% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00V] dc,<<< 5gABORT,ACSACTIVEJALLOCATEFALTER <ASN nASSIGN AT2"ATL5BOOT5$BRK5 BROADCAST6BYE7CANCEL7CLIB<CLQUEUE<COT?CVLC DEALLOCATEDDEVICESE DIRECTIVESLDMOUNT>ERRLOG`FIXfFLAGSFFORTRANjHELLO*HELP: INITVOLUMERINSTALLxIO RLOAD LUNS MOUNT,OPEN  PARTITIONS!xPRINT$PSE%FQUEUE1BREASSIGNoRINSTALLxIO RLOAD LUNS MOUNT,OPEN  PARTITIONS!xPRINT$PSE%FQUEUE1BREASSIGN2REDIRECT2REMOVE3VRESUME3BRMS4RUN<SAVE>SETOSSMPJSTPPSYEU8SYNTAXUSYSLIBTALTASKLISTTECOTIMEUFDUNFIXPUNLOADUNSTOP INITVOLUMEUNSTOPST +1 ABORT.The general form of the ABOrt task command is: ABOrt taskname[/PMD]@Where taskname is the name of the task to abort. If taskname is?null, the task started by a RUN command is aborted. If /PMD is2present, a post-mortem dump of the task is forced.ww+1 ACSAThe general form of the Allocate (or discontinue) Checkpoint fileSpace command is: ACS ddn:/BLKS=mAWhere m is the decimal number of blocks to be allocated on deviceAddn: (two letter device mnemonic and zero to two octal digit unitAnumber). If m is zero, the use of the file will be discontinued.wwW+1 ACTIVEBThe general form of the Active Tasks List (short form) command is: ACTive [/keyword]AIf the keyword is null, the names of the active tasks for TI: are displayed. 2 Keywords/ALLAACT /ALL displays on TI: the names of all the active tasks in thesystem./TERMDACT /TERM=ttn: displays on TI: the names of all the active tasks for7terminal ttn (tt is TT or TI and n is the unit number).ww, 1 ALLOCATE3The general form of the allocate-device command is: ALLocate ddn: [lln:]CWhere dd is a two letter device mnemonic and n is the device's unitAnumber, which is null (implying 0), one octal digit, or two octalEdigits. The command makes a nonpublic device a private device. It is9a legal MCR command only on multiuser protection systems.@If lln: is specified, it is entered a logical device n ame and is-equivalent to doing an ASN ddn:=lln: command.ww1,1 ALTER7The general form of the ALTer task priority command is: ALTer taskname/keyword=nBWhere taskname is the name of the task that is to have its running8or running and static priorities changed to n (decimal). 2 Keywords/RPRIDALTER taskname/RPRI=n changes the running priority of the task named taskname to the decimal value n./PRICALTER taskname/PRI=n changes the running and static priority of th e+task named taskname to the decimal value n.ww@K,1 ASNSee HELP ASSIGN.ww@ d,1 ASSIGN3The general format of the Assign Device command is:7 ASN ppnn:=llnn:[/keyword(s)] ! To create an assignment0 ASN [/keyword(s)] ! To display all assignments9 ASN =[llnn:][/keyword(s)] ! Delete one (all) assignments$All keywords are privileged options. 2 Keywords/GBLCAppending a /GBL keyword to an assign command causes the assignmentFto apply to all term inals, displays all global assignments, or removesa global assignment./LOGINDAppending a /LOGIN keyword to an assign command causes the specifiedAassignment to become effective for the issuing terminal when thatFterminal logs in, displays login assignments for the issuing terminal,or deletes a login assignment.DAppending the keywords /LOGIN/TERM=ttnn: to an assign command causesBthat command to apply to the login assignments for terminal ttnn:.?The assignments for that terminal can be c reated, displayed, ordeleted./TERM@Appending a /TERM=ttnn: keyword to an assign command causes thatFcommand to apply to the local assignments for the terminal ttnn:. TheEuser's local assignments on that terminal may be created, deleted, or displayed.wwCJ1 ATC The indirect command file processor (AT.) provides program-likeEcapabilities for controlling taskbuilds and routine processes. It is@sufficiently complex that is is practically a program language. E Any MCR command appearing in the command file will be executed ifEthe terminal's privlege allows it to do so. Directives (commands to D...AT.) can be used to control the logic flow of MCR commands, input@data from the user's terminal, and create files for future use. ! A command file is started by: @filename.ext/swIwhere .CMD is the default extension and a number of switches may be used.G Command files may be nested by calling other command files as shownabove. 2 Parameters> Parameters may be passed into command files on the @file line.Format:+ @cmdfile[/sw] param1 param2 ... param8CThe parameters (separated by space(s) and/or tab(s)) appear in the Evariables P1 through P8. The variable P0 will contain "@cmdfile" andCthe variable COMMAN will contain the entire command as it was typed<(neither p0 nor COMMAN will contain the "@"). The number ofDparameters passed (including the file spec) will appear in .CAny trailing information beyond the 8 parameters will appear in P9. 