% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00@|uI_|{ef''' ))05ROR ADD2APINC" ADD2APLIB<ADDTOLIBVBLDAPHLPLBLDAPLIB BLDAPMTLB BUILDLIB  BUILDTLBSCALENDARCFROMFORCLIBDOC CMTCRYOVRtCommands_commonCommands_Login  CRENODNAMEDITSET EDT_Keys$ FAO_codes(FERMIDOC* HDRSTRIPR3 HLPLVLSHF3 HLPLVLSHF5HOME6HOMEMGR8HOMENETE LIBHELPF0 Logical_NamesKv MACCODCNTLr More_namesMfMTLBLISTOx NETTLBACT R5HOME6HOMEMGR8HOMENETE LIBHELPF0 Logical_NamesLr More_namesMfMTLBLISTOx NETTLBACTPNEWOWNERQOLBMANIPS& PASFRMFORSRADIXCVTU"SDIFGENRWSYSCOPYWTLBMANIP[TOAREAbUFDOWNERdWILDINCSRdWILDINCS @<}s 1 ADD2APINCF Add specified INCLUDE source files from [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.INCLUDES] > to one of the CVAXAPL, FORVAXAPL or PASVAXAPL text libraries:& @VAX$AP_LIB:ADD2APINC file[,file...]@ The file type (.* will be used in place of explicit file types)> will determine which text library the INCLUDE source is to be@ inserted. The INCLUDE module name must be given by the name on@ the starting line of the header comments (see HDRSTRIPR). File2 types of ".H" will be treated as C include files.ww/}s 1 ADD2APLIB= Procedure to add to VAXAPLIB.OLB by compiling/assembling the: list of source files of the library routines to be added.@ The file types of .FOR, .MAR, .PAS, and .MSG of the sources are; used to select the compiler/assembler for the source file.? The source files must be stored in [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.SOURCES]2 on USR$DISK1:. To use, execute the procedure by:+ @VAX$AP_LIB:ADD2APLIB file[,file...]9 You will be asked if a listing file is to be created and printed.wwMe}s 1 ADDTOLIB= Procedure to add to FERMILIB.OLB by compiling/assembling the: list of source files of the library routines to be added.@ The file types of .FOR, .MAR, .PAS, and .MSG of the sources are; used to select the compiler/assembler for the source file.? The source files must be stored in [FERMILIB.SOURCES.ROUTINES]6 on SYS$SYSDEVICE:. To use, execute the procedure by:) @FERMI$LIB:ADDTOLIB file[,file...]9 You will be asked if a listing file is to be created and printed.ww0}s 1 BLDAPHLP? Procedure to construct the SYS$HELP:VAXAPLIB.HLP file from the= source files of the library routines stored in the directory< USR$DISK1:[VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.SOURCES]. To use, execute as: @VAX$AP_LIB:BLDAPHLP? The source files are concatenated into a single temporary file< and all HELP text comments are extracted. The HELP text is? then sorted (by building a temporary HELP library) and has its> help level shifted to 2. The file VAX$AP_LIB:VAXAPLIB.HLP is= then placed in from of this file and written to SYS$HELP: as7 VAXAPLIB.HLP. This file is also then entered into the FERMIHELP library.? In order to create a new VAXAPLIB.HLP, you must have SYSPRV or SETPRV privilege.ww}s 1 BLDAPLIB< Procedure to build VAXAPLIB.OLB by compiling/assembling the= source files of the library routines stored in the directory< USR$DISK1:[VAXAPPL.LI BRARIES.SOURCES]. This directory must; contain just the source files of routines for VAXAPLIB and@ nothing else. The file types of .FOR, .MAR, .PAS, and .MSG are: use to select the compiler/assembler for the source file. To use, execute as:0 @VAX$AP_LIB:BLDAPLIB [newlib] [listings]? If newlib is YES (or TRUE) then a new version of VAXAPLIB will< be made. If listings is YES (or TRUE) then listings of the@ routines placed in VAXAPLIB will be made. You will be prompted= for mis sing arguments. A new version of VAXAPLIB is created: by assembling/compiling all the sources in the [.SOURCES] area under VAX$AP_LIB:.? In order to create a new VAXAPLIB.OLB, you must have SYSPRV or SETPRV privilege.wwV}s 1 BLDAPMTLBB Using the files in [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.INCLUDES] create either theD FORVAXAPL, PASVAXAPL or CVAXAPL text library of INCLUDE sources or,F by using the files in [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.MACROS], create the VAXAPLIB macro library: @VAX$ AP_LIB:BLDAPMTLB whichG where which must be one of FOR, MAC(MAR), C(H) or PAS to specify which library to build).ww}s 1 BUILDLIB< Procedure to build FERMILIB.OLB by compiling/assembling the= source files of the library routines stored in the directory@ SYS$SYSDEVICE:[FERMILIB.SOURCES.ROUTINES]. This directory must; contain just the source files of routines for FERMILIB and@ nothing else. The file types of .FOR, .MAR, .PAS, and .MSG are: use to select the compi ler/assembler for the source file. To use, execute as:/ @FERMI$LIB:BUILDLIB [rebuild] [listing]C If the rebuild parameter is YES then a new version of the FERMILIBA library is made by re-assembling/compiling the sources. The old? version is purged. In order to create a new FERMILIB.OLB, you& must have SYSPRV or SETPRV privilege.= If the listing parameter is YES, then a listing file will be created and printed.ww}s 1 BUILDTLBSB Using files in [FER MILIB.INCLUDES] or in [FERMILIB.MACROS] createA one of the text library of INCLUDE sources (LCLFORDEF, LCLPASDEF3 or LCLCDEF.TLB) or the FERMILIB.MLB macro library: @FERMI$LIB:BUILDTLBS which? where which must be one of FOR, PAS, C, MAR or MAC to indicate which library is to be built.; You must have your UIC set to [1,4] to use this procedure.