.TITLE STR_SQUEEZE to squeeze spaces/tabs from a string .IDENT /V01.01/ ;++STRSQUEEZ.MAR ; ; Facility: ; Fermilab Accelerator Control System (ACNET) General Routines ; ; Abstract: ; Remove spaces and tabs from a string (in place). ; ; Environment: ; Module stored in FERMILIB.OLB and linked in users' programs. ; ;-- ; ; Modification History: ; ; Author: F. Nagy Creation date: 31-Dec-82 ; ; V01.00 31-Dec-82 FJN Created for eventual use in AEOLUS ; V01.01 15-Apr-83 FJN Standardizing help comments ; .PAGE .SUBTITLE Declarations ; ; Include Files: ; .LIBRARY "SYS$LIBRARY:FERMILIB.MLB" ;Our own macros ; ; Library Macros: ; .NOCROSS $DSCDEF ;Descriptor definitions .CROSS ; ; Local Macros: ; ; NONE ; ; Equated Symbols: ; string = 4 ;Offset to address of input/output ; string descriptor argument mode = 8 ;Offset to value argument determining ; string white space squeezing mode outlen = 12 ;Offset to address of word to return ; output string length TAB = ^A/ / ;ASCII code for TAB character SPACE = ^A/ / ;ASCII code for SPACE character ; ; Program section for code ; .PSECT _STR_CODE,PIC,USR,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,NOWRT,RD .SHOW BINARY .PAGE .SUBTITLE White space squeezer for strings ;+0STR_SQUEEZE ; ; Functional Description: ; Convert all tabs in a string to spaces and either eliminate all spaces ; (including those converted from tabs) or replace multiple spaces by a ; single space. All trailing spaces and tabs are truncated from the ; string. ; ; Calling Sequence: ; CALL STR_SQUEEZE(string [,mode] [,outlen]) ; ; Input Parameters: ; string - address of string descriptor of input string ; mode - optional argument determines operational mode. If low bit is 0 ; (or if argument is defaulted or not given) then multiple spaces ; are replaced by single spaces. If low bit is 1, then all spaces ; are removed from the string. ; ; Implicit Inputs: ; NONE ; ; Output Parameters: ; string - address of string descriptor for output string (overwrites the ; input string). ; outlen - optional address of a word in which the length of the output ; string (minus any padding spaces) is returned. ; ; Implicit Outputs: ; NONE ; ; Condition Codes (signalled): ; STR$_ILLSTRCLA Invalid descriptor class found. ; ; Side Effects: ; NONE ; ;- ;+ STR_SQUEEZE ; Squeeze spaces and tabs from a string. All tabs are converted to ; spaces and all trailing spaces (except for padding in fixed-length ; strings) are removed. ; ; CALL STR_SQUEEZE( string.mt.dx [,mode.rlu.v] [,outlen.ww.r]) ; ; string the input and output strings. Passed by descriptor. ; ; mode optional mode control. If low bit is 0 (or if the ; argument is defaulted) then multiple spaces are replaced ; by single spaces. If low bit is 1 then all spaces are ; removed. Passed by value. ; ; outlen (optional) word in which the length of the output string ; is returned (not including padding blanks). Passed by ; reference. ;- ;!+ ; CALL STR_SQUEEZE(strdx,mode,outlen) ; ; Algorithm: ; ; JSB STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_R1(strdx,len,txt) ; IF len=0 THEN ; IF nargs>=3 AND outlen<>0 THEN outlen <= 0 ENDIF ; RETURN ; ENDIF ; WHILE (Located TAB character {loc <= pointer to TAB}) DO ; (loc) <= SPACE ; ENDWHILE ; IF NOT (Located SPACE {loc <= pointer to TAB}) THEN ; IF nargs>=3 AND outlen<>0 THEN outlen <= len ENDIF ; RETURN ; ENDIF ; dest <= loc ; IF nargs>=2 THEN ; imode <= mode ; ELSE ; imode <= 0 ; ENDIF ; WHILE (len<>0) DO ; IF NOT (Located non-SPACE character {loc <= pointer to non-SPACE}) THEN ; EXITLOOP ; ENDIF ; src <= loc ; IF NOT imode THEN dest <= dest + 1 ENDIF ; Locate SPACE character {loc <= pointer to SPACE} ; IF dest=src THEN ; dest <= loc ; ELSE ; Move (loc-src) characters from (src) to (dest). ; ENDIF ; ENDWHILE ; len = loc-str ; IF len=0 AND NOT imode THEN len <= 1 ENDIF ; CASE class(strdx) OF ;UNSPECIFIED: ;STATIC: ; Pad string with blanks from (dest) to end of string. ; EXITCASE ;DYNAMIC: ; length(strdx) <= len ; EXITCASE ;VARYING: ; @pointer(strdx) <= len ; ENDCASE ; IF nargs>=3 AND outlen<>0 THEN outlen <= len ENDIF ; RETURN ;!