% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00&v.x)3^J<=!!!K54ACNETBACKUP 8 BROADCAST DEVICE DUMP :ERRHELPERRLOGFINGERHELP6INITAPEJOBSKILLLOGOUTLPADOWNLPBQUEUE^MAILH NETCONFIG NEWS!NODUMP":NOTICE"OPCCRASH#PPEEKABOO$QUEUES% RELEASE&REPLY&FSETQUEUE+SHOW+4SHUTDOWN.zSTART/STOP2hUSERS2WHO;WIPE2;N1 ACNET; The ACNET command is used to shutdown or restart the ACNET5 processes, including the VAX ACNET network programs. ACNET action 2 Actions0 To stop or shutdown all the ACNET processes do: ACNET STOP or ACNET SHUTDOWN? To restart all the ACNET processes (including the network) do: ACNET BOOT or ACNET START> To clear the ACNET processes and restart in case of a network< failure or some other failure, first do an ACNET STOP to be# followed by an ACNET BOOT command.A To restart a single ACNET process (usually one which has failed)/ without restarting all the ACNET processes do: ACNET RESTART subsystem/ An individual process may be stopped by doing: ACNET STOP subsystem 2 Subsystems? The names of the individual ACNET processes (subsystems) to be- used with the STOP and RESTART commands are:3 AEOLUS Central Alarm and Event Message process4 APM VAX Applications Program Manager process*  CPLD Central Program Loader process+ DBM Database Access Manager process DPM VAX Datapool Manager FSHARE File Sharing processww %1 BACKUPJ This command is used to perform a backup of one or more of the VMS disks. The format of the command is: BACKUP[/qualifier] [disk-set]J If no qualifier is given, then a default backup is performed. The actionI in this case is dependent upon which system (Development or Operational)< the command is performed (see the Default_backup subtopic). 2 ParametersE The disk-set parameter determines which set of one or more disks are to be saved:8 ALL files on all disks are saved (default)./ SYSTEM the system disk only is saved.? USERn the single user disk (n=1,2...) only is saved.* USERS all user disks are saved. 2 Qualifiers/DISKB This qualifier can only be given with the /FULL qualifier. UsingF this qualifier causes the backup output med ia to be disk packs of theE same type as those being backed up. This qualifier can only be used+ to do full saves of the Operational disks./FULLC Specifies that the BACKUP utility is to be used to copy the entireF contents of the disk(s) onto magnetic tape or backup disk packs. This@ save is an image-mode save (BACKUP/IMAGE) which allows the fileE structure of the saved disk to be restored completed from the backup media./INCREMENTAL (D)E This qualifier selects an incremental disk save for which only thoseD files created or modified since the last incremental or full backup@ operation are saved. When this qualifier is used, the disk-setD parameter is ignored (all disks are scanned for files to save). In+ addition, this qualifier implies /ONETAPE./ONETAPEF This qualifier maybe used with the /FULL qualifier in place of /TAPE.E The /ONETAPE qualifier will cause the backup to be done using only aI single tape drive. Normally, the backup command procedures will attemp tI to allocate and use two tape drives for the backup operation, using only3 one drive if a second tape drive is not available. /TAPE (D)E This qualifier is used with /FULL to use magnetic tape as the backupH media. This qualifier is required to do a full save of the Operational system on magnetic tape.2 Default_backupH A bare BACKUP command (no qualifiers) is interpreted differently on theE Development and Operational systems. In practice, such a command isA used in doing the nor mal backup operations on each system. The G interpretations can be illustrated by BACKUP commands with qualifiers:* Development System: BACKUP/INCREMENTAL4 Operational System: BACKUP/FULL/DISK [disk-set]J On the Operational System, if the disk-set is not specified, ALL is used.ww,p.x 1 BROADCASTH The BROADCAST command will send a message to all the interactive users. Format: BROADCAST "message"G The message to be broadcast must be enclosed in doubl e quotes ("). IfG a message is not specified with the command, one will be prompted for., This command does a REPLY/ALL/BELL command.ww@Q;N1 DEVICEK This command is used to mark a device as online and available for usage orA as offline (unavailable for use). The format of the command is:# DEVICE[/qualifier] device_name[:]F If no qualifier is given, then the availability of the device name is reported. 