! Put introduction at the beginning. ! 0j @i/C C File: xxDEF.FOR C VMS: Version 3.0 C Date: month day, 1983 C Author: Robin Miller C C Description: C C FORTRAN include file to define the xxxxxx. C / 1u2 ! Current page number. ! !nxtpag! 0u1 ! Number of definitions per page. ! ! Put multiple columns into 1 column. ! !loop! 0,0xa <@fs/ GS//; %1 (^q-2)"g :xa (^q-2)d '> :qa"g zj .u0 ga q0j @o!loop! ' ! The symbol table generates a symbol field size of 15 or 31. ! ! The following code expands or reduces the field size to 17. ! j <.-z; @s/=/ r (0^q+15)"l (0^q+17)c @::fs/S// | @i/ / ' 0l ! Add the fortran stuff. ! @i/ PARAMETER (/ @s/=S/ @i/'/ l2r @i/'X)/ l> ! If we're at end of file, stop, else do another page. ! @^A/Page / Q2:= @^A/ has / Q1:= @^A/ symbols defined. / ^N"E hpw hk %2 a 0j @o!nxtpag! '