< In addition to replacing modules in newly created specifiedA library, the .HLP file with the same name as that of the library> will be updated in FERMI$LIB:. The INCLHELP.COM procedure in> FERMI$LIB may be used to create a new version of INCLUDES.HLP7 in SYS$HELP: and update the Include_files topic in the FERMIHELP library.wwtu 1 CALENDAR- Program to display a calendar on SYS$OUTPUT:/ CALENDAR yyyy !Display entire year's calendar0 CALENDAR !Display current, last and next month1 CALENDAR mm !Display month numbered (and +/- 1); Use ">file" to direct output to a file. Development only.wwh}s 1 CFROMFORC Converts a FORTRAN symbol definition INCLUDE file into an #INCLUDEF file for VAX-11 C. The file name (only!) is entered as the first and? only parameter. The file is read from "name.FOR" and the file "name.H" is written. @FERMI$LIB:CFROMFOR nameD The resulting file is a header file to be included into a C program routine using #INCLUDE.ww@/J}s 1 CLIBDOC? Command procedure to get CLIB help text and prepare a shorter,( paginated form for printing (CLIB.DOC).& To create, print and delete CLIB.DOC: @CLIBDOC+ To create and print CLIB.DOC (saves file): @CLIBDOC SAVE To just create CLIB.DOC file: @CLIBDOC NOPRINTwwTp}s 1 CMTCRYOVRB Carry comments from an old version of a FORTRAN INCLUDE file intoD a new version of the same file. This command procedure is designed= to work with INCLUDE files generated by the SDIFGENR command1 procedure. The command procedure is invoked by:5 @FERMI$LIB:CMTCRYOVR old_file new_file [out_file]A where old_file is the file specification of the original INCLUDEC file (with comments) and new_file is the file specification of theE new (uncommented) INCLUDE file. The command procedure creates a newC version of the new_file if an output file specification (out_file) is not given.wwksu1 Commands_commonG The following are commands defined in the SYS$MANAGER:MGRLOGIN, common? login command procedure.  Most are invoked without parameters. 2 ALLPRIVS# Enable all privileges for process. 2 AUTHORIZE7 Invoke AUTHORIZE utility. May be abbreviated as AUTH.E NOTE: default directory must be SYS$SYSTEM: when using this command.2 BACK12 Set default directory back one level toward root.2 BANNERG Write a banner line (10 characters for 80 columns, 13 for 132-columns)E in BIG letters. Use ">file" to direct output to a file (">>file" to0 append to an existing file). Development only.2 BVT0 Same as VT command but for 132-column displays.2 BYPASS% Enable BYPASS privilege for process. 2 CMONITOR+ Run MONITOR continuously (2 second cycle). 2 DISPLAY@ Run MONITOR showing top CPU users with 2 second data collection3 and display interval. Can be abbreviated as DISP. 2 DPYFAULTSE Run MONITOR showing top page faulting processes with 2 second cycle. 2 DPYMODES3 Run MONITOR showing CPU modes with 2 second cycle.2 DFORKF Create a detached process e xecuting a DCL command or set of commands.E Same as FORK except that a detached process rather than a subprocess2 is created. See FERMIHELP FORK for more details.2 EDTB The EDT editor is invoked with the commands EDT and BIGEDT (whichC replace EDIT/EDT). The BIGEDT command is used to edit files whichD contain lines with up to 132 columns. Both commands use .EDT files8 to initialize EDT and switch into keypad editting mode. 2 ERASETMPF Delete all the files in the temporary file area pointed to by logical name TMP$:.2 EXPERT& Set to display only text of messages.2 FINGERF Show list of current users, CPU time used and image each is executing amoung other things. 2 FORCEXITB Force a process to exit ($FORCEX service) with the exit status of SS$_OPRABORT.. FORCEXIT[/IDENTIFICATION=pid] [process-name] May be abbreviated as FORCEX. 2 FROMOTHERC Call VAXMASXFR command procedure to transfer files (with TIA) from0 the other VAX (see FERMIHELP VAX_to_VAX topic). 2 HIBERNATE4 Place current process into hibernation (HIB) state. May be abbreviated as HIBER.2 HOME# Command to simplify SET DEFAULT's:5 HOME return to SYS$LOGIN directory- HOME ufd[.sfd...] set to specified area+ HOME .sfd[...] set to subdirectory, See FERMIHELP HOME for further information. 2 HOMEHLP$ Set default directory to SYS$HELP:. 2 HOMELIB' Set default directory to SYS$LIBRARY:. 2 HOMEOPR@ Set default directory to SYS_OPERATOR: (system OPERATOR command procedures). 2 HOMESTARTUP> Set default directory to SYS$STARTUP: (system startup command/ procedures). May be abbreviated to HOMESTART. 2 HOMESYS& Set default directory to SYS$SYSTEM:. 2 HOMEUTILB Set default directory to SYS$MGR_UTIL: (system management utility" command procedures and programs).2 JOBSD Show all current jobs in all batch queues. Add the /FULL qualifierC to display the file specifications and other information about the pending jobs. 2 MGRHELP4 Access Help topics stored in the SYSMGRHLP library.2 MYHELP3 Access Help topics stored in the NAGYHELP library.2 MYUIC Set UIC back to login UIC. 2 NOBYPASS Disable BYPASS privilege.2 NOMSGS9 Disable display of all messages (all fields turned OFF). 2 NONPRINTR= Development system only; prepare a listing file in which any8 non-printing characters have been replaced by printable? sequences. Useful for listing TECO macro and procedure files.2 NOVICE= Re-enable display of all fields of messages (default state). 2 NOWORLD8 Set protection on a file to deny access to WORLD users. NOWORLD file[,file...]2 QUEUES> Show all current jobs in all the print queues. Use the /FULLD qualifier to display the file specifications and sizes of the jobs. May be abbreviated as QUE.2 RESUME Resume a suspended process., RESUME[/IDENTIFICATION=pid] [process-name] May be abbreviated as RESU.2 RRF; Invoke the TIA program to read input from another node and write a local file:% RRF from_node:: to_node::file_spec# See NEWS TIA for more information. 2 SLAVEVAXD Call VAXSLVXFR command procedure to setup slave end of a VAX-to-VAX% TIA transfer (see VAX_to_VAX topic). 2 SUSPEND Suspend a process.