%ě VAX-11 Librarian V03-00€ávH–‹ ‚T–‹4Đ655#5 VAXNET ­ ‚T–‹1 VAXNETAVAXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcationsAbetween two computers (systems). Communications can be eitherAdirectly between the computers using a synchronous null modemApatch cable (see "HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over aAdialup line (modem). Communications with the remote system (theAsystem you want to talk to) is accomplished using a second port((asynchronous line) on the local system.AVAXNET gives you the ability to create a log file of yourAterminal sesson with the remote system (very nice for creatingAdocumentation) and/or allows file transmission between theAsystems. File transmission can be done using one of the methods listed below:Ao You can open a log file and use a TYPE command at the remoteA system to receive an ASCII file from the remote and/or you canA also use the VAXNET DUMP command to send an ASCII file to the remote.Ao The alternate met hod requires a program called SNDRCV on theA the remote system. Using this method (see GET and SEND? commands), error checking and retransmission is performed on the data being transmitted. 2 AUTO_LOGINAThis command uses several DCL symbols to automatically login theAremote system. If you are using an auto-dial modem, and the modemBis online, this command is automatically executed at startup time.2The DCL symbols to define for automatic login are:= $ LOGIN_START :== "^M" ! To start VMS login.A "HEL^M" ! To start RSX-11M login./ "^C" ! To start MIT login.A This symbol defines the character(s) to send the remote to getA the login started. All characters preceeded by the up-arrowA get converted to control characters. Thus, the "^M" above getsA converted into a carriage return. These character(s) get sentA in one second intervals until the remote system responds. ForA systems which display its' login prompt automatically, this5 symbol doesn't need to be defined (i.e., EASYLINK).6 $ LOGIN_PROMPT :== "Username:" ! Prompt for VAX/VMS.= "Account or name:" ! Prompt for RSX-11M.? "U#" ! Prompt for Crossfile.2 "ID?" ! Prompt for EASYLINK.A This symbol defines the characters(s) the remote system sendsA for its' login prompt. The login command will not be sent until* this prompt is received from the remote. $ LOGIN_CMD :== "ROBIN/NOCOM"A This symbol defines the characters to send in response to the login prompt. $ PASSWORD :== "your_password"A This symbols defines the characters to send in response to theA password prompt. For systems which specify the password on the8 login command line, this symbol should not be defined. 2 BAUD_RATEAYou must specify the baud rate of the port connected to theAremote system. If you are  communicating with the remote over a5modem, the baud rate will be either 300 or 1200 baud.The valid baud rates are:- 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800,. 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, or 19200. 2 CROSSFILEAThis command is used when using the GE Crossfile System. AfterAthe modem becomes ready, the character "H" is sent in one secondAintervals until the "U#:" prompt is received. This command isAautomatically executed at startup time when the system type is CROSSFILE. 2 DCL_CMDATo issue a DCL command, you must type a dollar sign followed byAthe command. The command must be a valid DCL command since yourAlogin command file is not executed to define symbols. Only one'DCL command at a time can be specified.&For example, to get a directory, type: Vaxnet> $ DIRECTORYAIn addition to executing a single DCL command described above,Ayou can now type CTRL/Y when VAXNET is prompting (for anyAquestion) to return to DCL. After you get the DCL prompt, you canAthen SPAWN another process to execute a series of DCL commands.AWhen this process completes, simply type CONTINUE and VAXNET willreissue the previous prompt.2 DEBUGAThis command is used to display addition information in fileAtransfer mode (GET or SEND). It also displays several additionallines in the STATUS report.2 DIALBThis command is used to specify the phone number for the auto-dialBmodem to dial. The modem is automati cally hungup before attemptingto dial the new phone number. 