.NO PERIOD .PAGE SIZE 58,70 .LEFT MARGIN 4 .RIGHT MARGIN 70 .RIGHT;RSX11M .RIGHT;SYSGEN .B 3.C;Software Documentation Memo _# 60.0 .B.C;^&RSX-11M V4.0 SYSGEN under VAX/VMS\& .B.C;Frank J. Nagy .FLAGS SUBSTITUTE .B.C;$$Month#$$Day,#$$Year .NO FLAGS SUBSTITUTE .B.PERIOD.FLAG BREAK .BR.P; .BR.P;I have successfully completed a SYSGEN for RSX-11M V4.0 using the MCR CLI under VAX/VMS. For the most part, the instructions in the RSX SYSGEN Manual appropriate to online SYSGEN's are applicable to VAX/VMS. However, some preparatory work must be undertaken to successfully perform the SYSGEN. Some of this preparation is similar to that needed to do a V4.0 SYSGEN under RSX-11M V3.2 and some is unique to the VAX. One additional point to note is that VMS V2.5 was used for this SYSGEN, the consequences of VMS V3.0 relative to an RSX-11M V4.0 SYSGEN are not known at this time. This note is an update of Software Documentation Memo No_. 45 which described an RSX-11M V3.2 SYSGEN on the VAX. Note that for V4.0, the MC2 task and the NASA/Ames enhancements were not installed as the new features of V4.0 provide replacements for these items. .BR.P;Our RSX distribution is the RL01/RL02 distribution kit on 9-|track magnetic tape. The VAX is equipped with RL02 disk drives which will be used for the SYSGEN itself. However, the version of DSC on the VAX (DSC1.EXE) for Structure Level 1 (ODS-1) disks is compatible with the V3.2 DSC and not the V4.0 DSC. Thus the patch described in the RSX-11M V4.0 ^&Release Notes\& must be used to create a new version of DSC for the VAX. The DSC library and build files from an RSX V3.2 distribution kit were patched and task built on the VAX with the compatibility mode SYSLIB.OLB in SYS$LIBRARY which includes some patches to allow to the command line parsing and file parsing routines to handle VAX logical names and named directories. The resulting DSC task image was placed in SYS$SYSTEM as DSC1V4.EXE. This program was then used to copy the distribution kit from tape onto RL02 disks. The following DCL command sequence was used to copy the baseline distribution disk onto tape: .B.I+10;&$ MOUNT/NOWRITE/FOREIGN mt0: .I+10;&$ MOUNT/FOREIGN dl0: .I+10;&$ MCR DSC1V4 dl0:/VE=mt0: .B;This sequence was repeated to copy the RSX V4.0 distribution kit onto five RL02 disks. This version of DSC should also be used to make a copy of the baseline system disk (RSXM32) to be the system disk for the target system in much the same manner: .B.I+10;&$ MOUNT/NOWRITE/FOREIGN dl0: .I+10;&$ MOUNT/FOREIGN dl1: .I+10;&$ MCR DSC1V4 dl1:name/VE=dl0:RSXM32 .B;where "name" is a name for the system volume of the new system (if not given, RSXM32 is used). .BR.P;Before attempting a SYSGEN, several RSX V4 utility tasks were copied from the baseline system disk onto the VAX system disk (i.e., [1,54]MAC.TSK was copied to SYS$SYSTEM:MAC4.TSK). A series of ASN statements (under the MCR CLI) were then placed in the pre-|SYSGEN command procedure: .B.I+10;&$ ASN SYS$SYSTEM:MAC4.TSK=MAC .B;These assignment statements cause the overlays for the tasks to be loaded much faster as the task images on the VAX RM80 disks are used rather than those on the RL02 baseline disk. The command procedure RSXSYSGEN.CMD should be executed after logging in when preparing to do an RSX-11M SYSGEN: .B.I+10;_> @SYS$SYSDISK:[SYSMGR.UTILITIES]RSXSYSGEN .B;The current version of this command procedure will ask if a V4.0 SYSGEN (as opposed to a V3.2 SYSGEN) is being done. Answer YES to setup for the RSX-11M V4.0 SYSGEN. .BR.P;My initial attempts to perform the RSX V4.0 SYSGEN ran into only one problem. This problem is due to an error in the VAX MCR which performs the _.EXIT indirect command as if it were a _.STOP and exits ^&all\& command procedure levels. Note that this was under VMS V2.5; this error may have fixed in VMS V3.0. A SLP correction file was made to replace the _.EXIT commands in SYSGEN3.CMD with the following two line sequence: .B.I+10;_.IF NE 5 _.EXIT 1 .BR.I+10;EXIT 1 .B;which will use _.EXIT if not VAX/VMS and the EXIT command if on a VAX. In addition to the corrections to SYSGEN3.CMD, similar corrections were made to ^&all\& the tttBLD.BLD files in [1,20] on the EXCPRV and RLUTIL disks. These command procedures construct the _.CMD and _.ODL files for the privileged and non-|privileged tasks also use the .EXIT directives in (usually) two places as ".EXIT#1" and ".EXIT#4". The same solution applied to the SYSGEN3.CMD file (see above) was applied to the _.BLD files. The SLP correction file (SYSGEN3.COR) and the old version of SYSGEN3 were left in [200,200] on the RSXM32 disk. The original versions of the _.BLD files in [1,24] were left on the EXCPRV and RLUTIL disks with file types of _.BLO. If the _.EXIT problem is corrected in VMS V3.0, the original forms of these files will be re-|instated on the distribution disks. .BR.P;Before the RSX SYSGEN can begin, the VMS system parameter (CLISYMTBL) controlling the size (in pages) of each process's CLI symbol table must be modified. The normal setting for CLISYMTBL is 20; a value of 40 was used for doing the RSX SYSGEN. The parameter is modified by logging in as a privileged user and running the VMS SYSGEN program. This operation requires the CMKRNL privilege. The commands used to modify CLISYMTBL are thus: .B.I+10;&$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN .I+10;^&SYSGEN>\&USE ACTIVE .I+10;^&SYSGEN>\&SET CLISYMTBL 40 .I+10;^&SYSGEN>\&WRITE ACTIVE .I+10;^&SYSGEN>\&EXIT .B;One must then logout since to do the RSX SYSGEN you must have MCR as your Command Line Interpreter. In addition, the CLISYMTBL parameter only takes effect when a process is created (i.e., login time). .BR.P;To actually do the SYSGEN, login again using the "/CLI=MCR" qualifier on the user name. This will establish MCR as the default command line interpreter (CLI) allowing the processing of RSX indirect command files. The RSX V4.0 baseline system is mounted, the UIC is set to [200,200] and the first SYSGEN command file is executed: .B.I+10;_> MOU/SHARE dl0:RSXM32 .BR.I+10;_> SET /UIC=[200,200] .BR.I+10;_> @SYSGEN .B;All phases (I, II, and III) of SYSGEN are then performed as they would online to an RSX system. The RSX Autoconfigure program will ^¬\& be run as is to be expected. The final step of booting and saving the newly SYSGEN'ed system must be performed on the target PDP-11 system as must the test run of UETP used to checkout the newly created system. .BR.P;The SYSGEN places the new RSX-11M system on the copy of the RSXM32 disk that was made initially. In addition, SYSGEN writes some files on the EXCPRV disk. This disk must be "cleaned" of those files after the SYSGEN or else a copy of EXCPRV should be made onto a scratch disk for use for doing a particular SYSGEN. If EXCPRV is to be cleaned, then the command procedure CLNSYSGEN.CMD should be used after Phase II of SYSGEN has been completed: .B.I+5;_> @SYS$SYSDISK:[SYSMGR.UTILITIES]CLNSYSGEN tgt_dsk: excprv: .B;The optional parameters are the device names on which the target system disk ("tgt_dsk:") and EXCPRV disks ("excprv:") are loaded. The target system is assumed to be MOUNT'ed; the command procedure will ask if EXCPRV is MOUNT'ed and will do so if it is not. The CLNSYSGEN procedure may be invoked without the parameters and will prompt for the device names. This command procedure can also be used to cleanup the RLUTIL disk after SYSGEN Phase III (if done). For both the EXCPRV and RLUTIL disks, the command procedure may be used to copy the _.CMD and _.ODL files from the privileged and non-|privileged task builds (if SYSGEN was instructed to save those files) from those disks onto the target system disk (into [1,24]). .BR.P;After the target system has been booted and saved and (optionally) UETP has been run, then unnecessary files may be cleaned from the target system disk to recover a significant amount of disk space. The CLNRSXDSK.COM procedure is available to perform this cleanup: .B.I+10;&$ @SYS$SYSDISK:[SYSMGR.UTILITIES]CLNRSXDSK tgt_dsk: .B;where the device name on which the target system disk ("tgt_dsk:") has been loaded may be given as a parameter. If the device is not specified as a parameter, the command procedure will prompt for its entry. .BR.P;The CLNRSXDSK.COM procedure will delete files left from the baseline system (all files older than 01-Feb-82) including the baseline tasks and device drivers. The SYSGEN command procedures in [200,200] will also be deleted as will the UETP files in [2,300]. Other files such as RSXASM.CMD (assembly commands for the target system) are left on the disk to be deleted explicitly if desired. .TEST PAGE 20.B 5.TAB STOPS 20 ^&Distribution\& .B.NO PERIOD ##Normal .BR;##Operations Group .BR;##B. Burch MS 120 .BR;##K. Eng MS 120 .BR;##I. Gaines MS 223 .BR;##D. Ritchie MS 120 .BR;##J. Tinsley .BR;##file .B4 fjn: USR$DISK1:[NAGY]RSX4GEN.RNO