% ***************************************************************** % * * % * This module is a part of the SAO VAX/VMS * % * RED full-screen text editor * % * * % * It was created by * % * Roger Hauck * % * Smithsonian Institution * % * Astrophysical Observatory * % * Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 * % * (617)495-7151 (FTS 830-7151) * % * * % * Modifications by Jonathan Mark * % * Summer 1981 * % * * % * This module may be reproduced * % * provided that this header is retained. * % * * % ***************************************************************** % Command-line Interpretter % Utilities used by CLI 'CLI.GNB : % CLI.GNB, success (fails if no more bytes in command line) CURKBUF @ 8+ RBB % get a byte from the bottom half of the key buffer DUP IF % have we got one? OVER CURKBUF @ ABE % yes; put it on the top THEN ; 'CLI.BACK : % CLI.BACK (moves byte from bototop to topobot in kbuf) % (no error check--should only be used after CLI.GNB) CURKBUF @ RBE DROP % get the byte CURKBUF @ 8+ ABB % and put it on the bottom ; 'CLI.POS : % CLI.POS, number of bytes in top key buffer CURKBUF @ D@- % get difference between pointers ; 'CLI.MOVE_DOWN : % same as MOVE_DOWN but for the keyboard buffer CURKBUF @ 4+ @ OVER - SWAP % go to beginning of buffer OVER CURKBUF @ 4+ ! CURKBUF @ 8+ @ OVER - DUP CURKBUF @ 8+ ! MOVE_BYTES ; 'CLI.MOVE_UP : CURKBUF @ 8+ @ CURKBUF @ C+ @ OVER - % BOT_COUNT for key buffer DDUP + CURKBUF @ 8+ ! CURKBUF @ 4+ @ DDUP + CURKBUF @ 4+ ! MOVE_BYTES ; 'CLI.MOVE : % moves forward (.UP) if positive, else backward (.DOWN) DUP GEZ_IF CLI.MOVE_UP ELSE MINUS CLI.MOVE_DOWN THEN ; 'CLI.LOAD_ARG : % argument, CLI.LOAD_ARG--sets up arg, mag, and sign DUP C.ARG ! % put it in the signed argument DUP GEZ_IF C.MAG ! C.SIGN 1<- % just load it in magnitude if >=0 ELSE MINUS C.MAG ! C.SIGN -1<- THEN ; 'CLI.MOVE_ERROR : % checks for an out-of-buffer error DUP GEZ_IF TOPOBOT ELSE MINUS TOPOTOP THEN % find which region to use D@- LT ERR_FLAG ! % minor error if not enough room in region ; 'CONVERT_TO_UPPER : % byte, CONVERT_TO_UPPER, converted byte DUP ASCII a LE IF DUP ASCII z GE IF % is it lower-case? 20 - THEN THEN ; % 'CLI.SYMBARG : CLI.SYMBARG, [value, -1] or [0] (not debugged) % C.COMCUR @ save current position in command line % CLI.GNB IF get next byte, anything there? % ASCII ` EQ_IF yes, is it accent grave % CLI.GNB IF yes, get search byte, is it there? % BOT_COUNT SBF GEZ_IF search for byte, is it there? % TOPOBOT @ - UNDER -1 ELSE % 3 (DROP) ERR.NOBYTE THEN ELSE byte not found, fail % ERR.INVARG THEN ELSE no search byte, fail % C.COMCUR ! 0 THEN ELSE invalid symbolic parameter, fail % DROP 0 THEN nothing there, drop saved position, fail % ; 'INCLUDE_DIGIT : DUP ASCII 0 LE OVER ASCII 9 GE AND IF % is it a number ASCII 0 - C.MAG @ A * + C.MAG ! CLI.GNB DUP NOT % yes; fix the total C.ARGLEN 1+! ELSE DROP CLI.BACK 0 -1 % no; put it back and signal exit THEN ; 'CLI.READ_DIGIT : IF INCLUDE_DIGIT ELSE 0 -1 % signal exit if no bytes there THEN ; 'CLI.NUMARG : % CLI.NUMARG, value of integer argument % (extracts integer as next item on command line) 1 C.SIGN ! C.MAG 0<- C.ARGLEN 0<- % reset values CLI.GNB DUP IF % is there a byte OVER ASCII - EQ_IF C.SIGN -1<- C.ARGLEN 1+! 2DROP CLI.GNB % yes, check for minus THEN THEN BEGIN CLI.READ_DIGIT END DROP C.ARG_EXISTS C.ARGLEN @ EQZ_IF 0<- ELSE -1<- THEN % maybe preserve C.SIGN @ C.MAG @ * C.ARG ! % sign the number C.ARG @ EQZ_IF % special interpretation of zero C.SIGN @ LTZ_IF C.ARG -1<- ELSE % "-" by itself => -1 C.ARGLEN @ EQZ_IF C.ARG 1 <- C.DEFAULT? -1<- % null => +1 THEN THEN THEN ; 'CLI.INIT : % initialization done once per command line C.ARG_EXISTS 0<- % no argument exists initially CURKBUF @ D@- % get number of bytes in top CLI.MOVE_DOWN % and go to the top of the key buffer ; % More CLI Utilities ASSEMBLER< 'CLI.SUBSTRING : % pattern descriptor, source descriptor,- % CLI.SUBSTRING, remaining source descriptor, pattern descriptor MOVQ (P)+ R2 MOVQ (P) R0 % load descriptors MATCHC R0 (R1) R2 (R3) % do match operation MOVQ R2 -(P) % return rest-of-source descriptor MOVL R0 -(P) EQZ % return success code ; > 'CLI.REMVER : % descriptor, CLI.REMVER, revised descriptor % (revised descriptor is of string with ";" and all after removed) ( DUP I + B@ ASCII ; EQ_IF EXIT THEN ) LAST_I ; ASSEMBLER< 'L_STACK_EMPTY? : % L_STACK_EMPTY?, truth value MOVL L -(P) L_STACK_0 @ LE ; 'CLEAR_L_STACK : % CLEAR_L_STACK, resets loop stack L_STACK_0 @ MOVL (P)+ L ; > 'SFSEP : % n, string descriptor, SFSEP, % descriptor of string passed over to find nth separator % (If there are not n in string, full string descriptor is returned) -ROT NOTE % save count OVER SWAP % save string location REC_SEP @ +ROT % setup to search for separator RECALL ( % do it n times SBF LTZ_IF % search, anything left? 1- -1 EXIT ELSE % no, correct position, exit UNDROP THEN ) % yes, continue DROP UNDER % drop remaining string length & search byte OVER - % descriptor of string passed over ; 'CLI.FIND_LABEL : % label