2 Qualifiers/OFFLINEJ If this qualifier is used, then t he device named is marked as unavailable for use./ONLINEG This qualifier restores a device to being available for use once more.ww#:N1 DUMPE This command is used after a system crash when the system dump is toC be saved onto magnetic tape by the SYSDMPER batch job. After thisB batch job requests the mounting of the SYSDMP tape with a REQUESTD command, the tape (for the particular system/CPU) should be mountedF on the tape drive as stated. Then the DUMP command (which is a shortF form for the REPLY/TO=n command) is used to tell SYSDMPER to proceed.$ The format for the DUMP command is: DUMP [n]F where "n" is the value for the message id (for the /TO= qualifier) ofD the request. Normally this has the value 1 and may be left off the DUMP command.ww\q.x 1 ERRHELPF The ERRHELP command is similar to the system HELP command except thatI the text is stored in the ACNETTST help library and provides informationD on the error codes and facility numbers of the ACNET Control SystemI facilities. The ERRHELP command format is the same as the HELP command:! ERRHELP [topic] [sub-topic...]' For information on an error code, use: ERRHELP facility errnoI where facility is either the facility name or number (i.e. "DPM" or "17"F for example) and errno is the error number as 3 digits with a leading) sign and zeros (i.e., "-002" or "+003").ww;N1 ERRLOGA This command is used to either rest art the ERRLOG job or to save= the old error log files on magnetic tape. The format of the command is:! ERRLOG [operation] [parameter]D where the operation specifies the type of operation to be done. If> no operation is specified, then the error log job (ERRLOG) isC restarted and setup to be run every three days (on the DevelopmentD System) with the first run being 3 days from the current day (if noE ERRLOG job is in the batch queue, otherwise the next run time of the ERRLOG jo b is preserved).2 NOWE This error log operation will restart the ERRLOG job. The first runC of the ERRLOG batch job will be immediately. The job will then be> repeated every 3 days with the next run being 3 days from the current day. 2 ONCEONLYC This error log operation will run the ERRLOG batch job immediatelyD and only once. It will not affect any other ERRLOG batch jobs thatA are currently in the queue as part of the every third day cycle.A This operation is used to get an imme diate printout of the error4 log without restarting the normal ERRLOG job cycle.2 SAVEE This error log operation will submit the ERRLOGSAV batch job to saveE the old error log files (in disk area SYS$SYSDISK:[SYSERR]) onto theB magnetic tape with label ERRLOG. There is one copy of ERRLOG forA each CPU and the appropriate tape should be used for the currentD machine. Note that the magnetic tape will be requested from insideA the batch job and will necessitate a REPLY/TO= command from you .3 ALLD This parameter to the ERRLOG SAVE operation is used to save all theE ERRLOG.OLD files on the disk. Normally the ERRLOG.OLD file with theB lowest version number (oldest file) is a dummy file from the lastB run of ERRLOGSAV to preserve the version number sequence of theseD files. The ALL parameter is used only if the lowest version numberE ERRLOG.OLD file is not a dummy file (contains error log data) and is6 to be saved onto the tape along with the other files. 2 TOMORROWA This error log operation will restart the ERRLOG batch job to be5 run tomorrow morning and every third day thereafter.ww p.x1 FINGERC The FINGER command will display a list of the current system usersG and additional information. Among the additional information for eachE user is the name of the currently executing image, the terminal name@ and location, the process identification and other information.ww ,r.x1 HELP7 Help can be obtained on a particular topic by typing :, OPR>HELP topic subtopic subsubtopic ...+ Where OPR> is the operator command prompt.