d.ap;.rm 70 .nhy ,.title ##############################SCI__APL .lit  _-------------- X Systems Control Inc _\ SCI -- VAX /  1801 Page Mill Road _\ Computer /  Palo Alto, Ca. 94304 _\ Center /  (415) 494-1165 _--------  L  DECUS ABSTRACT  --------------- x APL for VAX/VMS: SCI__APL Preliminary Version 0.0, November 1980 @---------------  Author: Mike Liveright, Systems Control Inc., Palo Alto, CA l Operating System: VMS 1.6 4 Source Language: FORTRAN IV-PLUS  ` Abstract: SCI__APL is a FORTRAN interpreter for APL for the VAX. This program is a preliminary version that implements most of the features ( of APL but is not optimized for either memory usage or CPU time. Limitations: (not implemented) matrix RAVEL and DIVIDE, axis spec. on T dyadic EXPAND, DEAL, BINOMINAL, dyadic FORMAT.  Documentation on magnetic media (November 1980 DECUS tape) H APPROXIMATE SIZE ----------------  t 6,500 lines of FORTRAN statements and comments  125 subroutines. <  44,610 bytes $CODE  29,576 bytes $LOCAL h 4,220 bytes $PDATA  0 400,016 bytes APMEM common (adjustable for ws size)  13,332 bytes SOSCOM common (adjustable for edit size)  \ 528,896 bytes .. total load module size  $.end literal .page .center ;^&SUMMARY\& P  APL was designed by K. E. Iverson, of IBM, in the 1960's. The language is a very powerful interactive programming language for manipulating |numbers and characters of various structures, e.g. scalers, vectors and arrays of higher dimensions. Various implementations exist on IBM machines, Don the PDP-10 and PDP-11, and a variety of other machines. BELL Labs and DEC implementations already exist for the VAX-11/780, but the BELL Labs version is pwritten in C for a UNIX system, and the DEC implementation has not yet been not announced and no information 8was available about its availability.   SCI__APL was developed to provide da reasonably complete APL interpreter for the VAX running under VMS, ,without optimizing for CPU time or use of memory. In order to encourage further development, this interpreter is written in VAX-11 FORTRAN IV-PLUS 01, and released on Xthe November 1980 DECUS VAX/VMS tape as an unsupported, public domain program. This DECUS release contains the full source and object for this program, the files necessary to configure the program for an APL keyboard, help and documentation files, and a number of other APL interpreters.  L The interpreter was developed over a half year period, from scratch, after examining a number of other implementations. Most of the standard APL operators and functions are implemented. Due to the pressure of time, xthis version does not implement a few of the standard APL functions, and has not been systematically validated. @It is hoped that a subsequent release will be available that contains all the APL functions and features,  better error handling, a better editor, more l complete program documentation, a faster run time package, and, in general, is a more complete product. 4! ! Copies of this paper and the tape can be obtained from the author. !I would hope to continue with the `"development of this program and to complete its documentation. "Though SCI can not commit to fixing bugs in this program, I would appreciate (#any comments on SCI__APL, and will try to coordinate #any fixes that users have found. # T$ The tentative schedule for SCI__APL is as follows: $.list %.le ;10/80 .. Version 0.0 to DECUS. %.le ;12/80 .. DECUS tape in users hands. %.le ;01/81 .. Response from first users. H&.le ;02/81 .. Version 0.5 in hands of first users. &.le ;05/81 .. Version 1.1 to DECUS. '.end list t' '.page <( ( The discussion of this release is contained in the )following sections: h) ).list 0* *.le ;^&APL LANGUAGE\& *This is a short discussion of APL to introduce the \+concepts and utility of the language. + $,.le ;^&APL QUALITIES\& ,This discusses some of the ,qualities of APL and their implications with respect to SCI__APL. P- -.le ;^&IMPLEMENTAION\& .This discusses some of the details of |.the flow of control thru the .SCI__APL interpreter. D/ /.le ;^&DECUS release\& 0This contains information about p0the files contained on the SCI__APL portion of the DECUS tape, 0 81.le ;^&ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS\& 1This contains a list of the people 2and orginizations who have helped to produce SCI__APL, and the d2books that were found to be of use. 2 ,3.end list 3 3note.. SCI__APL is used X4to try to distinguish between the offical APL language and this 4specific implementation.