byte, CLI.FIND_LABEL, success (moves in KBUF) BEGIN % loop until we find the label or run out of bytes CLI.GNB % get one IF % have we run out? ASCII \ EQ_IF % have we a label? CLI.GNB % get another byte IF % did we find one? CONVERT_TO_UPPER OVER EQ_IF DROP -1 -1 ELSE 0 THEN % maybe signal exit, found ELSE DROP 0 -1 % no byte; signal exit, not found (drop label byte) THEN ELSE 0 % it's not a label; signal to continue THEN ELSE DROP 0 -1 % no bytes left here; signal exit, not found THEN END ; % Support words for file operations 'O.K._TO_OPEN? : FILE_NAME W@ NEZ_IF % is a file active? ERR.ACTIVE ELSE % yes BUFFER# @ NEZ_IF % no, wrong buffer? ERR.X0ONLY ELSE % yes -1 THEN THEN % it's O.K. to open ; 'O.K._TO_CLOSE? : FILE_NAME W@ EQZ_IF % is a file active? ERR.NOTACT ELSE % no, error BUFFER# @ NEZ_IF % no, wrong buffer? ERR.X0ONLY ELSE % yes -1 THEN THEN % it's O.K. to close ; 'F.DIAG : DDUP SWAP @ SWAP = = CR % diagnostic ; 'SIMULATE_GET : % does GET but expands buffer if record doesn't fit BEGIN % start loop to try to fit it DUP @ MAXLINE 3 .GET % read a record, get error code NOT IF % was there an error? 2DROP DUP 800 D.EXPAND 0 % yes, expand dynast, signal continue ELSE -1 THEN % exit begin if no problem END DUP NOT IF UNDER THEN % don't return a length if EOF ; 'MOVE_RECORD : 4+ BEGIN % open successful, point to expansion area, read lines DUP D@- MAXLINE - LTZ_IF % any room? DUP 800 D.EXPAND THEN % no, expand SIMULATE_GET IF % read, success? % F.DIAG OVER +! % log count DUP @ REC_SEP @ B<- DUP 1+! % append CR REPEAT DROP ; 'F.LOAD : % ptr. to buffer descriptor, filename descriptor, F.LOAD, success 3 .OPEN IF 3 FIL_RAT DUP REC_ATT ! 2 AND % is rec. attr. CR or FORTRAN? NEZ_IF CRET ELSE USEP THEN % determine separator REC_SEP ! % store value in variable MOVE_RECORD 3 CLOSE -1 ELSE % finished, close file UNDROP UNDER THEN % open unsuccessful, return error code ; 'C.P/R_LOOP_BODY : DUP W@ FSIZE @ - % get number of bytes in this record SWAP 2+ FSIZE @ + SWAP DDUP % omit control field; get source descriptor BOTOTOP @ % get a destination address MOVE_BYTES % move the string DUP BOTOTOP +! + % add count to bototop, address DUP FIRST_BYTE @ XOR IF 1+ THEN % fix pointer to point to next place REC_SEP @ TOPOTOP ABE % add separator to end of top buffer DDUP GE % and continue if we're not at the end ; 'C.PROCESS_RECORDS : % end address, start address, C.PROCESS_RECORDS C.REC_LENGTH @ EQZ_IF BEGIN % loop until top pointer reaches end C.P/R_LOOP_BODY END 2DROP % clear stack ELSE % fixed length records here BEGIN DUP C.REC_LENGTH @ BOTOTOP @ MOVE_BYTES % move the string C.REC_LENGTH @ + % increment the start pointer by the record size C.REC_LENGTH @ BOTOTOP +! % adjust the destination pointer REC_SEP @ TOPOTOP ABE % add on a separator DDUP GE % see if we're there yet END 2DROP % stop and clear stack THEN ; 'CLI.READ_FILE : % number of bytes, CLI.READ_FILE BOTOTOP OVER D.EXPAND % make the gap that big % TOPOBOT @ OVER - TOPOBOT ! BOTOTOP @ OVER 6 READ % read file into gap IF % success? 6 CLOSE % close the file BOTOTOP @ + BOTOTOP @ DUP FIRST_BYTE ! % push end address, start address C.PROCESS_RECORDS % get rid of the record length words -1 % succeed ELSE UNDROP UNDER THEN % if error, return code ; 'CLI.MAP_FILE : % number of bytes, CLI.MAP_FILE DUP C.REC_LENGTH @ NEZ_IF % if fixed records ... DUP C.REC_LENGTH @ / 1+ + % then add the size of all the terminators THEN BOTOTOP SWAP D.EXPAND % enlarge the gap so that the file will fit .M @ % get page address of end of memory DUP NOTE + RECALL SWAP CHAN @ MAP % map the file into the end of memory IF % did it work? DDUP % save the addresses DROP 7 FIL_EBK 1- 200 * 7 FIL_FFB + OVER + SWAP % provide an end address DUP FIRST_BYTE ! % save the first byte address C.PROCESS_RECORDS % addresses are on stack DELTVA % delete the space MAPCLOSE % and deassign the I/O channel ELSE UNDROP 1CC EQ_IF % is it a not-structured-for-mapping error? MAPCLOSE DROP % close file and assume success TOPOTOP FILE_NAME COUNT F.LOAD % forward operation to F.LOAD ELSE % if it's not that, we've failed completely UNDROP % get the error code back THEN THEN % return code if error ; 'F.GET_FILE_DATA : REC_SEP 7 FIL_RAT DUP REC_ATT ! % get record attributes DUP 8 AND NEZ_IF OK_TO_MAP 0<- ELSE OK_TO_MAP -1<- THEN % BLK not imp. 3 AND NEZ % returns true if rec. attr. = CR or FORTRAN IF CRET <- ELSE USEP <- THEN % determine separator 7 FIL_EBK 1- % get number of full blocks 200 * 7 FIL_FFB + % get size necessary 7 FIL_FSZ DUP FSIZE ! % get size of control field so we can omit it GTZ_IF 0D REC_SEP ! THEN % if cr. control, specify CR 7 FIL_RFM 1 EQ_IF % is the record format fixed? 7 FIL_MRS C.REC_LENGTH ! % if so, find out what it is ELSE C.REC_LENGTH 0<- THEN ; 'F.BLK_LOAD : 6 .OPEN IF F.GET_FILE_DATA DUP GEZ IF % is there anything at all in the file? CLI.READ_FILE ELSE DROP 6 CLOSE -1 % nothing in file; close it again and succeed THEN ELSE UNDROP % error opening file THEN ; 'F.PUT : % string descr., .PUT, condition code % (outputs string to channel 2) % (on extend error, pauses with a RED error message and retries) DDUP 2 .PUT IF % save string descriptor, write, successful? 