C PCHELP.FTN INCLUDE FILE (INCLUDED IN ROUTINE HELP) C FOR LEVEL 1, RETURN AND DISPLAY OLD HELP SCREEN. C FOR OTHER LEVELS (IN LVL VARIABLE) DO HELP DISPLAY. AT ENTRY C CURSOR IS POSITIONED AT 1,1. ON PASSING TO 9000, CURSOR IS C POSITIONED AT 24,1 C CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) IF(LVL.LT.0.OR.LVL.GT.9)GOTO 1100 LVLL=LVL+1 GOTO (1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800, 1 1900)LVLL 1000 CONTINUE C HELP 0 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,201) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,202) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,203) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,204) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,205) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,206) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,207) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,208) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,209) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,210) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,211) GOTO 9500 1200 CONTINUE C HELP 2 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,213) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,214) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,215) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,216) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,217) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,218) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,219) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,220) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,221) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,222) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,223) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,224) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,225) CALL UVT100(CUP,14,1) WRITE(6,226) CALL UVT100(CUP,15,1) WRITE(6,227) CALL UVT100(CUP,16,1) WRITE(6,228) CALL UVT100(CUP,17,1) WRITE(6,229) CALL UVT100(CUP,18,1) WRITE(6,230) CALL UVT100(CUP,19,1) WRITE(6,231) CALL UVT100(CUP,20,1) WRITE(6,232) CALL UVT100(CUP,21,1) WRITE(6,233) CALL UVT100(CUP,22,1) WRITE(6,234) CALL UVT100(CUP,23,1) WRITE(6,235) GOTO 9500 1300 CONTINUE C HELP 3 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,236) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,237) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,238) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,239) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,240) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,241) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,242) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,243) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,244) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,245) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,246) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,247) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,248) CALL UVT100(CUP,14,1) WRITE(6,249) CALL UVT100(CUP,15,1) WRITE(6,250) CALL UVT100(CUP,16,1) WRITE(6,251) CALL UVT100(CUP,17,1) WRITE(6,252) CALL UVT100(CUP,18,1) WRITE(6,253) CALL UVT100(CUP,19,1) WRITE(6,254) GOTO 9500 1400 CONTINUE C HELP 4 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,255) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,256) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,257) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,258) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,259) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,260) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,261) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,262) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,263) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,264) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,265) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,266) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,267) CALL UVT100(CUP,14,1) WRITE(6,268) CALL UVT100(CUP,15,1) WRITE(6,269) CALL UVT100(CUP,16,1) WRITE(6,270) CALL UVT100(CUP,17,1) WRITE(6,271) CALL UVT100(CUP,18,1) WRITE(6,272) CALL UVT100(CUP,19,1) WRITE(6,273) CALL UVT100(CUP,20,1) WRITE(6,274) CALL UVT100(CUP,21,1) WRITE(6,275) CALL UVT100(CUP,22,1) WRITE(6,276) CALL UVT100(CUP,23,1) WRITE(6,277) GOTO 9500 1500 CONTINUE C HELP 5 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,278) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,279) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,280) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,281) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,282) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,283) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,284) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,285) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,286) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,287) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,288) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,289) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,290) GOTO 9500 1600 CONTINUE C HELP 6 