% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00 Ɛ2|E~&&&J5x^xADM3\Argus Auto_logoffBATCH BUGS Card_Reader".Cookie&DCourtesy(DECUS)DISPLAYDOWNTIME+EDTCAI+EDT_Keys/F772 FERMIEXE< FERMIHELP=FERMILIB>Games@ GUESTUSERArHELPB0INSTIMESC^JARGOND LanguagesFp Logical_namesIDLOGINMMADDELETOPASCAL2RPCITR\ Port_SelectoraPrintersef ProceduresfRSXHELPhlRSXLIBnhSYSLIBpZTIAɱpc1 ADM3H Foreign terminal support for the Terminal Independent Screen ProceduresG (see the VAX/VMS Run-Time Library Procedures Manual) has been added toG the system. To use with an ADM-3A terminal, use the following command to set Foreign Terminal type 3: SET TERMINAL/DEVICE_TYPE=FT3 or SETADM3ww k͑͊1 Argus> The ARGUS process has been installed. It will watch for idle@ processes connected to the Port Selector lines, terminals TTC4:F through TTC7:. Every 3 minutes Argus will awaken and scan the processE list for any processes that have been idle (not used any CPU time orE I/O counts) in the past 3 minutes. If such an idle process is foundF AND if it was logged in from a Port Selector terminal, then a warningE message will be sent to the terminal. After 3 such warning messagesF (process has been idle for 12 minutes), Argus will delete the processF from the system. If the process is privileged, only 1 warning will be5 given ; the process will be deleted after 6 minutes. G As of 16-Aug-82, ARGUS V2.1 has been installed. This version of ARGUSI will disconnect the Port Selector after deleting a stalled user process.wwb 1 Auto_logoffE The Lab's MICOM Port Selector now has the capability to send a shortH message to a computer port when a terminal port is disconnected (eitherG by a BREAK or due to a timeout). We propose to have the Port SelectorG setup to send a LOGOUT command to the VAX i n such a case. This changeD is being made in order to assist in maintaining the security of theI system and user's files by preventing unintentional use of an account by other persons.K Please advise F. Nagy if you feel this will seriously impact your efforts.ww@\nc1 BATCHH A single batch job queue named SYS$BATCH is available. This queue willF allow a maximum of 10 batch jobs to be executing simultaneously. TheC base priority for the batch jobs is 3. Jobs read i n from the card) reader are entered into the batch queue.H An additional batch job queue may be defined for the use of system jobsC only. Any user submitted jobs will be expunged from such a queue.J To prevent batch job output from being printed use the /NOPRINT qualifierI on the SUBMIT command. Note that such jobs will leave a name.LOG file inH your default directory (where name is the batch job name). Use a PURGEG command to keep only one version around (see also NEWS MADDELET). To F eliminate the .LOG file altogether, use /NOLOG_FILE. See HELP SUBMIT for further information.G To have the batch job output go to the Printronix (lowercase printer), include the command: $ DEFINE SYS$PRINT LXY in the batch job.ww u1 BUGS> This topic lists some known bugs with DEC and local software.2 ACNET_Network@ There is an error in the "ACNET Network Services VAX/VMS User's> Manual" (Sodom 64.0) on page 4-36. Figure VI showing the bitA ass ignments is incorrect. LOCKED should be in bit 2 and ENDMULT> in bit 1 (bit 0 is currently unused). The definitions of the? RPY_V_ENDMULT and RPY_V_LOCKED symbols in the REQRPYDEF moduleA of LCLFORDEF.TLB and in the VAXNET.MLB macro library are correct7 (another good reason for using symbolic definitions!).2 BACKUPB The /JOURNAL qualifier value clobbers the /LABEL value. The onlyG known solution is to not use /JOURNAL. This was fixed in V3.1 of VMS.2 DCL When reading the  command $ ON condition THEN @filespecE DCL immediately executes the specified command procedure. This willF be fixed in Version 3.2 of VMS (reverting to the "intuitive" behaviorE of VMS V2.5). In the meantime, as a workaround, specify the command as: $ ON condition THEN $ @filespecB DCL does not evalute 'F$VERIFY(expression) correctly when theG lexical function is used within a comment, and the expression containsC lower case symbol references. This will be fixed in a ma intenance! update after Version 3.1 of VMS. 2 DIRECTORY@ The value used for the /SINCE=YESTERDAY qualifier is incorrect.F Instead of being midnight of the previous day, it is actually 2:22.31? after midnight. The DCL commandds ACCOUNTING, BACKUP, DELETE,D DIRECTORY and LIBRARY are affected by this error. The error shouldF be corrected in a future maintenance update after Version 3.1 of VMS. Fixed in V3.2 of VMS (?)>2 Documentation@ The following subtopics describe corrections to the VAX/VMS and$ VAX layered software documentation. 3 DIRECTORY> The Command Language User's Guide incorrectly states that the> DIRECTORY qualifier /OUTPUT without a file specification will= use SYS$OUTPUT. In point of fact, if a /OUTPUT qualifier is, used, you must supply a file specification.3 LIB$SET_SYMBOL> The description of the routine LIB$SET_SYMBOL on page 2-99 of; the Run-Time Library Reference Manual states that trailing? blanks are removed from the value before it is as signed to the= symbol. This is not the case, the trailing blanks are left.9 If you do not want trailing blanks, you must remove themB before calling LIB$SET_SYMBOL (by calling STR$TRIM for instance). 3 LIB$SPAWN? The documentation of the LIB$SPAWN Run-Time procedure does not< include the restriction on the length of the command-stringA argument. This string must be 132 characters or less in length.3 String_RoutinesB The documentation for the string routines in the Run-Time Libra ryA Reference Manual incorrectly merged the descriptions of the CALL@ and JSB arguments so as to make it seem that R0 was supposed to= contain the address of a value rather than the value itself.? The conventions for all JSB entry points which take parameters? in the registers is that scalar values are passed by immediate> value. The manual contains some addition errors of a similar8 nature. The correct passing mechanisms are as follows:8 LIB$SCOPY_R_DX takes SRC_LEN by reference> LIB$SCOPY_R_DX6 takes SRC_LEN by immediate value8 LIB$SFREEN_DD takes NUM_OF_DESCR by reference> LIB$SFREEN_D6 takes NUM_OF_DESCR by immediate value 4 More_errors Additional errors are:4 (1) Page 2-101. The name of the JSB entry point is( LIB$SFREEN_DD6 not LIB$SFREEN_DDR6.8 (2) "Summary of Run-Time Library Entry Points", page 54 - Should read:) JSB ret-status.wlc.v = OTS$FREE1_DD6 (dyn-dsc,mqu.r)) JSB ret-status.wlc.v = OTS$FREEN_DD6. (dsc-num.rlu.v, first-dsc.mqu.r ... )8 (Quadwords, when they are descriptors get passed by) reference, not by immediate value). 2 EDT_RMSD EDT does not properly use the overdraft disk quota feature due to a@ change in VAX-11 RMS processing of default file extension. TheE symptoms are that when the normal disk quota is consumed, EDT issues the message:$ Disk quota exceeded using overdraftB However all succeeding operations to either an output file of the$ journal file fail with the message: Error writing output file# %RMS-E-EXT, ACP file extend failed5 -SYSTEM-S-OVRDSKQUOTA, disk usage exceeds disk quota@ A correction to VAX-11 RMS will be made in a future maintenanceB update after Version 3.1 of VMS. In the interim, the problem canD be alleviated by setting the process default extend quantity to one as follows:( $ SET RMS_DEFAULT/EXTEND=1 !Per process Seemingly fixed in V3.2 of VMS. 2 FORTRAN3 Record _length? In VMS V3.0, the FORTRAN Run-Time Library was changed to use a? default record length of 2046 bytes for unformatted files (the? previous default had been 126 bytes). This value causes files< to have records too long to write or copy to magnetic tapes/ which are mounted with the default block size.