2 DirectivesBThe command file processor recognizes may additional command line ?directives. All the directives begin with a period (.). TheseDdirectives may be used to control the execution file of the command file.3 .ASK !Ask a question and wait for replyFormat:  .ASK ssssss txt-string where:2 ssssss = 1-6 character symbol to be assigned a true/false value.7 txt-string = any ASCII string of characters preceeded  by a blank.<The processor recognizes only 4 answers to a .ASK directive.' 1. Y - set symbol ssssss to true.( 2. N - set symbol ssssss to false. 4. - set symbol false.7 4. - set special logical symbol to true/ if and only if escape recognition has been enabled.=The display consists of the text string (txt-string) prefixed,by an asterisk and suffixed with "? [Y/N]:".3 .ASKN%Ask for definition of Numeric symbol.Format:  .ASKN ssssss txt-string" .ASKN[l ow:high] ssssss txt-string .ASKN[::def] ssssss txt-string& .ASKN[low:high:def] ssssss txt-string' (square brackets are required syntax) IWhere: low:high = inclusive limits for response. Octal assumed unless a decimal point present. def = the default value.A ssssss = the 1 to 6 character symbol to be assigned a value.7 txt-string = any ASCII string of characters preceeded  by a blank.=The display consists of the text string (txt-string) prefixed?by an as terisk and suffixed with " [x R:low-high D:def]:" where?x is either "O" or "D" indicating the default radix of Octal orDecimal.4 Radix@The range and default values are assumed to be octal unless they>are specified witha trailing period (.). The default type for@the input value is decimal if either the range or default values?are decimal and octal otherwise. The response may be forced to?octal by preceding the value with a pound sign (#) or forced to;decimal by a trailing period (.).  The type of the response2(octal/decimal) determines the type of the symbol.?To force a decimal default without specifying explicit range ordefault, use the construction: .ASKN [::0.] ...3 .ASKS(Ask for a definition of a string symbol.Format:  .ASKS ssssss txt-string$ .ASKS [Low:high] ssssss txt-string# (square brackets required syntax)CWhere: ssssss = 1-6 character symbol to be assigned to a value.8 txt-string = any ASCII string of characters preceded by at least one blank.? low:high = the inclusive limit for he numbetr of characters  response string.=The display consists of the text string (txt-string) prefixed4by an asterisk and suffixed with " [S R:low-high]:".3 .BEGINHStart a local block in a command file. Any local symbols defined withinEthe block are deleted from the symbol table when the block is exited.DA block may not be branched into or out of via a .GOTO, but a .GOSUBAmay be used to call a subroutine outside the current block and tosave the block context.3 .CHAIN'Continue processing using another file.ACloses the current indirect file and erases all local symbols and=then opens a new command file(however data files not closed).Format:  CHAIN filespecifier[/sw]?Where /sw is one of the switches /DE, /TR, /MC or is not given.3 .SETTSet a symbol True or False.Format: .SETT ssssss .SETF ssssss :Where: ssssss is a 1-6 character logical symbol being set.3 .SETNSet Symbol to Numeric Value.Format:  .SETN ssssss numexp .Where: ssssss = 1-6 character numeric symbol2 numexp = a numeric expression(no embedded blanks or tabs allowed).3 .SETSSet Symbol to String Value.Format:  .SETS ssssss strexp -Where: ssssss = 1-6 character string symbol! strexp = any string expression3 .INCIncrement a Numeric Symbol.Format: .INC ssssss!Increment the symbol ssssss by 1.3 .DECDecrement a Numeric Symbol.Format: .DEC ssssss !Decrement the symbol ssssss by 1.3 .EXIT)Exit current command file or local block.Format: .EXIT [value]CThe value (if specified) is returned in . The brackets areCnot part of the syntax. If used within a local block the action is'the same as a .GOTO the .END directive.3 .IF)Test if symbol meets specified condition.Format: .IF ssssss relop expr Command,Where: ssssss = 1-6 character symbol name4 relop = one of the following relational operators  EQ or = - equal to NE or <> - not equal to+ GE or >= - greater than or equal to( LE or <= - less than or equal to GT or > - greater than LT or < - less than + expr = expression of same type as symbol8 Command = indirect file processor command(.GOTO, etc) MCR command, etc. ;.IF clauses may be combined into elaborate tests using the7logical operators .OR and .AND to combine various typesof IF clauses. 