$ GOTO L1$ $! $! MOREDEVS.COM $! $! Perform additional device and shared memory initializations as part of $! the system startup. $! $! @SYS$STARTUP:MOREDEVS opsys ma780 $! $! If the opsys parameter is TRUE, then startup of Operational VAX is being $! done (no printers). If ma780 parameter is TRUE (default if parameter is $! NULL), then the MA780 shared memory will be connected. $! $! Modification History: $! 28-Jul-82 FJN Created from SYSTARTUP.COM $! 30-Nov-82 FJN Add /PRINTALL for LXY-21 to do plotting $! 19-Dec-82 FJN Setup for parameters $!============================================================================= $L1$: $! $! Connect Dual PCL11-B controllers $! $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN LOAD LTDRIVER CONNECT LTA0 /ADAPTER=UB0 /CSR=%O764202 /VECTOR=%O570 CONNECT LTB0 /ADAPTER=UB0 /CSR=%O764242 /VECTOR=%O600 LOAD LRDRIVER CONNECT LRA0 /ADAPTER=UB0 /CSR=%O764222 /VECTOR=%O574 CONNECT LRB0 /ADAPTER=UB0 /CSR=%O764262 /VECTOR=%O604 EXIT $! $! Connect and intitialize shared memory (can be disabled by parameter) $! $! Setup for dynamic pool with blocks of 584 bytes in length (allows for $! mailbox messages on order of 550 bytes) and 128 blocks. $! Allow up to 32 common event flag clusters and up to 32 mailboxes. $! This will still leave about 440 pages (out of 512) available for $! global sections (default of 32 allowed). $! $ IF p2.EQS."" THEN p2 = 1 $ IF .NOT.p2 THEN $ GOTO SKIP_MA780_CONNECT $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SHARE MPM0 SHRMEM /INIT/POOLBSIZE=584 EXIT $SKIP_MA780_CONNECT: $! $ IF p1 THEN $ EXIT !No printers on Operational system $! $! Setup PRINTER characteristics $! $ SET PRINTER LPA0:/LP11 $ SET DEVICE LPA0:/SPOOLED $! $ SET PRINTER LPB0:/LP11/LOWERCASE/PRINTALL/NOWRAP/WIDTH=134 $ SET DEVICE LPB0:/SPOOLED $! $ EXIT