%ì VAX-11 Librarian V03-00@»7¯Ú“‹õº¯Ú“‹.®/5SADDøDEFAULTÌEXIT4HELPÌMODIFY+2REMOVE,DSHOW­`ÆW¯Ú“‹1 ADD)ADD adds a user record to the quota file. Formats:  ADD username [qualifier ...]  ADD uic [qualifier ...] 2 Qualifiers/ADDRESS=address> Campus mailing address -- 1-20 characters enclosed in quotes./AUTHORIZE=absolute_time> Authorization date (first time and date in which the user may? login) -- unit of time in absolute format; if only the date is1 specified, the time will default to 00:00:00.00./BLDG#=building_numberC The 2 character numer ic building number -- see the ISU ComputationB Center Building Number List for the corresponding building number& of the building in the ADDRESS field./COLLEGE#=college_numberB The 1 character numeric college number -- see the ISU Computation? Center Department List for the corresponding college number of1 the department in which the owner is associated./COPY=usernameC Copies the values from the specified username -- if not specified,A then /COPY=DEFAULT is assumed. If any other qualif iers are alsoF specified, they will replace those values before the record is added./CPULM=delta_timeC Maximum CPU time that a user can accumulate during the semester -- unit of time in delta format./CPUTIME=delta_timeC Maximum CPU time that a user can accumulate per session -- unit ofE time in delta format; should be the same value as the /CPUTIME value in the UAF file./DEPT#=department_numberE The 3 character numeric department number -- see the ISU Computation? Center Depart ment Number List for the corresponding department) number in which the owner is associated./DEPTNAME=department_nameC Department name in which the owner is associated -- should only beF specified if the COLLEGE# and DEPT# fields are 9 and 110 respectivelyE (i.e. No campus department); otherwise the Quota program will supply6 the correct department name by using the DEPT# value. /DIOS=valueG Maximum direct IOs that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer. /DOLLM=value D Maximum dollars that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer. /DSKLM=valueB Static disk space limit (total number of blocks that the user can# have between sessions) -- integer./DSKSPACE=valueC Dynamic disk space limit (total number of blocks that the user canC have during a session) -- integer; should be the same value as the( /PERMQUOTA value in the Diskquota file./EXPIRE=absolute_timeD Expiration date (last time and date in which the user can login) --@ unit of time in absolute format; if only the date is specified,& the time will default to 23:59:59.99./LOGIN=absolute_timeA Last login date (last time and date in which the user has loggedC in) -- unit of time in absolute format; this value should never be altered./LOGOUT=absolute_timeB Last logout date (last time and date in which the user has loggedD out) -- unit of time in absolute format; this value should never be altered. /MASK=value9 Quota mask -- 8 hexadecimal digits; default is FFFFFFFF. /NCSLM=valueA Number of concurrent sessions allowed (total number of time thatF this username can be logged in at one time) -- integer; default is 1. /NLOGIN=value? Number of logins (total number of times that this username has; logged in) -- integer; this value should never be altered./NLOGOUT=value@ Number of logouts (total number of times that this username has< logged out) -- integer; this value should never be altered./OWNER=owners_name5 Name of owner -- 1-20 characters enclosed in quotes./PHONE#=phone_number, Office telephone number -- 1-10 characters. /PKPLM=valueB Purge/keep limit (total number of versions of a file to keep when< the ISU$MONITOR program purges files at logout) -- integer; default is 1./ISUPRIV=value6 ISU privileges allotted user -- 8 hexadecimal digits. /PRTLM=valueH Maximum print pages that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer./PRTPAGES=value@ Maximum print pages that the user can print per job -- integer. /SEMESTER=value? The 1 character semester code -- 0=username is valid all year,; 1=first semester username, 2=second semester username, and 3=summer session username. /STATUS=valueG Status of specific quota -- 8 hexadecimal digits; default is FFFFFFFF./TRMLM=delta_timeG Maximum terminal time that the user can accumulate during the semester! -- unit of time in delta format./TRMTIME=delta_timeD Maximum terminal time that the user can be logged in per session -- unit of time in  delta format./UIC=uicE User identification code -- group number and member number separatedB by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number must be octal in the range 0-377./UPDATE=absolute_timeD Last verification update (time and date of the last verification ofD the user's usage and costs values) -- unit of time in delta format;$ this value should never be altered. 