( A topic can have the following format :B 1) an alphanumeric string (e.g. a command name, option, etc...); 2) same preceded by a "/" (=interpreted as a qualifier) 3) the match-all symbol "*"> 4) any of the above followed by "..." (on first topic only) Examples: OPR>HELP SHUTDOWN5 Abbreviations result in all matches being displayed.D Additional HELP is available with @library where, for instance, the3 standard VMS help library is accessed by @HELPLIB.D The following operator commands are permitted. For further help onD a particular command type "HELP command". An operator command must# be a minimum of 4 characters long.ww@q 1 INITAPEC This command allows the operator to initialize a magnetic tape forB a user. This is needed when a new tape (or one that has been runB through a tape cleaner) needs to be intialized with t n RX01/RX02 floppy disk in order toA? reinitialize it from your account (by eliminating the need forl6 the VOLPRO privilege). The format of the command is: WIPE devicetE where device is the name of an RL01/RL02 disk drive (DLcu:) or of ansB RX02 floppy disk drive (DYcu:). It is assumed that the volume isE already mounted. If the mount fails, you will be asked to mount the.. the disk volume in the drive by the question:A Mount volume and type return when ready to retry (Q for quit):eB Respond with a carriage return () to continue or type "Q" toD exit back to the "OPR>" prompt. The WIPE command works by mountingA the volume as /FOREIGN and running the BAD Block Locator utility 0 over it to wipe clean the Files-11 home blocks.ww do not specify a density for a blank tape, the system usesB a default density of 1600. If you do not specify a density for aB tape that was previously written, the system uses the density at! which the tape was last written./PROTE%B;} NAGY INITAPEWIPE.^J NAGY ACNET SPECIFY PROTECTION.) Any/ attributes not specified default to no access.B The system only applies read and write access restrictions withB respect to tapes; create and delete access are meaningless.B Moreover, the system and the owner are always given both read andB write access to tapes, regardless of what you specify in a protection code.wwq.x1 JOBSB The JOBS command lists the current and pending jobs in the systemC batch queue(s). This command does a SHOW QUEUE/BATCH/ALL command. 2 Qualifiers/FULLB Displays the file specifications of each file in each pending job in the queue.ww@,ww1 KILLE This command is used to kill one or more processes given the name of0 the process(es). The format of the command is: KILL[/qualifier] process-nameG All processes with the given name are killed with a FORCEXIT. At this/ time the KILL command does not take wildcards. 2 Qualifiers/STOPF This qualifier will cause the named process to be STOP'ed and deletedG rather than having a FORCEXIT done to it. This is a last-gasp measureD to get rid of a obstreperous or cranky process. The qualifier name may not be abbreviated.ww@&p.x1 LOGOUTH The system operator account can be logged out with any of the following commands: BYE EXIT LOGOFF LOGOUTG The LOGOUT command may be abbreviate to LO (the only command which may! be abbreviated to 2 characters).ww % 1 LPADOWNE This command is used when printer LPA0: does down or is brought back4 into service. When the printer fails, the command: LPADOWN DOWNF will shutdown the queues for printer LPA0: and switch all printing to5 LPB0:. When LPA0: has been fixed, then the command: LPADOWN RESTORED will restore normal operation (UP can be used in place of restore).ww-% 1 LPBQUEUEK This command invokes a command procedure ([SYSMGR]LPBQUEASS.COM) to switch J the logical queue assigned to printer LPB0:. Normally, the logical queueL LXY is assigned to the printer. The logical queue NARROW is setup to allow> printing on the narrow paper for documentation. The command: LPBQUEUE NARROWL will deassign the LXY queue from the printer and assign the NARROW queue toI the printer. The printer queue itself is stopped to allow you to changeJ the paper after giving the LPBQUEUE command. To restart the printer, use8 the command START/QUEUE LPB0:.  Similarly, the command: LPBQUEUE [LXY]J where the parameter is optional will deassign the NARROW queue and assignL the LXY queue back for normal operation. Once again the printer is stopped" to allow you to change the paper.F In both cases, the printer will stop after the currently printing job (if any) is completed.ww:Jq.x1 MAIL? This command allows the system operator to access the VMS MAILB utility. Note that the file ALLUSERS.DIR contains a distribution9 list of all known usernames for use in the MAIL utility.ww;N 1 NETCONFIGE The NETCONFIG command invokes the NETGEN program to permit the ACNETC network configuration tables to be changed by the system operator. The format of the command is: NETCONFIG [[NO]SAVE]H If the parameter is SAVE (NOSAVE) then the modified configuration tableH will (will not) be written back to disk. The configuration