% VAX-11 Librarian V03-00`OX`PXPQ5j DOCUMENTSJOURNALS PHONEBOOK%NREMINDER(Security6SPR6VPW8`WP ue Q 1 DOCUMENTSC The NOTEBOOK program for DOCUMENTS is designed to manage the indexKof documents created using the word processing menu of the VAX ProfessionalKWorkstation. It allows the documents entered to be listed and searched forKand allows entries to be easily deleted or modified as the documents statuschanges.2 IDENTL Each document has a 1-9 character name or ID. By default all documentsHhave a .RNO file type. The WP menu keeps track of memos and letters andIautomatically assigns them prefixes and sequence numbers. These prefixesJand sequences numbers are joined to make up the document name. Documents Nshould be given unique names. As long as all files are on a user's directory,Mthen WP will not create a document of the same name as a previous one withoutHwarning the user. However, if documents are filed in text libraries, noKcheck is made to insure that the name is not in use already in the library.NIf the name was previously used, it is  possible to overwrite a stored document6while storing a new document. Moral. Be careful. 2 DATE_SENTD Memos and letters always have a date sent. Papers and reports alsoJhave dates, generally when they are created. However, using MODIFY, it isJeasy to update the DATE_SENT field when the report is issued, or the paperBis sent off for publication so as to reflect a more relevant date.3 The Date Sent must be entered in DD-MMM-YY format.2 TO_WHOD All documents are directed at someone , even if it is only yourself.KYou have up to 19 characters to specify the person, or organization toward whom the document is directed. 2 FROM_WHOD All documents have an author. Some have more. However, for filingLpurposes you have up to 19 characters to specify the author of the document. 2 WHERE_FILEDD Documents are generally stored on the users's directory during mostLof their life. However, if the directory gets crowded, or if some documentsJneed to be saved for an extended period of time, you can file the documentKin a text library. Doing so saves some disk space, and makes the directoryless cluttered.2 TYPE2 Only 4 general types of documents are recognized:% LETTER, MEMO, PAPER, and REPORT.NThe document index indicates what type of document has been created and filed.KThe WP menu keeps track of the last letter or memo sent and each time a newMone is sent automatically creates a new one with a new name. The catagory ofFPAPER and REPORT are for conveni ence and are identical except that theHdocument index is flagged with either the keyword PAPER or REPORT. WhenKusing NoteBook interactively, only LETER, MEMO, PAPER or REPORT are allowed#inputs for the Document Type entry.2 TOPICE Every document has a topic. It must be less than 70 characters long.KThe topic (be it memo topic, paper title, purpose of letter) is very usefulJfor use with the NoteBook search command because key words can be searchedfor.ww F8 1 JOURNALS 1 JOURNALS is a VMS utility function controlled by:ProNoteBK, the VAX Professional Notebook. Its behavior is:controlled by SYS$VPWFILES:VPW.TLB. The JOURNALS function9may be invoked by defining the following foreign command4$ JOURNALS:=="$SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VPW]NOTEBOOK JOURNALS"=as part of LOGIN.COM. JOURNALS gives the user the option to:, 1. Add new references to the journal list.9 2. Display journal references for given match criteria.% 3. Delete references from the list.& 4. Modify existing reference entries 5. Exit.2 KEYPAD)0Hlqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqkPx Back x x x x x Keypd x Help x x VPW> xHmqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqj tqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqquL x Quit x x x Done xH tqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqquH x x x x xH tqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqquH x x x x xJ tqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqu Enter xJ x Menu x x xI mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqj 2 AUTHORS H Each reference may have a list of authors. The authors list is theDprimary key and the references in the file are sorted by the authorsCfirst in the list. Space is provided for a list of author names upAto 50 characters long. While the format for the entry of name isEarbitrary, if a sorted list of authors is to be kept, the user should;enter the authors in a fixed fashon. The suggest method is4 