%ě VAX-11 Librarian V03-00ŕ&ď'Š‹ fő'(Š‹IFK JJL ` DELETE¨ DIRECTORY!dHELP(|PRINT6ěPURGE8ÖSET=ŔSHOWGîTYPE  ­7á&(Š‹1 DELETE; Deletes one or more files from a mass storage disk volume. Format: DELETE file-spec[,...]: The DELETE command also performs the following functions:0 o Deletes entries from a queue (DELETE/ENTRY)# o Deletes a queue (DELETE/QUEUE)F o Deletes a symbol definition from the symbol table (DELETE/SYMBOL)2 Other_functions/ENTRY? Deletes one or more entries from a printer or batch job queue.G /ENTRY has a value which specifies the job number of the job to beG deleted from the queue. The /ENTRY qualifier is required, and it( requires at least one job-number value. Format:4 DELETE/ENTRY=(job-number[,...]) queue-name[:] Qualifiers: None./QUEUEG Deletes a specific print or batch queue and all the jobs the queue< contains. This command requires operator (OPER) privilege." The /QUEUE qualifier is required. Format:! DELETE/QUEUE queue-name[:] Qualifiers: None./SYMBOLG Deletes a symbol definition from a local or global symbol table, or2 deletes all symbol definitions in a symbol table.# The /SYMBOL qualifier is required. Format:# DELETE/SYMBOL [symbol-name] Qualifiers: /ALL /GLOBAL /LOCAL 2 Parameters file-spec[,...]A Specifies the names of one or more files to be deleted. TheA first file specification must contain an explicit or defaultA directory specification plus a file name, a file type, and aA version number; subsequent file specifications must contain aA version number. You can specify wild card characters in any of the file specification fields.A To delete more than one file, separate the file specifications$ with commas (,) or plus signs (+).3 /ENTRY queue-name[:]< Specifies the name of the queue in which the job(s) exist.3 /QUEUE queue-name[:]? Specifies the name of the print or batch queue to be deleted. 3 /SYMBOL symbol-nameC Specifies the 1- through 255-character name of the symbol to beC deleted. By default, the DELETE/SYMBOL command assumes theC symbol is in the local symbol table for the current command procedure.A The symbol-name parameter is required unless /ALL is specified. 2 Qualifiers/ALL /ALLB Specifies that all symbol names in the specified symbol table beB deleted. If you do not specify either /LOCAL or /GLOBAL, all: symbols defined at the current command level are deleted. Valid for DELETE/SYMBOL./BEFORE /BEFORE[=time]B Specifies that only the files dated earlier than a particularB time be deleted. An absolute time, delta time, or combination of the two may be given.B If /BEFORE is specified without a time, /BEFORE=TODAY is assumed.B All files created or modified within the specified time areB deleted, unless the /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED qualifiers are used. Valid for file DELETE./CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D)B Controls whether the DELETE command displays the fileB specification of each file before deleting and requests you toB confirm whether or not the file should actually be deleted. ForB a file to be deleted, you must respond to a prompt with a Y,B followed by RETURN. If anything else is entered, the file is not deleted. Valid for file DELETE./CREATEDB Specifies that only files created within the defined time period be deleted. Valid for file DELETE./EXPIREDB Specifies that only files which have reached their expiration, dates within the specified time be deleted.B If any file does not have an expiration date associated with it,B it is assumed to have expired at the time the DELETE command is issued. Valid for file DELETE./GLOBALB Indicates that the specified symbol name is in the global symbol table for the current process. Valid for DELETE/SYMBOL./LOCAL@ Indicates that the symbol name is in the local symbol table for1 the current command level. This is the default. Valid for DELETE/SYMBOL./LOG /LOG /NOLOG (D)B Controls whether the DELETE command displays the file/ specification of each file after its deletion. Valid for file DELETE. /MODIFIEDB Specifies that only files which were modified within the defined time period be deleted. Valid for file DELETE./SINCE /SINCE[=time]B Specifies that only the files dated later than a particularB time be deleted. You can specify an absolute time, delta time, or combination of the two.B If /SINCE is specified and no value is given, the DELETE command assumes /SINCE=TODAY.B All files created or modified within the specified time areB deleted, unless the /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED qualifiers are used. Valid for file DELETE.ww­`š'(Š‹ 1 DIRECTORYG Provides a list of files or information about a file or group of files. Format:# DIRECTORY [file-spec[,...]] 