table savedE on disk will be restored by the next VAX reboot. If no! parameter is5 specified, a prompt will be printed at the terminal.D Once in NETGEN, the HELP command will provide information on NETGENE directives. In order to examine or modify the network configuration- table, the MODIFY command must be specified.ww@|q.x1 NEWSC The NEWS command is similar to the system HELP command except thatF the text is stored in the NEWS help library. The NEWS command format! is the same as the HELP command: NEWS [topic] [sub-topic..".]wwO:N1 NODUMPH This command is used after a re-boot when the SYSDUMP printout and tapeG copy are not required. This is usually true when the system was takenF down to backup the disk, switch machines, or some other reason. The H system dump (SYSDUMP) should be copied to tape and the analysis printedH when the system crashes due to a BUGCHECK or is hung and crashed by the operator. D The NODUMP command should only be used after the batch job SYSDMPERD requests #the mounting of the SYSDMP tape for the SYSDUMP copy. The command format is: NODUMP [n]@ The single parameter is the reply-id for the batch job operatorB request. If the parameter is not specified, a value of 1 is usedB as the default (normal reply-id for this batch job request is 1).wwq.x1 NOTICE@ This command invokes the NOTICEUTL program to allow the system 3 operator to add, delete, or modify system notices.ww Hb:N 1 OPCCRASHE The OPCCR $ASH performs an emergency shutdown of the system and shouldG be used very sparingly. Use the SHUTDOWN command instead if possible.G Before doing the system shutdown, you will be asked to verify that youG want to stop the system. Reply YES if you do so, and NO if you really$ do not want to shutdown the system.ww2or.x 1 PEEKABOOC The PEEKABOO command lists the current system users, their processE names and identifications and the complete file specification of the# i%mage each is currently executing. 2 Qualifiers/ALLD If the /ALL qualifier is given on the the PEEKABOO command then allE processes are listed including those defined as system processes and not normally displayed.wwϰr.x1 QUEUESE The QUEUES command lists the jobs in the system print queues and theI jobs currently being printed. This command does a SHOW QUEUE/DEVICE/ALL command. 2 Qualifiers/FULLB Displays the file specifications of each file in each pending j&ob in the queue.ww% 1 RELEASEB This command is used to release a print job that is being held in. a print queue. The format of the command is: RELEASE job-name [queue-name]D where job-name is the 1-8 character name of the job (or jobs) beingC held that are to be released. The optional queue-name is the nameB of the print queue in which the jobs are being held. The defaultC of SYS$PRINT is used if an explicit queue-name is not given. This> command is comm'only used to release SYSDUMP jobs held after aC system crash. Note that this command provides a short form for an" equivalent SETQUEUE command line.ww`:N1 REPLYF The Operator REPLY command is the same as the VMS REPLY command. See2 the VMS HELP REPLY topic for further information.wwL^% 1 SETQUEUEG Changes the current status or attributes of a file that is queued forG printing or for batch job execution but not yet processed by the+ syste(m. The /ENTRY qualifier is required. Format:2 SETQUEUE/ENTRY=job-number [queue-name[:]]F See HELP SET QUEUE/ENTRY for further information (where SET and QUEUE are two separate words). 2 Parameters job-number8 Specifies the job-number of the job you want to change. queue-name[:]B Specifies the name of the queue in which the specified file isB entered. No logical name translation is performed on the specified queue name.B If you do not specify a queue )name, the system assumes the default name of SYS$PRINT. 