dat_end .psect kernel k_start:: get_block:: addl2 #1,r0 ;increment number of pages pushl #0 ;set up a 0 longword moval -(sp),r6 ;set up another, address in r6 $expreg_s pagcnt=r0, retadr=(r6), region=#0 ;get memory movl (sp),r3 ;save the beginning address addl3 4(sp),#1,r2 ;save the first unusable address movl (sp),4(sp) ;set the addresses equal movl sp,r6 ;get the block address $deltva_s inadr=(r6) ;delete the moat block addl3 r3,#^x200,r1 ;retrieve the starting address addl2 #8,sp ;get rid of the values rsb .psect datinit dat_start:: .word dat_end-dat_start ;word containing number of ;bytes of data--must be first ;in the data region .psect dictionary dict_start:: .end