% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00I |`∋ 777/& _ $ACCDEF $BRDCSTDEF $CLIMSGDEF# $CLISERVDEF&$CREDEF)$DCDEF7$DEVDEF=$DIBDEFA$DSCDEFM$DVIDEFS$FABDEFc$HLPDEFg$IODEF $JBCMSGDEF$JPIDEF$LBRDEF$LCKDEF$MTDEF$NAMDEF $NETAGS_DEF$NET_DEF$OPCDEF$OPCMSG$PQLDEF$PRCDEF$PRDEF$PRVDEF$PSLDEF$RABDEF$RSC_DEF$SCRDEF MSGTYPDEFNODEDEFS REQRPYFLG$PRCDEF$PRDEF$PRVDEF$PSLDEF$RABDEF$RSC_DEF$SCRDEF$SECDEF$SFDEF$SHRDEF $SMRDEF$SSDEFH $STATEDEFK$STSDEFO$SYIDEFR$TTDEFb$UAB_DEFk $XABALLDEFo $XABDATDEFr$XABDEF $XABFHCDEFv $XABKEYDEF~ $XABPRODEF $XABRDTDEF $XABSUMDEF DTR_CALL_DEFFDVDEF MSGTYPDEFNODEDEFS REQRPYFLGf UABFLGDEF$PQLDEF UABFLGDEF @L | C+ $ACCDEF0C Module ($ACCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.AC Defines symbols for the accounting record type codes and offset.C constants for the accounting record formats.C-;C Extracted $ACCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER4 1 ACC$C_INS_LEN = 'B0'X !Length of insert messageA 2, ACC$C_JOB_LEN = '6C'X !Length of batch job accounting record= 3, ACC$C_PRT_LEN = '58'X !Length of print accounting record; 4, ACC$C_TERMLEN = '54'X !Length of no n-batch job recordsCDC Account log file record type and accounting manager message codesC1 5, ACC$K_BATTRM = '02'X !Batch job termination 6, ACC$K_DETTRM = '07'X !6 7, ACC$K_DISAACC = '04'X !Disable accounting message@ 8, ACC$K_DISASEL = '06'X !Disable selective accounting message5 9, ACC$K_ENABACC = '03'X !Enable accounting message PARAMETER? 1 ACC$K_ENABSEL = '05'X !Enable selective accounting message 2, ACC$K_IMGTRM = '05'X !? 3, ACC$K_INSMESG = '01'X !Insert mes sage into accounting file6 4, ACC$K_INSMSG = '11'X !Inserted message (in file)4 5, ACC$K_INS_LEN = 'B0'X !Length of insert message7 6, ACC$K_INTTRM = '03'X !Interactive job terminationA 7, ACC$K_JOB_LEN = '6C'X !Length of batch job accounting record= 8, ACC$K_LOGTRM = '04'X !Login failure process termination 9, ACC$K_NETTRM = '08'X ! PARAMETER= 1 ACC$K_NEWFILE = '02'X !Create a new account file message+ 2, ACC$K_PRCTRM = '01'X !Job termination0 3, ACC$K_PRTJOB = '10'X  !Print job accounting6 4, ACC$K_PRT_LEN = '58'X !Length of print job record 5, ACC$K_SUBTRM = '06'X !: 6, ACC$K_TERMLEN = '54'X !Length of non-batch job recordC2C Offsets in Accounting messages and file recordsC< 7, ACC$L_BIOCNT = '3C'X !count of buffered I/O operations9 8, ACC$L_CPUTIM = '2C'X !CPU time used in 10msec units: 9, ACC$L_DIOCNT = '40'X !count of direct I/O operations PARAMETER- 1 ACC$L_FINALSTS = '04'X !Final exit status: 2, ACC$L_GETCNT = '38'X !Symbio nt get count (print job). 3, ACC$L_JOBID = '0C'X !job identification3 4, ACC$L_OWNER = '50'X !PID of subprocess owner; 5, ACC$L_PAGCNT = '30'X !Symbiont page count (print job)- 6, ACC$L_PAGEFLTS = '30'X !Total page faults2 7, ACC$L_PGFLPEAK = '34'X !Peak paging file usage& 8, ACC$L_PID = '08'X !Process ID: 9, ACC$L_QIOCNT = '34'X !Symbiont QIO count (print job) PARAMETER4 1 ACC$L_VOLUMES = '44'X !Count of volumes mounted1 2, ACC$L_WSPEAK = '38'X !Peak working set size4 3, ACC$Q_LOGIN = '48'X !Login time (100ns units)5 4, ACC$Q_QUETIME = '3C'X !Time print job was queued, 5, ACC$Q_TERMTIME = '10'X !Termination time 6, ACC$S_ACCOUNT = '08'X ! 7, ACC$S_JOB_NAME = '08'X ! 8, ACC$S_JOB_QUE = '10'X ! 9, ACC$S_LOGIN = '08'X ! PARAMETER 1 ACC$S_PRT_NAME = '08'X ! 2, ACC$S_PRT_QUE = '0C'X ! 3, ACC$S_QUETIME = '08'X ! 4, ACC$S_TERMTIME = '08'X ! 5, ACC$S_USERNAME = '0C'X ! 6, ACC$S_USER_DATA= '84'X !B 7, ACC$T_ACCOUNT = '18'X !Account name string (8 bytes spc fill)? 8, ACC$T_JOB_NAME = '54'X !Batch job name (8 bytes space fill)4 9, ACC$T_JOB_QUE = '5C'X !Batch job queue (.ASCIC) PARAMETER- 1 ACC$T_PRT_NAME = '44'X !Name of print job/ 2, ACC$T_PRT_QUE = '4C'X !Name of print queue? 3, ACC$T_USERNAME = '20'X !Username string (12 bytes spc fill)@ 4, ACC$T_USER_DATA= '2C'X !User data (up to 132 bytes) inserted9 5, ACC$W_MSGSIZ = '02'X !Length of account file record4 6, ACC$W_MSGTYP = '00'X !Message/record type codeCC End of $ACCDEF moduleCww | C+ $SECDEF0C Module ($SECDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.;C Defines offset constants and bit masks for the global and "C private section system services.C-;C Extracted $SECDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982GC PARAMETER 1 SEC$B_AMOD = '15'X ! 2, SEC$B_PFC = '0B'X ! 3, SEC$C_LENGTH = '20'X ! 4, SEC$K_LENGTH = '20'X !9 5, SEC$K_MATALL = '00'X !Match all versions of sectionE= 6, SEC$K_MATEQU = '01'X !Only if major and minor ids match @ ] | C+ $BRDCSTDEF3C Module ($BRDCSTDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.<C Defines mask bits for flags of the $BRDCST system service.C->C Extracted $BRDCSTDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 BRDCST$M_ANSI = '0100'X ! 2, BRDCST$M_BOTTOM= '0200'X ! 3, BRDCST$M_REFRSH= '0400'X ! 4, BRDCST$M_SCREEN= '0100'X ! 5, BRDCST$V_ANSI = '08'X !B 6, BRDCST$V_BOTTOM= '09'X !Broadcast message to bottomw of screen@ 7, BRDCST$V_REFRSH= '0A'X !Do not refresh a read operation that+ ! was in progress before the broadcast: 8, BRDCST$V_SCREEN= '08'X !Broadcast formatted message to ! DEC_CRT terminalsCC End of $BRDCSTDEF module.Cww `"a | C+ $CLIMSGDEF0C Module ($CLIMSGDEF) SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CC Defines the CLI$ status codes values returned by the Command LineC Interpreter (DCL or MCR).C->C Extracted $CLIMSGDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 21-FEB-1983 PARAMETERA 1 CLI$_ABFNAM = '000381B8'X !Ambiguous lexical function name3 2, CLI$_ABKEYW = '00038010'X !Ambiguous keyword" 3, CLI$_ABSENT = '000381F0'X != 4, CLI$_ABSYMD = '000381A0'X !Ambiguous symbol definition0 5, CLI$_ABVERB  = '00038008'X !Ambiguous verb" 6, CLI$_ASTDCL = '00038220'X !" 7, CLI$_ATTACHED = '0003FD09'X !B 8, CLI$_BADBLK = '000381D8'X !END issued without a BEGIN - MCR" 9, CLI$_BADCTLMSK = '000388CA'X ! PARAMETERJ 1 CLI$_BADRET = '00038198'X !RETURN issued without a subroutine - MCR" 2, CLI$_BADSTRLVL = '000388BA'X !" 3, CLI$_BADTEXT = '000381B0'X !6 4, CLI$_BLKOVRFLOW= '000381C8'X !block overflow - MCR7 5, CLI$_BLKUNDFLOW= '000381D0'X !block underflow - MCR9 6, CLI$_BUFOVF = '00 038018'X !command buffer overflowC 7, CLI$_COMPLX = '00038020'X !expression too complex - simplify" 8, CLI$_CONCAT = '0003FD29'X !9 9, CLI$_CONFQUAL = '00038802'X !confliciting qualifiers PARAMETER= 1 CLI$_CREQUEJOB = '0003884A'X !error creating job on queue" 2, CLI$_DEFAULTED = '0003FD21'X !: 3, CLI$_DEFOVF = '00038028'X !too many symbols defined8 4, CLI$_DEVALSPL = '0003885A'X !device already spooled< 5, CLI$_DEVNOTFOR = '0003887A'X !device not mounted foreign4 6, CLI$_DEV NOTSPL = '00038862'X !device not spooled: 7, CLI$_DIRECT = '00038030'X !invalid directory syntax; 8, CLI$_EXPSYN = '00038038'X !invalid expression syntax 9, CLI$_FACILITY = '03'X ! PARAMETER< 1 CLI$_FILOPN = '00038190'X !file is already open - MCR: 2, CLI$_ILLVAL = '0003883A'X !illegal value is present6 3, CLI$_IMAGEFNF = '000388B2'X !image file not foundC 4, CLI$_IMCHNG = '00038040'X !two images request in one command6 5, CLI$_IMGFNF = '00038872'X !image file not fou nd" 6, CLI$_IMGNAME = '000388AA'X !9 7, CLI$_INSFPRM = '00038048'X !insufficient parameters" 8, CLI$_INSPRIV = '000381E8'X !" 9, CLI$_INVFILSPE = '00038200'X ! PARAMETER" 1 CLI$_INVIFTHEN = '00038210'X !1 2, CLI$_INVKEY = '00038178'X !invalid keyword" 3, CLI$_INVLOGFIL = '00038208'X !3 4, CLI$_INVQUAL = '0003880A'X !invalid qualifier: 5, CLI$_INVQUALNUM= '0003881A'X !invalid qualifier number" 6, CLI$_INVRANGE = '00038228'X !6 7, CLI$_INVREQTYP = '00038822'X !invalid reques t type" 8, CLI$_INVRFM = '000388D2'X !8 9, CLI$_INVRSP = '00038180'X !invlaid response - MCR PARAMETER- 1 CLI$_INVUIC = '000381A8'X !invalid UICG 2, CLI$_IVCHAR = '00038050'X !non-numeric character in value string5 3, CLI$_IVDEVTYPE = '0003886A'X !invalid device type7 4, CLI$_IVFNAM = '000381C0'X !invalid function name@ 5, CLI$_IVKEYW = '00038060'X !unrecognized qualifier keyword7 6, CLI$_IVOPER = '00038068'X !unrecognized operator9 7, CLI$_IVPROT = '00038070'X  !invalid protection code< 8, CLI$_IVQLOC = '00038078'X !invalid qualifier locationC 9, CLI$_IVSYMB = '00038080'X !symbol must start with alphabetic PARAMETERH 1 CLI$_IVVALU = '00038088'X !invalid syntax for value specification6 2, CLI$_IVVERB = '00038090'X !unrecognized command" 3, CLI$_LOCNEG = '00038230'X !" 4, CLI$_LOCPRES = '0003FD31'X !B 5, CLI$_MAXPARM = '00038098'X !maximum parameter count exceeded" 6, CLI$_NEGATED = '000381F8'X !" 7, CLI$_NOATFIL = '000380 A0'X !G 8, CLI$_NOCCAT = '000380A8'X !no concatenation allowed in parameter" 9, CLI$_NOCLINT = '000388DA'X ! PARAMETER4 1 CLI$_NOCOMD = '000380B0'X !no command on line9 2, CLI$_NOKEYW = '000380B8'X !no keyword in qualifier" 3, CLI$_NOLBLS = '000381E0'X !< 4, CLI$_NOLIST = '000380C0'X !parameter list not allowed> 5, CLI$_NOOPTPRS = '00038842'X !no option present on commandG 6, CLI$_NOQUAL = '000380C8'X !qualifier not allowed on this command= 7, CLI$_NORMAL = '0003 0001'X !normal successful operation" 8, CLI$_NOSPAWN = '000388E2'X !5 9, CLI$_NOTFR = '0003889A'X !no transfer address PARAMETER@ 1 CLI$_NOTNEG = '000380D8'X !qualifier has no negative form? 2, CLI$_NOVALU = '000380D0'X !no value allowed on qualifier3 3, CLI$_NOVALUE = '0003882A'X !value not present9 4, CLI$_NULFIL = '000380E0'X !null file specification8 5, CLI$_NUMBER = '000380E8'X !invalid numberic field8 6, CLI$_ONCOMD = '000380F0'X !ON command too complexB 7 , CLI$_ONERR = '000380F8'X !invalid ON error level specifiedC 8, CLI$_ONEVAL = '00038158'X !multiple values are not permittedI 9, CLI$_ONLEVL = '00038100'X !ON condition not legal at current level PARAMETERG 1 CLI$_ONOVF = '00038108'X !no room for ON condition command text0 2, CLI$_OVRFLW = '00038160'X !value overflow= 3, CLI$_PARMDEL = '00038110'X !invalid parameter delimited" 4, CLI$_PRESENT = '0003FD19'X !F 5, CLI$_PROC_ID = '0003FFF1'X !identification of create !d process isG 6, CLI$_PWDLOCKED = '00038892'X !password was locked to prevent change? 7, CLI$_PWDNOTVAL = '00038882'X !old password validation error? 8, CLI$_PWDNOTVER = '0003888A'X !new password validation error9 9, CLI$_PWDSYNTAX = '000388A2'X !illegal password syntax PARAMETER6 1 CLI$_QUEJOBCRE = '0003FFF9'X !job entered on queue" 2, CLI$_REFUSED = '000388C2'X !> 3, CLI$_REQPRMABS = '00038812'X !required parameter is absent" 4, CLI$_RETURNED = '0003FD11'X !> 5, CLI$_RSLOVF = ' "00038118'X !result parse buffer overflowH 6, CLI$_SKPDAT = '00038120'X !data records skipped by system ignored" 7, CLI$_SPARE1 = '00038058'X !" 8, CLI$_SPAWNED = '0003FD01'X !" 9, CLI$_SPWNIO = '000388EA'X ! PARAMETERJ 1 CLI$_STKOVF = '00038128'X !command procedures are too deeply nested" 2, CLI$_SUBMITERR = '00038852'X !: 3, CLI$_SYMDEL = '00038130'X !invalid symbol delimited@ 4, CLI$_SYMOVF = '00038138'X !no room for symbol definitions" 5, CLI$_SYMTOOLNG = '00038218'X !" 6, CLI$_TRMMBX = '000388F2'X !/ 7, CLI$_UNDFIL = '00038188'X !file not open2 8, CLI$_UNDSYM = '00038140'X !undefined symbol8 9, CLI$_UNPROPARM = '00038170'X !unprocessed parameters PARAMETER8 1 CLI$_UNPROQUAL = '00038168'X !unprocessed qualifiers: 2, CLI$_USGOTO = '00038148'X !unsatisfied GOTO command8 3, CLI$_VALCNVERR = '00038832'X !error converting value= 4, CLI$_VALREQ = '00038150'X !value required on qualifierCC End of $CLIMSGDEF module.Cww$| |C+ $CLISERVDEF4C Module ($CLISERVDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.=C Defines request codes for CLI call-back operations for DCL.C-?C Extracted $CLISERVDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 CLI$K_ATTACH = '10'X ! 2, CLI$K_CHAIN = '04'X ! ??. 3, CLI$K_COMMAND = '05'X !Do CLI command ??@ 4, CLI$K_CREALOG = '06'X !Create supervisor-mode logical name5 5, CLI$K_DEFGLOBAL = '03'X !Define global CLI symbol4 6, CLI$K_DEFLOCAL = '02'X !D%efine local CLI symbol 7, CLI$K_DELEGBL = '0C'X ! 8, CLI$K_DELELCL = '0B'X !@ 9, CLI$K_DELELOG = '07'X !Delete supervisor-mode logical name PARAMETER0 1 CLI$K_DISACTRLY = '08'X !Disable Control-Y's 2, CLI$K_DISAOOB = '0D'X !/ 3, CLI$K_ENABCTRLY = '09'X !Enable Control-Y's 4, CLI$K_ENABOOB = '0E'X ! 5, CLI$K_GETSYM = '0A'X ! 6, CLI$K_GLOBAL_SYM= '02'X ! 7, CLI$K_LOCAL_SYM = '01'X ! 8, CLI$K_PAUSE = '01'X ! ?? 9, CLI$K_SPAWN = '0F'X !CC End of $CLISRVDEF module.Cww '{ | C+ $CREDEF0C Module ($CREDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.;C Defines offsets into and constants for the create-options/C array used by the LBR$OPEN LIBRARIAN routine.C-;C Extracted $CREDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERA 1 CRE$C_HLPCASING= 6 !Treat character case as in help libraries0 2, CRE$C_LENGTH = 80 !Length of options arrayG 3, CRE$C_MACTXTCAS= 0 !Treat character case as in macro/text librariesC 4, CRE$C_OBJCASING= 3 !Treat characte (r case as in object libraries: 5, CRE$C_VMSV2 = 2 !VAX/VMS Version 2.0 library format: 6, CRE$C_VMSV3 = 3 !VAX/VMS Version 3.0 library format0 7, CRE$K_LENGTH = 80 !Length of options arrayA 8, CRE$L_ALLOC = 8 !Offset to initial library file allocationH 9, CRE$L_ENTALL = 20 !Offset to number of pre-allocated index entries PARAMETER2 1 CRE$L_IDXMAX = 12 !Number of primary indices% 2, CRE$L_IDXOPT = 32 !Index optionD 3, CRE$L_KEYLEN = 4 !Key length of ASCII keys/(0) 32-bit unsignedC 4, CRE$L_LUHMAX = 24 !Max. no. of library update history records$ 5, CRE$L_TYPE = 0 !Library typeJ 6, CRE$L_UHDMAX = 16 !Number additional bytes reserved in module header2 7, CRE$L_VERTYP = 28 !Version format of library 8, CRE$M_NOCASECMP= 1 ! 9, CRE$M_NOCASENTR= 2 ! PARAMETER 1 CRE$M_UPCASNTRY= 4 ! 2, CRE$V_NOCASECMP= 0 ! 3, CRE$V_NOCASENTR= 1 ! 4, CRE$V_UPCASNTRY= 2 !CC End of $CREDEF module.Cww*@r | C+ $DCDEF/C Module ($DCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.=C Defines device class (DC$_) and device type (DT$_) symbols.C-:C Extracted $DCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982CC Adapter typesC PARAMETER 1 AT$_CI = 4 ! CI bus% 2, AT$_DR = 2 ! DR32 adapter( 3, AT$_MBA = 0 ! MASSBUS adapter* 4, AT$_MPM = 3 ! Multi-port Memory0 5, AT$_NULL = 5 ! Null (software) adapter' 6, AT$_UBA = 1 ! UNIBUS adapterCC +Define Device classesC) 7, DC$_BUS = 128 !buses (e.g. CI)$ 8, DC$_CARD = 65 !card reader 9, DC$_DISK = 1 !disk PARAMETER) 1 DC$_JOURNAL = 161 !journal devices% 2, DC$_LP = 67 !line printer! 3, DC$_MAILBOX = 160 !mailbox/ 4, DC$_MISC = 200 !miscellaneous devices) 5, DC$_REALTIME = 96 !real-time device; 6, DC$_SCOM = 32 !synchronous communications devices 7, DC$_TAPE = 2 !tape! 8, DC$_TERM = 66 !terminalCC Class ,identifiers are: C BUS - BusesC CRD - Card readers C DSK - DisksC JNL - Journal devicesC LPT - Line printersC MBX - MailboxesC MIS - MiscellaneousC RTM - Real-time devices*C SYC - Synchronous communications devicesC TAP - Magnetic tape devicesC TRM - TerminalsCC Define device typesC/ 9, DT$_AIJNL = 3 !JNL/After image journal PARAMETER/ 1 DT$_ATJNL = 4 !JNL/Audit trail journal0 2, DT$_BIJNL = 2 !JNL/Before image journal7 3, DT$_CI = 1 -2 !RTM/CI - Computer Interconnect! 4, DT$_CI750 = 2 !BUS/CI750! 5, DT$_CI780 = 1 !BUS/CI780, 6, DT$_CR11 = 1 !CRD/CR11 card reader! 7, DT$_DMC11 = 1 !SYC/DMC11" 8, DT$_DMF32 = 10 !SYC/DMF32! 9, DT$_DMP11 = 9 !SYC/DMP11 PARAMETER! 1 DT$_DMR11 = 2 !SYC/DMR11+ 2, DT$_DN11 = 1 !MIS/DN11 Autodialer5 3, DT$_DR11C = 7 !RTM/DR11-C Parallel InterfaceB 4, DT$_DR11W = 4 !RTM/DR11-W Parallel Interface/Interconnect! 5, DT$_DR750 = 3 !RT.M/DR750! 6, DT$_DR780 = 2 !RTM/DR780, 7, DT$_DZ11 = 66 !TRM/DZ11 controller, 8, DT$_DZ32 = 67 !TRM/DZ32 controller5 9, DT$_DZ730 = 68 !TRM/DZ730 (combo) controller PARAMETER4 1 DT$_FT1 = 16 !TRM/Foreign terminal types  2, DT$_FT2 = 17 ! 3, DT$_FT3 = 18 ! 4, DT$_FT4 = 19 ! 5, DT$_FT5 = 20 ! 6, DT$_FT6 = 21 ! 7, DT$_FT7 = 22 !: 8, DT$_FT8 = 23 !TRM/End of foreign terminal types# 9, DT$_LA100 / = 37 !TRM/LA100 PARAMETER, 1 DT$_LA11 = 2 !LP/LA11 line printer 2, DT$_LA12 = 36 !TRM/* 3, DT$_LA120 = 33 !TRM/DECwriter III- 4, DT$_LA180 = 3 !LP/LA180 line printer 5, DT$_LA24 = 37 !TRM/( 6, DT$_LA34 = 34 !TRM/DECwriter I) 7, DT$_LA36 = 32 !TRM/DECwriter II) 8, DT$_LA38 = 35 !TRM/DECwriter IV- 9, DT$_LAX = 32 !TRM/LA type terminal PARAMETER, 1 DT$_LP11 = 1 !LP/LP11 line printer" 2, DT$_LPA11 = 1 !RTM/LPA-119 0 3, DT$_LQP02 = 38 !TRM/LPQ11 Letter Quality Printer+ 4, DT$_MBX = 1 !MBX/Generic mailbox; 5, DT$_ML11 = 17 !DSK/ML11 Solid State Disk-emulator5 6, DT$_MX_MUX200 = 8 !SYC/MUX-200 Protocol EmulatorB 7, DT$_NI = 13 !SYC/NI - Network Interconnect (Ethernet?)1 8, DT$_NV_X29 = 6 !SYC/X29 Protocol Emulator1 9, DT$_NW_X25 = 5 !SYC/X25 Protocol Emulator PARAMETER0 1 DT$_PCL11R = 5 !RTM/PCL11 Receiver (CSS)3 2, DT$_PCL11T = 6 !RTM/PCL11 Transmitter (C 1SS)A 3, DT$_RA60 = 22 !DSK/Pinon disk on Intelligent Controller? 4, DT$_RA80 = 20 !DSK/R80 disk on Intelligent Controller? 5, DT$_RA81 = 21 !DSK/R81 disk on Intelligent Controller. 6, DT$_RB02 = 18 !DSK/R02 disk on RB730. 7, DT$_RB80 = 19 !DSK/R80 disk on RB730% 8, DT$_RK06 = 1 !DSK/RK06 disk% 9, DT$_RK07 = 2 !DSK/RK07 disk PARAMETER% 1 DT$_RL01 = 9 !DSK/RL01 diskF 2, DT$_RL02 = 10 !DSK/RL02 disk (R02 on RL11 UNIBUS controller)% 2 3, DT$_RM03 = 6 !DSK/RM03 disk& 4, DT$_RM05 = 15 !DSK/RM05 disk7 5, DT$_RM80 = 13 !DSK/RM80 disk (R80 on Massbus)% 6, DT$_RP04 = 3 !DSK/RP04 disk% 7, DT$_RP05 = 4 !DSK/RP05 disk% 8, DT$_RP06 = 5 !DSK/RP06 disk% 9, DT$_RP07 = 7 !DSK/RP07 disk PARAMETER5 1 DT$_RP07HT = 8 !DSK/RP07 disk with head/track1 2, DT$_RUJNL = 1 !JNL/Recovery Unit Journal< 3, DT$_RX01 = 16 !DSK/RX01 single density floppy diskC 4, DT$_RX02 = 11 !D 3SK/RX02 single/double density floppy disk& 5, DT$_RX04 = 12 !DSK/RX04 disk8 6, DT$_RZ01 = 23 !DSK/Aztec removeable media disk3 7, DT$_RZF01 = 24 !DSK/Aztec fixed media disk. 8, DT$_SB_ISB11 = 7 !SYC/ISB-11 DEC dataway( 9, DT$_TE16 = 1 !TAP/TE16 magtape PARAMETER( 1 DT$_TS11 = 4 !TAP/TS11 magtape, 2, DT$_TTYUNKN = 0 !TRM/unknown terminal( 3, DT$_TU45 = 2 !TAP/TU45 magtape, 4, DT$_TU58 = 14 !DSK/TU58 DECtape II7 5, DT$_TU77 = 3 !TAP/TU77 4 magtape (800/1600 bpi)8 6, DT$_TU78 = 5 !TAP/TU78 magtape (1600/6250 bpi)! 7, DT$_UDA50 = 3 !BUS/UDA50G 8, DT$_UNA11 = 14 !BUS/UNIBUS to NI adapter (Ethernet interface?)= 9, DT$_UNKNJNL = 0 !JNL/Unknown (template) journal device PARAMETER 1 DT$_VK100 = 2 !TRM/- 2, DT$_VT05 = 1 !TRM/VT05 CRT terminal/ 3, DT$_VT100 = 96 !TRM/VT100 CRT terminal: 4, DT$_VT101 = 97 !TRM/VT101 CRT terminal (with HDX)G 5, DT$_VT102 = 98 !TRM/VT102 CRT terminal 5(with AVO,prt port,HDX) 6, DT$_VT105 = 99 !TRM/= 7, DT$_VT125 = 100 !TRM/VT125 CRT and graphics terminal8 8, DT$_VT131 = 101 !TRM/VT131 CRT editing terminal8 9, DT$_VT132 = 102 !TRM/VT132 CRT editing terminal PARAMETER6 1 DT$_VT173 = 3 !TRM/VT173 CRT editing terminal. 2, DT$_VT52 = 64 !TRM/VT52 CRT terminal. 3, DT$_VT55 = 65 !TRM/VT55 CRT terminal/ 4, DT$_VT5X = 64 !TRM/VT5x type terminal7 5, DT$_XI_DR11C = 8 !RTM/Parallel Interface on DMF3 62= 6, DT$_XJ_2780 = 4 !SYC/DUP-11 for 2780 Protocol Emulator= 7, DT$_XK_3271 = 3 !SYC/DUP-11 for 3271 Protocol Emulator= 8, DT$_XV_3271 = 11 !SYC/DV-11 for 3271 Protocol Emulator8 9, DT$_YN_X25 = 15 !SYC/KMS11 X25 Protocol Emulator PARAMETER8 1 DT$_YO_X25 = 16 !SYC/KMS11 X25 Protocol Emulator: 2, DT$_YP_ADCCP = 17 !SYC/KMS11 ADCCP Protocol Emulator9 3, DT$_YQ_3271 = 18 !SYC/KMS11 3271 Protocol Emulator: 4, DT$_YR_DDCMP = 19 !SYC/KMS11 DDCMP Protocol Emulator9 5, DT$_YS_SDLC = 20 !SYC/KMS11 SDLC Protocol EmulatprCC End of $DCDEF module.Cww8Ǝ | C+ $DEVDEF0C Module ($DEVDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.GC Defines bit masks and offsets of the device characteristics longword.C-;C Extracted $DEVDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETERC"C Device characteristics bit masksC5 1 DEV$M_ALL = '00800000'X !device is allocated= 2, DEV$M_AVL = '00040000'X !device is available for use3 3, DEV$M_CCL = '02'X !carriage control device7 4, DEV$M_DIR = '08'X !directory structured d 9evice? 5, DEV$M_DMT = '00200000'X !device is marked for dismount 6, DEV$M_DUA = '8000'X !B 7, DEV$M_ELG = '00400000'X !device has error logging enabled? 8, DEV$M_FOD = '4000'X !Files-oriented device (disk/tape); 9, DEV$M_FOR = '01000000'X !device is mounted foreign PARAMETER0 1 DEV$M_GEN = '00020000'X !generic deviceF 2, DEV$M_IDV = '04000000'X !device is capable of providing input5 3, DEV$M_MBX = '00100000'X !device is a mailbox3 4, DEV$M_MNT : = '00080000'X !device is mounted, 5, DEV$M_NET = '2000'X !network deviceG 6, DEV$M_ODV = '08000000'X !device is capable of accepting output 7, DEV$M_OPR = '80'X !B 8, DEV$M_RCK = '40000000'X !device has read-checking enabled 9, DEV$M_RCT = '0100'X ! PARAMETER2 1 DEV$M_REC = '01'X !Record-oriented device= 2, DEV$M_RND = '10000000'X !device allows random access? 3, DEV$M_RTM = '20000000'X !device is read-time in natureA 4, DEV$M_SDI = ' ;10'X !device is single directory structured5 5, DEV$M_SHR = '00010000'X !device is shareable0 6, DEV$M_SPL = '40'X !device being spooledC 7, DEV$M_SQD = '20'X !sequential block-oriented device (tape)A 8, DEV$M_SWL = '02000000'X !device is software write-locked0 9, DEV$M_TRM = '04'X !device is a terminal PARAMETERC 1 DEV$M_WCK = '80000000'X !device has write-checking enabledC>C Device characteristics bit numbers/offsets (see masks above)C 2, DEV$V_AL<L = '17'X ! 3, DEV$V_AVL = '12'X ! 4, DEV$V_CCL = '01'X ! 5, DEV$V_DIR = '03'X ! 6, DEV$V_DMT = '15'X ! 7, DEV$V_DUA = '0F'X ! 8, DEV$V_ELG = '16'X ! 9, DEV$V_FOD = '0E'X ! PARAMETER 1 DEV$V_FOR = '18'X ! 2, DEV$V_GEN = '11'X ! 3, DEV$V_IDV = '1A'X ! 4, DEV$V_MBX = '14'X ! 