Last_Name, Initial., Last_name_2, Initial2., .....5 -- --- -- ---4 ^ ^ ^ ^CNote that a ", "  (comma, space) follows each last name, and a "., "B(Period, comma, space) follows each initial. If a carriage returnBis hit without entering an author's name, JOURNALS returns to the main menu.2 TITLE; Each reference must have a title. This is required input.3The title may be anything up to 73 characters long. 2 JOURNALA Each reference may have a Journal name up to 15 characters long.GIt is suggested that the same standard journal abbreviations be used asare used by the APS.2 VOLUMEA Space is provided for a 3 digit volume number. No check is made5to see that the input is a valid number at this time.2 NUMBERD Each Volume can have up to a 3 digit number (number of volume set).2 PAGESC Space is provided for entering the range of pages for the article.INine spaces exist for inputing the page range. The recomended input form is NNNN-MMMM.2 DATEL The date to be entered, must be in VAX standard format, ie DD-MMM-YYYY.GYears must be entered as 4 digit num bers, ie 1983 not 83. If the exact1day of the month is not known, use 01 as the day. 2 KEYWORDSI Space is provided for up to 50 characters of keywords. The keywordsFmay be entered in any form and may represent either isolated words to Csearch on, or entire keyword phrases. Depending on how it is used,HJOURNAL can either search the entire record (title and keywords) for theAkeywords of your choice, or it can just search the keyword field.2 ADD2 When you enter ADD mode, JOURNALS prompts for thefollowing information.: Author List 50 characters max Title 73 Characters max Journal 15 Characters max Volume 3 Characters max Number 3 Characters max Pages 9 Characters max0 Date 11 Characters required format DD-MMM-YYYY" Keyword List 50 Characters maxD JOURNALS will reprompt if the length of th entered data exceedsFthe maximum allowed for the entry. If a RETURN is entered in responseFto the AUTHORS entry request, JOURNALS returns to the menu  page. WhenFan entry is completed, JOURNALS will display the entry in its entirityDand ask if it is correct. If a Y[es] is answered, it will be enteredHin to the data file. A N[o] allows you to reenter the data. A Carriage Greturn for any non-required field will leave that entry unchanged. To null an entry type a space.2 MODIFY: JOURNALS allows you to modify an existing entry. When?modify mode is entered, it prompts for a search string and then<starts displaying all records matchi ng that string. When theAproper locator is found it display the record and goes into enter?mode. Entering just a carriage return at each prompt will leaveAthe entry unchanged. Modify data fields as desired, and when data?entry is complete, the completed record will be displayed again@for verification. If the modification is accepted, the record is>updated. If any updates are done which change the author list,;the file will be sorted before returning to the main menu. 2 DELETEAIn delete mode, you are prompted for a search string to locate anAentry to delete. Each entry which matches the entered string will?be displayed together with a prompt asking if that entry should?be deleted. If a Y[es] is answered the entry will be deleted. A>^Y during the delete process will wipe out all deletions made.CHopefully, it will not wipe out your existing data base. It is not?recomended that ^Y be used. Rather, hit the QUIT key or ^Z to @cancel the delete operation. All deletions beco me permanent if =a RETURN is entered in response to the 'Search for:' prompt. 2 DISPLAYBIn display mode, you select select records to display by entering 8a search string. If a '*' is entered, all records in theAJournal file are displayed. The search string entered can be just=the desired last name, part of the last name, a unique search;string (ie a KEYWORD) or some combination of search strings?each seperated by a "|" from the other search strings. If the@combination is used, only records containing both search stringswill be matched. B You are also given the options of printing the results of theAsearch to the line printer and restricting the search to selected@fields. If the selected search option is requested, you will beEasked for each field in the JOURNALS record, it it is to be searched.2 EXIT>EXIT will leave cause JOURNALS to exit and the screen will be 5erased. You also can ^Y out of JOURNALS at any time.2 SEARCH_STRINGS> When used to di splay phone numbers or addresses, JOURNALS=either accepts a search string as part of the