Instructions for PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 Please make headlines for the following: LUG Letters in the Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 In this issue... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Known Serious Bugs in VMS 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Editor's Workfile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Adjustment of base priorities . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A Bibliography of VMS Performance . . . . . . . . . 5 The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes . . . . . . . . . 8 SIG Tape Distribution Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 INPUT/OUTPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 INPUT/OUTPUT Submission Form . . . . . . . . . . . 35 System Improvement Request Submission Form . . . . 37 The last 4 pages must be full-sized to allow for tear-out. PAGESWAPPER LUG Letters in the Sand Some samples from a LUG newsletter sent to the Pageswapper: VOX VAX, The BAYVAX LUG Newsletter, January 1983 Announcement by LUG chair Dave Johnson at December 16th LUG meeting - Microfiche documentation for layered products is available from DEC. From a panel of DECnet users at December 16th LUG meeting - DECnet over a T1 channel (230.4 Kbits/second) has some problems: telephone company throws away all 8 nulls in a row - DECnet uses them rather frequently. A feature called "Pass the paper" - VAX-11 DTR32 (1.2) has a big glaring awful bug in it - it does not sort by computed value correctly! Is YOUR LUG newsletter sent to the Pageswapper? 1 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 In this issue... In this issue... LUG Letters in the Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 In this issue... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Known Serious Bugs in VMS 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Editor's Workfile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Adjustment of base priorities . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A Bibliography of VMS Performance . . . . . . . . . 5 The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes . . . . . . . . . 8 SIG Tape Distribution Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 INPUT/OUTPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 INPUT/OUTPUT Submission Form . . . . . . . . . . . 35 System Improvement Request Submission Form . . . . 37 Material for publication in the Pageswapper should be sent to: Larry Kilgallen Box 81, MIT Station Cambridge, MA 02139-0901 Preference is given to material submitted as machine-readable Runoff source. Mailing list requests are NOT handled at the above address; they should be sent to the DECUS office. Known Serious Bugs in VMS 3.2 This spot is an attempt at sharing in a timely manner user knowledge of serious problems with the latest released version of software from DEC. Our goal here is to provide a bit of advance warning of potential serious (e.g. system-crashing) bugs so that other sites can take applicable precautions before the next maintenance release is available from DEC. The problems listed here are all known to have been SPR'd to DEC. 1. Records improperly appended to relative files Scenario If an existing relative file is opened for Append (RAB$V_EOF bit set in RAB$L_ROP), RMS does not position to the end-of-file correctly and instead leaves gaps in what the user intended to be a series of consecutively 2 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 Known Serious Bugs in VMS 3.2 numbered records. In other words, the record number address space becomes sparsely packed when it was supposed to be tightly packed. Technical details VMS 3.2 includes a patch to correct a bug in the way relative files were handled in previous versions. In those previous versions, appending to a relative file periodically resulted in the false error message that a record already existed (Update-If worked, but that is not supposed to be required). The patch included in VMS 3.2 changes an ACBL loop to an AOBLEQ loop. The previous loop was prefaced by a decrement and followed by an increment to get the loop counter right. Those instructions were no longer required after the patch, but only one of them was no-op'ed, whereas both of them should have been. Work-around Most sites do not append to the end