.! .! Use a /RIGHT=5 qualifier with RUNOFF for this file. .! .NO PERIOD .PAGE SIZE 58,70 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .RIGHT;VAX/VMS .RIGHT;System#Operator .B 3.C;Software Documentation Memo _# 44.1 .B.C;^&VAX/VMS System Operator Account and Commands\& .B.C;Frank J. Nagy .FLAGS SUBSTITUTE .B.C;July#17,#1981 .B.C;Revised $$Month#$$Day,#$$Year .NO FLAGS SUBSTITUTE .B.PERIOD .BR.P; A system operator account has been established on the VAX. This account has the username "OPERATOR" and no password. This is a turnkey account for which a special login command procedure is used to process (and limit) the commands issued by the system operator. This command procedure traps all attempts to leave itself and will prevent unauthorized use of the privileged OPERATOR account. .BR.P; The OPERATOR account provides limited access to some of the privileged commands used to control the VMS system. However, the system operator is prevented from full use of the account's privileges to protect the system and user files from unauthorized tampering. In addition, the system operator command procedure implements several new commands as synonyms for long single line commands or to invoke sets of commands. .BR.P; When one logs in as the system operator, the operator command procedure will prompt for a command with "OPR>" rather than the system prompt of "$". The commands entered must currently have a minimum of 3 characters (this may change in the future). Some commands have parameters that may be specified along with the command on the command line. Several commands may have optional command qualifiers ("/" followed by a keyword), and qualifiers are required to be specified with a few commands. A short discussion of each of the operator commands follows. The standard DEC conventions are used in describing the commands. The command names and keywords that are to be entered as shown (except for abbreviations) are show in upper case. User specified values are shown in lower case. Optional items are enclosed in square brackets. .BR.P;The standard VMS commands are discussed further in the ^&VAX/VMS Command Language User's Guide\& and in the ^&VAX/VMS Utilities Reference Manual\&. Suggestions for additional operator commands and improvements in the current set are welcome. The reader should also refer to Software Documentation Memo number 43.1 which discusses ^&Shutting-down, Crashing and Rebooting the VAX\& in more detail. .PAGE .HL1 ACNET The ACNET command is used to shutdown or restart the ACNET processes, including the VAX ACNET network programs. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;ACNET# action .B The action parameter determines what the ACNET command does. .BR.P; To stop or shutdown the ACNET processes use "STOP" or "SHUTDOWN" for the action keyword as in: .B .I+10;ACNET# STOP .B The keywords "BOOT" or "START" are used to restart all the ACNET processes (including the network) after they have been stopped. .B .I+10;ACNET# BOOT .B To clear the ACNET processes and restart them all in case of a network or some other general failure; first do an "ACNET STOP" which is then followed by an "ACNET BOOT" command. Note that all the ACNET processes must be stopped in order to restart the network process itself. .BR.P A single ACNET process (usually one which has failed) may be restarted without restarting all the ACNET processes by using the "RESTART" action keyword. The command format using this keyword is: .B .I+10;ACNET# RESTART# subsystem .B The names of the individual ACNET processes (subsystems) to be used with the RESTART command are: .B .LM+20 .BR.I-10;AEOLUS####Central Alarm and Event Message process .BR.I-10;APM#######VAX Applications Program Manager process .BR.I-10;CPLD######Central Program Loader process .BR.I-10;DBM#######Database Access Manager process .BR.I-10;DPM#######VAX Datapool Manager process .BR.I-10;FSHARE####Central File Sharing process .LM-20 .HL1 BACKUP This command is used to perform a backup of one or more of the VMS disks. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;BACKUP[/qualifier]# [disk-set] .B If no qualifier is given, then a default backup is performed. The action in this case is dependent upon which system (Development or Operational) the command is performed. .HL2 Qualfiers for BACKUP command .HL3 /DISK .B This qualifier can only be used with the "/FULL" qualifier. The use of the "/DISK" qualifier causes the backup output media to be disk packs of the same type as those being backed up. This qualifier can only be used to do full disk saves of the Operational disks at this time. .HL3 /FULL .B The "/FULL" qualifier specifies that the BACKUP utility is to be used to copy the entire contents of the disk(s) onto magnetic tape or backup disk packs. This save is an image-mode save which allows the file structure of the saved disk to be restored completed from the backup media. Refer to the "/IMAGE" qualifier of the DCL BACKUP command for further information. .HL3 /INCREMENTAL .B This qualifier selects an incremental disk save for which only those files created or modified since the last incremental or full backup operation are saved. When this qualifier is used, the disk-set parameter is ignored (all disks are scanned for files to save). Additionly, the use of this qualifier implies the "/ONETAPE" qualifier. .BR.P; This qualifier is assumed by default. In order to perform a full disk save, the "/FULL" qualifier must be explicitly used. .HL3 /ONETAPE .B This qualifier maybe used with the "/FULL" qualifier in place of "/TAPE". The "/ONETAPE" qualifier will cause the backup to be done using only a single tape drive. Normally, the backup command procedures will attempt to allocate and use two tape drives for the backup operation, using only one drive if a second tape drive is not available. .HL3 /TAPE .B This qualifier is used with "/FULL" to force the use magnetic tape as the backup output medium. This qualifier is the default with the "/FULL" qualifier when used on the Development system. It is required to be explicitly provided to do a full save of the Operational system onto magnetic tape. .HL2 Parameters The disk-set parameter determines which set of one or more disks are to be saved: .B.LM+14 .BR.I-10;ALL#######files on all disks are saved (default). .BR.I-10;SYSTEM####the system disk only is saved. .BR.I-10;USERn#####a single user disk (n=1,2...) only is saved. .BR.I-10;USERS#####all user disks are saved. .B.LM-14 .HL2 Default BACKUP command A bare BACKUP command (no qualifiers) is interpreted differently on the Development and Operational systems. In practice, such a command is used in doing the normal backup operations on each system. The interpretations can be illustrated by BACKUP commands with qualifiers: .B Development System:#### BACKUP/INCREMENTAL .B Operational System:#### BACKUP/FULL/DISK# [disk-set] .B On the Operational System, if the disk-set is not specified, ALL is used. .HL1 BROADCAST The BROADCAST command will send a message to all the interactive users. The command format is: .B .I+10;BROADCAST# "message" .B The message to be broadcast must be enclosed in double quotes ("). If a message is not specified with the command, one will be prompted for. This command does a DCL "REPLY/ALL/BELL" command. .HL1 DEVICE This command is used to mark a device as online and available for usage or as offline (unavailable for use). The format of the command is: .B .I+10;DEVICE[/qualifier]# device_name[:] .B If no qualifier is given, then the availability of the device name is simply reported but not changed. The "/OFFLINE" qualifier may be used to mark the device as unavailable for use. The "/ONLINE" restores a device to being available for use once more. .HL1 ERRLOG This command is used to either restart the ERRLOG job or to save the old error log files on magnetic tape. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;ERRLOG# [operation]# [parameter] .B where the operation specifies the type of operation to be done. If no operation is specified, then the error log job (ERRLOG) is restarted and setup to be run every three days (on the Development System) with the first run being three days after the current day (if no ERRLOG job is in the batch queue, otherwise the next run time of the ERRLOG job is preserved). .HL2 NOW This error log operation will restart the ERRLOG job. The first run of the ERRLOG batch job will be made immediately. The job will then be repeated every 3 days with the next run being 3 days from the current day. .HL2 ONCEONLY This error log operation will run the ERRLOG batch job immediately and only once. It will not affect any other ERRLOG batch jobs that are currently in the queue as part of the every third day cycle. This operation is used to get an