% ***************************************************************** % * * % * This module is a part of the SAO VAX/VMS * % * RED full-screen text editor * % * * % * It was created by * % * Roger Hauck * % * Smithsonian Institution * % * Astrophysical Observatory * % * Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 * % * (617)495-7151 (FTS 830-7151) * % * * % * This module may be reproduced * % * provided that this header is retained. * % * * % ***************************************************************** % Variables 1 'C.SIGN VARIABLE % sign as multiplier 0 'C.MAG VARIABLE % magnitude of argument 0 'C.ARGLEN VARIABLE % string-length of argument 0 'C.STRLEN VARIABLE 0 'C.XARG VARIABLE % first argument for X commands 0 'C.DEFAULT? VARIABLE % whether there's a default argument 0 'C.LOOP_COUNT VARIABLE % count for prevention of loop stack overflow 0 'C.REC_LENGTH VARIABLE % record length for fixed-length files 0 'C.LINE_COUNT VARIABLE % tally for the comma command 0 'MAIN_SEP VARIABLE % separator for main file 0 'REC_ATT VARIABLE % record attribute 0 'MAIN_ATT VARIABLE % main file attribute 0 'ERR_FLAG VARIABLE % error flag for ? command 0 'ERR_SUPPRESS VARIABLE % error suppress flag 0 'FIRST_BYTE VARIABLE % address of first byte of block being read 0 'FSIZE VARIABLE % holding area for control block size during file open 0 'CHAN VARIABLE % RMS channel number for file mapping operations 0 'OK_TO_MAP VARIABLE % flag to prevent attempts at unimp. file types % Utilities ASSEMBLER< 'E.MATCH : % pattern identifier, E.MATCH, pattern id., success % (compares pattern string to top of bottom buffer) TOPOBOT @ MOVL (P)+ R3 MOVQ (P) R0 % load parameters into registers CMPC3 R0 (R1) (R3) % do it MOVL R0 -(P) EQZ % success value ; > 'TF_LL : % move cursor to bottom of screen then scroll to center cursor TF @ 2* 2+ % row # of bottom line SROW @ % current row # - GTZ_IF % already at bottom line? UNDROP C.L+ THEN % no, move cursor to bottom line CENTER_UP % scroll if necessary SCOL @ 1 EQ_IF % already at column 1? S.CUP ELSE % yes, restore cursor 1 C.L- THEN % no, move cursor to beginning of line ; 'TF_-LL : % move cursor to top of screen then scroll to center cursor SROW @ % current row # 1- C.L- % move cursor to top line CENTER_DOWN % scroll down if necessary ; 'I.WORDRIGHT : % move one word to the right TOPOBOT @ BEGIN % save TOPOBOT BOPOP IF % anything left? BLANK LT ELSE % yes, stop if not delimiter -1 THEN END BEGIN BOPOP IF % anything left? BLANK GE_IF % yes, delimiter? TOPOBOT 1-! -1 ELSE % yes, restore byte to bottom buffer, done 0 THEN ELSE % no, keep going -1 THEN % nothing left, all done END TOPOBOT @ OVER - % # of bytes to move SWAP TOPOBOT ! % restore TOPOBOT C.M+ % do move ; 'I.WORDLEFT : % move one word to the left BOTOTOP @ BEGIN % save BOTOTOP TOPOP IF % anything left? BLANK LT ELSE % yes, stop if not delimiter -1 THEN END BEGIN TOPOP IF % anything left? BLANK GE_IF % yes, delimiter? BOTOTOP 1+! -1 ELSE % yes, restore byte to top buffer, done 0 THEN ELSE % no, keep going -1 THEN % nothing left, all done END DUP BOTOTOP @ - % # of bytes to move SWAP BOTOTOP ! % restore BOTOTOP C.M- % do move ; 'E.B : % go to beginning of file BEGIN % loop till at beginning of file TOPOP IF % EOF? BOPUSH REPEAT ; 'E.W : % write current file FILE_NAME 3 WOPEN E.B % go to top BEGIN % loop through file BOT_COUNT UNDER NEZ IF % all done? BOT_COUNT SFCR DUP E.M+ 2DROP % move first line to top TOP_COUNT 1- 3 PUT % output one line TOPOTOP BOTOTOP MOVE % delete line REPEAT 3 CLOSE ; 'C.K : % Kill command BEGIN BOPOP IF % any more bytes? CRET EQ_IF % yes, is this a CR? -1 ELSE % yes, end the loop 0 THEN ELSE % no, keep going -1 THEN % no more bytes, end the loop END DISP -1 % always succeed ; 'FAIL_SEARCH : % returns error message if error suppress flag is off ERR_FLAG -1<- % turn on the error flag ERR_SUPPRESS @ IF -1 % if flag is on, return success ELSE ERR.NOSTRN % otherwise return "Search failed" THEN ; 'C.+S : % pattern descriptor, iteration count, C.+S, success % (searches forward for countth occurence of the pattern) % (on success, moves cursor and records pattern length) % (on failure, moves cursor to top of file) BOT_COUNT -ROT ( % loop count times SEARCH_STRING IF % found? I' EQZ_IF -1 THEN ELSE % yes, if nth occurence, succeed EXIT FAIL_SEARCH THEN % not found, exit, fail ) IF % was nth occurence found? ERR_FLAG 0<- DROP TOPOBOT @ - % yes, how far away is it C.M+ -1 ELSE % move that many bytes up, succeed UNDROP TOPOTOP D@ - C.M- % restore err. code, go to top of file UNDER UNDER THEN % drop rest-of-source descr. UNDER UNDER % drop pattern descr. ; 'C.-S : % pattern identifier, count, -S (searches backwards for string) ERR_FLAG 0<- TOPOBOT @ NOTE % save present position ( DUP 1- MOVE_DOWN % move down count-1 bytes BEGIN % loop until string found or BOF TOPOP IF BOPUSH -1 ELSE 0 THEN IF % move one byte down, BOF? E.MATCH IF % string found? -1 I' EQZ_IF -1 THEN ELSE % exit, success if last time through 0 THEN ELSE % not what we're looking for, continue FAIL_SEARCH -1 THEN % not there, exit, failure END ) UNDER UNDER % drop pattern descriptor TOPOBOT @ RECALL OVER - D.M- % describe string passed over, update window ; 'C..S : % string descriptor, iteration count, C..S, success % (search for string) C.STRLEN 0<- % initialize string length C.ARG @ EQZ_IF % no iterations? 2DROP DROP DISP -1 ELSE % no iterations; drop desc., iter. count, succeed +ROT EQZ_IF % null string? 2DROP -1 ELSE % yes, succeed UNDROP DUP MINUS C.SIGN @ * C.STRLEN ! -ROT % save string length DUP GTZ_IF C.+S ELSE MINUS C.-S THEN % do it THEN THEN DUP NOT IF % success? C.STRLEN 0<- THEN % no, zero string length ERR_SUPPRESS 0<- % clear the error flag ; 'C..D : % count, C..D, -1 (delete characters) C.STRLEN 0<- NEZ_IF % nonzero iteration count? UNDROP DUP GTZ_IF % which way C.D+ ELSE % forward MINUS C.D- THEN % backward THEN -1 ; 'C..I : % string desc., C..I, -1 (insert string) DUP C.STRLEN ! % get the string length LTZ_IF % direction of insertion? C.I+ ELSE C.I- THEN -1 ;