! DUMPER6250.CTL ! ! Batch control file for making a DEC-20 DUMPER Kermit Export tape. ! ! Replace "6250" with the desired density. ! @declare pcl pcl:sndsrv ! For blasting error messages, better than mail... @ @mount tape t:/write/label:unl/new/density:6250 @set tape density 6250 @enable @connect ps: @disable @dumper *tape t: *rewind *list lpt0: *files *ssname "Columbia University DEC-20 KERMIT Distribution, DUMPER 6250 bpi" *save ps:*.*.0 *ssname "Columbia University DEC-20 KERMIT Distribution, Duplicate Copy" *save ps:*.*.0 *rewind *exit @dismount tape t: @ @goto z %err:: send . TOPS-20 KERMIT Export failed -- see log. z::