= The default record length will be changed to 2044 bytes in a< maintenance update after V3.1. In addition, if the file is= opened on a device other than a disk or terminal, and if the; maximum data transfer size of that device is less than the= normal default, the default record length will be reduced to a value that will fit.; As a workaround, specify a value for the OPEN keyword RECL? that is small enough for the intended use of the file or mount9 tape with the /BLOCKSIZE qualifier of the MOUNT command.2 LIB$DO_COMMAND? Calling the VMS Run-Time Library routine LIB$DO_COMMAND with a command string that- 1. is greater than 126 characters long= 2. invokes a command procedure with the "@" command or3 substitutes a symbol with the "&" command/ will cause your current process to be deleted.> This will probably be fixed in a future major release of VMS.@ The workaround for now is to limit the command strings supplied* to the routine to 126 characters or less. 2 LIB$SCANC> The Run-Time Library procedure LIB$SCANC modifies register R4> but does not list it in its procedure entry mask of registers> to be saved and therefore corrupts R4. This will be fixed in@ a future maintenance update after V3.1. A temporary workaround: is to create and use the following MACRO procedure SCANC: .TITLE SCANC .ENTRY SCANC,^M CALLG (AP),G^LIB$SCANC RET .END2 OTS$CVT_TX_L< The Run-Time Library procedures OTS$CVT_TB_L, OTS$CVT_TI_L,? OTS$CVT_TO_L and OTS$CVT_TZ_L will all accept characters whoseB values are in the range X'80' to X'FF'. This will usually result? in the wrong value being returned without an error indication.A This problem is expected to be corrected in a maintenance updateC of VMS after V3.1. Note that many procedures use these proceduresB indirectly (FORTRAN uses these to perform READ's using I, O, or Z) formats). There is no known workaround.2 PASCAL 3 Constants> The compiler generates incorrect code for integer expressions& of either of the following two forms: expr1 - constant + expr2# expr1 + constant - (expr2 - expr3)> The constant in  either form can be either a symbolic constant: from a CONST section or a literal (in the second form the5 parenthesis are necessary for the problem to occur).< This error is in the constant-folding part of the compiler.< The constant is treated as if it were of the opposite sign.> The workaround is to rewrite the expression so that constants; appear at the end of the expression. For example, rewrite7 "z := e1 - 1 - e2;" as "z := e1 - e2 - 1;" and rewrite: "z := e1 + 3 - (e2 - e3);" as " z := e1 - (e2 - e3) + 3;". & This will be fixed in V2.1 of PASCAL. 3 EXTERNAL@ Incorrect code is sometimes generated for [EXTERNAL] variables.; The final phase of the compiler believes that all externalA variables share the same memory location. Bad code results fromB this assumption when the peephole optimizer incorrectly optimizes= a statement that references more than one external variable.& This will be fixed in V2.1 of PASCAL.9 As an example, consider A and B to be variables with the5 [EXTERNAL] attribute. Then the following statement: A := B + 1;C had the code "ADDL3 #1,B,A" generated which the peephole optimizerC would change into "INCL B" incorrectly since it would believe that? A and B were the same memory location. The workaround in this@ particular case is to use a local variable TEMP and rewrite as: TEMP := B + 1; A := TEMP;3 FIND_VARYING@ The Release Notes for PASCAL V2.0 describe a problem with usingB the FINDK procedure on a file w hose component type is VARYING [n]? OF CHAR. The workaround for FINDK described there can also be> used for the FIND procedure. This problem (for both FIND and; FINDK) should be fixed in a maintenance update after V3.1.3 RECORD_LENGTH@ Attempting to open a file with RECORD_LENGTH greater than 65535C does not get an error at OPEN time, but uses the low-order 16 bits@ of the size. This will be corrected to give the error "invalidC RECORD_LENGTH". This correction will be included in a maintenance update after V3.1. 3 Record_sizeC If a non-disk (magtape, mailbox, etc.) file is opened as HISTORY:== OLD, and a RECORD_LENGTH is not specified, then the Run-Time? Library uses the default record length. If the largest recordB read from the file is larger than the default, the error RMS$_RSZB is signalled. The Run-Time Library is using either the FAB$W_MRSA (maximum record size) or XAB$W_LRL (longest record length) fieldC for information on the file's maximum record le ngth. However, forE non-disk devices neither of these fields may have a value. Instead,A the Run-Time Library should be using the FAB$W_BLS (maximum dataA transfer length) field. We expect this change to be included in! a maintenance update after V3.1.3 UPDATEE When the UPDATE procedure is used on files of RECORD_TYPE:=VARIABLE,E it does not use the current size of the file component when updating@ the record. Rather, it uses the length of the last record read from that file in  the program.@ This will be corrected in a maintenance update after V3.1. TheC problem does not occur if you are using fixed-length records or ifA you update with the same record length as the most recently readA record. As a temporary wordaround, you can set RAB$W_RSZ in the@ file's RAB to the correct value before calling UPDATE. Use the2 PAS$RAB routine to obtain the pointer to the RAB. 2 SIN_and_COSD The MTH$SIN and MTH$COS functions (used for SIN and COS in FORTRAN)C return incorrect values when the value is near 0.5 (30 degrees for SIN and 60 degrees form COS).2 TOENETG A long outstanding bug in VAX/VMS WRF has been fixed. This bug causedC the second parameter's text to clobber that of the first parameterA when WRF prompted for the second parameter (or both parameters).D WRF will function correctly whether all the parameters are given onC the command line or whether one or both are input in response to a prompt.ww@7b k@ 1 Card_Reader> Batch jobs may be punched on cards and submitted via the cardA reader. Cards are read in 029 keypunch codes (see the following< subtopic of "Character_codes" for some gotcha's). The card= deck must begin with a JOB followed by a PASSWORD card. The> end of the job deck is signalled by an EOJ card (contains the( command "$ EOJ") and/or by an EOF card.2 Character_codesA When using cards on VAX/VMS you will discover the 029 keypunch? does not indicate a left and right square bracket sym!bol. The  correct subsitutions are:  ? for [ left bracket --- use "cent symbol" above R key ? for ] right bracket --- use ! "bang symbol" above B key B If you prefer using the multiple punch key, or find difficulty> in remembering the appropriate key symbols, but very good in ' recalling card codes, then the symbols / "cent" translates to card code 12-2-8/ ! translates to card code 11-2-8 2 EOF_card< End of file from the card " reader is marked by a card with aA 12-11-0-1-6-7-8-9 in column 1. This card ends a file being read? from the card reader (if COPY from CRA0: is used) or can end a+ batch job being input via the card reader.2 Translation_modeA The card code translation mode can be set by the SET CARD_READER@ command for by encountering an 026 or 029 translation mode card; in the card stream. The translation mode cards contain an overpunch in column 1 as shown: Mode Overpunch ---- --------- 0#26 12-2-4-8 029 12-0-2-4-6-8ww :1 Cookie? COOKIE.EXE in FERMI$EXE is a new version of the fortune cookieC program from the Decus C Language System tape. COOKIE can be used9 by defining the COOKIE symbol and using it with options: $ COOKIE := $FERMI$EXE:COOKIE $ COOKIE [options] 2 Options& Options are entered in "Unix"-format: -N Output N (random) cookies. N Output the Nth cookie.