2DROP -1 ELSE % yes, drop descriptor UNDROP 1C022 EQ_IF % is it a file_extend error? ERR.EXTEND ERR.MSG % pause with message 2 .PUT ELSE % yes, try one more time UNDROP NOTE 2DROP RECALL THEN % no, drop string descriptor, save code THEN ; 'DUMP_RECORD : 1 BOT_COUNT NEZ_IF % anything left? UNDROP SFSEP DUP NOTE % yes, get next line, save length 1- % remove its separator F.PUT IF % write, successful RECALL MOVE_UP 0 ELSE % yes, move line up, continue looping UNDROP ERR.IOERR % no, retrieve RMS error, add RED error -1 THEN ELSE % stop looping 2DROP -1 -1 THEN % end of file, stop looping, success ; 'F.DUMP : % filename descriptor, F.DUMP, (success) or (RMS error, RED error) TOPOTOP D@- MOVE_DOWN % put entire file in bottom TOPOBOT RBE IF % get last byte DUP TOPOBOT ABE % succeded, put it back REC_SEP @ NE_IF % was it a CR? REC_SEP @ TOPOBOT ABE THEN THEN % no, add one REC_ATT @ 1 EQ_IF 2 .WOPEN_FTN % if Fortran, use special routine ELSE 2 REC_SEP @ CRET EQ_IF .WOPEN ELSE .WOPEN_NCR THEN % open the file THEN IF BEGIN % loop, writing lines DUMP_RECORD CTRL_C_FLAG @ OR % also end if control-C END 2 CLOSE ELSE UNDROP ERR.OPFAIL % open error, retrieve RMS error, add RED error THEN DUP NOT IF % error? SWAP SYSMSG TYPE % yes, output RMS message ELSE CTRL_C_FLAG @ IF DROP ERR.NOTWRT THEN % replace with error if ^C THEN CTRL_C_FLAG 0<- % clear flag anyway ; 'F.MAP_LOAD : DDUP C.NEWSTR .MOVE_STRING % save the file name in an unused buffer MAPOPEN IF CHAN ! % store channel number F.GET_FILE_DATA OK_TO_MAP @ IF % has get_file_data signaled it can't handle it? DUP GEZ_IF CLI.MAP_FILE ELSE DROP MAPCLOSE THEN ELSE DROP % forget about the byte count; we can't map it for some reason MAPCLOSE DROP % close file immediately; assume success TOPOTOP C.NEWSTR COUNT F.LOAD % use normal F.LOAD routine THEN ELSE UNDROP % get error code 182D2 EQ_IF % is it a not-supported-over-network error? TOPOTOP C.NEWSTR COUNT F.LOAD % if so, forward operation to F.LOAD ELSE UNDROP % otherwise simply return the error THEN THEN ; 'F.OPEN_FILE : % used for OPEN command F.MAP_LOAD % get the file TOPOTOP D@- MOVE_DOWN % put file in bottom buffer REC_SEP @ MAIN_SEP ! % and remember the main separator REC_ATT @ MAIN_ATT ! % and record attribute ; 'F.WRITE : % performs F.DUMP with main record separator MAIN_SEP @ REC_SEP ! % get the separator MAIN_ATT @ REC_ATT ! % and attribute F.DUMP ; % Support words for "X" commands 0 'X.BYTES VARIABLE % true means interpret count as a byte count 0 'X.INSERT VARIABLE % true means don't kill buffer before transfer 'X.GNB : % X.GNB, [byte, -1] or [error code] % (gets command subcode, also interprets B and I options) X.INSERT 0<- X.BYTES 0<- BEGIN CLI.GNB IF CONVERT_TO_UPPER ASCII B EQ_IF X.BYTES -1<- 0 ELSE UNDROP ASCII I EQ_IF X.INSERT -1<- 0 ELSE UNDROP -1 -1 THEN THEN ELSE 0 -1 THEN END ; 'X.PUSH : % buffer #, X.PUSH (old buffer # saved on L stack) BUFFER# @ SWAP % save present buffer # DDUP NE IF % are they equal? DUP BUFFER# ! 10 * X0 + CURBUF ! NOTE -1 ELSE % no, push 2DROP ERR.INVARG THEN % yes, error ; 'X.POP : % XPOP RECALL DUP BUFFER# ! 10 * X0 + CURBUF ! ; 'X.KILL : % X.KILL (kills current buffer) TOPOTOP BOTOTOP MOVE BOTOBOT TOPOBOT MOVE ; 'X.PRECOPY : % PRECOPY, [string descriptor, -1 or error code] C.ARG @ BUFFER# @ EQ_IF ERR.INVARG ELSE % not to same buffer C.XARG @ LEZ_IF ERR.INVARG ELSE % only forward for now C.XARG @ X.BYTES @ NOT IF % lines or bytes? BOT_COUNT SFCR UNDER THEN % lines, convert to bytes -1 THEN THEN % success ; % Arguments 'C.@A : % return value of most recent numeric macro argument MSTACK DUP W@ + 1+ B@ % get the return buffer number 77 EQ_IF % is it the original value? ERR.NOTMAC % yes, return error ELSE MSTACK DUP W@ + 4- @ % get the argument DUP C.ARG ! % put it in the argument LTZ_IF % is it negative? C.SIGN -1<- C.ARG @ MINUS C.MAG ! % set it up ELSE C.SIGN 1<- C.ARG @ C.MAG ! % else just copy it THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- % preserve it -1 % and return a success value THEN ; 'C.@C : % return value of current character number (starts at 0) TOPOTOP D@- % get number of characters above cursor DUP C.ARG ! C.MAG ! C.SIGN 1<- % set it up in the variables -1 % always succeed ; 'C.@K : % get a byte from the keyboard (with prompt) DISP_FLUSH FLUSH TYPEKEY_MSG S.CUP FLUSH % display prompt TYI DUP 08 EQ_IF % accept backspace DROP TYI 40 - % adjust next character THEN CLI.LOAD_ARG % fix the arguments DRAW_DIVIDER TIME_FLAG @ IF S.CPU_TIME THEN FLUSH % fix divider -1 % always succeed ; 'C.@L : % return current line number 0 TOP_COUNT ( % loop through top DUP I + B@ CRET EQ_IF % is the character CR? SWAP 1+ SWAP % yes, increment count THEN ) DROP CLI.LOAD_ARG % argument is @ of cr's -1 % return success ; 'C.@N : % input a number from the keyboard DISP_FLUSH FLUSH NUMBER_MSG 0 % type message and initialize value C.SIGN 1<- % initialize sign to 1 TYI DUP ASCII - EQ_IF % get a byte, is it a minus? ASCII - TYO C.SIGN -1<- DROP TYI % yes, set sign to -1 and get another THEN BEGIN % loop until non-number key hit DUP ASCII 0 LE OVER ASCII 9 GE AND IF % is it a number? DUP TYO ASCII 0 - SWAP 0A * + TYI 0 % adjust total, get byte, continue ELSE DROP -1 % otherwise end THEN END C.SIGN @ * CLI.LOAD_ARG % fix sign, set up the argument DRAW_DIVIDER TIME_FLAG @ IF S.CPU_TIME THEN FLUSH % fix divider -1 % always succeed ; 'C.@P : % pop top of user stack into argument USER_STACK W@ EQZ_IF % nothing on stack? ERR.STKUDF % yes; return error ELSE USER_STACK DUP W@ + 2- @ CLI.LOAD_ARG % get the value USER_STACK DUP W@ 4- W<- % and adjust the count -1 % succeed THEN ; 'C.@Q : % return top of user stack without popping USER_STACK W@ EQZ_IF ERR.STKUDF ELSE USER_STACK DUP W@ + 2- @ CLI.LOAD_ARG % just get value -1 % succeed THEN ; 'C.@T : % return ASCII value of current character TOPOBOT D@- % get number of characters in bottom NEZ_IF TOPOBOT @ B@ % get the value DUP C.ARG ! C.MAG ! C.SIGN 1<- % fill the variables -1 % and succeed ELSE ERR.@TEND % @T illegal at end of buffer THEN ; % Definition of new argument reader that checks for symbolic args 'CLI.RLOAD : CONVERT_TO_UPPER DUP ASCII A LE OVER ASCII Z GE AND IF % is it a letter? ASCII A - 4 * NUM_REGS + @ CLI.LOAD_ARG % yes, get the register -1 % and succeed ELSE DROP ERR.INVREG % invalid register THEN ; 'CLI.# : % retrieve contents of a number register C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- CLI.GNB % get the register-name byte IF % is there one? CLI.RLOAD ELSE ERR.INVREG THEN ; 'CLI.ARG_BYTE : C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- CONVERT_TO_UPPER ; 'CLI.@ : % process an argument starting with @ CLI.GNB IF CLI.ARG_BYTE DISPATCH 'A C.@A DISPATCH 'C C.@C DISPATCH 'K C.@K DISPATCH 'L C.@L DISPATCH 'N C.@N DISPATCH 'P C.@P DISPATCH 'Q C.@Q DISPATCH 'T C.@T DROP ERR.NOARG % error if unrecognized ELSE ERR.NOARG % return error if just @ THEN ; 'C.DBL_QUOTE : % make following ASCII character into argument CLI.GNB % get the next byte IF DUP C.ARG ! C.MAG ! C.SIGN 1<- % put it in the variables C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- % don't let CLI replace it -1 % and succeed ELSE ERR.INVARG % no character there; invalid argument THEN ; 'CLI.GETARG : C.DEFAULT? 0<- % argument will want to be preserved CLI.GNB % get a byte from the command line IF DISPATCH '# CLI.# DISPATCH '@ CLI.@ DISPATCH 22 C.DBL_QUOTE DROP CLI.BACK CLI.NUMARG -1 % not symbolic; read an integer & succeed ELSE C.MAG 1<- C.ARG 1<- C.SIGN 1<- -1 % default argument is +1; succeed THEN ; 'CLI.READ_STRING : CLI.POS 0 BEGIN CLI.GNB IF A EQ_IF % terminator? -1 ELSE 1+ 0 THEN ELSE -1 THEN END DUP C.ARGLEN ! SWAP KBUF @ + SWAP % make a descriptor ; 'CLI.GET_STR_ARG : CURKBUF @ % push the current kbuf pointer MSTACK DUP W@ + 1+ B@ 10 * K0 + CURKBUF ! % switch to old buffer CLI.POS % push the current position C.ARG @ ( % loop to discard non-useful stuff BEGIN CLI.GNB IF % is there another byte? LFEED EQ % exit if it's a line feed ELSE -1 % also exit if nothing left THEN END ) CLI.READ_STRING % read the useful string descriptor -ROT CLI.POS SWAP - CLI.MOVE_DOWN % restore key buffer -ROT CURKBUF ! % get the old key buffer back ; 'CLI.REFARG : % return an argument from calling command line CLI.GETARG IF % get an argument for the number MSTACK DUP W@ + B@ 1- C.ARG @ LE_IF % not exceeded declared #? CLI.GET_STR_ARG ELSE ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 % display warning THEN ELSE ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 THEN C.ARG_EXISTS 0<- ; 'CLI.INPUT_BUFFER : DUP ASCII 0 LE OVER ASCII 9 GE AND IF % is it a legal buffer ASCII 0 - X.PUSH IF % can we push to it? TOPOTOP D@- MOVE_DOWN % go to top TOPOBOT DUP @ SWAP D@- % make a descriptor for it X.POP % and come back ELSE ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 % X.PUSH failed THEN ELSE DROP ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 % illegal buffer THEN ; 'CLI.LOAD_BUFFER : CLI.GNB IF % get a byte for the buffer number CLI.INPUT_BUFFER ELSE ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 % no byte for buffer number THEN ; 'CLI.SARG : % process string after control-G found CLI.GNB IF % get another byte, ok? ASCII @ EQ_IF % is it a signal to use a buffer? CLI.LOAD_BUFFER ELSE CLI.BACK MSTACK W@ 1 NE_IF % are we a macro? CLI.REFARG % yes, get the string argument ELSE ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 % else type warning THEN THEN ELSE ERR.STRWRN ERR.MSG CURKBUF @ 8+ @ 0 % no byte after ^G THEN ; 'CLI.GETSTRING : % CLI.GETSTRING, string descr. C.ARG @ % save the command argument CLI.GNB IF 07 EQ_IF % is the first byte ^G? CLI.SARG % yes, do something special ELSE CLI.BACK CLI.READ_STRING % read the string THEN ELSE KBUF @ CLI.POS + 0 % make a null descriptor C.ARGLEN 0<- % and zero the arg length THEN -ROT C.ARG ! % restore the argument ; % Execution of 2-letter commands 'C.GW : % Open new file O.K._TO_OPEN? IF REC_SEP CRET <- MAIN_SEP CRET <- CLI.GETSTRING % get new file name FILE_NAME .MOVE_STRING % "open" new file SETSCREEN DISP -1 ELSE % initialize buffer and screen UNDROP THEN % retrieve error ; 'C.GX : % Discard current file BUFFER# @ EQZ_IF % buffer 0? 