2 username@A string of 1 through 12 alphanumeric characters and underpages.2 uic:User identification code -- group number and member number?separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number mustbe octal in the range of 0-377. EIf used in this form, then the username is constructed by concatening4the machine number, group number, and member number. FFor example, if the Quota program was executing on VAXA and the uic ofG[11,1] was specified, then the username will be constructed as A011001.2 absolute_timeFormat:  DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.hh 3(1) You can omit the leading zero in the day field. =(2) You can abbreviate the name of the month as long as it is9 abbreviated to any non-ambiguous letter abbreviation. .(3) You can omit the century part of the year. B(4) You can omit any of the fields within the time, as long as youD type the punctuation marks; when any field within the time valueF is omitted, the Quota program supplies a value of 0 for the field. 2 delta_timeFormat:  HH:MM:SS.hh @When you specify the delta time value, you can truncate the time@field on the right; you may also omit any of the values, as long$as you supply the punctuation marks. DWhen any field is omitted from a delta time value; the Quota program$supplies a value of 0 for the field.ww­@Ät¯Ú“‹ 1 DEFAULT$DEFAULT modifies the DEFAULT record. Format:  DEFAULT qualifier [...] 2 Qualifiers/ADDRESS=address> Campus mailing address -- 1-20 characters enclosed in quotes./AUTHORIZE=absolute_time> Authorization date (first  time and date in which the user may? login) -- unit of time in absolute format; if only the date is1 specified, the time will default to 00:00:00.00./BLDG#=building_numberC The 2 character numeric building number -- see the ISU ComputationB Center Building Number List for the corresponding building number& of the building in the ADDRESS field./COLLEGE#=college_numberB The 1 character numeric college number -- see the ISU Computation? Center Department List for the corresponding college number of1 the department in which the owner is associated./CPULM=delta_timeC Maximum CPU time that a user can accumulate during the semester -- unit of time in delta format./CPUTIME=delta_timeC Maximum CPU time that a user can accumulate per session -- unit ofE time in delta format; should be the same value as the /CPUTIME value in the UAF file./DEPT#=department_numberE The 3 character numeric department number -- see the ISU Computation? Center Department Number List for the  corresponding department) number in which the owner is associated./DEPTNAME=department_nameC Department name in which the owner is associated -- should only beF specified if the COLLEGE# and DEPT# fields are 9 and 110 respectivelyE (i.e. No campus department); otherwise the Quota program will supply6 the correct department name by using the DEPT# value. /DIOS=valueG Maximum direct IOs that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer. /DOLLM=valueD Maximum dollars that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer. /DSKLM=valueB Static disk space limit (total number of blocks that the user can# have between sessions) -- integer./DSKSPACE=valueC Dynamic disk space limit (total number of blocks that the user canC have during a session) -- integer; should be the same value as the( /PERMQUOTA value in the Diskquota file./EXPIRE=absolute_timeD Expiration date (last time and date in which the user can login) --@ unit of time in absolute format ; if only the date is specified,& the time will default to 23:59:59.99./LOGIN=absolute_timeA Last login date (last time and date in which the user has loggedC in) -- unit of time in absolute format; this value should never be altered./LOGOUT=absolute_timeB Last logout date (last time and date in which the user has loggedD out) -- unit of time in absolute format; this value should never be altered. /MASK=value9 Quota mask -- 8 hexadecimal digits; default is FFFFFFFF. /NCSLM=value A Number of concurrent sessions allowed (total number of time thatF this username can be logged in at one time) -- integer; default is 1. /NLOGIN=value? Number of logins (total number of times that this username has; logged in) -- integer; this value should never be altered./NLOGOUT=value@ Number of logouts (total number of times that this username has< logged out) -- integer; this value should never be altered./OWNER=owners_name5 Name of owner -- 1-20 characters enclosed in quotes./PHONE#=phone_number, Office telephone number -- 1-10 characters. /PKPLM=valueB Purge/keep limit (total number of versions of a file to keep when< the ISU$MONITOR program purges files at logout) -- integer; default is 1./ISUPRIV=value6 ISU privileges allotted user -- 8 hexadecimal digits. /PRTLM=valueH Maximum print pages that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer./PRTPAGES=value@ Maximum print pages that the user can print per job -- integer./SEMESTER=value? The  1 character semester code -- 0=username is valid all year,; 1=first semester username, 2=second semester username, and 3=summer session username. /STATUS=valueG Status of specific quota -- 8 hexadecimal digits; default is FFFFFFFF./TRMLM=delta_timeG Maximum terminal time that the user can accumulate during the semester! -- unit of time in delta format./TRMTIME=delta_timeD Maximum terminal time that the user can be logged in per session -- unit of time in delta format./UIC=uicE User identification code -- group number and member number separatedB by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number must be octal in the range 0-377./UPDATE=absolute_timeD Last verification update (time and date of the last verification ofD the user's usage and costs values) -- unit of time in delta format;$ this value should never be altered.2 absolute_timeFormat:  DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.hh 3(1) You can omit the leading zero in the day field. =(2) You can abbreviate the name of the month as long as it is9 abbreviated to any non-ambiguous letter abbreviation. .(3) You can omit the century part of the year. B(4) You can omit any of the fields within the time, as long as youD type the punctuation marks; when any field within the time valueF is omitted, the Quota program supplies a value of 0 for the field. 2 delta_timeFormat:  HH:MM:SS.hh @When you specify the delta time value, you can truncate the time@field on the right; you may also omit any of the values, as long$as you supply the punctuation marks. DWhen any field is omitted from a delta time value; the Quota program$supplies a value of 0 for the field.ww­@.¯Ú“‹1 EXIT*EXIT returns you to the DCL command level. Format:  EXITww­à´Ž¯Ú“‹1 HELP:HELP lists and explains the quota commands and qualifiers. Format: ' HELP [command [topic|qualifier ...]]ww­€;¯Ú“‹1 MODIFY'MODIFY changes values  in a user record. Format: " MODIFY userspec qualifier [...] 2 Qualifiers /ACTIVATE? Activates the user record by coping the expiration date in the# DEFAULT record to the user record./ADDRESS=address> Campus mailing address -- 1-20 characters enclosed in quotes./AUTHORIZE=absolute_time> Authorization date (first time and date in which the user may? login) -- unit of time in absolute format; if only the date is1 specified, the time will default to 00:00:00.00./BLDG#=build !ing_numberC The 2 character numeric building number -- see the ISU ComputationB Center Building Number List for the corresponding building number& of the building in the ADDRESS field./CANCELG Cancels the user record by coping the current date to the user record./COLLEGE#=college_numberB The 1 character numeric college number -- see the ISU Computation? Center Department List for the corresponding college number of1 the department in which the owner is associated./COSTSG Specifies w "hich cumulative values to modify -- modifies the cumulative costs values./CPULM=delta_timeC Maximum CPU time that a user can accumulate during the semester -- unit of time in delta format./CPUTIME=delta_timeC Maximum CPU time that a user can accumulate per session -- unit ofE time in delta format; should be the same value as the /CPUTIME value in the UAF file./DEPT#=department_numberE The 3 character numeric department number -- see the ISU Computation? Center Department Numbe #r List for the corresponding department) number in which the owner is associated./DEPTNAME=department_nameC Department name in which the owner is associated -- should only beF specified if the COLLEGE# and DEPT# fields are 9 and 110 respectivelyE (i.e. No campus department); otherwise the Quota program will supply6 the correct department name by using the DEPT# value. /DIOS=valueG Maximum direct IOs that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer. /DOLLM=valueD Maximum $ dollars that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer. /DSKLM=valueB Static disk space limit (total number of blocks that the user can# have between sessions) -- integer./DSKSPACE=valueC Dynamic disk space limit (total number of blocks that the user canC have during a session) -- integer; should be the same value as the( /PERMQUOTA value in the Diskquota file./EXPIRE=absolute_timeD Expiration date (last time and date in which the user can login) --@ unit of time in a %bsolute format; if only the date is specified,& the time will default to 23:59:59.99./LOGIN=absolute_timeA Last login date (last time and date in which the user has loggedC in) -- unit of time in absolute format; this value should never be altered./LOGOUT=absolute_timeB Last logout date (last time and date in which the user has loggedD out) -- unit of time in absolute format; this value should never be altered. /MASK=value9 