- .ENTRY STR_SQUEEZE,^M MOVAQ @string(AP),R0 ;Get address of string descriptor JSB G^STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_R1 ;Analyze the string descriptor ;Return R0=length,R1=text pointer ; ; First replace all tab characters by single spaces. ; MOVQ R0,R2 ;Save string length and pointer TSTL R0 ;Check for null input string BEQL 33$ ;If so, exit setting outlen parameter 10$: LOCC #TAB,R0,(R1) ;Locate TAB character BEQL 19$ ;If none, exit TAB replacement loop MOVB #SPACE,(R1) ;Replace TAB by a SPACE BRB 10$ ;Loop to scan entire string ; ; Each TAB has been replaced by a SPACE, at this point the register contents ; are: ; R2 = length of input string ; R3 = pointer to start of text of input string ; ; Setup for big loop by locating first SPACE character ; 19$: LOCC #SPACE,R2,(R3) ;Locate first SPACE BEQL 40$ ;If no SPACE's return full input len. ; ; Have now found first SPACE finsh preparation for the big loop in which the ; register usage will be: ; ; R0 = remaining (to be scanned) length of input string ; R1 = current input string pointer ; R3 = destination (output string) append pointer ; R4 = length of non-blank substring when being moved ; R5 = pointer to start of non-blank substring (when needed) ; R6 = original pointer to start of input/output string ; R11 = mode indicator ; MOVL R3,R6 ;Save input string text pointer MOVL R1,R3 ;Init output append pointer past any ; starting non-SPACE characters CLRL R11 ;Default mode is multiple=>single CMPB (AP),#mode/4 ;Checking for mode parameter BLSSU 20$ ;If none, use default mode MOVL mode(AP),R11 ;Get mode parameter from caller ; ; Start of big loop to scan string, eliminate/squeeze spaces ; 20$: SKPC #SPACE,R0,(R1) ;Scan for non-SPACE character BEQL 30$ ;Exit loop if end of string reached BLBS R11,25$ ;Non-SPACE found, if mode=squeeze then MOVB #SPACE,(R3)+ ; save one space in output string 25$: MOVL R1,R5 ;Set non-SPACE substring start pointer LOCC #SPACE,R0,(R1) ;Scan for next SPACE CMPL R3,R5 ;Check source/destination pointers BNEQ 27$ ;If not equal, must move substring MOVL R1,R3 ;No move needed, update dest. pointer ; to SPACE location or string end TSTL R0 ;Check for end of string reached BEQL 30$ ;Terminate loop at string end! BRB 20$ ;Continue with loop as more string ; ; In loop: we must now move a substring of non-SPACE characters to "left" ; overwriting one or more SPACE characters by appending to the current portion ; of the output string. ; 27$: PUSHL R0 ;Save input string count SUBL3 R5,R1,R4 ;Get count of substring to move MOVC3 R4,(R5),(R3) ;Append substring to output POPL R0 ;Restore input string count BNEQ 20$ ;Loop if more to be done ; ; Termination of big loop: output string end now pointed to by R3 get the ; length of the output string into R2 and the address of the string ; descriptor into R1. ; 30$: SUBL3 R6,R3,R2 ;Output string length BNEQ 31$ ;If input all spaces need special test BLBS R11,31$ ;If mode=remove-all then return null MOVZBL #1,R2 ; else return 1 SPACE string 31$: MOVAQ @string(AP),R1 ;String descriptor pointer ; ; Now check for descriptor CLASS to handle output string correctly ; TSTB DSC$B_CLASS(R1) ;Check for unspecified class BEQL 32$ ;If so treat as STATIC string CMPB DSC$B_CLASS(R1),- ;Check for STATIC string class #DSC$K_CLASS_S BNEQ 35$ ;If not, do further checks 32$: SUBW3 R2,DSC$W_LENGTH(R1),R0 ;Get remaining STATIC string length BEQL 40$ ;If none, set outlen and exit PUSHL R2 ;Else save output string length MOVC5 #0,(R3),#SPACE,R0,(R3) ;Pad string with blanks at end POPREG R2 ;Restore output string length 33$: BRB 40$ ; ; Check for DYNAMIC and VARYING strings ; 35$: CMPB DSC$B_CLASS(R1),- ;Check for VARYING string class #DSC$K_CLASS_VS BEQL 37$ ;If VARYING set current length MOVW R2,DSC$W_LENGTH(R1) ;Assume DYNAMIC string and store length ; of output in descriptor itself BRB 40$ 37$: MOVW R2,@DSC$A_POINTER(R1) ;For VARYING string, store length of ; output into CURLEN position ; ; Check for outlen parameter, if one given store string length (in R2) into it. ; 40$: CMPB (AP),#outlen/4 ;Check argument count BLSSU 49$ ;If too few arguments, exit TSTL outlen(AP) ;Check for defaulted argument pointer BEQL 49$ ;If no pointer, again exit MOVW R2,@outlen(AP) ;Store length into outlen parameter 49$: RET .END