command line orAprompts for one in DELETE, DISPLAY or MODIFY mode. At this point,>either a simple last name (or part of one) or a complex search:string may be entered. A complex search string consists of=multiple search strings seperated by "|"s. For example if you@know your JOURNAL file contains entries for several people named@Smith and that the SMITH of interest published papers on lasers,Center SMIT H|LASER as the search string. Only the data for the entry>with the last name Smith, and with the word LASER (in title or!in keyword list) would be found. ww`: 1 PHONEBOOKD PhoneBook is a VMS utility function controlled by NoteBook, the VAXLProfessional Notebook. Its behavior is controlled by SYS$VPWFILES:VPW.TLB. NThe PhoneBook function is a system supported VPW function which will allow theHuser to maintain and use a list phone numbers and addresses which can beMreca lled on command. PhoneBook can either be used interactively or it can beEused as a VMS foreign command. To may be invoked either from the VAXMProfessional Workstation menu, or as a command, PHONEBOOK, PLIST, and ALIST. MThe command, PhoneBook, is made available at LOGIN. PhoneBook gives the userthe option to: ' 1. Add new phone numbers to the list.; 2. Display phone numbers/addresses for a given last name.! 3. Delete phone number entries.& 4. Modify existing phonebook entries  5. Exit.> PHONEBOOK Enter interactive mode with PhoneBook.> PLIST search_string Display all phone numbers belonging to? entries with the specified name_string.? ALIST search_string Display all phone numbers and addresses? belonging to entries with the specified$ name_string.2 NAME? Each PhoneBook entry has a first and last name. The last nameBmay be up to 15 characters long and the first name may be up to 10Dcharacters long. If a carriage return is entered for the last name,APhoneBook returns to the menu. A ^Z (control-Z) on any input will also force a return to the menu.2 NUMBER= Each PhoneBook phone number consists of up to 14 characters.?The required form is (xxx)-xxx-xxxx for uniformity of displays.The ( )- - must be entered 2 EXTENSION1 Each PhoneBook number can also have an extensionconsisting of up to 4 digits 2 COMPANY; The company name can be up to 20 characters long. It is an optional entry 2 Address The address consists of:& Street Address: 30 character maximum City 15 character maximum State 2 character maximum ZIP 5 character maximum!All address entries are optional. 2 COMMENT@ The comment field in PHONEBOOK may be up to 40 characters long. Its entry is optional.2 ALIST The command  ALIST search_stringCwill produce the output (if the search string is found) of the form1 Last_name, First_name Phone # Ext Comment Company Address City, State, Zip,For example, ALIST DOWNWARD might displayB Downward, James (313)-769-8500 362 Resident DEC guru. KMS Fusion, Inc. 3941 Research Park Dr. Ann Arbor, Mi 48106 2 DATA_FILEA The data for PhoneBook is kept in SYS$LOGIN:PHONEBOOK.FIL. ThisGfile may be edited, BUT the locations of the various starting positionsFwithin each record MUST NOT BE CHANGED. If you edit the file, you do so at your own risk.2 PLIST The command  PLIST search_stringCwill produce the output (if the search string is found) of the form6 Last_name, First_name Phone # Extension CommentCFor example, the command PLIST DOWNWARD might produce the output< Downward, James (313)-769-8500 362 Resident DEC guru.FNote that the search string could also have been DEC or James and this8record (with possibly others would have been displayed).2 ADD2 When you enter ADD mode PhoneBook prompts for thefollowing information. Last name 15 characters max First name 10 characters max/ Phone number (xxx)-nnn-mmmm 14 characters max% Extension (xxxx) 4 characters max" Company name 20 characters max Address 30 characters max City 15 characters max State 2 characters max ZIP 5 characters max Comment 40 characters max@PhoneBook will reprompt if the length of th entered data exceeds=the maximum allowed for the entry. If a RETURN is entered in=response to the Last Name entry request, PhoneBook returns toBthe menu page. When an entry is completed, PhoneBook will display?the entry in its entirity and ask if it is correct. If a Y[es]<is answered, it will be entered in to the data file. A N[o]/returns you to the 'Search for:' input prompt. 