.TH SC 1 .SH NAME sc \- spreadsheet calculator .SH SYNOPSIS .B sc [ .I file ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Sc is a calculator that is based on rectangular tables, in much the same style as VisiCalc or T/Maker. When it is invoked it presents you with an empty table organised as rows and columns of entries. Each entry may have a label string associated with it and an expression. The expression may be a constant or it may compute something based on other entries. When \fIsc\fR is running, the screen is divided into three regions: the top line is for entering commands, the second line is for messages from \fIsc\fR, and the rest form a window looking at the table. \fIsc\fR has two cursors: an entry cursor (indicated by a '<' on the screen) an a character cursor (indicated by the terminals hardware cursor). The entry and character cursors are often the same, they will differ when a long command is being typed in the top line. The following single control character commands are recognized no matter where the character cursor is. .IP ^N Move the entry cursor to the next row. .IP ^P Move the entry cursor to the previous row. .IP ^F Move the entry cursor forward one column. .IP ^B Move the entry cursor backward one column. .IP ^C Exit from \fIsc\fR. .IP ^G Abort the current long command. .IP ^H Backspace one character. .IP ^L Redraw the screen. .IP ^J Creates a new row immediatly following the current row. It is initialized to be a copy of the current row, with all variable references moved down one row. If an expression is to be duplicated with ^J the moving down of a variable reference may be avoided by using the "fixed" operator. .IP ^V Types, in the long command line, the name of the entry being pointed at by the entry cursor. This is used when typing in expressions to refer to entries in the table. .IP ^U\fIn\fR Sets the numeric argument to the following command to \fIn\fR. Commands like ^F and ^B use the numeric argument as the number of times to perform the operation. If you aren't entering a long command then the ^U is unnecessary: repetition count arguments may be entered just as a string of digits. .PP The following commands are only valid when the character and entry cursors are the same. That is, when no long command is being entered. Most of them introduce a new long command. .IP = Prompts for an expression which will be evaluated dynamically to produce a value for the entry pointed at by the entry cursor. This may be used in conjunction with ^V to make one entries value be dependent on anothers. .IP ? Types a brief helpful message. .IP " Enter a label for the current entry. .IP e Edit the value associated with the current entry. This is identical to '=' except that the command line starts out containing the old value or expression associated with the entry. .IP < Associate a string with this entry that will be flushed left against the left edge of the entry. .IP > Associates a string with this entry that will be flushed right against the right edge of the entry. .IP g Get a new database from a named file. .IP p Put the current database onto a named file. .IP w Write a listing of the current database in a form that matches its appearance on the screen. This differs from the "put" command in that "put"s files are intended to be reloaded with "get", while "write" produces a file for people to look at. .IP f Sets the output format to be used for printing the numbers in each entry in the current column. Type in two numbers which will be the width in characters of a column and the number of digits which will follow the decimal point. .IP r Create a new row by moving the row containing the entry cursor, and all following, down one. The new row will be empty. .IP c Create a new column by moving the column containing the entry cursor, and all following, right one. The new column will be empty. .IP d Delete this row. .IP D Delete this column. .PP Expressions that are used with the '=' and 'e' commands have a fairly conventional syntax. Terms may be variable names (from the ^V command), parenthesised expressions, negated terms, and constants. The +/ term sums values in rectangular regions of the table (the notation +/ is reminiscent of apl's additive reduction.) Terms may be combined using many binary operators. Their precedences (from highest to lowest) are: *,/; +,-; <,=,>,<=,>=; &; |; ?. .TP 15 e+e Addition. .TP 15 e-e Subtraction. .TP 15 e*e Multtplication. .TP 15 e/e Division. .TP 15 +/v:v Sum all valid (nonblank) entries in the region whose two corners are defined by the two variable (entry) names given. .TP 15 e?e:e Conditional: If the first expression is true then the value of the second is returned, otherwise the value of the third is. .TP 15 <,=,>,<=,>= Relationals: true iff the indicated relation holds. .TP 15 &,| Boolean connectives. .SH FILES expense.sc \- a sample expense report. .SH SEE ALSO bc(1), dc(1), the VisiCalc or T/Maker manuals. .SH BUGS There should be a */ operator. Expression reevaluation is done in the same top-to-bottom, left-to-right manner as is done in other spreadsheet calculators. This is silly. A proper following of the dependency graph with (perhaps) recourse to relaxation should be implemented.