5, DEV$V_MNT = '13'X ! 6, DEV$V_NET = '0D'X ! 7, DEV$V_ODV = '1B'X ! 8, DEV$V_OPR = '07'X ! 9, DEV$V_RCK = '1E'X ! PARAMETER 1 DEV$V_RCT = '08'X ! 2, DEV$V_REC = '00'X ! 3, DEV$V_RND = '1C'X ! 4, DEV$V_RTM = '1D'X ! 5, DEV$V_SDI = '04'X ! 6, DEV$V_SHR = '10'X ! 7, DEV$V_SPL = '06'X ! 8, DEV$V_SQD = '05'X ! 9, DEV$V_SWL = '19'X ! PARAMETER 1 DEV$V_TRM = '02'X ! 2, DEV$V_WCK = '1F'X !CC End of $DEVDEF module.Cww>͙ | C+ $DIBDEF0C Module ($DIBDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines offsets (as contants) and field sizes for the deviceCC characteristics buffer returned by the $GETDEV and $GETCHN system C services.C-;C Extracted $DIBDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER- 1 DIB$B_DEVCLASS = '04'X !device class byte, 2, DIB$B_DEVTYPE = '05'X !device type byte: 3, DIB$B_SECTORS = '08'X !(disk only) sectors/track byte< 4, DIB$B_TRACKS = '09'X !(disk only) ?tracks/cylinder byte2 5, DIB$C_LENGTH = '74'X !length of total buffer2 6, DIB$K_LENGTH = '74'X !length of total buffer; 7, DIB$L_DEVCHAR = '00'X !device characteristics longwordA 8, DIB$L_DEVDEPEND= '08'X !device dependent information longwordA 9, DIB$L_MAXBLOCK = '70'X !disk volume size in blocks (longword) PARAMETER< 1 DIB$L_OPCNT = '1C'X !device operations count longword5 2, DIB$L_OWNUIC = '14'X !device owner UIC longword< 3, DIB$L_PID = '10'X !device owner process id @longword 4, DIB$S_DEVNAME = '4C'X !@ 5, DIB$T_DEVNAME = '24'X !offset to counted device name string= 6, DIB$W_CYLINDERS= '0A'X !(disk only) no. of cylinders word3 7, DIB$W_DEVBUFSIZ= '06'X !device buffer size word@ 8, DIB$W_DEVNAMOFF= '0E'X !offset to device name counted string3 9, DIB$W_ERRCNT = '1A'X !device error count word PARAMETER4 1 DIB$W_RECSIZ = '22'X !blocked record size word3 2, DIB$W_UNIT = '0C'X !device unit number wordA 3, DIB$W_VOLNAMOFF= '20'X !offset to volume label counted string7 4, DIB$W_VPROT = '18'X !device protection mask wordCC End of $DIBDEF module.Cww B | C+ $DSCDEF0C Module ($DSCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.AC Defines symbols for the procedure argument descriptor class andEC atomic data types. Also defines symbols (contants) for the offsetsC of the descriptor fields.C-;C Extracted $DSCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER@ 1 DSC$A_A0 = 16 !Offset to array element A(0...) address< 2, DSC$A_BASE = 4 !Offset to base address of bit string9 3, DSC$A_FRAME = 8 !Offset to procedure Cframe address 4, DSC$A_HANDLE = -12 !9 5, DSC$A_POINTER = 4 !Offset to field with data address2 6, DSC$B_AFLAGS = 10 !Offset to array flag bits8 7, DSC$B_CLASS = 3 !Offset to descriptor class field> 8, DSC$B_DIGITS = 9 !Offset to data intern. rep. size field@ 9, DSC$B_DIMCT = 11 !Offset to array no. of dimensions field PARAMETER1 1 DSC$B_DTYPE = 2 !Offset to data type field; 2, DSC$B_SCALE = 8 !Offset to data intern. rep. scalingC'C Lengths (in bytes) of blocks bDy classC 3, DSC$C_D_BLN = 8 ! 4, DSC$C_JI_BLN = 12 ! 5, DSC$C_J_BLN = 8 ! 6, DSC$C_PI_BLN = 12 ! 7, DSC$C_P_BLN = 8 ! 8, DSC$C_SD_BLN = 12 ! 9, DSC$C_S_BLN = 8 ! PARAMETER 1 DSC$C_UBS_BLN = 12 ! 2, DSC$C_VS_BLN = 8 ! 3, DSC$C_Z_BLN = 8 !C.C Constants giving the descriptor class codesC( 4, DSC$K_CLASS_A = 4 !Array descriptor 5, DSC$K_CLASS_BFA= 191 !1 6, DSC$K_CLASS_D = 2 !Dynamic string descriptor= 7, DSC$K_CLASS_J = 7 !Label desc Eriptor (used only by DEBUG)4 8, DSC$K_CLASS_JI = 8 !Label incarnation (obsolete)8 9, DSC$K_CLASS_NCA= 10 !Non-contiguous array descriptor PARAMETER, 1 DSC$K_CLASS_P = 5 !Procedure descriptor8 2, DSC$K_CLASS_PI = 6 !Procedure Incarnation (obsolete)@ 3, DSC$K_CLASS_S = 1 !Scalar or fixed length string descriptor8 4, DSC$K_CLASS_SD = 9 !Decimal scalar string descriptor7 5, DSC$K_CLASS_UBA= 14 !Unaligned bit array descriptor8 6, DSC$K_CLASS_UBS= 13 !Unaligned bit string descriptor2 7, DSC$ FK_CLASS_V = 3 !Variable buffer descriptor2 8, DSC$K_CLASS_VS = 11 !Varying string descriptor8 9, DSC$K_CLASS_VSA= 12 !Varying string array descriptor PARAMETER4 1 DSC$K_CLASS_Z = 0 !Prototype/unknown descriptorC.C Constants giving the atomic data type codesC 2, DSC$K_DTYPE_ADT= 35 !+ 3, DSC$K_DTYPE_B = 6 !signed byte integer8 4, DSC$K_DTYPE_BLV= 33 !bound label value (2 longwords)< 5, DSC$K_DTYPE_BPV= 32 !bound procedure value (2 longwords)- 6, DSC$K_DTYPE_BU = 2 !unsigned bytGe logical 7, DSC$K_DTYPE_CAD= 178 !5 8, DSC$K_DTYPE_CIT= 31 !COBOL Intermediate Temporary. 9, DSC$K_DTYPE_D = 11 !D_floating (quadword) PARAMETER; 1 DSC$K_DTYPE_DC = 13 !D_floating complex (two quadwords) 2, DSC$K_DTYPE_DPC= 185 !# 3, DSC$K_DTYPE_DSC= 24 !descriptor 4, DSC$K_DTYPE_ENT= 179 ! 5, DSC$K_DTYPE_EOM= 189 ! 6, DSC$K_DTYPE_EOR= 191 ! 7, DSC$K_DTYPE_EPT= 181 !. 8, DSC$K_DTYPE_F = 10 !F_floating (longword); 9, DSC$K_DTYPE_FC = 12 !F_floating complex (two longwords) H PARAMETER 1 DSC$K_DTYPE_FLD= 183 !. 2, DSC$K_DTYPE_G = 27 !G_floating (quadword) 3, DSC$K_DTYPE_GBL= 180 !; 4, DSC$K_DTYPE_GC = 29 !G_floating complex (two quadwords). 5, DSC$K_DTYPE_H = 28 !H_floating (octaword); 6, DSC$K_DTYPE_HC = 30 !H_floating complex (two octawords)/ 7, DSC$K_DTYPE_L = 8 !signed longword integer 8, DSC$K_DTYPE_LBL= 186 !1 9, DSC$K_DTYPE_LU = 4 !unsigned longword logical PARAMETER 1 DSC$K_DTYPE_MOD= 188 !; 2, DSC$K_DTYPE_NL = 16 !numeric string, left se Iparate sign> 3, DSC$K_DTYPE_NLO= 17 !numeric string, left overpunched sign< 4, DSC$K_DTYPE_NR = 18 !numeric string, right separate sign? 5, DSC$K_DTYPE_NRO= 19 !numeric string, right overpunched sign1 6, DSC$K_DTYPE_NU = 15 !numeric string, unsigned3 7, DSC$K_DTYPE_NZ = 20 !numeric string, zoned sign0 8, DSC$K_DTYPE_O = 26 !signed octaword integer2 9, DSC$K_DTYPE_OU = 25 !unsigned octaword integer PARAMETER. 1 DSC$K_DTYPE_P = 21 !packed decimal string 2, DSC$K_DTYPE_PCT= 184 !/ 3, JDSC$K_DTYPE_Q = 9 !signed quadword integer1 4, DSC$K_DTYPE_QU = 5 !unsigned quadword integer 5, DSC$K_DTYPE_R11= 182 ! 6, DSC$K_DTYPE_RTN= 190 ! 7, DSC$K_DTYPE_SLB= 187 !# 8, DSC$K_DTYPE_T = 14 !ASCII text* 9, DSC$K_DTYPE_V = 1 !aligned bit string PARAMETER 1 DSC$K_DTYPE_VT = 37 !- 2, DSC$K_DTYPE_VU = 34 !unaligned bit string+ 3, DSC$K_DTYPE_W = 7 !signed word integer- 4, DSC$K_DTYPE_WU = 3 !unsigned word logical# 5, DSC$K_DTYPE_Z = 0 !Unspecified- 6, DSC$K_DTYPE_ZEM= 2K3 !procedure entry mask1 7, DSC$K_DTYPE_ZI = 22 !sequence of instructionsC+C Block lengths for descriptors (in bytes)C 8, DSC$K_D_BLN = 8 !D class! 9, DSC$K_JI_BLN = 12 !JI class PARAMETER 1 DSC$K_J_BLN = 8 !J class! 2, DSC$K_PI_BLN = 12 !PI class 3, DSC$K_P_BLN = 8 !P class 4, DSC$K_SD_BLN = 12 ! 5, DSC$K_S_BLN = 8 !S class 6, DSC$K_UBS_BLN = 12 ! 7, DSC$K_VS_BLN = 8 ! 8, DSC$K_Z_BLN = 8 !Z classCC More field sizes and offsets LC3 9, DSC$L_ARSIZE = 12 !Offset to total array size PARAMETER 1 DSC$L_BYTEOFF = -8 ! 2, DSC$L_LOGUNIT = -4 !> 3, DSC$L_M1 = 20 !Offset to array address coef. U1-L1+1> 4, DSC$L_M2 = 24 !Offset to array address coef. U2-L2+17 5, DSC$L_POS = 8 !Offset to relative bit positionB 6, DSC$L_S1 = 20 !Offset to 1st dimen. stride (elt spacing)4 7, DSC$L_S2 = 24 !Offset to 2nd dimen. stride4 8, DSC$L_V0 = 16 !Offset to signed bit offset8 9, DSC$V_FL_BOUND S= 7 !Arrays - bounds information flag PARAMETER: 1 DSC$V_FL_COEFF = 6 !Arrays - mult. coefs. present flag< 2, DSC$V_FL_COLUMN= 5 !Arrays - stored in column order flag: 3, DSC$V_FL_REDIM = 4 !Arrays - can be redimensioned flag: 4, DSC$W_LENGTH = 0 !offset to (typically) length field: 5, DSC$W_MAXLEN = 8 !offset to maximum data item length< 6, DSC$W_MAXSTRLEN= 0 !offset to maximum string length (VS)CC End of $DSCDEF module.CwwNp | C+ $DVIDEF0C Module ($DVIDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.EC Defines names for device information item constants for the $GETDVIC system service.C-;C Extracted $DVIDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982CC ACP type codesC PARAMETER, 1 DVI$C_ACP_F11V1= 1 !Files-11 level 1 ACP, 2, DVI$C_ACP_F11V2= 2 !Files-11 level 2 ACP& 3, DVI$C_ACP_JNL = 6 !Journaling ACP) 4, DVI$C_ACP_MTA = 3 !Magnetic tape ACP$ 5, DVI$C_ACP_NET = 4 !Networks ACP0 6, DVI$C_ACP_OREM = 5 !Remote I/O (network) ACP 7, DVI$C_SECONDARY= 1 !CC $GETDVI Item codesC3 8, DVI$_ACPPID = 64 !ACP process identification& 9, DVI$_ACPTYPE = 66 !ACP type code PARAMETER9 1 DVI$_CLUSTER = 58 !Volume cluster size (disks only)C 2, DVI$_CYLINDERS = 40 !Number of cylinders on volume (disks only)* 3, DVI$_DEVBUFSIZ = 8 !Device buffer sizeD 4, DVI$_DEVCHAR = 2 !Device independent information (see $DEVDEF)1 5, DVI$_DEVCLASS = 4 !Device class (see $DCDEF)5 6, DVI$_DEV PDEPEND = 10 !Device-dependent information@ 7, DVI$_DEVDEPEND2= 28 !Additional device-dependent information+ 8, DVI$_DEVNAM = 32 !Device name string5 9, DVI$_DEVTYPE = 6 !Device type code (see $DCDEF) PARAMETER$ 1 DVI$_ERRCNT = 20 !Error countE 2, DVI$_FREEBLOCKS= 42 !Number of free blocks on volume (disks only)< 3, DVI$_LOGVOLNAM = 44 !Logical name of volume (disks only)C 4, DVI$_MAXBLOCK = 26 !Number of logical blocks on volume (disks)B 5, DVI$_MAXFILES = 60 !Maximum number Qof files on volume (disks)$ 6, DVI$_MOUNTCNT = 56 !Mount countH 7, DVI$_NEXTDEVNAM= 52 !Device name of next volume in volume set (disk)( 8, DVI$_OPCNT = 22 !Operation count/ 9, DVI$_OWNUIC = 16 !UIC of owner of device PARAMETER6 1 DVI$_PID = 14 !Process id of owner of device, 2, DVI$_RECSIZ = 24 !Blocked record size> 3, DVI$_REFCNT = 30 !Number of channels assigned to deviceI 4, DVI$_ROOTDEVNAM= 50 !Device name of root volume in volume set (disks)A 5, DVI$_SECTORS = R 36 !Number of sectors per track (disks only): 6, DVI$_SERIALNUM = 62 !Volume serial number (disks only)C 7, DVI$_TRACKS = 38 !Number of tracks per cylinder (disks only)1 8, DVI$_TRANSCNT = 54 !Volume transaction count$ 9, DVI$_UNIT = 12 !Unit number PARAMETERF 1 DVI$_VOLCOUNT = 48 !Total number of volumes in volume set (disks)$ 2, DVI$_VOLNAM = 34 !Volume nameD 3, DVI$_VOLNUMBER = 46 !Number of volume in volume set (disks only)/ 4, DVI$_VPROT = 18 !Volume protection maskCC End of $DVIDEF module.CwwTj | C+ $FABDEF0C Module ($FABDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.8C Defines offsets and field locations (bits) for the RMS;C File Access Block (FAB). Offsets are defined as symbolic C constants.C-;C Extracted $FABDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte field offsets:C> 1 FAB$B_BID = '00'X !Control block identification field' 2, FAB$B_BKS = '3E'X !Bucket size6 3, FAB$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length fieldB 4, FAB$B_DNS U = '35'X !Default file specification string size 5, FAB$B_DSBMSK = '4A'X !, 6, FAB$B_FAC = '16'X !File access code: 7, FAB$B_FNS = '34'X !File specification string size3 8, FAB$B_FSZ = '3F'X !Fixed control area size- 9, FAB$B_ORG = '1D'X !File organization PARAMETER- 1 FAB$B_RAT = '1E'X !Record attributes) 2, FAB$B_RFM = '1F'X !Record format1 3, FAB$B_RTV = '1C'X !Retrieval window size0 4, FAB$B_SHR = '17'X !File sharing optionsCC De Vfined constants:C9 5, FAB$C_BID = '03'X !FAB block identification code, 6, FAB$C_BLN = '50'X !FAB block length; 7, FAB$C_FIX = '01'X !Fixed length record format code 8, FAB$C_HSH = '30'X !: 9, FAB$C_IDX = '20'X !Indexed file organization code PARAMETER 1 FAB$C_MAXRFM = '06'X !; 2, FAB$C_REL = '10'X !Relative file organization code6 3, FAB$C_RFM_DFLT = '02'X !Default record format code= 4, FAB$C_SEQ = '00'X !Sequential file organization code5 5 W, FAB$C_STM = '04'X !Stream record format code? 6, FAB$C_STMCR = '06'X !Stream (CR only) record format code? 7, FAB$C_STMLF = '05'X !Stream (LF only) record format code3 8, FAB$C_UDF = '00'X !Undefined record format> 9, FAB$C_VAR = '02'X !Variable-length record format code PARAMETER= 1 FAB$C_VFC = '03'X !Variable-length with fixed-length& ! control area record format code, 2, FAB$K_BLN = '50'X !FAB block lengthCC Longword offsets:C8 3, FAB$L_ XALQ = '10'X !Allocation quantity (blocks)# 4, FAB$L_CTX = '18'X !Context2 5, FAB$L_DEV = '40'X !Device characteristicsB 6, FAB$L_DNA = '30'X !Default file specification string addr= 7, FAB$L_FNA = '2C'X !File specification string address3 8, FAB$L_FOP = '04'X !File-processing options 9, FAB$L_JNL = '20'X ! PARAMETER1 1 FAB$L_MRN = '38'X !Maximum record number. 2, FAB$L_NAM = '28'X !Name block address< 3, FAB$L_SDC = '44'X !Secondary deYvice characteristics2 4, FAB$L_STS = '08'X !Completion status code) 5, FAB$L_STV = '0C'X !Status values< 6, FAB$L_XAB = '24'X !Extended attribute block addressCC Bit and field masks:C 7, FAB$M_BIO = '20'X ! 8, FAB$M_BLK = '08'X ! 9, FAB$M_BRO = '40'X ! PARAMETER" 1 FAB$M_CBT = '00200000'X !" 2, FAB$M_CIF = '02000000'X ! 3, FAB$M_CR = '02'X !" 4, FAB$M_CTG = '00100000'X ! 5, FAB$M_DEL = '04'X ! 6, FAB$M_DFW = '20Z'X ! 7, FAB$M_DLT = '8000'X ! 8, FAB$M_DMO = '1000'X !" 9, FAB$M_ESC = '08000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_EXE = '80'X ! 2, FAB$M_FTN = '01'X ! 3, FAB$M_GET = '02'X !" 4, FAB$M_INP = '00080000'X !" 5, FAB$M_JNL = '00400000'X !" 6, FAB$M_KFO = '40000000'X ! 7, FAB$M_MSE = '10'X ! 8, FAB$M_MXV = '02'X !" 9, FAB$M_NAM = '01000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_NEF = '0400'X !" 2, FAB$M_NFS = '00010000'X ! 3, FAB$M_NIL [ = '20'X !" 4, FAB$M_OFP = '20000000'X ! 5, FAB$M_POS = '0100'X !" 6, FAB$M_PPF = '00040000'X ! 7, FAB$M_PPF_IND = '4000'X ! 8, FAB$M_PPF_RAT = '3FC0'X ! 9, FAB$M_PRN = '04'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_PUT = '01'X !" 2, FAB$M_RCK = '00800000'X ! 3, FAB$M_RWC = '0800'X ! 4, FAB$M_RWO = '80'X ! 5, FAB$M_SCF = '4000'X ! 6, FAB$M_SHRDEL = '04'X ! 7, FAB$M_SHRGET = '02'X ! 8, FAB$M_SHRPUT = '01'X ! 9, FAB$M_SHRUPD = '08'X ! \ PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_SPL = '2000'X ! 2, FAB$M_SQO = '40'X ! 3, FAB$M_SUP = '04'X !" 4, FAB$M_TEF = '10000000'X ! 5, FAB$M_TMD = '10'X ! 6, FAB$M_TMP = '08'X ! 7, FAB$M_TRN = '10'X !" 8, FAB$M_UFM = '04000000'X !" 9, FAB$M_UFO = '00020000'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_UPD = '08'X ! 2, FAB$M_UPI = '40'X ! 3, FAB$M_WCK = '0200'X !CC Field sizes (in bits):C 4, FAB$S_ORG = '04'X ! 5, FAB$S_PPF_RAT = '08'X !CC ]Field and bit offsets:C1 6, FAB$V_BIO = '05'X !Block I/O file access? 7, FAB$V_BLK = '03'X !Records do not span block attribute< 8, FAB$V_BRO = '06'X !Block and record I/O file access? 9, FAB$V_CBT = '15'X !Contiguous-best-try file processing PARAMETER; 1 FAB$V_CIF = '19'X !Create-if opens file processing< 2, FAB$V_CR = '01'X !Carriage return record attribute> 3, FAB$V_CTG = '14'X !Contiguous, file processing option; 4, FAB$V_DEL = '02'X !Allo ^w use of $DELETE macro, FAC5 5, FAB$V_DFW = '05'X !Deferred write processing3 6, FAB$V_DLT = '0F'X !Delete file when closed 7, FAB$V_DMO = '0C'X !A 8, FAB$V_ESC = '1B'X !DEC only: nonstandard VAX-11 RMS file ! processing 9, FAB$V_EXE = '07'X ! PARAMETERC 1 FAB$V_FTN = '00'X !FORTRAN carriage control rec. attributeA 2, FAB$V_GET = '01'X !Use $GET or $FIND macros, file access> 3, FAB$V_INP = '13'X !DEC only: indicates SYS$INPUT file 4, _FAB$V_JNL = '16'X !5 5, FAB$V_KFO = '1E'X !DEC only: known file openA 6, FAB$V_MSE = '04'X !Allow multistream access file sharing4 7, FAB$V_MXV = '01'X !Maximize version on open, 8, FAB$V_NAM = '18'X !NAM block inputs8 9, FAB$V_NEF = '0A'X !Not at end of file (magtape) PARAMETER/ 1 FAB$V_NFS = '10'X !Non-file-structured= 2, FAB$V_NIL = '05'X !Prohibit any type of file sharing- 3, FAB$V_OFP = '1D'X !Output file parse 4, FAB$V_ORG = '04 `'X !6 5, FAB$V_POS = '08'X !Current position (magtape)< 6, FAB$V_PPF = '12'X !DEC only: process-permanent file 7, FAB$V_PPF_IND = '0E'X ! 8, FAB$V_PPF_RAT = '06'X !> 9, FAB$V_PRN = '02'X !Print file format record attribute PARAMETER9 1 FAB$V_PUT = '00'X !Allow $PUT macro, file access= 2, FAB$V_RCK = '17'X !Read-check file processing option+ 3, FAB$V_RWC = '0B'X !Rewind on close* 4, FAB$V_RWO = '07'X !Rewind on open8 5, FAB$V_SCF = '0E'X !Subm ait command file on close? 6, FAB$V_SHRDEL = '02'X !Allow other users to delete records> 7, FAB$V_SHRGET = '01'X !Allow other users to read the file> 8, FAB$V_SHRPUT = '00'X !Allow other users to write records@ 9, FAB$V_SHRUPD = '03'X !Allow other users to update existing ! records in the file PARAMETER5 1 FAB$V_SPL = '0D'X !Spool print file on close6 2, FAB$V_SQO = '06'X !Sequential processing only* 3, FAB$V_SUP = '02'X !Supersede file: 4, FAB$V_TEF = '1C b'X !Truncate at end of file option8 5, FAB$V_TMD = '04'X !Temporary, marked for delete* 6, FAB$V_TMP = '03'X !Temporary file> 7, FAB$V_TRN = '04'X !Allow $TRUNCATE macro, file access) ! also allows truncate-on-put option? 8, FAB$V_UFM = '1A'X !DEC only: user file mode processing* 9, FAB$V_UFO = '11'X !User file open PARAMETER< 1 FAB$V_UPD = '03'X !Allow $UPDATE macro, file access# ! also allows Update-if optionA 2, FAB$V_UPI = '06'X !Allow one or more writers to a shared& ! file that is open for block I/O> 3, FAB$V_WCK = '09'X !Write-check file processing optionCC Word field offsets:C& 4, FAB$W_BLS = '3C'X !Block size; 5, FAB$W_DEQ = '14'X !Default file extension quantity/ 6, FAB$W_GBC = '48'X !Global buffer count4 7, FAB$W_IFI = '02'X !Internal file identifier/ 8, FAB$W_MRS = '36'X !Maximum record sizeCC End of $FABDEF module.Cwwd | C+ $HLPDEF0C Module ($HLPDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.6C Defines symbolic masks for the flags argument of the$C LIBRARIAN LBR$OUTPUT_HELP routine.C-;C Extracted $HLPDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 HLP$L_DATA = '08'X ! 2, HLP$L_DESC = '00'X ! 3, HLP$L_FLAGS = '04'X ! 4, HLP$L_LEVEL = '0C'X ! 5, HLP$M_ALL = '0800'X !? 6, HLP$M_GROUP = '04'X !Default searching for group default ! help librariesB 7, HLeP$M_HELP = '20'X !Precede list of topics in library with! ! the text of the HELP entry 8, HLP$M_KEYNAMLIN= '02'X !B 9, HLP$M_LIBLIST = '10'X !Set to list default library names when ! listing topics PARAMETER 1 HLP$M_LIBRARY = '0400'X ! 2, HLP$M_NOHLPTXT = '01'X ! 3, HLP$M_NOTTERM = '4000'X ! 4, HLP$M_OTHERINFO= '04'X ! 5, HLP$M_OUTPUT = '0200'X ! 6, HLP$M_PAGE = '0100'X ! 7, HLP$M_PAGEDEF = '1000'X ! 8, HLP$M_PMPTDEF = '2000'X !A 9, HLP$M_PROCESS = 'f02'X !Default searching for process default ! help libraries PARAMETER6 1 HLP$M_PROMPT = '01'X !Run HELP in prompting mode 2, HLP$M_SPARE1 = '40'X ! 3, HLP$M_SPARE2 = '80'X !@ 4, HLP$M_SYSTEM = '08'X !Default searching for system default ! help libraries 5, HLP$V_ALL = '0B'X ! 6, HLP$V_GROUP = '02'X ! 7, HLP$V_HELP = '05'X ! 8, HLP$V_KEYNAMLIN= '01'X ! 9, HLP$V_LIBLIST = '04'X ! PARAMETER 1 HLP$V_LIBRARY = '0A'X ! 2, HLP$V_NOHLPTXT = '00'X ! 3, HLP$V_NOTTERM = '0E'X ! 4, HLP$V_OTHERINFO= '02'X ! 5, HLP$V_OUTPUT = '09'X ! 6, HLP$V_PAGE = '08'X ! 7, HLP$V_PAGEDEF = '0C'X ! 8, HLP$V_PMPTDEF = '0D'X ! 9, HLP$V_PROCESS = '01'X ! PARAMETER 1 HLP$V_PROMPT = '00'X ! 2, HLP$V_SPARE1 = '06'X ! 3, HLP$V_SPARE2 = '07'X ! 4, HLP$V_SYSTEM = '03'X !CC End of $HLPDEF module.Cwwh` | C+ $IODEF/C Module ($IODEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.;C Defines symbols for the I/O function codes and modifiers.C-:C Extracted $IODEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982CCC Function modifer masks (device specific preceeded by device name)C PARAMETER 1 IO$K_LOOPTEST = 'E000'X ! 2, IO$K_PTPBSC = '2000'X ! 3, IO$K_SRRUNOUT = '00'X !C 4, IO$M_ABORT = '0100'X !NET - disconnect abort/connect reject 5, IO$M_ACCEPT = '80'X !- 6, IO$M_ACCES iS = '40'X !ACP - access file: 7, IO$M_ATTNAST = '0100'X !DMC/Comm - attention AST set1 8, IO$M_BINARY = '40'X !CR - binary card read7 9, IO$M_CANCTRLO = '40'X !TT write - cancel control O PARAMETER7 1 IO$M_CECYL = '0400'X !DR - CE cylinder modifier9 2, IO$M_CLEAR = '1000'X !3271 - zero status counters 3, IO$M_CLR_COUNT = '0400'X ! 4, IO$M_CNTRLENTRY= '80'X !< 5, IO$M_COMMOD = '40'X !DR - diagnostic command modifier- 6, IO$M_CREATE = '80'X !ACP - create file j 7, IO$M_CTRL = '0200'X !4 8, IO$M_CTRLCAST = '0100'X !TT set - control C AST2 9, IO$M_CTRLYAST = '80'X !TT set - control Y AST PARAMETER: 1 IO$M_CVTLOW = '0100'X !TT read - convert lower caseC 2, IO$M_CYCLE = '1000'X !DR11W - set 'CYCLE' bit in device CSR= 3, IO$M_DATACHECK = '4000'X !write check data after transferD 4, IO$M_DATAPATH = '0400'X !DR11W - change UBA datapatch (dir/buf)< 5, IO$M_DELDATA = '40'X !DY - write deleted data modifier/ 6, IO$M_DELETE = '0100'X ! kACP - delete file6 7, IO$M_DIAGNOSTIC= '0100'X !DR - diagnostic function3 8, IO$M_DMOUNT = '0400'X !ACP - dismount volume7 9, IO$M_DSABLMBX = '0400'X !TT read - disable mailbox PARAMETER 1 IO$M_DSABL_ALT = '1000'X !4 2, IO$M_ENABLMBX = '80'X !TT writ - enable mailbox 3, IO$M_ENABL_ALT = '0800'X ! 4, IO$M_ESCAPE = '4000'X ! 5, IO$M_EXTEND = '8000'X !6 6, IO$M_FCODE = '3F'X !mask for I/O function code 7, IO$M_FORCE = '40'X !? 8, IO$M_HANGUP = '0200'X !TT set - l set mode and hangup line 9, IO$M_INCLUDE = '0800'X ! PARAMETER3 1 IO$M_INHERLOG = '0800'X !inhibit error loggingE 2, IO$M_INHEXTGAP = '1000'X !Tape - inhibit extended interrecord gap1 3, IO$M_INHRETRY = '8000'X !inhibit error retryE 4, IO$M_INHSEEK = '1000'X !inhibit implied seek on physical funcs. 5, IO$M_INTCLOCK = '1000'X !9 6, IO$M_INTERRUPT = '40'X !NET - write interrupt messageB 7, IO$M_INTSKIP = '0100'X !Tape - internal skip record function 8, IO$M_LASTBLOCK = '04m00'X ! 9, IO$M_LINE_OFF = '0200'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$M_LINE_ON = '0800'X ! 2, IO$M_LOOP = '80'X ! 3, IO$M_LOOP_EXT = '1000'X !9 4, IO$M_LPBEXT = '2000'X !3271 - loopback is externalA 5, IO$M_LPBINT = '4000'X !3271 - loopback is internal (DUP11) 6, IO$M_MAINT = '40'X ! 