& -a Output all cookies in entry order." -v Video display terminal o$utput.9 -vt52 Explicitly format for a VT52 or VT100 in VT52 mode2 -vt100 Explicitly format for a VT100 in ANSI mode- -c Continuous -- give lots of random cookies 2 Input_file@ COOKIE will look for a (specially formatted) file of cookies in@ the file COOKIE.FIL in the current area. If not found then the> master file in SYS$MESSAGE: will be used. The cookie file is created by the MKCOOK program.7 SYS$MESSAGE:COOKIE.FIL currently has 5238 (?) entries.2 Mkcook' Make cookie.fil for u%se by BIG cookie. $ MKCOOK := $FERMI$EXE:MKCOOK $ MKCOOK [options] cookie.txt: If no argument is given, cookie.txt will be looked for on9 the current account. The output will be written to file# COOKIE.FIL in the current account. 3 Options -d Debug/ -s Small -- output cookie.h for SMALL cookie.c1 -v Verify (print each cookie line as it is read) 3 File_format- Cookie text files have the following format:( A new cookie always begins in column 1.( It may be continue&d over several lines, by starting the continued text with one or more spaces or tabs.- A blank line may be included and will yield. a blank line within or following the cookie.. preceeding the first cookie will be ignored.0 A line consisting of a formfeed only will also be ignored.. All the above constitutes one single cookie.% A cookie may be explicitly formatted / into individual lines by$ / preceeding each continuation line- / with a slash followed by a space or a t'ab.3 To attribute a cookie. terminate it by terminating1 the sentence with a '.', '?', or '!' then append/ the author's name as shown. -- Author's name./ Although not necessary, it is recommended that- cookies be stored in ascending Ascii order., No cookie may contain more than 2047 bytes.ww#oc 1 Courtesy; We would appreciate that all our users follow a few simple> rules of computer etiquette to make life easier for everyone.< PURGE your old file version (s to prevent exhausting you diskD quota. Archive unneeded files to diskettes (see topic FLOPPIES) orC tape. Do not keep around temporary files (.TMP or .CRF file typesA for instance) and print and delete listing (.LIS and .LST) files and load maps (.MAP).7 Be careful when removing printout from the printers as< short jobs are easily overlooked and thus lost. Also, when: removing your printout, remove printouts from others that? are already done. These should be separated and placed o )n theB table next to the printers. Also, do not leave unwanted paper in@ the printer trays; place it in the recycle boxes. Remember the) Golden Rule so we can all work together.ww@T^1 DECUS@ The 1983 Spring DECUS U.S. Symposium is being held in St. LouisB over the week of May 23-27. This will be a very exciting meeting> as DEC is going to announce may new products, include the VAXD Cluster System and possibly board-level products with the MICRO/J11@ processor chip *and many other things. DECUS members interested@ in attending should get their registration information togetherE as the rates go up on April 15th and we all know how slow purchasing can be at times...wwoc 1 DISPLAYI The user account DISPLAY is used to display system usage with any one ofH several programs (MONITOR, FINGER, PEEKABOO, or SHOW). This account isH a turnkey account and will only support a limited number of functions. I DISPLAY login file will list its +menu in response to a "?". Any unknownH command will also cause the DISPLAY user menu to be typed. The DISPLAY6 user can be logged out by the BYE or LOGOUT commands.ww q| 1 DOWNTIMEG The Development System will be down on Wednesday, April 20, to installK the new power supply, 2nd UNIBUS Adapater and third PCL controller on VAX1= (we will have switched Operations to VAX2 sometime Tuesday).A The shutdown will begin at 08:15 and take most of the day as theF installat ,ion and checkout should take from 4 to 6 hours (maybe more).H There should be no impact on the operation of the control system during this time.ww=nc1 EDTCAIL To use the EDT Computer Aided Instruction course, do RUN SYS$SYSTEM:EDTCAI.H To register for the course, reply to the prompt for a code name with a I carriage return. EDTCAI will prompt you for the information to register you as a student.ww`IR 1 EDT_KeysB The SYS$MANAGER:EDTINI.EDT initialize -r file defines the followingA additional keys (GOLD means strike GOLD key first. ^x indicates@ a control character as in "^Z" is Ctrl-Z. "up","dwn","lft" and "rgt" indicate Arrow keys):" ^B move backward one word! ^F move forward one word7 GOLD up move edit window up 23 lines (1 screen + 1)9 GOLD dn move edit window down 23 lines (1 screen + 1)F GOLD lft move edit window left 8 characters (to display long lines)/ GOLD rgt move edit window right 8 character .s< GOLD tab move cursor by 8 characters in current direction < GOLD ^B set searchs to leave cursor at beginning of text6 GOLD ^E set searchs to leave cursor at end of text: GOLD ^W switch between 80 and 132-column display modes8 GOLD ^Z exit, writing new version of the output fileC GOLD . insert special file marker to mark current position for; later reference (possibly in a new EDT session)B GOLD / search for and remove special file marker insert usi /ng "GOLD ."F GOLD I Include a file (prompted for) into the text at the current position! GOLD M switch to MAIN bufferB GOLD Q quit, leaving EDT and saving the Journal file (if any)B GOLD W Write the text in the Select range to a specified file: GOLD X exit, writing a new version of the output fileF The "HELP" (or "PF1") key has been disabled, use "GOLD HELP" instead.2 Tabs> The tab setting is set to 4 characters. The standard EDT key6 definit 0ions for manipulating tabs and tab levels are:@ ^A or GOLD A compute tab level from current cursor position) ^D or GOLD D decrease tab level by 1) ^E or GOLD E increase tab level by 1G ^T or GOLD T adjust tabs of lines in select range to current levelD Note that if "^T" is enabled as the DCL short status command by the8 DCL command "SET CONTROL=T" then "GOLD T" must be used.wwxΑ͊1 F77H The PDP-11 FORTRAN-77 compiler (V4.0) has been installed on the V 1AX/VMSB system. Like the F4P compiler, this version understands VMS fileH specifications and logical names. The OTS libraries and optional filesD are likewise available in SYS$LIBRARY: and RSX$LIB: under the namesF with F77 replacing F4P (i.e., F77OTS.OLB rather than F4POTS.OLB). TheD compiler is used like the F4P compiler except than the name is F77: $ MCR F77 ...H In addition, some of the switch defaults were modified for F77 from theF standard settings. This version supports defaults 2 of /CO:99. to allowD up to 99 continuation lines in a single statement, /-SP so that theA listing files are NOT automatically spooled to the line printer,E and /WK:3 to use 3 work files (needed with the increased /CO limit).I In addition, the default for the /TR switch (traceback) has been changedG from /TR:BLOCKS to /TR:NONE for no traceback information. The defaultJ for the /F77 switch is to compile the code with FORTRAN-77 interpretation, (affects among other things DO-loop trips).3ww{q8 1 FERMIEXEB Non-DEC command procedures and executeable images (either locallyE written or from DECUS) have been moved into the [FERMIEXE] directoryG to avoid naming conflicts with DEC software in future system upgrades.F These files may be referred to using the FERMI$EXE: logical name, for command procedures: $ @FERMI$EXE:procedure and to run an image: $ RUN FERMI$EXE:programE Global symbols defined (usually in LOGIN.COM) to reference these use the f4orms:" $ symbol :== @FERMI$EXE:procedure# $ symbol :== RUN FERMI$EXE:program $ symbol :== $FERMI$EXE:programG Such symbols defined in the system-wide login file (SYLOGIN) now referE to FERMI$EXE:. HELP on most items in FERMI$EXE: is available in the@ FERMIHELP library in SYS$HELP:. This can be accessed using the5 FERMIHELP command or by using "HELP @FERMIHELP ...". 