2 Parameters file-spec[,...]C Specifies one or more files to be listed. The syntax of a fileC specification determines what file(s) will be listed, as follows:@ o If you do not enter a file specification, the DIRECTORY@ command lists all versions of the files in your current default directory.@ o If you specify only a device name, the DIRECTORY command1 uses your default directory specification.@ o If the file name, file type or version number is not@ included in the file specification, the DIRECTORY command< assumes the asterisk (*) wildcard for missing fields.C If you specify more than one file, separate the fileC specifications with either commas (,) or plus signs (+). FullB wildcarding is permitted for any part of the file specification. 2 Qualifiers/BEFORE /BEFORE[=time]B Specifies that only  those files dated earlier than a particularB time be printed. You can specify an absolute date and time., See HELP SPECIFY DATE_TIME for time format.B This qualifier is normally used in conjunction with one of theB following qualifiers: /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. The" default is /CREATED/BEFORE=TODAY./BRIEFB Includes only the file name, type, and version number of eachB file to be listed. The /BRIEF qualifier is overridden whenever9 any of the following formatting qualifiers is specified:< /SIZE, /DATE, /OWNER, /PROTECTION, /NOHEADING, or /FULL. /BRIEF is the default./COLUMN /COLUMN=nB Lists the files using the specified number of columns on eachB line of the display. By default, the number of columns is four. Valid for /BRIEF format only./CREATEDB Selects the files according to their date of creation. ThisB qualifier is relevant only when used with the /BEFORE or /SINCEB qualifier, and should not be used with the /EXPIRED or /MODIFIED qualifier./ /CREATED is the default for /BEFORE or /SINCE./DATE /DATE[=option] /NODATE (D)B Includes the creation, expiration, or date last written for eachB file listed. If you specify /DATE without an option, CREATED is assumed. The options are:3 BACKUP Lists the date of the last back-up( CREATED Lists the creation date* EXPIRED Lists the expiration date9 MODIFIED Lists the last date the file was written6 ALL Lists all four file dates shown above/EXCLUDE /EXCLUDE=(file-spec[,...])B Excludes the listed file specification(s) from the directoryB search. You may use wild card characters for the fileB specification(s). At least one file specification is required.? The file specification must not include a device or directory.B If you omit the version number from a file specification, all= versions of the specified file are excluded from the search./EXPIREDB Selects files according to the planned expiration date for eachB file. This qualifier is relevant only with the /BEFORE or /SINCEB qualifiers, and should not be used with the /CREATED or /MODIFIED qualifiers./FULL+ Lists full file attributes with each file.@ The /FULL qualifier overrides the default brief listing format./HEADING /HEADING (D) /NOHEADINGB Controls whether heading lines consisting of a device description- and directory  specification are printed.B When you specify /NOHEADING, the output appears in single column7 format with the full file specification on every file. /MODIFIEDB Selects files according to the last date the file was modified.B This qualifier is relevant only with the /BEFORE or /SINCEB qualifier, and should not be used with the /CREATED or /EXPIRED qualifier./OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=file-spec]B Requests that the DIRECTORY command output be written to the fileB specified rather than to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. If youB specify the /OUTPUT qualifier without a file specification, the$ output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT.5 Partial file-specs are expanded using DIRECTORY.LIS./OWNER /OWNER /NOOWNER (D)1 Controls whether the file's owner UIC is listed./PRINTERB Queues the command output for printing under the name given byB the /OUTPUT qualifier. If you specify /PRINTER without theB /OUTPUT qualifier, the output is directed to a file namedB DIRECTORY.LIS, which is spooled for printing automatically and then deleted. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION /NOPROTECTION (D)B Controls whether the file protection for each file is listed./SINCE /SINCE[=time]B Specifies that only those files dated after a specified time beB printed. You can specify an absolute time, delta time, or a combination of the two.B This qualifier is normally used in conjunction with one of theB followi ng qualifiers: /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. The! default is /CREATED/SINCE=TODAY./SIZE /SIZE[=option] /NOSIZE (D)B Provides the file size in blocks used and/or allocated for eachB file listed, according to the option you specify. If you specify5 /SIZE without an option, the USED option is assumed.! The options you can specify are:: ALLOCATION Lists the file size in blocks allocated5 USED Lists the file size in blocks used7 ALL ! Lists both blocks used and allocated/TOTALB Inhibits the listing of all individual file information andB prints only the trailing lines as described under the /TRAILING qualifier. /TRAILING /TRAILING (D) /NOTRAILINGB Controls whether trailing lines that summarize the directory are printed. /VERSIONS /VERSIONS=nB Causes the latest n versions of each of the files selected to beB listed. If you omit the /VERSIONS qualifier, by default t"heB listing includes all versions of each file. A value less than 1 is not allowed.ww­@ěE'(Š‹1 HELPG Displays on the current default output stream device (SYS$OUTPUT)G information available in the system help files or any help library youG specify. In addition, you can also specify your own set of default help libraries.G For more information on creating your own help libraries, see the# VAX-11 Utilities Reference Manual. Format: HELP [k#eyword ...] 2 Parameters keyword ...C Specifies one or more keywords that indicate what information youC want. Information is located in a hierarchical manner, depending' on the level of information required.C If you specify an asterisk (*) in place of any keyword, the HELP; command displays all information available at that level.C If you specify an ellipsis (...) after any keyword, you obtain, everything in the help file at that level.D You can specify percent $signs (%) and asterisks (*) in the keyword as wild card characters. 2 Qualifiers/LIBLIST /LIBLIST (D) /NOLIBLISTB Controls whether a list of all available default help libraries is output at TOPIC level./LIBRARY /LIBRARY=file-spec /NOLIBRARYB Control whether a help library is used in place of the defaultC ISUQUOTA library, PUBQUO:QUOHLPLIB.HLB. The specified library isB used as the main help library and is searched for helpB information %before any user-defined default help libraries are checked.B If you omit the device and directory specification, the defaultB is SYS$HELP, the logical name of the location of the system help* libraries. The default file type is HLB.B The /NOLIBRARY qualifier should be used if you are excluding the4 default help library from the library search order./PAGE /PAGE /NOPAGE (D)B Controls whether page breaks are generated when the terminal screen is full./PROMPT& /PROMPT (D) /NOPROMPTB Controls whether HELP initiates an interactive session once the# initial HELP command is specified. /USERLIBRARY /USERLIBRARY[=(table[,...])] /NOUSERLIBRARYB Controls whether HELP searches one or more user-specified root7 libraries after it has searched the root help library.B When you specify the /USERLIBRARY qualifier, HELP searches theB process, group, and system logical name tables for logical namesB of the form: HLP$LIBRARY ', HLP$LIBRARY_1, HLP$LIBRARY_2, and soB on, to find the file specifications of the user-definedB libraries. Then, when HELP searches for information on a givenB topic, it proceeds in the following search order: root library,B main library (if not the same as the root library), processB libraries, group libraries, system libraries, and root library.B If you specify more than one table for HELP to search, separateB them with commas and enclose the list in parenthes (es. You can% specify any of the following tables:B ALL HELP searches the process, group, and systemB logical name tables for user-defined library! definitions.B NONE HELP does not search any logical name table.B This specification is the same as$ /NOUSERLIBRARY.B PROCESS HELP searches the process logical name table: for user-de)fined library definitions.B GROUP HELP searches the group logical name table: for user-defined library definitions.B SYSTEM HELP searches the system logical name table: for user defined library definitions.B By default, if you omit the qualifier, /USERLIBRARY=ALL is assumed.ww­ ęb'(Š‹1 PRINTG Queues one or more files for printing, either on a default system" printer or on a specified d*evice. Format: PRINT file-spec[,...] 2 Parameters file-spec[,...]C Specifies one or more files to be printed. If you specify moreC than one file, separate the file specifications with eitherC commas (,) or plus signs (+). In either case, the PRINT command1 concatenates the files into a single print job.C If you do not specify a file type for the first input file, the2 PRINT command uses the default file type of LIS.C Node names are not allowed+ in the file specification unlessC the /REMOTE qualifier is specified. PRINT cannot print a file- that resides on a device that is allocated. 