7, IO$M_MAINTLOOP = '0200'X ! 8, IO$M_MORE = '40'X !0 9, IO$M_MOUNT = '0200'X !ACP - mount volume PARAMETER6 1 IO$M_MOVETRACKD= '80'X !DR - move track descriptor 2, IO$M_MULTIPLE = ' n0100'X ! 3, IO$M_NOCTSWAIT = '40'X ! 4, IO$M_NODSRWAIT = '0100'X !- 5, IO$M_NOECHO = '40'X !TT read - no echo1 6, IO$M_NOFILTR = '0200'X !TT read - no filter= 7, IO$M_NOFORMAT = '0100'X !TT write - do not format output 8, IO$M_NOMRSP = '40'X !D 9, IO$M_NOW = '40'X !MBX - do not wait for operation complete PARAMETERA 1 IO$M_NOWAIT = '80'X !Tape - no wait for rewind to completeD 2, IO$M_OPPOSITE = '0200'X !Tape - opposite bit for rereads (TS11) 3, IO$M_OUTBAND = o '0400'X !1 4, IO$M_PACKED = '80'X !CR - packed card read7 5, IO$M_PURGE = '0800'X !TT read - purge typeahead 6, IO$M_QUALIFIED = '80'X ! 7, IO$M_RD_COUNT = '0100'X ! 8, IO$M_RD_MEM = '40'X ! 9, IO$M_RD_MODEM = '80'X ! PARAMETER? 1 IO$M_READATTN = '80'X !MBX - request AST on waiting reader8 2, IO$M_READCSR = '8000'X !3271 - read CSR's on DUP11 3, IO$M_REDIRECT = '40'X !B 4, IO$M_REFRESH = '2000'X !TT read - Control-R interrupted read2 5, IO$M_RESET = '0800'X p !DR11W - device reset4 6, IO$M_REVERSE = '40'X !Tape - reverse operation? 7, IO$M_SETBSIZE = '0200'X !3271 - set a new max. buffer size9 8, IO$M_SETCUADR = '0100'X !3271 - set a new CU address: 9, IO$M_SETENQCNT = '0800'X !3271 set a new ENQ threshold PARAMETER: 1 IO$M_SETEVF = '40'X !LPA - startdata set event flagC 2, IO$M_SETFNCT = '0200'X !DR11W - set 'FNCT' bits in device CSR8 3, IO$M_SETPOOLSZ = '0400'X !3271 - set a new pool size 4, IO$M_SETPROT = '0200'X ! 5, IO$M_S qET_MODEM = '0400'X !8 6, IO$M_SHUTDOWN = '80'X !DMC/Comm - set stop protocol> 7, IO$M_SKPSECINH = '0200'X !DR - skip sectr inhibit modifier 8, IO$M_SLAVLOOP = '80'X !9 9, IO$M_STARTUP = '40'X !DMC/Comm - set start protocol PARAMETER6 1 IO$M_SWAP = '0400'X !Tape - swap bytes (TS11): 2, IO$M_SYNCH = '0200'X !NET - synchronous disconnect+ 3, IO$M_TIMED = '80'X !TT read - timedB 4, IO$M_TRMNOECHO = '1000'X !TT read - terminators are not echoed; 5, IO$M_TYPEAHDCNT= '40'X !TTr sens - typeahead information 6, IO$M_UNLOOP = '0100'X !A 7, IO$M_WORD = '40'X !DR11W - word interrupt/block DMA modeA 8, IO$M_WRTATTN = '0100'X !MBX - request AST on waiting writerC7 9, IO$S_FCODE = '06'X !Size of function code fieldC'C Function modifier bit offsets/numbersC PARAMETER 1 IO$V_ABORT = '08'X ! 2, IO$V_ACCEPT = '07'X ! 3, IO$V_ACCESS = '06'X ! 4, IO$V_ATTNAST = '08'X ! 5, IO$V_BINARY = '06'X ! 6, IO$V_CANCTRLO = '06'X ! 7s, IO$V_CECYL = '0A'X ! 8, IO$V_CLEAR = '0C'X ! 9, IO$V_CLR_COUNT = '0A'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_CNTRLENTRY= '07'X ! 2, IO$V_COMMOD = '06'X ! 3, IO$V_CREATE = '07'X ! 4, IO$V_CTRL = '09'X ! 5, IO$V_CTRLCAST = '08'X ! 6, IO$V_CTRLYAST = '07'X ! 7, IO$V_CVTLOW = '08'X ! 8, IO$V_CYCLE = '0C'X ! 9, IO$V_DATACHECK = '0E'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_DATAPATH = '0A'X ! 2, IO$V_DELDATA = '06'X ! 3, IO$V_DELETE = '08'X ! 4, IO$V_DIAGNOSTIC= '08'X ! 5, tIO$V_DMOUNT = '0A'X ! 6, IO$V_DSABLMBX = '0A'X ! 7, IO$V_DSABL_ALT = '0C'X ! 8, IO$V_ENABLMBX = '07'X ! 9, IO$V_ENABL_ALT = '0B'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_ESCAPE = '0E'X ! 2, IO$V_EXTEND = '0F'X != 3, IO$V_FCODE = '00'X !offset to I/O function code field 4, IO$V_FORCE = '06'X ! 5, IO$V_HANGUP = '09'X ! 6, IO$V_INCLUDE = '0B'X ! 7, IO$V_INHERLOG = '0B'X ! 8, IO$V_INHEXTGAP = '0C'X ! 9, IO$V_INHRETRY = '0F'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_INHSEEK = '0C'X ! 2u, IO$V_INTCLOCK = '0C'X ! 3, IO$V_INTERRUPT = '06'X ! 4, IO$V_INTSKIP = '08'X ! 5, IO$V_LASTBLOCK = '0A'X ! 6, IO$V_LINE_OFF = '09'X ! 7, IO$V_LINE_ON = '0B'X ! 8, IO$V_LOOP = '07'X ! 9, IO$V_LOOP_EXT = '0C'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_LPBEXT = '0D'X ! 2, IO$V_LPBINT = '0E'X ! 3, IO$V_MAINT = '06'X ! 4, IO$V_MAINTLOOP = '09'X ! 5, IO$V_MORE = '06'X ! 6, IO$V_MOUNT = '09'X ! 7, IO$V_MOVETRACKD= '07'X ! 8, IO$V_MULTIPLE = '08'X ! 9, IO$V_NOCTSWAvIT = '06'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_NODSRWAIT = '08'X ! 2, IO$V_NOECHO = '06'X ! 3, IO$V_NOFILTR = '09'X ! 4, IO$V_NOFORMAT = '08'X ! 5, IO$V_NOMRSP = '06'X ! 6, IO$V_NOW = '06'X ! 7, IO$V_NOWAIT = '07'X ! 8, IO$V_OPPOSITE = '09'X ! 9, IO$V_OUTBAND = '0A'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_PACKED = '07'X ! 2, IO$V_PURGE = '0B'X ! 3, IO$V_QUALIFIED = '07'X ! 4, IO$V_RD_COUNT = '08'X ! 5, IO$V_RD_MEM = '06'X ! 6, IO$V_RD_MODEM = '07'X ! 7, IO$V_READATTN w = '07'X ! 8, IO$V_READCSR = '0F'X ! 9, IO$V_REDIRECT = '06'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_REFRESH = '0D'X ! 2, IO$V_RESET = '0B'X ! 3, IO$V_REVERSE = '06'X ! 4, IO$V_SETBSIZE = '09'X ! 5, IO$V_SETCUADR = '08'X ! 6, IO$V_SETENQCNT = '0B'X ! 7, IO$V_SETEVF = '06'X ! 8, IO$V_SETFNCT = '09'X ! 9, IO$V_SETPOOLSZ = '0A'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_SETPROT = '09'X ! 2, IO$V_SET_MODEM = '0A'X ! 3, IO$V_SHUTDOWN = '07'X ! 4, IO$V_SKPSECINH = '09'X ! 5, IO$V_SLAVLOOP =x '07'X ! 6, IO$V_STARTUP = '06'X ! 7, IO$V_SWAP = '0A'X ! 8, IO$V_SYNCH = '09'X ! 9, IO$V_TIMED = '07'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$V_TRMNOECHO = '0C'X ! 2, IO$V_TYPEAHDCNT= '06'X ! 3, IO$V_UNLOOP = '08'X ! 4, IO$V_WORD = '06'X ! 5, IO$V_WRTATTN = '08'X !CIC I/O function codes (PHY=physical I/O, LOG=logical I/O, VIR=virtual I/O)C- 6, IO$_ACCESS = '32'X !VIR - access file3 7, IO$_ACPCONTROL = '38'X !VIR - misc. ACP control 8, IO$_AVAILABLE = '11'X ! y, 9, IO$_CLEAN = '1E'X !PHY - clean tape PARAMETERA 1 IO$_CONINTREAD = '3C'X !VIR - connect to interrupt (readonly)A 2, IO$_CONINTWRITE= '3D'X !VIR - connect to interrupt with write- 3, IO$_CREATE = '33'X !VIR - create file/ 4, IO$_DEACCESS = '34'X !VIR - deaccess file- 5, IO$_DELETE = '35'X !VIR - delete file* 6, IO$_DIAGNOSE = '1D'X !PHY - diagnose- 7, IO$_DRVCLR = '04'X !PHY - drive clearB 8, IO$_DSE = '15'X !PHY - data security erase (and rewind) 9, zIO$_ENDRU1 = '3A'X ! PARAMETER 1 IO$_ENDRU2 = '3B'X !, 2, IO$_ERASETAPE = '06'X !PHY - erase tape 3, IO$_FORCE = '37'X !( 4, IO$_FORMAT = '1E'X !PHY - format, 5, IO$_INITIALIZE = '04'X !PHY - initialize0 6, IO$_LOADMCODE = '01'X !PHY - load microcodeC 7, IO$_LOGICAL = '2F'X !LOG - highest logical I/O function code- 8, IO$_MODIFY = '36'X !VIR - modify file. 9, IO$_MOUNT = '39'X !VIR - mount volume PARAMETER 1 IO$_NETCONTROL = '36'X !. 2, IO$_NOP { = '00'X !PHY - no operation3 3, IO$_OFFSET = '06'X !PHY - offset read heads2 4, IO$_PACKACK = '08'X !PHY - pack acknowledgeD 5, IO$_PHYSICAL = '1F'X !PHY - highest physical I/O function code4 6, IO$_QSTOP = '07'X !PHY - queue stop request1 7, IO$_RDSTATS = '0D'X !PHY - read statistics6 8, IO$_READHEAD = '0E'X !PHY - read header and data 9, IO$_READINIT = '3C'X ! PARAMETER4 1 IO$_READLBLK = '21'X !LOG - read logical block5 2, IO$_READPBLK = '0C'X !PHY - read p |hysical block/ 3, IO$_READPRESET = '19'X !PHY - readin preset; 4, IO$_READPROMPT = '37'X !VIR - read terminal with prompt1 5, IO$_READTRACKD = '10'X !PHY - read track data4 6, IO$_READVBLK = '31'X !VIR - read virtual block3 7, IO$_RECAL = '03'X !PHY - recalibrate drive. 8, IO$_RELEASE = '05'X !PHY - release port- 9, IO$_REREADN = '16'X !PHY - reread next PARAMETER1 1 IO$_REREADP = '17'X !PHY - reread previous6 2, IO$_RETCENTER = '07'X !PHY - return to centerline- 3 }, IO$_REWIND = '24'X !LOG - rewind tape= 4, IO$_REWINDOFF = '22'X !LOG - rewind tape and set offline3 5, IO$_SEARCH = '09'X !PHY - search for sector/ 6, IO$_SEEK = '02'X !PHY - seek cylinder< 7, IO$_SENSECHAR = '1B'X !PHY - sense tape characteristics1 8, IO$_SENSEMODE = '27'X !LOG - sense tape mode5 9, IO$_SETCHAR = '1A'X !PHY - set characteristics PARAMETER+ 1 IO$_SETCLOCK = '37'X !VIR - set clock6 2, IO$_SETCLOCKP = '05'X !PHY - set clock (physical)* 3, IO$_ ~SETMODE = '23'X !LOG - set mode, 4, IO$_SKIPFILE = '25'X !LOG - skip files. 5, IO$_SKIPRECORD = '26'X !LOG - skip records- 6, IO$_SPACEFILE = '02'X !PHY - space files/ 7, IO$_SPACERECORD= '09'X !PHY - space records, 8, IO$_STARTDATA = '38'X !VIR - start data@ 9, IO$_STARTDATAP = '06'X !PHY - start data transfer (physical) PARAMETER6 1 IO$_STARTMPROC = '02'X !PHY - start microprocessor/ 2, IO$_STARTSPNDL = '19'X !PHY - start spindle& 3, IO$_STOP = '03'X !PHY - stop7 4, IO$_ TTYREADALL = '3A'X !VIR - terminal read passall@ 5, IO$_TTYREADPALL= '3B'X !LOG - terminal read w/prompt passall. 6, IO$_UNLOAD = '01'X !PHY - unload drive> 7, IO$_VIRTUAL = '3F'X !VIR - highest virtual I/O function2 8, IO$_WRITECHECK = '0A'X !PHY - write check data= 9, IO$_WRITECHECKH= '18'X !PHY - write check header and data PARAMETER7 1 IO$_WRITEHEAD = '0D'X !PHY - write header and data5 2, IO$_WRITELBLK = '20'X !LOG - write logical block1 3, IO$_WRITEMARK = '1C'X !PHY - wr ite tape mark3 4, IO$_WRITEOF = '28'X !LOG - write end of file6 5, IO$_WRITEPBLK = '0B'X !PHY - write physical block- 6, IO$_WRITERET = '18'X !PHY - write retry2 7, IO$_WRITETRACKD= '0F'X !PHY - write track data5 8, IO$_WRITEVBLK = '30'X !VIR - write virtual block7 9, IO$_WRTTMKR = '1D'X !PHY - write tape mark retryCC End of $IODEF module.Cww< | C+ $JBCMSGDEF3C Module ($JBCMSGDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.DC Defines symbolic names for Job Controller status codes (JBC$_...).C-:C Extracted $JBCMSGDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_ACMINVOP = '00048088'X !" 2, JBC$_ACNTOPN = '00048478'X !" 3, JBC$_ACNTWRT = '00048480'X !" 4, JBC$_CLSJOB = '00040011'X !" 5, JBC$_CREPRCFAL = '000480B0'X !" 6, JBC$_CREQERR = '000484F0'X !" 7, JBC$_ENTQUE = '000484A8'X ! 8, JBC$_FACILITY = '04'X !" 9, JBC$_ILLDESQUE = '000480C8'X ! PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_ILLDEVNAM = '00048000'X !" 2, JBC$_ILLDEVTYP = '00048008'X !" 3, JBC$_ILLFILNAM = '00048010'X !" 4, JBC$_ILLQUENAM = '00048018'X !" 5, JBC$_INPASGN = '00048488'X !" 6, JBC$_INPREAD = '00048490'X !" 7, JBC$_INVMSG = '00048418'X !" 8, JBC$_INVSCT = '00048468'X !" 9, JBC$_JOBABORT = '00048080'X ! PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_JOBCRD = '000484B0'X !" 2, JBC$_LOSTREC = '00048438'X !" 3, JBC$_MAXSYMEXD = '000480A0'X !" 4, JBC$_MBASGN = '00048400'X !" 5, JBC$_MBDEAS = '00048460'X !" 6, JBC$_MBREAD = '00048408'X !" 7, JBC$_MBSETAST = '000484C8'X !" 8, JBC$_MBWRITE = '000484D0'X !" 9, JBC$_MULTREC = '00048430'X ! PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_NEWQUEUE = '000484F8'X !" 2, JBC$_NODESTQUE = '000480C0'X !" 3, JBC$_NOOPENJOB = '00048048'X !" 4, JBC$_NOPRIV = '00048020'X !" 5, JBC$_NOQUEHDR = '00048028'X !" 6, JBC$_NOQUESPACE= '00048030'X !" 7, JBC$_NORMAL = '00040001'X !" 8, JBC$_NOSUCHJOB = '00048040'X !" 9, JBC$_NOSUCHQUE = '00048038'X ! PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_OPENJOB = '00040009'X !" 2, JBC$_PARLENEXD = '00048090'X !" 3, JBC$_PASSCRD = '000484B8'X !" 4, JBC$_PRCREAT = '00048410'X !" 5, JBC$_PRINTOUT = '000484E0'X !" 6, JBC$_QUECNT = '00048428'X !" 7, JBC$_QUEERR = '00048458'X !" 8, JBC$_QUENOSTOP = '00048050'X !" 9, JBC$_QUEUPD = '000484E8'X ! PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_SCTERR = '00048450'X !" 2, JBC$_SCTTABFUL = '000480A8'X !" 3, JBC$_SMINVOPR = '00048058'X !" 4, JBC$_SMINVOPT = '00048060'X !" 5, JBC$_SMINVREQ = '00048068'X !" 6, JBC$_SMZEROJOB = '00048070'X !" 7, JBC$_SNDRESP = '00048420'X !" 8, JBC$_SYMBASN = '00048440'X !" 9, JBC$_SYMBCRE = '000484D8'X ! PARAMETER" 1 JBC$_SYMBDSAB = '00048078'X !" 2, JBC$_SYMBWRT = '00048448'X !" 3, JBC$_SYMDEL = '00048470'X !" 4, JBC$_SYMNTBFUL = '000480B8'X !" 5, JBC$_TRMMBXUSE = '00048098'X !" 6, JBC$_UAFOPN = '000484A0'X !" 7, JBC$_UNESYMMSG = '000484C0'X !" 8, JBC$_USERVAL = '00048498'X !CC End of $JBCMSGDEF module.Cww t`M | C+ $XABFHCDEF 3C Module ($XABFHCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMSAC file header characteristics extended attributes block (XABFHC).$C->C Extracted $XABFHCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER9 1 XAB$B_ATR = '09'X !Record attributes (FAB$B_RAT) : 2, XAB$B_HSZ = '17'X !Fixed length control area size ! (FAB$B_FSZ)? 3, XAB$B_RFO = '08'X !File organization and record for`=M | C+ $JPIDEF1C Modules ($JPIDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.GC Defines symbols for the item constants of the $GETJPI system service.C-;C Extracted $JPIDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 JPI$C_ADRTYPE = '01'X ! 2, JPI$C_CTLTYPE = '02'X ! 3, JPI$C_LISTEND = '00'X ! 4, JPI$C_PCBTYPE = '03'X ! 5, JPI$C_PHDTYPE = '04'X !C3C Item identifier codes for Job/Process InformationC1 6, JPI$_ACCOUNT = '0203'X !account name string5 7 , JPI$_APTCNT = '030A'X !active page table count< 8, JPI$_ASTACT = '0300'X !access modes with active AST's1 9, JPI$_ASTCNT = '030E'X !remaining AST quota PARAMETER= 1 JPI$_ASTEN = '0301'X !access modes with AST's enabled- 2, JPI$_ASTLM = '0409'X !AST limit quota@ 3, JPI$_AUTHPRI = '0418'X !maximum priority a process can use3 4, JPI$_AUTHPRIV = '0412'X !authorized privileges: 5, JPI$_BIOCNT = '030F'X !remaining buffered I/O quota6 6, JPI$_BIOLM = '0310'X !buff ered I/O limit quota> 7, JPI$_BUFIO = '040C'X !count of buffered I/O operationsE 8, JPI$_BYTCNT = '0311'X !remaining buffered I/O byte count quotaA 9, JPI$_BYTLM = '031A'X !buffered I/O byte count limit quota PARAMETER, 1 JPI$_CPULIM = '040D'X !CPU time limit2 2, JPI$_CPUTIM = '0407'X !accumulated CPU time0 3, JPI$_CURPRIV = '0400'X !current privileges= 4, JPI$_DFPFC = '0406'X !default page fault cluster size6 5, JPI$_DFWSCNT = '0403'X !default working set size8 6, JPI$_DIOCNT = '0312'X !remaining direct I/O quota4 7, JPI$_DIOLM = '0313'X !direct I/O limit quota8 8, JPI$_DIRIO = '040B'X !direct I/O operation count4 9, JPI$_EFCS = '0317'X !local event flags 0-31 PARAMETER5 1 JPI$_EFCU = '0318'X !local event flags 32-632 2, JPI$_EFWM = '0316'X !event flag wait mask: 3, JPI$_ENQCNT = '031F'X !lock request quota remaining0 4, JPI$_ENQLM = '0320'X !Lock request quota7 5, JPI$_EXCVEC = '0100'X !list of exception vect ors7 6, JPI$_FILCNT = '0314'X !remaining open file quota- 7, JPI$_FILLM = '040F'X !open file quota9 8, JPI$_FINALEXC = '0101'X !final exception vector listA 9, JPI$_FREP0VA = '0404'X !first free page at end of P0 region PARAMETERA 1 JPI$_FREP1VA = '0405'X !first free page at end of P1 regionA 2, JPI$_FREPTECNT = '0415'X !Number of pages available to expand> 3, JPI$_GPGCNT = '030C'X !global page count in working set1 4, JPI$_GRP = '0308'X !group number of UIC: 5 , JPI$_IMAGECOUNT= '041A'X !count of executed images (?)0 6, JPI$_IMAGNAME = '0207'X !current image name@ 7, JPI$_IMAGPRIV = '0413'X !current image installed privileges: 8, JPI$_JOBPRCCNT = '031E'X !number of subprocesses owned 9, JPI$_LASTADR = '0102'X ! PARAMETER 1 JPI$_LASTCTL = '0209'X ! 2, JPI$_LASTPCB = '0322'X ! 3, JPI$_LASTPHD = '041B'X !3 4, JPI$_LOGINTIM = '0206'X !process creation time2 5, JPI$_MEM = '0307'X !member number of UIC9 6, JPI$_OWNER = '0303 'X !process id of owner process2 7, JPI$_PAGEFLTS = '040A'X !count of page faults7 8, JPI$_PAGFILCNT = '0414'X !current paging file usage2 9, JPI$_PAGFILLOC = '0419'X !paging file location PARAMETER- 1 JPI$_PGFLQUOTA = '040E'X !page file quota4 2, JPI$_PID = '0319'X !process identification? 3, JPI$_PPGCNT = '030D'X !process page count in working set3 4, JPI$_PRCCNT = '031B'X !count of subprocesses. 5, JPI$_PRCLM = '0408'X !subprocess quota* 6, JPI$_PRCNAM = '031C'X !process name6 7, JPI$_PRI = '0302'X !current process priority5 8, JPI$_PRIB = '0309'X !process's base priority0 9, JPI$_PROCPRIV = '0204'X !default privileges PARAMETERA 1 JPI$_SITESPEC = '0208'X !contents of pre-proc. site-spec. lw+ 2, JPI$_STATE = '0306'X !process state2 3, JPI$_STS = '0305'X !process status flags4 4, JPI$_SWPFILLOC = '0321'X !swapping file location1 5, JPI$_TERMINAL = '031D'X !login terminal name= 6, JPI$_TMBU = '030B'X !termination ma ilbox unit number? 7, JPI$_TQCNT = '0315'X !remaining timer queue entry quota5 8, JPI$_TQLM = '0410'X !timer queue entry quota+ 9, JPI$_UIC = '0304'X !process's UIC PARAMETER. 1 JPI$_USERNAME = '0202'X !user name string7 2, JPI$_VIRTPEAK = '0200'X !peak virtual address size@ 3, JPI$_VOLUMES = '0205'X !count of currently mounted volumesA 4, JPI$_WSAUTH = '0401'X !maximum authorized working set sizeC 5, JPI$_WSAUTHEXT = '0417'X !maximum authorized working set exten t8 6, JPI$_WSEXTENT = '0416'X !current working set extent. 7, JPI$_WSPEAK = '0201'X !working set peak< 8, JPI$_WSQUOTA = '0402'X !current working set size quota6 9, JPI$_WSSIZE = '0411'X !current working set sizeCC End of $JPIDEF module.Cwwyd | C+ $LBRDEF/C Module ($LBRDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB4C Defines symbolic names for constants used with theC LIBRARIAN utility routines.C-;C Extracted $LBRDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 LBR$C_ADDMOD = '01'X !3 2, LBR$C_CREATE = '00'X !Create library function 3, LBR$C_DEFENTALL= '012C'X ! 4, LBR$C_DELMOD = '02'X ! 5, LBR$C_DEXTQ = '32'X ! 6, LBR$C_FLSHBFSIZ= '01'X ! 7, LBR$C_FLUSHALL = '00'X ! 8, LBR$C_FLUSHDATA= '01'X ! 9, LBR$C_HASHSIZE = '0200'X ! PARAMETER 1 LBR$C_MAXCTL = '10'X ! 2, LBR$C_MAXFUNC = '02'X ! 3, LBR$C_MAXHDRSIZ= '80'X ! 4, LBR$C_MAXIDXRD = '14'X ! 5, LBR$C_MAXKEYLEN= '80'X ! 6, LBR$C_MAXLUHREC= '8000'X ! 7, LBR$C_MAXREAD = '32'X ! 8, LBR$C_MAXRECSIZ= '0800'X ! 9, LBR$C_MEMXTRA = '32'X ! PARAMETER 1 LBR$C_MINREAD = '02'X ! 2, LBR$C_PAGESIZE = '0200'X ! 3, LBR$C_PUTBUFSIZ= '1E'X !1 4, LBR$C_READ = '01'X !Read library function 5, LBR$C_REPMOD = ' 03'X ! 6, LBR$C_RETRYOPEN= '1E'X ! 7, LBR$C_RETRYWAIT= '01'X ! 8, LBR$C_TEXTPAGE = '01FC'X ! 9, LBR$C_TYP_DECMX= '05'X ! PARAMETER- 1 LBR$C_TYP_HLP = '03'X !HELP library type. 2, LBR$C_TYP_MLB = '02'X !MACRO library type? 3, LBR$C_TYP_OBJ = '01'X !OBJECT/Shareable image library typeA 4, LBR$C_TYP_RDEC = '7F'X !Types reserved to Digital (upper lmt)8 5, LBR$C_TYP_SHSTB= '05'X !Shareable image library type- 6, LBR$C_TYP_TXT = '04'X !Text library type< 7, LBR$C_TYP_UNK = '00'X ! Unknown/Unspecified library typeA 8, LBR$C_TYP_USRHI= 'FF'X !User-defined library type (upper lmt)A 9, LBR$C_TYP_USRLW= '80'X !User-defined library type (lower lmt) PARAMETER3 1 LBR$C_UPDATE = '02'X !Update library functionCC End of $LBRDEF module.Cww@j | C+ $LCKDEF0C Module ($LCKDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.:C Defines lock mode request codes and the bits of the lock8C characteristics for the $ENQ and $DEQ system services.C-;C Extracted $LCKDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERC C Lock modesC+ 1 LCK$K_CRMODE = '01'X !concurrent read, 2, LCK$K_CWMODE = '02'X !concurrent write* 3, LCK$K_EXMODE = '05'X !exclusive lock% 4, LCK$K_NLMODE = '00'X !null lock* 5, LCK$K_PRMODE = '03'X !protected read+ 6, LCK$K_PWMODE = '04'X !protected writeCC Lock characteristics bitsC 7, LCK$M_CONVERT = '02'X ! 8, LCK$M_DEQALL = '01'X ! 9, LCK$M_NOQUEUE = '04'X ! PARAMETER 1 LCK$M_SYNCSTS = '08'X ! 2, LCK$M_SYSTEM = '10'X ! 3, LCK$M_VALBLK = '01'X !: 4, LCK$V_CONVERT = '01'X !A lock conversion is performed 5, LCK$V_DEQALL = '00'X !; 6, LCK$V_NOQUEUE = '02'X !Not queued if cannot be granted> 7, LCK$V_SYNCSTS = '03'X !Returns synchronous success status5 8, LCK$V_SYSTEM = '04'X !System-wide resource name? 9, LCK$V_VALBLK = '00'X !Lock status followed by value blockCC End of $LCKDEF module.Cww `r | C+ MSGTYPDEF2C Module (MSGTYPDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.DC MSGTYPDEF defines the ACNET message type code symbols for FORTRAN.CAC HDR_K_LENGTH gives the length of the message header in bytes3C MSG_K_REPLY gives the Reply message type code%C MSG_K_RPY same as MSG_K_REPLY5C MSG_K_REQUEST gives the Request message type code'C MSG_K_REQ same as MSG_K_REQUESTAC MSG_K_UNSOLIC gives the Unsolicited Special Message type code'C MSG_K_USM same as MSG_K_UNSOLICCC- PARAMETER: 1 HDR_K_LENGTH = 14 !Length of message header in bytes* 2, MSG_K_REPLY = 2 !Reply message type, 3, MSG_K_REQUEST = 1 !Request message type> 4, MSG_K_UNSOLIC = 0 !Unsolicited special message type (USM) 5, MSG_K_REQ = 1 ! 6, MSG_K_RPY = 2 ! 7, MSG_K_USM = 0 !CC End of MSGTYPDEF module.Cww`@s | C+ $MTDEF/C Module ($MTDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.0C Defines magtape device status bits and fields.C-:C Extracted $MTDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C"C Definitions of values for fieldsC PARAMETER3 1 MT$K_CORDMP11 = '0D'X !PDP-11 core dump format2 2, MT$K_DEFAULT = '00'X !default format/density/ 3, MT$K_GCR_6250 = '05'X !GCR 625 bpi density0 4, MT$K_NORMAL11 = '0C'X !normal PDP-11 format0 5, MT$K_NORMAL15 = '0E'X !normal PDP-15 format 0 6, MT$K_NRZI_800 = '03'X !NZRI 800 bpi density/ 7, MT$K_PE_1600 = '04'X !PE 1600 bpi densityC$C Definitions of bit and field masksC6 8, MT$M_BOT = '00010000'X !at beginning of tape: 9, MT$M_DENSITY = '1F00'X !recording density field mask PARAMETER0 1 MT$M_EOF = '00020000'X !at end of file0 2, MT$M_EOT = '00040000'X !at end of tape7 3, MT$M_FORMAT = 'F0'X !recording format field mask> 4, MT$M_HWL = '00080000'X !tape is hardware writelocked 5, MT$M_LOGSOFT = '4000'X ! 6, MT$M_LOGSOFTOG = '8000'X !4 7, MT$M_LOST = '00100000'X !tape position lost9 8, MT$M_PARITY = '08'X !parity select (0=odd, 1=even)CC Definition of field sizesC= 9, MT$S_DENSITY = '05'X !recording density and method size PARAMETER1 1 MT$S_FORMAT = '04'X !recording format sizeC+C Definition of offsets for bits and fieldsC 2, MT$V_BOT = '10'X != 3, MT$V_DENSITY = '08'X !offset to recording density field 4, MT$V_EOF = ' 11'X ! 