of relative files like this so it is not a problem. If your site does, and you simply must install VMS 3.2 for other reasons, you can try contacting: Wendy Koenig Strategic Information 80 Blanchard Street Burlington, MA 01803 Wendy has worked the problem out and might have time to discuss it with a small number of the truly desperate. Editor's Workfile Things we are not publishing department: At the Anaheim symposium DEC transparancies from the Memory Management talk were thrust into my hands by someone (not from DEC) with the immortal words "I promised a room full of people these would be published in the Pageswapper". The story was that of all the DEC talks, this particular one had its slides inadvertently omitted from the Anaheim VAX SIG handouts. Now editing means just that - not printing every piece of paper that comes in the 3 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 Editor's Workfile mail verbatim. In the case of slides that go with a talk most of the readership did not attend, I am particularly reluctant to cut down more trees, so I figured I would just check against the handouts from the Atlanta Symposium. Lo and behold, the offered handouts on Memory Management were the same, so nothing is being printed in the Pageswapper. If you were in that room full of people who received the promise of publication, check out the Atlanta handouts. If you did not go to the Atlanta Symposium, this is a great chance to strike up a friendship with someone in your LUG who did. Things looked somewhat better in the Pageswapper publication delay cycle for February - the schedule I got back from the DECUS office was a tad shorter than the one for January (proving that any relationship between publication delay and volume of copy is at best inverse). Still not great, but better. It was my experience as well that the stated January schedule was followed. I got my nth class mail copy slightly into February, just a few days after my package of 10 sample copies via first class mail (Oh, the privileges of being editor!). Adjustment of base priorities Fernando Lichtschein Carlos Abramo Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial Buenos Aires, Argentina When we received the August 1982 issue of the Pageswapper, we had already suffered the effects of compute-bound interactive jobs gobbling up the CPU and freezing the rest of the users (especially those running STARTREK). Larry Finger's article was just what we were waiting for. However, after implementing his program, we found some shortcomings. There are some non-technical users who are never allowed to be in the presence of the DCL '$' prompt for safety reasons. One of the ways of achieving this is writing a program to take care of all their needs, prompting for inputs and trapping errors. A session might last a whole morning, always running the same image. The CPU time thresholds are thus rapidly exceeded and the poor user finds himself with base priority 1. Making the thresholds greater cures this partially, but makes the response of the adjustment scheme sluggish. We thought that instead of taking the accumulated CPU time of an image, we could calculate the percentage of CPU time that the image had been using during the time between rescans. Gathering some statistics, we found that ten percent of the images used 4 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 Adjustment of base priorities more than 25 percent of the CPU, and fixed our threshold at that value. Multiple thresholds were eliminated because if an image is caught using more than 25% of the CPU and its priority is lowered, it is not likely to be caught again during the next rescan unless it really deserves it. We have yet to experiment with the values, but to date the modified program has worked fine. If a user complains that his priority has been lowered, he can be told that his job should have been submitted as a batch job. Editor's Note As submitted, this article included code, but it is not reproduced here: 1. To avoid error (submission was not machine readable, readers would have to type it in again anyway) 2. Because the SIG Tape a more appropriate mechanism for sharing programs A Bibliography of VMS Performance Bob Wilson General Electric, Lanham, Maryland This list was compiled for a pre-symposium seminar given in Anaheim. VMS Documentation: The following would make an introductory VAX/VMS Performance Monitoring User's Guide. 