immediate printout of the error log without restarting the normal ERRLOG job cycle but maintains the renaming of the ERRLOG.SYS file into an ERRLOG.OLD file in the correct version number sequence. .HL2 SAVE This error log operation will submit the ERRLOGSAV batch job to save the old error log files (in disk area SYS$ERRORLOG:) onto the magnetic tape with label ERRLOG. There is one copy of ERRLOG for each CPU and the appropriate tape should be used for the current machine. Note that the magnetic tape will be requested from inside the batch job and will necessitate a "REPLY/TO=" command from the operator. .HL3 ALL .B This parameter to the ERRLOG SAVE operation is used to save all the ERRLOG.OLD files on the disk. Normally the ERRLOG.OLD file with the lowest version number (oldest file) is a dummy file from the last run of ERRLOGSAV to preserve the version number sequence of these files. The ALL parameter is used only if the lowest version number ERRLOG.OLD file is not a dummy file (contains error log data) and is to be saved onto the tape along with the other files. .HL2 TOMORROW This error log operation will restart the ERRLOG batch job to be run tomorrow morning and every third day thereafter. .HL1 FINGER The FINGER command will display a list of the current system users and additional information. Among the additional information for each user is the name of the currently executing image, the terminal name and location, the process identification along with other information. .HL1 HELP Help can be obtained on a particular operator command or topic by typing : .B .I+10;OPR_>HELP# topic# subtopic# subsubtopic# _._._. .B Where "OPR_>" is the operator command prompt. .BR.P A topic can have the following format: .LIST1 .LE;an alphanumeric string (e.g. a command name, option, etc...) .LE;same preceded by a "/" (=interpreted as a qualifier) .LE;the match-all symbol "*" .LE;any of the above followed by "..." (on first topic only) .END LIST .B Abbreviations result in all matches being displayed. .BR.P Additional HELP is available with "@library" where, for instance, the standard VMS help library is "@HELPLIB". .HL1 INITAPE This command allows the operator to initialize a magnetic tape for a user. This is needed when a new tape (or one that has been run through a tape cleaner) needs to be intialized with the "/OVERRIDE" options on the INITIALIZE command by an unprivileged user. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;INITAPE[qualifiers]# device[:]# label# owner_uic .B If any other of the parameters are left off, they are prompted for. The parameters have the following meanings: .B.LM+15 .BR.I-12;device[:]###is the magtape device name. This must be of the form MTcu. .BR.I-12;label#######is the volume label for the tape. It must be 1to 6 alphanumeric characters. .BR.I-12;owner__uic###is the uic of the owner of the tape volume in the format "[group,member]", where the brackets are required syntax. .LM-15 .HL2 INITAPE Qualifiers .HL3 /DENSITY=n .B This qualifier specifies, for tape volumes, the density in bits per inch (bpi) at which the tape is to be written. You can specify a density of 800, 1600, or 6250, if supported by the tape drive. .BR.P; If you do not specify a density for a blank tape, the system uses a default density of 1600. If you do not specify a density for a tape that was previously written, the system uses the density at which the tape was last written. .HL3 /PROTECTION=code .B This qualifier specifies the protection to be applied to the volume. The protection controls who can read, write, create, and delete files on the volume. If you do not specify a protection code, protection defaults to all access to all categories of user. .BR.P; The system only applies read and write access restrictions with respect to tapes; create and delete access are meaningless. Moreover, the system and the owner are always given both read and write access to tapes, regardless of what you specify in a protection code. .BR.P; Specify the code according to the standard syntax rules for specifying protection. The protection code may be a single protection code specification or a list of such separated by commas and enclosed in parenthesis (as in "(code,code,...)"). Each individual code consists of the category specifier and protection type specifier separated by a colon or equals sign (as in "category:type"). The user