5, MT$V_EOT = '12'X !< 6, MT$V_FORMAT = '04'X !offset to recording format field 7, MT$V_HWL = '13'X ! 8, MT$V_LOGSOFT = '0E'X ! 9, MT$V_LOGSOFTOG = '0F'X ! PARAMETER 1 MT$V_LOST = '14'X ! 2, MT$V_PARITY = '03'X !CC End of $MTDEF module.Cww:{ | C+ $NAMDEF0C Module ($NAMDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.@C Defines offsets and codes for the VAX-11 RMS Name Block (NAM).C-;C Extracted $NAMDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte-wide field offsets:C> 1 NAM$B_BID = '00'X !Control block identification field6 2, NAM$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length field0 3, NAM$B_DEV = '39'X !Device string length 4, NAM$B_DID_NMX = '2F'X ! 5, NAM$B_DID_RVN = '2E'X !3 6, NAM$B_ DIR = '3A'X !Directory string length0 7, NAM$B_ESL = '0B'X !Expand string length5 8, NAM$B_ESS = '0A'X !Expanded string area size 9, NAM$B_FID_NMX = '29'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$B_FID_RVN = '28'X !3 2, NAM$B_NAME = '3B'X !File name string length: 3, NAM$B_NODE = '38'X !DECnet node name string length 4, NAM$B_NOP = '08'X ! 5, NAM$B_RFS = '09'X !3 6, NAM$B_RSL = '03'X !Resultant string length6 7, NAM$B_RSS = '02'X !Resultant string area size3 8, NAM$B_TYPE = '3C'X !File type string length6 9, NAM$B_VER = '3D'X !File version string length PARAMETERCC Constant definitions:C9 1 NAM$C_BID = '02'X !NAM block identification code, 2, NAM$C_BLN = '60'X !NAM block length 3, NAM$C_BLN_DIRWC= '60'X ! 4, NAM$C_BLN_V2 = '38'X ! 5, NAM$C_DVI = '10'X ! 6, NAM$C_FCS11 = '04'X ! 7, NAM$C_MAXRSS = 'FC'X ! 8, NAM$C_MAXRSSLCL= 'FC'X ! 9, NAM$C_RMS11 = '01'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$C_RMS20 = '02'X ! 2, NAM$C_RMS32 = '03'X ! 3, NAM$C_RT11FS = '05'X ! 4, NAM$C_TOPS10FS = '08'X ! 5, NAM$C_TOPS20FS = '07'X ! 6, NAM$C_UFS = '00'X !, 7, NAM$K_BLN = '60'X !NAM block length 8, NAM$K_BLN_DIRWC= '60'X ! 9, NAM$K_BLN_V2 = '38'X ! PARAMETERCC Longword field offsets:C1 1 NAM$L_DEV = '44'X !Device string address4 2, NAM$L_DIR = '48'X !Directory string address8 3, NAM$L_ESA = '0C'X !Expanded string area address1 4, NAM$L_FNB = '34'X !File name status bits4 5, NAM$L_NAME = '4C'X !File name string address6 6, NAM$L_NODE = '40'X !DECnet node string address: 7, NAM$L_RLF = '10'X !Related file NAM block address9 8, NAM$L_RSA = '04'X !Resultant string area address4 9, NAM$L_TYPE = '50'X !File type string address PARAMETER7 1 NAM$L_VER = '54'X !File version string address, 2, NAM$L_WCC = '30'X !Wildcard contextCC Bit and field masks:C 3, NAM$M_CNCL_DEV = '1000'X !" 4, NAM$M_DIR_LVLS = '00E00000'X ! 5, NAM$M_EXP_DEV = '80'X ! 6, NAM$M_EXP_DIR = '40'X ! 7, NAM$M_EXP_NAME = '04'X ! 8, NAM$M_EXP_TYPE = '02'X ! 9, NAM$M_EXP_VER = '01'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NAM$M_GRP_MBR = '00080000'X ! 2, NAM$M_HIGHVER = '8000'X !" 3, NAM$M_IFI = '00010000'X ! 4, NAM$M_LOWVER = '4000'X !" 5, NAM$M_NODE = '00020000'X !" 6, NAM$M_PPF = '00010000'X ! 7, NAM$M_PWD = '01'X !" 8, NAM$M_QUOTED = '00040000'X ! 9, NAM$M_ROD = '02'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$M_ROOT_DIR = '2000'X ! 2, NAM$M_SOD = '04'X !" 3, NAM$M_SRCHNMF = '40000000'X !" 4, NAM$M_SVCTX = '80000000'X ! 5, NAM$M_WILDCARD = '0100'X !" 6, NAM$M_WILD_DIR = '00100000'X !" 7, NAM$M_WILD_GRP = '01000000'X !" 8, NAM$M_WILD_MBR = '02000000'X ! 9, NAM$M_WILD_NAME= '20'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NAM$M_WILD_SFD1= '02000000'X !" 2, NAM$M_WILD_SFD2= '04000000'X !" 3, NAM$M_WILD_SFD3= '08000000'X !" 4, NAM$M_WILD_SFD4= '10000000'X !" 5, NAM$M_WILD_SFD5= '20000000'X !" 6, NAM$M_WILD_SFD6= '40000000'X !" 7, NAM$M_WILD_SFD7= '80000000'X ! 8, NAM$M_WILD_TYPE= '10'X !" 9, NAM$M_WILD_UFD = '01000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$M_WILD_VER = '08'X !CC Field sizes (in bits):C 2, NAM$S_DID = '06'X !9 3, NAM$S_DIR_LVLS = '03'X !number of subdirectory levels 4, NAM$S_DVI = '10'X ! 5, NAM$S_FID = '06'X !CC Text field offset (?):C< 6, NAM$T_DVI = '14'X !Device identification (16 bytes)CC Bit and field offsets:C1 7, NAM$V_CNCL_DEV = '0C'X !concea led device name9 8, NAM$V_DIR_LVLS = '15'X !number of subdirectory levels3 9, NAM$V_EXP_DEV = '07'X !device name is explicit PARAMETER7 1 NAM$V_EXP_DIR = '06'X !directory spec. is explicit1 2, NAM$V_EXP_NAME = '02'X !file name is explicit1 3, NAM$V_EXP_TYPE = '01'X !file type is explicit6 4, NAM$V_EXP_VER = '00'X !version number is explicit< 5, NAM$V_GRP_MBR = '13'X !directory is group/member formatB 6, NAM$V_HIGHVER = '0F'X !higher-numbered version(s) of the file ! exists  7, NAM$V_IFI = '10'X !A 8, NAM$V_LOWVER = '0E'X !lower-numbered version(s) of the file ! exists> 9, NAM$V_NODE = '11'X !specification includes a node name PARAMETERD 1 NAM$V_PPF = '10'X !indirectly access process permanent file 2, NAM$V_PWD = '00'X !4 3, NAM$V_QUOTED = '12'X !includes a quoted string 4, NAM$V_ROD = '01'X !E 5, NAM$V_ROOT_DIR = '0D'X !device name incorporates a root directory 6, NAM$V_SOD = '02'X ! 7, NAM$V_SRCHNMF = '1E'X !  8, NAM$V_SVCTX = '1F'X != 9, NAM$V_WILDCARD = '08'X !specification incudes a wild card PARAMETER@ 1 NAM$V_WILD_DIR = '14'X !directory spec. includes a wild card= 2, NAM$V_WILD_GRP = '18'X !group number contains a wild card> 3, NAM$V_WILD_MBR = '19'X !member number contains a wild card: 4, NAM$V_WILD_NAME= '05'X !file name contains a wild cardA 5, NAM$V_WILD_SFD1= '19'X !subdire. 1 spec. contains a wild card 6, NAM$V_WILD_SFD2= '1A'X ! 7, NAM$V_WILD_SFD3= '1B'X ! 8, NAM$V_WILD_SFD4= '1C'X ! 9, NAM$V_WILD_SFD5= '1D'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$V_WILD_SFD6= '1E'X !A 2, NAM$V_WILD_SFD7= '1F'X !subdire. 7 spec. contains a wild card: 3, NAM$V_WILD_TYPE= '04'X !file type contains a wild card= 4, NAM$V_WILD_UFD = '18'X !user file directory specification ! includes a wild card? 5, NAM$V_WILD_VER = '03'X !version number contains a wild cardCC Word-wide field offsets:C> 6, NAM$W_DID = '2A'X !Directory identification (3 words)A 7, NAM$W_DID_NUM = '2A'X !Dire ctory identification: file numberB 8, NAM$W_DID_RVN = '2E'X !Directory identification: rel.vol.num.A 9, NAM$W_DID_SEQ = '2C'X !Directory identification: file seqno. PARAMETER8 1 NAM$W_FID = '24'X !File identification (3 words< 2, NAM$W_FID_NUM = '24'X !File identification: file number? 3, NAM$W_FID_RVN = '28'X !File identification: rel. vol. num.B 4, NAM$W_FID_SEQ = '26'X !File identification: file sequence no.CC End of $NAMDEF module.Cww ૞ |C+ $NETAGS_DEF4C Module ($NETAGS_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CC $NETAGS_DEF defines symbolic names for ACNET Global Status values C returned by the ACNET network.C- PARAMETER/ 1 NETAGS_K_ARG = -5631 !Missing argument(s)@ 2, NETAGS_K_BSY = -2047 !Destination busy, request not queued3 3, NETAGS_K_BUG = -11519 !Internal network error6 4, NETAGS_K_CAN = -6655 !Request has been cancelled6 5, NETAGS_K_DCN = -8703 !Replier being disconnected= 6, NETAGS_K_D WN = -10751 !Destination node down or offline6 7, NETAGS_K_END = +513 !Success: end multiple-reply PARAMETER8 1 NETAGS_K_FUL = -1791 !Destination busy, queue full+ 2, NETAGS_K_HIO = -10495 !Hard I/O error. 3, NETAGS_K_IEF = -6399 !Illegal event flag9 4, NETAGS_K_IVM = -5887 !Invalid message buffer/length9 5, NETAGS_K_L2E = -8959 !Level II ACNET Function error1 6, NETAGS_K_LCK = -7423 !Receive buffer locked4 7, NETAGS_K_NCN = -5375 !Not connected to network1 8, NETAGS _K_NCR = -7167 !Not connected for RUM9 9, NETAGS_K_NE1 = -11775 !Unspecified network error #1 PARAMETER9 1 NETAGS_K_NE2 = -12031 !Unspecified network error #29 2, NETAGS_K_NE3 = -12287 !Unspecified network error #3* 3, NETAGS_K_NLM = -511 !No local memory4 4, NETAGS_K_NOD = -7679 !No such destination node+ 5, NETAGS_K_NRM = -767 !No remote memory1 6, NETAGS_K_NSR = -6143 !No such request/reply4 7, NETAGS_K_NXE = -11263 !Non-translateable error" 8, NETAGS_K_PND = + 257 !Pending0 9, NETAGS_K_QPE = -1279 !Request packet error PARAMETER. 1 NETAGS_K_RIO = -255 !Retryable I/O error. 2, NETAGS_K_RPE = -1023 !Reply packet error3 3, NETAGS_K_RUM = -6911 !RUM name already existsA 4, NETAGS_K_SSR = +769 !Success: support software reply status) 5, NETAGS_K_SUC = 0 !Complete success1 6, NETAGS_K_SYS = -11007 !System service error+ 7, NETAGS_K_TMO = -1535 !Request timeout+ 8, NETAGS_K_TRP = -8191 !Truncated reply- 9, NETAGS_K_TRQ = -7935 !Truncated request PARAMETER4 1 NETAGS_K_TSK = -8447 !No such destination task? 2, NETAGS_K_USR = +1025 !Success: user software reply statusCC End of $NETAGS_DEF module.Cww G | C+ $NET_DEF1C Module ($NET_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.?C $NET_DEF defines symbolic names for the VAX/VMS ACNET network!C condition codes (signal names).C- PARAMETER" 1 NET__BUGCHECK = '08018014'X !" 2, NET__DISCONING = '080180C8'X !" 3, NET__ENDMLTRPY = '0801800B'X !" 4, NET__ILLACNCOD = '0801801C'X !" 5, NET__INCWRTPWD = '08018024'X !" 6, NET__IOERROR = '0801808A'X !" 7, NET__NOBUFFER = '08018092'X !" 8, NET__NOBUFR = '0801802C'X !" 9, NET__NOCTLBLK = '0801809A'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NET__NODEDOWN = '080180A2'X !" 2, NET__NOMEMRMT = '080180AA'X !" 3, NET__NOMSG = '08018034'X !" 4, NET__NORPYBUF = '0801803C'X !" 5, NET__NOSUCHREQ = '08018044'X !" 6, NET__NOTALLLCK = '08018054'X !" 7, NET__NOTALLMAP = '0801804C'X !" 8, NET__NOTCNCT = '0801805C'X !" 9, NET__NOTREQID = '08018064'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NET__NOTRPYID = '0801806C'X !" 2, NET__NOTRUM = '08018074'X !" 3, NET__REQPKTERR = '080180D0'X !" 4, NET__REQTBLFUL = '080180D8'X !" 5, NET__REQTRUNC = '080180E0'X !" 6, NET__RPYPKTERR = '080180F0'X !" 7, NET__RPYTBLFUL = '080180E8'X !" 8, NET__RPYTRUNC = '080180F8'X !" 9, NET__RUMLSTFUL = '080180B2'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NET__RUMNAMEXI = '080180BA'X !" 2, NET__SUPSINFO = '08018113'X !" 3, NET__SYSERR = '080180C2'X !" 4, NET__TASKBUSY = '08018100'X !" 5, NET__TOOLONG = '0801807C'X !" 6, NET__TSKLSTFUL = '08018084'X !" 7, NET__TSKQFUL = '08018108'X !" 8, NET__USRINFO = '0801811B'X !CC End of $NET_DEF module.Cww [ | C+ NODEDEFS1C Module (NODEDEFS) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.2C Files NODEDEFS.FOR in SYS$LIBRARY: and RSX$LIB:.>C NODEDEFS defines symbolic names for the ACNET logical nodes.C?C Nodes should always be specified symbolically though for ease=C of verifying conversions (ODT) some node definitions may be?C computed based on the MAC number used on the XEROX systems by'C adding the following decimal offsets:C#C Booster: add 30 to old MAC number8C MR/SY: add 30 to old MAC number (includes Beam Lines)(C SCRUB System: add 50 to old MAC numberCC-JC V2.0 03-Nov-82 FJN Added CNS17-24,deleted some MAC's,added some testC Front EndsAC V2.1 04-Nov-82 FJN Expand to 72 nodes, many test Front EndsCCC Logical node 0 is always the "local" node on which the program isEC actually running. This is used to communicate to the local network@C task/process or to other user tasks/processes via the network.C# PARAMETER LOCAL = 0 !Local systemCHC Console logical nodes. CNS9-24 are not in existence but are assigned!JC There is absolutely no implied mapping from logical to physical console!C PARAMETER CNS1 = 1 !Console #1 PARAMETER CNS2 = 2 !Console #2 PARAMETER CNS3 = 3 !Console #3 PARAMETER CNS4 = 4 !Console #4 PARAMETER CNS5 = 5 !Console #5 PARAMETER CNS6 = 6 !Console #6 PARAMETER CNS7 = 7 !Console #7 PARAMETER CNS8 = 8 !Console #8 PARAMETER CNS9 = 9 !Console #9# PARAMETER CNS10 = 10 !Console #10# PARAMETER CNS11 = 11 !Console #11# PARAMETER CNS12 = 12 !Console #12# PARAMETER CNS13 = 13 !Console #13# PARAMETER CNS14 = 14 !Console #14# PARAMETER CNS15 = 15 !Console #15# PARAMETER CNS16 = 16 !Console #16C# PARAMETER CNS17 = 64 !Console #17# PARAMETER CNS18 = 65 !Console #18# PARAMETER CNS19 = 66 !Console #19# PARAMETER CNS20 = 67 !Console #20# PARAMETER CNS21 = 68 !Console #21# PARAMETER CNS22 = 69 !Console #22# PARAMETER CNS23 = 70 !Console #23# PARAMETER CNS24 = 71 !Console #24CC VAX logical nodes.C. PARAMETER OPER = 17 !Operational Central VAX3 PARAMETER CDBS = 18 !Central Data Base System VAX& PARAMETER DEVL = 20 !Development VAXCC Front End logical nodesC' PARAMETER LINAC = 21 !Linac Front End* PARAMETER BOOSTR = 22 !Booster Front End6 PARAMETER MRING = 23 !Main Ring/Switchyard Front End( PARAMETER TEV = 24 !Tevatron Front End4 PARAMETER UTIL = 25 !Utility/Clock Crate Front End3 PARAMETER SWYD = 26 !Switchyard (clock) Front End2 PARAMETER PBAR = 27 !Antiproton Source Front End- PARAMETER TEVRF = 28 !Tevatron RF Front End8 PARAMETER CHL = 30 !Central Helium Liquifier Front End$ PARAMETER FIRUS = 54 !FIRUS systemCC MAC-16 Logical nodes.C PARAMETER MACA = 31 !MAC-A7 PARAMETER DECB = 32 !DEC-B MRPS System (via PDC link)) PARAMETER BTMAC = 34 !Beam Transfer MAC' PARAMETER MRRF = 35 !Main Ring RF MAC7 PARAMETER DECC = 38 !DEC-C MRPS System (via PDC link)0 PARAMETER SYMAC = 39 !Switchyard Auxiliary MAC# PARAMETER MRCURV = 41 !Curves MAC* PARAMETER T8GEV = 42 !8 Gev Transfer MACC, PARAMETER RFWEST = 43 !Booster RF West MAC, PARAMETER RFEAST = 44 !Booster RF East MAC+ PARAMETER SRLMAC = 46 !Booster Serial MACC) PARAMETER COOLMC = 53 !Cooling Ring MACC)C Experimental Beam Line Computer SystemsC, PARAMETER NEUTRN = 50 !Neutrino Laboratory( PARAMETER MESON = 51 !Meson Laboratory* PARAMETER PROTON = 52 !Proton LaboratoryC7C Logical nodes for te sting network and other software.C* PARAMETER TSTING = 49 !General Test NodeCC Test Front End logical nodesC- PARAMETER LINACT = 56 !Test Linac Front End/ PARAMETER BOOSTT = 57 !Test Booster Front End< PARAMETER MRINGT = 58 !Test Main Ring/Switchyard Front End. PARAMETER TEVT = 59 !Test Tevatron Front End: PARAMETER UTILT = 60 !Test Utility/Clock Crate Front End9 PARAMETER SWYDT = 61 !Test Switchyard (clock) Front End8 PARAMETER PBART = 62 !Test Antiproton Source Front End3 PARAMETER TEVRFT = 63 !Test Tevatron RF Front End: PARAMETER CHLT = 47 !Test Central He Liquifier Front End* PARAMETER FIRUST = 48 !Test FIRUS systemCC End of NODEDEFS module.Cww  | C+ $OPCDEF0C Module ($OPCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CC Defines symbols for the send-to-operator ($SNDOPR) system service;C including offsets into the message buffer (as constants).C-;C Extracted $OPCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER@ 1 OPC$B_MS_ENAB = '01'X !3 byte mask of enabled message types; 2, OPC$B_MS_TARGET= '01'X !3 byte mask of target operators+ 3, OPC$B_MS_TYPE = '00'X !type of message9 4, OPC$L_MS_MASK = '04'X !mask of enabled message types 5, OPC$L_MS_MAXSZ = '9A'X !5 6, OPC$L_MS_OTEXT = '1A'X !reply message text offsetA 7, OPC$L_MS_RPLYID= '04'X !id of message to which reply directedA 8, OPC$L_MS_RQSTID= '04'X !request message identification offset7 9, OPC$L_MS_TEXT = '08'X !request message text offset PARAMETER3 1 OPC$M_NM_CARDS = '20'X !mask for CARDS operator5 2, OPC$M_NM_CENTRL= '01'X !mask for CENTRAL operator> 3, OPC$M_NM_DEVICE= '10'X !mask for DEVICE status information2 4, OPC$M_NM_DIS KS = '08'X !mask for DISK operator5 5, OPC$M_NM_NTWORK= '40'X !mask for NETWORK operator6 6, OPC$M_NM_OPER1 = '1000'X !mask for operator type 1; 7, OPC$M_NM_OPER10= '00200000'X !mask for operator type 10; 8, OPC$M_NM_OPER11= '00400000'X !mask for operator type 11; 9, OPC$M_NM_OPER12= '00800000'X !mask for operator type 12 PARAMETER6 1 OPC$M_NM_OPER2 = '2000'X !mask for operator type 26 2, OPC$M_NM_OPER3 = '4000'X !mask for operator type 36 3, OPC$M_NM_OPER4 = '8000'X !mask for operator type 4: 4, OPC$M_NM_OPER5 = '00010000'X !mask for operator type 5: 5, OPC$M_NM_OPER6 = '00020000'X !mask for operator type 6: 6, OPC$M_NM_OPER7 = '00040000'X !mask for operator type 7: 7, OPC$M_NM_OPER8 = '00080000'X !mask for operator type 8: 8, OPC$M_NM_OPER9 = '00100000'X !mask for operator type 95 9, OPC$M_NM_PRINT = '02'X !mask for PRINTER operator PARAMETER3 1 OPC$M_NM_TAPES = '04'X !mask for TAPES operator 2, OPC$S_MS_OTEXT = '80'X !5 3, OPC$T_MS_ONAME = '0A'X !device name string offset9 4, OPC$V_NM_CARDS = '05'X !bit number for CARDS operator; 5, OPC$V_NM_CENTRL= '00'X !bit number for CENTRAL operator8 6, OPC$V_NM_DEVICE= '04'X !bit number for device status9 7, OPC$V_NM_DISKS = '03'X !bit number for DISKS operator; 8, OPC$V_NM_NTWORK= '06'X !bit number for NETWORK operator 9, OPC$V_NM_OPER1 = '0C'X ! PARAMETER 1 OPC$V_NM_OPER10= '15'X !; 2, OPC$V_NM_OPER11= '16'X !bit number for operator type 11; 3, OPC$V_NM_OPER12= '17'X !bit number for operator type 12 : 4, OPC$V_NM_OPER2 = '0D'X !bit number for operator type 2: 5, OPC$V_NM_OPER3 = '0E'X !bit number for operator type 3: 6, OPC$V_NM_OPER4 = '0F'X !bit number for operator type 4: 7, OPC$V_NM_OPER5 = '10'X !bit number for operator type 5: 8, OPC$V_NM_OPER6 = '11'X !bit number for operator type 6: 9, OPC$V_NM_OPER7 = '12'X !bit number for operator type 7 PARAMETER: 1 OPC$V_NM_OPER8 = '13'X !bit number for operator type 8: 2, OPC$V_NM_OPER9 = '14'X !bit number for operator type 9; 3, OPC$V_NM _PRINT = '01'X !bit number for PRINTER operator9 4, OPC$V_NM_TAPES = '02'X !bit number for TAPES operator7 5, OPC$W_MS_OUNIT = '08'X !terminal unit number offset7 6, OPC$W_MS_STATUS= '02'X !reply message status offset6 7, OPC$_RQ_CANCEL = '05'X !type code - cancel request; 8, OPC$_RQ_LOGI = '02'X !type code - initialize log file- 9, OPC$_RQ_REPLY = '04'X !type code - reply PARAMETER/ 1 OPC$_RQ_RQST = '03'X !type code - request7 2, OPC$_RQ_STATUS = '06'X !type code - operator status7 3, OPC$_RQ_TERME = '01'X !type code - enable terminalCC End of $OPCDEF module.Cww | C+ $OPCMSG0C Module ($OPCMSG) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.8C Defines symbols for the OPCOM status codes (OPC$_...).C-;C Extracted $OPCMSG from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER" 1 OPC$_BLANKTAPE = '000581BB'X !" 2, OPC$_CARDS = '00058123'X !" 3, OPC$_CENTRL = '000580FB'X !" 4, OPC$_DEVICE = '0005811B'X !7 5, OPC$_DEVNOTERM = '00058074'X !device not a terminal0 6, OPC$_DEVOFFLINE= '0005804C'X !device offline" 7, OPC$_DEVOFFLINX= '00058193'X !/ 8, OPC$_DEVONLINE = '00058054'X !device online" 9, OPC$_DEVWRTLCK = '000581A3'X ! PARAMETER" 1 OPC$_DISKS = '00058113'X !" 2, OPC$_DUPUNITNO = '000581DB'X ! 3, OPC$_FACILITY = '05'X !" 4, OPC$_GROUPOPER = '000580E3'X !1 5, OPC$_ILLRQST = '0005807C'X !illegal request" 6, OPC$_INITAPE = '000581AB'X !1 7, OPC$_LOGCLOS = '000580A4'X !log file closed2 8, OPC$_LOGFAIL = '00058034'X !log file failure6 9, OPC$_LOGINIT = '00058009'X !log file initialized PARAMETER" 1 OP C$_LOGSTS = '000580BB'X !5 2, OPC$_LOGTIME = '00058099'X !log file time stamp" 3, OPC$_MVABORTED = '000581CB'X !" 4, OPC$_MVCOMPLETE= '000581C3'X !( 5, OPC$_NOCLI = '0005805C'X !no CLI; 6, OPC$_NOPERATOR = '00058061'X !success, no such operator8 7, OPC$_NOSUCHRQST= '00058044'X !no such request number" 8, OPC$_NOTENABLED= '000580F3'X !" 9, OPC$_NTWORK = '0005812B'X ! PARAMETER" 1 OPC$_OPER1 = '00058133'X !" 2, OPC$_OPER10 = '0005817B'X !" 3, OPC$_OPER11 = '00058183'X !" 4, OPC$_OPER12 = '0005818B'X !" 5, OPC$_OPER2 = '0005813B'X !" 6, OPC$_OPER3 = '00058143'X !" 7, OPC$_OPER4 = '0005814B'X !" 8, OPC$_OPER5 = '00058153'X !" 9, OPC$_OPER6 = '0005815B'X ! PARAMETER" 1 OPC$_OPER7 = '00058163'X !" 2, OPC$_OPER8 = '0005816B'X !" 3, OPC$_OPER9 = '00058173'X !" 4, OPC$_OPERSTS = '000580C3'X !5 5, OPC$_OPREPLY = '00058091'X !reply from operator3 6, OPC$_OPRNOTIF = '00058089'X !operator notified" 7, OPC$_PRINT = '00058103'X !1 8, OPC$_RQSTABORT = '0005801C'X !request aborted< 9, OPC$_RQSTCAN = '00058084'X !request canceled by caller PARAMETER2 1 OPC$_RQSTCMPLTE= '00058029'X !request complete" 2, OPC$_RQSTDONE = '000581B3'X !CC End of $OPCDEF module.Cww @U | C+ $PQLDEF0C Module ($PQLDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.AC Defines symbols for the quota codes for $CREPRC system service.C-;C Extracted $PQLDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER5 1 PQL$_ASTLM = '01'X !AST limit, non-deductible> 2, PQL$_BIOLM = '02'X !Buffered I/O limit, non-deductibleA 3, PQL$_BYTLM = '03'X !Buffered I/O byte count quota, pooled6 4, PQL$_CPULM = '04'X !CPU time limit, deductible< 5, PQL$_DIOLM = '05'X !Di rect I/O quota, non-deductible' 6, PQL$_ENQLM = '0C'X !Lock quota,3 7, PQL$_FILLM = '06'X !Open file quota, pooled 8, PQL$_LENGTH = '0E'X !2 9, PQL$_LISTEND = '00'X !End of quota list code PARAMETER5 1 PQL$_PGFLQUOTA = '07'X !Paging file quota, pooled4 2, PQL$_PRCLM = '08'X !Subprocess quota, pooled; 3, PQL$_TQELM = '09'X !Timer queue entry quota, pooledA 4, PQL$_WSDEFAULT = '0B'X !Default working set size, non-deduct.B 5, PQL$_WSEXTENT = '0D'X !Default working set extent, non-deductB 6, PQL$_WSQUOTA = '0A'X !Working set size quota, non-deductibleCC End of $PQLDEF module.Cww`O | C+ $PRCDEF0C Module ($PRCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.;C Defines masks and offsets for the bits of the status flag)C argument of the $CREPRC system service.C-;C Extracted $PRCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERC*C Masks for the create-process status bitsC 1 PRC$M_BATCH = '10'X ! 2, PRC$M_DISAWS = '0100'X ! 3, PRC$M_HIBER = '20'X ! 4, PRC$M_LOGIN = '40'X ! 5, PRC$M_NETWRK = '80'X ! 6, PRC$M_NOACNT = '08'X ! 7 , PRC$M_PSWAPM = '04'X ! 8, PRC$M_SSFEXCU = '02'X ! 9, PRC$M_SSRWAIT = '01'X ! PARAMETERC,C Offsets for the create-process status bitsC6 1 PRC$V_BATCH = 4 !Batch (noninteractive) processG 2, PRC$V_DISAWS = 8 !Disable system initiated working set adjustmentE 3, PRC$V_HIBER = 5 !Force process to hibernate before image exec.G 4, PRC$V_LOGIN = 6 !Do not check authorization if image is LOGINOUT. 