.NO PERIOD .PAGE SIZE 58,70 .LEFT MARGIN 4 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .RIGHT;VAX/VMS .RIGHT;Console#Floppy .B 3.C;Software Documentation Memo No_. 50.1 .B.C;^&Contents&#of&#the&#VAX-11/780&#Local&#Console&#Floppy\& .B.C;Frank J. Nagy .FLAGS SUBSTITUTE .B.C;$$Month#$$Day,#$$Year .NO FLAGS SUBSTITUTE .B.PERIOD.FLAGS BREAK .STYLE HEADERS 6,0,6 .HL1 Introduction .BR.P; The Console Subsystem of the VAX-11/780 consists of three major parts: the DECwriter system console, the LSI-11 microcomputer, and the RX01 floppy disk drive. The LSI-11 can be used to control the actions of the VAX CPU by console commands entered from the system console or via command files on the console floppy. The LSI-11 can also be used in pass-|through mode so that the system console is useable as a normal interactive terminal. When in console command language mode, the LSI-11 will prompt for a console command by typing ">>>". Further information can be found in the ^&VAX Hardware Handbook\& which also describes the Console Subsystems of the VAX-11/750 and VAX-11/730 systems. .NOTE When a "console" is not a "console". The console referred to in this document is not the same thing as an ACNET console processor and should not be confused with one. This console subsystem is a part of the VAX CPU and is actually located inside the VAX CPU cabinet. .END NOTE .BR.P;The LSI-11 runs a special version of the RT-11 operating system. Consequently the floppy diskette is in RT-11 format. There is only a single directory in the RT-11 file structure (no UIC's or the like). Each file is identified by a 6 character filename and a 3 character file type. Each file on an RT-11 disk is contiguous. RT-11 disks, including the local console diskettes, can be manipulated under VMS by using the RSX utility FLX, see the ^&VAX/VMS Utilities Reference Manual\& for details. Additional information can also be found in the ^&VAX/VMS Software Installation Guide\&. .BR.P;The purpose of this note is to document the contents of the standard local console floppies used by the Accelerator Control System (ACNET) VAX console subsystems. The majority of the files on the local console floppy are console command language files used for booting the VAX from different devices. .HL1 Non-text Files .BR.P; The following lists some of the non-|text files stored on the console floppy: .B.LM+15.TAB STOPS 19 .BR.I-12;CONSOL.SYS local console program, LSI-11 system image. This file is normally loaded into the LSI-11 after a power failure. .B.I-12;DIR directory of the local console floppy. .B.I-12;PCS.PAT unknown (patch file?). .B.I-12;VMB.EXE primary VAX-11 bootstrap image. This file is loaded into the VAX-11 processor as the first step in rebooting VMS. .B.I-12;WCS124.PAT VAX-11 Writeable Control Store microcode (Version 124). This contains the microcode to be loaded into the WCS of the VAX-11 processor. WCS124 is required for use on a VAX-11/780 with the Revision 7 ECO's installed (as ACNET VAX's are equipped). .B.I-12;WCSMON.SYS VAX-11 Microdebugger, LSI-11 system image. .B.I-12;WCSSRV.BIN part of VAX-11 Microdebugger. .LM-15 .B The Microdebugger files are normally not kept on the standard ACNET Console floppies. .HL1 Help Files .BR.P; The console floppy contains several text files which provide help on various topics concerned with the Console Subsystem. The HELP console command will print the CONSOL.HLP file which describes the Console Subsystem commands. Other help files are printed by typing the console command "@file.HLP" where file is the one to six character file name of the help file. .B.LM+15 .BR.I-12;ABBREV.HLP lists the acceptable abbreviations of the console commands, keywords and qualifiers. .B.I-12;BOOT.HLP technical information on bootstrap command files. .B.I-12;CONSOL.HLP lists the console commands with short descriptions. .B.I-12;ERROR.HLP list console error messages with descriptions and suggested remedial actions. .B.I-12;REMOTE.HLP help on remote diagnostics access. .B.I-12;WCSMON.HLP help on using the Microdebugger. .LM-15 .B In addition to these (DEC-provided) files, each ACNET standard console floppy contains a FERMI.HLP file which describes the standard ACNET boot command files (see below). In addition, most ACNET console floppies (either standard or