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,291) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,292) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,293) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,294) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,295) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,296) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,297) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,298) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,299) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,300) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,301) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,302) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,303) CALL UVT100(CUP,14,1) WRITE(6,304) CALL UVT100(CUP,15,1) WRITE(6,305) CALL UVT100(CUP,16,1) WRITE(6,306) CALL UVT100(CUP,17,1) WRITE(6,307) GOTO 9500 1700 CONTINUE C HELP 7 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,308) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,309) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,310) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,311) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,312) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,313) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,314) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,315) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,316) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,317) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,318) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,319) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,320) CALL UVT100(CUP,14,1) WRITE(6,321) CALL UVT100(CUP,15,1) WRITE(6,322) CALL UVT100(CUP,16,1) WRITE(6,323) CALL UVT100(CUP,17,1) WRITE(6,324) GOTO 9500 1800 CONTINUE C HELP 8 CALL UVT100(CUP,1,1) WRITE(6,325) CALL UVT100(CUP,2,1) WRITE(6,326) CALL UVT100(CUP,3,1) WRITE(6,327) CALL UVT100(CUP,4,1) WRITE(6,328) CALL UVT100(CUP,5,1) WRITE(6,329) CALL UVT100(CUP,6,1) WRITE(6,330) CALL UVT100(CUP,7,1) WRITE(6,331) CALL UVT100(CUP,8,1) WRITE(6,332) CALL UVT100(CUP,9,1) WRITE(6,333) CALL UVT100(CUP,10,1) WRITE(6,334) CALL UVT100(CUP,11,1) WRITE(6,335) CALL UVT100(CUP,12,1) WRITE(6,336) CALL UVT100(CUP,13,1) WRITE(6,337) CALL UVT100(CUP,14,1) WRITE(6,338) GOTO 9500 1900 CONTINUE C HELP 9 C (NO HELP 9 YET... JUST RETURN C SKIP OUT PAST DISPLAY OF SCREEN 1 9500 GOTO 9000 1100 GOTO 9100 201 FORMAT('To get HELP use the command Hn where n is 0 thru 8 for H', 1 'ELP 0') 202 FORMAT(' through HELP 8.') 203 FORMAT('HELP 0 - This screen') 204 FORMAT('HELP 1 - Summary of many PortaCalc commands (terse)') 205 FORMAT('HELP 2 - Data Entry / Editing') 206 FORMAT('HELP 3 - Calculation Control') 207 FORMAT('HELP 4 - Cursor Motion and Positioning') 208 FORMAT('HELP 5 - Cell Copy') 209 FORMAT('HELP 6 - Add/Subtract Absolute Rows/Cols') 210 FORMAT('HELP 7 - Add/Subtract Relocting, Rows or Cols.') 211 FORMAT('HELP 8 - Change Display Size, Col Size, Load Data') C 213 FORMAT('HELP 2 - Data Entry / Editing') 214 FORMAT('E expression Enter expression into cell.') 215 FORMAT('Formulas available (+ SQRT,SIN,COS,LOG,EXP,ATAN)') 216 FORMAT('SUM[variables] Sum of all arguments') 217 FORMAT('MAX[variables] Max of arguments') 218 FORMAT('MIN[variables] Min of arguments') 219 FORMAT('AVG[variables] Average of arguments') 220 FORMAT('STD[variables] Standard deviation squared') 221 FORMAT('IF [V1.rel.V2] statement | else-statement') 222 FORMAT('In the first 5 cases, arguments are variable names separ', 1 'ated by') 223 FORMAT('commas, or variable ranges, or mixtures separaged by col', 1 'umns.') 224 FORMAT('".REL." is any of the 6 forms:') 225 FORMAT('.EQ. Equal') 226 FORMAT('.NE. Not Equal') 227 FORMAT('.GT. Greater than (V1 greater than V2)') 228 FORMAT('.LT. Less than (V1 less than V2)') 229 FORMAT('.GE. Greater than or Equal to (V1 >= V2)') 230 FORMAT('.LE. Less than or Equal to (V1 =< V2)') 231 FORMAT('*XV filename V1 Extract value at cell V1 in save', 1 'd') 232 FORMAT(' sheet stored in filename.') 233 FORMAT('ED `string1`string2` Replace string1 with string2') 234 FORMAT(' in current cell formula. Either' 1 ) 235 FORMAT(' string may be null if desired.') C 236 FORMAT('HELP 3 - Calculation Control') 237 FORMAT('R Recalculate all of the sheet.') 238 FORMAT('RM Recalculate manually only until R command given' 1 ) 239 FORMAT('RAF Recalculate sheet, without constant recalculatio', 1 'n') 240 FORMAT('K Drop into Calc program straight. *E retu', 1 'rns to sheet') 241 FORMAT('X Exit to operating system.') 