0 FILE_NAME W! % yes, discard name X.KILL % discard buffer SETSCREEN DISP % redraw screen -1 ELSE % fix screen, succeed ERR.X0ONLY THEN % wrong buffer, error ; 'C.T# : % set number register to value C.ARG @ % save the argument CLI.GNB % get a byte IF % was there one? CONVERT_TO_UPPER DUP % get the ascii number ASCII A LE OVER ASCII Z GE AND % is it a letter? IF ASCII A - 4 * NUM_REGS + ! % yes, load the argument C.ARG_EXISTS 0<- % and don't hang onto it -1 % succeed ELSE DROP ERR.INVREG % drop argument, fail if illegal register THEN ELSE DROP ERR.INVREG % no register name; type error THEN ; 'C.T : % toggle tab mode TAB_MODE @ NOT TAB_MODE ! DISP -1 ; 'C.TB : % output bell BELL -1 % ring bell, succeed ; 'C.TC : % replace character at cursor TOPOBOT D@- NEZ_IF % at end of buffer? 1 C..D DROP % delete one character C.ARG @ MARK RECALL 1 C.I+ DROP % make string & insert 1 C.M- % move back to be on top of it -1 % return success ELSE ERR.TC@END % TC illegal at end/buffer THEN ; 'C.TF : % set display window C.ARGLEN @ EQZ_IF % default? 8 ELSE % yes, make it 8 C.ARG @ 0A MIN 1 MAX THEN % keep it within bounds TF ! SELECT_COMMAND % reset command scrolling region SETSCREEN DISP -1 ; 'C.TI : % set radix ERR.NOTIMP ; 'C.TP : % push value of argument on stack USER_STACK W@ USER_STACKSIZE EQ_IF % stack full? ERR.STKOVF % yes, return error ELSE USER_STACK DUP W@ + 2+ % get the address C.ARG @ <- % load the value USER_STACK DUP W@ 4+ W<- % and adjust the count -1 % succeed THEN ; % F commands 'C.FI : % file insert % TOPOTOP CLI.GETSTRING F.LOAD IF CLI.GETSTRING F.MAP_LOAD IF DISP -1 ELSE UNDROP CR SYSMSG TYPE ERR.OPFAIL THEN ; 'C.FO : % file output CLI.GETSTRING F.DUMP DISP ; % Arithmetic commands 'C.ADD : % add current argument to next C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ + CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.SUBTRACT : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ - CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.MULTIPLY : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ * CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.DIVIDE : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ / CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.AND : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ AND CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.IOR : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ OR CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.XOR : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ XOR CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.< : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ SWAP LT CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.> : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ SWAP GT CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; 'C.? : % return value of error flag ERR_FLAG @ CLI.LOAD_ARG % load the value C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- % preserve it -1 % succeed ; 'C.= : C.ARG @ % save our argument CLI.GETARG % and get another IF C.ARG @ EQ CLI.LOAD_ARG -1 % return success ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code THEN C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- ; % Execution of "X" commands 'C.XC : % copy lines to special buffer X.PRECOPY IF % get length of string, success? C.ARG @ X.PUSH DROP % make other buffer current X.INSERT @ NOT IF X.KILL THEN % kill unless insert is specified BOTOTOP OVER D.EXPAND % make sure there is enough room X.POP TOPOBOT @ OVER % string descriptor C.ARG @ X.PUSH DROP TOPOTOP ASE % move string X.POP C.M+ -1 ELSE % revert to original buffer, succeed UNDROP THEN % failure, return code ; 'C.XD : % display special buffers TF @ 8 TF ! SETSCREEN DISP_FLUSH % save TF, erase text pane 1 1 CUP D.DISP % display info ERR.TYPCR ERR.MSG % wait for signal TF ! SETSCREEN DISP -1 % redraw text ; 'C.GET_XG_INFO : TOPOTOP D@- MOVE_DOWN % consolidate in bottom TOPOBOT D@- % length of string to be moved C.XARG @ * % multiply by number of copies to be made DUP MINUS C.STRLEN ! % save the count in C.STRLEN X.POP % back to original buffer ; 'C.XG : % get from special buffer C.ARG @ X.PUSH IF % go to other buffer C.GET_XG_INFO BOTOTOP SWAP D.EXPAND % make sure there is enough room C.ARG @ X.PUSH DROP BOT_COUNT X.POP % descriptor of string to be moved DDUP CR_COUNT C.XARG @ * SROW @ 2- LT_IF % does entire string fit window? DISP % if not, bypass display routine by signaling for refresh THEN C.XARG @ ( % do it n times DDUP C.I+ ) 2DROP % move the string -1 ELSE ERR.INVARG THEN ; 'C.XK : % kill special buffer C.ARG @ X.PUSH IF X.KILL X.POP -1 SETSCREEN DISP ELSE ERR.INVARG THEN % fails if same buffer # ; 'C.XM : % copy lines to special buffer X.PRECOPY IF % get length of string, success? C.ARG @ X.PUSH DROP % make other