2 MODIFY; PhoneBook allows you to modify an existing entry. When?modify mode is entered, it prompts for a search string and then=starts displaying !all records matching that locator. When theAproper locator is found it display the record and goes into enter?mode. Entering just a carriage return at each prompt will leaveAthe entry unchanged. Modify data fields as desired, and when data?entry is complete, the completed record will be displayed again@for verification. If the modification is accepted, the record isAupdated. If any updates are done which change either the first or?last name, the file will be sorted before returning to the " mainmenu. 2 DELETEAIn delete mode, you are prompted for a search string to locate anAentry to delete. Each entry which matches the entered string will?be displayed together with a prompt asking if that entry should?be deleted. If a Y[es] is answered the entry will be deleted. A>^Y during the delete process will wipe out all deletions made.AAll deletions become permanent if a RETURN is entered in responseto the 'Search for:' prompt. 2 DISPLAY>In display mode, you select a displa #y format (address or phone=list) and then select records to display by entering a search=string. If a '*' is entered, all records in the phonebook areAdisplayed. The search string entered can be just the desired lastAname, part of the last name, a unique search string (ie a company?name) or some combination of search strings each seperated by a#"|" from the other search strings. 2 EXIT?EXIT will leave cause PhoneBook to exit and the screen will be 6erased. You also can ^Y out of Ph $oneBook at any time.2 SEARCH_STRINGS? When used to display phone numbers or addresses, PhoneBook=either accepts a search string as part of the command line orAprompts for one in DELETE, DISPLAY or MODIFY mode. At this point,>either a simple last name (or part of one) or a complex search:string may be entered. A complex search string consists of=multiple search strings seperated by "|"s. For example if you>know your Phone Book contains entries for several people named<Smith and th %at the SMITH of interest works for KMS you mightAenter SMITH|KMS as the search string. Only the data for the entry;with the last name Smith, and with the company KMS would be?found. Likewise to list all people working for the same company=(you for got the person's name), just enter the company name.BYou also have the option of selectively searching for entries only>within certain fields (such as company, area code, name, etc).>Multiple search strings should not be used for this unless all &@search strings are expected to be in one of the fields selected.ww`_U: 1 REMINDER9 REMINDER is used to leave your self (or some other user)Ba reminder of something which must be done. REMINDER will ask youBwho the reminder is for. The name must be a valid VMS login name.BIf you type , the reminder will be sent to you. Next it asks Dfor the date and time to remind the user. Finally, it asks you for Creminder message. HELP using reminder is available on any input b 'ypressing the HELP key.2 NAME= The name you input to REMINDER is not always the user's lastFname. Each user on the VAX must have a unique login name. It is thisBname that REMINDER uses to track down the user. If you request a Clist of valid names to be displayed, the VAX system account file is:scanned and all valid names are displayed in table format.2 TIME@ The VAX uses a 24 hour clock. Time entries must be of the formDHH:MM where HH is the hour to remind the user (0 - 23) and ( MM is theBminute of the hour (0 - 59) to send the reminder. Since a 24 hour6clock is used, 2:00 is 2:00 AM while 14:00 is 2:00 PM.2 DATE? The VAX likes to use dates entered with the format DD-MMM-YYYYHwhere DD is the day of the month, MMM is the month (JAN, FEB, ..., DEC),Gand YYYY is the year (1982, 1983... etc.). Note that the year, must beCentered as a 4 digit number. REMINDER only allows years to be usedDwhich are either the current year or one year in the future. Due toFthe na )ture of the VAX, reminders scheduled too far in advance, are nota good idea and can get lost. 2 MESSAGE= The message text should be limited to about 65 characters ifDyou want all of the text displayed if the reminder is sent to a userIusing a 80 column video terminal. Upper and lower case text may be used.DThe reminder message will be displayed as entered. ^Y will terminate'text entry with no reminder being sent.wwTg=)@ 1 SecurityC SECURITY is a VMS utility function *controlled by NoteBook, the VAXLProfessional Notebook. Its behavior is controlled by SYS$VPWFILES:VPW.TLB. MThe SECURITY function is a system supported VPW function which will allow theHuser to maintain and use the security access list. To use SECURITY the Ncommand SECURITY:=="$SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VPW]NOTEBOOK SECURITY" must be defined.LThis is automatically done at logon for the SECURITY account. SECURITY usesHthe data base SECURITY.LOG on the VAX SECURITY account. SECURITY gives the user+ the options to: 4 1. Add a new employee to the security access list.