- SUSPEND[/IDENTIFICATION=pid] [process-name] May be abbreviated as SUSP.2 SYSGEN Invoke SYSGEN utility. 2 TLBINSERT H Call TLBMANIP command procedure to insert a module into a text library. 2 TLBLIST$ List the modules in a text library. 2 TLBREPLACEG Call TLBMANIP command procedure to replace a module in a text library. 2 TLBSHOW! Type a module in a text library. 2 TOOTHERA Call VAXMASXFR command procedure to transfer files (with TIA) to& the other VAX (see VAX_to_VAX topic). 2 TRUNCATEC Truncate a file (or files) back to the EOF block (used blocks only in the file). TRUNCATE file[,file...] May be abbreviated as TRUNC.2 VTD Invoke video terminal type utility. See FERMIHELP CTOOLS T for more information.2 WAKE Wake a hibernating process.* WAKE[/IDENTIFICATION=pid] [process-name]2 WHO+ Show a UIC given a username or vice versa.5 WHO [ggg,mmm] shows username(s) for given UIC; WHO [ggg,*] shows all username(s) for given group8 WHO [*,*] shows all username(s) in UIC order6 WHO username shows UIC for the given username2 WHO * show UIC's in username order 2 WIPELIS= Delete all the .LIS and .LST files in the current directory. 2 WIPELOG4 Delete all the .LOG files in the current directory. 2 WIPEOBJ4 Delete all the .OBJ files in the current directory. 2 WIPETMP4 Delete all the .TMP files in the current directory.2 WRF< Invoke the TIA program to read a local file and write it to another ACNET node:' WRF [from_node::]file_spec to_node::# See NEWS TIA for more information.wwӵ}s1 Commands_Login< The following commands are defined by [NAGY]LOGIN at login.< For the most part, they are invoked without any parameters. 2 NOSYSPRV) Remove the SYSPRV and BYPASS privileges.2 SYSPRV Enable SYSPRV privilege.2 SYSUIC# Set UIC to the system UIC ([1,4]).ww`}s 1 CRENODNAM: Create the NODENAMES.TXT file from the NODEDEFS.FOR file.> The NODENAMES.TXT file will consist of lines of ASCII text of the format: nnnNNNNNNB where "nnn" is the logical node number in decimal (zero filled onC left) and "NNNNNN" is the logical node name in ASCII (blank filled on right to 6 characters).ww@v}s 1 EDITSETB Perform a set of edits (using EDT) on several files, applying the same edits to each file. EDITSET [file-spec(s)]D A file spec or list of file specs (including wild cards if desired)F are entered on the command line. If they are not entered, they will D be prompted for by "Files:". The edit commands are prompted fo!r byB the prompt "Edit>". More than one edit command may be entered atA a time. Edit input is ended by a blank line. Note: to preserveD case, spaces, tabs, etc. in the edit commands, enclose the commands in double quotes.ww`}s 1 EDT_KeysB The SYS$MANAGER:EDTINI.EDT initializer file defines the followingA additional keys (GOLD means strike GOLD key first. ^x indicates@ a control character as in "^Z" is Ctrl-Z. "up","dwn","lft" and "rgt" indicate Arrow keys):" " ^B move backward one word! ^F move forward one word7 GOLD up move edit window up 23 lines (1 screen + 1)9 GOLD dn move edit window down 23 lines (1 screen + 1)F GOLD lft move edit window left 8 characters (to display long lines)/ GOLD rgt move edit window right 8 characters< GOLD tab move cursor by 8 characters in current direction < GOLD ^B set searchs to leave cursor at beginning of text6 GOLD ^E set searchs to leave cursor at end of text: GOLD #^W switch between 80 and 132-column display modes8 GOLD ^Z exit, writing new version of the output fileC GOLD . insert special file marker to mark current position for; later reference (possibly in a new EDT session)B GOLD / search for and remove special file marker insert using "GOLD ."F GOLD I Include a file (prompted for) into the text at the current position! GOLD M switch to MAIN bufferB GOLD Q quit, leaving EDT and saving t $he Journal file (if any)B GOLD W Write the text in the Select range to a specified file: GOLD X exit, writing a new version of the output fileF The "HELP" (or "PF1") key has been disabled, use "GOLD HELP" instead.2 Tabs> The tab setting is set to 4 characters. The standard EDT key6 definitions for manipulating tabs and tab levels are:@ ^A or GOLD A compute tab level from current cursor position) ^D or GOLD D decrease tab level by 1) ^E or GOLD E increase tab level b%y 1G ^T or GOLD T adjust tabs of lines in select range to current levelD Note that if "^T" is enabled as the DCL short status command by the8 DCL command "SET CONTROL=T" then "GOLD T" must be used.ww}s 1 FAO_codes+ The general format of an FAO directive is: !n(lengthDD)= where ! (exclamation mark) indicates that the following is a> FAO directive and DD is a 1- or 2-character action code. The; repeat count (n) and output field length specifiers may be/ l&eft off giving formats for FAO directives of:" !DD -or- !n(DD) -or- !lengthDD; The repeat count and output field length specifiers may be< decimal values or the literal "#" (number sign). If "#" is= used, then the next parameter passed to FAO must contain the% repeat count or output field length. 2 Characters! !AC Inserts counted ASCII string+ (Address of string - length in 1st byte) !AD Inserts ASCII string( (Length of string, address of string)4 !AF Inserts ASCII strin'g (nonprinting codes -> ".")( (Length of string, address of string) !AS Inserts ASCII string* (Address of quadword string descriptor) 2 Numeric9 In the following, "t" is the data type and is one of the= characters "B", "W", or "L" for Byte, Word or Longword data.$ !Ot Converts to octal (zero-filled)* !Xt Converts to hexadecimal (zero-filled)/ !Zt Converts to unsigned decimal (zero-filled)0 !Ut Converts to unsigned decimal (blank-filled). !St Converts to signed decimal (blank-f(illed) 2 Formatting !