category is specified by one of the keywords OWNER, SYSTEM, GROUP or WORLD. The protection type is a one to four character key made up from the first letters of the keywords Read, Write, Execute and Delete (where Execute is interpreted as file create privilege when used as the volume protection). .HL1 JOBS The JOBS command lists the current and pending jobs in the system batch queue(s). This command does a DCL "SHOW QUEUE" command with the "/BATCH" and "/ALL" qualifiers. The "/FULL" qualifier may be added to the JOBS command to display the file specifications of each file in each pending job in the queue. .HL1 LOGOUT The system operator account can be logged out with any of the following commands: .B .BR.I+10;EXIT .BR.I+10;LOGOFF .BR.I+10;LOGOUT .B .HL1 LPADOWN This command is used when printer LPA0_: does down or is brought back into service. When the printer fails, the command: .B .I+10;LPADOWN# DOWN .B will shutdown the queues for printer LPA0_: and switch all printing to LPB0:. When LPA0_: has been restored to service, then the command: .B .I+10;LPADOWN# RESTORE .B will restore normal operation (the UP keyword may be used in place of restore). .HL1 LPBQUEUE This command invokes a command procedure to switch the logical queue assigned to printer LPB0:. Normally, the logical queue LXY is assigned to that printer. The logical queue NARROW is setup to allow printing on the narrow paper for documentation. The command: .B .I+10;LPBQUEUE# NARROW .B will deassign the LXY queue from the printer and assign the NARROW queue to the printer. The printer queue itself is stopped to allow the operator to change the paper after giving the LPBQUEUE command. When the LPB0_: printer is ready to resume printing, a carriage return is typed in reponse to a prompt and the printer will begin printing jobs from the NARROW queue. Similarly, the command: .B .I+10;LPBQUEUE# [LXY] .B (where the parameter is optional) will deassign the NARROW queue and assign the LXY queue back for normal operation. Once again the printer is stopped to allow the operator to change the paper and printing is resumed by responding to the prompt line with a carriage return. .BR.P; In both cases, the printer will stop after the currently printing job (if any) is completed. .HL1 MAIL This command allows the system operator to access the VMS MAIL utility. Note that the file ALLUSERS.DIS in the current directory contains a distribution list of all known (non-|generic) usernames for use with the MAIL utility. .HL1 NETCONFIG The NETCONFIG command invokes the NETGEN program to permit the ACNET network configuration tables to be changed by the system operator. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;NETCONFIG# [[NO]SAVE] .B If the parameter is SAVE (NOSAVE) then the modified configuration table will (will not) be written back to disk. A configuration table saved on disk will be restored by the next VAX reboot. If no parameter is specified, a prompt will be printed at the terminal. .BR.P Once in NETGEN, its HELP command will provide information on NETGEN directives. In order to examine or modify the network configuration table, the NETGEN MODIFY command must be specified. The following example illustrates the use of NETCONFIG to reconfigure the LINAC Front End system (logical node LINAC) onto PDP-11 CPU number 7 and the Tevatron Front End (logical node TEV) onto PDP-11 CPU number 12: .B.LM+10 .BR;OPR_>NETCONFIG# SAVE .BR;NETGEN_>MODIFY .BR;NETGEN_>NODE# CPU7# LINAC .BR;NETGEN_>NODE# CPU12# TEV .BR;NETGEN_>UP# LINAC,TEV .BR;NETGEN_>SHOW# /ALL###### ;List all node assignments .BR;NETGEN_>EXIT .BR;OPR_> .B.LM-10 .HL1 NEWS The NEWS command is similar to the system HELP command except that the text is stored in the NEWS help library. The NEWS command format is the same as the HELP command: .B .I+10;NEWS# [topic]# [sub-topic...] .B .HL1 NODUMP This command is used after a re-boot when the SYSDUMP printout and tape copy are not required. This is usually true when the system was taken down to backup the disk, switch machines, or some other reason. The system dump (SYSDUMP) should be copied to tape and the analysis printed when the system crashes due to a BUGCHECK or is hung and crashed by the operator. .BR.P; The NODUMP command should only be used after the batch job SYSDMPER requests the mounting of the SYSDMP tape for the SYSDUMP copy. The command format is: .B .I+10;NODUMP# [n] .B The single parameter is the reply-|id for the batch job operator request. If the parameter is not specified, a value of 1 is used as the default (the normal reply-|id for this batch job request is 1). .HL1 NOTICE This command invokes the NOTICEUTL program to allow the system operator to add, delete, or modify system notices. .HL1 OPCCRASH The OPCCRASH performs an emergency shutdown of the system and should be used very sparingly. Use the SHUTDOWN command instead if possible. .BR.P; Before doing the system shutdown, you will be asked to verify that you want to stop the system. Reply YES if you do so, and NO if you really do not want to shutdown the system. .HL1 PEEKABOO The PEEKABOO command lists the current system users, their process names and identifications and the complete file specification of the image each is currently executing. If the /ALL qualifier is given on the the PEEKABOO command then all processes are listed including those defined as system processes and not normally displayed. .HL1 QUEUES The QUEUES command lists the jobs in the system print queues and the jobs currently being printed. This command does a DCL "SHOW QUEUE" command with the "/DEVICE" and "/ALL" qualifiers. The "/FULL" qualifier can be used on the QUEUES command to display the file specifications of each file in each pending job in the queue. .HL1 RELEASE This command is used to release a print job that is being held in a print queue. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;RELEASE# job-name# [queue-name] .B where the job-name parameter is the name (1 to 9 characters) of the job (or jobs) being held that are to be released. The optional queue-|name parameter is the name of the print queue in which the jobs are being held. The default queue name of SYS$PRINT is used if an explicit queue-|name is not given. This command is commonly used to release SYSDUMP jobs held after a system crash. Note that this command provides a short form for an equivalent SETQUEUE command line. .HL1 REPLY The Operator REPLY command is the same as the VMS REPLY command. See the documentation on the DCL REPLY command for further information. .HL1 SETQUEUE Changes the current status or attributes of a file that is queued for printing or for batch job execution but not yet processed by the system. The "/ENTRY" qualifier is required. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;SETQUEUE/ENTRY=job-number## [queue-name[:]] .B The job-|number specified the queue entry number of the job you want to modify. The queue-|name parameter specifies the name of the queue in which the specified job is to be found. No logical name translation is performed on the specified queue name. If you do not specify a queue name, the system assumes the default name of SYS$PRINT. .HL2 SETQUEUE Qualifiers .HL3 /AFTER=absolute-time .B Requests that the specified job be held until a specific time, then released for printing. If the specified time has already passed, the file is released immediately. Specify the time value according to the standard DCL rules for entering absolute times. .HL3 /FORMS=n .B Modifies the forms type for the specified job. This qualifier overrides the forms type specified or defaulted on the PRINT command. .HL3 /HOLD .B Requests that the specified job(s) be placed in a hold status. Jobs in a hold status are not processed until you release them with the "/RELEASE" qualifier of a SETQUEUE command or use the RELEASE command. .HL3 /JOB_COUNT=n .B Specifies the number of copies of the job to print. This qualifier overrides the "/JOB_COUNT" qualifier specified or defaulted on the PRINT command. .HL3 /LOWERCASE .B Indicates that the specified job(s) must be printed on a printer with lowercase letters. The "/NOLOWERCASE" qualifier specifies that the job(s) can be printed on an uppercase printer. .HL3 /PRIORITY=n .B Changes the priority of a job relative to other jobs that are currently queued. The priority, n, must be in the range of 0 through 31, where 0 is the lowest priority and 31 is the highest. .HL3 /RELEASE .B Releases a previously held job for processing. This can also be accomplished using the RELEASE command. .HL1 SHOW Invokes the VMS SHOW command. See the documentation on the DCL SHOW command for further information. .HL1 SHUTDOWN The SHUTDOWN command is used to gracefully bring the system down. .BR.P Before doing the system