= 2. Display the access list based on various search criteria! 3. Delete an access list entry.* 4. Modify an existing access list entry. 5. Exit.FTo invoke SECURITY after exiting the VPW Security menu, type SECURITY.2 NONE" No Help is Available at This Time2 EMPLOYEE_NAMEC Each SECURITY entry has an employee name up to 24 characters long.HThe format of entry is Last Name, First Name, Initial. It is , importantIto keep the capitalization of all entries consistant as lowercase lettersIare not treated the same as upper case letters. If a carriage return is Jentered for the last name, SECURITY returns to the menu. A ^Z (control-Z) 2on any input will also force a return to the menu.2 EMPLOYEE_NUMBERB Each employee should have an employee number consiting of up to 4digits or letters. 2 BIRTH_DATEE Each employee needs a birth date entry in the form DD-MMM-YYYY. TheKyear entry needs to -be a 4 digit entry, ie 1983. Months must be entered in upper case.% Examples: 01-JAN-1982 not 1-JAN-1982 15-MAR-1982 not 15-mar-1982 30-NOV-1982 not 30-NOV-822 CLEARANCE_LEVELD If the employee has a clearance, it must be one of the allowed listof recognized clearances.  N None4 Q Q-cleared, but no access to Sigma-11 information. Q11 Q-cleared, acces to Sigma-11 information. WD Q/Q11 cleared with access to weapons data2 CLEARANCE_DATEE Each employee needs a Clear .ance date entry if they have a clearance.LThe format is MM/DD/YY because a previous security director wanted it this4way. The "/" must be entered in the locations shown. Examples: 01/10/82 not 1/10/82 10/01/82 not 10/1/82JSECURITY will narrow mindedly insist on the correct format and not make anCentry if the "/" are not in the right places. The "/" is called a Aprotected field, ie the only entry allowed at that point is a "/"2 CLEARANCE_CODEC This is a funny reference number /given to us when an employee gets a clearance. 2 DEPARTMENT? Each employee can have a department code, FED, DMS1, DMS2, etcof up to 4 characters.2 SOC_SEC_NUMBER@ The entry format is XX-XXX-XXXX. The "-" must be in the correct(places so leading zeros must be entered. 2 COMMENT? The comment field in SECURITY may be up to 40 characters long. Its entry is optional. 2 DATA_FILE? The data for SECURITY is kept in SYS$LOGIN:SECURITY.LOG. ThisGfile may be edited, BUT the locations of0 the various starting positionsFwithin each record MUST NOT BE CHANGED. If you edit the file, you do so at your own risk.2 ADD2 When you enter ADD mode, SECURITY prompts for thefollowing information.3 Name (Last, First, Intitial) 24 characters max3 Employee number 4 characters max3 Birth Date 11 characters max3 Clearance level 3 characters max3 Clearance date [mm/dd/yy] 8 characters max3 Clearance Code # 1 8 characters max3 Social Security # 11 characters max3 Department 4 characters max3 Security Status Comment 42 characters max@SECURITY will reprompt if the length of the entered data exceeds=the maximum allowed for the entry. If a RETURN is entered in7response to the Name entry request, SECURITY returns toAthe menu page. When an entry is completed, SECURITY will display?the entry in its entirity and ask if it is correct. 2 If a Y[es]<is answered, it will be entered in to the data file. A N[o](returns you to the 'Name' input prompt. 2 MODIFY: SECURITY allows you to modify an existing entry. When?modify mode is entered, it prompts for a search string and then=starts displaying all records matching that locator. When theAproper locator is found it display the record and goes into enter?mode. Entering just a carriage return at each prompt will leaveAthe entry unchanged. Modify data fields as desired, an 3d when data?entry is complete, the completed record will be displayed again@for verification. If the modification is accepted, the record is@updated. If any updates are done which change the employee name,;the file will be sorted before returning to the main menu. 2 DELETEAIn delete mode, you are prompted for a search string to locate anAentry to delete. Each entry which matches the entered string will?be displayed together with a prompt asking if that entry should?be deleted. If a Y[e 4s] is answered the entry will be deleted. A>^Y during the delete process will wipe out all deletions made.AAll deletions become permanent if a RETURN is entered in responseto the 'Search for:' prompt. 