2 Procedures) The command procedures in FERMI$EXE are:? BATCH execute a command line as a once-only batc 5h job= BUILDER use .BLD input file to compile/link a program; CLIBDOC prepare CLIB help into a printable document< COMPILER compile source files according to file typesC DAYOFWEEK calculate the name and index of the day of the week= DELTREE delete entire directory subtree and all files< DFORK execute a command line as a detached processE DTOATIME calculate an absolute time from a delta time (offset): EDITSET apply a set of EDT edits t 6o multiple files6 FORK execute a command line as a subprocess@ HELPDOC prepare any HELP topic into a printable document2 HOME more streamlined SET DEFAULT usage4 INSTIMES calculate PDP-11 instruction timings3 LOGOUT port selector logout and disconnect= MAKEADDL1 Make Disk Directory Listing for an ODS-1 disk= MAKEADDL2 Make Disk Directory Listing for an ODS-2 disk, SET132 set VT100 to 132 column mode+ SET80 set VT100 to 80 7column mode? TRANSFERS transfer list of files to/from PDP-11 using TIA2 USRDIRLST make a user directory tree listing= VAXMASXFR transfer list of file between VAX's using TIA- VAXSLVXFR slave procedure for VAXMASXFR 2 Images13 The executeable images available on FERMI$EXE are:6 ABORT Force a process to exit with SS$_ABORT* AR C Tool: text file archiver! AS Decus C assembler: BURSTF Burst FORTRAN file in separate subroutines 8) CALC simple calculator program CC Decus C compiler4 CCXRF C Tool: cross referencer for Decus C, CHECK A. Waller's spelling checker& COOKIE Fortune cookie program7 FINDUIC Locate all files owned by UIC on a disk< FINGER List active users and additional information6 FORCEXIT Force a process to exit ("soft" abort)6 GETJPI Get information about a single process9 GREP C Tool for general text pattern search 9ing0 GREPLIST File type/text searching program0 GTBOOTTIM Return system boot time and date8 HIBERNATE put current process to sleep (HIB state): KWIK C Tool to perform Keyword-in-context lists2 LEX C Tool: lexical analyzer generator 2 Images24 More executeable images available on FERMI$EXE are:5 MC C Tool to make a multi-column listing* MKCOOK Make input file for COOKIE0 MP C Tool, the C macro preprocessor5 NM : C Tool, list symbols from object code< NOTICEDPY Displays system notices and users' reminders@ NOTICEUTL Utility to add/edit system notices and remindersA NONPRINTR convert non-printing characters to printable form* PASMAT Pascal2 formatting utility/ PASXREF Pascal2 cross reference utility1 PB Simple Pascal2 formatting utility7 PCITR Card image (from Xerox 530) tape reader, PEEKABOO List active users and images3 PRETTY A. ; Waller's VAX-11 PASCAL formatter9 PROCREF Pascal2 procedure cross reference utility' PROSE Text formatting utility* RESUME Resume a suspended process5 RETAB Convert spaces to tabs and vice versa 2 Images34 More executeable images available on FERMI$EXE are:SORTC6 SPELL A. Waller's spelling corrector program. SUSPEND Suspend a process (SUSP state)9 T C Tool to "type" files on video terminals* TIARRF Read remote fi <le using TIA+ TIAWRF Write remote file using TIA> TODAY C Tool types date and phase of moon in English8 WAKE Wakeup a hibernating (HIB state) process3 WHO Convert between UIC's and usernames1 X530 write tapes for Xerox-530 to read YCOMPAR Patchy utility: YEDIT Patchy utility: YFRCETA Patchy utility: YINDEX Patchy utility: YLIST Patchy utility: YPATCHY Patchy utility: YSEARCH = Patchy utility: YSHIFT Patchy utility: YTOBCD Patchy utility: YTOBIN Patchy utility: YTOCETA Patchy utility: ZILOG Z80 assembler ZLINK Z80 linker ZSIM Z80 simulatorwwr8 1 FERMIHELPB Many of the HELP entries originally added to the VMS HELP libraryA have been placed in a new library called FERMIHELP in SYS$HELP:.D The system-wide logical name HLP$LIBRARY: has been defined to pointD to FERMIHELP >so that items in this library can be accessed by doing HELP @FERMIHELP topic...E Or by using the FERMIHELP symbol (defined in the system-wide startup file): FERMIHELP topic...ww@sq8 1 FERMILIBB The object module library, FERMILIB.OLB, in SYS$LIBRARY: containsB locally-written and DECUS utility routines. Similarly, the macro> library FERMILIB.MLB in SYS$LIBRARY: contains locally written; macros (some used to assemble the modules in FERMILIB.OLB)@ Informati ?on on the FERMILIB.OLB routines can be found under theB FERMILIB HELP topic in the FERMIHELP library (FERMIHELP command).ww;ϑ͊1 GamesE A GAMES account has been established as a place for games and other D such programs to reside. All the games are in directory [GAMES] onI USR$DISK2 which shall be the only place games will be allowed to reside!E The GAMES user has the password PLAYER for now. Feel free to use or to add more games. H The GAMES account has been change@d to prohibit use during working hoursF of 08:00-12:00 and 12:45-16:30. At the same time, the protections ofD of the .EXE files in the [GAMES] area have been set to prohibit useC of these programs from other accounts. Games may be used (and theF GAMES account) during "non-working" hours and all during the weekend.J Further abuse of the games privileges will result in further restrictionsF and/or deletion of all the games. The copying of games programs intoE other disk areas is expressly for Abidden. Any games found in another7 person's directory (other than GAMES) will be deleted.I The games programs that were stored in the disk area [SYSMGR.GAMES] have been moved to [GAMES].wwϑ͊ 1 GUESTUSER= A general account, GUESTUSER, exists for use by non-account A holders to communicate with holders of existing accounts via the< MAIL utility. Login's' to the account are locked into the ; MAIL utility and may only (!) send, receive, and otherwise process maiBl.a The password is "atyourownrisk".XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXww`u1 HELP NEWS was updated on 09-Apr-83.I Topics CLEXTRACT, FPRETTY, SWINDOW, VTM and ZAP were added to FERMIHELP.I CLEXTRACT, FPRETTY and VTM are new utility programs from the Fall'82 VAX SIG tape. DOWNTIME was updated. "BUGS TOENET" was added.7 ------------------------------------------------------A The NEWS command is used in an identical fashion to theC VMS HELPE command (except that the command verb is "NEWS" rather than "HELP").B Information on using VMS HELP (and likewise NEWS or FERMIHELP) is available by doing: HELP HELPB And a tutorial on VMS HELP can be found in subtopic "Tutorial" or by doing: HELP HELP TutorialwwБ͊ 1 INSTIMESB The instruction times computation program reads MACRO-11 listing > output and creates a new listing file with the time for each  instruction added.& @FERMI$EXE:INSTIMES D input {listing}@ The first parameter, input, is the name of the MACRO-11 listing? file. The second parameter, listing, is the name of the outputB file. If the second parameter is not given, then this proceedure@ creates a new version of the input file as the output listing. 