.ps 58,60 .s 2 .lit Users Guide: Grade Recording Program: INPUT.FOR Version: 1.0 Authors: Kent S. Knaebel and Kris Lakshmanan Department of Chemical Engineering The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone: 614 422-6591 Date: Revised May 16, 1983 Language: FORTRAN-77 Computer System: VAX 11/780; VMS Operating System General Descrition: This is an interactive program for recording and revising grades. A separate program (GRADE), handles analysis of the grades (compute averages, final grades, etc.). GRADE uses the scores recorded by INPUT. Thus, the two programs and the data file are a complete system for managing grade records. Program Notes: ALL INPUT/OUTPUT TO THIS PROGRAM SHOULD BE IN UPPERCASE CHARACTERS. This program is being continuously updated as need arises. User's who need the latest version are asked to contact the authors. To familiarize with the program, create dummy input files with a few entries and execute the INPUT and GRADE program. .end lit .s 1 A. INTRODUCTION .s 1 Four typical uses of this program are: .list .le ;Entering student identities at the beginning of a course. This may consist of just names from the roster and possibly their social security numbers. It is also possible to enter the grades of first homework, quiz, or laboratory report. .le ;Adding a new "component" of a grade, such as test scores or case study grades. A symbolic code may be entered to denote status action to be taken. .le ;Altering the grade record by: .list .display elements "(",RL,")" .le ;adding student(s) names and possibily grades .le ;deleting student(s), or indicating that one or more has dropped .le ;revising student scores .le ;changing parameters that describe a grade component, such as percent weight in the final grade .le ;specifying numerical cut-offs for letter grades. .end list .le ;Displaying (and perhaps revising) the scores for a single student. Of course, the latter uses are impossible without first having employed the first. .le ;An option of adding a special letter (or number) beside each score that is recorded, to denote status or action to be taken. Any number of different symbols may be used, and each symbol can be defined by the user. .le ;A "dropcode" may be added for a student during the middle of the quarter. Grades of these students will be kept in the grade files but will not be included in the analyis. Any student may also be completely deleted from the roster, as before. .end list Each of these possibilities is discussed briefly in the following pages. But before that, the general nature of the program is discussed. .s 1 B. SCOPE AND APPLICATION .p The program INPUT was written to allow flexibility, while maintaining security that appears to be slightly better than the typical grade book. An effort has been made to make the program conversational, yet safe from common typing mistakes. Furthermore, to be safe from equipment failures you should obtain a printed copy after each revision. In addition, it is advisable to back-up the file on another storage device, such as floppy disk. .p The purpose of INPUT is to replace a grade book, and may offer only a few advantages in that respect. The primary advantage arises from using the grade analysis program, named GRADE. It can be used to compute averages, to prepare frequency distribution diagrams, and to generate a list of grades for every student in a variety of ways. Student grades can then be posted and their scores checked. Also, by using Social Security numbers, their names may be omitted from the list for discretion. .p An example of a typical cycle for course named ChE487 is as follows: .s 1 .lm +5 A file containing the roster, raw scores, etc., is created and named ROS487._DAT;n, The version number of this data file, denoted by "n" is 1 after first session of recording and is incremented whenever changes are made and saved. When the grades have been entered and verified, the analysis program, GRADE, is used to compute statistics or to make a frequency distribution diagram for any individual grade component (e._g._, the third test), a group of grade components (e._g._, all of the homework), or all of the grade components. More details on GRADE are available in a separate user's guide. .lm -5 .s 2 C. SPECIFIC STRUCTURE AND USES .p The program is comprised of two main parts; one that is used on the first entry for a particular course, and another that is used to add grades and modify the records whenever necessary. The latter part is further divided into three sections; all four are discussed below. .list .le ;At the beginning of the course, a file must be created that contains student identification and a course description. The program will ask for a three-alphanumeric symbol for your course. Normally it is convenient to use the course sequence number, but any three symbols are acceptable. The program uses this code to determine a filename for the roster and raw scores, viz._ ROSijk._DAT, where "ijk" represents the three chosen symbols. If there is currently a file by that name in your directory, the version number will be shown and you will be asked if that file should be used as input. (Since we are considering a fresh start, it should not be used._) Subsequently, you are asked for two lines of course description of 80 characters (and spaces) or fewer. Next you are requested to enter students names, along with Social Security numbers if you wish. The order of entry need not be alphabetic; the program will alphabetize automatically. The list is terminated by entering a blank or ZZZ when prompted. At this point the names may be saved or discarded (in case a drastic mistake was made), or grades may be entered as decribed in the next section. .le ;Grades may be entered during the initial run or during subsequent runs by using the most recent (highest version number) ROSijk._DAT data file. First, the grade component is identified by a short label, the maximum possible score, and the percent weight of final grade. The last, however, is not crucial. The scores may then be entered in alphabetical order, for which the computer provides prompts. Alternatively, scores may be entered in random order by the user providing a sub-string of each name. The program identifies possible matches and asks user to confirm or reject each match until the search is sucessful or all of the possibilities are exhausted. It also keeps track of all of the entries to prevent duplication and inadvertently skipping a student. .le ;Since the grading system may change throughout the duration of the course, the program offers options to selectively alter virtually everything. The changes are meant to be as easy as possible. So whenever a student name or grade component is to be selected, the user may enter a sub-string of the name or label and the program will find suitable matches until you accept its choice. The options are conversational and (we hope) self explanatory. Many common mistakes have been anticipated and prevented. Nevertheless, please notify the authors if you have suggestions. .le ;Finally, it may be desirable to display a student record individually, to maintain confidentiality or to reduce the distraction of scores of other students. This option is available in two forms: a simplified format that should work on any terminal, and a sophisticated verison that is currently restricted to DEC VT-100 or VT-52 terminals. The former may be used in conjunction with other options to modify that student's record. The latter, however, has a built-in modification routine which displays the entire updated record simultaneously as changes are made. This section of the code uses VMS Run Time Library calls for direct cursor addressing. .end list .s 2 D. PROGRAM FLOWCHART .p A general flow chart of the program flow and the logic is available from the authors. .s 2 E. OTHER NOTES .p This program is limited to 150 entries for names and 50 entries for number of grade columns. Change array sizes for larger class sizes. .p The display of student grades on VT100 cursor addressing mode is limited to 40 grade columns due to the screen size. Donot use this option when displaying single student grade if more than 40 entries are in the grade file.