/ Inserts a new line (CR/LF) !_ Inserts a tab !^ Inserts a form feed !! Inserts an exclamation mark0 !%S Inserts "S" if most most recently converted numeric value is not 1 !%T Inserts the system time( (Address of quadword time, 0=current)% !%D Inserts the system date and time/ !n< Defines output field width of n characters' !> Ending output field width delimiter! !n*c Inserts a character n times !- Reuse last parameter in list !+ Skip next parame)ter in listwwmD}s 1 FERMIDOCC Command procedure to get FERMILIB help text and prepare a shorter,, paginated form for printing (FERMILIB.DOC).* To create, print and delete FERMILIB.DOC: @FERMIDOC/ To create and print FERMILIB.DOC (saves file): @FERMIDOC SAVE" To just create FERMILIB.DOC file: @FERMIDOC NOPRINTww@'o}s 1 FTNCODCNTE The program FTNCODCNT.EXE (currently in USR$DISK1:[NAGY]) is used toD prepare counts of various lin,`|{ NAGY FTNCODCNT MACCODCNT +me).B The program should be used by defining a foreign symbol, such as:# $ FCC := USR$DISK1:[NAGY]FTNCODCNT and then using the command: $ FCC input-source-fileE to characterize the named input source file (no default file type!).ww}s 1 HDRSTRIPRK This program is used to strip the header comments from a source text file.- The format of the HDRSTRIPR command line is: $ HDRSTRIPR input_fileH where input_file is the name of the source text file ,to be read. ThereF is no default file type assumed for the input_file. By default, the F output file produced has the same file name as the input file and has/ file type .TXT (or .HLP if /HELP is selected). 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT=output_file@ Defines the output filespec. The default is to write the outputD file on the current device and directory with the filename from the@ input_file and a file type of ".TXT" (unless /HELP is selected, then the file type is ".HLP"). /SELECT=type (-D=ALL)A This qualifier defines which types of headers are to be selected5 for stripping from the input text. The choices are: ALL All header types) EXTERNAL Headers for external routines.9 INTERNAL Headers for internal routines (identified by a: slash, "/", following the header start marker).; MODULE Headers for files/modules (identified by a plus,3 "+", following the header start marker)./TAB /NOTAB (D)C If /TAB is selected, the output text .lines are each preceeded by a/ single tab character. The default is /NOTAB. /PAGE /NOPAGE (D)D If /PAGE is selected, the output file is paginated by trying to fitB more than one header per page (separated by three blank lines) or? starting a header on a new page if too few lines remain on the( current page. The default is /NOPAGE. /REMOVE /NOREMOVE (D)A If /REMOVE is selected, the comment markers at the start of eachC line of the header (where appropriate) are removed fr/om the output text./HELP@ If /HELP is selected, then the output file is in the format for2 input to the library to generate a HELP library. /STRIP=type (D=HEADER)D This qualifier selects the type of comments to be stripped from the input text. The values are:8 HEADER Selects routine header comments to strip (normal default case).9 PCODE Selects pseudo-code comments (following the header# comments in MACRO programs only).$ BOTH Selects both HEADER and PCODE./LOG 0/NOLOG (D)@ This option selects whether information about what headers wereD processed, etc. should be printed at the terminal (on SYS$OUTPUT).  The default is /NOLOG. 2 Header_FormatD The header is defined as the block of comment lines (usually at the; start of a module or routine) delimited by lines with "?+"F (beginning) and "?-" (ending) at the start of the line. The questionD mark, "?", represents the comment character (or character sequence)E for a particular language. The rec1ognized languages and the formats, of the header start and end sequences are:  MACRO ;+ and ;-1 FORTRAN C+ and C- (lowercase "c" also accepted) LEAP *+ and *- DCL $!+ and $!-< PASCAL ??+ and -?? where ?? are the 1 or 2 character PASCAL( comment start/end character sequences.A Note the slightly different format for the PASCAL header flags. D Also, the header flags must be the first characters on their line. 2 Header_TypeF No assumptions are made about the contents of heade 2r comments for anyF of the lines other than the first header line (with the "+" after the> comment character). This line has the form "?+x" where@ "" is the routine name for which this is a header (or theD filename if this is a "module" header). The "x" is either a "+" to8 indicate a module header for a file of several routines7 ("?++filename"), a space (" ") to indicate a global or? externally-used routine ("?+ entry_name"), or a slash ("/") to8 indicate an internally-used rou 3tine ("?+/entry_name"). E In order to allow for headers being used to generate HELP files, theE header-type character (after the first + and before the module/entryF point name) can also be a single digit. The possibilities are thus: C + Module header (used for HELP only if /SELECT=MODULE is used).- / Internal routine (never used for HELP).> External routine (name is preceeded by "1 " for HELP).( 1 External routine, same as .