FIXHEADER February 1983 VICKI W. WOOLF PROGRAM OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS - CORNELL UNIVERSITY 120 RAND HALL ITHACA NEW YORK 14853 (607) 257-6444 Modified by LES TABATA (415) 486-5766 COMPUTER SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS BLDG 50B RM 3238 LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY BERKELEY, CA 94720 The FIXHEADER program can be used to display the virtual or logical data blocks or the file header blocks. It can also be used to alter the EOF marker of a file. Program accepts either a filename,logical name or file id (octal) as input. The following general information is displayed. file name complete file path name file id and sequence numbers number of used and allocated blocks. first free byte number in last block used. owner uic. virtual to logical block mapping information. The user has the following options: G - Display general information. ? - Display list of commands. M - Display list of map pointers. V - Display data block specified by virtual block number. L - Display data block specified by logical block number. H - Display file header block specified by block number. I - Invert file extent pointers. F - Find file id by LBN. C - Display and change eof marker. W - Write changes back to disk. N - Enter a new file. E - Exit. The orginal purpose of the utility was to patch 0./non0. files. To build: Use FIXHEADER.COM or $FOR FIXHEADER $MAC/OBJ=FIXHEADM FIXHEADER $LINK FIXHEADER,FIXHEADM The file SSDEF.FOR should be placed in the SYS$LIBRARY directory. It is a Fortran include file containing the system service error code definitions. This version includes the following additions 1. The General option now displays the full file path name, e.g. dra0:[]filename.ext;1 2. System service errors will now display the error code mnemonic in addition to the hex error code, e.g. SS$_PARITY = '01F4'X 3. The Find option works with DB and DR type disks. For other disk types, appropriate cylinder/track/sector information may be entered online.