2 Qualifiers/AFTER=absolute-timeB Requests that the specified job be held until a specific time,B then released for printing. If the specified time has already* passed, the file is released immediately.B Specify the time value according to the rules for enteringF absolute times (these rules are given in HELP SPECIFY ABSOLUTE_TIME)./FORMS=nB Modifies the forms type for the specified job. This qualifierB overr *ides the forms type specified or defaulted on the PRINT command.B Forms type specifications are described in the VAX/VMS System Manager's Guide./HOLDB Requests that the specified job(s) be placed in a hold status.B Jobs in a hold status are not processed until you release them< with the /RELEASE qualifier of the SET QUEUE/ENTRY command. /JOB_COUNT=nB Specifies the number of copies of the job to print. ThisB qualifier overrides the /JOB_COUNT qualifier s +pecified or defaulted on the PRINT command. /LOWERCASE /NOLOWERCASEB Indicates whether the specified job(s) must be printed on a printer with lowercase letters. /PRIORITY=nB Changes the priority of a job relative to other jobs that areB currently queued. The priority, n, must be in the range of 0B through 31, where 0 is the lowest priority and 31 is the highest.B By default, jobs are assigned the same priority as your currentB process priority; you must have the op,erator privilege OPER toB set a priority value greater than the base priority of your current process./RELEASE/ Releases a previously held job for processing.wwr.x1 SHOWB Invokes the VMS SHOW command. Do HELP SHOW topic ... for help on the SHOW command.ww#:N 1 SHUTDOWNB The SHUTDOWN command is used to gracefully bring the system down.G Before doing the system shutdown, you will be asked to verify that youG want to stop the system. R-eply Yes if you do so, and No if you really$ do not want to shutdown the system./ Further prompts from the SHUTDOWN command are:( How many minutes until shutdown [0]? Reason?, Do you want to spin down the disks [No]?) Expected uptime ( if not known)?! Enable automatic reboot [No]?G Respond to the first question with a reasonable time to allow users toD complete any immediate operations and logout. A message requestingD users to do so will be broadcast at dec.reasing time intervals. TheC second question should be responded to with the reason for why theB system is being shutdown now (i.e. DISK BACKUP may be an answer).> The third question should be answered with an N (for NO) or aG carriage return. It is irrelevant for our systems. The answer to theH fourth question provides users with an estimate of when the system willE be available again (i.e., Immediately if just rebooting). The finalF question should normally be answered NO or just a car/riage return, ifG the answer is YES, then then system will immediately and automatically reboot itself.ww%1 STARTD This command starts or restarts a print or batch queue. It is usedC to start executing or printing jobs in a newly created queue or toB restart executing or printing jobs in an exsisting queue that was previously stopped. Format: START queue-name 2 Parameters queue-name: Specifies the name of a queue to be started or restarted. 2 Qualif0iers/QUEUE2 Starts the queue after initialization or a pause. /BACKSPACEE Backspaces one page before printing resumes. This qualifier is used in restarting a queue./NEXTD Indicates whether the current job will be printed when the queue is restarted. /TOP_OF_FILEA Prints, starting from the beginning of the job, the job that wasB being printed when the queue was stopped. This qualifier is used in restarting a queue.ww+%1 STOPG If /ABORT or /REQUEUE i1s specified, stops a job that is currently H being printed. If /QUEUE or /NEXT is specified, stops jobs from being$ dequeued from the specified queue. 2 /ABORTG The STOP/ABORT command aborts a job that is currently being printed." The /ABORT qualifier is required. Format:! STOP/ABORT printer-name[:] 3 Parameters printer-name[:]B Specifies the name of the printer queue in which the job was entered.2 /NEXTC Stops the specified queue after the completion of the c2urrent job,* that is, before the next job is dequeued. Format: STOP/NEXT queue-name[:] 3 Parameters queue-name[:]/ Specifies the name of the queue to be stopped.2 /QUEUE Pauses the specified queue. Format: STOP/QUEUE queue-name[:] 3 Parameters queue-name[:]/ Specifies the name of the queue to be stopped. 2 /REQUEUEG Stops the printing of the job currently being printed and places that$ job at the end of the output queue. Format: STOP/REQUEUE que3ue-name[:] 3 Parameters queue-name[:]/ Specifies the name of the queue to be stopped.ww 3 s.x1 USERSF The USERS command lists the names, terminals, and process id's of all the active interactive users.wwXFs.x1 WHO@ This command is used to determine the correspondence between a  username and a uic number. Format: WHO [group,member] WHO usernameD The first form specifies a uic number (or group of uic's) for whichE the username(s) is de 4sired. The second form specifies the username.A In either case a list of the uic number(s) and