2 Qualifiers/AFTER /AFTER=timeB Requests that the file not be printed until a specific time of day.B You may specify an absolute time, delta time, or a combination ofB the two. See HELP SPECIFY DATE_TIME for the rules for specifying date and time.B If the specified time has already passed, the file is queued for pri,nting immediately./BURST /BURST /NOBURST (D)B Controls whether a burst page is included on output. A burstB page precedes a flag page and contains the same information.B However, it is printed over the perforation between pagesB allowing easy identification of multiple files in a single print job./CHARACTERISTICS /CHARACTERISTICS=(c[,...])B Specifies one or more characteristics desired for printing theB file(s). If you specify more than on-e characteristic, separateB them by commas and enclose the list in parentheses. Codes forB characteristics are installation-defined, see your system manager! for valid types for your system./COPIES /COPIES=nB Specifies the number of copies to print. By default, the PRINT* command prints a single copy of a file.B If you specify /COPIES after the PRINT command name, each file in= the parameter list is printed the specified number of times.B If you specify /COPIES follow.ing a file specification, only that/ file is printed the specified number of times./DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE (D)B Controls whether files are deleted after printing. If youB specify /DELETE after the PRINT command name, all files specifiedB are deleted. If you specify /DELETE after a file specification,/ only that file is deleted after it is printed./DEVICE /DEVICE=device-name[:]B Requests that the file(s) specified be queued for printing on aB speci/fic device to which queueing is allowed. If the /DEVICEB qualifier is not specified, files are queued, by default, toB SYS$PRINT. This qualifier is synonymous with the /QUEUE qualifier./FEED /FEED (D) /NOFEEDB Controls whether the PRINT command automatically inserts formB feeds when it nears the end of a page. By default, the PRINTB command inserts a form feed when the printer is within four lines of the end of the form.B Files that do not0 have RMS record attributes of FORTRAN carriageB control (FTN), implied carriage return (CR), or print file formatB (PRN) are considered to be internally formatted files. NeitherB the /FEED nor /NOFEED qualifiers have any affect on internally formatted files. /FLAG_PAGE /FLAG_PAGE /NOFLAG_PAGEB Controls whether a flag page is printed preceding output. UseB this qualifier to override the installation-defined defaults set' up for printers when they are started.B I1f you specify the /FLAG_PAGE qualifier as a command qualifierB with the command name, a flag page is printed for the entire job.B If you specify the /FLAG_PAGE qualifier with any fileB specification, a separate flag page is printed preceding the associated file./FORMS /FORMS=type= Specifies the forms type required for the specified file(s).B Specify the forms type using a numeric value or alphanumericB code. Codes for forms types are installation-def2ined, see your* system manager for codes for your system./HEADER /HEADER /NOHEADER (D)B Controls whether the name of the file is printed at the top ofB each output page. By default, the file specification is not printed./HOLD /HOLD /NOHOLD (D)B Controls whether the file is available for printing immediately.B When you specify the /HOLD qualifier, the file is not releasedB for actual printing until you use the SET QUEUE/ENTRY command to rel3ease it. /IDENTIFY /IDENTIFY (D) /NOIDENTIFYB Controls whether the PRINT command displays a message indicatingB the job number of the print job and the name of the queue in which it is entered. /JOB_COUNT /JOB_COUNT=nB Requests that the entire job be printed n times, where n is aB decimal number from 1 through 255. By default the job is printed once. /LOWERCASE /LOWERCASE /NOLOWERCASE (D)B Indicates whether the specified file(s) c4ontain lowercaseB alphabetic letters and must be printed on an available printer0 that can print uppercase and lowercase letters.B The default is /NOLOWERCASE, which means files may be printed on, printers supporting only uppercase letters./NAME /NAME=job-nameB Defines a 1- through 9-alphanumeric character name string toB identify the job. The job name is displayed by the SHOW QUEUEB command and is printed in the top and bottom rows of the flag page for the jo5b./NOTIFY /NOTIFY /NONOTIFY (D)B Controls whether a message is broadcast to any terminal at whichB you are logged on, notifying you when your print job has been completed or aborted. /PAGE_COUNT /PAGE_COUNT=nB Specifies the number of pages of the specified file to print.B You can only use /PAGE_COUNT to qualify file specifications; itB cannot qualify the command name. You can use the /PAGE_COUNT; qualifier to print just a first few pages of a large 6file.