5, PRC$V_NETWRK = 7 !Network connect object1 6, PRC$V_NOACNT = 3 !Do not perform accounting0 7, PRC$V_PSWAPM = 2 !Inhibit process swappingC 8, PRC$V_SSFEXCU = 1 !Enable system service failur exception mode2 9, PRC$V_SSRWAIT = 0 !Disable resource wait modeCC End of $PRCDEF module.CwwI | C+ $PRDEF/C Module ($PRDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines symbols for the processor register codes and fields.C-:C Extracted $PRDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCIC Sizes and bit offsets of fields of System Identification (SID) registerC 1 PR$S_SID_ECO = 9 ! 2, PR$S_SID_PL = 3 ! 3, PR$S_SID_SN = 12 ! 4, PR$S_SID_TYPE = 8 !# 5, PR$V_SID_ECO = 15 !ECO number% 6, PR$V_SID_PL = 12 !Plant number% 7, PR$V_SID_SN = 0 !Serial number! 8, PR$V_SID_TYPE = 24 !CPU typeCC Processor register codesC- 9, PR$_ACCR = 41 !Accelerator reserved PARAMETER@ 1 PR$_ACCS = 40 !Accelerator control and status register+ 2, PR$_ASTLVL = 19 !AST level register 3, PR$_CADR = 37 ! 4, PR$_CAER = 39 ! 5, PR$_CMIERR = 23 ! 6, PR$_CRBT = 67 ! 7, PR$_CSRD = 29 ! 8, PR$_CSRS = 28 ! 9, PR$_CSTD = 31 ! PARAMETER 1 PR$_CSTS = 30 !  2, PR$_CSWP = 66 !- 3, PR$_ESP = 1 !Execute stack pointerC 4, PR$_ICCS = 24 !Interval clock control and status register? 5, PR$_ICR = 26 !Interval clock interval count register: 6, PR$_IPL = 18 !Interrupt priority level register/ 7, PR$_ISP = 4 !Interrupt stack pointer, 8, PR$_KSP = 0 !Kernel stack pointer0 9, PR$_MAPEN = 56 !Mapping enable register PARAMETER 1 PR$_MCESR = 38 ! 2, PR$_MCTL1 = 68 ! 3, PR$_MCTL2  = 69 ! 4, PR$_MDCR1 = 73 ! 5, PR$_MEAR = 72 ! 6, PR$_MECCR = 75 ! 7, PR$_MEDR = 74 ! 8, PR$_MGEN = 70 ! 9, PR$_MTBER = 71 ! PARAMETERD 1 PR$_NICR = 25 !Interval clock next interval count register( 2, PR$_P0BR = 8 !P0 base register* 3, PR$_P0LR = 9 !P0 length register) 4, PR$_P1BR = 10 !P1 base register+ 5, PR$_P1LR = 11 !P1 length register 6, PR$_PAMACC = 64 ! 7, PR$_PAMLOC = 65 !< 8, PR$_PCBB = 16 !Process control block base register3 9, PR$_PME = 61 !Performance monitor enable PARAMETERE 1 PR$_RXCS = 32 !Console receiver control and status register> 2, PR$_RXDB = 33 !Console receiver data buffer register+ 3, PR$_SBIER = 52 !SBI error register2 4, PR$_SBIFS = 48 !SBI fault status register1 5, PR$_SBIMT = 51 !SBI maintenance register4 6, PR$_SBIQC = 54 !SBI quadword clear register* 7, PR$_SBIS = 49 !SBI silo register0 8, PR$_ SBISC = 50 !SBI comparator register5 9, PR$_SBITA = 53 !SBI timeout address register PARAMETER- 1 PR$_SBR = 12 !System base register; 2, PR$_SCBB = 17 !System control block base register7 3, PR$_SID = 62 !System identification register/ 4, PR$_SID_TYP730 = 3 !Process is a VAX-11/730/ 5, PR$_SID_TYP750 = 2 !Process is a VAX-11/750/ 6, PR$_SID_TYP780 = 1 !Process is a VAX-11/780/ 7, PR$_SID_TYP7VV = 4 !Process is a VAX-11/7vv 8, PR$_SID_TYPMAX = 4 !< 9 , PR$_SIRR = 20 !Software interrupt request register PARAMETER< 1 PR$_SISR = 21 !Software interrupt summary register. 2, PR$_SLR = 13 !System limit register1 3, PR$_SSP = 2 !Sypervisor stack register 4, PR$_TBCHK = 63 ! 5, PR$_TBDR = 36 !: 6, PR$_TBIA = 57 !Translation buffer invalidate all= 7, PR$_TBIS = 58 !Translation buffer invalidate single- 8, PR$_TODR = 27 !Time of day registerE 9, PR$_TXCS = 34 !Console transmit co ntrol and status register PARAMETER> 1 PR$_TXDB = 35 !Console transmit data buffer register 2, PR$_UBRESET = 55 !* 3, PR$_USP = 3 !User stack pointer- 4, PR$_WCSA = 44 !WCS address register* 5, PR$_WCSD = 45 !WCS data registerCC End of $PRDEF module.CwwQ $PRDEF A | NAGY $PRVDEF `F | NAGY $PSLDEF f | NAGY $RABDEF"`x | NAGY REQRPYFLG! | NAGY $RSC_DEF ۘ | NAGY $SCRDEF | NAGY $SECDEFG | NAGY $SFDEF 1 | NAGY $SHRDEF )  | NAGY $SMRDEFm| | NAGY $SSDEF"0 | NAGY $STATEDEF  | NAGY $STSDEF `Ŭ | NAGY   | C+ $PRVDEF0C Module ($PRVDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.8C Defines symbols for the offsets of the privilege bits.C-;C Extracted $PRVDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 PRV$V_ACNT = '09'X !4 2, PRV$V_ALLSPOOL = '04'X !allocate spooled devices 3, PRV$V_ALTPRI = '0D'X !; 4, PRV$V_BUGCHK = '17'X !make bugcheck error log entries4 5, PRV$V_BYPASS = '1D'X !disregard UIC protection4 6, PRV$V_CMEXEC = '01'X !change to executive mode1 7, PRV$V_CMKRNL = '00'X !change to kernel mode5 8, PRV$V_DETACH = '05'X !create detached processes, 9, PRV$V_DIAGNOSE = '06'X !diagnose devices PARAMETER. 1 PRV$V_EXQUOTA = '13'X !exceed disk quotas; 2, PRV$V_GROUP = '08'X !control processes in same group? 3, PRV$V_GRPNAM = '03'X !insert group logical names in table6 4, PRV$V_LOG_IO = '07'X !issue logical I/O requests4 5, PRV$V_MOUNT = '11'X !execute mount volume QIO6 6, PRV$V_NETMBX = '14'X !create network connections . 7, PRV$V_NOACNT = '09'X !disable accounting6 8, PRV$V_OPER = '12'X !perform operator functions: 9, PRV$V_PFNMAP = '1A'X !map to specific physical pages PARAMETER7 1 PRV$V_PHY_IO = '16'X !issue physical I/O requestsN 2, PRV$V_PRMCEB = '0A'X !create/delete permanent common event flag clusters< 3, PRV$V_PRMGBL = '18'X !create permanent global sections6 4, PRV$V_PRMMBX = '0B'X !create permanent mailboxes4 5, PRV$V_PSWAPM = '0C'X !change process swap mode0 6, PRV$V_SETPRI = '0D'X !set process priority0 7, PRV$V_SETPRV = '0E'X !enable any privilegeE 8, PRV$V_SHMEM = '1B'X !create/delete structures in shared memory> 9, PRV$V_SYSGBL = '19'X !create system-wide global sections PARAMETER 1 PRV$V_SYSLCK = '1E'X !B 2, PRV$V_SYSNAM = '02'X !insert system logical names into table5 3, PRV$V_SYSPRV = '1C'X !attain system user status4 4, PRV$V_TMPMBX = '0F'X !create temporary mailbox6 5, PRV$V_VOLPRO = '15'X !override volume protection/ 6, PRV$V_WORLD = '10'X !control any processCC End of $PRVDEF module.Cww !+ | C+ $PSLDEF0C Module ($PSLDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.0C Defines symbols for the access code constants.C-;C Extracted $PSLDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER* 1 PSL$C_EXEC = '01'X !Executive mode' 2, PSL$C_KERNEL = '00'X !Kernel mode+ 3, PSL$C_SUPER = '02'X !Supervisor mode% 4, PSL$C_USER = '03'X !User modeCC End of $PSLDEF module.Cww0 | C+ $RABDEF0C Module ($RABDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.@C Defines field and bit offsets and constants for the VAX-11 RMSAC Record Access Block (RAB). Symbols for the offsets are definedC as constants.C-;C Extracted $RABDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte field offsets:C4 1 RAB$B_BID = '00'X !Control block identifier0 2, RAB$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length, 3, RAB$B_KRF = '35'X !Key of reference$ 4, RAB$B_KSZ = '34'X !Key size, 5, RAB$B_MBC = '37'X !Multiblock count- 6, RAB$B_MBF = '36'X !Multibuffer count. 7, RAB$B_PSZ = '34'X !Prompt buffer size. 8, RAB$B_RAC = '1E'X !Record access mode 9, RAB$B_ROP1 = '05'X ! PARAMETER 1 RAB$B_ROP2 = '06'X ! 2, RAB$B_ROP3 = '07'X !* 3, RAB$B_TMO = '1F'X !Timeout periodC C Constants:C< 4, RAB$C_BID = '01'X !RAB control block identification4 5, RAB$C_BLN = '44'X !RAB control block length7 6, RAB$C_KEY = '01'X !Random record access by keyA 7, RAB$C_RFA = '02'X !Random record access by record's file ! address4 8, RAB$C_SEQ = '00'X !Sequential record access 9, RAB$C_STM = '03'X ! PARAMETER 1 RAB$K_BLN = '44'X !CC Longword offsets:C' 2, RAB$L_BKT = '38'X !Bucket code( 3, RAB$L_CTX = '18'X !User context 4, RAB$L_DCT = '38'X !; 5, RAB$L_FAB = '3C'X !File access block (FAB) address. 6, RAB$L_KBF = '30'X !Key buffer address1 7, RAB$L_PBF = '30'X !Prompt buffer address1 8, RAB$L_RBF = '28'X !Record buffer address1 9, RAB$L_RFA0 = '10'X !First longword of RFA PARAMETER0 1 RAB$L_RHB = '2C'X !Record header buffer5 2, RAB$L_ROP = '04'X !Record-processing options2 3, RAB$L_STS = '08'X !Completion status code( 4, RAB$L_STV = '0C'X !Status value4 5, RAB$L_UBF = '24'X !User record area addressCC Bit and field masks:C 6, RAB$M_ASY = '01'X ! 7, RAB$M_BIO = '0800'X !" 8, RAB$M_CCO = '80000000'X !" 9, RAB$M_CVT = '04000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 RAB$M_EOF = '0100'X ! 2, RAB$M_FDL = '40'X ! 3, RAB$M_HSH = '80'X !" 4, RAB$M_KGE = '00200000'X !" 5, RAB$M_KGT = '00400000'X ! 6, RAB$M_LIM = '4000'X ! 7, RAB$M_LOA = '2000'X !" 8, RAB$M_LOC = '00010000'X ! 9, RAB$M_MAS = '20'X ! PARAMETER" 1 RAB$M_NLK = '00100000'X !" 2, RAB$M_NXR = '00800000'X !" 3, RAB$M_PMT = '40000000'X ! 4, RAB$M_PPF_IND = '4000'X ! 5, RAB$M_PPF_RAT = '3FC0'X !" 6, RAB$M_PTA = '20000000'X ! 7, RAB$M_RAH = '0200'X ! 8, RAB$M_REA = '04'X !" 9, RAB$M_RLK = '00080000'X ! PARAMETER" 1 RAB$M_RNE = '01000000'X !" 2, RAB$M_RNF = '08000000'X ! 3, RAB$M_RRL = '08'X !" 4, RAB$M_TMO = '02000000'X ! 5, RAB$M_TPT = '02'X ! 6, RAB$M_UIF = '10'X !" 7, RAB$M_ULK = '00040000'X !" 8, RAB$M_WAT = '00020000'X ! 9, RAB$M_WBH = '0400'X ! PARAMETERC$C Bit and field offsets (and sizes):C 1 RAB$S_PPF_RAT = '08'X !0 2, RAB$S_RFA = '06'X !Size of RFA in bytes( 3, RAB$V_ASY = '00'X !Asynchronous% 4, RAB$V_BIO = '0B'X !Block I/O8 5, RAB$V_CCO = '1F'X !Cancel Control-O (terminals)< 6, RAB$V_CVT = '1A'X !Convert to uppercase (terminals)> 7, RAB$V_EOF = '08'X !Position to end-of-file at CONNECT8 8, RAB$V_FDL = '06'X !Fast delete on indexed files 9, RAB$V_HSH = '07'X ! PARAMETER; 1 RAB$V_KGE = '15'X !Key is greater than or equal to/ 2, RAB$V_KGT = '16'X !Key is greater than! 3, RAB$V_LIM = '0E'X !Limit 4, RAB$V_LOA = '0D'X !Load9 5, RAB$V_LOC = '10'X !Locate modefor GET operations 6, RAB$V_MAS = '05'X !. 7, RAB$V_NLK = '14'X !Do not lock record9 8, RAB$V_NXR = '17'X !Nonexistent record processing. 9, RAB$V_PMT = '1E'X !Prompt (terminals) PARAMETER 1 RAB$V_PPF_IND = '0E'X ! 2, RAB$V_PPF_RA T = '06'X !8 3, RAB$V_PTA = '1D'X !Purge type-ahead (terminals)& 4, RAB$V_RAH = '09'X !Read ahead0 5, RAB$V_REA = '02'X !Lock record for read1 6, RAB$V_RLK = '13'X !Lock record for write4 7, RAB$V_RNE = '18'X !Read no echo (terminals)6 8, RAB$V_RNF = '1B'X !Read no filter (terminals)3 9, RAB$V_RRL = '03'X !Read regardless of lock PARAMETER= 1 RAB$V_TMO = '19'X !Timeout (terminals and mailboxes)+ 2, RAB$V_TPT = '01'X !Truncate-on-put% 3, RAB$V_UIF = '04'X !Update if, 4, RAB$V_ULK = '12'X !Manual unlocking* 5, RAB$V_WAT = '11'X !Wait if locked( 6, RAB$V_WBH = '0A'X !Write behindCC Word field offsets:C6 7, RAB$W_ISI = '02'X !Internal stream identifier; 8, RAB$W_RFA = '10'X !Record's file address (3 words), 9, RAB$W_RFA4 = '14'X !Last word of RFA PARAMETER' 1 RAB$W_RSZ = '22'X !Record size7 2, RAB$W_STV0 = '0C'X !Low-order word status value8 3, RAB$W_STV2 = '0E'X !High-order word status value1 4, RAB$W_USZ = '20'X !User record area sizeCC End of $RABDEF module.CwwU | C+ REQRPYFLG2C Module (REQRPYFLG) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CC REQRPYFLG defines the symbolic names for FORTRAN of the bit masksEC for the Request and Reply option flags used in the NET_SEND_REQUEST.C and NET_SEND_REPLY network service routines.CC The options are:C C2 ENDMULT;C Mask for the end-multiple-reply bit in the reply options.?C Used to terminate a multiple-reply request from the replier'sC end. Also known as EMR.C C2 FCPASTBC Mask for the ena ble first-packet-AST bit in the request options.BC Used to enable delivery of a reply AST whenever the first packet=C (in the chronological sense) has been moved into the user'sC reply buffer.C C2 LOCKED>C Mask for the buffer-remains-locked bit in the reply options.8C Used to override the receive buffer unlock done in the=C NET_SEND_REPLY. Also known as BRL (buffer-remains-locked).C C2 MULTRPY9C Mask for the multiple reply bit in the request options.AC Used to indicate a request to which more than one reply message(C is to be returned. Also known as MLT.C C2 NOBSYWT7C Mask for the no-busy-wait bit in the request options.:C Used to fail a request (return status-only reply) if the<C destination task is busy with another message. Also known C as NBW.CC- PARAMETER: 1 REQ_M_FCPAST = '04'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REQUEST - enable ! first packet reply AST's< 2, REQ_M_MLT = '01'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REQUEST - multiple, 3, REQ_M_MULTRPY = '01'X ! reply req uest; 4, REQ_M_NBW = '02'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REQUEST - request? 5, REQ_M_NOBSYWT = '02'X ! to be failed if destination busy9 6, RPY_M_BRL = '04'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REPLY - receive4 7, RPY_M_LOCKED = '04'X ! buffer remains locked> 8, RPY_M_EMR = '02'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REPLY - end multiple3 9, RPY_M_ENDMULT = '02'X ! replies (last reply)CC End of REQRPYFLG module.Cww 'f | C+ $RSC_DEF1C Module ($RSC_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.EC $RSC_DEF defines symbolic names for the reply status codes returnedCC in the reply message header and the reply status byte of the User C Ast Block.C- PARAMETER; 1 RSC_K_BADPWD = 36 !Level II: incorrect WRITE password7 2, RSC_K_BADVAL = 37 !Level II: bad value or address3 3, RSC_K_DISCON = 34 !Replier being disconnectedB 4, RSC_K_ENDMLT = 2 !Success: final reply of multiple reply set' 5, RS C_K_HRDERR = 41 !Hard I/O error9 6, RSC_K_ILLFCN = 35 !Level II: illegal ACNET function+ 7, RSC_K_IOERROR = 1 !Retryable I/O error- 8, RSC_K_NODEDOWN = 42 !Node down or offline3 9, RSC_K_NONETMEM = 3 !No network memory available PARAMETER1 1 RSC_K_NONODE = 30 !No such destination node1 2, RSC_K_NOTASK = 33 !No such destination task 3, RSC_K_OK = 0 !Success5 4, RSC_K_REQPKTERR= 5 !Request packet assembly error2 5, RSC_K_REQTRUNC = 31 !Request message truncated3 6, RSC_K_RPYPKTERR= 4 !Reply packet assembly error9 7, RSC_K_RPYTBLFUL= 3 !Request failed, no room for reply0 8, RSC_K_RPYTRUNC = 32 !Reply message truncated@ 9, RSC_K_SUP0 = 64 !Lowest status code for support software PARAMETER- 1 RSC_K_SYSERR = 43 !System service errorC 2, RSC_K_TASKBUSY = 8 !Request failed, destination task busy (NBW)C 3, RSC_K_TIMEOUT = 6 !Request timeout while receive buffer lockedA 4, RSC_K_TSKQFUL = 7 !Request failed, receive buffer queue full> 5, RSC_K_US R0 = 128 !Lowest status code for user software6 6, RSC_M_NETS = 63 !Mask for network status codesB 7, RSC_M_SUPS = 64 !Mask for support software status code bit@ 8, RSC_M_USRS = 128 !Mask for user software status code bit: 9, RSC_S_NETS = 6 !Size of network status codes field PARAMETER< 1 RSC_V_NETS = 0 !Offset to network status codes fieldB 2, RSC_V_SUPS = 6 !Offset to support software status code bit? 3, RSC_V_USRS = 7 !Offset to user software status code bitCC End of $RSC_DEF module.Cww u | C+ $SCRDEF0C Module ($SCRDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.AC Defines symbols for the terminal independent screen positioning:C package constants, including information returned by the/C LIB$SCREEN_INFO and SCR$SCREEN_INFO routines.C-;C Extracted $SCRDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER3 1 SCR$B_DEVTYPE = 8 !Offset to device type codeCC SCR package operation codes?C 2, SCR$C_DOWN_SCROLL= 5 ! 3, SCR$C_ERASE_LINE= 3 ! 4, SCR$C_ERASE_PAGE= 2 ! 5, SCR$C_GET_SCREEN= 1 ! 6, SCR$C_LENGTH = 20 ! 7, SCR$C_MOVE_CURSOR= 8 ! 8, SCR$C_PUT_LINE = 7 ! 9, SCR$C_PUT_SCREEN= 0 ! PARAMETER 1 SCR$C_SCREEN_INFO= 6 ! 2, SCR$C_SET_CURSOR= 4 ! 3, SCR$C_SET_SCROLL= 9 ! 4, SCR$C_UP_SCROLL = 10 ! 5, SCR$K_LENGTH = 20 !C#C Returned from SCREEN_INFO routineC1 6, SCR$L_FLAGS = 0 !Offset to flags longword 7, SCR$M_ANSICRT = 2 ! 8, SCR$M_AVO = 16 ! 9, SCR$M_BLINK = 4 ! PARAMETER 1 SCR$M_BLOCK = 8 ! 2, SCR$M_BOLD = 1 ! 3, SCR$M_DECCRT = 64 ! 4, SCR$M_EDIT = 32 ! 5, SCR$M_REGIS = 4 ! 6, SCR$M_REVERSE = 2 ! 7, SCR$M_SCREEN = 1 ! 8, SCR$M_UNDERLINE = 8 != 9, SCR$V_ANSICRT = 1 !CRT recognizes ANSI escape sequences PARAMETER6 1 SCR$V_AVO = 4 !CRT has advanced video option9 2, SCR$V_BLINK = 2 !CRT supports blinking characters: 3, SCR$V_BLOCK = 3 !CRT supports block-mode transfers8 4, SCR$V_BOLD = 0 !CRT supports bolding characters) 5, SCR$V_DECCRT = 6 !CRT is a DEC CRT4 6, SCR$V_EDIT = 5 !CRT supports local editting= 7, SCR$V_REGIS = 2 !CRT supports REGIS graphics languageB 8, SCR$V_REVERSE = 1 !CRT supports reverse video for characters 9, SCR$V_SCREEN = 0 ! PARAMETER? 1 SCR$V_UNDERLINE = 3 !CRT supports underlining of characters1 2, SCR$W_PAGESIZE = 6 !Lines per page on screen3 3, SCR$W_WIDTH = 4 !Columns per line on screenCC End of $SCRDEF module.Cww 7, SEC$K_MATLEQ = '02'X !Only if major ids = and minor ids <= 8, SEC$L_CCB = '00'X ! 9, SEC$L_GSD = '00'X ! PARAMETER 1 SEC$L_PAGCNT = '1C'X ! 2, SEC$L_REFCNT = '18'X ! 3, SEC$L_VBN = '10'X ! 4, SEC$L_VPXPFC = '08'X ! 5, SEC$L_WINDOW = '0C'X ! 6, SEC$M_AMOD = '0300'X !7 7, SEC$M_CRF = '02'X !Pages are copy-on-reference1 8, SEC$M_DZRO = '04'X !Pages are demand-zero@ 9, SEC$M_EXPREG = '00020000'X !Map into first available space PARAMETER* 1 SEC$M_GBL = '01'X !Global section" 2, SEC$M_PAGFIL = '00080000'X !6 3, SEC$M_PERM = '4000'X !Permanent global section4 4, SEC$M_PFNMAP = '00010000'X !Page frame section" 5, SEC$M_PROTECT = '00040000'X ! 6, SEC$M_SHMGS = '10'X !3 7, SEC$M_SYSGBL = '8000'X !System global section. 8, SEC$M_WRT = '08'X !Read/write section 9, SEC$M_WRTMOD = 'C0'X ! PARAMETER 1 SEC$S_AMOD = '02'X ! 2, SEC$S_PFC = '08'X ! 3, SEC$S_VPX = '16'X ! 4, SEC$S_WRTMOD = '02'X ! 5, SEC$V_AMOD = '08'X ! 6, SEC$V_CRF = '01'X ! 7, SEC$V_DZRO = '02'X ! 8, SEC$V_EXPREG = '11'X ! 9, SEC$V_GBL = '00'X ! PARAMETER 1 SEC$V_PAGFIL = '13'X ! 2, SEC$V_PERM = '0E'X ! 3, SEC$V_PFC = '18'X ! 4, SEC$V_PFNMAP = '10'X ! 5, SEC$V_PROTECT = '12'X ! 6, SEC$V_SHMGS = '04'X ! 7, SEC$V_SYSGBL = '0F'X ! 8, SEC$V_VPX = '00'X ! 9, SEC$V_WRT = '03'X ! PARAMETER 1 SEC$V_WRTMOD = '06'X ! 2, SEC$W_FLAGS  = '14'X ! 3, SEC$W_SECXBL = '06'X ! 4, SEC$W_SECXFL = '04'X !CC End of $SECDEF module.Cww; | C+ $SFDEF/C Module ($SFDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.AC Defines offset constants and bits in the procedure stack frame.C-:C Extracted $SFDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER? 1 SF$A_HANDLER = '00'X !Offset to condition handler address. 2, SF$L_SAVE_AP = '08'X !Offset to saved AP. 3, SF$L_SAVE_FP = '0C'X !Offset to saved FP. 4, SF$L_SAVE_PC = '10'X !Offset to saved PC; 5, SF$L_SAVE_REGS = '14'X !Offset to saved registers block. 6, SF$M_C = '01'X !Mask for carry bit@ 7, SF$M_DV = '80'X !Mask for decimal overflow enable bitB 8, SF$M_FU = '40'X !Mask for floating underflow enable bit@ 9, SF$M_IV = '20'X !Mask for Integer overflow enable bit PARAMETER1 1 SF$M_N = '08'X !Mask for negative bit: 2, SF$M_TBIT = '10'X !Mask for trace trap enable bit1 3, SF$M_V = '02'X !Mask for overflow bit- 4, SF$M_Z = '04'X !Mask for zero bit9 5, SF$S_SAVE_MASK = '0C'X !register s ave mask field size+ 6, SF$S_STACKOFFS = '02'X !SP offset field+ 7, SF$V_C = '00'X !Offset to C bit/ 8, SF$V_CALLS = '0D'X !Offset to CALLS bitA 9, SF$V_DV = '07'X !Offset to decimal overflow enable bit PARAMETERC 1 SF$V_FU = '06'X !Offset to floating underflow enable bitA 2, SF$V_IV = '05'X !Offset to integer overflow enable bit+ 3, SF$V_N = '03'X !Offset to N bit> 4, SF$V_SAVE_MASK = '00'X !Offset to register save mask field@ 5, SF$V_STACK OFFS = '0E'X !Offset to stack pointer offset field+ 6, SF$V_TBIT = '04'X !Offset to T bit+ 7, SF$V_V = '01'X !Offset to V bit+ 8, SF$V_Z = '02'X !Offset to Z bitD 9, SF$W_SAVE_MASK = '06'X !Offset to saved register mask+flags word PARAMETER. 1 SF$W_SAVE_PSW = '04'X !Offset to saved PCCC End of $SFDEF module.Cww@C | C+ $SHRDEFCC SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF($SHRDEF) defines symbols for shared messageC codes.CEC These message codes should not be used directly by a facility sinceEC they do not contain a subsystem (facility) identifier or a severity?C code. Use the following formula to calculate actual facilityC message codes:C2C facility-message-code = common-message-code +2C facility-id * 65536 +*C severity-codeC-;C Extr acted $SHRDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 17-APR-1983 PARAMETER) 1 SHR$_ABEND = '10D8'X !!AS aborted0 2, SHR$_ABENDD = '10E0'X !!AS aborted at !%D0 3, SHR$_ABENDT = '10E8'X !!AS aborted at !%T8 4, SHR$_ACTIMAGE = '12B8'X !error activating image !AS@ 5, SHR$_APPENDEDB = '1000'X !!AS appended to !AS (!UL block!%S)A 6, SHR$_APPENDEDR = '1008'X !!AS appended to !AS (!UL record!%S)' 7, SHR$_ATPC = '1158'X !at PC !XL7 8, SHR$_BADBYTE = '1010'X !invalid data (!XB) at !XLB 9 , SHR$_BADCOPIES = '1160'X !'!AS' is an invalid number of copies PARAMETER? 1 SHR$_BADDELIM = '1118'X !invalid delimited following '!AS'6 2, SHR$_BADFIELD = '1018'X !!AS field invalid at !XL; 3, SHR$_BADFORM = '1168'X !'!AS' is an invalid form type@ 4, SHR$_BADJOBID = '1170'X !'!AS' is an invalid job identifier: 5, SHR$_BADJOBNAME= '1178'X !'!AS' is an invalid job name9 6, SHR$_BADKEY = '1108'X !'!AS' is an invalid keyword; 7, SHR$_BADLOGIC = '1120'X !internal logic error detecte dE 8, SHR$_BADLOGICPC= '1150'X !internal logic error detected at PC !XL7 9, SHR$_BADLONG = '1020'X !invalid data (!XL) at !XL PARAMETER: 1 SHR$_BADPRTY = '1180'X !'!AS' is an invalid priority< 2, SHR$_BADQNAME = '1188'X !'!AS' is an invalid queue nameD 3, SHR$_BADTIME = '1190'X !'!AS' is an invalid time specification? 4, SHR$_BADVALUE = '1110'X !'!AS' is an invalid keyword value7 5, SHR$_BADWORD = '1028'X !invalid data (!XW) at !XL+ 6, SHR$_BEGIN = '1030'X !!AS beginning 2 7, SHR$_BEGIND = '1038'X !!AS beginning at !%D2 8, SHR$_BEGINT = '1040'X !!AS beginning at !