0 The times are shown in units of 10 nanoseconds!ww`(1 JARGON? For your amusement and education a HELP library of computereseD jargon has been placed on the system. This library can be accessEed by defining a symbol such as:* $ JARGON :== HELP/LIBRARY=SYS$HELP:JARGON! and then doing commands such as: $ JARGON HELP or $ JARGON YOYOwwOa 1 LanguagesF This system supports the following language compilers and additional  utility programs:* MACRO VAX Native mode macro assembler/ MCR MAC or PDP-11 macro assembler for RSX-11M% MACRO/RSX11 (V4.0 compatible)& LINK VAX Native mode image linker7 MCR TKB or RSX-11M Task Builder F(RSX V4.0 compatible) LINK/RSX11. FORTRAN VAX Native mode FORTRAN 77 (V3.2)) PASCAL VAX Native mode PASCAL (V2.0): MCR F77 PDP-11 FORTRAN-77 (V4.1) compiler for RSX-11M# DTR32 VAX-11 DATATRIEVE (V1.3)( with Common Data Dictionary (V2.1)9 MCR PAS or Oregon Software Pascal-2 for (V2.0K) RSX-11M RSXPASCAL: BASIC11 IAS/RSX BASIC-11 (a simple BASIC interpreter)6 XCC Decus C compiler for RSX-11M (Oct'82 version)0 XAS Assembler for use with Decus C compilerG' CC VAX-11 C native compiler (V1.1)6 For more information see HELP name or FERMIHELP name.ww'Hoc1 Logical_namesH The following additional system-wide logical names are defined for this system in the startup file: SYS$EXE is short for SYS$SYSTEM! SYS$LIB is short for SYS$LIBRARY( RSX$LIB is short for USR$DISK1:[RSXLIB]8 RSX$C is short for USR$DISK1:[RSXLIB] (C include files). FERMI$EXE references SYS$SYSDEVICE:[FERMIEXE]0 RSX40$LIB references SYS$SYSDEVICE:[R HSXV40.LIB]0 RSX32$LIB references SYS$SYSDEVICE:[RSXV32.LIB]H Logical names setup with ASSIGN or DEFINE commands are very useful withI the RSX assembler (MAC), FORTRAN compiler (F4P), and task builder (TKB).G They permit command lines to be shortened by providing an abbreviationD for a device and directory specification (i.e., RSX$LIB: is such anI abbreviation for USR$DISK1:[RSXLIB] and SYS$LIB: for SYS$LIBRARY:). TheyD also permit fuller use of VMS directory specifications with the RSXF c Iompatibility programs, as in the logical name definitions and usage:* DEFINE rsxsys USR$DISK1:[nagy.rsxsys]5 MCR MAC pit=rsx$lib:exemc/ml,rsxsys:rsxmc/pa:1,pit2 RestrictionsE There is a limitation on the use of logical names with compatibilityC mode utilities. These programs use an input parser which requiresE valid Radix-50 characters which limits logical names to contain only@ alphanumerics and dollar signs (periods are also valid Radix-50G characters). It is known that PIP Jcannot use logical names containingF an underscore for this reason and it is suspected (at this time) thatE similar restrictions apply to the other compatibility mode utilitiesG such as MAC, TKB, F4P, etc. Thus logical names containing underscores6 should NOT be used with compatibility mode utilities.wwloc1 LOGING When you login, the command file SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM is run to setE up a series of generally useful symbols, set the default protection,A and to type K any notices entered. This command file is run beforeF LOGIN.COM in your default directory. Further definitions, operations,@ etc. can be done in your own LOGIN file. The symbols defined inE SYLOGIN can also be erased or overwritten by symbols defined in yourF LOGIN.COM file. Suggestions for new symbol definitions (see the NEWSD topic Procedures) to be added to SYLOGIN or for those to be removed shall be heard.2 TECOB These symbols allow the TECO character editor to be used with the folLlowing commands: TECO filespec$ TECO output_filespec=input_filespec MAKE filespec MUNG filespec MUNG filespec,textD Note that the TECO and MUNG commands are defined with the /NOCREATEC switch and will not create a new file if the one given by filespec is not found. 2 Utilities> These symbols invoke some unsupported DEC or local utilities:3 SETADM3 set terminal type to ADM-3A7 SETNAME process_name change the name of your process9 USERS list M the active interactive users4 SET132 Set VT100 to 132 column mode3 SET80 Set VT100 to 80 column mode> BATCH command-line Submit the command line as a batch job< FORK command-line Run the command line as a subprocess@ MCRFORK command-line Run the MCR command line as a subprocess? LCPRINT file-list Do a PRINT command to the LXY21 printerD NPRINT file-list Do a PRINT command to the NARROW paper queueF RSXHELP topic... Help on RSX-11NM topics in the RSX help library8 FERMIHELP topic... Help on local VMS and RSX topics? ERRHELP topic... Help on ACNET Global Status error codes1 NOTICE [REMIND] Edit notices or reminderswwpc 1 MADDELETF The MADDELET batch job is run every morning at 3:50 A.M. This job isE used to remove "garbage" files inadvertently left on the disks. The following files are affected:& ATLNK.CMD left by LINK/RSX11 commands' MAP.DIF left by DIFFERENCES commands O *.TMP general temporary files6 *.CRF temporary files left from RSX cross references# *.TMn SOS temporary files (n=0-9)+ *.LOG BATCH and FORK command output filesG Such files are deleted only after they have been on the disk for more H than one day since their last modification. The command used to delete them is:! DELETE/MODIFIED/BEFORE=YESTERDAYG One exception is that *.LOG files on the system disk are deleted afterI 3 days. This is due to the number of batch jobs run atP boot time, everyE night, and every week to support the system (most of these jobs will? internally PURGE old versions of their own .LOG files anyway).ww{B 1 PASCAL2C Oregon Software's Pascal-2 compiler producing code for the RSX-11M@ systems has been installed on the VAX. The compiler is used by5 either RUN'ning RSXPASCAL or using the command line: $ MCR PAS ...E where PAS has been setup as a system-wide logical name. The Pascal-2@ libraries have been placed Qin RSX$LIB: and NOT in SYS$LIB:. InD general, those files referred to (in the Pascal-2 documentation) asD being in LB:[1,1] can be found in RSX$LIB:. The Pascal-2 libraries. have been setup for PDP-11's with FPP's only.F Copies of the Pascal-2 documentation files may be found on the VAX inF the disk area SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.PASCAL2]. These files are suitableA for printing on the Printronix (use LCPRINT or PRINT/QUEUE=LXY). 2 UtilitiesD The Pascal-2 utilities have been placed on FERMI$EX RE: as executable files with the following names:7 PASMAT "Sophisticated" Pascal source code reformatter2 PB A "simple" Pascal source code reformatter@ PASXREF Generate a cross-reference listing (aka XREF in manual), PROCREF Procedure cross-reference generator2 PROSE Text formatter for Pascal-2 DocumentationH The Pascal-1 to Pascal-2 conversion utility (CONVRS) was not installed.E The utilities may be run using "RUN FERMI$EXE:program" in which caseF the program will prompt forS command input. If an appropriate logical name is defined using" $ ASSIGN FERMI$EXE:program nameG then the utilities may be invoked using a single command line with MCR as in: $ MCR name ...command-line...ww` Tԑ͊1 PCITRB PCITR is a PDP-11 Card Image Tape Reading program. To run on the VAX type: RUN FERMI$EXE:PCITR# The program will then prompt with: (READ, REW, EXIT, POS, SET)?C All terminal input to PCITR must be in all upper or all lowercase.D T The reply determines which operation (READ, REW, EXIT, POS, or SET)@ that PCITR is to perform. For help on the PCITR operations, do. NEWS PCITR operation (i.e., NEWS PCITR READ).E Note: When reading a Xerox-530 tape, the tape must have been createdF using UTILITY COPY to convert EBCDIC to ASCII (ETA option). PCITR byD default will read 80 byte records, but the Xerox-530 will write 120? byte records by default. Either the Xerox tape must be writtenG specifying 80 byte records, or a PCITR USET command must be used to set! the record length to 120 bytes. 2 READC This option will read the next file from the tape to the specifiedI output file. The output device and filename are solicited by the prompt: Output:E Respond with a VMS device and file specification (e.g., MYPROG.FOR).C THE file type for FORTRAN source should be .FTN for programs to beG compiled by the RSX-11M FORTRAN IV-PLUS compiler and .FOR for programs, to be compiled by the VAX FORTRAN compiler.