Quota mask -- 8 hexadecimal digits; default is FFFFFFFF. & /NCSLM=valueA Number of concurrent sessions allowed (total number of time thatF this username can be logged in at one time) -- integer; default is 1. /NLOGIN=value? Number of logins (total number of times that this username has; logged in) -- integer; this value should never be altered./NLOGOUT=value@ Number of logouts (total number of times that this username has< logged out) -- integer; this value should never be altered./OWNER=owners_name5 Name of owner -- 1-20 characters enclosed' in quotes./PHONE#=phone_number, Office telephone number -- 1-10 characters. /PKPLM=valueB Purge/keep limit (total number of versions of a file to keep when< the ISU$MONITOR program purges files at logout) -- integer; default is 1./ISUPRIV=value6 ISU privileges allotted user -- 8 hexadecimal digits. /PRTLM=valueH Maximum print pages that the user can accumulate during the semester -- integer./PRTPAGES=value@ Maximum print pages that the user can print per job -- integer./QUOTAE ( Specifies which cumulate values to modify -- modifies the cumulative quota values./SEMESTER=value? The 1 character semester code -- 0=username is valid all year,; 1=first semester username, 2=second semester username, and 3=summer session username. /STATUS=valueG Status of specific quota -- 8 hexadecimal digits; default is FFFFFFFF./TRMLM=delta_timeG Maximum terminal time that the user can accumulate during the semester! -- unit of time in delta format./TRMTIME=delta_timeD ) Maximum terminal time that the user can be logged in per session -- unit of time in delta format./UIC=uicE User identification code -- group number and member number separatedB by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number must be octal in the range 0-377./UPDATE=absolute_timeD Last verification update (time and date of the last verification ofD the user's usage and costs values) -- unit of time in delta format;$ this value should never be altered./USAGEG Specifies which cumulat*ive values to modify -- modifies the cumulative usage values. 2 userspec>Username, uic, username-username, [uic]-[uic], username-[uic],?[uic]-username, wild card character (*), [group,*], [*,member], or [*,*]. 2 username@A string of 1 through 12 alphanumeric characters and underpages.2 uic:User identification code -- group number and member number?separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number mustbe octal in the range of 0-377.2 absolute_timeFormat:  DD-MM+M-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.hh 3(1) You can omit the leading zero in the day field. =(2) You can abbreviate the name of the month as long as it is9 abbreviated to any non-ambiguous letter abbreviation. .(3) You can omit the century part of the year. B(4) You can omit any of the fields within the time, as long as youD type the punctuation marks; when any field within the time valueF is omitted, the Quota program supplies a value of 0 for the field. 2 delta_timeFormat:  HH:,MM:SS.hh @When you specify the delta time value, you can truncate the time@field on the right; you may also omit any of the values, as long$as you supply the punctuation marks. DWhen any field is omitted from a delta time value; the Quota program$supplies a value of 0 for the field.ww­Àç·¯Ú“‹1 REMOVE1REMOVE deletes a user record from the quota file. Format:  REMOVE userspec 2 userspec>Username, uic, username-username, [uic]-[uic], username-[uic],?[uic]-user-name, wild card character (*), [group,*], [*,member], or [*,*]. 2 username@A string of 1 through 12 alphanumeric characters and underpages.2 uic:User identification code -- group number and member number?separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number mustbe octal in the range of 0-377.ww­õº¯Ú“‹1 SHOW0SHOW displays reports for selected user records. Format: SHOW userspec [qualifier ...] 2 Qualifiers/BRIEFB Request a brief report -- one line .for each user record selected./COSTSD Requests that cumulative costs values are shown in the full report./FULL; Request a full report -- full screen of quota information./OUTPUT=output-file-specA Specifies that the reports are to be written to the output file.C If not specified, reports are shown at the terminal. If file nameE is omitted, the file name of QUOTA is used; if file type is omitted, the file type of LIS is used./USAGED Requests that cumulative usage values are shown i n the full report. 2 userspec>Username, uic, username-username, [uic]-[uic], username-[uic],?[uic]-username, wild card character (*), [group,*], [*,member], or [*,*]. 2 username@A string of 1 through 12 alphanumeric characters and underpages.2 uic:User identification code -- group number and member number?separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets; each number mustbe octal in the range of 0-377.ww