# By default, all pages are printed. /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=nB Specifies the priority of the print job. The priority, n, mustB be in the range of 0 through 31, where 0 is the lowest priority and 31 is the highest./QUEUE /QUEUE=queue-name[:]B Requests that the specified file(s) be printed on a specificB device. This qualifier is synonymous with the /DEVICE qualifier./REMOTEB Indicates that the specified files be printed on a remote node.A The file 7specification must contain the name of the remote node.A If you specify /REMOTE, you cannot specify any other qualifiers./SPACE /SPACE /NOSPACE (D)3 Controls whether output is to be double-spaced.ww­ఐ'(Š‹1 PURGEG Deletes all but the highest-numbered version or versions of a specified file or files. Format: PURGE [file-spec[,...]] 2 Parameters file-spec[,...]C Specifies one or more files to be purged. If you do not pr8ovideC a file specification, the PURGE command purges all files in the current default directory.C The PURGE command does not provide file name or file typeC defaults; version numbers are not allowed. You can use wildC card characters in the directory specification, file name or file type fields. 2 Qualifiers/KEEP /KEEP=nB Specifies the maximum number of versions to retain of theB specified file(s). By default, all but the highest-number9ed. version of the specified file(s) are deleted./LOG /LOG /NOLOG (D)B Controls whether the PURGE command displays the file, specifications of files as it deletes them.ww­@”§'(Š‹1 SETG Defines or changes, for the current terminal session or batch job,G characteristics associated with files and devices owned by the process. Format: SET option 2 DEFAULTG Changes the default device and/or directory name for the :currentG process. The new default is applied to all subsequent fileG specifications that do not explicitly give a device or directory name.G When you change the default device assignment, the system equates the1 specified device with the logical name SYS$DISK. Format:! SET DEFAULT device-name[:] 3 Parameters device-name[:]C Specifies a device and/or directory name to be used as the( default device in file specifications.C If you specify a phy ;sical device name, terminate the device nameC with a colon. If you specify a directory name, you must enclose it in brackets ([ ] or < >).C The SET DEFAULT command performs logical name translation on theC entire string specified, not on the left-most portion of theC device name specified, as is the usual case. The translation is not recursive. 2 PROTECTIONC Establishes the protection to be applied to a particular file orD group of files. The protection for a <file limits the type of ( access available to other system users. Formats:# SET PROTECTION[=code]/DEFAULT2 SET PROTECTION[=code] file-spec[,...] 3 Parameters codeE Defines the protection to be applied to the file(s) specified.E See HELP SPECIFY PROTECTION for the format of the protection items. file-spec[,...]C Specifies one or more files for which the protection is to be changed.C You can specify wild card characters in the dire=ctory, file name, file type, and version fields. 3 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D)B Controls whether the SET PROTECTION command displays the fileB specification of each file before applying the new protection andB requests you to confirm whether or not the file's protection actually should be changed./DEFAULTB Establishes the default protection for all files subsequentlyB created during the terminal session or batch job. The /DEFAULT5 q>ualifier precludes the use of any other qualifiers./LOG /LOG /NOLOG (D)B Controls whether the SET PROTECTION command displays the file9 specification of each file after it sets the protection. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION=codeB Defines the protection code to be applied to the associated fileB specification. This allows different protections to be applied' to specific files by a single command.ww­`ŸÇ'(Š‹1 SHOWG Displays information about the ?current status of the process in the system. Format: SHOW option 2 DEFAULTG Displays the current default device and directory name. TheseG defaults are applied whenever you omit a device and/or directory name from a file specification. Format: SHOW DEFAULT 2 LOGICALB Displays all logical names in one or more logical name tables;B or displays the current equivalence name assigned to a specified@ logical name by the ASSIGN, ALLOCATE, DEFINE,@ or MOUNT command. Format:' SHOW LOGICAL [logical-name[:]] 3 Parameters logical-name[:]C Specifies a 1- through 63-alphanumeric character logical name forC which the equivalence name is to be displayed. The logical nameC is translated recursively a maximum of 10 times. For eachC translation, the process, group, and system logical name tablesC are searched, in that order, and the equivalence name for the! first match found is displayed.C If you A do not specify a logical name, the command displays allC logical names in one or more tables, based on the presence of theC /PROCESS, /GROUP, or /SYSTEM qualifiers. If no qualifiers areC present and no logical name is specified, the command displays/ all logical names in all logical name tables.7 Wild card characters are allowed in the logical name. 3 Qualifiers/ALLB Specifies that all logical names in the specified logical nameB table(s) be displayed. If noBne of the qualifiers /PROCESS,B /GROUP, or /SYSTEM is specified, all names in all logical name, tables are displayed. This is the default./GROUPB Indicates, when a logical-name parameter is present, that only0 the group logical name table is to be searched.B If you specify /ALL either explicitly or by default, all entries/ in the group logical name table are displayed./PROCESSB Indicates, when a logical-name parameter is specified, that only2 the process logical name tablCe is to be searched.B If you specify /ALL either explicitly or by default, all entries1 in the process logical name table are displayed./SYSTEMB Indicates, when a logical-name parameter is present, that only1 the system logical name table is to be searched.B If you specify /ALL either explicitly or by default, all names in- the system logical name table are displayed. 2 PROTECTIONG Displays the current file protection to be applied to all new filesG created during the terDminal session or batch job. You can change the@ default protection at any time with the SET PROTECTION command. Format: SHOW PROTECTION2 QUOTAG Displays the current disk quota that is authorized to and used by aG specific user on a specific disk. This display also includes aG calculation of the amount of space available and the amount of overdraft that is permitted. Format: SHOW QUOTA 3 Qualifiers/DISK /DISK[=device-name[:]]B IEdentifies the disk whose quotas are to be examined. By default,0 SYS$DISK, the current default disk is examined./USER /USER=uicB Identifies which user's quotas are to be displayed. The userB identification code (UIC) must be specified in square brackets> ([ ]), with the group and member numbers separated by commas.B If you omit the UIC, by default your own disk quotas are displayed.2 SYMBOLG Displays the current value of a local or global symbol. Symbols arFeG defined with assignment statements (the = command), by passingG parameters to a command procedure file, or by the INQUIRE, READ, or WRITE command. Format: SHOW SYMBOL [symbol-name] 3 Parameters symbol-nameC Specifies the 1- through 255-alphanumeric character name of theC symbol whose value you want to display. The symbol-name mustC begin with an alphabetic character. The SHOW SYMBOL commandC searches the local symbol table for the cur Grent command level,C then local symbol tables for preceding command levels, then theC global symbol table for the specified symbol, and displays the first match it finds.8 If you specify /ALL, you cannot specify a symbol name. 3 Qualifiers/ALLB Requests that the current values of all symbols in the specifiedB symbol table be displayed. If you specify /ALL and do notB specify either /LOCAL or /GLOBAL, the SHOW SYMBOL commandB displays the contents of the Hlocal symbol table for the current command level./GLOBALB Requests that only the global symbol table be searched for the specified symbol name.B If you specify /ALL, all names in the global symbol table are displayed./LOCALB Requests that only the local symbol table for the current command1 level be searched for the specified symbol name.B If you specify /ALL, all names in the local symbol table for the% current command level are displayed.ww­ fő'(Š‹I1 TYPEG Displays the contents of a file or group of files on the current output device. Format: TYPE file-spec[,...] 2 Parameters file-spec[,...]C Specifies one or more files to be displayed. If you specify aC file name and do not specify a file type, the TYPE command uses the default file type of LIS.C You can specify wild card characters in place of the directoryC file name, file type, or file version number fields. The TYPEC command displays all files that satisfy the file description.wwşŤH €ű'(Š‹ QUOMGR DELETE DIRECTORYHELPPRINTPURGESETSHOWTYPE