1. VAX/VMS System Management and Operations Guide (AA-M547A-TE), May 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 1-1, 1-2 This describes the service oriented approach to successful system management i.e., system programming. Such services must include performance monitoring and 5 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 A Bibliography of VMS Performance tuning. 2. VAX-11/782 User's Guide (AA-M543-TE), May 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 1-4, 1-5 An excellent introduction to system performance limits showing the relationship between CPU, memory and I/O. 3. VAX/VMS System Management and Operations Guide (AA-M547A-TE), May 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 12-1, 12-17 A general how to approach VMS tuning. However there was no mention of record keeping, statistical analysis or monitor limits. 4. VAX-11 Utilities Reference Manual (AA-H781B-TE), May 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 1-1, 1-17 ACCOUNTING services have been expanded with more data and two data collection modes. A fine tool for user charge backs, it still lacks detailed device and file I/O data. Addition of a "POLLING" capability and VMS process (i.e., SWAPPER, NULL *ACPs) data would nearly replace MONITOR. 5. VAX-11 Utilities Reference Manual (AA-H781B-TE), May 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 12-1, 12-29 The popular and frequently used MONITOR can record and playback data plus run on hardcopy terminals. Multiple observations and very flexible report options may automatic system monitoring possible. However unreported CPU time, not charged to any process, must be calculated. Also, device specific I/O data is not available. 6. VAX/VMS Command Language User's Guide (AA-D023C-TE), May 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 1-10, 242, 490, 500, 513, 527 MONITOR and ACCOUNTING shortcomings can be overcome by using DCL command file monitors. New CTRL/T snaps current process system usage. Lexical functions F$GETDVI, F$GETJPI and F$PID provide powerful primitives for customized I/O monitors. Other areas including some file utilization can be monitored by SHOW commands. 7. VAX-11 Run-Time Library Reference Manual (AA-D036C-TE), April 1982, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp 2-59, 2-103, 2-104, 2-113, 2-114 These library routines support point-to-point resource 6 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 A Bibliography of VMS Performance monitoring. DECUS Papers: 1. On the Fragmentation of Disk, Jim Hintze, Eric Deaton, Weeg Computing Center, pp. 1321-1325 Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Spring 1981, Volume 7, Number 4. 2. Fortran Execution Profiles, Burton L. Leathters, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp. 1339-1345, Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Spring 1981, Volume 7, Number 4. 3. VAX/VMS User's Performance Monitoring, Bob Wilson, General Electric Corporation, pp. 773-778 Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Fall 1981, Volume 8, Number 2. 4. Service Interruption Reporting, Thomas J. Mathieu, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, pp. 791-794 Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Fall 1981, Volume 8, Number 2. 5. Performance Measurement Techniques for VAX/VMS, Stan Amway, Digital Equipment Corporation, pp. 1367-1372 Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Spring 1982 6. VAX/VMS Disk System Performance Monitoring and Tuning, R. David Etchells, R. D. Etches & Associates, pp. 1373-1385 Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Spring 1982 Other Sources: The Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) special interest group called SIGMETRICS studies computer measurement and performance evaluation. Though not specific to VAX/VMS, their papers often show adaptable techniques. 