= 2-9 Additional levels of informat4ion corresponding to HELP subtopics.; 0 External routine or additional information not to be  included in HELP.ww8}s 1 HLPLVLSHFD This program reads as input a text file that is to be used as inputD to the librarian for an entry in a HELP library. The program readsD the input file text, writing it to the output file. No changes areB made in the text except for those lines which begin with a digit,A the HELP subtopic level marker. If the input line begins w 5ith aD digit in the range 1-8, then one is added to the digit and the sameA lines on the output file have digits in the range 2-9 (i.e., theB HELP subtopic level is increased by one to move everything in theE input file deeper into the HELP subtopic tree). If the digit on theF input line is 0 or 9, then the line is copied unchanged to the output file. The command format is:. $ HLPLVLSHF input_file output_fileH Prompts are issued ("From:" and "To:") for missing file spe6cifications.F The default for the file type for the input and output files is .HLP.? HLPLVLSHF must be defined as a foreign DCL command to be used.ww#Z}s1 HOMEB Command procedure to make "SET DEFAULT" commands a bit shorter to type by using the command: HOME {dire}G where dire is the (optional) directory or subdirectory specification. B If none is given, the HOME command returns to the login directoryC using SYS$LOGIN:. If a parameter is given, it will be en7closed inC square brackets if it is not a logical name (if the parameter is aB logical name then it will used in the SET DEFAULT command as is)." Special forms of the command are:& HOME \ !Backup one directory level HOME -] !Same as "HOME \"B The command "HOME \.subdire" is the same as a "HOME" command (noB parameter) followed by a "HOME .subdire" command (return to a 1st) level subdirectory below the login UFD).wwa}s 1 HOMEMGR? Set default directory to [N8AGY.SYSMGR] or the [.LIB] or [.EXE]B subdirectories of [.SYSMGR] in order to work on system management software.. HOMEMGR Set default to [NAGY.SYSMGR]2 HOMEMGR EXE Set default to [NAGY.SYSMGR.EXE]2 HOMEMGR LIB Set default to [NAGY.SYSMGR.LIB]2 Global_Symbols@ The following global symbols are defined by the HOMENET command procedure:C HDRSTRIPR invokes command procedure to strip header comments2 Logical_NamesC The following logical names are defined by 9the first invocation of the HOMEMGR command procedure:? Subdirectory for FERMILIB sources/procedures MY_MGR$LIB? Subdirectory for locally written image sources MY_MGR$EXEww}s 1 HOMENETC Invoke the HOMENET command procedure to define symbols and logicalD names for network software development and to set default directory/ to one of the network software subdirectories. HOMENET [[.]dire]F If no parameter is given, the default directory is set :to the networkE "root" directory, [NAGY.NETWORK]. The parameter may be preceeded by; a period (".dire") as in the HOME command but it need not.2 Subdirectories* The subdirectories of [NAGY.NETWORK] are:8 INCLUDES sources for INCLUDE modules in text libraries* MACROS sources for macros in VAXNET.MLB& NETAPS network application programs, NETAUX auxiliary network process (ACNAUX); NETGEN network initialization/generator program (NETGEN)F NETPRC network process (ACNET), also re ;cognized as NETPROC or ACNET8 NETTST network test programs and verification package" NETUTL network utility programs= TOENET primitive file transfer programs, also known as TIA9 UTI network user program interface routines for VAX2 Global_SymbolsD The HOMENET command procedure defines the following global symbols: 3 DELNETCOMA Delete the NETCOMMON global section and update the section file. 3 DMPNETCOMF Run the DMPNETCOM program to examine the NETCOMMON global section and <4 prepare both hexadecimal and formatted dumps of it.3 NETGENA Run the NETGEN program to examine and modify the contents of the NETCOMMON tables. 3 NETSTARTC Execute the NETSTART command procedure in NET$EXE: to boot the VAXG end of the network (create and initialize the NETCOMMON global sectionG and create the network process running ACNET and the auxiliary network process running ACNAUX). 3 NETSTOPH Stop the VAX end of the network by stopping all network user processes,H stoppin=g the network process and deleting the NETCOMMON global section. 3 NETREBOOTD Just restart the network process using an existing NETCOMMON global section. 3 NETSHUTUPF Stop the network process by forcing ACNET to exit. Leave the network6 user processes and NETCOMMON global section in place. 3 MLB_CRE6 Create a new version of the VAXNET.MLB macro library. 3 MLB_REP9 Replace one or more modules in the VAXNET macro library. MLB_REP file[,file...]. where the file(s) are the Macro> source files. 3 ULB_REP= Replace one or more modules in the VAXNETUTI object library. ULB_REP file[,file...]2 where the object file(s) contain the new modules. 3 ALB_REP< Replace one or more modules in the ACNETLIB object library. ALB_REP file[,file...]2 where the object file(s) contain the new modules. 3 XLB_REP= Replace one or more modules in the ACNAUXLIB object library. XLB_REP file[,file...]2 where the object file(s) contain the new modules. 3 GLB_REP= Repla?ce one or more modules in the NETGENLIB object library. GLB_REP file[,file...]2 where the object file(s) contain the new modules.3 OLB_COMPRESS< Invoke the OLBMANIP command procedure to compress an object: library. You will be prompted for the name of the object library.3 TSTASM= Perform a test assembly producing a listing file (with cross reference) but no object file.3 OBJASM? Assemble a file producing listing and object files without any> local symbols for the debugger @by disabling the DEBUG option.3 DBGASM> Assemble a file producing listing and object files with local; symbol tables for the debugger (by default DEBUG option is! enabled in the network sources).3 TSTFOR< Perform a test FORTRAN compilation producing only a listing file with no object file.3 OBJFOR@ Compile a FORTRAN file producing both listing and object files.2 No local symbol tables for the debugger are made.3 DBGFOR@ Compile a FORTRAN file producing both listing and object files. A= Local symbols are included in the object file for use by the? debugger. In addition, code optimization is disabled to allow! easy debugging with breakpoints.3 TSTPAS; Perform a test PASCAL compilation producing only a listing file with no object file.3 OBJPAS? Compile a PASCAL file producing both listing and object files.2 No local symbol tables for the debugger are made.3 DBGPAS? Compile a PASCAL file producing both listing and object files.