# The pro Vgram will then prompt with: FORTRAN source [Y/N]?C If the answer is Y (yes), you are asked if PCITR should modify the= continuation characters when compressing the source records:+ Change continuations to digits 1-9 [Y/N]?C An answer of Yes will change all continuation characters to single? digits. NO will leave them alone. See NEWS PCITR FORTRAN for. details on the compression of FORTRAN source.8 If the answer is N (no), the program then prompts with: Truncate lines [Y/N]?G W If the answer is Y (yes), the tape is read and the source records haveC trailing blanks removed to compress them. If the answer is No, a  further prompt is given:! FORTRAN carriage control [Y/N]?F An answer of Yes causes the input to be directly copied to the outputC with no truncation of the input records. In addition a bit is setG informing the system that when the output file is copied to a terminalG or a line printer, the carriage control character is in the first byteG of the Xrecord. If the answer is No, the file is similarly copied, butF the bit is not set, and when the file is copied to a terminal or lineD printer, a carriage return and line feed will be added for carriage control.2 REW+ This option will rewind the magnetic tape.2 EXIT" This option will terminate PCITR.2 POSD This option allows the magnetic tape to be positioned to a selected: file for reading. The option is followed by a prompt of: Position to file=F The reply should be the num Yber of the physical tape file to which theA tape should be positioned. The files are numbered consecutivelyD starting with file 1 as the first file on the tape. If the tape is@ currently positioned beyond the selected file, the tape will be1 rewound and then positioned to the desired file.2 SETA This option can be used to change the record length and maximum B physical block size which can be read from the tape. The initialC setting is 80 bytes for both (i.e., an unblocked card image t Zape).A The maximum physical block size allowed is 4000 bytes. The tapeC file may contain records up to the maximum block size. The record? length and block size are specified as answers to the prompts: Record length (bytes)= Maximum block length (bytes)=E Additional questions allow you to trim garbage from the end of input records:( Trim garbage from end of record [Y/N]?! If you answer Yes you are asked:. Was tape made by CYBER program CVT612 [Y/N]?D An answer to this of [Yes will trim the last 2 characters from everyF input record. This comes from an experience using CVT612 to transferB text with lower case characters. If you say No you are asked howA many bytes should be deleted from the end of every input record:* Number of bytes to trim from record end= 2 FORTRAN> PCITR compresses FORTRAN source records in the following way:4 (a) columns 73-80 are deleted from the input record< (b) all trailing blanks are truncated from the input record; (c) Multi \ple spaces in a comment after a C in column 1 and< before the next blank are converted to tabs and spaces.3 (d) Labels are left justified to start in column 1= (e) The spaces before a statement or between a statement and! a label are replaced by tabs@ (f) The spaces before a continuation line are replaced by a tab= and the continuation character from column 6 is replaced7 by a single digit (1-9) following the initial tab.A Step (f) is conditionally controlled according ]to your answer to an option question.= The reason for this compression is to reduce the disk space @ needed by the file. The insertion of the tabs also makes using the editors easier.wwN͑͊1 Port_SelectorB Terminal lines TTC4: through TTC7: are connected to the ComputingD Center MICOM Port Selector. The class code for our VAX is 12. TheB permanent terminal characteristics for these lines are a speed ofD 1200 baud, page length of 24 lines, page width of 80 columns, ^ and a@ CRT-type terminal (so a character deletion will move the cursor8 backwards). In addition, /NOECHO is set as a permanentD characteristic so that a terminal set in half-duplex (HDX) will notE display your password when you login. However, the system-wide loginF command file (SYLOGIN) will set the terminal characteristics to /ECHOB for your interactive session (this restores the previous state in. effect before 7-Oct-1981). Use the command:  SET TERMINAL/NOECHOE to prevent the VA _X from echoing characters if you want to leave the  terminal in half-duplex mode. 2 LogoutF The command procedure SYS$SYSTEM:LOGOUT.COM is recommended to be usedG to logout from a Port Selector line. This command procedure will sendD a null character at 50 baud (bits/second) to have the Port SelectorG disconnect the line to the VAX. The Port Selector software treats theD 50 baud null as a break character. Thus this becomes equivalent toC your logging out from the VAX and then typing a ` break character toB disconnect the Port Selector. The simple way to use this command1 procedure is to re-define the LOGOUT command as: LO*GOUT = @FERMI$EXE:LOGOUTH Note that this definition allows the command to be abbreviated to "LOG"@ and still invoke the command procedure. If you login on a portC selector line, then this command is defined for you in the system-, wide login procedure (SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN).F Sometimes this command procedure will fail to disconnect one from t aheE port selector. This is due to the fact that our port selector linesB run through a statistical multiplixer which will, when very busy,E stretch out the 50 baud null so the port selector does not see it as such.2 DisconnectingA Disconnecting the Port Selector from the VAX allows someone elseE (even yourself!) to then use that line immediately to connect to theF VAX. If the line is not disconnected with a BREAK, the Port SelectorD will not free that port for further use until it ti bmes out the lineF as being idle. This requires 15 minutes during which no one else canG login to the VAX on that line. So please disconnect the Port SelectorB lines when you logout to facilitate efficient usage of our 4 PortF Selector lines! By BREAK'ing from the line, you can help promote theC maximum availability of our Port Selector lines for all our users, including yourself.wwnc 1 PrintersC The Development system currently supports 2 spooled line printers:= c LPA0: 1000 lpm uppercase-only printer (use for long jobs)2 LPB0: 600 lpm upper/lower case printer/plotter8 The normal default forms mounted on these printers are:: LPA0: lined 132-column paper (STANDARD or LINED forms)2 LPB0: unlined 132-column paper (UNLINED forms) 2 Forms_typesD The following type of printer forms are defined (/FORMS_TYPE=type):4 DEFAULT (n=0) normal default form for a printer6 LINED (n=1) lined 132-column line printer paper2 STANDARD (n=1) s dtandard lined 132-column paperE UNLINED (n=2) unlined 132-column paper (back side of lined form)= NARROW (n=3) unlined 80-column paper (with tear strips)B To request a particular forms type for a job, use the /FORMS_TYPE@ qualifier with the PRINT or LCPRINT commands. Note that NARROWB forms are only recommended for use on the Printronix printer. InD particular, jobs for NARROW forms are usually spooled to the NARROW queue by doing:= $ PRINT/QUEUE=NARROW/FORMS_TYPE=NARROWe file_spec[,...]( The above command can also be given as: $ NPRINT file_spec[,...]2 Queues9 The following print queues are available on this system:7 LPA0 physical queue associated with device LPA0:7 LPB0 physical queue associated with device LPB0:@ SYS$PRINT the default queue for the PRINT command and implicitA spooling. This is a generic queue and feeds to LPA0.