7 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes are collections of user-submitted, public-domain programs, command procedures, associated documentation and other information collected at each Spring and Fall DECUS symposium. The eighth such tape, from the Fall 1982 Disneyland Symposia is nearing completion as of this writing. WHAT IS ON THE TAPES? o Games, drivers, compilers, interpreters, cross assemblers, utility programs, utility command procedures, information supplementing DECUS symposia presentations, for example. Some contributers submit complete user environments. o What do you want? If you need it odds are that someone else also needed it and may have written it and put it on one of the tapes. If there is not a complete solution there may be a partial solution or some programming techniques applicable to the problem. o Some of the material on the older tapes has been made obsolete because the function or its funtionality is now in VMS or in more recent submissions. HOW DO I GET A COPY OF THE TAPE(S) I WANT? o To get a copy of the latest tape, check with the librarian of your local VAX LUG. He should be on the distribution tree and should have the tape by the time this is published. He probably also has copies of the earlier tapes or will be able to help you find the earlier tapes. If you are the librarian of a LUG with VAX interests you should be on the current version of the distribution tree. If you are not contact me. o The tapes have been submitted to the DECUS library. Therefore the library is a source for older tapes. Check the catalog. While you are there, check to see if your problem may be solved by one of the catalog entries. If it is, that should be a more proven, better documented solution. The DECUS catalog also lists some of the foreign symposia tapes and is probably the best source for them. 8 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes MORE ON THE DISTRIBUTION TREE. A tree distribution scheme has been used to get the last three tapes (Fall 1981, Spring 1982 and Fall 1982) to the VAX LUG's. A copy of the latest tree is included with this article; copies the earlier trees are on the tape. There should be a node of the tree near you and he should have a copy of the Fall 1982 tape. The names, addresses and phone numbers have been verified to be correct as of January 1983. This system seems to be working very well but I need feedback. Please inform me or David Leonard of any problems you encounter. HOW DO I FIND OUT IF SOMETHING IS ON ONE OF THE TAPES? o If you know the program name or a keyword which should appear in the documentation and you have a copy of one of the last three tapes you can use the indexes which have been provided on the tape to find things on that tape and the preceding ones. An editor in readonly mode or the SEARCH command are useful tools. o If you are willing to spend enough time with the tapes, you will become familiar with what is there and how to find it. (If you become really proficient at this, I would like to have your phone number so I can use you to field some of the questions I get.) o Of course, what logically follows is ask someone who might know. I will do what I can to answer questions but there is a lot I don't know about the tapes. My comment above about needing phone numbers of people who are familiar with the tapes was serious. MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TAPE If you have something to contribute which may be useful for other VAX users and which you cannot find on an earlier tape or in the DECUS Library, please either submit it to the Library or to the next symposium tape or both. See the Library catalog for information on making a submission to the Library; see a recent symposium tape for suggestions regarding the preparation of contributions for the tape. Submission and release forms may be found in a symposium announcement. Brouse through a tape, you may be surprised at the goodies you find. Happy hunting. Joe Bingham VAX Systems SIG Librarian ManTech International Corporation 2320 Mill Road 9 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 The VAX Systems SIG Symposia Tapes Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 838 5600 SIG Tape Distribution Tree DAVID LEONARD ADVANCED DATA MANAGEMENT 15-17 MAIN STREET KINGSTON, NJ 08528 (609) 799 4600 1 1___ JOE BINGHAM 1 MANTECH INTERNATIONAL 1 2320 MILL ROAD 1 ALEXANDIRA VA 22314 1 (703) 838 5600 1 I 1 I___ LIZ CLANCY 1 I DECUS US 1 I ONE IRON WAY 1 I MAIL STOP MR2-1/C11 1 I MARLBORO, MA 01752 1 I (617) 467 4178 1 I (DECUS FOR LIBRARY) 1 I 1 I___ DAVID S ARGUE 1 I DIGITAL EQUIP CO OF CANADA LTD 10 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 I CARLING SQUARE II 1 I 785 CARLING AVENUE 1 I OTTAWA, ONT K1S 5H4 1 I (613) 563 0333 1 I (CANADIAN DISTRIBUTION) 1 I 1 I___ GLENN C EVERHART 1 RCA 1 ROUTE 38 1 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08358 1 (609) 338 6022 1 (RSX SIG) 1 1___ DAVE SCHMIDT 1 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 1 5100 CENTER AVENUE 1 PITTSBURGH, PA 15232 1 (412) 683 9533 1 | 1 |___ WENDY S KOENIG 1 | STRATEGIC INFORMATION 1 | 80 BLANCHARD STREET 1 | BURLINGTON, MA 01803 1 | (617) 273 5500 1 | ! 