= Local symbols are included in the B object file for use by the? debugger. In addition, code optimization is disabled to allow! easy debugging with breakpoints.3 TSTCC6 Perform a test C compilation producing only a listing file with no object file.3 OBJCC: Compile a C file producing both listing and object files.2 No local symbol tables for the debugger are made.3 DBGCC: Compile a C file producing both listing and object files.= Local symbols are included in the object file for use by the? debugger. In addition,C code optimization is disabled to allow! easy debugging with breakpoints. 3 BUILDER@ Invoke the BUILDER command procedure to build a network program 3 NETBATCH> Invoke the NETBATCH command procedure to generate a batch job to build a network program. 3 HDRSTRIPR; Invoke the HDRSTRIPR command procedure to strip the header comments from source files.2 Logical_NamesC The following logical names are defined by the first invocation of the HOMENET command procedure:9 Network su Dbdirectory for User Task Interface $UTI< Network subdirectory for NETGEN programs $NETGEN< Network subdirectory for ACNET image $NETPRC; Alternate name, same as $NETPRC: $ACNET< Network subdirectory for test programs $NETTST< Network subdirectory for utility programs $NETUTL9 Network subdirectory for TOENET-in-ACNET $TIA9 Network subdire. for ACNETUSS privileged image $USS9 Network subdire. for PCL d Erivers and test progs $PCL< Subdirectory for general network sources NET$SRC< Subdirectory for network macro library, VAXNET NET$LIB< Network subdirectory for application programs $NETAPS< Network subdirectory for ACNAUX image $NETAUX< Alternate name, same as $NETAUX: $ACNAUX< Sources for network macros $MLBSRC< Sources for network text library INCLUDE modules $TLBSRC< Subdirectory for INCLUDE files F NET$INCww}s 1 LIBHELPB Procedure to create the HELP text for topic FERMILIB by strippingC the HELP text headers from the library routine source files in theD directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[FERMILIB.SOURCES.ROUTINES]. The procedure is invoked via: @FERMI$LIB:LIBHELP> You will be asked if you are stripping the source file headerC comments. If you answer NO, the FERMILIB.HLP file will be created? containing the HELP portions of the routines' header commGents.= This file will be used to replace the FERMILIB module of the@ FERMIHELP.HLB help library. Both the help library and the help% source file are placed in SYS$HELP:.A If you answer YES to the question, the file FERMILIB.TXT will be* created in the current default directory.ww>tu1 Logical_Names@ The following are the logical names defined by the MGRLOGIN.COM) common "system manager" login procedure. 2 C$LIBRARY? Development system only; defines user text li Hbrary LCLCDEF.TLB= to be automatically searched by VAX-11 C compiler to resolve #include references.2 FERMI$EXE_SRC@ Development system only; points to [FERMIEXE.SOURCES] where the4 source files for non-DEC utility programs are kept.2 FERMI$LIB_SRCA Development system only; points to [FERMILIB.SOURCES] containing1 sources for some libraries and shareable images.2 FERMI$LIB_INCB Development system only; points to [FERMILIB.INCLUDES] containingA the INCLUDE source files for FORTRA IN and PASCAL. In particular,? those INCLUDE files stored in the LCLFORDEF and LCLPASDEF text libraries may be found here.2 FERMI$LIB_LIBSRC? Development system only; points to [FERMILIB.SOURCES.ROUTINES]< where the source files for the routines in FERMILIB.OLB are kept.2 FERMI$LIB_MAC@ Development system only; points to [FERMILIB.MACROS] containing; the macro source files for the FERMILIB.MLB macro library. 2 LNK$LIBRARYA Development system only; defines user library FERMILIB.OL JB to be& automatically searched by the Linker.2 TMP$< Points to the temporary file area: [.TMP] below SYS$LOGIN:.@ Files in here are deleted after one day or so. These files are% also deleted by the WIPETMP command. 2 SYS$STARTUP> Points to the area for the system startup command procedures.2 SYS_OPERATOR? Points to the area for the system OPERATOR command procedures.2 Un> Short names (U1:, U2:, etc.) for the user disks also known as; USR$DISKn: (Development system) or OP$USRn: (Op Kerational).2 VAX$AP_LIB_SRC? Development system only; points to [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.SOURCES]; where the source files for routines in the VAX Application) Program library (VAXAPLIB.OLB) are kept.2 VAX$AP_LIB_INC@ Development system only; points to [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.INCLUDES]> where the INCLUDE source files for the FORTRAN and PASCAL VAXA Application Programs (FORVAXAPL.TLB and PASVAXAPL.TLB) are kept.2 VAX$AP_LIB_MAC> Development system only; points to [VAXAPPL.LIBRARIES.MACROS]9 wheLre the source files for macros in the VAX Application/ Program macro library (VAXAPLIB.MLB) are kept.ww`}s 1 MACCODCNTE The program MACCODCNT.EXE (currently in USR$DISK1:[NAGY]) is used toB prepare counts of various line types in a MACRO source file. TheE different types of lines counted include blank lines, comment lines,G ";" lines (comment character with remainder of line blank), code linesE