For those of you who are not familiar with what VAXNET is, you can type "HELP VAXNET" at DCL level to get an introduction. There is a new version of VAXNET on the system. This version includes the following new features: o Questions can be automatically answered via DCL symbols. o Support for the DEC DF03 and RIXON R212 auto-dial modems. The DF03 is on the 750 on TTC5: and operates at 1200 baud unless the High Speed (HS) is released for 300 baud. The RIXON is on the 780 on TTA4: and operates at 0-300 or 1200 baud. o Automatic login into the remote system. The following DCL symbols are used to answer the various questions: $ VAXNET_INTRO :== "N" ! VAXNET Introduction. $ VAXNET_LOG :== "Y" ! Output to a log file. $ LOG_LOCAL :== "N" ! Local logging. $ LOG_FILE :== "ROBIN.LOG" ! Log file name. $ REMOTE_PORT :== "TTA4:" ! Remote port to use. $ REMOTE_SPEED :== "1200" ! Baud rate of the remote. $ SYSTEM_TYPE :== "DEC" ! Type of remote system. $ INTERRUPT_CHAR :== "^A" ! Character to get VAXNET prompt. $ MODEM_TYPE :== "RIXON" ! Type of auto-dial modem. $ PHONE_NUMBER :== "phone_number" ! Phone number to dial. For the interrupt character, the "^A" gets converted to a CTRL/A. The modem type and phone number symbols don't need to be defined if you aren't using a modem line. For automatic login, the following symbols can be defined: $ LOGIN_START :== "^M" ! Character(s) to start login. $ LOGIN_PROMPT :== "Username:" ! Login prompt to wait for. $ LOGIN_CMD :== "ROBIN/NOCOM" ! Response to send login prompt. $ PASSWORD :== "your_password" ! Password to send (if any). Type "HELP VAXNET AUTO" to a full description of the auto-login symbols. Several other changes include: o Modem Hangup - The modem is automatically hungup (if the port is set MODEM) when VAXNET exits. To prevent this, you must type "NOHANGUP" at command level (Vaxnet> prompt) before exiting. o Executing DCL commands - In addition to executing a single DCL command via the "$ dcl_command" at command level, you can now type CTRL/Y when VAXNET is prompting (for any question) to return to DCL. After you get the DCL prompt, you can then SPAWN another process to execute a series of DCL commands. When this process completes, simply type CONTINUE and VAXNET will reissue the previous prompt. o Dumping Files - When dumping files to the remote system, the echo from the record dumped is now displayed at the terminal and to the log file (if any). This allows you to detect when there has been a transmission error. To disable the display of the echo at the terminal, you can use the "NODECHO" command prior to dumping the file. The echo back is still written to the logfile if one is open. If you are dumping a file to system which doesn't echo back the record dumped (such as an IBM), VAXNET fakes the echo by displaying the record sent to the remote. o Reformating Log Files - If a log file is being closed when VAXNET exits, the command line "MCR REF logfile_name" will be executed to automatically reformat the log file. This means you have two log files after exiting. New VAXNET commands: o AUTO_LOGIN - Attempts to automatically login the remote system. See "HELP VAXNET AUTO_LOGIN" for DCL symbols to define. o DIAL - Allows you to enter a phone number to be auto-dialed. o REDIAL - Redials a previously entered phone number. o HANGUP - Used to hangup the modem. The DIAL and REDIAL commands automatically hangup the modem before dialing a number. o ECHO - Enables local echoing of characters for remote systems which don't echo characters sent to it. o NOECHO - Disables local echoing. o STATUS - The command displays information such as the log file name, the remote port and baud rate, system type, etc. When DCL symbols are used to answer the VAXNET questions, this command is automatically executed at startup time to show you the setup options. Notes for System Managers: o The remote port used should have the alternate typeahead buffer enabled. The port should also be SET /MODEM for modems. o VAXNET does not operate in batch mode yet.