2 DISPLAYOIn display mode, you select a display format and then select records to displayMby entering a search string. If a '*' is entered, all records in the SECURITYKfile are displayed. The search string entered can be just the desired name,Epart of the name, a unique search string (ie 5 clearance level) or someKcombination of search strings each seperated by a "|" from the other search strings. 2 EXIT>EXIT will leave cause SECURITY to exit and the screen will be Ierased. You also can ^Y out of SECURITY at any time it is not sorting ordeleting entries.2 SEARCH_STRINGSL SECURITY prompts for a search string in DELETE, DISPLAY or MODIFY mode.HAt this point, either a simple name (or part of one) or a complex searchJstring may be entered. A complex search string 6 consists of multiple searchKstrings seperated by "|"s. For example if you know the access list containsKentries for several people named Smith and that the SMITH of interest is inIDMS you might enter SMITH|DMS as the search string. Only the data for theKentry with the last name Smith, and with the Department DMS would be found.ALikewise to list all people with Q11 clearances, just enter Q11. IYou also have the option of selectively searching for entries only withinJcertain fields (such7 as name, birthdate, clearance, etc.). Multiple searchMstrings should not be used for this unless all search strings are expected to"be in one of the fields selected. wwO6|<1 SPRNo Help available yet2 REFERENCE_CODENo Help is available yet 2 SEND_DATENo Help is available yet2 RECEIVE_DATENo Help is available yet 2 ANSWER_DATENo Help is available yet 2 SPR_NUMBERNo Help is available yet 2 ABSTRACTNo Help is available yetwwY:1 VPW 82 KEYPAD)0Hlqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqkPx Back x x x x x Keypd x Help x x VPW> xHmqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqj tqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqquL x Quit x x x Done xH tqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqquH x x x x xH 9 tqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqnqqqqqqquH x x x x xJ tqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqnqqqqqqqu Enter xJ x Menu x x xI mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqvqqqqqqqjww4̆|X1 WPD The VAX Document Preparation System provides an integrated wordFprocessing package which will let the user create and file let:ters andBmemos, check them for spelling errors, and either prepare them forFtransmission to the NBI word processor or print them on a VAX printer.I The Document Preparation System is not designed as a general purposeHuser interface. Rather its sole purpose is to enable the user to simplyHcreate formatted documents using the VAX document formatter, RUNOFF, andthe standard VAX editor.DWhen the Document Preparation System starts up the following menu is displayed.) ; VAX Document Preparation VDefault file name: NOT set Default file type: RNO9You may choose: CLean Clean up your desk8 CReate Create a document@ Directory Display unfiled documents@ EDit Edit an existing document= FIle Use the Document Filer> Help Help in using this me<nuB Print Format and print a documentI Spell Check document for spelling errors7 View View a document< Waistbasket Throw away a document: EXit Exit from this menuChoice:D The menu items can be abreviated to one or two characters. TheEintensity highlighting on the VT100 shows the number of characters toBinput. The do =cument preparation system is designed use the VAX to?take a document through the creation, revision, formatting, andBprinting cycle with a minimal intervention from the user. In mostEcases, once a document name has been defined, responses to the system&can be defaulted to a carriage return.; While most command input can be abreviated to 1 or twoFcharacters, the Directory, Print, Spell, View and Waistbasket commandsGall take command lines as well as prompting for input if just the shor >tCcommmand is entered. File names entered this way do not change the(current default file type and file name.!2 Default_File_TypesF The system keeps track of the current file name and file type ofFthe documents being worked on. At the start, a default type of RNO isFassumed. Each time the menu