and commented code lines (code followed by a ";" comment). CommentsB aMfter code are recognized by a ";" character which is scanned for. from the end of the line (not 100% accurate).B The program should be used by defining a foreign symbol, such as:# $ MCC := USR$DISK1:[NAGY]MACCODCNT and then using the command: $ MCC input-source-fileE to characterize the named input source file (no default file type!).ww`}s 1 More_names+ Additional logical names defined for NAGY:2 AP$@ Points to area for development of Console ApplicationN Programs.2 ATMP$9 Points to the temporary file area of the AEOLUS account.2 MY_MGRA Points to subdirectory containing some system management related' files (stored under [NAGY] for grins).2 STMP$= Points to the temporary file area of the SYSMANAGER account.2 VTMP$: Points to the temporary file area of the VAXAPPL account.ww}s 1 MTLBLISTE This procedure will prepare a listing of the contents of the modulesC in a macro or text library. The listing will be Oprinted using the7 LCPRINT command. The format of the procedure call is:. @FERMI$LIB:MTLBLIST library-spec [list-dft]D where library-spec is the library file specification, including theD file type which is used to determine the library type. The listingE file will have file type .LIS and use the file name from the libraryG specification. If the second parameter is non-blank, then it providesF defaults for the listing file specification (using file name from theA library specificaPtion). In addition, if the second parameter is7 non-blank, then the file is not automatically printed.ww S}s 1 NETTLBACT? Extract, insert, or move to FERMI$LIB_INC: the INCLUDE sources@ in the network INCLUDE text libraries (FORNETDEF and PASNETDEF)> which are also stored in the system INCLUDE text libraries in( SYS$LIBRARY: (LCLFORDEF and LCLPASDEF).! @NET$SRC:NETTLBACT lang action@ The lang parameter specifies whether the FORNETDEF or PASNETDEFC text library Qis to be acted upon. The action parameter determines the action:+ EXTRACT extract the modules for editting- REPLACE replace the modules after editting< MOVE copy modules to FERMI$LIB_INC (extract if needed)ww J}s 1 NEWOWNER= Procedure to change the owner UIC of all files in a complete< subdirectory tree beneath one or more UFD's. The UIC's areC set to that of the owner of the UFD-level directory and propagated on down the directory tree.0 To change tShe owner of a single directory tree:( @SYS$MGR_UTIL:NEWOWNER dev: directory0 To change the owner of all files on the volume: @SYS$MGR_UTIL:NEWOWNER dev: *ww@g|}s 1 OLBMANIPD Procedure to manipulate object libraries. The command procedure is invoked by:6 @FERMI$LIB:OLBMANIP library operation [file[,...]] The operations are:= REPLACE replace one or more object modules in the library. COMPRESS compress the library.8 The object files are deleted af HLPLVLSHFWILDINCSRTter a REPLACE operation.ww}s 1 PASFRMFORB Converts a FORTRAN symbol definition INCLUDE file into an INCLUDED file for PASCAL. The file name (only!) is entered as the first andF only parameter. The file is read from name.FOR and the file name.PAS is written. @FERMI$LIB:PASFRMFOR nameC The resulting file is to be added to the CONST section of a PASCAL# program or routine using %INCLUDE.ww}s 1 RADIXCVTE Converts the numeric radix of FORTR UAN, PASCAL or C symbol definition# files from hexadecimal to decimal.3 @FERMI$LIB:RADIXCVT file_spec {FORTRAN|PASCAL|C}H where the file given by file_spec is a FORTRAN (or PASCAL or C) INCLUDEE file, usually produced by SDIFGENR (or PASFRMFOR or C). The type ofE the code in the file is determined by the file type (file type .H isF recognized as a VAX-11 C file). If the second parameter is not null,E then it determines the code type and default file type (for VAX-11 C the defaultV file type is ".H").ww }s 1 SDIFGENRA This command procedure generates a file of symbol definitions to? be INCLUDE'd in a FORTRAN program. The symbol definitions are? from a VMS macro stored in a macro library (usually the system9 macro library, SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.MLB). The macro nameD (including the leading $, if any) is entered as the first parameter/ and becomes the name of the final output file:& @FERMI$LIB:SDIFGENR macro-name,[...]< Several additional ma Wcros may be listed all of whose symbol; definitions are to appear in the same file. The file name3 is determined by the name of the first macro only!2 LIB@ If the macros are to be gotten from the executive macro library< (SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB), then the first parameter must be the keyword LIB:+ @FERMI$LIB:SDIFGENR LIB macro-name,[...]2 Other_Libraries? If a macro is to be gotten from some other macro library, then@ the first parameter must start with an equals sign ('=') as iXn:1 @FERMI$LIB:SDIFGENR =filespec macro-name,[...]> where filespec is the file specification of the macro library, and the additional parameters are as above.ww\ }s 1 SYSCOPYA Copy one or more new files from current default directory to theB specified "system" directory. The new files will be stored under$ the UIC [1,4] and will be purged. " SYSCOPY file{,...