4 .AND:Combine two .IFx clauses requiring that both be satisfied.Format: .IFx ... .AND .IFx ...4 .ORACombine two .IFx clauses requiring that either one be statisfied.Format: .IFx ... .OR .IFx ...3 .IFACT$Test if task is active (not active).Format:  .IFACT tttttt Command .IFNACT tttttt CommandBExecute the conditional Command if task tttttt is (is not) active.3 .IFDF(Test if Symbol is defined (not defined).Format:  .IFDF symbol Command .IFNDF symbol CommandBExecute the conditional Command if the symbol is (is not) defined.3 .IFINS*Test if task is installed (not installed).Format:  .IFINS tttttt Command .IFNINS tttttt CommandEExecute the conditional Command if task tttttt is (is not) installed.3 .IFLOA Test if Device Driver is Loaded.Format: .IFLOA dd: Command .IFNLOA dd: CommandFExecute the conditional Command if the device driver for device dd: is(is not) loaded. 3 .IFT#Test if condition is true or false.Format:  .IFT logical-symbol Command .IFF logical-symbol CommandFExecute the conditional Command if the logical-symbol is TRUE (FALSE).3 .TESTTest String Symbol Length.Format: .TEST ssssss Where ssssss is a string symbol.8The .TEST directive places the length of the string intoC, and sets the special logical symbols and /according to the type of characters in ssssss.3 .END$Terminal a local block (see .BEGIN).3 .DELAY/Delay execution for a specified period of time.Format: .DELAY nnu*Where: nn = Number of time units to delay. u = T - tics; S - seconds; M - minutes; H - hours.=The value of nn is taken to be octal if no decimal point (.) is present.3 .STOPTerminate current command file.Format: .STOP [value]DLeave the current command file returning the optional exit status in3. The brackets are not part of the syntax.3 .WAIT$Wait for a Task to Finish Execution.Format: .WAIT ttttttWhere tttttt is the task name.EIf tttttt is omitted the task name defaults to TTnn, where nn is the nymber of the user's terminal.3 .PAUSEPause for operator action.=The operator must type RES tttttt where tttttt is the name ofAthe indirect file processor task active at TI: to start .AT goingagain.3 .GOTOBranch to a label.Format: .GOTO label>Where label is any of the labels in the command file. A branch0cannot be made out of or into a BEGIN-END block.3 .GOSUBAJump to subroutine whose starting point is marked with the label.Format: .GOSUB labelDWhen a .RETURN is encountered, control returns to the next statementfollowing the .GOSUB. 3 .RETURN7Return to the next statement following the last .GOSUB.Format: .RETURN3 .ONERRHIf an error in the logic, syntax, data entry, etc. is detected in .AT. ,7goto the label last specified by the .ONERR directive. Format: .ONERR label!If AT. detects one of the errors:3 - task not installed (.XQT, .WAIT, .IFACT/.IFNACT) - undefined symbol# - bad syntax (.XQT, .WAIT, .DELAY) - unrecognized command0 - symbol type error (.IF, .IFT/.IFF, .INC/.DEC)> - redefinition of a symbol to a different type (.ASKx, .SETx)* - data file error (.OPENx, .DATA, .CLOSE):control passes to the line containing the specified label.3 .OPEN$Open a secondary file to be created.Format:  .OPEN [#N] filenameEWhere file name is name of file to be created, N specifies which of 4Cpossible files (0-3) may be open (brackets not part of syntax). IfGomitted, .OPEN defaults the file number to zero. The default extensionfor the file name is .DAT. 3 .OPENA,Open an existing file as the secondary file.Format: .OPENA [#N] filenameGWhere the file currently exists and any output to the secondary file is!appended to the current contents.3 .OPENR5Open an existing file to be read as a secondary file.Format: .OPENR [#N] filenameCWhere the file must be in existence. The default file t!ype for the file is .DAT. 3 .TESTFILECheck for a file's existence.Format: .TESTFILE filenameBThe result of the FCS parse and find operations is returned in theEspecial symbol as the FCS error code. The value 1 indicates<that the file exists (success). contains the fullyexpanded file specification.3 .CLOSE=Close the specified secondary file (file 0 if #N is omitted).Format: .CLOSE [#N]3 .DATA5Output a line of data to the file open on channel #N."Format:  .DATA [#N] text-string 3 .READ1Read a line from a secondary file open for input.Format: .READ [#N] symbolFThe text of the line read from the file is stored in the named symbol.GIf the end-of-file is reached, the special symbol is set to TRUE.DIf an error occurs, is set to the FCS error code. An error=will occur if the input record is longer than 80. characters.3 .XQT>Start up a task without waiting explicitly for it to finish. Format: .XQT Com #mandAThe Command (usually at task invocation such as TKB ..., etc.) isDstarted and AT. proceeds to the next command without waiting for theEXQT'ing command to finish. Up to 10 successive .XQT's are permitted.3 .PARSE3Break (parse) a string into a series of substrings.Format:9 .PARSE inputstring controlstring out-1 out-2 ... out-nHThe inputstring contains the text