ace act ada add ado age ago aid ail aim air ale all and any ape apr apt arc are ark arm art ash ask ass ate aug awe awl axe aye bad bag ban bar bat bay bed bee beg bet bid big bin bio bit bob bog bow box boy bud bug bum bun bus but buy cab cad can cap car cat caw cob cod cog con cos cot cow coy cpm cry cub cud cue cup cur cut dab dad dam day dec den dew did die dig dim din dip dod doe dog don dot dry due dug dye ear eat ebb eel egg ego eke elf elk elm end eof eol era ere err etc eve ewe eye fad fan far fat feb fed fee few fib fig fin fir fit fix flu fly foe fog for fox fro fry fun fur gad gag gap gas gay gem get gin god got gum gun gut guy gym had ham has hat hay hem hen her hew hex hey hid him hip his hit hoe hog hop hot how hub hue hug hum hut ibm ice icy ill imp inc ink inn its ivy jab jag jam jan jar jaw jet jew jib jig job jog jot joy jug jul jun jut keg key kid kin kit lab lad lag lap law lax lay lbs led leg let lid lie lip lit log lop lot low lug lye mad man map mar mat maw max may men met mid mil min mis mix mob mod mop mow mrs mud mug mum nab nag nap nay nee net new nil nip nod non nor not nov now nun nut oaf oak oar oat oct odd off oft oil old one orb ore our out owe owl own oxy pad pal pan pap par pat paw pay pea peg pen per pet pew pie pig pin pip pit ply pod pop pot pre pry psy pub pug pun pus put rag ram ran rap rat raw ray red rep rib rid rig rim rip rob rod roe rot row rub rug rum run rut rye sad sag sap sat saw say sci sct sea see sep set sew sex she shy sin sip sir sit six ski sky sly son sop sot sow spa spy sty sub sum sun sup tab tag tan tap tar tax tea tee ten the tie tin tip toe tom ton too top tot tow toy try tub tug two urn use van vax vet vex via vie vim vol vow wad wag wan war was wax way web wed wee wet who why wig win wit woe won woo wry yap yep yes yet you zip zoo