2 DUMP_FILEAThis command is used to dump a file to the remote system. It isBusually used if the remote system doesn't have the SNDRCV program.AWhen using this command, there must be a program running on theAremote system to accept the characters being dumped to it. UsingAthe "CREATE file_name" command works very nice. When the end ofAfile is detected, a CTRL/Z character is sent to the remote toclose the file.  2 EASYLINK?Western Union's EASYLINK service is an advanced electronic mailDservice offering a broad range of value-added communication featuresEdesigned to meet today's business needs. EASYLINK can satisfy user'sHneeds for simple, convenient, quick and low-cost message communications.BA subscriber to EASYLINK can send and receive messages between andFamong other EASYLINK subscribers. A subscriber can also send messagesFto destinations served by TELEX I, TELEX II(TWX), INTERNATIONAL TELE X,CINFOCOM, and as MAILGRAMS, TELEGRAMS, and INTERNATIONAL CABLEGRAMS.BSubscribers can prepare and send messages using most existing dataDterminals, word processors and personal computers equipped with dialDtelephone communications capability. Subscribers can choose betweenAtwo message delivery methods. One choice is to have the messagesFdelivered directly to any of the above devices equipped with automaticEanswer capability. The other choice is to have messages delivered toFand held i n an electronic mailbox, for later retrieval by a subscriberat his convenience.2 The rest of the EASLINK documentation was removed/ since it is quit lengthy. It can be recreated4 by using a VAXNET logfile and typing /HELP commands% to EASYLINK after getting logged in.2 ECHOAThe command enables the echoing of characters sent to the remoteAsystem. It should be used for systems which don't echo charactersAsent to it (such as some IBM's). VAXNET attempts to automatically:enable or disable echoing based on the remote system type.2 EXITAThis command is used to exit from VAXNET. You can also exit byAtyping a CTRL/Z. The log file (if open) is closed, and the modemAis automatically hungup if you were using a modem. If a log fileAis being closed, the command "MCR REF log_file_name" is executed4upon exiting to automatically reformat the log file. 2 GET_FILEBThis command is used to GET (receive) a file from a remote system.AThe remote system MUST be running  the SNDRCV program beforeAissuing this command. You will be prompted for the REMOTE and VAXAfile names. If you type RETURN for the VAX file name, the REMOTE3file name is used. A typical GET sequence follows: Vaxnet> GET2Enter the name of the REMOTE file: [1,2]RUNOFF.DOC*Enter the name of the VAX file: RUNOFF.DOC 3 REMOTE_FILEAThe REMOTE file name must be a legal file specification for theAsystem you are talking to. At the current time, only one file attime can be transfer red. 3 VAX_FILEAThe VAX file name can be any VAX file specification. If you typeBthe return key, the remote file name is used on the VAX. The Aremote file name is taken exactly as is. This includes theAdirectory name (i.e., [1,24] or [ROBIN]). If you don't have theAspecified directory on the VAX, you will have to specify the VAX file name.2 HANGUPAThis command is used to hangup the modem. The modem is hungupAautomatically when you exit VAXNET and also before an auto-dialAis attempted. If you are using a modem, ensure the remote port is*setup as modem with the following command:! $ SET TERMINAL TTcn:/MODEM/PERMAIf the remote port is not setup as modem, all auto-dial questionsA(and/or symbols) are bypassed, and the modem is not hungup whenAVAXNET exits. The modem hangup can be disabled when exiting using,the "NOHANGUP" command before typing "EXIT".2 HELP6Help can be obtained on a particular topic by typing :* HELP topic subtopic subsubtopic ...* A topic can have the following format :D 1) an alphanumeric string (e.g. a command name, option, etc...) 2) the match-all symbol "*"@ 3) any of the above followed by "..." (on first topic only) Examples: HELP GET HELP SEND...7 Abbreviations result in all matches being displayed. 