the correspondingE username(s) is produced. Wildcards in the standard VMS forms may beE used to list more than one entry. The username form may have eitherE "*" or "%" wildcard forms (i.e., "A*" lists all users and their uicsC whose usernames begin with "A"). The uic form only allows the "*"A to replace either the group or member number (or both) entirely.wwKq1 WIPEA5)3^J1 ACNETo; The ACNET command is used to shutdown or restart the ACNETi5 processes, including the VAX ACNET network programs.l ACNET action 2 Stopping0 To stop or shutdown all the ACNET processes do: ACNET STOP ora ACNET SHUTDOWN/ An individual process may be stopped by doing:  ACNET STOP subsystem0 All the ACNET processes can be killed by doing: ACNET KILLALL= and answering "Y" to the confirmation question. The KILLALL : action should only <be taken as a last resort if, for some< reason, the STOP/SHUTDOWN action does not work correctly or completely. 2 Starting? To restart all the ACNET processes (including the network) do:O ACNET BOOT orE ACNET STARTb> To clear the ACNET processes and restart in case of a network< failure or some other failure, first do an ACNET STOP to be# followed by an ACNET BOOT command.A To restart a single ACNET process (usually one which has failed)/ without restarting all the ACNET proc7 } 1 INITAPEC This command allows the operator to initialize a magnetic tape forB a user. This is needed when a new tape (or one that has been runB through a tape cleaner) needs to be intialized with the /OVERRIDE# options on the INITIALIZE command. Format:1 INITAPE[qualifiers] device[:] label owner_uicA If any other the parameters are left off, they are prompted for. 2 Parameters3 The INITAPE command uses the following parameters:A device[:] is the magtap 8e device name. This must be of the form MTcu.; label is the volume label for the tape. Must be 1-6@ alphanumeric characters. See also the SYSDMP topic> for special handling in case of System dump tape.> owner_uic is the uic of the owner of the tape volume in the" form: [group,member]. 2 Qualifiers /DENSITY=nB Specifies, for tape volumes, the density in bits per inch (bpi)B at which the tape is to be written. You can specify a 9density of4 800, 1600, or 6250, if supported by the tape drive.B If you do not specify a density for a blank tape, the system usesB a default density of 1600. If you do not specify a density for aB tape that was previously written, the system uses the density at! which the tape was last written./PROTECTION=codeB Specifies the protection to be applied to the volume. TheB protection controls who can read, write, create, and delete filesB on the volume. If you do not specify : a protection code,B protection defaults to all access to all categories of user.B Note that the /GROUP, /SHARE, and /SYSTEM qualifiers can also be, used to define protection for disk volumes.B Specify the code according to the standard syntax rules forB specifying protection. (See HELP SPECIFY PROTECTION.) Any/ attributes not specified default to no access.B The system only applies read and write access restrictions withB respect to tapes; create and delete; access are meaningless.B Moreover, the system and the owner are always given both read andB write access to tapes, regardless of what you specify in a protection code.2 SYSDMP3 The command to initialize the system dump tape is: INITAPE device[:] SYSDMPD A system dump tape is initialized with some special qualifiers. InH addition, provision is made for re-initializing an existing, but "full"4 SYSDMP tape. You will first be asked the question: Is this a new tape [Y/]?H Answer "Yes" is this is a new tape or "No" (the default answer) if thisE is an existing, full SYSDMP tape that is being reset. If this is an5 existing tape, you will be asked a further question:; Shall the latest system dump on the tape be saved [Y/]?F Answer "Yes" if the latest system dump is to be saved and restored to the re-initialized tape.ww}1 WIPEA This command permits you to use the OPERATOR account to erase anA RL02/RL01 disk cartridge or aesses do: ACNET RESTART subsystem 2 Subsystems? The names of the individual ACNET processes (subsystems) to be- used with the STOP and RESTART commands are:3 AEOLUS Central Alarm and Event Message process4 APM VAX Applications Program Manager process* CPLD Central Program Loader process+ DBM Database Access Manager process DPM VAX Datapool Manager FSHARE File Sharing processww