shutdown, you will be asked to verify that you want to stop the system. Reply Yes if you do so, and No if you really do not want to shutdown the system. .BR.P Further prompts from the SHUTDOWN command are: .B .BR.I+5;How many minutes until shutdown [0]? .BR.I+5;Reason? .BR.I+5;Do you want to spin down the disks [No]? .BR.I+5;Expected uptime ( if not known)? .BR.I+5;Enable automatic reboot [No]? .B Respond to the first question with a reasonable time to allow users to complete any immediate operations and logout. A message requesting users to do so will be broadcast at decreasing time intervals. The second question should be responded to with the reason for why the system is being shutdown now. This message should be short and to the point, fivolous messages are not acceptable. .BR.P; The third question should be answered with an N (for NO) or a carriage return. It is irrelevant for our systems. The answer to the fourth question ("Expected uptime ...") provides users with an estimate of when the system will be available again (i.e., "Immediately" if just rebooting). The final question should normally be answered NO or just a carriage return, if the answer is YES, then then system will immediately and automatically reboot itself. .HL1 START This command starts or restarts a print or batch queue. It is used to start executing or printing jobs in a newly created queue or to restart executing or printing jobs in an exsisting queue that was previously stopped. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;START# queue-name .B The parameter specifies the name of a queue to be started or restarted. .HL2 START Qualifiers .HL3 /QUEUE .B Starts the queue after initialization or a pause. .HL3 /BACKSPACE .B Backspaces one page before printing resumes. This qualifier is used in restarting a queue. .HL3 /NEXT .B Indicates whether the current job will be printed when the queue is restarted. If "/NEXT" is given then the current job is terminated and printing resumes with the next job in the queue. .HL3 /TOP_OF_FILE .B Prints, starting from the beginning of the job, the job that was being printed when the queue was stopped. This qualifier is used in restarting a queue. .HL1 STOP The format of this command is dependent upon the qualifiers specified. The command is used to control batch and print queues. .HL2 /ABORT The "STOP/ABORT" command aborts a job that is currently being printed. The "/ABORT" qualifier is required. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;STOP/ABORT# printer-name[:] .B where the parameter specifies the name of the printer on which the current job is to be aborted. .HL2 /NEXT Stops the specified queue after the completion of the current job, that is, before the next job is dequeued. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;STOP/NEXT# queue-name[:] .B The parameter specifies the name of the queue to be stopped. .HL2 /QUEUE Pauses the specified queue. .B .I+10;STOP/QUEUE# queue-name[:] .B The parameter specifies the name of the queue to be paused. .HL2 /REQUEUE Stops the printing of the job currently being printed and places that job at the end of the output queue. .B .I+10;STOP/REQUEUE# queue-name[:] .B The parameter specifies the name of the queue (or printer) on which the job to be stopped (and requeued) is currently active. .HL1 USERS The USERS command lists the names, terminals, and process id's of all the active interactive users. .HL1 WHO This command is used to determine the correspondence between a username and a uic number. The format of the command is: .B .I+10;WHO# [group,member] .B;or .B .I+10;WHO# username .B The first form specifies a UIC number (or group of UIC's) for which the username(s) is desired. The second form specifies the username. In either case a list of the UIC number(s) and the corresponding username(s) is produced. Wildcards in the standard VMS forms may be used to list more than one entry. The username form may have either "*" or "%" wildcard forms (i.e., "A*" lists all users and their UIC's whose usernames begin with "A"). The UIC form only allows the "*" to replace either the group or member number (or both) entirely. .TEST PAGE 20.B 5.TAB STOPS 20 ^&Distribution\& .B.NO PERIOD ##Normal .BR;##Operations Group .BR;##B. C. Brown .BR;##K. Eng MS 120 .BR;##R. Gerig .BR;##D. Ritchie MS 120 .BR;##J. Tinsley .BR;##file .B4 fjn: USR$DISK1:[NAGY.DOC]OPERATOR.RNO