} [sys_dire]= If a system directory is not specified, SYS$SYSTEM: is used.ww +Y}s 1 TLBMANIPE This command procedure is used to manipulate text libraries, usuallyF those containing INCLUDE sources for FORTRAN or VAX-11 C. The format of the command is:: @FERMI$LIB:TLBMANIP operation library file[,...]E A useful shortcut is to define symbols containing the operation name similar to:0 TLBINS*ERT := @FERMI$LIB:TLBMANIP INSERT1 TLBREP*LACE := @FERMI$LIB:TLBMANIP REPLACE3 TLBCOM*PRESS := @FERMI$LIB:TLBMANIP COMPRESS 2 Parameters Z operationA Type of operation to be performed on the library. The operationD name must be at least 3 characters long so that "INS" is treated as@ "INSERT". If the operation is "REPLACE" then after the modulesA have been replaced you will be asked if you want to compress the library.library/ The file specification of the text library. file[,...]A List of one or more files to be inserted (replaced) in the textA library. Wildcards may be used in the file names. The defaul[tB directory is the current directory. To specify a separate area,< use the directory specification before the file list as in< "[.INCLUDES]file,...". The default file type is ".INC". 2 Module_names> The names of the modules stored in the text library are taken@ from the first line of the individual files. The first line of a file should have the format:/ > where the is always "+" (followed by a space as@ shown sep\arating the and the ). The? depends upon the language for which the INCLUDE file is setup: FORTRAN "C" (or "c") or "!" PASCAL "{" or "(*" C "/*"ww@Vd}s1 TOAREAJ Change to another account and directory by changing the default directory; and UIC currently in use. The formats of the command are: TOAREA logical_name TOAREA username [subtree] TOAREA username.subtree TOAREA keyword [subke ]y]F where the "[]" indicate an optional argument, not part of the syntax.A The "username.subtree" format is internally broken into separateB username and subtree parameters. This procedure makes use of the7 file SYS$MANAGER:USERLIST.DAT to lookup user accounts. 2 Parameters logical_nameB If the first parameter is a logical name which begins with one ofE "SYS$...", "SYS_...", "FERMI$..." or "FERMI_...", then your UIC willD be set to [1,4] (the system UIC) and your default directory wil^l be$ set to the translated logical name.usernameE If the first parameter is not a logical name, then it is interpretedE as either a keyword or as a username. The USERLIST.DAT file is thenB searched for the username. If found, the UIC and login directoryG are gotten from the file and used to set the UIC and default directory of your process.subtreeF Selects a subdirectory for the default directory (may start with ".") Equivalent to doing: TOAREA username HOME subtree _2 Logical_Names5 Commonly used logical names are (other than SYS...):@ FERMI$EXE: local program images and command proceduresD FERMI$LIB: sources and procedures to maintain FERMILIB.OLB/ FERMI$EXE_SRC: sources for local programs6 FERMI$LIB_SRC: sources for some local libraries.E FERMI$LIB_INC: file of INCLUDE modules for local text libraries, FERMI$LIB_MAC: macros for FERMILIB.MLB 2 Keywords The recognized keywords are:H SYSMGR specifies `the system UIC. The subkey selects a directory. SYS same as SYSMGR MGR same as SYSMGRG VAXAPPL specifies the VAXAPPL UIC and directory. The subkey willG select a subdirectory directly or by keyword (see below).F AEOLUS specifies the AEOLUS UIC and directory. The subkey willG select a subdirectory directly or by keyword (see below). 3 AEOLUSE The following subkey's are recognized as subdirectory abbreviations:3 IN aC [.INCLUDES] subdirectory (INCLUDE files)3 SRC [.SOURCES] subdirectory (AEOLUS sources)3 SYSMGR= The following subkey's are recognized to select directories:- CLIB CLIB_SRC (Console library sources)+ DECUS Temporary area for DECUS sources6 EXE SYS$SYSTEM: (system images and other files)1 HLP SYS$HELP: (system-wide HELP libraries)1 LIB SYS$LIBRARY: (system VAX-11 libraries)7 NEWS Subdire of SYS$HELP for NEWSLIB source files6 OPR SYS_O bPERATOR: (OPERATOR command procedures)1 RSX RSX$LIB: (RSX-11M libraries and files)9 START SYS$STARTUP: (startup procedures; aka STARTUP) SYSLIB aka LIB? UTIL SYS$MGR_UTIL: (system management utility procedures) 3 VAXAPPL@ The following subkey's are recognized to select subdirectories:9 APM [.SUPPORT.APM] (VAXAPM sources and procedures)8 DPM [.SUPPORT.DPM] (VAXDPM sources and procedure)7 INC [.LIBRARIES.INCLUDES] (Text library sources)0 LIB [c.LIBRARIES] subdirectory (libraries)6 MAC [.LIBRARIES.MACROS] (Macro library sources)2 SRC [.LIBRARIES.SOURCES] (VAXAPLIB sources)ww ]}s 1 UFDOWNER? This command procedure allows the system manager to change theB owner UIC of a User File Directory (UFD, the next level below theB MFD). The algorithm comes from a note by E. B. Whipple of LBL inB the July '81 PAGESWAPPER (Vol. 3 No. 3). The calling sequence of the procedure is:0 @SYS$MGR_UTIL:UFDOWNER diredctory {username}? Where the username argument is required only if different (for@ instance, is longer than 9 characters) than the directory name.> The UFD must be on the current default disk (SYS$DISK:). The> directory name is entered without being enclosed in brackets ! (i.e., "xx" rather than "[xx]").4 An alternate calling sequence for the procedure is:- @SYS$MGR_UTIL:UFDOWNER directory [ggg,mmm]B where "[ggg,mmm]" represents the UIC which is to be the new owner UIC of the eUFD.A The process must have SYSPRV to use this procedure. Also, this B procedure only changes the owner of the UFD, the ownership of the; remainder of the directory tree must be modified using the NEWOWNER command procedure.ww}s 1 WILDINCSG Using the .FOR files in the specified directory, create the equivalent; .PAS or .H (VAX-11 C) INCLUDE files in the same directory:% @FERMI$LIB:WILDINC directory whichE where which must be one of PAS or C to create the .PAS or .H INCLUDEF files from the .FOR INCLUDE files. The directory parameter specifiesD the directory which contains the .FOR files and into which the .PAS (or .H) files will be writtenww