- LXY logical queue that feeds to LPB0.F NARROW logical queue for jobsf wanting narrow paper, jobs for this2 queue must specify /FORMS_TYPE=NARROW.ww`Jpc 1 ProceduresE Several command procedures to perform various functions can be foundB in [FERMIEXE] (use logical name FERMI$EXE:) The procedures can be invoked by: @FERMI$EXE:procedure [p1 ... ]D where the parameters are optional and dependent upon the procedure.? For frequently used procedures, a symbol should be defined and added to your LOGIN.COM file: name :== @FERgMI$EXE:procedure; remember to preceed this line with a $ so that the commandC interpreter will take it as a command line. Some such symbols areB already defined by the system-wide login procedure (SYLOGIN.COM),! see NEWS LOGIN for more details.H Additional information is available with the FERMIHELP command using as topics: I BATCH DAYOFWEEK DTOATIME FORK MAKEADDL MCRFORK USRDIRLST/ CLIBDOC COMPILER EDITSET HELPDOC HOMEwwAґ͊ 1 RSXHELP hE Information on RSX-11M commands and utilities is now available with  the RSXHELP command.: RSXHELP [topic] [subtopic...]B Some of the RSX utilities (such as PIP, LBR, MAC, TKB, etc.) have= help information in the system help file accessed by HELP. C The HELP and RSXHELP commands without any topic will list all the  major help items.> Help on MCR indirect command files is available with RSXHELP.J Help on the X530 compatibility library routines is available with RSXHELP underi the topic CLIB.- These help topic are also availabe by doing: HELP @RSXHELP topic...ww tґ͊1 RSXLIBG The directory USR$DISK:[RSXLIB] (also USR$DISK:[1,1]) now contains theH RSX versions of SYSLIB.OLB, RSXMAC.SML, and other RSX libraries. It isF basically a duplicate of the [1,1] UFD on the RSX Development System.H The VMS logical name RSX$LIB: may be used to refer to this area in muchF the same way that SYS$LIB: refers to the VMS system libraries. TheseF versionjs of the libraries can be used as the default system librariesF (especially for the task builder, TKB) by assigning the logical names LB: and LB0: as in: $ ASSIGN USR$DISK1: LB $ ASSIGN USR$DISK1: LB0A or by expliciting declaring a default object library to the task builder: ...RSX$LIB:SYSLIB/DLE In overlaid programs, this factor must appear in the .ROOT statement of the .ODL file. 2 DifferencesG There are some differences between the VMS and RSX versions of the RSXFk libraries. The system macro library (RSXMAC.SML) under VMS has had aG few additions, mostly reflecting additional definitions macros for theG ODS-2 file structures. There are many differences between the VMS andG RSX versions of SYSLIB routines; in some cases there are major changesH from the RSX to the VMS versions. Some of these changes are to supportF big buffering and ANSI magtapes and so are similar to the changes theF RSX SYSLIB to the RSX ANSLIB versions of routines. Other changes l forH VMS support the use and decoding of the VMS file specifications. It isH recommended that the RSX libraries be used to task build programs to beE run on the RSX systems. The VMS version of the system macro libraryE can be used for assemblies as the changes are too minor to cause any problems. 2 Libraries. The object and macro libraries in RSXLIB are:FANSLIB.OLB SYSLIB version with Big buffering & ANSI magtape support@CLIB11M.OLB RSX console system I/O and support routine lib mrary=CNSMLIB.MLB RSX console system macro and symbol definitions-EXELIB.OLB Executive object module library%EXEMC.MLB Executive macro libraryCF4PMAP.OLB FORTRAN IV-Plus OTS Processor Routine Mapping library3F4POTS.OLB FORTRAN IV-Plus OTS library - FCS I/O9F4PRMS.OLB FORTRAN IV-Plus OTS library - RMS-11(K) I/O*FTNFCS.OLB Fast FORTRAN FCS I/O library$MCR.OLB Object modules for MCRDMFLIB.OLB Misc. FORTRAN Routine library (including CSI routines)@PIPUTL.OLB n Utility object modules for PIP and other utilitiesAPLTUSL.OLB PLXY-11 object module library (PDP-11 code version)+RMSLIB.OLB RMS-11K object module library#RMSMAC.MLB RMS-11K macro library(SYSLIB.OLB RSX default system library8VMLIB.OLB RSX "virtual memory" object module library 2 VersionsD In addition to RSX$LIB: the logical names RSX32$LIB: and RSX40$LIB:A point to separate directories in which the libraries are for theB specific RSX-11M versions (V3.2 or V4.0 respect oively). There are? also several group logical names of the format RSX... that areD defined to point to RSX32$LIB: or RSX40$LIB: for the use of various6 Front End's. Do SHOW LOGICAL/GROUP to examine these.A The versions of the libraries currently residing in RSX$LIB: areA those for RSX-11M V3.2 but we expect to upgrade to V4.0 shortly.wwyґ͊1 SYSLIBF There are two versions of SYSLIB.OLB. Compatibility mode programs toE be run on the VAX should be task built with the v persion of SYSLIB inH SYS$LIBRARY (aka SYS$LIB). This version contains modified FCS routinesC that allow the program to interface properly with the VAX/VMS fileE system. Programs linked with SYS$LIB:SYSLIB (searched by default byB TKB) can use VMS logical names (as long as they do not contain an/ underscore, "_") and alphanumeric directories.C The second version of SYSLIB is in RSX$LIB and must be used as theF default library by use of the /DL TKB switch (Default Library). ThisH versi qon is for programs that will run on RSX-11M systems only; programsG linked with RSX$LIB:SYSLIB/DL will not run properly on the VAX if theyF use the file system (i.e., perform OPEN's). Note that programs builtE with SYS$LIB:SYSLIB should run on the RSX system perfectly correctly/ except that they are a bit larger than needed.wwwґ͊1 TIA< TIA (TOENET-in-ACNET) is now available on the VAX. The TIA? programs TIARRF and TIAWRF replace the TOENET programs RRF andB WRF to prrovide interim file transfer capabilities using the ACNETC network. The RRF and WRF symbols from TOENET should be re-defined as: $ RRF :== $FERMI$EXE:TIARRF $ WRF :== $FERMI$EXE:TIAWRFB TIA specifies computer systems by using the logical node names of the ACNET network. 2 RRFE The RRF (Reads Remote File) command in TIA has the following format:' $ RRF from_node:: to_node::file_specE The file transmitted from the logical node "from_node" is written toC the specified fil se (determined by the VMS file specification givenE by "file_spec") on the system on which the RRF command is typed (theD "local" system). The "to_node" name is used to provide a check (in; WRF) that the file is being sent to the correct requestor.2 WRF< The WRF (Writes Remote File) command in TIA has the format:) $ WRF [from_node::]file_spec to_node::D The file on the local system given by the VMS file specification inE "file_spec" is sent to the specified ACNET logical node ("to_ tnode").D The logical node number specified by "to_node" is check against theB logical node number (also given by "to_node") of the RRF command.2 RestrictionsG Currently TIA will only work with sequential files (SEQ organization).E The record formats may be fixed length (FIX), variable length (VAR),G or variable-with-fixed-control (VFC). In the case of VFC records, the< size of the fixed control area is restricted to be 2 bytes. 