buffer current X.INSERT @ NOT IF X.KILL THEN % kill unless insert is specified BOTOTOP OVER D.EXPAND % make sure there is enough room X.POP TOPOBOT @ OVER % string descriptor C.ARG @ X.PUSH DROP TOPOTOP ASE % move string X.POP C.D+ -1 ELSE % revert to original buffer, succeed UNDROP THEN % failure, return code ; 'C.XS : % switch to buffer # C.ARGLEN @ EQZ_IF 0 ELSE % default is zero for XS C.ARG @ THEN SET_BUFFER# % yes, switch buffers ASCII ~ TOPUSH TOPOP 2DROP % force materialization of gap DISP -1 ; % Execution of 1-letter commands or dispatch on second letter 'CLI.SKIP_SARGS : % number/args, CLI.SKIP_SARGS: throws away that many ( BEGIN % loop to get rid of arguments CLI.GNB IF LFEED EQ_IF -1 % exit if line feed ELSE 0 THEN ELSE -1 THEN % exit if no string END ) ; 'POP_KBUF : % return from executing buffer MSTACK DUP W@ + 1+ B@ % look at the return buffer number DUP 77 NE_IF % is it the original value? DUP KBUF# ! 10 * K0 + CURKBUF ! % no, start executing there MSTACK DUP W@ + B@ % get the number of arguments MSTACK DUP W@ 6 - W<- % pop the buffer stack CLI.SKIP_SARGS % and skip over the arguments -1 % and return success ELSE DROP 0 % pop was done from K0; return fail THEN ; 'C.CTRL/E : C.ARG @ NEZ_IF POP_KBUF % pop the key buffer; get our success value from its error code ELSE -1 % just succeed if we're not supposed to do anything THEN ; 'C.CTRL/G : % declare number of string arguments MSTACK W@ 1 EQ_IF % only one thing on macro stack? ERR.^GFKBD % yes, fail ELSE MSTACK DUP W@ + C.ARG @ B<- % store argument otherwise -1 % succeed THEN ; 'C.TAB : % insert CLI.GETSTRING 1+ SWAP 1- SWAP % include leading tab -1 C..I % insert string ; 'C.CTRL/W : % insert argument as a number RADIX @ NOTE DECIMAL % save the radix and switch to decimal C.ARG @ <#> % convert the number -1 C..I % insert it RECALL RADIX ! % get the old radix back ; 'C.LINE_FEED : % no action -1 ; 'C.CAR_RET : % no action -1 ; 'C.SPACE : % insert CLI.GETSTRING 1+ SWAP 1- SWAP % include leading blank -1 C..I % insert string ; % Comma command: high-efficiency QIO input 'C.INPUT_CR : 0 -1 % signal to exit this loop; stay in the outer one ; 'C.INPUT_LF : -1 -1 ; % exit both loops 'C.INPUT_DEL : % delete C.LINE_COUNT @ NEZ_IF % anything in the line? BOTOTOP @ 1- B@ % get the character to be deleted 09 EQ_IF % is it a tab? 1 C.D- % for a tab, do a regular delete ELSE 1 E.D- % it's not a tab; invisibly delete the last byte inserted TOPWINDOW 1-! % fix the variable 08 TYO 20 TYO 08 TYO % rub out the last character THEN C.LINE_COUNT 1-! % and acknowledge the delete with the line count ELSE % does the delete go back off the beginning? 1 C.D- % delete it in the buffer and on the screen 1 TOP_COUNT SRCR C.LINE_COUNT ! DROP % find the line count THEN 0 % signal continue ; 'C.INPUT_BACK : % backspace TYI 1F AND % get the next character and make it control MARK RECALL 1 C.I+ DROP % insert it C.LINE_COUNT 1+! 0 % signal to continue with the line ; 'C.INP_DISPATCH : % input terminator, C.INP_DISPATCH, halt code DISPATCH 08 C.INPUT_BACK DISPATCH 0A C.INPUT_LF DISPATCH 0D C.INPUT_CR DISPATCH 7F C.INPUT_DEL MARK RECALL 1 C.I+ DROP % insert the control character typed C.LINE_COUNT 1+! % always advance the count by 1--it's not a column count 0 % signal not to end the current line ; 'C.INPUT_LINE : BEGIN C.NEWSTR 2+ 100 GETLINE % flush buffer and read some input DUP TOPWINDOW +! % fix the window position DUP C.LINE_COUNT +! % increment the character count C.NEWSTR W! % save the byte count C.NEWSTR COUNT E.I+ % invisibly insert the string C.NEWSTR COUNT + B@ % dispatch on the terminator C.INP_DISPATCH END ; 'C.INPUT_POS : % a comma command has been typed; position the cursor BOPOP IF % are we not at the end of the file? DUP BOPUSH % put the first byte back 0D NE_IF % is this already the end of a line? CRET MARK RECALL 1 C.I+ DROP % if not, end a line here 1 C.M- % and move back to be at the end of the last line THEN THEN % if end of buffer, treat it as end of line: do nothing ; 'C.COMMA : % high-efficiency input ERASE_COMMAND "INPUT MODE" MSG S.CUP C.INPUT_POS % position the cursor properly DISP_FLUSH FLUSH % update the screen BEGIN % loop until the terminator is a line feed 1 TOP_COUNT SRCR C.LINE_COUNT ! DROP % find the line count C.INPUT_LINE % read a line until CR, LF, or it gets too long DUP NOT IF % are we going to exit? CRET MARK RECALL 1 C.I+ DROP % if not, make carriage return & insert C.LINE_COUNT 0<- % zero the line count THEN END % if first one terminated, see if the second should FIND_CURSOR DRAW_COMMAND % fix the command area -1 ; 'GET_REPLACE_OPTION : DISP_FLUSH FLUSH COND_REPLACE_MSG % say "type a key" S.CUP FLUSH TYI DUP 1B EQ_IF DROP 0 -1 % replace, continue if escape ELSE LFEED EQ_IF 0 0 % no replace, continue if line feed ELSE -1 -1 0 % no replace, exit (return success) THEN THEN ; 'CLI.COND_REPLACE : CLI.GETSTRING C.OLDSTR .MOVE_STRING CLI.GETSTRING C.NEWSTR .MOVE_STRING BEGIN % loop until finished C.OLDSTR COUNT 1 C..S % search for the string IF % did we find it? GET_REPLACE_OPTION ELSE ERR.NOSTRN -1 0 % no replace, exit, fail if no string THEN IF % replace? C.STRLEN @ DUP C..D DROP % do deletion with count C.NEWSTR COUNT % get the replacement -ROT C..I DROP % and replace THEN END % exit or continue loop DRAW_COMMAND DRAW_DIVIDER TIME_FLAG @ IF S.CPU_TIME THEN CR FLUSH % fix divider ; 'SWITCH_KBUF : % argument, (buffer # in C.ARG), SWITCH_KBUF, success MSTACK DUP W@ + 2+ ! % push the numeric argument MSTACK DUP W@ 4+ W<- % and change the count 0 MSTACK STAB % push a 0 for the number of string arguments KBUF# @ MSTACK STAB % push the current buffer on the macro stack C.ARG @ 2+ DUP KBUF# ! 