.ps 60,80 .lm 5 .rm 75 .ap [VAX83A.OSUCHENG]AAAREADME.TXT .blank 3 .c;KRIS LAKSHMANAN .c;Department of Chemical Engineering .c;Ohio State University .c;140 W 19 Avenue .c;Columbus, Ohio 43210 .c;614 422-7906 or 614 422-6591 .blank 2 .list .le ;BATTLESHIP: Battleship war game with graphics for Tektronix type terminals. This particular version of the program uses VT100 terminal retrofitted with Digitial Engineering VT640 graphics processor board. .le ;BLACKJACK: The official blackjack game for 1 player against the computer. Program keeps track of the statistics of players and their monetary situations. This program calls USERNAME.MAR routine to get Username string. .le ;FLOPPY: Command procedure utility to use floppy disks. Procedure copies files back and forth from user disk to floppy, deletes and gives disk usage statistics. This procedure is very useful for novice VMS users and occasional users of floppy disks. .le ;GRADING PROGRAMS: This consists of two programs, INPUT.FOR and GRADE.FOR, for recording, updating, analyzing and tabulating students grade for a class of upto 150 stundents. Program is totally interactive and structured for use by users with no computer terminal experience. We have used this program over the last year and a half with good response from the faculty and staff as well as students. Instructions for using this program are given in INPUT.RNO and GRADE.RNO files. .le ;MSTRMIND: The ultimate number guessing program MASTERMIND (The source code of the program is lost in the archives at the time of this tape preparation). You have to guess a 4 digit number within ten tries. Correct guesses are flagged with a '+' or '-' sign. The '+' sign indicates the number is in correct location and '-' sign indicates the guessed number is correct but in wrong location. The signs does not point to the exact location of a digit in the number. Numbers have to be entered with a space between each digit. .le ;SPIRO: Graphics program to draw a SPIROGRAPH. This program draws a spirograph with the given radii, scale factor and number of points. Needs tektronix type terminals and/or PLOT10 commands to move and draw vectors. .le ;STARTREK: This is a short instruction of a good strategy to play and beat the most popular game STARTREK. This game was originally from a DECUS distribution tape a year or so ago. The writeup is as a result of many lightyears of intense travel through the galaxy. .le ;VT640: List of subroutins for Digital Engineering VT640 graphics board for VT100 terminals. This routines work under PLOT10 graphics and makes use of the special features of this board. WAIT.FOR routine calls QSUB.MAR routine. .end list