2 Qualifiers /CONTIGUOUS /NOCONTIGUOUSD The /CONTIGUOUS u qualifier will insure that the output file (writtenG by RRF) is contiguous or contiguous-best-try (on VAX). The default isB to not make the output file contiguous (/NOCONTIGUOUS) unless theD input file is contiguous (or contiguous-best-try) in which case the default is /CONTIGUOUS./LOG /NOLOG (D)C The /LOG qualifier will display a message identifing the file that) was transferred. The default is /NOLOG. /SUPERCEDE/NOSUPERCEDE (D)G The /SUPERCEDE qualifier will cause RRF to overwrit ve any existing file5 with the new contents. /NOSUPERCEDE is the default. /TRUNCATE (D) /NOTRUNCATEG The default, /TRUNCATE, will truncate the output file to the length ofE the contents (no additional unused blocks will appear past the EOF).C The /NOTRUNCATE qualifier can be used to override this truncation.ww@opc1 VT100I Two command files to switch the VT100 between 80 and 132 column mode andL also set the terminal line width appropriately are available on FERMI$EyXE:.J The easiest method of usage is to define the following two global symbols in your LOGIN.COM file: $ SET80 :== @FERMI$EXE:SET80 $ SET132 :== @FERMI$EXE:SET132ww5rӑ͊1 X530<The X530 program will copy one or more files from the VAX to<an un-labeled card-image EBCDIC magtape suitable for input<to the Xerox 530. Input from text libraries is also<supported. As an option, ASCII tape output and normal VAXoutput are available.;To invoke X530, simplyxMMADDELETOPASCAL2RPCITR\ Port_SelectoraPrintersef ProceduresfRSXHELPhlRSXLIBnhSYSLIBpZTIAuNVT100vX530Z X530TAPESLOGINw X530TAPES z RUN FERMI$EXE:X530. The program<accepts from SYS$INPUT one command per input line with no<prompting. In most cases, the command line just contains<the VAX file specification of the file to copy to tape.<Horizontal tabs will be simulated with spaces. Literal and<auxiliary file insertion is also available. After the last9file specification has been entered, just type Control-Z.<More commonly, the user will use a command file to control6X530. Do NEWS X530 EXAMPL1 for a {sample command file. 2 MAGTAPE<If the output is going to an un-labeled card-image magtape,<the following DCL commands must be given prior to runningX530:+ $ MOUNT/FOREIGN MTAn:/DENSITY=800 $ ASSIGN MTAn: TAPE.Where 'n' is the appropriate tape unit number.2 ASCII<As an option, the user can write an un-labeled card-image7ASCII magtape. This feature is enabled by the command: \\ASCII<This command has no effect if output is being directed t|o a)normal VAX file (do NEWS X530 VAXOUTPUT). 2 VAXOUTPUT<As an option, the user can write the output to a normal VAX<(ASCII) file. The following command is used to commenceASCII output to a VAX file:% \\OUTPUT=file-specification<This command may be used more than once during a given run.<Each invocation of the \\OUTPUT command closes the previous(output file and opens a new output file. 2 EXAMPL1<The following example illustrates a sample X530 command file6call}ed WRITETAPE.COM. Literal input is also utilized. $ RUN FERMI$EXE:X530 SYS$INPUT !ASS SI=M9 !FORTRAN XP ^Z" [MYDIR.X530]MAINPROG.530 [MYDIR.X530]SUBR1.530 [MYDIR.X530]SUBR2.530 [YOURDIR]SUBR3.530 SYS$INPUT !EOD<Then, just type @WRITETAPE to copy the above files to thetape. 2 LITERAL<If a command line contains SYS$INPUT, literal input will be<taken from SYS$INPUT: ~ until either a control-Z is typed<(end of file), or a line containing only up-arrow-Z (^Z) is encountered.<This feature is useful for entering Xerox 530 control lines<directly from a X530 command file. Do NEWS X530 EXAMPL1 foran example of literal input. 2 INSERTION<X530 can perform auxiliary file insertion if desired. File<insertion recognition can be turned on or off with thefollowing commands: \\INSERT ON) \\INSERT OFF (Default)<If file in sertion recognition is turned on, any line from an<input file (but not literal input) which begins with \\ is<assumed to be an auxiliary file insertion request. Two*forms of insertion commands are available: \\USE FILE=symbol+ \\INCLUDE FILE=file specification<Do NEWS X530 INSERTION SYMBOL for more information on<symbols. In either case, an auxiliary file will be written<to the output tape at the point where the \\USE or \\INCLUDE<command was included in an input file. Please note that<'INCLUDE FILE' may be abbreviated to 'INCL', and 'USE FILE'<may be abbreviated to 'USE'. Auxiliary input files may not<themselves contain insertion commands. Do NEWS X530 EXAMPL2+for an example of auxiliary file insertion.3 SYMBOL<An X530 symbol consists of six (or fewer) characters which<is equated to a VAX file specification (or library module<name). There is a limit of twenty symbols that can be<stored. These symbols may be refere nced by a 'USE FILE'<command placed in an input file. Symbols must be defined9prior to their use in one of the following X530 commands:% \\symbol=file specification \\symbol=%module name<There can be no spaces between the \\ and the symbol, nor<can there be any spaces between the = and the filespecification (or module name). 2 EXAMPL2<The following is an example of an X530 command file which<uses auxiliary file insertion. The file name isWRITETAPE.COM. $ RUN FERMI$EXE:X530 \\INSERT ON$ \\COMMON=[MYDIR]PRGCOM.530 [MYDIR]MAINPROG.530 [YOURDIR]SUBR1.5305The first few lines of MAINPROG.530 are listed below:( C THIS IS MY MAIN PROGRAM' COMMON/ABC/AB,CD,EF,HK \\USE FILE=COMMON+ \\INCLUDE FILE=[MYDIR]PRGDATA.530' C PROGRAM CODING FOLLOWS0Just type @WRITETAPE to write the files to tape. 2 LOWERCASE <The user can control whether or not lower case characters8are converted to upper case with the following commands:2 \\LOWER Lower case not converted.< \\NOLOWER Lower case converted to upper case# (default). 2 LIBRARIES<X530 can extract modules directly out of text libraries.<See the LIBRARY DCL command. In order to reference a text<module, just enter %module_name instead of a file<specification. The appropriate text library, however, must+first be opened with the following command:" \\LIB:file-specification<The library file specification must not include the filetype ".TLB". See EXAMPL3. 2 EXAMPL3<The following is an example of an X530 command file which<uses auxiliary file insertion and library extraction. Thefile name is WRITETAPE.COM. $ RUN FERMI$EXE:X530 \\INSERT ON \\LIB:[MYDIR]TEXTLIB \\COMMON=%PRGCOM [MYDIR]MAINPROG.530 %SUBR15The first few lines of MAINPROG.530 are listed below:( C THIS IS MY MAIN PROGRAM' COMMON/ABC/AB,CD,EF,HK \\USE FILE=COMMON! \\INCLUDE FILE=%PRGDATA' C PROGRAM CODING FOLLOWS0Just type @WRITETAPE to write the files to tape.ww:ԑ͊ 1 X530TAPESA A program exists that can read a Xerox-530 tape on the VAX. TheA Xerox tape must be a 9-track tape. The data must in the form of: ASCII card images. The data may be blocked or unblocked.? To use PCITR, allocate a tape drive to your process and assign' the logical name TP0 with the command: ALLOCATE MT: TP0:E Mount the tape on the drive (MTA0 or MTA1) that has been assigned to. you and then type the software mount command: MOUNT TP0:/FOREIGN To run PCITR type: RUN FERMI$EXE:PCITR$ For help with PCITR, do NEWS PCITR.? Similarly, a separate program will write EBCDIC tapes that can@ be read on the Xerox-530. Do NEWS X530 for information on this program.ww`ţ} 1 DOWNTIME( *** Date is currently tenative only ***D The Development System will be down on Monday, April 25, to installK the new power supply, 2nd UNIBUS Adapater and third PCL controller on VAX1= (we will have switched Operations to VAX2 sometime Tuesday).A The shutdown will begin at 08:15 and take most of the day as theF installation and checkout should take from 4 to 6 hours (maybe more).H There should be no impact on the operation of the control system during this time.ww!:ţ} SYSMANAGER DOWNTIME! AE~ NAGY DOWNTIME E~ 1 DOWNTIMED The Development System will be down on Monday, April 25, to installK the new power supply, 2nd UNIBUS Adapater and third PCL controller on VAX1= (we will have switched Operations to VAX2 sometime Tuesday).A The shutdown will begin at 08:15 and take most of the day as theF installation and checkout should take from 4 to 6 hours (maybe more).H There should be no impact on the operation of the control system during this time.ww