242 FORMAT('V Redraw screen with normal formats') 243 FORMAT('VF Redraw screen showing all formulas') 244 FORMAT('VM Dont redraw screen until a V or VF is gi', 1 'ven') 245 FORMAT('ZA Zero whole sheet') 246 FORMAT('ZE V1:V2 Zero variables in a row or column in ran', 1 'ge from') 247 FORMAT(' cell V1 to cell V2 (V1,V2 = name', 1 's of cells)') 248 FORMAT('@filespec Read filespec and execute commands as th', 1 'ough') 249 FORMAT(' typed in.') 250 FORMAT('PD Put out current Display sheet (Formulas)' 1 ) 251 FORMAT('PP Put out current Physical sheet (Formulas', 1 ')') 252 FORMAT('PDN Put out current Display sheet (Numbers)' 1 ) 253 FORMAT('PPN Put out current Physical sheet (Numbers)' 1 ) 254 FORMAT('W Write screen to hardcopy file.') C 255 FORMAT('HELP 4 - Cursor Motion and Positioning') 256 FORMAT('L variable-name Position cursor at variable-name' 1 ) 257 FORMAT('M1 (Move up after Enter)') 258 FORMAT('M2 (Move down after Enter)') 259 FORMAT('M3 (Move left after Enter)') 260 FORMAT('M4 (Move right after Enter)') 261 FORMAT('1 (Move up)') 262 FORMAT('2 (Move down)') 263 FORMAT('3 (Move left)') 264 FORMAT('4 (Move right)') 265 FORMAT('OA variable Reset origin of display to variable') 266 FORMAT('OR variable Reset display down and right to start wi', 1 'th variable,') 267 FORMAT(' changing only region down and right of c', 1 'ursor') 268 FORMAT('DL V1:V2 Rn:m point at display coordinates (n,m) (col,', 1 'row)') 269 FORMAT(' and, going left to right along a Row, co', 1 'py in') 270 FORMAT(' variables V1 through V2 (actually, point', 1 ' those') 271 FORMAT(' display sheet cells at variables V1 thru', 1 ' V2).') 272 FORMAT('DL V1:V2 Cn:m point at display coordinates (n,m) (col,', 1 'row)') 273 FORMAT(' and, going top to bottom along a Column,', 1 ' copy in') 274 FORMAT(' variables V1 through V2 (actually, point', 1 ' those') 275 FORMAT(' display sheet cells at variables V1 thru', 1 ' V2).') 276 FORMAT('DF V1:V2 [format] Set display format of range V1:V', 1 '2 to format') 277 FORMAT(' (format A means display formula.', 1 ')') C 278 FORMAT('HELP 5 - Cell Copy') 279 FORMAT('CA V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy all cell attributes from V1', 1 ':V2') 280 FORMAT(' to V3:V4.') 281 FORMAT('CV V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy numeric values only') 282 FORMAT('CD V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy Display Formats only') 283 FORMAT('CF V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy Formulas only (no relocatio', 1 'n)') 284 FORMAT('CR V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy all cell attributes as in C', 1 'A but') 285 FORMAT(' relocate cell names to new locat', 1 'ion') 286 FORMAT(' from old one. Only relocate name', 1 's right') 287 FORMAT(' of or below the cursor or on sam', 1 'e row/col') 288 FORMAT(' with cursor (cells above or left', 1 ' of cursor') 289 FORMAT(' are NOT relocated).') 290 FORMAT(' If V2 is missing, V1 is replicated to V3:V4 range.') C 291 FORMAT('HELP 6 - Add/Subtract Absolute Rows/Cols') 292 FORMAT('AA number R Add "number" rows ahead of the current') 293 FORMAT(' physical position, moving all cells belo', 1 'w') 294 FORMAT(' the current cell down by "number" rows a', 1 'nd') 295 FORMAT(' losing the physical sheet`s bottom "numb', 1 'er"') 296 FORMAT(' rows` contents, NOT adjusting variable r', 1 'eferences') 297 FORMAT(' where the variables are in the moved ran', 1 'ge') 298 FORMAT(' and are not the position independent (P#', 1 '# or D##') 299 FORMAT(' forms) type.') 300 FORMAT('AA number C Add "number" columns ahead of the curren', 1 't') 301 FORMAT(' physical position, moving all cells righ', 1 't of') 302 FORMAT(' the current cell right by "number" colum', 1 'ns and') 303 FORMAT(' losing the physical sheet`s bottom "numb', 1 'er"') 304 FORMAT(' columns` contents, NOT adjusting variabl', 1 'e references') 305 FORMAT(' where the variables are in the moved ran', 1 'ge') 306 FORMAT(' and are not the position independent (P#', 1 '# or D##') 307 FORMAT(' forms) type.') C 308 FORMAT('HELP 7 - Add/Subtract Relocting, Rows or Cols.') 309 FORMAT('AR number R Add "number" rows ahead of the current') 310 FORMAT(' physical position, moving all cells belo', 1 'w') 311 FORMAT(' the current cell down by "number" rows a', 1 'nd') 312 FORMAT(' losing the physical sheet`s bottom "numb', 1 'er"') 313 FORMAT(' rows` contents, adjusting variable refer', 1 'ences') 314 FORMAT(' where the variables are in the moved ran', 1 'ge') 315 FORMAT(' and are not the position independent (P#', 1 '# or D##') 316 FORMAT(' forms) type.') 317 FORMAT('AR number C Add "number" columns ahead of the curren', 1 't') 318 FORMAT(' physical position, moving all cells righ', 1 't of') 319 FORMAT(' the current cell right by "number" colum', 1 'ns and') 320 FORMAT(' losing the physical sheet`s bottom "numb', 1 'er"') 321 FORMAT(' columns` contents, adjusting variable re', 1 'ferences') 322 FORMAT(' where the variables are in the moved ran', 1 'ge') 323 FORMAT(' and are not the position independent (P#', 1 '# or D##') 324 FORMAT(' forms) type.') C 325 FORMAT('HELP 8 - Change Display Size, Col Size, Load Data') 326 FORMAT('DW N,M Set column N on display to be M characte', 1 'rs wide') 327 FORMAT('DB n,m Set number of columns displayed on scree', 1 'n') 328 FORMAT(' to n, number of rows displayed t', 1 'o m.') 329 FORMAT('GD Reload sheet down/right onto display coo', 1 'rds.') 330 FORMAT('GP Reload sheet down/right onto physical co', 1 'ords.') 331 FORMAT('< Rewind the current Portacalc input file' 1 ) 332 FORMAT('* any text Comment. (For command files.)') 333 FORMAT('Hn Display a screen of help. n may be 0 to 9, defa', 1 'ult 0.') 334 FORMAT('F filename/nnnn Read filename, skipping nnnn lin', 1 'es') 335 FORMAT(' if the "/nnnn" is there, and loa', 1 'd') 336 FORMAT(' contents onto the currently disp', 1 'layed') 337 FORMAT(' screen, broken into columns as t', 1 'he') 338 FORMAT(' current screen is set up.') 9100 CONTINUE