%TA 9, SHR$_CBT = '1288'X !insufficient contiguous space, fileC ! copied non-contiguously PARAMETER6 1 SHR$_CLICB = '1048'X !CLI control block at !XL/ 2, SHR$_CLOSEDEL = '1218'X !error closing !AS8 3, SHR$_CLOSEIN = '1050'X !error closing !AS as input9 4, SHR$_CLOSEOUT = '1058'X !error closing !AS as output6 5, SHR$_CONFDEL = '11F8'X !!/!AS, delete? (Y or N):4 6, SH R$_CONFQUAL = '12E0'X !conflicting qualifiers> 7, SHR$_COPIEDB = '1060'X !!AS copied to !AS (!UL block!%S)? 8, SHR$_COPIEDR = '1068'X !!AS copied to !AS (!UL record!%S)) 9, SHR$_CREATED = '1070'X !!AS created PARAMETERC 1 SHR$_CREATEDSTM= '12F8'X !!AS has been created in stream format) 2, SHR$_DELETED = '1200'X !!AS deletedD 3, SHR$_DELINTERR = '1240'X !internal error in DELETE/PURGE utilityB 4, SHR$_DELVER = '1208'X !explicit version number or wild cardC ! required< 5 , SHR$_DIRNOTCRE = '12C0'X !!AS directory file not createdB 6, SHR$_DIRTOOBUS = '1220'X !directory is presently too active toC ! be purged5 7, SHR$_ENDABORT = '1258'X !!AS compilation abortedB 8, SHR$_ENDDIAGS = '1260'X !!AS completed with !UL diagnostic!%S' 9, SHR$_ENDED = '1078'X !!AS ended PARAMETER. 1 SHR$_ENDEDD = '1080'X !!AS ended at !%D. 2, SHR$_ENDEDT = '1088'X !!AS ended at !%TB 3, SHR$_ENDNOOBJ = '1268'X !!AS completed with !UL diagnostic!%SC ! - object  deleted0 4, SHR$_EXISTS = '1290'X !!AS already exists 5, SHR$_FACILITY = '00'X !0 6, SHR$_FILNOTDEL = '11F0'X !error deleting !AS0 7, SHR$_FILNOTPUR = '1230'X !error deleting !AS) 8, SHR$_FILPURGED = '1250'X !!AS deleted6 9, SHR$_HALTED = '1270'X !transfer has been halted PARAMETER@ 1 SHR$_HASHCONCAT= '11D8'X !hashed file cannot be concatenatedB 2, SHR$_HIGHVER = '1148'X !higher version of !AS already existsA 3, SHR$_IDXCONCAT = '1138'X !indexed file cannot be concatenated@ 4 , SHR$_ILLDESQUE = '12D0'X !illegal destination queue name !ASE 5, SHR$_ILLDIRCOPY= '12E8'X !illegal directory copy of !AS attempted? 6, SHR$_INCOMPAT = '11E0'X !!AS (input) and !AS (output) haveC ! incompatible attributes9 7, SHR$_INSVIRMEM = '12F0'X !insufficient virtual memory1 8, SHR$_NEWFILES = '1090'X !!UL file!%S createdB 9, SHR$_NOCMDMEM = '1278'X !no command memory has been allocated PARAMETER; 1 SHR$_NODESTQUE = '12C8'X !no such destination queue !AS5 2, SHR$_NOFILPU RG = '1228'X !no files purged for !AS< 3, SHR$_NOJOBID = '11A0'X !job !UW not found in !AS queue< 4, SHR$_NOJOBNAME = '11A8'X !job !AS not found in !AS queue6 5, SHR$_NOQUEUE = '1198'X !!AS queue does not exist7 6, SHR$_NOTCMPLT = '11C0'X !!AS not completely copied, 7, SHR$_NOTCOPIED = '11B8'X !!AS not copied0 8, SHR$_NOTLOCKED = '12B0'X !!AS was not lockedB 9, SHR$_NOTRUNC = '1300'X !truncation not allowed for this fileC ! organization PARAMETER< 1 SHR$_NOTTERM = '12D8'X ! input device is not a terminal< 2, SHR$_NOVALUE = '1100'X !'!AS' keyword requires a value3 3, SHR$_NOWILD = '1128'X !no wildcard permitted8 4, SHR$_OPENIN = '1098'X !error opening !AS as input9 5, SHR$_OPENOUT = '10A0'X !error opening !AS as output3 6, SHR$_OVERLAY = '10A8'X !!AS being overwritten/ 7, SHR$_PARSEFAIL = '1248'X !error parsing !AS> 8, SHR$_PROTECTED = '12A8'X !protection on !AS changed to !AS; 9, SHR$_PURGEVER = '1210'X !version numbers not permitted PARAMETER ) 1 SHR$_QEMPTY = '1280'X !queue empty/ 2, SHR$_READERR = '10B0'X !error reading !ASB 3, SHR$_RELCONCAT = '1140'X !relative file cannot be concatenated0 4, SHR$_RENAMED = '12A0'X !!AS renamed to !AS0 5, SHR$_REPLACED = '10B8'X !!AS being replaced/ 6, SHR$_RMSERROR = '11C8'X !RMS service error5 7, SHR$_SEARCHFAIL= '1238'X !error searching for !AS1 8, SHR$_SYNTAX = '10F8'X !error parsing '!AS'2 9, SHR$_SYSERROR = '11B0'X !system service error PARAMETER@ 1 SHR$_SYSERRORPC=  '10F0'X !!AS system service error at PC !XL! 2, SHR$_TEXT = '1130'X !!AS* 3, SHR$_UNLOCKED = '1298'X !!AS unlockedC 4, SHR$_UNXPCTSTS = '11D0'X !unexpected status detected. ExpectedC ! '!AS'. Found:C 5, SHR$_VALERR = '11E8'X !specified value is out of legal range= 6, SHR$_WILDCONCAT= '10C0'X !wilcard specification cannot beC ! concatenatedB 7, SHR$_WILDOUTVER= '10C8'X !wildcard version required for output C ! file/ 8, SHR$_WRITEERR = '10D0'X !error writing !ASCC End of $SHRDEF module.Cww  | C+ $SMRDEF0C Module ($SMRDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.;C Defines the symbiont manager request and option codes for8C the $SNDSMB (send-to-symbiont manager) system service.C-;C Extracted $SMRDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Symbiont manager option codesCE 1 SMO$K_BRSTPAG = 2 !Specifies that a burst page should be printed8 2, SMO$K_COPIES = 10 !print multiple copies of a file5 3, SMO$K_CPULIM = 41 !CPU time limit for batch job6 4, SMO$K_CURDQCHAR= 87 !Current queue characteristics5 5, SMO$K_CURFORM = 64 !Current form type on printer? 6, SMO$K_DCPULM = 81 !Default CPU time for jobs in batch job4 7, SMO$K_DEFBRST = 70 !Print burst page by default3 8, SMO$K_DEFFLAG = 72 !Print flag page by default2 9, SMO$K_DELETE = 1 !delete file after printing PARAMETER2 1 SMO$K_DESTQUE = 12 !Name of new queue for jobF 2, SMO$K_DETJOB = 67 !Defines queue as a detached (batch) job queueD 3, SMO$K_DISWAP = 78 !D isable swapping of all batch jobs in queue4 4, SMO$K_DOUBLE = 7 !Double-spaces printer outputB 5, SMO$K_DQCHAR = 47 !Default characteristics of device for job ! to be printed% 6, SMO$K_FILESIZ = 11 !Size of file2 7, SMO$K_FLAGPAG = 4 !Flag page is to be printed# 8, SMO$K_FORMTYPE = 36 !Forms type@ 9, SMO$K_GENDEV = 68 !Defines queue as a generic device queue PARAMETERF 1 SMO$K_GENPRT = 65 !Defines queue as a generic printer file queue= 2, SMO$K_HOLD = 33 !Holds job unt il specifically release6 3, SMO$K_INIPRI = 77 !Initial priority of batch job> 4, SMO$K_JOBCOPY = 35 !Specifies repeat count for entire jobH 5, SMO$K_JOBLIM = 76 !Specifies maximum number of jobs in batch queue/ 6, SMO$K_JOBNAME = 39 !Specifies the job name6 7, SMO$K_JOBPRI = 34 !Priority for queuing of a jobH 8, SMO$K_KEEPLOG = 50 !Batch job log file is to be kept after printing3 9, SMO$K_LOGFNAM = 48 !Name of batch job log file PARAMETERE 1 SMO$K_LOGQNAM = 49 !Name of queue t o spool batch job log file to> 2, SMO$K_LOWER = 37 !Pinter must have lowercase charactersC 3, SMO$K_MCPULM = 79 !Maximum CPU time for jobs from batch queueH 4, SMO$K_NEXTJOB = 96 !Terminates current job and starts next printing7 5, SMO$K_NOBRSTPAG= 3 !No burst page should be printedE 6, SMO$K_NOCPULM = 42 !No CPU time limit is specified for batch jobF 7, SMO$K_NODCPULM = 82 !No default CPU time limit for jobs from queue< 8, SMO$K_NODEFBRST= 71 !Do not print burst pages by default; 9 , SMO$K_NODEFFLAG= 73 !Do not print flag pages by default PARAMETERC 1 SMO$K_NODISWAP = 91 !Enable swapping of all batch jobs in queue> 2, SMO$K_NOFEED = 8 !Cancels automatic form feed for outout6 3, SMO$K_NOFLAGPAG= 5 !No flag page should be printed: 4, SMO$K_NOGENDEV = 69 !No generic spooling to the device: 5, SMO$K_NOGENPRT = 66 !No generic printing on the deviceB 6, SMO$K_NOKEEPLOG= 52 !Deletes batch job log file after printing= 7, SMO$K_NOLOG = 53 !Do not make a log file for batc h job: 8, SMO$K_NOLOWER = 40 !Lowercase printer is not requiredF 9, SMO$K_NOMCPULM = 80 !No maximum CPU time limit for jobs from queue PARAMETERE 1 SMO$K_NONOTFY = 55 !User is not to be notified on job completion@ 2, SMO$K_NOSPOOL = 51 !Batch job log file is not to be spooled8 3, SMO$K_NOTIFY = 54 !Notify user upon job completion1 4, SMO$K_NOTRMDEV = 75 !Device is not a terminalC 5, SMO$K_NOWSDFLT = 86 !No working set default for jobs from queue< 6, SMO$K_NOWSDFT = 46 !No working set default for this job; 7, SMO$K_NOWSEXTNT= 57 !No working set extent for this job: 8, SMO$K_NOWSQUO = 44 !No working set quota for this jobA 9, SMO$K_NOWSQUTA = 84 !No working set quota for jobs from queue PARAMETERB 1 SMO$K_NOWSXTNT = 90 !No working set extent for jobs from queue: 2, SMO$K_PAGCNT = 9 !Specifies number of pages to printD 3, SMO$K_PAGHDR = 6 !Print file specification at top of each page3 4, SMO$K_PARAMS = 38 !Parameters for a batch job@ 5, SMO$K_REQDEST = 113 ! Name of output queue for requeued jobs8 6, SMO$K_REQPRIO = 114 !New priority for requeued jobs= 7, SMO$K_REQUEUE = 112 !Aborted print job is to be requeued3 8, SMO$K_RLSTIM = 32 !Time to release a held jobE 9, SMO$K_SMBNAME = 88 !Name of printer symbiont for jobs from queue PARAMETER; 1 SMO$K_SPCCNT = 98 !Restart print job spacing by pages9 2, SMO$K_TOPOFILE = 97 !restart print job at top of file- 3, SMO$K_TRMDEV = 74 !Device is a terminalE 4, SMO$K_WSDEFLT = 45 !Default wor king set size for jobs from queue> 5, SMO$K_WSDFLT = 85 !Default working set size for this job@ 6, SMO$K_WSEXTNT = 56 !Default working set extent for this job? 7, SMO$K_WSQUOTA = 43 !Default working set quota for this jobF 8, SMO$K_WSQUTA = 83 !Default working set quota for jobs from queueG 9, SMO$K_WSXTANT = 89 !Default working set extent for jobs from queue PARAMETERC C Symbiont manager request codesC) 1 SMR$K_ABORT = 14 !Stop current job- 2, SMR$K_ADDFIL = 10 !Adds a file to a jobG 3, SMR$K_ALTER = 13 !Changes attributes of an previously queued job 4, SMR$K_ASKQNAM = 18 != 5, SMR$K_CLSJOB = 11 !Closes a job created by SMR$K_CREJOB% 6, SMR$K_CREJOB = 9 !Creates a job. 7, SMR$K_DELETE = 1 !Deletes a device queue 8, SMR$K_DETINIT = 16 != 9, SMR$K_ENTER = 8 !Enters a file in a queue for a device PARAMETER< 1 SMR$K_INITIAL = 0 !Initializes or reinitializes a queue 2, SMR$K_JUSTIFY = 6 !< 3, SMR$K_MERGE = 4 !Moves jobs from on e queue to another> 4, SMR$K_PAUSE = 3 !Temporarily suspends current operation6 5, SMR$K_REDIRECT = 5 !Redirects one queue to another9 6, SMR$K_RELEASE = 15 !Releases a held job for printing3 7, SMR$K_RMVJOB = 12 !Removes a job from a queueB 8, SMR$K_START = 2 !Enables or resumes printing on a device or ! starts a batch job queue2 9, SMR$K_STOP = 7 !Stops printing on a device PARAMETER: 1 SMR$K_SYNCJOB = 17 !Waits for a batch job to completeCC End of $SMRDEF module.Cww  | C+ $SSDEF/C Module ($SSDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.=C Defines symbolic constants (SS$_...) system condition codesC and completion status values.C-DC Layout of system message space (from SSMSG.LIS 27-Apr-1982 fiche):%C msg #s range # msgs description%C ------ ----- ------ -----------%C 0-127 0-3FF 128 fatal errors<C 128-191 400-5FF 64 hardware defined fatal errors,C 192-255 600-7FF 64 success codes,C 256-383 800-BFF  128 warning codes2C 384-447 C00-DFF 64 informational codes3C 448-511 E00-FFF 64 nonfatal error codes<C 512-1023 1000-1FFF 512 shared messages (see $SHRDEF)@C 1024-1279 2000-27FF 256 fatal errors (continued from 400)2C 1280-1343 2800-29FF 64 no privilege errors4C 1344-1375 2A00-2AFF 32 exceeded quota errors'C 1376-4095 2B00-7FFF 2720 (unused)C:C Extracted $SSDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER> 1 SS$_ABORT = ' 2C'X !an attempted operation was aborted2 2, SS$_ACCONFLICT = '0800'X !file access conflict, 3, SS$_ACCVIO = '0C'X !access violationA 4, SS$_ACPVAFUL = '02FC'X !MTAACP's virtual address space full7 5, SS$_ALRDYCLOSED= '06A9'X !connection already closed6 6, SS$_ARTRES = '0474'X !reserved arithmetic trap' 7, SS$_ASTFLT = '040C'X !AST fault6 8, SS$_BADATTRIB = '34'X !bad attribute control list6 9, SS$_BADCHKSUM = '0808'X !bad file header checksum PARAMETER; 1 SS$_BADESCAPE  = '3C'X !syntax error in escape sequence- 2, SS$_BADFILEHDR = '0810'X !bad file header2 3, SS$_BADFILENAME= '0818'X !bad file name syntax5 4, SS$_BADFILEVER = '0820'X !bad file version number, 5, SS$_BADIMGHDR = '44'X !bad image header7 6, SS$_BADIRECTORY= '0828'X !bad directory file format> 7, SS$_BADISD = '2004'X !illegal image section descriptor/ 8, SS$_BADPARAM = '14'X !bad parameter value< 9, SS$_BADQFILE = '03BC'X !invalid disk quota file format PARAMETER9 1 SS$_BADQUE UEHDR= '0394'X !interlocked queue corrupted; 2, SS$_BADRCT = '216C'X !Replacement and Caching TableC ! unrecoverable I/O errorA 3, SS$_BADSTACK = '02B4'X !bad stack during exception dispatchC 4, SS$_BADVEC = '2064'X !invalid change mode or message vector/ 5, SS$_BEGOFFILE = '0938'X !beginning of file/ 6, SS$_BLOCKCNTERR= '0940'X !block count error. 7, SS$_BREAK = '0414'X !breakpoint fault@ 8, SS$_BUFBYTALI = '030C'X !byte-aligned transfers illegal forC ! devi ce4 9, SS$_BUFFEROVF = '0601'X !output buffer overflow PARAMETER8 1 SS$_BUFNOTALIGN= '0324'X !buffer incorrectly aligned: 2, SS$_BUGCHECK = '02A4'X !internal consistency failure4 3, SS$_CANCEL = '0830'X !I/O operation canceled4 4, SS$_CHAINW = '0C0B'X !chained write received5 5, SS$_CHANINTLK = '4C'X !channel usage interlocked6 6, SS$_CLEARED = '2104'X !virtual call was cleared- 7, SS$_CLIFRCEXT = '0980'X !CLI forced exit< 8, SS$_CMODSUPR = '041C'X !change mode to super !visor trap6 9, SS$_CMODUSER = '0424'X !change mode to user trap PARAMETERD 1 SS$_COMMHARD = '20C4'X !communications hardware error detected6 2, SS$_COMPAT = '042C'X !compatibility mode fault@ 3, SS$_CONCEALED = '0691'X !logical device name with concealedC ! physical device nameD 4, SS$_CONNECFAIL = '20DC'X !connect to network object timed-out orC ! failed 5, SS$_CONTINUE = '01'X !B 6, SS$_CONTROLC = '0651'X !terminal input aborted due to CTRL/CC 7, SS$_CONTROLO = " '0609'X !terminal output ignored due to CTRL/OB 8, SS$_CONTROLY = '0611'X !terminal input aborted due to CTRL/YE 9, SS$_CREATED = '0619'X !file/section did not exist, was created PARAMETER2 1 SS$_CTRLERR = '54'X !fatal controller error> 2, SS$_CVTUNGRANT = '213C'X !cannot convert an ungranted lock- 3, SS$_DATACHECK = '5C'X !write check error* 4, SS$_DATAOVERUN = '0838'X !data overrunC 5, SS$_DBGOPCREQ = '06A1'X !debugger opcode request for PC !XL !+/ 6, SS$_DEADLOCK = '0E0A #'X !deadlock detectedA 7, SS$_DEBUG = '046C'X !command interpreter debugger signal? 8, SS$_DECOVF = '04A4'X !arithmetic trap, decimal overflow. 9, SS$_DEVACTIVE = '02C4'X !device is active PARAMETERF 1 SS$_DEVALLOC = '0840'X !device already allocated to another userB 2, SS$_DEVALRALLOC= '0641'X !device already allocated to this job: 3, SS$_DEVASSIGN = '0848'X !device has channels assigned2 4, SS$_DEVCMDERR = '032C'X !device command error5 5, SS$_DEVFOREIGN = '64'X !device i $s mounted foreign< 6, SS$_DEVICEFULL = '0850'X !device full - allocation error- 7, SS$_DEVINACT = '20D4'X !device inactive5 8, SS$_DEVMOUNT = '6C'X !device is already mounted2 9, SS$_DEVNOTALLOC= '0858'X !device not allocated PARAMETER3 1 SS$_DEVNOTDISM = '21B4'X !device not dismounted3 2, SS$_DEVNOTMBX = '74'X !device is not a mailbox1 3, SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT= '7C'X !device is not mounted: 4, SS$_DEVOFFLINE = '84'X !device is not in configuration2 5, SS$_DEVREQERR = '0334'X !device % request errorA 6, SS$_DGQINCOMP = '09C0'X !datagram queue operation incompleteB 7, SS$_DIRALLOC = '09C8'X !allocation failure on directory file/ 8, SS$_DIRFULL = '0860'X !directory is full9 9, SS$_DIRNOTEMPTY= '2174'X !directory file is not empty PARAMETERD 1 SS$_DISCONNECT = '204C'X !process is disconnected from requestedC ! interrupt vector- 2, SS$_DRVERR = '8C'X !fatal drive error= 3, SS$_DUPDSKQUOTA= '03DC'X !duplicate disk quota file entry1 4, SS$_DUPFILENAME= '08 &68'X !duplicate file name2 5, SS$_DUPLNAM = '94'X !duplicate process nameE 6, SS$_DUPUNIT = '21C4'X !MSCP Controller - duplicate unit number) 7, SS$_ENDOFFILE = '0870'X !end of file) 8, SS$_ENDOFTAPE = '0878'X !end of tape0 9, SS$_ENDOFUSRLBL= '0970'X !end of user labels PARAMETER+ 1 SS$_ENDOFVOLUME= '09A0'X !end of volume2 2, SS$_EOTIN = '0C03'X !EOT response to text0 3, SS$_EXASTLM = '2A04'X !exceeded AST quota7 4, SS$_EXBIOLM = '2A0C'X !exceeded buffer I/O quota '7 5, SS$_EXBYTLM = '2A14'X !exceeded byte count quota4 6, SS$_EXCPUTIM = '20AC'X !CPU time limit expired4 7, SS$_EXDEPTH = '0E1A'X !exceeded allowed depth7 8, SS$_EXDIOLM = '2A1C'X !exceeded direct I/O quota1 9, SS$_EXDISKQUOTA= '03EC'X !disk quota exceeded PARAMETER4 1 SS$_EXENQLM = '2A44'X !exceeded enqueue quota6 2, SS$_EXFILLM = '2A24'X !exceeded open file quota= 3, SS$_EXGBLPAGFIL= '2164'X !exceeded global page file limit5 4, SS$_EXPGFLQUOTA= '2A2C'X !exceeded pag (efile quota3 5, SS$_EXPORTQUOTA= '03AC'X !port's quota exceeded7 6, SS$_EXPRCLM = '2A34'X !exceeded subprocess quota* 7, SS$_EXQUOTA = '1C'X !exceeded quotaA 8, SS$_EXQUOTAEND = '2AFF'X !end of exceeded-quota message codesC 9, SS$_EXQUOTASTRT= '2A00'X !start of exceeded-quota message codes PARAMETER1 1 SS$_EXTIDXFILE = '0880'X !***** obsolete code> 2, SS$_EXTQELM = '2A3C'X !exceeded timer queue entry quota7 3, SS$_FACILITY = '00'X !system facility number = 007 4, SS$_FCPR )EADERR = '0888'X !file processor read error= 5, SS$_FCPREPSTN = '0988'X !file processor reposition error9 6, SS$_FCPREWNDERR= '0890'X !file processor rewind error8 7, SS$_FCPSPACERR = '0898'X !file processor space error8 8, SS$_FCPWRITERR = '08A0'X !file processor write errorA 9, SS$_FILACCERR = '9C'X !magnetic tape file access is nonblank PARAMETER< 1 SS$_FILALRACC = 'A4'X !file already accessed on channel5 2, SS$_FILELOCKED = '08A8'X !file is deaccess locked> 3, SS$_FILENUMCHK = ' *08B0'X !file identification number check8 4, SS$_FILEPURGED = '0679'X !oldest file version purgedA 5, SS$_FILESEQCHK = '08B8'X !file identification sequence number C ! check> 6, SS$_FILESTRUCT = '08C0'X !unsupported file structure level8 7, SS$_FILNOTACC = 'AC'X !file not accessed on channel@ 8, SS$_FILNOTCNTG = '02AC'X !file is not contiguous as required/ 9, SS$_FILNOTEXP = 'B4'X !file is not expired PARAMETER? 1 SS$_FLTDIV = '0494'X !arithmetic trap, floating/decimalC +! divide by zero@ 2, SS$_FLTDIV_F = '04BC'X !arithmetic fault, floating/decimalC ! divide by zero@ 3, SS$_FLTOVF = '048C'X !arithmetic trap, floating overflowA 4, SS$_FLTOVF_F = '04B4'X !arithmetic fault, floating overflowA 5, SS$_FLTUND = '049C'X !arithmetic trap, floating underflowB 6, SS$_FLTUND_F = '04C4'X !arithmetic fault, floating underflowA 7, SS$_FORCEDERROR= '2144'X !forced error flagged in last sector C ! readD 8, SS$_FORCEDEXIT = '217C'X !forced exit of i ,mage or process by JobC ! Controller0 9, SS$_FORMAT = 'BC'X !invalid media format PARAMETER5 1 SS$_GPTFULL = 'C4'X !global page table is fullC 2, SS$_GSDFULL = 'CC'X !global section descriptor table is full. 3, SS$_HANGUP = '02CC'X !data set hang-up1 4, SS$_HEADERFULL = '08C8'X !file header is fullC 5, SS$_IDMISMATCH = '03F4'X !ident mismatch with global section or C ! image0 6, SS$_IDXFILEFULL= '08D0'X !index file is full8 7, SS$_ILLBLKNUM = 'DC'X !illegal lo -gical block numberA 8, SS$_ILLCDTST = '2154'X !illegal connection descriptor table C ! state8 9, SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC= 'E4'X !illegal ACP control function PARAMETER6 1 SS$_ILLEFC = 'EC'X !illegal event flag cluster5 2, SS$_ILLIOFUNC = 'F4'X !illegal I/O function codeB 3, SS$_ILLLBLAST = '0968'X !illegal user label AST control blockC ! address8 4, SS$_ILLPAGCNT = 'FC'X !illegal page count parameter4 5, SS$_ILLSELF = '214C'X !illegal self reference: 6, SS$_ILLSEQOP = ' .02DC'X !illegal sequential operation9 7, SS$_ILLSER = '0104'X !illegal service call number9 8, SS$_ILLUSRLBLRD= '0958'X !illegal read of user labels: 9, SS$_ILLUSRLBLWT= '0960'X !illegal write of user lables PARAMETER@ 1 SS$_INCOMPAT = '0699'X !feature incompatible with previousC ! system version4 2, SS$_INCVOLLABEL= '010C'X !incorrect volume label9 3, SS$_INHCHME = '04D4'X !inhibited CHMExecutive trap6 4, SS$_INHCHMK = '04CC'X !inhibited CHMKernel trap9 5, SS$_INSFARG / = '0114'X !insufficient call arguments< 6, SS$_INSFBUFDP = '033C'X !unable to allocated a bufferedC ! datapath6 7, SS$_INSFCDT = '21AC'X !insufficient CDT entries8 8, SS$_INSFMAPREG = '0344'X !insufficient map registers9 9, SS$_INSFMEM = '0124'X !insufficient dynamic memory PARAMETER@ 1 SS$_INSFRAME = '012C'X !insufficient call frames to unwind> 2, SS$_INSFSPTS = '2044'X !insufficient SPTs to map processC ! buffer to system< 3, SS$_INSFWSL = '011C'X !insufficie 0nt working set limit@ 4, SS$_INTDIV = '0484'X !arithmetic trap, integer divide by C ! zero; 5, SS$_INTERLOCK = '038C'X !unable to acquire system dataC ! structure interlock? 