2 INTERRUPTAThis command allows you to specify the interrupt character. TheAinterrupt character is the character you type to get to commandAlevel  (the Vaxnet> prompt). Any character except for carriageAreturn, escape, question mark, or exclaimation point can be used.2 INTROAVAXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcationsAbetween two computers (systems). Communications can be eitherAdirectly between the computers using a null modem cable (seeA"HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over a dialup lineA(modem). Communications with the remote system (the system youBwant to talk to) is acco mplished using a second port (asynchronous line) on the local system (VAX).AWhile listing help and the terminal screen becomes full, you mustBtype either the return key to continue with the next page of help,6or type "E(xit)" and the return key to exit from help.AWhen VAXNET is prompting you for a question, you have thefollowing options::o typing the escape key or typing "?" will give you help,Ao typing an exclaimation point (!) followed by the return key% backs up to  the previous question.Ao typing the return key selects the default answer if there is> one. Default answers are shown in parenthesis; i.e., (DEC))o typing a CTRL/Z will exit from VAXNET.D If you are communicating with the remote system, and you want toD exit, you must first type the interrupt character (CTRL/Y byD default) to get to the command level, and then type either CTRL/Z or EXIT. 2 LOG_FILEAThis command allows you to specify the name of a log file t oAwrite the output from the remote system. The output from theAremote system and questions asked by VAXNET (unless disabled) are.written to both the log file and the terminal. 3 REFORMATAAfter exiting from VAXNET, the log file must be reformatted. TheBlog file is crated with 512 byte records with no carriage control.CA program called "REF" is used to reformat the log file to generateAan output file with implied carriage control. This output file5is in a format which can then be edited (if desired).BIf the log file is being closed when exiting, the command "MCR REFBlog_file_name" is automatically executed to reformat the log file. For example: $ MCR REF REF>input_file output_file $3 OPEN_LOG_FILEAIf a log file is already open, you have the option of eitherAusing the current log file, or you can close the current log file and specify a new log file name. 2 LOCAL_LOGAThis question allows you to disable local output to the log file.ALocal output includes questions and various messages. If youAonly want remote output in the log file, answer "No" to this question. For example:3 Do you want local output in the logfile (Yes) ? N 2 MODEM_TYPE8VAXNET supports the following types of auto-dial modems:? DF03 - for the DEC DF03 auto-dial modem. The DF03 only works0 with rotary (pulse) dialing telephones.? RIXON - for the RIXON R212A auto-dial modem. The R212A works? with both rotary (pulse) and tone dialing telephones.AIf you are not using an auto-dial modem, typing the RETURN key1bypasses the remaining auto-dial modem questions.BIf the remote port is not setup as /MODEM, all auto-dial questionsA(and/or symbols) are bypassed, and the modem is not hungup when VAXNET exits. 2 MODEM_USAGEAOnce the port being used is patched in properly (see "HELPAREMOTE_PORT"), the modem connection can be established. The phoneAcall to the remote system M !UST be made from the phone being usedAfor the modem. You CAN NOT transfer the call to the modem as you<can with synchronous modems; you'll loose the connection.>Use the following procedure to manually orginate a phone call:?o the voice/data switch must be in the voice position to placeB the call. Make sure the Data Terminal Ready (TR) lamp is lite.Ao After you establish the connection with the remote system, youB will hear the carrier signal (high pitch), place the voice/da"ta switch in the data position.?o Once in the data position, you should see to following LEDs:D VADIC: Data Set Ready (DSR), Clear To Send (CTS), Carrier (CXR), and High Speed (HS).; RIXON: Data Set Ready (MR), Carrier (MC lamp goes out), and High Speed (HS).D DF03: Data Set Ready (DSR), Carrier (CAR), and High Speed (HS).? Note: The High Speed (HS) LED is only lite if at 1200 baud. 2 NODEBUG2This command is