10 * K0 + CURKBUF ! % set up the pointers CLI.INIT % initialize this buffer for command reading -1 % return success ; 'C.: : % execute special buffer C.ARG @ % hang onto the argument CLI.GETARG % get the buffer number C.ARG_EXISTS 0<- % don't save the argument IF C.ARG @ DUP 9 GE SWAP 0 LE AND % is it a legal buffer? IF MACRO_STACKSIZE MSTACK W@ GE % macro stack full? IF DROP ERR.MACOVF ELSE SWITCH_KBUF THEN ELSE DROP ERR.INVARG % illegal buffer; fail THEN ELSE UNDROP SWAP DROP % save the error code if GETARG failed THEN ; 'C.; : % branch CLI.GNB % get a byte for the label name IF CONVERT_TO_UPPER C.ARG @ NEZ_IF % should we do anything? CLI.INIT % go to beginning of this buffer CLI.FIND_LABEL IF % did we find it? -1 % yes; signal success and start from here ELSE ERR.NOLAB % no; signal failure THEN ELSE DROP -1 % argument is 0; return success THEN ELSE ERR.INVBRN % no label byte so say invalid branch THEN ; 'C.B : % go to beginning of buffer TOPOTOP D@- MOVE_DOWN DISP -1 ; 'C.C : % change CLI.GETSTRING C.ARG @ C..S IF % search successful? C.STRLEN @ DUP C..D DROP % yes, do deletion CLI.GETSTRING % get a string from the input line DUP C.SIGN @ * C.STRLEN ! % save the new string length -ROT C..I ELSE % do replacement UNDROP CLI.GETSTRING 2DROP THEN % no, retain error code, skip string ; 'C.D : % delete characters C.ARG @ DUP CLI.MOVE_ERROR % check for minor error C..D ; 'C.E : % set error suppress flag ERR_SUPPRESS -1<- -1 ; 'C.F : % F-command, needs second character CLI.GNB IF CONVERT_TO_UPPER DISPATCH 'I C.FI DISPATCH 'O C.FO THEN DROP ERR.INVCOM ; 'C.G : % G-command, needs second character CLI.GNB IF % any more characters? CONVERT_TO_UPPER DISPATCH 'W C.GW DISPATCH 'X C.GX THEN ERR.INVCOM ; 'C.H : % home FILE_NAME W@ EQZ_IF % file active? RESET_TERMINAL WAIT_FOR_RESET LOAD_RESET E.RESET_CHARS ;F -1 ELSE % no, reset screen, exit big ERR.ACTIVE THEN ; 'C.I : % insert text C.DEFAULT? @ IF % is there an explicit argument? CLI.GETSTRING -1 C..I % no; add the string arg ELSE C.ARG @ MARK RECALL 1 -1 C..I % else make a string arg of the numeric UNDER % and clear out the number THEN ; 'C.J : % journal O.K._TO_CLOSE? IF TOPOBOT D@- NOTE % remember cursor position FILE_NAME COUNT CLI.REMVER % file name without version # F.DUMP RECALL MOVE_DOWN DISP ELSE % reset cursor position UNDROP THEN % retrieve error code ; 'C..J : % delete latest version and journal O.K._TO_CLOSE? IF FILE_NAME COUNT 7 ERASE % delete the file IF TOPOBOT D@- NOTE FILE_NAME COUNT CLI.REMVER F.DUMP IF RECALL MOVE_DOWN DISP -1 ELSE UNDROP RECALL DROP THEN ELSE UNDROP SYSMSG TYPE ERR.OPFAIL % if error, type and add RED error THEN ELSE UNDROP THEN ; 'C.K : % kill n lines C.ARG @ GTZ_IF % get count UNDROP DUP CLI.MOVE_ERROR % check for minor error BOT_COUNT SFCR DUP E.D+ D.D+ ELSE % delete n lines forward UNDROP MINUS 1+ TOP_COUNT SRCR DUP E.D- D.D- THEN % delete 1-n lines backward -1 % always succeed ; % Execution of 1-letter commands (continued) 'C.L : % move n lines C.ARG @ GTZ_IF % get count UNDROP DUP CLI.MOVE_ERROR % check for minor error C.L+ ELSE % move n lines forward UNDROP MINUS 1+ C.L- THEN % move 1-n lines backward -1 % always succeed ; 'C.M : % move n characters C.ARG @ DUP NEZ_IF % get count, ignore command if count is zero DUP CLI.MOVE_ERROR % see if there will be a minor error GTZ_IF UNDROP C.M+ ELSE % move n characters forward UNDROP MINUS C.M- THEN % move -n characters backwards ELSE DROP THEN -1 % always succeed ; 'C.O : % open file O.K._TO_OPEN? IF CLI.GETSTRING FILE_NAME .MOVE_STRING % yes, install file name X.KILL % get rid of previous contents % TOPOBOT FILE_NAME COUNT F.LOAD IF FILE_NAME COUNT F.OPEN_FILE IF SETSCREEN DISP -1 ELSE % success UNDROP SELECT_COMMAND SYSMSG TYPE ERR.OPFAIL % open failure FILE_NAME 0W<- THEN ELSE UNDROP THEN % retrieve error ; % Execution of 1-letter commands (continued) 'C.S : % search CLI.GETSTRING C.ARG @ C..S ; 'C.T : % T-command, needs second character CLI.GNB IF CONVERT_TO_UPPER DISPATCH '# C.T# DISPATCH 09 C.T DISPATCH 'B C.TB DISPATCH 'C C.TC DISPATCH 'F C.TF DISPATCH 'I C.TI DISPATCH 'P C.TP THEN DROP ERR.INVCOM ; 'C.U : % string replace C.STRLEN @ DUP LTZ_IF % forward or backward? MINUS C.D- % backward, delete string CLI.GETSTRING C.I- ELSE % insert string NEZ_IF % anything there? UNDROP C.D+ % yes, delete string CLI.GETSTRING C.I+ THEN THEN % insert string -1 % always succeed ; 'C.W : % write