6, SS$_INTOVF = '047C'X !arithmetic trap, integer overflowA 7, SS$_INVLOGIN = '209C'X !login information invalid at remote C ! node3 8, SS$_IVADDR = '0134'X !invalid media address3 9, SS$_IVBUFLEN = '034C'X !invalid buffer length PARAMETER1 1 SS$_IVCHAN = '013C'X !invalid I/O ch 1annel/ 2, SS$_IVCHAR = '20CC'X !invalid character@ 3, SS$_IVCHNLSEC = '026C'X !invalid channel for create and mapC ! section1 4, SS$_IVDEVNAM = '0144'X !invalid device name9 5, SS$_IVGSDNAM = '014C'X !invalid global section name- 6, SS$_IVLOCKID = '2124'X !invalid lock id2 7, SS$_IVLOGNAM = '0154'X !invalid logical name? 8, SS$_IVLOGTAB = '015C'X !invalid logical name table numberB 9, SS$_IVLVEC = '203C'X !section not installed with privilege PARAMETERA 1 SS 2$_IVMODE = '0354'X !invalid mode for requested function: 2, SS$_IVPROTECT = '02F4'X !invalid page protection code0 3, SS$_IVQUOTAL = '0164'X !invalid quota listB 4, SS$_IVSECFLG = '016C'X !invalid process/global section flagsB 5, SS$_IVSECIDCTL = '02E4'X !invalid section identification matchC ! control< 6, SS$_IVSSRQ = '0174'X !invalid system service request1 7, SS$_IVSTSFLG = '017C'X !invalid status flag* 8, SS$_IVTIME = '0184'X !invalid timeE 9, SS$_JBCERROR = ' 3218C'X !error communicating with job controller PARAMETERA 1 SS$_LCKPAGFUL = 'D4'X !no more pages may be locked in memory< 2, SS$_LENVIO = '018C'X !address space length violationA 3, SS$_LINEABRT = '0E02'X !host aborted transmission or failed ! to respondB 4, SS$_LINKABORT = '20E4'X !network partner aborted logical linkB 5, SS$_LINKDISCON = '20EC'X !netowrk partner disconnected logical C ! link4 6, SS$_LINKEXIT = '20F4'X !netowrk partner exitedC 7, SS$_LKWSETFUL = ' 40194'X !locked portion of working set is full- 8, SS$_MBFULL = '08D8'X !mailbox is full> 9, SS$_MBTOOSML = '019C'X !mailbox is too small for request PARAMETER5 1 SS$_MCHECK = '02BC'X !detected hardware error; 2, SS$_MCNOTVALID = '035C'X !device microcode is not valid/ 3, SS$_MEDOFL = '01A4'X !medium is offline@ 4, SS$_MSGNOTFND = '0621'X !message not in system message file; 5, SS$_MTLBLLONG = '0304'X !magtape volume label too long< 6, SS$_MULTRMS = '202C'X !multiple 5 RMS vectors specified- 7, SS$_MUSTCLOSEFL= '0948'X !must close file? 8, SS$_NOACNT = '284C'X !operation requires ACNT privilegeC 9, SS$_NOALLSPOOL = '2824'X !operation requires ALLSPOOL privilege PARAMETERA 1 SS$_NOALTPRI = '286C'X !operation requires ALTPRI privilege8 2, SS$_NOAQB = '0314'X !ACP queue header not foundA 3, SS$_NOBUGCHK = '28BC'X !operation requires BUGCHK privilegeA 4, SS$_NOBYPASS = '28EC'X !operation requires BYPASS privilegeA 5, SS$_NOCMEXEC = '28 60C'X !operation requires CMEXEC privilegeA 6, SS$_NOCMKRNL = '2804'X !operation requires CMKRNL privilege. 7, SS$_NODATA = '01AC'X !mailbox is emptyA 8, SS$_NODETACH = '282C'X !operation requires DETACH privilege1 9, SS$_NODEVAVL = '09B0'X !no device available PARAMETERC 1 SS$_NODIAGNOSE = '2834'X !operation requires DIAGNOSE privilege> 2, SS$_NODISKQUOTA= '03E4'X !no disk quota entry for this UICB 3, SS$_NOEXQUOTA = '289C'X !operation requires EXQUOTA privilege@ 4, SS$_NOGR 7OUP = '2844'X !operation requires GROUP privilegeA 5, SS$_NOGRPNAM = '281C'X !operation requires GRPNAM privilege8 6, SS$_NOHANDLER = '08F8'X !no condition handler found> 7, SS$_NOHOMEBLK = '08E0'X !Files-11 home block not found onC ! volume6 8, SS$_NOIOCHAN = '01B4'X !no I/O channel availableA 9, SS$_NOLICENSE = '2194'X !operation requires software license PARAMETER= 1 SS$_NOLINKS = '027C'X !no slots in logical link vectorA 2, SS$_NOLISTENER = '215C'X !specified remote 8 system process notC ! listening3 3, SS$_NOLOCKID = '0E12'X !no lock id. available3 4, SS$_NOLOGNAM = '01BC'X !no logical name matchA 5, SS$_NOLOG_IO = '283C'X !operation requires LOG_IO privilege? 6, SS$_NOMBX = '0274'X !no associated mailbox for inboundC ! connects+ 7, SS$_NOMOREFILES= '0930'X !no more files/ 8, SS$_NOMOREPROC = '09A8'X !no more processes@ 9, SS$_NOMOUNT = '288C'X !operation requires MOUNT privilege PARAMETERA 1 SS$_NONETMBX = '28A4'X ! 9operation requires NETMBX privilege/ 2, SS$_NONEXDRV = '01C4'X !nonexistant drive1 3, SS$_NONEXPR = '08E8'X !nonexistant process: 4, SS$_NONLOCAL = '08F0'X !device is not a local device? 5, SS$_NOOPER = '2894'X !operation requires OPER privilegeA 6, SS$_NOP1VA = '2024'X !P1 space not supported in shareableC ! imagesA 7, SS$_NOPFNMAP = '28D4'X !operation requires PFNMAP privilegeA 8, SS$_NOPHY_IO = '28B4'X !operation requires PHY_IO privilege@ 9, SS$_NOPRIV = : '24'X !no privilege for attempted operation PARAMETER? 1 SS$_NOPRIVEND = '29FF'X !end of no-privilege message codesA 2, SS$_NOPRIVSTRT = '2800'X !start of no-privilege message codesA 3, SS$_NOPRMCEB = '2854'X !operation requires PRMCEB privilegeA 4, SS$_NOPRMGBL = '28C4'X !operation requires PRMGBL privilegeA 5, SS$_NOPRMMBX = '285C'X !operation requires PRMMBX privilegeA 6, SS$_NOPSWAPM = '2864'X !operation requires PSWAPM privilege: 7, SS$_NOQFILE = '03C4'X !no disk quot ;a file available# 8, SS$_NORMAL = '01'X !successA 9, SS$_NOSETPRV = '2874'X !operation requires SETPRV privilege PARAMETERC 1 SS$_NOSHMBLOCK = '03B4'X !no free shared memory block available@ 2, SS$_NOSHMEM = '28DC'X !operation requires SHMEM privilegeD 3, SS$_NOSHRIMG = '21BC'X !privileged shareable image cannot haveC ! outbound calls8 4, SS$_NOSIGNAL = '0900'X !no signal currently active; 5, SS$_NOSLOT = '039C'X !no pcb or swap slot available= 6, SS$_NOSOLICIT = < '0284'X !interrupt message not solicited6 7, SS$_NOSUCHDEV = '0908'X !no such device available* 8, SS$_NOSUCHFILE = '0910'X !no such file; 9, SS$_NOSUCHNODE = '028C'X !specified node does not exist PARAMETERA 1 SS$_NOSUCHOBJ = '20A4'X !network object is unknown at remote C ! node6 2, SS$_NOSUCHSEC = '0978'X !no such (global) sectionA 3, SS$_NOSUCHUSER = '2084'X !login information not recognized atC ! remote nodeA 4, SS$_NOSYSGBL = '28CC'X !operation requires SYSGBL priv =ilegeA 5, SS$_NOSYSLCK = '28F4'X !operation requires SYSLCK privilegeA 6, SS$_NOSYSNAM = '2814'X !operation requires SYSNAM privilegeA 7, SS$_NOSYSPRV = '28E4'X !operation requires SYSPRV privilegeC 8, SS$_NOTALLPRIV = '0681'X !not all request privileges authorized- 9, SS$_NOTAPEOP = '0264'X !no tape operato PARAMETERA 1 SS$_NOTCREATOR = '0384'X !request denied, user not on creator C ! port: 2, SS$_NOTFILEDEV = '01CC'X !device is not file structure? 3, SS$_NOTINSTALL = ' >2014'X !writable shareable images must beC ! installed= 4, SS$_NOTINTBLSZ = '01D4'X !block size is greater than 20482 5, SS$_NOTLABELMT = '01DC'X !tape is not labelled? 6, SS$_NOTMODIFIED= '0659'X !no pages in section were modifiedA 7, SS$_NOTMPMBX = '287C'X !operation requires TMPMBX privilege@ 8, SS$_NOTNETDEV = '02EC'X !not a network communication deviceB 9, SS$_NOTPRINTED = '2184'X !failed to queue spool file for print PARAMETER0 1 SS$_NOTQUEUED = '09B8'X !request not queu ?ed= 2, SS$_NOTRAN = '0629'X !no string translation performed5 3, SS$_NOTSQDEV = '01E4'X !not a sequential device@ 4, SS$_NOTVOLSET = '0998'X !volume is not part of a volume setA 5, SS$_NOVOLPRO = '28AC'X !operation requires VOLPRO privilege@ 6, SS$_NOWORLD = '2884'X !operation requires WORLD privilege? 7, SS$_NOWRT = '03FC'X !cannot create writable section toC ! read-only file? 8, SS$_OPCCUS = '0434'X !opcode reserved to customer fault> 9, SS$_OPCDEC = '043C @'X !opcode reserved to DIGITAL fault PARAMETER5 1 SS$_OPINCOMPL = '02D4'X !operation is incomplete1 2, SS$_OPRABORT = '20B4'X !aborted by operator; 3, SS$_OVRDSKQUOTA= '0669'X !disk usage exceeds disk quota2 4, SS$_PAGOWNVIO = '01EC'X !page owner violation- 5, SS$_PAGRDERR = '0444'X !page read error* 6, SS$_PARITY = '01F4'X !parity error9 7, SS$_PARNOTGRANT= '2134'X !parent lock must be granted5 8, SS$_PARTESCAPE = '01FC'X !partial escape sequenceD 9, SS$_PARTMAPPED = '0E22 A'X !some file map pointers not permanentlyC ! resident PARAMETER? 1 SS$_PATHLOST = '20FC'X !path to network partner node lost: 2, SS$_PFMBSY = '0204'X !page fault monitor is in use; 3, SS$_PLHLDR = '0404'X !** reserved for future use **4 4, SS$_POWERFAIL = '0364'X !power failure occurredC 5, SS$_PRIVINSTALL= '2054'X !shareable images must be installed toC ! run privileged image@ 6, SS$_PROTINSTALL= '205C'X !protected images must be installed4 7, SS$_PROTOCOL = '20 B74'X !network protocol error; 8, SS$_PSTFULL = '020C'X !process section table is full? 9, SS$_QFACTIVE = '03CC'X !disk quota file is already active PARAMETER; 1 SS$_QFNOTACT = '03D4'X !disk quota file is not active7 2, SS$_RADRMOD = '044C'X !reserved addressing fault< 3, SS$_RDDELDATA = '0661'X !read deleted data address mark6 4, SS$_REJECT = '0294'X !network connect rejected@ 5, SS$_RELINK = '200C'X !obsolete executable image - pleaseC ! relinkA 6, SS$_REMOTE C = '0649'X !assignment completed on remote node> 7, SS$_REMRSRC = '206C'X !insufficient system resources atC ! remote node/ 8, SS$_RESET = '210C'X !circuit was reset@ 9, SS$_RESIGNAL = '0918'X !resignal condition to next handler PARAMETER7 1 SS$_RESULTOVF = '0214'X !resultant string overflow4 2, SS$_ROPRAND = '0454'X !reserved operand faultD 3, SS$_SECTBLFUL = '021C'X !section table (process/global) is fullD 4, SS$_SHARTOOBIG = '201C'X !new version of shareable ima Dge too bigC ! - relink all images> 5, SS$_SHMGSNOTMAP= '036C'X !shared memory global section notC ! mapped during creation9 6, SS$_SHMNOTCNCT = '037C'X !shared memory not connectedA 7, SS$_SHRIDMISMAT= '20BC'X !ident mismatch with shareable image= 8, SS$_SHUT = '208C'X !remote node no longer acceptingC ! connects> 9, SS$_SSFAIL = '045C'X !system service failure exception PARAMETERA 1 SS$_SUBLOCKS = '212C'X !cannot dequeue a lock with sublocksD 2, SS$_SUBRNG E = '04AC'X !arithmetic trap, suscript out of range5 3, SS$_SUPERSEDE = '0631'X !logical name superseded2 4, SS$_SUSPENDED = '03A4'X !process is suspended? 5, SS$_SYNCH = '0689'X !synchronous successful completionA 6, SS$_SYSVERDIF = '0671'X !system version mismatch - privilegeC ! removed - please relink9 7, SS$_TAPEPOSLOST= '0224'X !magnetic tape position lost0 8, SS$_TBIT = '0464'X !T-bit pending trapB 9, SS$_THIRDPARTY = '207C'X !logical link disconnected by a thi Frd C ! party PARAMETER, 1 SS$_TIMEOUT = '022C'X !device timeoutE 2, SS$_TOOMANYLNAM= '0374'X !logical name translation exceeded depth0 3, SS$_TOOMANYREDS= '211C'X !too many redirects; 4, SS$_TOOMANYVER = '0990'X !too many higher file versions< 5, SS$_TOOMUCHDATA= '029C'X !too much optional or interruptC ! message data= 6, SS$_UNASEFC = '0234'X !unassociated event flag clusterD 7, SS$_UNREACHABLE= '2094'X !remote node is not currently reachable* 8, SS$_UNSAFE = '023C G'X !drive unsafe4 9, SS$_UNSOLICIT = '2114'X !response not solicited PARAMETER: 1 SS$_UNWIND = '0920'X !unwind currently in progress8 2, SS$_UNWINDING = '0928'X !unwind already in progress; 3, SS$_VASFULL = '0244'X !virtual address space is full4 4, SS$_VCBROKEN = '219C'X !virtual circuit broken4 5, SS$_VCCLOSED = '21A4'X !virtual circuit closedD 6, SS$_VECFULL = '2034'X !privileged vector limit of 42 exceeded8 7, SS$_VECINUSE = '024C'X !AST vector already enabled/ 8, SS $_VOLINV = '0254'X !volume is invalid5 9, SS$_WAITUSRLBL = '0950'X !waiting for user labels PARAMETER0 1 SS$_WASCLR = '01'X !event flag was clear@ 2, SS$_WASECC = '0639'X !successful transfer, no data check. 3, SS$_WASSET = '09'X !event flag was set. 4, SS$_WRITLCK = '025C'X !write lock error1 5, SS$_WRONGACP = '031C'X !wrong ACP for driveCC End of $SSDEF module.CwwI$u | C+ $STATEDEF2C Module ($STATEDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.4C Defines symbols for the process scheduling states.C-9C Extracted $STATEDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER2 1 SCH$C_CEF = '03'X !Common Event Flag wait. 2, SCH$C_COLPG = '01'X !Collided Page wait1 3, SCH$C_COM = '0C'X !Computable (resident)3 4, SCH$C_COMO = '0D'X !Computable (Outswapped)5 5, SCH$C_CUR = '0E'X !Current executing process* 6, SCH$C_FPG = '0B J'X !Free Page wait5 7, SCH$C_HIB = '07'X !Hibernate wait (resident)7 8, SCH$C_HIBO = '08'X !Hibernate wait (Outswapped)< 9, SCH$C_LEF = '05'X !Local Event Flag wait (resident) PARAMETER> 1 SCH$C_LEFO = '06'X !Local Event Flag wait (Outswapped)? 2, SCH$C_MWAIT = '02'X !Miscellaneous (Mutex/Resource) wait+ 3, SCH$C_PFW = '04'X !Page Fault wait5 4, SCH$C_SUSP = '09'X !Suspended wait (resident)7 5, SCH$C_SUSPO = '0A'X !Suspended wait (Outswapped)CC End of $STATEDEF module.CwwL~ | C+ $STSDEF0C Module ($STSDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.=C Defines symbols for offset constants for the condition code*C fields and the severity level constants.C-;C Extracted $STSDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER/ 1 STS$K_ERROR = '02'X !error severity code5 2, STS$K_INFO = '03'X !information severity code> 3, STS$K_SEVERE = '04'X !severe error (fatal) severity code( 4, STS$K_SUCCESS = '01'X !success code1 5, STS$K_WARNING = 'M00'X !warning severity codeCC Define masks for fieldsC 6, STS$M_CODE = '7FF8'X !" 7, STS$M_COND_ID = '0FFFFFF8'X !" 8, STS$M_CONTROL = 'F0000000'X !" 9, STS$M_CUST_DEF = '08000000'X ! PARAMETER" 1 STS$M_FAC_NO = '0FFF0000'X ! 2, STS$M_FAC_SP = '8000'X !" 3, STS$M_INHIB_MSG= '10000000'X ! 4, STS$M_MSG_NO = 'FFF8'X ! 5, STS$M_SEVERITY = '07'X ! 6, STS$M_SUCCESS = '01'X !C#C Define sizes of fields (in bits)C. 7, STS$S_CODE = '0C'X !message code field N: 8, STS$S_COND_ID = '19'X !condition identification field. 9, STS$S_CONTROL = '04'X !control bits field PARAMETER1 1 STS$S_FAC_NO = '0C'X !facility number field0 2, STS$S_MSG_NO = '0D'X !message number field* 3, STS$S_SEVERITY = '03'X !severify fieldC$C Define bit offsets of fields/bitsC. 4, STS$V_CODE = '03'X !message code field: 5, STS$V_COND_ID = '03'X !condition identification field. 6, STS$V_CONTROL = '1C'X !control bits field1 7, STS$V_CUST_DEF = '1B'X !customer facility bit1 8, STS$V_FAC_NO = '10'X !facility number field1 9, STS$V_FAC_SP = '0F'X !facility specific bit PARAMETER= 1 STS$V_INHIB_MSG= '1C'X !inhibit message on image exit bit0 2, STS$V_MSG_NO = '03'X !message number field/ 3, STS$V_SEVERITY = '00'X !severity code field' 4, STS$V_SUCCESS = '00'X !success bitCC End of $STSDEF module.CwwPǏ | C+ $SYIDEF0C Module ($SYIDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.8C Defines the item codes for the $GETSYI system service.C-;C Extracted $SYIDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER3 1 SYI$C_HDWTYPE = '02'X !hardware type item code. 2, SYI$C_LISTEND = '00'X !item list end code3 3, SYI$C_SFWTYPE = '01'X !software type item code0 4, SYI$_CPU = '0200'X !CPU type item code 5, SYI$_LASTHDW = '0202'X ! 6, SYI$_LASTSFW = '0101'X !< 7, SYI$_SID  = '0201'X !System identification register3 8, SYI$_VERSION = '0100'X !System version stringCC End of $SYIDEF module.Cww $SYIDEF^ | NAGY $TTDEF!  | NAGY $UAB_DEF"  | NAGY UABFLGDEF## | NAGY $XABALLDEF# = | NAGY $XABDATDEF P | NAGY $XABDEF#u | NAGY $XABFHCDEF# | NAGY $XABKEYDEF#`t | NAGY $XABPRODEF#@ | NAGY $XABRDTDEF#s | NAGY $XABSUMDEF ϻR NAGY FDVDEF%R NAGY DTR_CALL_S ܝ | C+ $TTDEF/C Module ($TTDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.:C Defines symbolic names for terminal characteristics bits!C and fields and constant values.C-:C Extracted $TTDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER: 1 TT$C_BAUD_110 = '03'X !Baud rate setting for 110 baud; 2, TT$C_BAUD_1200 = '08'X !Baud rate setting for 1200 baud: 3, TT$C_BAUD_134 = '04'X !Baud rate setting for 134 baud: 4, TT$C_BAUD_150 = '05'X !Baud rate setting for 150 baud; 5, TT T$C_BAUD_1800 = '09'X !Baud rate setting for 1800 baud< 6, TT$C_BAUD_19200= '10'X !Baud rate setting for 19.2K baud; 7, TT$C_BAUD_2000 = '0A'X !Baud rate setting for 2000 baud; 8, TT$C_BAUD_2400 = '0B'X !Baud rate setting for 2400 baud: 9, TT$C_BAUD_300 = '06'X !Baud rate setting for 300 baud PARAMETER; 1 TT$C_BAUD_3600 = '0C'X !Baud rate setting for 3600 baud; 2, TT$C_BAUD_4800 = '0D'X !Baud rate setting for 4800 baud9 3, TT$C_BAUD_50 = '01'X !Baud rate setting for 50 baud: 4, TT$C U_BAUD_600 = '07'X !Baud rate setting for 600 baud; 5, TT$C_BAUD_7200 = '0E'X !Baud rate setting for 7200 baud9 6, TT$C_BAUD_75 = '02'X !Baud rate setting for 75 baud; 7, TT$C_BAUD_9600 = '0F'X !Baud rate setting for 9600 baud9 8, TT$M_ALTRPAR = '20'X !Alter parity on terminal lineA 9, TT$M_CRFILL = '0400'X !Requires fill after Carriage return PARAMETER 1 TT$M_DS_CARRIER= '20'X ! 2, TT$M_DS_CTS = '10'X ! 3, TT$M_DS_DSR = '80'X ! 4, TT$M_DS_DTR = '02'X ! 5, TT$M_D VS_RING = '40'X ! 6, TT$M_DS_RTS = '10'X ! 7, TT$M_DS_SECREC = '08'X ! 8, TT$M_DS_SECTX = '08'X !. 9, TT$M_EIGHTBIT = '8000'X !Uses 8-bit ASCII PARAMETER6 1 TT$M_ESCAPE = '08'X !Generates escape sequences2 2, TT$M_HALFDUP = '00100000'X !Half-duplex mode> 3, TT$M_HOLDSCREEN= '4000'X !Is in Holdscreen mode (VT52/100)@ 4, TT$M_HOSTSYNC = '10'X !Host/terminal synchronization, input; 5, TT$M_LFFILL = '0800'X !Requires fill after line feed4 6, TT$M_LOWER = '80'X !Lower ca Wse character setD 7, TT$M_MBXDSABL = '00010000'X !Unsolicited input mailbox disabledH 8, TT$M_MECHFORM = '00080000'X !Mechanical form feed (pass form feeds)A 9, TT$M_MECHTAB = '0100'X !Mechanical tab (pass tabs directly) PARAMETER" 1 TT$M_MODEM = '00200000'X !7 2, TT$M_NOBRDCST = '00020000'X !No broadcast messages8 3, TT$M_NOECHO = '02'X !Input not echoed on terminal4 4, TT$M_NOTYPEAHD = '04'X !No type-ahead capability) 5, TT$M_ODD = '80'X !Parity is odd" 6, TT$M_OPER X = '00400000'X !6 7, TT$M_PAGE = 'FF000000'X !Mask for page length5 8, TT$M_PARITY = '40'X !Enable parity on terminal; 9, TT$M_PASSALL = '01'X !In PASSALL mode (I/O in binary) PARAMETER: 1 TT$M_READSYNC = '00040000'X !Read synchronization set. 2, TT$M_REMOTE = '2000'X !Dial-up terminal/ 3, TT$M_SCOPE = '1000'X !Terminal is a CRT 4, TT$M_SCRIPT = '40'X !A 5, TT$M_TTSYNC = '20'X !Terminal/host synchronization, output< 6, TT$M_WRAP = '0200'X !Insert newliYne at right margin5 7, TT$S_PAGE = '08'X !Size of page length field 8, TT$V_ALTRPAR = '05'X ! 9, TT$V_CRFILL = '0A'X ! PARAMETER 1 TT$V_DS_CARRIER= '05'X ! 2, TT$V_DS_CTS = '04'X ! 3, TT$V_DS_DSR = '07'X ! 4, TT$V_DS_DTR = '01'X ! 5, TT$V_DS_RING = '06'X ! 6, TT$V_DS_RTS = '04'X ! 7, TT$V_DS_SECREC = '03'X ! 8, TT$V_DS_SECTX = '03'X ! 9, TT$V_EIGHTBIT = '0F'X ! PARAMETER 1 TT$V_ESCAPE = '03'X ! 2, TT$V_HALFDUP = '14'X ! 3, TT$V_HOLDSCRZEEN= '0E'X ! 4, TT$V_HOSTSYNC = '04'X ! 5, TT$V_LFFILL = '0B'X ! 6, TT$V_LOWER = '07'X ! 7, TT$V_MBXDSABL = '10'X ! 8, TT$V_MECHFORM = '13'X ! 9, TT$V_MECHTAB = '08'X ! PARAMETER 1 TT$V_MODEM = '15'X ! 2, TT$V_NOBRDCST = '11'X ! 3, TT$V_NOECHO = '01'X ! 4, TT$V_NOTYPEAHD = '02'X ! 5, TT$V_ODD = '07'X ! 6, TT$V_OPER = '16'X ! 7, TT$V_PAGE = '18'X ! 8, TT$V_PARITY = '06'X ! 9, TT$V_PASSALL = '00'X ! PARAMETER 1 TT$V_READSYNC [ = '12'X ! 2, TT$V_REMOTE = '0D'X ! 3, TT$V_SCOPE = '0C'X ! 4, TT$V_SCRIPT = '06'X ! 5, TT$V_TTSYNC = '05'X ! 6, TT$V_WRAP = '09'X !4 7, TT$_FT1 = '10'X !Foreign terminal type #14 8, TT$_FT2 = '11'X !Foreign terminal type #24 9, TT$_FT3 = '12'X !Foreign terminal type #3 PARAMETER4 1 TT$_FT4 = '13'X !Foreign terminal type #44 2, TT$_FT5 = '14'X !Foreign terminal type #54 3, TT$_FT6 = '15'X !Foreign terminal type #64 4, TT$_ \FT7 = '16'X !Foreign terminal type #74 5, TT$_FT8 = '17'X !Foreign terminal type #80 6, TT$_LA100 = '25'X !Terminal is an LA100 7, TT$_LA12 = '24'X !6 8, TT$_LA120 = '21'X !Terminal is a DECwriter II 9, TT$_LA24 = '25'X ! PARAMETER/ 1 TT$_LA34 = '22'X !Terminal is an LA345 2, TT$_LA36 = '20'X !Terminal is a DECwriter I6 3, TT$_LA38 = '23'X !Terminal is a DECwriter IV0 4, TT$_LAX = '20'X !Terminal is an LAxxx@ 5, TT$_LQP02 ] = '26'X !Terminal is a Letter Quality Printer4 6, TT$_UNKNOWN = '00'X !Terminal type is unknown 7, TT$_VK100 = '02'X !, 8, TT$_VT05 = '01'X !Terminal is VT05/ 9, TT$_VT100 = '60'X !Terminal is a VT100 PARAMETER/ 1 TT$_VT101 = '61'X !Terminal is a VT101/ 2, TT$_VT102 = '62'X !Terminal is a VT102 3, TT$_VT105 = '63'X ! 4, TT$_VT125 = '64'X ! 5, TT$_VT131 = '65'X ! 6, TT$_VT132 = '66'X ! 7, TT$_VT173 = '03'X !. 8, TT$_VT52 ^ = '40'X !Terminal is a VT52. 9, TT$_VT55 = '41'X !Terminal is a VT55 PARAMETER. 1 TT$_VT5X = '40'X !Terminal is a VT5xC;C Extracted $TT2DEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 23-DEC-1982C PARAMETERB 1 TT2$M_ALTYPEAHD = '80'X !Mask for alternate type-ahead bufsize= 2, TT2$M_ANSICRT = '01000000'X !Mask for ANSI CRT terminalC 3, TT2$M_AUTOBAUD = '02'X !Mask for automatic baud rate detection@ 4, TT2$M_AVO = '08000000'X !Mask for Advanced Video VT100A 5, TT2$M_BLOC _K = '04000000'X !Mask for block mode capability@ 6, TT2$M_BRDCSTMBX = '10'X !Mask for mailbox broadcase messages 7, TT2$M_DCL_CTRLC = '0400'X ! 8, TT2$M_DCL_MAILBX= '0200'X ! 9, TT2$M_DCL_OUTBND= '0800'X ! PARAMETER< 1 TT2$M_DECCRT = '20000000'X !Mask for DEC CRT terminal9 2, TT2$M_DMA = '40'X !Mask for DMA mode controller9 3, TT2$M_EDIT = '10000000'X !Mask for terminal edit6 4, TT2$M_HANGUP = '04'X !Mask for terminal hang-up9 5, TT2$M_LOCALECHO = '01'X !Mask `for local echo terminal@ 6, TT2$M_MODHANGUP = '08'X !Mask to allow HANGUP to be modified: 7, TT2$M_REGIS = '02000000'X !Mask for REGIS graphics@ 8, TT2$M_SETSPEED = '0100'X !Mask for allow baud rate changing6 9, TT2$M_XON = '20'X !Mask for XON/XOFF control PARAMETER< 1 TT2$V_ALTYPEAHD = '07'X !Alternate type-ahead buffersizeA 2, TT2$V_ANSICRT = '18'X !ANSI CRT terminal (escape sequences): 3, TT2$V_AUTOBAUD = '01'X !Automatic baud rate detection? 4, TT2$V_AVO = '1B'X !A advanced Video option (VT1xx only); 5, TT2$V_BLOCK = '1A'X !Block transfer mode capability: 6, TT2$V_BRDCSTMBX = '04'X !Broadcast messages to mailbox 7, TT2$V_DCL_CTRLC = '0A'X ! 8, TT2$V_DCL_MAILBX= '09'X ! 