used to turn off debugging outpu#t. 2 NODECHOAThis command is used to disable the display of the echo from the"remote system when DUMPing a file.2 NOECHOAThis command is used to disable the local echo of characters sentAto the remote. This command should be used if the remote systemBechos back characters sent to it. VAXNET attempts to automatically:enable or disable echoing based on the remote system type. 2 NOLOG_FILE)This command closes the current log file.2 ONEAThis command enables one character $reads of data received fromAthe remote in interactive mode. This command is normally used forAsystems which don't respond to the XON/XOFF characters to stopAand resume data (such as some IBM's). VAXNET attempts to auto-?matically enable or disable this mode based on the system type. 2 PATCH_CABLEAA synchronous patch cable is required to communicate directlyAbetween two computers without using modems. This cable must beconstructed as follows:. WIRING DIAGRA%M FOR NULL MODEM CABLE TD 2 ..................... 3 RD RD 3 ..................... 2 TD% CTS/RTS 4&5.................... 8 CD) GND 7 ..................... 7 GND# DSR 6 ..................... 20 DTR' CD 8 ..................... 4&5 CTS/RTS " DTR 20 .................... 6 DSR2 PHONE_NUMBER9The format of phone numbers for the auto-dial modems are:A DF03 - The DF03 does not allow spaces and/or dashs in the phone1 number. It must consist of all numbers.& i.e.: 1234567A RIXON - The RIXON R212A allows spaces and/or dashs in the phoneA number to make it easier to read. The character "&" is@ tells the modem to wait for an intermediate dial tone. i.e.: 9&123-45672 REDIALAThis command is used with auto-dial modems to redial a previouslyAentered phone number. This command is useful when the modem hasAbeen hungup for some reason (i.e., invalid login, etc.) or if you<want to redial the remote hoping t 'o get a better phone line. 2 REMOTE_PORTAThe remote port is the terminal line used to communicate with theAremote computer (system). This line can be either connectedAdirectly to a system in-house using the synchronous null modemApatch cable, or connected using a modem (see "HELP MODEM" for&getting modem connection established).AThe remote port should be setup as follows by the system manager:> $ SET TERM TTcn:/NOTYPEAHEAD/PERM ! Disable typeahead toD $ SET TERM ( TTcn:/ALTYPEAHEAD/PERM ! enable alternate typeaheadA $ SET TERM TTcn:/TYPEAHEAD/PERM ! buffer which is larger.B $ SET TERM TTcn:/MODEM/PERM ! If connected to a modem.F $ SET TERM TTcn:/NOBROADCAST ! Disables broadcast messages.EAll other terminal characteristics are automatically setup by VAXNET.EThe above characteristics should be done in the site specific startup-command file because they require privileges.2 RETURNATo return to entering commands) at the remote system from the1VAXNET command level, simply type the RETURN key. 2 SEND_FILEAThis command is used to send (transmit) a file to the remoteAsystem. The remote system MUST be running the SNDRCV programAprior to issuing this command. You will be prompted for the VAX8and REMOTE file names. A typical SEND sequence follows: Vaxnet> SEND(Enter the name of the VAX file: MAIL.MAI2Enter the name of the REMOTE file: [ROBIN]MAIL.MAI 3 VAX_FILEAThe VAX file name *can be any legal VAX file specification. At the7current time, only one file at time can be transferred. 3 REMOTE_FILEAThe REMOTE file name must be a valid file specification for theAsystem you are talking to. If you type the return key, the VAXAfile name will be used on the REMOTE. The VAX file name is takenAexactly as is. This includes the directory name (i.e., [ROBIN]).AIf you don't have the specified directory on the remote system,)you must specify an the remote file name+.2 SNDRCVASNDRCV is the program run on the remote system to communicateAwith VAXNET during file transmission (either GET or SEND). SNDRCV,is started by one of the following commands:Ao if you are communicating with another VAX system, SNDRCV is. started by typing the command "MCR SNDRCV".Ao if you are communicating with an RSX-11M system, then SNDRCV2 is started by typing the command "RUN $SNDRCV".D In either case, the following message is displayed after