non-|standard) contain a FLOPID file (no file type) which provides a short set of text identifying the console floppy in response to a "@FLOPID" command. .BR.P Any of these help files may be typed (using the LSI-11) while VMS is in operation by performing the following series of operations at the console DECwriter: .B.LM+12 .BR;_ .B .BR;^&>>>\&HELP .BR;_.._. types the CONSOL.HLP file .._. .BR;^&>>>\&@FLOPID .BR;_.._. types the FLOPID file .._. .BR;^&>>>\&SET TERMINAL PROGRAM .BR;_ .B.LM-12 .HL1 Miscellaneous Command Files .BR.P;The following are the miscellaneous command files on the local console floppy. The .ILV files are templates to be used to construct boot files for systems with two interleaved memory controllers. .B.LM+15 .B.I-12;CRASH. crashes VMS. Used when processor is hung in a loop at high priority or at a high interrupt level. This procedure is invoked by doing "@CRASH". .B.I-12;DEFBOO.CMD boot VMS from the default disk. This file is used to boot after a power recovery (if needed). In addition, the "BOOT" command, with no argument, uses this file to boot the system. .B.I-12;RESTAR.CMD invoked for automatic restart after a power recovery. .B.I-12;RESTAR.ILV template for RESTAR.CMD for interleaved memory. .LM-15 .HL1 Standard ACNET Boot Command Files .BR.P;The boot files on the console floppy can be invoked by typing the console command "@filenm.typ". In addition, the "BOOT#dev" command will execute the command file "devBOO.CMD". In some cases, there are more than one command file for a device: "devBOO.CMD" is the normal nonstop boot command file, "devGEN" will stop the bootstrap operation in SYSBOOT to allow the system parameters to be altered, and "devXDT" will stop the bootstrap operation in SYSBOOT but will also load the executive debugging code and halt at the initial breakpoint in the executive. .BR.P;The names of the boot files on standard ACNET console floppies have been changed from the original DEC-|provided floppies. These files have names of the form "tcuBOO.CMD" (also "tcuGEN." and "tcuXDT." in some cases). The leading letter, "t", indicates the type of executive which is booted. The defined types are: .B.LM+8 .BR.I-3;V##boot executive (usually VAX/VMS) from the specified disk using [SYS0.] as the root directory. Note that with the KITS disk, these boot files will boot Standalone BACKUP. .B.I-3;B##boot Standalone BACKUP from the [SYSE.] root directory on the specified disk (Standalone BACKUP is stored in the [SYSE.] root directory on VAX/VMS system disks). .B.I-3;S##boot the Diagnostic Supervisor from the [SYS0.] root directory on the specified disk. .B.LM-8 The second letter, "c", is the controller designator (same as the third letter of the device name). For the ACNET VAX's the Massbus disks (the RM03's and RM80's) are on controllers A and B (Massbus's 1 and 2). The third character, "u", is the unit number (usually in the range 0 to 7) of the disk drive on the controller. Note that the "cu" pair also appears in the device name of the ACNET disks as "DRcu:". The system disks are normally resident on devices DRA0_: or DRB0_: (unit 0 of either Massbus 1 or 2). Thus the default boot file (DEFBOO.CMD) is usually equivalent to either VA0BOO.CMD or VB0BOO.CMD. .BR.P; In addition there are a few boot files which do not fit in the above naming scheme. These are usually used for booting special purpose systems or are templates for future devices: .B.LM+15 .B.I-12;CIBOO.CMD boots the system using the CI780 port. .B.I-12;CS1BOO.CMD boots from the console floppy. Used to boot Standalone BACKUP from a pair of RX01 floppy diskettes. .B.I-12;DLnBOO.CMD boots from RL02 drive _#n. The RL02 with volume name VAXSYSTEMS contains a Standalone BACKUP which can be booted with one of these files. .B.I-12;DL0GEN. similar to DL0BOO.CMD but will stop in SYSBOOT to allow system parameters to be modified. .B.I-12;DU0BOO.CMD boots from RAxx disk drive _#0 attached to the first UDA50 controller on the UNIBUS. .B.LM-15 .TEST PAGE 20.B 5.TAB STOPS 20 ^&Distribution\& .B.NO PERIOD ##Normal .BR;##Operations Group .BR;##E. Anderson .BR;##B. C. Brown .BR;##K. Eng MS 120 .BR;##L. Klein .BR;##F. Mehring .BR;##D. Quarrie MS 223 .BR;##K. Schuh .BR;##J. Tinsley .BR;##3 copies for computer room (F. Nagy) .BR;##file .B4 fjn: USR$DISK1:[NAGY.DOC]CONSFLOPY.RNO