.ps 60,80 .lm 5 .rm 75 .ap .blank 2 .lm 25 .ts 25 .i-20;Submitted by: Philip Watson .br;Computation Center .br;The University of Texas at Austin .br;Austin, Texas 78712 .br;(512) 471-3241 .lm 5 .blank 2 SETDEF.COM is a very useful command file for quickly changing the default directory. It provides many options which will allow: .nj .ls .le;Showing the current default directory ("@setdef ") .le;Changing to a subdirectory of current directory ("@setdef#>subdir") .le;Changing to SYS$LOGIN directory ("@setdef#;") .le;Changing to a subdirectory of SYS$LOGIN directory ("@setdef#;subdir") .le;Changing to the next highest directory ("@setdef#<") .le;Changing to top level of current default ("@setdef#.") .le;Changing to subdirectory of the top level current default ("@setdef#.subdir") .le;Changing default to specified directory, where directory given may be a logical name ("@setdef#her_dir") .le;Saving current default in logical name sd$default ("@setdef#(") .le;Restoring default from logical name sd$default ("@setdef#)") .le;Showing subdirectories of current default ("@setdef#>") .le;Typing help for SETDEF.COM ("@setdef#?") .els .sk 1 .i5;By defining the symbol "SD" to execute SETDEF.COM (i.e. SD :== @SETDEF) all commands can be shortened even futher.