9, TT2$V_DCL_OUTBND= '0B'X ! PARAMETER1 1 TT2$V_DECCRT = '1D'X !Digital CRT terminalA 2, TT2$V_DMA = '06'X !Enable use of DMA mode on controller; 3, TT2$V_EDIT = '1C'X !Terminal has edit capabilities7 4, TT2$V_HANGUP = '02'X !Terminal hang-up on logout9 5, TT2$V_LOCALECHO = '00'X !Terminal provides local echo8 6, TT2$V_MODHANGUP = '03'X !Allow HANGUP to be modified8 7, TT2$V_REGIS = '19'X !Terminal has REGIS graphics4 8, TT2$V_SETSPEED = '08'X !Allow baud rate changes= 9, TT2$V_XON = '05'X !Terminal has XON/XOFF capabilityCC End of $TTDEF module.Cwwc | C+ $UAB_DEFMC SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF($UAB_DEF) defines symbols for network User AST Block.C-7C Extracted $UAB_DEF from NET$SRC:VAXNET on 21-DEC-1982C)C Definitions for use in Reply AST's onlyC PARAMETER- 1 UAB_B_RPYSTS = '08'X !Reply status byte3 2, UAB_L_RPYADR = '04'X !Address of reply buffer8 3, UAB_M_1STPKT = '80'X !Mask for 1st packet flag bit9 4, UAB_V_1STPKT = '07'X !Offset to 1st packet flag bit2 5, UAB_W_REQID = '00'X !Request identificadtion3 6, UAB_W_RPYLEN = '02'X !Reply length (in words)C+C Definitions for use in Request AST's onlyC PARAMETER4 1 UAB_B_D_NODE = '0A'X !Destination logical node/ 2, UAB_B_D_TSKID = '0B'X !Destination task id* 3, UAB_B_REQSTS = '08'X !Request status/ 4, UAB_B_S_NODE = '0E'X !Source logical node* 5, UAB_B_S_TSKID = '0F'X !Source task id5 6, UAB_L_REQADR = '04'X !Address of receive buffer PARAMETER< 1 UAB_M_CANCEL = '80'X !Mask for request cancel flag bit7 2, UAB_ eM_MSGTYPE = '06'X !Mask for message type field6 3, UAB_S_MSGTYPE = '02'X !Size of message type field0 4, UAB_V_CANCEL = '07'X !Offset to cancel bit8 5, UAB_V_MSGTYPE = '01'X !Offset to message type field5 6, UAB_W_REQLEN = '02'X !Request length (in words)0 7, UAB_W_RPYID = '00'X !Reply identification9 8, UAB_W_RRQID = '0C'X !Source request identificationC%C Defintions common to both AST typesC PARAMETER- 1 UAB_B_FLAGS = '09'X !Byte of bit flags2 2, UAB_K_LENGTH = '14'X !Length of UAB in bytes< 3, UAB_M_MULTRPY = '01'X !Mask for multiple-reply flag bit> 4, UAB_M_TOOLONG = '40'X !Mask for truncation error flag bit8 5, UAB_V_MULTRPY = '00'X !Offset to multiple-reply bit; 6, UAB_V_TOOLONG = '06'X !Offset to truncation error flagCC End of $UAB_DEF module.Cww gR | C+ UABFLGDEF2C Module (UABFLGDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CC UABFLGDEF defines the symbolic names (for FORTRAN) of the bit andCC field masks, bit offsets, and field sizes of the UAB_B_FLAGS byte8C and the request_flags and reply_flags arguments of the:C NET_CHECK_xxx and NET_WAIT_xxx network service routines.CEC The UAB_V_name symbols give the bit offsets (bit number relative toBC bit 0 of UAB_B_FLAGS) of the bit or field named. The UAB_M_nameGC symbols give the h masks for the bits or fields (used in bit-wise .AND.CC operations) for the named bits or fields. The UAB_S_name symbolsAC give the sizes, in bits, of the named fields. The UAB_K_LENGTH;C symbol gives the length, in bytes, of the user AST block.C C2 FieldsDC MSGTYPE is the message type code field. Only used with requests.CC2 Bits@C 1STPKT bit indicates that this reply AST is the first packet=C AST (declared after the first chronological packet=C of the me issage has been stored in the user's reply0C buffer). Only used with reply AST's.>C CANCEL bit indicates that the outstanding request has been=C cancelled and no more replies should be generated.C Only used with requests.%C MULTRPY is the multiple reply bit.@C TOOLONG bit indicates that the message ws truncated to fit in C the specified buffer.CC-CLC _M_ are masks, _S_ are sizes of bit fields, _V_ are bit offsets to bits orC fields, _K_ are consjtants.C PARAMETER2 1 UAB_K_LENGTH = '14'X !Length of UAB in bytes PARAMETER< 1 UAB_M_CANCEL = '80'X !Request being cancelled flag bit. 2, UAB_M_MSGTYPE = '06'X !Message type field3 3, UAB_M_MULTRPY = '01'X !Multiple reply flag bit7 4, UAB_M_TOOLONG = '40'X !Message truncation flag bit 5, UAB_S_MSGTYPE = 2 ! 6, UAB_V_CANCEL = 7 ! 7, UAB_V_MSGTYPE = 1 ! 8, UAB_V_MULTRPY = 0 ! 9, UAB_V_TOOLONG = 6 ! PARAMETER: 1 UAB_M_1STPKT = '80'X !1st packet reply AST indicator 2, UAB_V_1STPKT = 7 !CC End of UABFLGDEF module.Cww l  | C+ $XABALLDEF3C Module ($XABALLDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.@C Defines offset constants and other constants of the VAX-11 RMS/C allocation extended attribute block (XABALL).C->C Extracted $XABALLDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER6 1 XAB$B_AID = '17'X !Area identification number3 2, XAB$B_ALN = '09'X !Alignment boundary type. 3, XAB$B_AOP = '08'X !Allocation options< 4, XAB$C_ALL = '14'X !XABALL block identification co mde2 5, XAB$C_ALLLEN = '20'X !Length of XABALL block) 6, XAB$C_ANY = '00'X !Any alignment= 7, XAB$C_CYL = '01'X !Align to start on cylinder numberB 8, XAB$C_LBN = '02'X !Align to start at logical block numberA 9, XAB$C_RFI = '04'X !Align to start near the file given in, ! the related file identification field PARAMETER? 1 XAB$C_VBN = '03'X !Align starts near the virtual block2 2, XAB$K_ALLLEN = '20'X !Length of XABALL block/ 3, XAB$L_ALQ = '10'X !Alnlocation quantity$ 4, XAB$L_LOC = '0C'X !Location 5, XAB$M_CBT = '20'X ! 6, XAB$M_CTG = '80'X ! 7, XAB$M_HRD = '01'X ! 8, XAB$M_ONC = '02'X !@ 9, XAB$S_RFI = '06'X !Relative file identifer size (bytes) PARAMETER/ 1 XAB$V_CBT = '05'X !Contiguous best try& 2, XAB$V_CTG = '07'X !Contiguous; 3, XAB$V_HRD = '00'X !Hard, return error if requested$ ! alignment cannot be performed: 4, XAB$V_ONC = '01'X !On cylinder boundary alignment6 5, XAB$W_DEQ = '14'X !Default extension quantity4 6, XAB$W_RFI = '18'X !Relative file identifier 7, XAB$W_RFI0 = '18'X ! 8, XAB$W_RFI2 = '1A'X ! 9, XAB$W_RFI4 = '1C'X ! PARAMETER2 1 XAB$W_VOL = '0A'X !Relative volume numberCC End of $XABALLDEF module.Cwwp | C+ $XABDATDEF3C Module ($XABDATDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMS2C date and time extended attribute block (XABDAT).C->C Extracted $XABDATDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER: 1 XAB$C_DAT = '12'X !XABDAT control block type code7 2, XAB$C_DATLEN = '2C'X !XABDAT control block length5 3, XAB$C_DATLEN_V2= '24'X !XABDAT length from VMS V2 4, XAB$K_DATLEN = '2C'X ! 5, XAB$K_DAqTLEN_V2= '24'X ! 6, XAB$L_BDT0 = '24'X ! 7, XAB$L_BDT4 = '28'X ! 8, XAB$L_CDT0 = '14'X ! 9, XAB$L_CDT4 = '18'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$L_EDT0 = '1C'X ! 2, XAB$L_EDT4 = '20'X !9 3, XAB$Q_BDT = '24'X !Backup date and time quadword; 4, XAB$Q_CDT = '14'X !Creation date and time quadword= 5, XAB$Q_EDT = '1C'X !Expiration date and time quadwordC$C Size of date/time fields in bytes:C 6, XAB$S_BDT = '08'X ! 7, XAB$S_CDT = '08'X ! 8, XAB$S_EDT = '08'X !CC End of $XABDATDEF module.Cwws3 | C+ $XABDEF0C Module ($XABDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.:C Defines offset constants and other values common to most4C of the VAX-11 RMS extended attribute (XAB) blocks.C-;C Extracted $XABDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER' 1 XAB$B_BKZ = '16'X !Bucket size0 2, XAB$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length3 3, XAB$B_COD = '00'X !Control block type code8 4, XAB$L_NXT = '04'X !Address of next XAB in chain 5, XAB$L_RDT0 = '0C 'X ! 6, XAB$L_RDT4 = '10'X !; 7, XAB$Q_RDT = '0C'X !Revision date and time quadword< 8, XAB$S_RDT = '08'X !Size of date/time field in bytes1 9, XAB$W_RVN = '08'X !Revision number fieldCC End of $XABDEF module.Cww umat: 4, XAB$C_FHC = '1D'X !XABFHC control block type code7 5, XAB$C_FHCLEN = '2C'X !XABFHC control block length 6, XAB$K_FHCLEN = '2C'X !4 7, XAB$L_EBK = '10'X !End-of-file block number8 8, XAB$L_HBK = '0C'X !Highest virtual block number@ 9, XAB$L_SBN = '28'X !Starting logical block number if CTG PARAMETERB 1 XAB$W_DXQ = '1A'X !Default extension quantity (FAB$W_DEQ) 2, XAB$W_EBK0 = '10'X ! 3, XAB$W_EBK2 = '12'X !D 4, XAB$W_FFB = '14'X !First free byte in the end-of-file block7 5, XAB$W_GBC = '1C'X !Default global buffer count 6, XAB$W_HBK0 = '0C'X ! 7, XAB$W_HBK2 = '0E'X !1 8, XAB$W_LRL = '0A'X !Longest record length; 9, XAB$W_MRZ = '18'X !Maximum record size (FAB$W_MRS) PARAMETER2 1 XAB$W_VERLIMIT = '26'X !Version limit for fileCC End of $XABFHCDEF module.Cwwwl | C+ $XABKEYDEF3C Module ($XABKEYDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMS2C key definition extended attribute (XABKEY) blockC->C Extracted $XABKEYDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte-wide field offsets:C3 1 XAB$B_DAN = '0A'X !Data bucket area number, 2, XAB$B_DBS = '0D'X !Data bucket size0 3, XAB$B_DTP = '13'X !Data type of the key1 4, XAB$B_FLG = '12'X !Ke xy options flag byte4 5, XAB$B_IAN = '08'X !Index bucket area number- 6, XAB$B_IBS = '0C'X !Index bucket size= 7, XAB$B_LAN = '09'X !Lowest level of index area number0 8, XAB$B_LVL = '0B'X !Level of root bucket2 9, XAB$B_NSG = '14'X !Number of key segments PARAMETER* 1 XAB$B_NUL = '15'X !Null key value* 2, XAB$B_PROLOG = '48'X !Prologue level, 3, XAB$B_REF = '17'X !Key of reference$ 4, XAB$B_SIZ = '2E'X !Key size1 5, XAB$B_SIZ0 = '2E'X !Alteyrnate key #1 size 6, XAB$B_SIZ1 = '2F'X ! 7, XAB$B_SIZ2 = '30'X ! 8, XAB$B_SIZ3 = '31'X ! 9, XAB$B_SIZ4 = '32'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$B_SIZ5 = '33'X ! 2, XAB$B_SIZ6 = '34'X ! 3, XAB$B_SIZ7 = '35'X !0 4, XAB$B_TKS = '16'X !Total key field size 5, XAB$B_TYP = '40'X ! 6, XAB$B_TYP0 = '40'X ! 7, XAB$B_TYP1 = '41'X ! 8, XAB$B_TYP2 = '42'X ! 9, XAB$B_TYP3 = '43'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$B_TYP4 = '44'X ! 2, XAB$B_TYP5 = 'z45'X ! 3, XAB$B_TYP6 = '46'X ! 4, XAB$B_TYP7 = '47'X !C C Constants:C? 5, XAB$C_BN2 = '02'X !Data type is unsigned 2-byte binary? 6, XAB$C_BN4 = '04'X !Data type is unsigned 4-byte binary> 7, XAB$C_IN2 = '01'X !Data type is signed 2-byte integer> 8, XAB$C_IN4 = '03'X !Data type is signed 4-byte integer: 9, XAB$C_KEY = '15'X !XABKEY control block type code PARAMETER7 1 XAB$C_KEYLEN = '4C'X !XABKEY control block length 2, XAB$C_KEYLEN_V2= '40'X{ ! 3, XAB$C_MAXDTP = '05'X !> 4, XAB$C_PAC = '05'X !Data type is packed decimal string, 5, XAB$C_PRG1 = '01'X !Prologue level 1, 6, XAB$C_PRG2 = '02'X !Prologue level 2, 7, XAB$C_PRG3 = '03'X !Prologue level 3A 8, XAB$C_STG = '00'X !Data type is left-justified string of ! unsigned, 8-bit bytes 9, XAB$K_KEYLEN = '4C'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$K_KEYLEN_V2= '40'X !CC Longword field offsets:CA 2, XAB$L_DVB = '3C'X !First data block virtual block numbe|r3 3, XAB$L_KNM = '38'X !Key name buffer address< 4, XAB$L_RVB = '0E'X !Root bucket virtual block numberCC Bit and field masks:C 5, XAB$M_CHG = '02'X ! 6, XAB$M_DAT_NCMPR= '80'X ! 7, XAB$M_DUP = '01'X ! 8, XAB$M_IDX_NCMPR= '08'X ! 9, XAB$M_KEY_NCMPR= '40'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$M_NUL = '04'X !CC Field sizes:C 2, XAB$S_POS = '10'X ! 3, XAB$S_SIZ = '08'X ! 4, XAB$S_TYP = '08'X !CC Bit offsets:C> 5, XAB$V_CHG = '01}'X !Key value in record can be changed ! (alternate keys only)0 6, XAB$V_DAT_NCMPR= '07'X !Do not compress data7 7, XAB$V_DUP = '00'X !Duplicate keys are possible1 8, XAB$V_IDX_NCMPR= '03'X !Do not compress index/ 9, XAB$V_KEY_NCMPR= '06'X !Do not compress key PARAMETER? 1 XAB$V_NUL = '02'X !NUL field contains a null key value' ! if the key data type is a stringCC Word-wide field offsets:C1 2, XAB$W_DFL = '1C'X !Data bucket fill size2 3, XAB$W_IFL  = '1A'X !Index bucket fill size1 4, XAB$W_MRL = '18'X !Minimum record length( 5, XAB$W_POS = '1E'X !Key position 6, XAB$W_POS0 = '1E'X ! 7, XAB$W_POS1 = '20'X ! 8, XAB$W_POS2 = '22'X ! 9, XAB$W_POS3 = '24'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$W_POS4 = '26'X ! 2, XAB$W_POS5 = '28'X ! 3, XAB$W_POS6 = '2A'X ! 4, XAB$W_POS7 = '2C'X !CC End of $XABKEYDEF module.Cww  | C+ $XABPRODEF3C Module ($XABPRODEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMSBC file protection and ownership extended attribute (XABPRO) block.C->C Extracted $XABPRODEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER7 1 XAB$B_MTACC = '0A'X !Magnetic tape accessibility: 2, XAB$C_PRO = '13'X !XABPRO control block type code7 3, XAB$C_PROLEN = '10'X !XABPRO control block length 4, XAB$K_PROLEN = '10 'X !* 5, XAB$L_UIC = '0C'X !File owner UIC9 6, XAB$M_NODEL = '08'X !Mask for no-delete access bit: 7, XAB$M_NOEXE = '04'X !Mask for no-execute access bit7 8, XAB$M_NOREAD = '01'X !Mask for no-read access bit8 9, XAB$M_NOWRITE = '02'X !Mask for no-write access bit PARAMETERA 1 XAB$S_GRP = '04'X !Size of group protection field (bits)A 2, XAB$S_OWN = '04'X !Size of owner protection field (bits)B 3, XAB$S_SYS = '04'X !Size of system protection field (bits)A 4, XAB$S_WLD = '04'X !Size of world protection field (bits)A 5, XAB$V_GRP = '08'X !Offset to group protection bits field: 6, XAB$V_NODEL = '03'X !Offset to no-delete access bit; 7, XAB$V_NOEXE = '02'X !Offset to no-execute access bit8 8, XAB$V_NOREAD = '00'X !Offset to no-read access bit9 9, XAB$V_NOWRITE = '01'X !Offset to no-write access bit PARAMETERA 1 XAB$V_OWN = '04'X !Offset to owner protection bits fieldB 2, XAB$V_SYS = '00'X !Offset to system protectio n bits fieldA 3, XAB$V_WLD = '0C'X !Offset to world protection bits field3 4, XAB$W_GRP = '0E'X !File owner group number4 5, XAB$W_MBM = '0C'X !File owner member number, 6, XAB$W_PRO = '08'X !File protectioinCC End of $XABPRODEF moduleCww`ͼ | C+ $XABRDTDEF3C Module ($XABRDTDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.4C Defines constants for the VAX-11 RMS revision date,C and time extended attribute block (XABRDT)C->C Extracted $XABRDTDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER5 1 XAB$C_RDT = '1E'X !XABRDT control block type7 2, XAB$C_RDTLEN = '14'X !XABRDT control block length 3, XAB$K_RDTLEN = '14'X !CC End of $XABRDTDEF module.Cww h | C+ $XABSUMDEF3C Module ($XABSUMDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMS9C indexed file summary extended attribute (XABSUM) block.C->C Extracted $XABSUMDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER6 1 XAB$B_NOA = '08'X !Number of allocation areas* 2, XAB$B_NOK = '09'X !Number of keys5 3, XAB$C_SUM = '16'X !XABSUM control block type7 4, XAB$C_SUMLEN = '0C'X !XABSUM control block length 5, XAB$K_SUMLEN = '0C'X !3 6, XAB$W_PVN = '0A'X !Prologue version numberCC End of $XABSUMDEF module.CwwjR C+ FDVDEF@C Module SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF(FDVDEF) and the file SYS$LIBRARY:?C FDVDEF.FOR define the completion codes returned by the VAX-11C FMS Forms Driver.C-CC Form Driver completion codesC+ EXTERNAL FDV$_ITT ! Invalid terminal typeC FMS CODE = -258 EXTERNAL FDV$_FVM ! Error freeing virtual memoryC FMS CODE = -23.< EXTERNAL FDV$_ICH ! Invalid channel number specifiedC FMS CODE = -6.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_IFN ! Invalid call in current form contextC FMS CODE = -19.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_IMP ! Impure area too smallC FMS CODE = -2.3 EXTERNAL FDV$_INC ! Current form incompleteC FMS CODE = 2.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_INI ! Impure area not initialized for callC FMS CODE = -21.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_IOL ! Error opening form libraryC FMS CODE = -4.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_IOR ! Error reading form libraryC FMS CODE = -18.7 EXTERNAL FDV$_IVM ! Insufficient virtual memoryC FMS CODE = -24.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_LIN ! Invalid first line number to display ! formC FMS CODE = -10.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_NOF ! No fields defined for formC FMS CODE = -12.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_NSC ! Specified field not in scrolled areaC FMS CODE = -14.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_STR ! Invalid string lengthC FMS CODE = -22.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_SUC ! Successful completionC  FMS CODE = 1.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_UTR ! Undefined field terminatorC FMS CODE = -17.? EXTERNAL FDV$_ARG ! Invalid number of arguments in callC FMS CODE = -20.> EXTERNAL FDV$_DLN ! Output Data too long, truncated to ! fitC FMS CODE = -16.? EXTERNAL FDV$_DNM ! Specified named data does not existC FMS CODE = -15.? EXTERNAL FDV$_DSP ! Invalid request to read output only ! fieldC FMS CODE = -13.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_FCD ! Invalid function codeC FMS CODE = -1.> EXTERNAL FDV$_FCH ! Form library not open on specified ! channelC FMS CODE = -7.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_FLB ! Specified file is not a form libraryC FMS CODE = -5.: EXTERNAL FDV$_FLD ! Specified field does not existC FMS CODE = -11.9 EXTERNAL FDV$_FNM ! Specified form does not existC FMS CODE = -9.3 EXTERNAL FDV$_FRM ! Invalid form definitionC FMS CODE = -8.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_FSP ! Invalid file specificationC FMS CODE = -3.C$C Form Driver field terminator codesC PARAMETER3 1 FDV$K_FT_ATB = 3, ! Auto-tab field was filled) 1 FDV$K_FT_NTR = 0, ! Enter key input9 1 FDV$K_FT_NXT = 1 ! Next field key terminated input PARAMETER= 1 FDV$K_FT_PRV = 2, ! Previous field key terminated input= 1 FDV$K_FT_SBK = 9, ! Scrolled area input terminated with ! scroll backward key= 1 FDV$K_FT_SFW = 8, ! Scrolled area input terminated with ! scroll forward key7 1 FDV$K_FT_SNX = 6, ! Last field in scroll line was% ! terminated with next field key8 1 FDV$K_FT_SPR = 7, ! First field in scroll line was) ! terminated with previous field key; 1 FDV$K_FT_XBK = 4, ! Input in scrolled area terminated, ! with exit scrolled area backwards key; 1 FDV$K_FT_XFW = 5 ! Input in scrolled area terminated+ ! with exit scrolled area forwards keyCC End of FDVDEF.FORCww`QRC+ DTR_CALL_DEFBC Module SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF(DTR_CALL_DEF) and file SYS$LIBRARY:CC DAB.INC define the VAX-11 Datatrieve Call Interface from FORTRAN.C-C.C VAX-11 Datatrieve Call Interface DefinitionsC) LOGICAL*1 DAB$B_BID, DAB$B_BLN, DAB(100), INTEGER*2 DAB$W_MSG_BUF_LEN, DAB$W_MSG_LEN,& 1 DAB$W_AUX_BUF_LEN, DAB$W_AUX_LEN,- 2 DAB$W_IDI, DAB$W_STATE, DAB$W_REC_LENGTH( LOGICAL*4 DAB$A_MSG_BUF, DAB$A_AUX_BUF,0 1 DAB$L_CONDITION, DAB$L_FLAGS, DAB$L_OPTIONS4 COMMON /DAB/ DAB$B_BID, DAB$B_BLN, DAB$L_CONDITION,8 1 DAB$A_MSG_BUF, DAB$W_MSG_BUF_LEN, DAB$W_MSG_LEN,8 2 DAB$A_AUX_BUF, DAB$W_AUX_BUF_LEN, DAB$W_AUX_LEN,; 3 DAB$W_IDI, DAB$W_STATE, DAB$L_FLAGS, DAB$L_OPTIONS, 4 DAB$W_REC_LENGTH EQUIVALENCE (DAB, DAB$B_BID) INTEGER DTR$K_STL_CMD, 1 DTR$K_STL_PRMPT, 2 DTR$K_STL_LINE, 3 DTR$K_STL_MSG, 4 DTR$K_STL_PGET, 5 DTR$K_STL_PPUT, 6 DTR$K_STL_CONT PARAMETER (DTR$K_STL_CMD=1, 1 DTR$K_STL_PRMPT=2, 2 DTR$K_STL_LINE=3, 3 DTR$K_STL_MSG=4, 4 DTR$K_STL_PGET=5, 5 DTR$K_STL_PPUT=6, 6 DTR$K_STL_CONT=7) INTEGER DTR$K_SEMI_COLON, 1 DTR$K_UNQUOTED_LIT, 2 DTR$K_LOOKING_FOR, 3 DTR$K_IMMED_RETURN, 4 DTR$K_FORMS_ENABLE ! PARAMETER (DTR$K_SEMI_COLON = 1, 1 DTR$K_UNQUOTED_LIT = 16, 2 DTR$K_LOOKING_FOR = 32, 3 DTR$K_IMMED_RETURN = 64, 4 DTR$K_FORMS_ENABLE = 128) EXTERNAL DTR$_SUCCESSwwDEF`\∋ SYSMANAGER FDVDEF`∋ C+ FDVDEF@C Module SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF(FDVDEF) and the file SYS$LIBRARY:?C FDVDEF.FOR define the completion codes returned by the VAX-11C FMS Forms Driver.C-4C FMS V2.0 file editted from SYS$LIBRARY: 03-May-83C C FDVDEF.FORCC Form Driver completion codesC+ EXTERNAL FDV$_ITT ! Invalid terminal typeC FMS CODE = -258 EXTERNAL FDV$_FVM ! Error freeing virtual memoryC FMS CODE = -23.< EXTERNAL FDV$_ICH ! Invalid channel nu mber specifiedC FMS CODE = -6.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_IFN ! Invalid call in current form contextC FMS CODE = -19.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_IMP ! Impure area too smallC FMS CODE = -2.3 EXTERNAL FDV$_INC ! Current form incompleteC FMS CODE = 2.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_INI ! Impure area not initialized for callC FMS CODE = -21.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_IOL ! Error opening form libraryC FMS CODE = -4.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_IOR  ! Error reading form libraryC FMS CODE = -18.7 EXTERNAL FDV$_IVM ! Insufficient virtual memoryC FMS CODE = -24.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_LIN ! Invalid first line number to display ! formC FMS CODE = -10.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_NOF ! No fields defined for formC FMS CODE = -12.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_NSC ! Specified field not in scrolled areaC FMS CODE = -14.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_STR ! Invalid string lengthC FMS CODE = -22.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_SUC ! Successful completionC FMS CODE = 1.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_UTR ! Undefined field terminatorC FMS CODE = -17.? EXTERNAL FDV$_ARG ! Invalid number of arguments in callC FMS CODE = -20.> EXTERNAL FDV$_DLN ! Output Data too long, truncated to ! fitC FMS CODE = -16.? EXTERNAL FDV$_DNM ! Specified named data does not existC FMS CODE = -15.? EXTERNAL FDV$_DSP  ! Invalid request to read output only ! fieldC FMS CODE = -13.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_FCD ! Invalid function codeC FMS CODE = -1.> EXTERNAL FDV$_FCH ! Form library not open on specified ! channelC FMS CODE = -7.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_FLB ! Specified file is not a form libraryC FMS CODE = -5.: EXTERNAL FDV$_FLD ! Specified field does not existC FMS CODE = -11.9 EXTERNAL FDV$_FNM ! Specified form does not existC FMS CODE = -9.3 EXTERNAL FDV$_FRM ! Invalid form definitionC FMS CODE = -8.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_FSP ! Invalid file specificationC FMS CODE = -3.C$C Form Driver field terminator codesC PARAMETER3 1 FDV$K_FT_ATB = 3, ! Auto-tab field was filled) 1 FDV$K_FT_NTR = 0, ! Enter key input9 1 FDV$K_FT_NXT = 1 ! Next field key terminated input PARAMETER= 1 FDV$K_FT_PRV = 2, ! Previous field key terminated input= 1 F DV$K_FT_SBK = 9, ! Scrolled area input terminated with ! scroll backward key= 1 FDV$K_FT_SFW = 8, ! Scrolled area input terminated with ! scroll forward key7 1 FDV$K_FT_SNX = 6, ! Last field in scroll line was% ! terminated with next field key8 1 FDV$K_FT_SPR = 7, ! First field in scroll line was) ! terminated with previous field key; 1 FDV$K_FT_XBK = 4, ! Input in scrolled area terminated, ! with exit scrolled area backwards key; 1 FDV$K_FT_XFW = 5 ! Input in scrolled area terminated+ ! with exit scrolled area forwards keyCC End of FDVDEF.FORCww