1 | !___ LYNN GOODHUE 11 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 | ! CENTER FOR ACADEMIC COMPUTING 1 | ! MCCONNELL HALL 1 | ! SMITH COLLEGE 1 | ! NORTHAMPTON, MA 01063 1 | ! (413) 584 2700 X2388 1 | ! 1 | !___ THOMAS VIANA 1 | ! NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CTR 1 | ! CODE 3511 1 | ! BLDG 1711-1 1 | ! NEWPORT, RI 02840 1 | ! (401) 841 3354 1 | ! 1 | !___ STEVE LADD 1 | ! TSC INC 1 | ! BOX 683 1 | ! HANOVER NH 03755 1 | ! (603) 448 3838 X159 1 | ! 1 | !___ JOHN N GUIDI 1 | JACKSON LABORATORY 1 | COMPUTING SERVICE CENTER 1 | OTTER CREEK RD 1 | BAR HARBOR, ME 04609 1 | (207) 288 3371 X319 1 | 12 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 |___ AL SCHOLLDORF 1 | PHYSICS DEPARTMENT 1 | SUNY 1 | STONY BROOK, NY 11794 1 | (516) 246 7110 1 | * 1 | *___ DONALD ELLIS MERUSI 1 | * PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT 1 | * 171 SOUTH STREET 46 1 | * ROCKVILLE, CT 06066 1 | * (203) 565 3970 1 | * 1 | *___ ALAN GLASSER 1 | * AMERICAN BELL 1 | * 307 MIDDLETOWN LINCROFT ROAD 1 | * LINCROFT, NJ 07738 1 | * (201) 576 2369 1 | * 1 | *___ RICHARD GARLAND 1 | * COLUMBIA UNIV, CHEMISTRY DEPT 1 | * BOX 351, HAVEMEYER HALL 1 | * NEW YORK, NY 10027 1 | * (212) 280 3183 1 | * 1 | *___ MARY ANNE FEERICK 1 | * RIVERDALE COUNTRY SCHOOL 13 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 | * 5250 FIELDSTON ROAD 1 | * BRONX, NY 10471 1 | * (212) 549 8044 1 | * 1 | *___ GLEN E GUY 1 | GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 1 | CS5-Z3 1 | PO BOX 4840 1 | SYRACUSE, NY 13027 1 | (315) 456 1728 1 | 1 |___ RICHARD MARISA 1 | UNIV OF ROCHESTER 1 | PRODUCTION AUTOMATION PROJ 1 | RIVER CAMPUS 1 | ROCHESTER NY 14627 1 | (716) 275 5342 1 | 1 | ___ EDWARD F BEADEL JR 1 | CAUSE INSTRUCTIONAL COMP CTR 1 | SUNY - OSWEGO 1 | OSWEGO NY 13126 1 | (315) 341 3055 1 | 1 | ___ DENNIS P COSTELLO 1 | CORNELL UHIVERSITY 14 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 | NATIONAL SUBMICRON FACILITY 1 | G-02 PHILLIPS HALL 1 | ITHACA NY 14853 1 | (607) 256 2329 1 | 1 | ___ JOHN F STITZINGER 1 | HRB SINGER 1 | PO BOX 60 1 | 300 SCIENCE PARK ROAD 1 | STATE COLLEGE PA 16801 1 | (814) 238 4311 1 | 1 |___ JANET E ANDERSON 1 | ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL 1 | 800 EASTOWNE DRIVE 1 | SUITE 200 1 | CHAPEL HILL NC 27514 1 | (919) 493 2471 1 | / 1 | /___ ERIC BLOOM 1 | / F101 1 | / SMITH KLEINE AND FRENCH LABS 1 | / 1500 SPRING GARDEN STREET 1 | / PHILADELPHIA PA 19101 1 | / (215) 751 3494 1 | / 15 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 | /___ R E GRANDLE 1 | / NASA 1 | / LANGLEY RES CTR 1 | / MAIL STOP 461 1 | / HAMPTON VA 23365 1 | / (804) 865 2645 1 | / 1 | /___ RONALD H KLAUSEWITZ 1 | / WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE 1 | / 59 COLLEGE AVE 1 | / BUCKHANNON WV 26201 1 | / (304) 473 8008 1 | / 1 | /___ JAMES C BOYT 1 | SCIENTIFIC-ATLANTA INC 1 | BOX 105600 1 | ONE TECHNOLOGY PKW M/S ATL-1S 1 | ATLANTA GA 30340 1 | (404) 925 5838 1 | 1 |___ MICHAEL NEWELL 1 FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOL 1 INTERACTIVE COMPUTING FACILITY 1 MELBOURNE, FL 32901 1 (305) 723 3701 1 16 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ___ WILLIAM F LAKE 1 AD/KRESS 1 BLDG 380, ROOM 234 1 EGLIN AFB FL 32542 1 (904) 882 5818 1 1 ___ GEORGE KRAMER 1 FLORIDA COMPUTER, INC 1 99 NW 183RD STREET 1 ROOM 126 1 MIAMI FL 33169 1 (305) 652 1710 1 1 ___ MARK PAULK 1 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1 4810 BRADFORD BLVD N W 1 HUNTSVILLE AL 35805 1 (205) 837 7610 X210 1 1 ___ RAY STILES 1 VOLUNTEER STATE COMM COLLEGE 1 NASHVILLE PIKE 1 GALLATIN TN 37066 1 (615) 452 8600 X0317 1 1 ___ ROBERT WAYNE HAYES 17 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 UNION CARBIDE CORP 1 P O BOX X 1 BUILDING 3500 1 OAK RIDGE TN 37830 1 (615) 574 5726 1 1___ GARY GREBUS 1 BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 1 505 KING AVE 1 COLUMBUS OH 43201 1 (614) 424 4664 1 ; 1 ;___ JACK D CUNDIFF 1 ; MUSKINGUM