SNDR ,CV is started.B SNDRCV Version 2.1 started ... Type CTRL/X and RETURN to abort.D At this point you should type CTRL/Y to get the VAXNET commandD prompt. Be careful not to type any other characters since theyD will be accepted by SNDRCV and interpreted as commands fromD VAXNET. After you get the VAXNET command prompt, you should typeD either GET or SEND and the file name questions associated withD each command. After the questions are answered, the -file transmission begins.D The status report on the terminal is updated after each recordD transmitted. If the status report stops updating momentarily, beD patient, there may have been a transmission failure. After aD timeout period (currently 10 seconds), transmission shouldC continue. If the transmission doesn't continue, you should type- a single CTRL/C to abort the transmission.D To abort the SNDRCV program, you must type CTRL/X followed by theD . return key. If SNDRCV doesn't abort after the first attempt, try8 several times; the second try usually does it for me. 2 STARTUPABefore establishing the connection with the remote system either4in-house or over a modem, you MUST do the following.Ao after you are logged into the VAX, allocate the port to beA used for VAXNET. This is done so the operating system doesn'tA think someone is attempting to login to the system. AlthoughA VAXNET allocates the port intern /ally, this is only stays inA effect while you are running VAXNET. When you exit fromA VAXNET, the port is automatically deallocated. Failure toA allocate the system could result in both systems getting hungA up looping character back and forth (initiating LOGIN) andA WILL prevent VAXNET from attaching the remote port since it isA already allocated. On RSX-11M, this will result in all the7 system buffers being used up and the system hanging.Ao the 0second step is to start VAXNET and answer all theA questions. This is not really neccessary if the remote is aA DEC operating system (no timeout period) but is needed for anA IBM system. IBM (especially the GE Crossfile) has a limitedA amount of time to login to their system. If you aren't loggedA in within that period of time (how much time ???), IBM (TSO)A will hangup the modem on their end. You will still have to beA very fast for IBM if you're term1inal is on a differnt floor than the modem.2 STATUS@This command is used to get a status report of how VAXNET is6currently setup. The following a an example type out: Vaxnet> STATUS VAXNET Status Report: Log file name: VAXNET.LOG Local logging: Enabled Remote port: _TTA4: Interrupt char: ^A System type: DEC Remote speed: 1200 Modem type: RIXON Phone number: 705 2 SUMMARYAThe following is a summary of the commands which can b 2e issued atthe Vaxnet command level:D AUTO_LOGIN, BAUD_RATE, CROSSFILE, DCL_CMD, DEBUGH DIAL, DUMP_FILE, ECHO, EXIT, GET_FILE,H HANGUP, HELP, INTERRUPT, LOCAL_LOG LOG_FILE,J MODEM_TYPE, NODEBUG, NOECHO, NODECHO, NOLOG_FILE,I NOHANGUP, ONE, REDIAL, REMOTE_PORT, SEND_FILE, STATUS, SYSTEM_TYPE 2 SYMBOLSADCL symbols can be defined to automatically 3 answer the various#VAXNET questions. The symbols are:5 $ VAXNET_INTRO :== "N" ! VAXNET Introduction.B $ VAXNET_LOG :== "Y" ! Output from remote to a log file.A $ LOG_LOCAL :== "N" ! Enable local output to log file.3 $ LOG_FILE :== "ROBIN.LOG" ! The log file name.4 $ REMOTE_PORT :== "TTA4:" ! Remote port to use.@ $ REMOTE_SPEED :== "1200" ! Baud rate of the remote system.7 $ SYSTEM_TYPE :== "DEC" ! Type of remote system.@ $ INTERRUPT_CHAR : 4== "^A" ! Character to get Vaxnet prompt.9 $ MODEM_TYPE :== "RIXON" ! Type of auto-dial modem.6 $ PHONE_NUMBER :== "number" ! Phone number to dial.AFor the interrupt character, the "^A" gets converted to a CTRL/A.=Also see AUTO_LOGIN for addition symbols for automatic login. 2 SYSTEM_TYPEAThis command is used to specify the type of remote system you areAcommunicating with. This sets up various flags within VAXNET toAdetermine how to talk to the remote. For example, if you specifyAIBM, a local echo will be performed since IBM (TSO) doesn't echo3characters sent to it. The valid system types are:: APPLE, CROSSFILE, DEC, EASYLINK, IBM, UNIX, and XXDP.wwşŤŚ×W–‹ ROBIN VAXNET