is displayed, the current values forFthe default file type and filename. These default file names are usedFto simplify the input process. Once they are defined, all that isGge?nerally needed to supply when prompted for a file name, is a carriageFreturn and the Document Preparation System will use the defaultFfile specifications. Likewise, when the system prompts for a filenameFit is never necessary to append a file type as the default file typeFwill be used. However, appending a file type is legal and will changeFthe default file type to the specified file type. For example, ifGthe default file type is RNO, entering a JGD54 when a file name is G @requested for editing will result in JGD54.RNO being edited. If,Fhowever, you entered JGD54.DOC, the file JGD54.DOC would be edited and1the default file type would be changed to DOC. 2 CleanF Disk space is generally at a premium. The clean command is usedFto delete all .NBI files and purge all .RNO files to the two latestFversions so that disk space can be recovered. It does not operate on"any other files in your directory.2 CreateD Before editing, a document Amust be created and entered into theCsystem. Four types of documents are allowed, Letters, Memos, PapersEand Reports. The Create command will automatically insert the properFdocument formatting control commands (for RUNOFF) so that the documentwill be properly formatted.F The CREATE command keeps track of the last Memo or Letter numberFthat was created and assigns one higher number each time you create aFnew document. Documents are named based on the document prefix youAassignB and a document number you input. WP keeps an index of allDdocuments so that they can be easily retrieved. The document nameFtogether with the topic of the document, the recepient, and theEsender are filed DOCINDEX.FIL as appropriate. If you wish you mayDenter in any document number when the system prompts for it. In theHevent that that document already exists, you are asked if you want toEdelete the old one and edit a new one with that number. If you don'tHwant to delete C the old document you are allowed to edit the old oneDand modify it. However, in this case no new entries are made in thedocument index. 2 FileF The FILE command allows one to use the Document Filer. DocumentsGmay be though of as being either active (on your desk) or filed away in6a file folder. The Document Filer menu allows one to: Create - Create new documents. Display - Display an index of past documents, Folder - Display an index of file folders+ Index - Displa Dy contents fo file folder- Modify - Modify default parameter settings- Store - Store a document in a file folder0 Recall - Remove a document from a file folder& Exit - Return to the main WP menu3 CreateD When a document is created, it is active (on your desk), and anBentry in the document index is made to indicate its name, subject,Ccreation date, and to whom it is being sent. Depending on the type@of document created (LETTER, MEMO, PAPER, or REPORT) appropriate@RUNOFF E formatting control commands are included in the prototypedocument when it is created. > At any time during the documents life cycle, the NoteBookDprogram DOCUMENTS can be used to modify the contents of the documentAindex. However, for simple tasks, the Document Filer Menu handles the tasks. 3 Display: An index of all past documents is kept in DOCINDEX.FIL onDyour document directory. The Display command can be used to displayDthe documents in that index. You are prompted for a F search string. DA "*" will result in all documents being displayed. If something isAknown about the document (document type, to whom, subject, etc) aBsearch string (or multiple search strings seperated with "|"s) can.be entered to display only part of the index. 3 Index ? The INDEX command allows you to display the contents of a Cspecific file folder. When invoked it requests the name of a file Dfolder. If you input a valid name, it displays the current contents'for that folde Gr in a formatted fashion.3 Modify@ The MODIFY command is used if you wish to change any of the@default parameter settings for use by the Document Filer. TheseAsettings include the default file folder name, the default prefixDname for memos and letters, and the default name for the sender. TheDfirst time the Document Filer is used, these parameters are prompted@for. Thereafter, the modify command can be used to change theseCparameters. When modifying parameters, a return leaves the Hcurrent entry alone. 