COLLEGE 1 ; NEW CONCORD OH 43762 1 ; (614) 826 8151 OR 84 1 ; I 1 ; I___ JOHN K DOYLE JR 1 ; I FEDERAL LAND BANK 1 ; I PO BOX 32390 1 ; I LOUISVILLE KY 40232 1 ; I (502) 556 7164 1 ; I 1 ; I___ J L KISNER 1 ; I WESTERN ELECTRIC CO, INC 1 ; I D/42330 18 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ; I 6200 E BROAD ST 1 ; I COLUMBUS OH 43213 1 ; I (614) 860 5554 1 ; I 1 ; I___ JOHN S TOMS 1 ; I ALLEN-BRADLEY CO 1 ; I 747 ALPHA DRIVE 1 ; I HIGHLAND HTS OH 44143 1 ; I (216) 449 6700 X3979 1 ; I 1 ; I___ DEAN A GORANSON 1 ; CINCINNATI GEAR 1 ; 5657 WOOSTER PIKE 1 ; CINCINNATI OH 45227 1 ; (513) 271 7700 1 ; 1 ;___ STEVE BURNS 1 ; CAR ENGINEERING 1 ; ECC BUILDING 1 ; 20000 ROTUNDA DRIVE 1 ; DEARBORN MI 48121 1 ; (313) 322 7270 1 ; i 1 ; i___ JAMES DOWNWARD 1 ; i KMS FUSION 1 ; i 3941 RESEARCH PARK DRIVE 19 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ; i P O BOX 1567 1 ; i ANN ARBOR MI 48106 1 ; i (313) 769 8500 X362 1 ; i 1 ; i___ KREIGH EDMOND TOMASZEWSKI 1 ; i AMWAY CORPORATION 1 ; i EDP TECHNICAL SUPPORT 21A-2D 1 ; i 7575 EAST FULTON ROAD 1 ; i ADA MI 49355 1 ; i (616) 676 7402 1 ; i 1 ; i___ JOHN G GESKE 1 ; i IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 1 ; i 104 COMPUTATION CENTER 1 ; i AMES IA 50011 1 ; i (515) 294 5695 1 ; i 1 ; i___ JIM FLATTEN 1 ; i IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 1 ; i METALLURGY 304 1 ; i AMES LABORATORY USDOE 1 ; i AMES IA 50011 1 ; i (515) 294 4823 1 ; i 1 ; i___ BOB STREEPER 1 ; CEDAR RAPIDS GAZETTE 20 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ; THIRD AVE AND FIFTH STREET SE 1 ; CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52403 1 ; 1 ;___ GARY BREUCKMAN 1 ; COMPUTER SERVICES DIVISION 1 ; MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY 1 ; 517 N 14 ST 1 ; MILWAUKEE WI 53233 1 ; (414) 224 7395 1 ; ( 1 ; (___ MARTIN A BOOKER 1 ; ( MILWAUKEE SCHOOL OF ENG 1 ; ( 1025 NORTH MILWAUKEE 1 ; ( MILWAUKEE WI 53201 1 ; ( (414) 277 2781 1 ; ( 1 ; (___ WILLIAM T PATTERSON 1 ; ( UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN 1 ; ( MEDICAL SCHOOL, NEUROSURGERY 1 ; ( 600 HIGHLAND AVENUE 1 ; ( MADISON WI 53792 1 ; ( (608) 263 5227 1 ; ( 1 ; (___ JOHN VILANDRE 1 ; ( UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 1 ; ( LAB OF PHYSIOL HYG 21 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ; ( 1-210 HSUA 1 ; ( MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 1 ; ( (612) 376 4066 1 ; ( 1 ; (___ GENE F SCHIEDERMAYER 1 ; AMERICAN DENTAL MFG 1 ; 4104 23RD AVE 1 ; MISSOULA MT 59803 1 ; (406) 251 3373 1 ; 1 ;___ STEPHEN D GABELNICK 1 ; CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DEVISION 1 ; ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORTORY 1 ; 9700 SOUTH CASS AVENUE 1 ; ARGONNE IL 60439 1 ; (312) 972 4365 1 ; ) 1 ; )___ JERALD J WRAY 1 ; ) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1 ; ) 487 LOOMIS LAB OF PHYSICS 1 ; ) 1110 W GREEN STREET 1 ; ) URBANA IL 61801 1 ; ) (217) 333 4922 1 ; ) 1 ; )___ MICHAEL T SCOTT 1 ; ) WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 22 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ; ) 660 S EUCLID AVE 1 ; ) MAIL STOP 8094 1 ; ) ST LOUIS MO 63110 1 ; ) (314) 454 3625 1 ; ) 1 ; )___ MICHAEL MUELLER 1 ; ) COMPUTER CENTER 1 ; ) ROCKHURST COLLEGE 1 ; ) 5225 TROOST 1 ; ) KANSAS CITY, MO 64110 1 ; ) (816) 926 4064/5 1 ; ) 1 ; )___ ROBERT W FAIRCHILD 1 ; NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 1 ; 50TH & ST PAUL STS 1 ; LINCOLN NE 68504 1 ; (402) 466 2371 x341 1 ; 1 ;___ MARGARET H KNOX 1 ; UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS 1 ; COMPUTATION CENTER 1 ; AUSTIN TX 78712 1 ; (512) 471 3241 1 ; | 1 ; |___ JOHN P JENKINSON 1 ; | MOSTEK 23 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ; | 1215 WEST CROSBY ROAD 1 ; | MS 32 1 ; | CARROLLTON TX 75006 1 ; | (214) 323 6401 1 ; | 1 ; |___ STUART RENES 1 ; | WESTERN ELECTRIC 1 ; | 3000 SKYLINE DRIVE 1 ; | DEPT 477 1 ; | MESQUITE, TX 75149 1 ; | (214) 288 2286 1 ; | 1 ; |___ CHOPPY CUSACHS 1 ; | S-187 1 ; | EXXON PROD RES CO 1 ; | BOX 2189 1 ; | HOUSTON, TX 77001 1 ; | (713) 965 4173 1 ; | 1 ; |___ ROBERT W HUTCHINSON 1 ; DOW CHEMICAL U S A 1 ; TEXAS DIVISION 1 ; A P BEUTEL BUILDING 1 ; FREEPORT TX 77541 1 ; (713) 238 1515 1 ; 24 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ;___ JAMES M LIND 1 INMOS CORPORATION 1 P.O. BOX 16000 1 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80935 1 (303) 630 4390 1 ! 