d.subtitle ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .page ,.hl 1 ^&ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS\&   X This section contains a list of the people who have contributed to the development of SCI__APL, and a list of the books that I found to be useful.  .hl 2 ^&PEOPLE and APL programs\& L .list  x.le ;Bob Miller .. Head of SCI Operations .. who permitted SCI__APL to be developed. @ .le ;Joe Sventek .. Lawerence Berkeley Laboratories .. who assisted in locating a source for APL programs. l .le ;Richard Wrenn .. Professor at Washington University .. who provided 4the source code for the BYTE Pascal APL and the YERAZUNIS FORTRAN APL.  .le ;Bill Yerazunis .. A Rensselaer Pollytechnic Institute M.S. thesis .. ` .le ;Alan Kaniss, Vincent DiChistofaro, John Santini .. An APL ( Interpreter in Pascal .. BYTE publications 1979 .le ;Rodnay Zaks .. A MICRO PROGRAMMED APL IMPLEMENTATION .. SYBEX 1978 T .end list  .page .hl 2 ^&Books and manuals on APL\& H .list .le ;^&APL: The Language and Its Usage\& t  -- Raymond P. Polivka, Sandara Pakin -- Prentice Hall, 1975. < .le ;^&APL Users Guide\&  h -- Harry Katzen, Jr. -- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1971.  0.le ;^&MAINSTREAM-APL, Study GUIDE\&   -- Boeing Computer Services Company -- note.. MAINSTREAM is a \registered servicemark of the Boeing Company.  $.end list