3 Store> When the document is no longer being actively used, it isCuseful to file the document in a file folder. The file folders areAVMS Text Libraries, but this should be transparent to the user ofDthe WP menu. The menu will let you see which file folders are activeC(the FOLDER command), and will let you store and retrieve documentsDfrom the folders. When a document is filed away in a file folder, WP@makes a note of its location in the document index file. I At anyAtime you can search your index (Directory command) to see where a document is. ? WP will not allow you to place a document in a folder if aBdocument of the same name is there. You must either not place theDdocument in that folder or agree to overwrite the existing document.? When placing a document in a file folder, you either place theCoriginal document there or a copy. If the original is placed there,?the original ceases to exist on your desk. If a copy is placed@ther Je, the original document is still left active on your desk. 3 Recall> The RECALL command lets you remove a document from a fileCfolder and place it in active status. WP will not let you retrieveDa document from a file folder if an active document of the same nameAis on your desk. If the desired document is not on your desk, WP?will allow you to either extract the original document from theCfolder or make a copy of the document. If the original document isAremoved from the folder,K the active document on your desk becomes<the only copy of that document. If you request a copy of theDdocument in the folder, the original copy in the folder is retained. 2 WaistbasketF The WAISTBASKET command can be used in one of two ways. Either one can type* Waisbacket FilspecCwhen prompted, or just type W and the WP procedure will display allEunfiled documents and prompt for which files are to be deleted. All 3copies of a file for the waistbaskLet are destroyed. 2 DirectoryE The Directory command displays all document (.RNO) files on yourcurrent work area.2 EditF The first time a document is edited, the Create command should beBused. Thereafter, use the Edit command. When the system prompts,Benter the name of the file you want to edit. Since a default fileDtype is always defined, you only must enter the file name. EnteringAa complete file specifier (name and file type) will result in the?default file type beMing modified. The Edit command invokes the EDT editor.2 ExitF When done with processing a document, use the Exit command. ItFwill return you to the previous menu or the VAX command level&depending on how the menu was entered.2 HelpD Use the Help command to ask help on using word processing menu.GHelp is interactive, so you can roam around at will. When you are done@enter ^Z or carriage returns to the Topic: or Subtopic: prompts.2 FormatF The CREATE coNmmand automatically places RUNOFF control commandsFin the document file. The Runoff command will uses these embeddedFcontrol commands to format the file. It may either be displayed onFyour terminal, sent to the line printer, the letter quality printer orFalternatively formatted for transmission to the NBI word processor.EThe file type of documents formatted by RUNOFF for sending to the NBIFis .NBI. These files will be automatically deleted folowing transfer.@All other Runoff out Oput is automatically deleted after printing.F One option the system gives you is to print only a range ofFpages. This option should be selected only if you do not need toFformat the entire document. This can happen if a minor correction wasFdone on one page of the RUNOFF source file which didn't change theFpagination. In this event it is faster to use RUNOFF to create aFdocument for only the modified page, print that page, and merge it"with the previously printe Pd pages.2 SpellF The Spell command will check the users document for spellingFerrors using the VAX Spelling checker utility. The spelling programFis rather complex and has the ability to use a default word file ofFcommonly used first names and technical words which would be otherwiseFflagged as errors. If you are interested in creating your own defaultBword file of special technical words, please contact Jim Downward.2 ViewF The View command will display a formatted document at the user's Bterminal. It provides a simpler access to getting formatted outputFto the terminal than the FORMAT command. If the document type is .RNOBit displays the document with RUNOFF. Otherwise, it displays the #document with the VMS type command.ww