1 !___ DOUGLAS H THREATT 1 ! BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE 1 ! SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE MEDICINE 1 ! SAM/BRS 1 ! SAN ANTONIO TX 78235 1 ! (512) 536 3886 1 ! 1 !___ ART KUCZEK 1 ! AMAX 1 ! EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY LAB 1 ! 5950 MCINTYRE STREET 1 ! GOLDEN CO 80403 1 ! (303) 279 7636 x222 1 ! 1 !___ DARWIN L MECHAM 1 ! E G & G IDAHO 1 ! BOX 1625 1 ! CFA 690 1 ! IDAHO FALLS ID 83415 1 ! (208) 526 2199 25 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree 1 ! 1 !___ ROGER L ENGLEMAN 1 USDA ARS 1 1175 S ORCHARD 1 SUITE 116 1 BOISE ID 83705 1 (208) 334 1363 1 1___ RAYMOND P BOVET NCAR PO BOX 3000 3215 MARINE ST BOULDER CO 80303 (303) 497 0610 * *___ STEVE GILL * BALL AEROSPACE * AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISION * PO BOX 1062 * BOULDER CO 80306 * (303) 441 4000 * * ___ J R WESTMORLAND * UTAH POWER AND LIGHT CO * ROOM 184 * 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE 26 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree * SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 * (801) 535 2387 * * ___ RICH DRINKARD * JENSEN TOOLS INC * 7815 S 46TH STREET * PHEONIX AZ 85040 * (602) 968 6241 * * ___ BELL T T CHENG * ADR ULTRASOUND * 734 WEST ALAMEDA DRIVE * TEMPE AZ 85282 * (608) 968 7401 * * ___ RICHARD OLDS * AF WEAPONS LAB * AFWL/ARLB * KIRTLAND AFB NM 87117 * (505) 264 4691 * *___ CHARLES SOUTH * HUGHES RESEARCH LABS * 3011 MALIBU CANYON ROAD * MALIBU CA 90265 * (213) 456 6411 X402 27 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree * / * /___ FRANCIS T KIELTYKA * / LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB * / PO BOX 1663 * / X-DO MAIL STOP B218 * / LOS ALAMOS NM 87544 * / (505) 667 4159 * / * /___ DOUG GLADDEN * / WHITE SANDS MILLILE RANGE * / NR-AD-A * / WSMR NM 88002 * / (505) 678 3348 * / * /___ BRADFORD A LUBELL * / LA CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH LAB * / UCLA A3-381 CHS * / LOS ANGELES CA 90024 * / (213) 825 6713 * / * /___ SANDRA LYDDON * / CHEVRON OIL FIELD RESEARCH * / P O BOX 446 * / 3282 BEACH BLVD * / LA HARRA CA 90631 * / (213) 694 7132 28 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree * / * /___ DICK ADAMS * DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO * MAIL CODE 41-56 * 3855 LAKEWOOD BLVD * LONG BEACH CA 90846 * (213) 593 1898 * *___ JIM STURTEVANT * ROSS SYSTEMS * 1900 EMBARCADERO RD * PALO ALTO CA 94303 * (415) 856 1100 * * ___ MARK BARTLET * HSC-RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CTR * 555 UNIVERSITY AVENUE * TORONTO ONTARIO M5G 1X8 * CANADA * (416) 597 1500 X1539 * * ___ RICHARD A BALDWIN * NO CTY COMP SERV * 2235 MYERS AVE * ESCONDIDO CA 92025 * (714) 745 6006 29 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree * * ___ PAUL WILFONG * SUITE 300 * 10975 TORREYANA * SAN DEIGO, CA 92121 * (619) 457 5550 * * ___ JAMES CORYELL * WESTERN PERIPHERALS * 14321 NEW MYFORD ROAD * TUSTIN, CA 92680 * (714) 730 6250 * * ___ JON FORREST * DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS * UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA * SANTA BARBARA, CA 93106 * (805) 961 2602 * * ___ JIM ANNOS * NAVAL WEAPONS CENTER * CODE 3914 * CHINA LAKE CA 93555 * (714) 939 3800 * *___ DON SWENSON 30 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree SYSTEM INDUSTRIES 1855 BARBER LANE MILPITAS CA 95035 (408) 942 1212 ; ;___ DAVID JOHNSON ; LOCKHEED RESEARCH LABS ; MS 52/33; BLDG 255 ; 3251 HANOVER STREET ; PALO ALTO, CA 94304 ; (415) 858 4038 ; ;___ ALLAN LESLIE VAN LEHN ; LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB ; (MAIL) PO BOX 808 L-233 ; LIVERMORE CA 94550 ; (415) 422 6652 ; (PKG)7000 EAST,BLD 151,RM 2323 ; ;___ ROBERT WALRAVEN ; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ; APPLIED SCIENCE ; DAVIS CA 95616 ; (916) 752 0360 ; ;___ DENNIS I HIROTA 31 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 SIG Tape Distribution Tree ; ADVANCED ABACUS ASSOCIATES ; 345 QUEEN STREET ; SUITE 500 ; HONOLULU HI 96813 ; (808) 537 9971 ; ;___ ROB PERRY ; TEKTRONIX ; P O BOX 500 ; DELIVERY STATION 50-454 ; BEAVERTON OR 97077 ; (503) 627 5410 ; ;___ STEVE LORENTZEN UNICOMP CORP 500 FOURTH & BATTERY BLDG SEATTLE WA 98121 (206) 223 6453 32 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 