string to be parsed. The controlstringBparameter consists of from 1 to (n-1) characters which are used asHdelimiters$ for parsing inputstring into the output strings out-1, out-2,G..., out-n. If there are fewer than (n-1) characters in controlstring,Ethe last control character is used for all remaining delimiters. The?controlstring may be a string variable, a string expression, orDa double-quoted string. No string may be longer than 80 characters.GThe contents of inputstring up to the first delimiter are placed in theBstring variable out-1, from past the first delimiter to the secondGdelimiter into out%-2, and so on. The contents of inputstring from pastAthe last delimiter to the end of inputstring are placed in out-n.AIf there are more variables than delimited substrings, the unusedDvariables will be set to the null string. will contain theEactual number of arguments processed (excluding explicit null args.). 4 ExampleThe PARSE statement:+ .PARSE COMMAN " ," FILE A1 A2 A3 A4 A5Bwould produce the following if COMMAN was "TESTFILE IND,MCR,,LOA": FILE = TESTFILE & A1 = IND A2 = MCR A3 = A4 = LOA A5 = - = 5 (counts explicit null argument) 3 .ENABLEFThis command turns on or enables various modes of the indirect commandfile processor.4 LOWERCASE (E)C.ENABLE LOWERCASE causes text entered in response to a .ASKS to not)be converted from lowercase to uppercase. 4 DATA (D)>.ENABLE DATA [#N] (the square brackets are used to indicate an@optional item) causes all lines following it to be output to thegiven secondary fi'le. 4 GLOBAL (D)@If global symbols have been enabled (.ENABLE GLOBAL), then theirAvalues will be preserved across .CHAIN boundaries and thru nestedcommand files. 4 SUBSTITUTION (D)=Substitution must be enabled if one is to substitute an input!parameter into a command string. 4 ESCAPE (D)@If escape sequence recognition is recognized, the logical symbolE will be set true if the answer to a .ASK, .ASKS, or .ASKN isanswered with an ESCAPE. 4 QUIET (D)?If QUIET mode is ena(bled, CLI commands (to MCR) are not echoed. 3 .DISABLE3Undoes whatever was done with the .ENABLE commands.3 .ERASEErase symbols of a given type.Format: .ERASE LOCAL .ERASE GLOBALDAll symbol definitions of the specified type at the current nesting Clevel (either of command files or local blocks) are erased from theAsymbol table. If used within a .BEGIN/.END pair, an .ERASE LOCALCwill erase only those local symbols defined within the local block.2 LabelsHAny statement in an )indirect command file, may have a label. This labelCis used as a reference point to branch back to or to jump to(.GOTO,H.ONERR, .GOSUB). A label may contain only alphanumeric characters and aI$. Labels may be from 1-6 characters long and are followed by a colon, :,Fand must be preceded by a period (.). Labels may be declared as directHaccess labels by placing them on lines by themselves. This enables very2fast jumps to a label for frequently used labels. 2 Symbols7There are three symbol * types: LOGICAL, STRING, NUMERIC.GA Logical symbol may be either true or false. A String symbol may haveGup to 80 ASCII characters. A Numeric symbol is assigned a value in theDrange of 0-65535(10) and may be defined as either decimal or octal.  GIn addition a symbol may be either local or GLOBAL. A local symbol, isDerased when a command file is chained to from another. However, theDvalue of globlal symbols are preserved. If global symbols have beenEenabled (.ENABLE GLOBAL), then sym +bols preceeded by a $ become global symbols. 3 LOGICAL; True if the last querry was answered with a single escape.= True if answer to last numeric querry was defaulted.= True if last string entered via .ASKS or tested with. .TEST contains only alphanumeric characters.= True if last string entered via .ASKS or tested with) .TEST contains only RADIX-50 characters* (alphanumeric characters, ".", and "$")." True if system is mapped.: , True if previous .READ encountered the end-of-file. 3 NUMERIC Memory size in K words., Unit number of system device (SY:).; Exit status from last MCR command or .WAIT after a .XQT. 0 = Warning 1 = Success 2 = Error 4 = Fatal error; Length of string entered via .ASKS, or tested with .TEST.2 Number of free bytes in AT. symbol table.: Contains the last FCS error code resulting from a. .TESTFILE, .OPENx, .READ or .DATA di-rective.& A 1 indicates success (file exists). Operating system type: 1 = RSX-11M 5 = VAX/VMS 6 = RSX-11M-PLUS3 STRING@ Device mnemonic of system device (SY:), two characters.+ Current UIC (in format "[ggg,mmm]")., System UIC (in format "[ggg,mmm]").@ Nonprivileged task library UIC (in format "[ggg,mmm]").? Acronym of current Command Language Interpreter, MCR or  DCL./ current date in the format "dd-mmm-yy"..