current file O.K._TO_CLOSE? IF FILE_NAME COUNT CLI.REMVER F.WRITE DUP IF % write file, success? X.KILL % yes, delete from buffer FILE_NAME 0W<- SETSCREEN THEN % null-out file name DISP ELSE UNDROP THEN % retrieve error code ; % Execution of 1-letter commands (continued) 'C.XDISP : C.ARG @ DUP GEZ SWAP 9 GE AND IF % is buffer # in range? X.GNB IF % get second argument and command byte DISPATCH 'C C.XC DISPATCH 'D C.XD DISPATCH 'G C.XG DISPATCH 'K C.XK DISPATCH 'M C.XM DISPATCH 'S C.XS THEN DROP ERR.NOTIMP ELSE ERR.INVARG THEN % buffer # out of range ; 'C.X : % special-buffer command, needs second character C.ARG C.XARG MOVE % save first argument CLI.GETARG C.ARG_EXISTS 0<- % don't save the argument IF C.XDISP ELSE ERR.NOARG THEN ; 'C.Z : % move to end of text buffer TOPOBOT D@- GTZ_IF % already at end? UNDROP C.M+ THEN % no, do move -1 % always succeed ; 'C.[ : % opening iteration bracket C.LOOP_COUNT @ 20 GE_IF % is there a huge number of nested loops? ERR_SUPPRESS @ NOTE % save state of error suppress flag CURKBUF @ D@- NOTE % save position in command line C.DEFAULT? @ IF % explicit argument? FFFF ELSE % no, substitute a large number C.ARG @ THEN % yes, use it NOTE % save iteration count CURKBUF @ NOTE % save key buffer for verification C.LOOP_COUNT 1+! % add 1 to the loop count -1 % always succeed ELSE ERR.LUPOVF THEN ; 'C.\ : % label definition CLI.GNB % read a byte for the label name IF LFEED EQ_IF % was the byte a line feed? ERR.INVLAB % yes; invalid ELSE -1 % return success otherwise THEN ELSE ERR.INVLAB % invalid if no byte there THEN % just ignore it if one was found ; 'CLI.RESET_LOOP : RECALL 1- DUP % iteration count GTZ C.ARG @ NEZ AND IF % all done or drop out? RECALL RECALL % get position, error suppress flag DUP NOTE ERR_SUPPRESS ! DUP NOTE % set flag, put back position CURKBUF @ D@- SWAP - % and get the distance to back up MINUS CLI.MOVE % move to the loop beginning NOTE % restore iteration count CURKBUF @ NOTE % restore buffer pointer for verification ELSE DROP % we don't need the iteration count RECALL RECALL 2DROP % all done, clean loop stack C.LOOP_COUNT 1-! % decrement the loop count THEN ; 'C.] : % closing iteration bracket L_STACK_EMPTY? IF % anything on the loop stack? ERR.ITER ELSE % no, iteration error RECALL CURKBUF @ EQ_IF % same buffer now as then? CLI.RESET_LOOP ELSE ERR.INVSTR % iterations not nested within macros, return error THEN -1 THEN % succeed ; 'C.^ : % replace counted character string CLI.GETSTRING % get the string argument C.ARGLEN @ C..D DROP % delete the old string 1 C..I % insert string, use success value from C..I C.ARGLEN @ C.M+ % move past the new string ; 'C.NOT : % logical NOT C.ARG @ NOT % get the value CLI.LOAD_ARG % load it into C.ARG, etc. C.ARG_EXISTS -1<- % keep it from being erased -1 % always succeed ; 'C.` : CLI.GNB IF CONVERT_TO_UPPER DISPATCH 'C CLI.COND_REPLACE DISPATCH 'J C..J DROP ERR.INVCOM ELSE ERR.INVCOM THEN ; 'CLI.DISP1 : % dispatch first character DISPATCH 0A C.LINE_FEED DISPATCH 0D C.CAR_RET C.ARG_EXISTS 0<- % not LF or CR; signal not to preserve argument DISPATCH '? C.? DISPATCH 05 C.CTRL/E DISPATCH 07 C.CTRL/G DISPATCH 09 C.TAB DISPATCH 17 C.CTRL/W DISPATCH 20 C.SPACE DISPATCH 2C C.COMMA DISPATCH '! C.IOR DISPATCH '% C.XOR DISPATCH '& C.AND DISPATCH '+ C.ADD DISPATCH '- C.SUBTRACT DISPATCH '* C.MULTIPLY DISPATCH '/ C.DIVIDE DISPATCH '` C.` DISPATCH ': C.: DISPATCH '; C.; DISPATCH '< C.< DISPATCH '= C.= DISPATCH '> C.> DISPATCH 'B C.B DISPATCH 'C C.C DISPATCH 'D C.D DISPATCH 'E C.E DISPATCH 'F C.F DISPATCH 'G C.G DISPATCH 'H C.H DISPATCH 'I C.I DISPATCH 'J C.J DISPATCH 'K C.K DISPATCH 'L C.L DISPATCH 'M C.M DISPATCH 'O C.O DISPATCH 'S C.S DISPATCH 'T C.T DISPATCH 'U C.U DISPATCH 'X C.X DISPATCH 'W C.W DISPATCH 'Z C.Z DISPATCH '[ C.[ DISPATCH '\ C.\ DISPATCH '] C.] DISPATCH '^ C.^ DISPATCH 27 C.NOT DROP ERR.INVCOM % here if command does not exist ; 'PROCESS_BYTE : CONVERT_TO_UPPER % got one, convert it CLI.DISP1 % interpret & execute next command DUP IF % command error? CTRL_C_FLAG @ IF % no, terminal interrupt? DROP ERR.ABORT SETSCREEN DISP % yes, abort, redraw screen THEN THEN % no error or interrupt ; 'C.READ_BYTE : CLI.GNB IF % any more bytes in command line? PROCESS_BYTE % read a byte and act on it ELSE POP_KBUF % no more bytes, exit signal depends on KBUF THEN IF % any problems? 0 ELSE % no, loop to pick up next command UNDROP NEZ_IF % yes, error or end of command line? UNDROP ERR.MSG % error, alert operator BEGIN POP_KBUF NOT END % pop back to K0 CTRL_C_FLAG 0<- THEN -1 THEN % signal exit ; 'CLI : % CLI, success (failure indicates error) CLI.INIT CLEAR_L_STACK USER_STACK 0W<- % reset user stack BEGIN % loop until failure C.ARG_EXISTS @ NOT IF % do we need an argument? CLI.GETARG % yes; read one ELSE -1 % remember success otherwise THEN IF % check the error code C.READ_BYTE ELSE UNDROP ERR.MSG BEGIN POP_KBUF NOT END CTRL_C_FLAG 0<- -1 % succeed THEN END CLI.MOVE_UP ERR_SUPPRESS 0<- % make all of command visible E.DRAW_ARG % maybe draw the last command argument ;