INPUT/OUTPUT INPUT/OUTPUT A SIG Information Interchange A form for INPUT/OUTPUT submissions is available at the back of the issue. INPUT/OUTPUT 113 Caption: Wanted: General Ledger Package written in PL/1 Message: We are currently looking for a general ledger package written in PL/1. Any information leading to the acquisition of such a package would be appreciated. Contact: Francis Reed, Applications Programmer/Analyst The Jackson Laboratory Bar Harbor, ME 04609 (207) 288-3371 x306 Date: Unknown INPUT/OUTPUT 114 Caption: System Performance Monitor for VAX/VMS Message: DISYS, Ltd. offers a System Performance Monitor (SPM) to give at-a-glance overviews of VAX/VMS performance. The product supplements DEC's MONITOR utility and displays information not available in MONITOR. Contact: Joan M. Cabaniss DISYS, Ltd. 5375 Western Avenue Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 449-0442 Date: January 20, 1983 INPUT/OUTPUT 115 Caption: Need Modern Languages 33 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 INPUT/OUTPUT Message: Our VAX currently has FORTRAN and COBOL. We would like information on any public domain languages, such as C, Simula, or any other interesting languages. Contact: Ron Pipes TRW/DSC 526/608 P. O. Box 1310 San Bernardino, CA 92402 (714) 382-5388 Date: January 13, 1983 INPUT/OUTPUT 116 Caption: Bug fix for Trisoft ASM68K MC68000 Cross-Assembler Message: Murphy strikes again. In the last minute clean-up effort to get the assembler on the Fall Decus tape a big bug crawled into the JSUB subroutine in the file ASM68KSUB.FOR. Line 80 should read: RESULT = OP1 - OP2 replacing the plus sign there with the desired minus sign. Contact: James M. Knox 4102 Avenue G Austin, Texas 78751 (512) 445-5580 Date: January 27, 1983 INPUT/OUTPUT 117 Caption: Needs LISP for VMS Message: I am looking for a LISP or pseudo-LISP interpreter/compiler to run on a VAX/VMS system. Contact: Director US Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity ATTN: DRXSY-CI (Patrick J. O'Neill) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 Date: February 18, 1983 34 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 INPUT/OUTPUT Submission Form INPUT/OUTPUT Submission Form A SIG Information Interchange Please reprint in the next issue of the Pageswapper Caption: ______________________________________________________ Message: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Contact: Name _______________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ If this is a reply to a previous I/O, which number? ________ Signature _____________________________ Date ________________ Mail this form to: PAGESWAPPER Editor, DECUS, MR2-3/E55, One Iron Way, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA 35 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 INPUT/OUTPUT Submission Form Tear out to submit an I/O item PAGESWAPPER Editor DECUS, MR2-3/E55 One Iron Way Marlborough, MA 01752 USA 36 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 System Improvement Request Submission Form System Improvement Request Submission Form SIG ref no. _________ Page 1 of _____ ________________________________________________________________ Submittor: Firm: Address: Phone: ________________________________________________________________ Circle application area(s) most closely related to yours (OEMs circle end use): Transaction Processing Business EDP (accounting) Program Development Systems Development General Timesharing Student Timesharing Shared Small Applications Shared Large Applications Process Control Word Processing Large Simulation ________________________________________________________________ System Configuration: CPU Model: System Disk: Memory Size: Average User Load: Operating System: Version: ________________________________________________________________ Abstract (Please limit to four lines): ________________________________________________________________ Description (include justification and expected usefulness): Use additional pages if required Completed SIR should be returned to: Gary L. Grebus, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201, USA 37 PAGESWAPPER - March 1983 - Volume 4 Number 5 System Improvement Request Submission Form Tear out to submit an SIR Gary L. Grebus Battelle Columbus Laboratories 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 USA 38