6 FMSFRMFUU20024-APR-1983 14:09:5024-APR-1983 14:09:50    * 20PPPORTSFDV$V1 4  PORTAAA9XPort name, e.g. TTB2:. Z  PRINTEAAA9X:Print queue name, e.g. LPA0: (This is default SYS$PRINT.). 2  BAUD_RTerminal speed or AUTO . P ; LOCATI6Location of terminal device, e.g. RRC-1 terminal room. > ; DEVICE%Device type, e.g. Development System. L ; LINK5Type of connection to the VAX, e.g. SM480 stat. mux.. r +    J    RRC-1 VAX Port Assignments  Port:  Printer:   Baud rate:   Location:  Device:  Link: