.ps 58,60 .s 2 .lit Users Guide: Grade Analysis Program: GRADE.FOR Version: 1.0 Authors: Kent S. Knaebel and Kris Lakshmanan Department of Chemical Engineering The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone: 614 422-6591 Date: Revised May 16, 1983 Language: FORTRAN-77 Computer System: VAX 11/780; VMS Operating System General Descrition: This is an interactive program for computation of grades. The program handles analysis of the grades (compute averages, final grades, etc.). GRADE uses the scores recorded by INPUT. Thus, the two programs and the data file are a complete system for managing grade records. Program Notes: ALL INPUT/OUTPUT TO THIS PROGRAM SHOULD BE IN UPPERCASE CHARACTERS. This program is modified currently for better output options like selection of grade items to be displayed, actual letter grade of the student, etc. User's who need the new and updated version are asked to contact the authors. At the time of preparation of this DECUS distribution tape the above additions are being tested. .end lit .s 1 A. INTRODUCTION .p This program analysis the grade data stored by INPUT program using the data file ROSijk._DAT. Before using this program user should have created/modified/updated the data file using the INPUT program. .s 2 B. SPECIFIC STRUCTURE AND USES .p The uses of the program are: .list .le ;Grades are used to compute statistics, set frequency distribution, histograms, and to generate a list of final grades in three different basis as follows: .list .display element RL,")" .le ;Raw Scores, scores are taken as it is in the grade file. .le ;Percentage of maximum possible score, all scores are normalized to a basis of 100% and .le ;Weighted percentage of final grade, scores are normailized to a basis of percent of each grade with reference to total grade. .end list .le ;From the grouped grades above, eleven (or less) letter grade cutoff's could be specified (A,A-,B+,B,B-,C+,C,C-,D+,D,E). This cutoff ranges can be selected either in INPUT or GRADE program. The advantage of selecting in the GRADE program is that one can see the final distribution and statistics of grades before choosing the cutoff points. .le ;Individual grades can be grouped to one or more subgroups and/or total group (eg: sum of homeworks, quizzes, tests, etc.). .le ;Records of students who dropped out during the middle of the quarter/semester are still kept in the roster with a drop code, but are not included in the computation of statistics. This record may be useful when the student repeats the course next time. .le ;Individual, subgroup and total group grades can be sorted as follows: .list .display elements RL,")" .le ;Alphabetical order of names. .le ;Increasing order of Social Security numbers, all the nine digits or part of that (eg: last four digits) can be choosen for this sort. .le ;Decreasing order of individual grade, subgroup or total group column totals. .end list .end list .s 2 C. OUTPUT OPTIONS .p The output files from the roster file contains all the entries of the grade components with the averages. Output files are generated under two main catogeries, one with a complete list of students names and social security numbers and the other with only the social security numbers (or part of it) which can be posted for student verification. Output files are of the form GRDijk._DAT and GSSijk._DAT. .S 2 D. HISTOGRAM .P The histogram of the program is generated on a Tektronix type screen. If you are not running this program on a graphics terminal or donot have a similar plotting routine donot select this option.